SAT Exam (Reading Section) In SAT Exam, one segment is included that is exceptionally relentless for certain students that is reading comprehension. It contains 52 questions (5 perusing sections) and the span of doing these inquiries is 65 minutes. Reading Comprehension: - The sections in SAT are short entries and long entries and the count of inquiries in every entry changes. The entries are either identified with science or non-science and it has nothing to do with what the student has considered in school. There are various types of inquiries in every entry and to understand those inquiries a few hints and tricks are followed.
Steps to do RC’s:1. Before starting reading, dependably spend few moments to analyze whether the passage is science related or non-science related. 2. At that point, like to peruse questions first. 3. After that mark a portion of the hint words (which can be effectively situated in the passage) from the inquiry. 4. In this way, go to passage and do skimming and checking and find those sign words.