Fact Sheet
Veteran Insights
All facts as of 1 Jan 2013
Our Analysis and Strategy. Plain Talking SERVICE OBJECTIVE
Accentiia’s Analysis and Strategy Consultancy service is designed to help provide easy and flexible access to specialist creative digital experience and insights, with the aim of maximising the fullest potential of your digital ventures.
The rise of fast anytime, anywhere digital platforms forces a phenomenal race to ‘go digital’ and to use digital technologies to innovate. It means you want to translate your product offerings into interesting new digital e-products and e-services relevant to your customers. Right?
SERVICE PERFORMANCE Our Analysis and Strategy Consultancy seeks to apply specialist capabilities relevant to maximising the ROI (reduction in risk) of interactive digital ventures. It’s our best guess that this will correspond to x2 the performance of what would otherwise be achieved without our involvement.
But what if you’re not a ‘native digital thinker’ but a reluctant ‘digital immigrant’? You’re at a disadvantage from the start. You can learn, but it takes a long time and you’ll always be running the risk that opportunities will be missed or compromised. Perhaps you’ve got a sneaking suspicion that your ‘in-house’ analysis and strategy is misguided or is not going to realise the fullest potential. To avoid this, you need an independent ‘native digital’ for plain-talking optimisation and uplift.
A FEW GOOD REASONS TO HIRE US Accentiia offers off-the-shelf access to high impact digital thinking that is backed up with veteran ‘digital experience’ from the visionary digital sector of the video games industry. That’s why we think it’s useful to have an independent and impartial voice that can provide you with key insights and a fresh perspective. We’ll help you evolve the very best ways to take advantage of the digital opportunities for business transformation.
HOW WE HELP: EXAMPLES. • • • • • •
Digital business development Extreme creative analysis & strategy Analysis and strategy with innovation bias Identify key opportunities from trends Be the ‘digital enablment force’ Non-Executive oversight & advisor
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Transformation & change 5 Year RoadMAP Prediction Inhouse ‘thought challenger’ Independent optimisation Project / troubleshooting Special situations
Legacy of helping FEES
Tier 1**
Tier 2
Initial Consultation
Daily Rate
Tier 1 - Start-up less than 10 employees Tier 2 - 10 — 500 employees ** At times , equity can be offered as settlement of fees