Couple’s Counseling – Does One Really Need It?

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COUPLE’S COUNSELING – DOES ONE REALLY NEED IT? Marriage is always considered to be a phase of love in which the two couple pledges to live with each other lovingly and support each other in need. The first few years of marriage provides the best experiences for most couples but with the passage of time, marriage becomes very much institutionalized and the feeling of love and passion nearly fades away. With the increasing burden of work, it becomes difficult for the couples to maintain a proper balance between professional and personal life. They hardly get time to talk to each other which gradually leads to a lot of conflict and misunderstanding in the relation. In most cases, couples do not try to sort out where the problem actually exists and they almost give up on their relationship forever. They think that there is nothing can do to save things since they no longer love each other. They do not pay much attention to look for a person who can actually help them rebuild their relationship again. Professional couple’s counseling can actually help people reach a state of peace and accord in their relationships. These experts will help you look past your ego struggles and see your partner’s point of view and intentions. Couple’s counselors use a variety of Transactional Analysis and Behavior techniques to determine the root cause of conflict between two lovers. This helps people in resolving their differences and reaching a state of understanding between them. Couple’s counseling in Bethesda, MD is the answer you need to bring peace and happiness in your love life. As said by Barbara De Angelis, “Marriage is not a noun; it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get. It’s something you do. It’s a way you love your partner everyday”.

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