Top 10 Checklist for A Good Careers Supervisor Deciding a career to follow is very important. This is why most high schools and colleges assign one person to help students decide what course to take. These people are referred to as career supervisors. In most schools, the guidance counselor also acts as the careers supervisors. Every year, career guidance programs are held in schools to familiarize students with the different courses that they can take. This is also the time when colleges and universities visit high schools to market their courses and to attract more students to enroll in their academes. Effective careers supervisors are able to help students take courses not only relevant to their interests and skills but also popular in the job market so that they can easily find work after they graduate. The student’s decision will have a lifetime effect and careers supervisors must see to it that the students are given the right options. Careers supervisors can do this by preparing a checklist for students. Here are the top 10 checklist of a good careers supervisor. 1. Personality test results Personality plays an important role in one’s choice of a career. To provide proper guidance and direction to students in choosing their courses, the careers supervisor needs to give a personality test and interpret results to individual students, focusing on what careers will suit them best. 2. Aptitude tests Aptitude tests show the profession that fits a student based on skills and interests. Results will be useful in making students aware that they can do well in some professions and choosing one and pursuing it will help them get the job that they can do well and enjoy doing. 3. Graduation requirement The careers supervisor must be familiar with the graduation requirement of the school. As early as possible, an assessment of each graduating student must be done so that they will be aware of what they need to comply in order to graduate. 4. List of Courses with description Many students want to enroll in a certain course simply because it is popular or their friends are taking these courses without knowing what is expected from them if they enroll in these programs, the expenses needed, the job they will be engaging after finishing the course, the demand for graduates of the course in the job market, and salary to be expected. 5. Information about colleges and universities The careers supervisor must give students ample choices by presenting to them the list of colleges and universities and the courses that they offer. Students must also be given information about school fees.
6. Entrance examination requirement and schedule Colleges and universities give qualifying exams as early as December. Careers supervisors must keep a list of colleges and universities, the courses that they offer, the documents needed to take the entrance exam, and the schedule of examination. This will enable students to choose in what schools to take the entrance tests and to comply with the requirement before deadline. 7. Enrollment documents Students must know what documents are needed to enroll. Some schools require minimal documents but others ask for several. Having them in advance will be helpful. 8. Scholarships The careers supervisor must inform students about scholarship programs and how to avail them. 9. Student exchange programs The careers supervisor serves as the contact person for other institutions who want to promote some of their programs. They must let all students know about opportunities such as student exchange programs. 10. Educational Assistance Aside from scholarships, there is government educational assistance and other aids made available to students who want to go to college. Students must be aware of them so that they can apply for a grand if they need to. Careers supervisors do not only serve students in school; they also help them attain a better future career.