Lux Bond & Green

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FALL/WINTER 2017/2018




The Datejust 41 The new generation of the essential classic, with a new movement and design that keep it at the forefront of watchmaking. It doesn’t just tell time. It tells history.


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Welcome Letter


Watches & Accessories


What’s Happening


Timepieces: Major Impact


Social Media


Timepieces: Retro Cool


Marco Bicego Meet & Greet


Anniversaries: Baselworld at 100


Once in a Lifetime: The Big Papi Story


Service, Repairs & Restoration




Featured Jewelry


New & Noteworthy


As Seen On...


Trends: Vibrant Versatility


Designers: John Hardy


Exclusives: Breitling


Honeymoon Down Under


Food: Can Cuisine


Spirits: Stir It Up


Top 10: Beauty Trends


Travel: Smooth Sailing


Corporate Gifts




Perfect Gems


End Page: Meaningful Treasures


LBG Weddings


Custom Design


Ring Bling


Say "I Dough!"

President and CEO John A. Green Vice Chairman Marc A. Green #HIEF &INANCIAL /FÞ CER David Bonney Marketing Director Andrea Mascaro Graphic Designer Caroline Kambrich Published by The UBM Fashion Group Publisher Stuart Nifoussi Editor-in-Chief Karen Alberg Grossman Managing Editor Jillian LaRochelle Design Director Hans Gschliesser Project Manager Lisa Menghi Associate Publisher Michelle Brown Designer Jean-Nicole Venditti Director of Production Peg Eadie Director of Prepress John Frascone

West Hartford 46 LaSalle Road 860.521.3015 Westport 136 Main Street 203.227.1300 Glastonbury 140 Glastonbury Blvd. 860.659.8510 The Shops at Mohegan Sun Uncasville, CT 860.862.9900 Boston 416 Boylston Street 617.266.4747 Wellesley 60 Central Street 781.235.9119 1-800-LBGREEN




he o l d e r y o u g e t th e f a ste r time pa sses, so enjoy ev ery da y a s y ou’ re not get t ing any y o un g e r. H o w m a n y ti me s h a v e we a ll hea rd this? As a 119-y ea r-old f a mily bus ines s feeling l i ke we j u s t ce l e b ra te d ou r 100th a nniv ersa ry, we ca n a ttest tha t the y ea rs a re fly ing by. It se em s l i k e o n l y y e s te rd a y we op e n e d our newest f la gship store in West H a rtf ord C ent er ( 1 9 5 7 ) or entered M a s s a ch u s e tts ( 1 9 9 9) or sta rted representing D a v id Yurma n ( 1981) or R olex wa t c hes (we b el i ev e o v e r 6 0 y e a rs a g o ) o r Pa te k Philippe ( ev en longer) , a ll with the Green f a mily a t t he helm. Mu ch o f o u r s ta ff h a s b e e n p a rt of our business f or 10 to 35 y ea rs, representing our or iginal family v a l ues a l l th e wh i l e . Co n s i s te n cy i s a cornerstone of our v a lue-minded business, yet c ha nge and opp o rtuni ty a re wh a t we th i n k a b ou t a nd implement ea ch da y in this new-a ge reta il c limat e. L et’s b e c l e a r: Di a m o n d s , j e we l ry, wa tches a nd bea utif ul gif ts a re a liv e a nd well des pit e muc h of w h a t we re a d . I n f a ct, 2 0 1 7 h a s b e e n a rema rka bly solid y ea r. Yes, we sa dly closed our G reenwic h st o re a fte r 2 5 y e a rs o n th e Av e n u e . W hen we a rriv ed, there were f our jewelers; to da y, wit h more t h a n 2 0 o n th e s tre e t, we we ig h e d our options a nd ultima tely ma de tha t diff icult dec is ion. Yet we s e e n e w o p p o r t u n i t i e s a l l a ro u n d u s . We c o m p l e t e l y re m o d e l e d o u r We s t p o r t s t o re j u s t 1 2 m i l e s a wa y. T hi s f a l l we wi l l b e tra n sf ormi ng our M ohega n Sun store with a bea utif ul new Rolex c or ner a nd a n exp a n d e d s e l e cti o n o f D a v i d Yurma n. T he s to ry te l l e rs a n d e co n o m ists sa y reta il is dea d; Ama zon is ea ting ev ery one’s lunc h; look who’s g o i ng o ut o f b u s i n e s s n e x t! The Atlantic decla red “The Grea t R eta il Apoca ly pse of 2 0 1 7 ” and Newsweek wa rn e d “ B ri ck-a n d-M orta r R eta ilers I n a D ea th Spira l Aga inst O nline Stores . ” H ogwas h! We c erta i n l y u n d e rs ta n d th a t we n e ed to ev olv e our business model to compete in t oday’s new re ta i l wo rl d , b u t o u r co re v a l u e s rema in. These include helping our customers c elebr a t e life’s spec i a l o c ca s i o n s b y o ff e ri n g th e world’s f inest dia monds, jewelry, wa tches a nd gift s in elegant y et c o m fo rta b l e s to re s s ta ff e d b y knowledgea ble prof essiona ls who sha re these v a lues (whic h c a n’t b e f o u n d o n l i n e , o r f ra n kl y, a t the ma ll) . We a ppla ud a rticles like “Fiv e Signs T ha t St ores (N o t E-c o m m e rce ) A re th e F u tu re of R eta il, ” published by Forbes this pa st June.

T hi s new e co n o m y i s q u i te e xci ti n g , a nd we’ re embra cing technology. We’ re upda t ing our s t ores i n co nj unc ti o n wi th o u r g re a t we b site to inf orm, educa te a nd serv e y ou 24/ 7/ 36 5 : t his is t he future. ( Wa l k d o wn th e s tre e t s of Ne w York or dine a t loca l resta ura nts a nd see how ma ny around y o u a re l o o k i n g a t th e i r p h o n e s. ) We will continue to communica te with y ou through t r a dit ional me d i a l i k e m a g a z i n e s , b i l l b o a rd s, ra dio a nd telev ision in conjunction with our ou t rea c h t hrough t e x t, em a i l , I n s ta g ra m , F a c e b ook, Pinterest—a nd wha tev er comes next. C h a ng e i s g re a t a s l o n g a s ou r v a l u es rema in inta ct, especia lly when it comes to giv ing bac k . A s a n ethi c a l a n d s o ci a l l y re s p o n si b l e compa ny, positioned a s a lea der in our indus t r y, s uppor t ing ou r c o m m u n i ti e s i s j u s t th e ri g h t th i ng to do. As a l wa y s , we h a v e a n i n cre d i b l e collection of dia monds, jewelry, wa tches a nd gift s , plus fun ev ents p l a n n e d a l l s e a s o n l o n g . Pl e a se v isit us in store, where our rema rka ble non-c ommis s ioned st a ff a re wa i ti n g to s e rv e y ou . O r check out our ev er-ev olv ing website, I nsta gr a m a nd loc al Fa c eb o o k p a g e s to e n j o y th e b e st f a mily jewelry business in America . We a re he re t o help you c e l eb ra te, e xce e d y o u r e x p e cta ti on s, crea te new memories a nd keep tra ditions a liv e. Ha p p y ho l i d a y s , M e rry Ch ri s tma s a nd wa rm wishes f or the y ea r a hea d. H ere’s to t he nex t 1 1 9 y ea rs !

LBG ~ What’s Happening




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1. Winners of the Roberto Coin raffle at Fenway Park. 2. Forevermark Diamond Sorting Event. 3. Uncut diamonds ready to be inspected at the Forevermark Diamond Sorting Event. 4. Event attendees inspect Forevermark diamonds. 5. Marc and Sheryl Green visiting a John Hardy factory in Bali, holding last season’s issue of Accent Magazine! 6. Donna and Gil at Rolex Training. 7. The Royals little league team and New Britain little league team, proudly supported by LBG. 9. Trish and Lisa at Westport Library Event. 10. Model at Boston’s Millenium Tower event. 11. Jack Winer with Chicago Cubs Manager Joe Madden. 12. Jackie Dellon’s (from the Westport store) retirement dinner.




Lose yourself in the music at our 10,000-seat Arena. Indulge at one of our celebrity chef restaurants. Sink into the serenity of a luxurious pool and spa. Find your favorite green on our championship golf course. Test your luck at three distinct casinos. Shop until you’re ready to drop. Then, wake up in a deluxe hotel tower and do it all over again. All conveniently located in nearby Uncasville, Connecticut. Mohegan Sun. FULL OF LIFE.

LBG ~ What’s Happening 1


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1. Ippolita Training in New York. 2-5. Women’s Day at Travelers Championship, raising money for Tournament charities. 6. Beautifully set table at Sub Edge Farm in Farmington, catered by Zohara Mediterranean Kitchen from West Hartford 7. West Hartford Bridal Event featuring the William Yeoward Lily Bouquet Holder. 8. CFO Dave Bonney and John Green at their “grandfather baby shower.” 9. James Koromanian and Colleen Crowe engagement, August 5th 2017. 10. Boston’s Millenium Tower Event. 11. Marc Green with Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Ang. 12. Patek Philippe Grand Watch Exhibition at Ciprani in NYC.

# E v e ry B ox H a s A S to ry Come check out all of our great events, new jewelry, food and drink ideas, all on our Instagram page!



71 likes All hands in for National Girlfriends Day... Celebrate with @lesgeorgettes_byaltesse for all your friends! #luxbondgreen





69 likes A mid-summer dinner party dream featuring @mepraspa, @simonpearceinc, @williamyeoward, @deborahrhodes.table, and @Zhoarakitchen #luxbondgreen

Street Yoga #LasalleRd #westhartford #weha #yoga #westhartfordyoga #gemwater #luxbondgreen #everyboxhasastory

# L B G H A S H TA G S

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The Artisan Handcrafted Modern Chain Collection

John Hardy and Modern Chain Collection are Registered Trademarks.

Italian Jewelry Designer Marco Bicego Meet & Greet Lux Bond & Green was honored to have Marco Bicego visit our West Hartford store this past May. The passionate and charming Italian jewelry designer showcased his new collections and entertained our wonderful customers during the day. He is a special friend of LBG and we love his quality, value and beautiful designs.




Once in a lifetime IA IC

By: John Green

In the world of baseball, there are few stars more iconic than David Americo Ortiz, aka Big Papi. He wore a Boston Red Sox uniform for 14 of the past 20 years, but his persona transcended rivalries: no matter which team you rooted for, you respected David Ortiz. For the Yankees, Orioles, Blue Jays and other teams, his retirement at the end of the 2016 season was a happy moment, their pitchers never having to face him again. But for Red Sox fans and Red Sox Nation, it was the end of a golden era. The ever-smiling left-handed designated hitter and first baseman attained a career 541 home-runs in 8,640 at bats, driving in 1,768 runners with 17 stolen bases and a career .286 batting average. In 2004, he helped propel the Boston Red Sox to their first World Series championship in 86 years; in 2007, they played in another championship and then again in 2013, when Ortiz was selected World Series MVP. Carl Yastrzemski called him the second-greatest hitter in Red Sox history behind Ted Williams; most everyone agrees he is the most beloved and important player in franchise history. Be it winning baseball games, inspiring a city after the Boston Marathon bombing or giving back through his many charitable endeavors, Ortiz and his family have been rocks in Red Sox communities. During his last day as a player at Fenway Park on October 2, 2016, the Boston Red Sox presented the retiring slugger with $1 million for his David Ortiz Children’s Fund. In attendance were a parade of dignitaries from Massachusetts and the Dominican Republic, and of course the ever-grateful owners and managers of the Sox. Another special gift during the ceremonies was a gold baseball bat commemorating the golden years of the franchise. On June 23, 2017, less than one year later (vs. an average 26 years), the Boston Red Sox retired his number, 34, with a roast and ceremonies throughout the city. These included naming an airport gate, a bridge and a city street for this beloved Boston hero. This story is also about Lux Bond & Green and our partnership with the Boston Red Sox. Since 2008 we’ve proudly been the Official Jeweler of the Boston Red Sox, and it’s been an amazing relationship. The organization is truly a class act and we’ve enjoyed working with their management team, true winners in every sense of the word. They treat even small companies like ours with the utmost respect and help us as we help them. Most importantly, much like our culture at LBG, they’re always striving to do better, be it winning the division, helping the community, or being the best sports franchise in the world. No matter what happens during the year, they always strive to improve, to learn and to be the best. It’s a great partnership. Now for a little bat-making history: in late summer 2016, I received a call from the management team asking if we could help commemorate Big Papi’s impending retirement. Ideas flew back and forth quickly, as time was of the essence. We decided on a baseball bat in the exact dimensions of his legendary bats. We borrowed one of his and

got to work. It wasn’t an easy task to find tool makers, silversmiths, engravers, polishers, platers and carpenters to complete the bat in three weeks. The outer box was an easy decision: we used the same species of wood his bats are made from and found a local cabinet maker to create the #34 box. The cooperation that followed between the tool-makers, silversmiths, polishers and engravers was monumental (and a bit stressful!). We had a hard deadline for the Fenway Park October ceremony, so we drove the bat to and from a group of dedicated craftsmen in Connecticut and Massachusetts to create this piece of Boston Red Sox history. Everyone adhered to a code of silence during this group effort. The results were not exactly perfect, but still very beautiful. The stunning sterling silver and 24 karat gold-plated baseball bat, and the very personal engraving chosen by the Red Sox, has been well documented. Lux Bond & Green was proud to be the maker and trusted partner of this extraordinary piece of Red Sox and baseball memorabilia. The Red Sox also gave me the honor of once presenting the bat to Ortiz on June 23, 2017 in the green room (no pun intended) as a thank-you for our partnership. “John, you need to meet David to talk about the bat and re-live that golden moment,” the Red Sox management told me. Big Papi’s smile was worth every ounce of sweat it took to build the bat; partnering with one of the finest organizations in the sports world remains an honor that our family business will forever cherish.

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Engraving Carefully placed across the bat Handcrafted for David Ortiz 1 of 1 2004, 2007, 2013

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#34 The Dominican and American flags

His iconic image looking to the heavens after hitting a homerun “To the greatest clutch hitter in history: over 116 seasons, nearly 2,000 players have worn a Red Sox uniform, you stand alone, you carried a team on your back and a city in your heart. Thank you for the impossible, for the hugs, for the smiles and for being the centerpiece of the Golden Age of this franchise.”

LBG ~ Service, Repair & Restoration

Our master goldsmiths, hand & machine engravers and Swiss-trained watch makers give you the assurance that we will always be a onestop destination for all your service needs.

towards a larger, more expensive diamond.


LBG ~ Entertaining

Like a postcard in a memory, or as a way to discover Paris, one cannot resist the pleasure of treating oneself, or offering it as a delightful gift. Mug $40. Set of four assorted dessert plates $96 and Round Cake Platter $115

Cafe Baccarat

For the most refined espresso moment, Baccarat proposes the finest crystal cup in the historical “king” Harcourt cut. Set of two $380



Baccarat has dreamed up an exceptional set of six champagne glasses. Limited Edition $990


New for fall, Fornasetti Nuvola scented candle, 10.5 oz $210

The dramatic silhouette of a classic wine bottle for the large demijohn glass cloche $115, shown on an oversized rectangle footed serving board $225 Andrew Pearce/Simon Pearce Collaboration Board and Glass Bowl $125


Italian stoneware handcrafted in Tuscany. The Pineapple symbolizing warmth and hospitality, pineapple bowl, $38 and pineapple serving platter $75

Annieglass’ weighty slabs of half-inch clear glass with a precious metal edge add a note of modern sophistication to any table.

LBG Feature




C. B.

J. H. F.


O. K.




Belle Etoile, onyx and cubic zirconia in sterling silver: A. Bangle, $725 B. Earrings, $250 Evocateur, 22K gold leaf with Swarovski crystals, C. Sun and Moon earrings, $125 D. Sun and Moon pendant, $230 Proudly made in Connecticut E. Italian gold earrings, $1,325. LBG Delicato Collection, F-J in 14K gold: F. Station necklace with alternating diamonds and clusters, $1,225 G. “Yâ€? necklace with center diamond bar, $495 H. Station necklace with pear-shape GURSV - &KDLQ ZLWK WULDQJOH SDYq GLDPRQG VWDWLRQV . 6DSSKLUH DQG GLDPRQG Ă€ RZHU HDUULQJV / 2UJDQLF KRRS HDUULQJV Alex Sepkus KDQG HQJUDYHG ULQJV 0 &XULRXV GRPH ULQJ ZLWK GLDPRQGV DQG PXOWL FRORU VDSSKLUHV 1 2FHDQ ULQJ ZLWK GLDPRQGV 2 'LDPRQG KRRSV HDUULQJV $OO LQ . JROG XQOHVV RWKHUZLVH QRWHG

LBG Feature


B. A.

D. C.





LBG Delicato Collection (A,B): A. Pavè diamond chevron necklace in 14K gold, $375 B. Diamond bar necklace in 14K gold, $295 C. Exquisite Emerald and diamond earrings in platinum, $13,000 D. Sapphire and diamond halo earrings, $11,000 E. Diamond drop earrings, $10,750 F. Tapered diamond dome ring, $7,225 G. Stacking platinum buckle rings with diamonds: Emerald, $3,750. Ruby, $3,675. Sapphire, $3,675 + 7LQ &XS VW\OH QHFNODFH LQ . JROG ZLWK FXOWXUHG IUHVKZDWHU SHDUOV $OO LQ . JROG XQOHVV RWKHUZLVH QRWHG







K. G.





%DPERR PRWLI HDUULQJV DQG QHFNODFHV $ +RRS HDUULQJV PP % +RRS HDUULQJV PP & ' %DU QHFNODFH DOO VWHUOLQJ JROG SODWHG ( 5RVH JROG SODWHG HDUULQJV PP ) *ROG SODWHG HDUULQJV PP * 7DSHUHG KRRS HDUULQJ RQ ZLUH PP + 7DKLWLDQ SHDUO drop pendant with tassel, $50. J. Round polished earrings with a row of diamonds in 14K gold, available in white, rose or yellow gold, $215 K. Trinity QHFNODFH / 7ULQLW\ GURS HDUULQJV 0 LBG Delicato SDYq GLDPRQG WULSOH À RZHU HDUULQJV LQ . JROG All in sterling silver unless otherwise noted.

LBG Feature


D. A.








J. N. L.

Introducing LBG Tesoro and Delicato Collections: A. Engraved oval locket with diamond, $975. B. Heart-shaped locket, $925. C. Delicato diamond bar necklace, $1,575. D. Multi-color sapphire and diamond bracelet, $24,500. E. Diamond solitaire earrings in a wide range of sizes, from $350. Introducing Kothari LQ . \HOORZ JROG ) )URVW JUDGXDWHG GLDPRQG HDUULQJV * 0LQL ELE QHFNODFH ZLWK GLDPRQGV $ ( LQ . JROG XQOHVV RWKHUZLVH QRWHG Delicato: H. Diamond heart necklace, $325. J. Split pavè diamond hoop earrings, $475. K. Pavè diamond and polished heart earrings, $350. / 'LDPRQG FOXVWHU À RZHU HDUULQJV 0 6WHUOLQJ VLOYHU SHQGXOXP GURS HDUULQJV 1 3DYq GLDPRQG GLVF HDUULQJV All in 14K gold unless otherwise noted.




K. H. J.




ROBERTO COIN Since 1996, Roberto Coin has been known as a creator of sophistication, blending modernity and tradition. Driven by an innate love for the world of art and fashion, Coin decided to leave his successful career as a hotel manager to follow his dream, facing a new and passionate adventure. His creativity took shape through the hands of the most renowned Italian jewelry artisans, who brought Roberto Coin’s romantic and borderless imagination to life through their skills, telling his story through jewels that truly become works of art. Proof positive of this is the Venetian Princess collection, inspired by the patterns and decorations of storied Venetian architecture. It brings to mind fables and majesty, handed down through the narrow Venetian alleys under the warm light of lanterns, where elegance meets intrigue. New this year are sophisticated satin finishes and exquisite pavé lockets, allowing you to carry a piece of the mystery close to your own heart.

MIKIMOTO Those lucky enough to discover Mikimoto’s beautiful High Jewellery creations remain forever in awe of the brand’s ability to marry the highest-quality pearls with sophisticated design and expert craftsmanship. Always a highlight are rare and natural Conch and Melo pearls surrounded by sparkling diamonds. To give an idea of the rarity of these luscious pink and peach-hued stones, only one in every 100,000 found in nature meets Mikimoto standards; finding a matched set is truly more difficult than locating a needle in a haystack. For those without access to the brand’s one-of-a-kind creations, The Pearl Necklace (Assouline Publishing) is Mikimoto’s newest art book, which tells the story of the pearl necklace throughout time, highlights some of pearls’ most illustrious wearers from Cleopatra to Princess Diana, and instills the importance of Mikimoto’s contribution as “The Originator of Cultured Pearls since 1893.” It leaves the reader with a renewed sense of the beauty and artistry that only Mikimoto has mastered.




IPPOLITA When Italian artist and designer Ippolita Rostagno founded Ippolita in 1999, fine jewelry was primarily traditional in design and worn only on special occasions. Since then, she has championed the concept of cool fine jewelry intended to be worn every day. This season, Ippolita has redefined iconic relationships by introducing the Cherish collection. Its links in 18K yellow gold, sterling silver and diamonds interlock, cradle and surround each other in tender, playful interaction. Deriving from the signature link of the Cherish chain, the focal point is an extension of the literal definition of the word love: to have and to hold, to embrace and to value. Bold layering chains as well as everyday delicate pendants, with each individual link sculpted by the hands of master artisans, stress the unconditional bond between lovers or friends.

MARCO BICEGO Born to a goldsmith father in Italy’s Veneto region, Marco Bicego spent years perfecting his craft at his family’s atelier. With the passion and desire to create jewelry that blends old-world craftsmanship with a modern feel, Bicego launched his jewelry company in 2000. Today, Marco Bicego has established itself as a leader in the luxury accessories arena and is continually redefining the phrase “everyday luxury,” crafting easy-to-wear jewelry that pairs as effortlessly with a T-shirt as it does a ball gown. As an extension of one of Bicego’s most iconic collections, Lunaria, the black mother-of-pearl styles add a subtle and natural gleam to these already elegant and refined designs. Inspired by the delicate shape and movement of petals blowing in the wind, the mixed in hand-cut black mother of pearl yields lustrous necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings, all handmolded in Italy by skilled craftsmen and available exclusively from independent jewelry retailers.





AS SEEN ON … Our favorite stars share a love for our favorite jewels! BY JILLIAN LAROCHELLE

Rebecca Romijn in Hueb at the Screen Actors Guild Awards

Zendaya in yellow diamonds at the Met Gala 32

Kate McKinnon in Roberto Coin at the Emmy Awards

Sophia Bush in John Hardy at a Max Mara event

Laverne Cox in Hueb at the “Orange is the New Black” season premiere





Fall ushers in sculptural statements and multi-purpose functionality.


as jewelry ever been more fun to wear? Whether you lean toward delicate charms, sparkling florals or bold geometry, there are plenty of ways this season to tie it all together and make it hip, elegant and uniquely your own. Versatility is key right now, and designers are expanding their collections with that in mind. Look for necklaces that convert to bracelets or multi-finger rings that fold into one. We’re still stacking and layering, so there’s plenty of room for individual expression. You probably don’t need to retire anything in your jewelry wardrobe this fall to remain on point. But you might want to step it up a notch, add a statement piece or two, some edgy texture and vibrant color. BY CATHLEEN MCCARTHY



blue topaz and the whole spectrum of blue sapphire from faded to inky. Look for hoops set with translucent tanzanite or rose-cut fancy sapphires, and pendants strung on multi-strands of sapphire beads gradated from pale to indigo. Tanzanite is another option to consider. Hueb elevated tanzanite to new levels by combining it with the sparkle and elegance of diamonds in white gold—most recently setting clusters of delicate trillion cuts (curved triangles) on slender white gold bars in its Trilliant collection. Flesh-baring openwork designs like this will continue to get more elegant and dramatic.


pal continues strong, showing up as the standout in cocktail rings accented with diamonds, or colored gems like blue topaz and peridot that bring out the stone’s inner rainbow. Watery blue moonstones are another crowd favorite, and we’re seeing other misty blues and bluegreens like aquamarine and chalcedony. Along this line, David Yurman is pairing chrysoprase and turquoise in the Chatelaine collection. Also expect to see more of the newcomer gem aquaprase, a minty-green chalcedony discovered in Africa in 2014. But the hottest hue on the horizon will have you matching your gems to your jeans. Fashion designers from Dior to Calvin Klein to Stella McCartney showed denim ensembles for fall, and we predict denim blue will be the primary gem color of 2018. Jewelry looks are already showing the denim hues of London





ne way to update the layers at your throat is to add a personalized, engraved charm or pendant. Another is to add one of the new, more refined chokers, destined to become a go-to basic. David Yurman added lots of gold this year, including rose gold. One way to open your existing Yurman silver stack to the gold to come: add a piece or two from this season’s mixed-metals, like those polished gold accents in his silver Chatelaine collection. Whether you normally go for the gold or stick to silver, a mixed-metal lariat is destined to become a wardrobe basic. Open-ended rings and bracelets are everywhere, ranging from those slender diamond-tipped bangles that Halle Berry stacked on one wrist at the Oscars to the bold geometry of baguette rings. Where the statement bracelet is concerned, it’s all about female empowerment. The power cuff can be worn stacked, one on each wrist like Coco Chanel, or Wonder Woman-style as this show-stopping (bullet-deflecting?) statement piece from Penny Preville.



hat celestial trend we’ve been seeing for a couple years is moving away from the yoga influence of astrology and zodiac constellations and drifting into the far reaches of outer space. Maybe it’s all the talk of reviving space exploration, but a UFO has landed in the design zeitgeist. Chanel and Comme des Garçons were among those who introduced astronaut-inspired silver garb on the runway this year. Jessica Biel created Oscar buzz with a diamondmounted fringe collar worn with her form-fitting metallic gown. Priyanka Chopra sported matching platinumand-diamond cuffs on each wrist on the same red carpet. You can get in on this space-age trend with any of the bold, geometric cuff bracelets or collars on offer. In some cases, it’s a little subtler: concentric gold circles dotted with gems and pearls, hinting at planets revolving around an axis. A simpler way to get a piece of that night sky: add a starburst. These exuberant bursts of celestial energy are everywhere. Try a blackdiamond star choker, cluster earrings, or a delicate bangle of white diamond stars to add sparkle and texture to your stack.




ith The Jazz Age exhibit at the Cooper-Hewitt whetting our appetites once again for Deco, and Past is Present: Revival Jewelry at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts (through August 2018), vintage jewelry lovers are newly dazzled by the glamour and craftsmanship of past eras. You don’t need to bid at auction to score revival style. Today’s designers are reinventing looks that have been around for decades or, in some cases, millennia. Some designers are bringing Deco back with colored diamonds, or setting pyramid-shaped colored stones in that familiar stepped, architectural gold. Even Stephen Webster has played with Deco, with his Chrysler Building-inspired detachable diamond earrings. Digging further back, Armenta has added bold new pieces to its Artifacts collection, playing off the tarnished finish and aged texture of long-buried antiquities by mounting them in bright, granulated gold.



FUTURE is FEMALE armor? What styles will they want to work into their existing collections?” Having an expansive set of archives is also helpful to lean on while designing. While I was designing Naga, it was important to honor the original silhouette in the new iteration. I feminized the silhouette, replacing the scales with leafier interpretations and swapping the red eyes for softer blue sapphire eyes. The newest collection features a number of mixed metal pieces and introduces stones like silver sheen obsidian. It’s a byproduct of volcano, but one would never guess from the stone’s beautiful sheen and sense of light. As we modernize and elevate our collections, adding more gemstones was a natural next step.

Creative director Hollie Bonneville Barden brings a new outlook to JOHN HARDY. Tell us about your first year at John Hardy. I spent a great deal of time really getting to know the brand’s history and our clientele. My first major challenge was to reinterpret the Naga, one of the mythical talisman icons from our Legends collection. When researching the Naga myth in Bali, I discovered stories of Naga represented as a spirit of nature (sky, ocean, volcano) that had great universal symbolism. Working closely with the brand’s artisans helped me grasp a greater understanding of the spirit of Naga in artwork and carved expression. The historical celebration of the raw power and symbolism of Naga formed the overarching concept for the season, which also features new iterations of the timeless Chain, Dot and Bamboo collections. I also had the opportunity to visit our retail partners, many of which are family-run businesses, and connect with customers. Many of our clients are strong, empowered women who are purchasing John Hardy for themselves to celebrate a milestone. It’s truly so inspiring to see this display of female power through jewelry.

What’s it like being John Hardy’s youngest creative director as well as the first female? I am very lucky to hold the role of creative director for such an iconic brand. It’s my personality to take the bull by the horns, which has helped me. Every day there is a steep learning curve, but it is empowering too. Being young offers me the advantage of having a different viewpoint. I have been fortunate to have incredible experiences thus far.

You’re British but now spend the majority of your time traveling between New York and Bali. How do these diverse places inspire your designs? I am attracted to the fast-paced rhythm of NYC and all of the innovative design happening. I’m inspired by its vibrant energy and glamour. Bali has this amazing creative energy and offers a much slower pace. This sort of yin and yang I experience between the two places is very much reflected in the versatility of my designs.

How do you continue to innovate while designing for a brand that has such an iconic look? I am keeping our strong, powerful female clientele in mind. I ask myself, “What do they want to wear as their personal




Movement: COSC-certified Manufacture Breitling Caliber 01, self-winding, high-frequency, 47 jewels. Over 70-hour power reserve. 1/4 of a second chronograph. 30-minute and 12-hour totalizers. Calendar. Case: Blacksteel. Resistant to 3 bars. Rotating bezel with circular slide rule. Cambered sapphire crystal, glare-proofed on both sides. Transparent sapphire crystal caseback. Dial: Stratos Gray. Strap: rubber Navitimer.

The NAVITIMER 01 BLACKSTEEL LJRG LIMITED EDITION will be issued in 50 pieces sold only at Luxury Jewelers Resource Group retailers.


e are proud to announce our collaboration with Swiss watch brand Breitling, which has produced an exclusive iteration of its iconic Navitimer in conjunction with the Luxury Jewelers Resource Group (LJRG), of which we are a member retailer. The timepiece is distinguished by its Blacksteel exterior, Stratos Gray dial, three black counter dials, black oscillating weight and transparent sapphire crystal caseback. A cult model among pilots and aviation devotees since 1952, the Navitimer chronograph steps things up a notch in a version entirely clothed in black: from its satin-brushed steel case coated with an ultra-resistant carbon-based treatment to the famous circular slide rule serving to handle all operations relating to airborne navigation. Yet this original, modern and technical exterior is not its only distinctive feature. The 50piece Blacksteel limited series is distinguished by its exclusive Stratos Gray dial bearing hollowed black counters and framed by an inner bezel in the same shade. The original aesthetic is enhanced by Blacksteel hands and logo, along with a red chronograph sweep-seconds hand. Although exuding a natural sense of refinement, this limited edition never loses sight of its nature as an instrument for professionals—as confirmed by its famous circular aviation slide rule and the Manufacture Breitling Caliber 01, chronometer-certified by the COSC (Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute), a token of superior precision and reliability. This high-performance self-winding chronograph “engine,” entirely developed and produced in the Breitling workshops, is visible through a transparent sapphire crystal caseback. Complementing its technical and elegant appearance, the new Navitimer 01 (46 mm) Limited Edition is available on a rubber Navitimer strap featuring an aircraft tire-tread profile and Blacksteel folding buckle.

ABOUT BREITLING A specialist of technical watches, Breitling has played a crucial role in the development of the wrist chronograph and is a leader in this complication. The firm has shared all the finest moments in the conquest of the skies thanks to its sturdy, reliable and high-performance instruments. One of the world's only major watch brands to equip all its models with chronometer-certified movements (the ultimate token of precision), Breitling is also one of the rare watchmakers to produce its own mechanical chronograph movements, entirely developed and manufactured in house. Moreover, it’s one of the last remaining Swiss watch brands independent of any watchmaking group.


LBG ~ Watches & Accessories

A Tradition of Excellence Since 1898 Lux Bond & Green’s core responsibility is to help celebrate life’s special occasions by offering the world’s finest timepieces and an array of distinctive diamonds, jewelry and gifts. As New England’s oldest continuously operating family jeweler, Lux Bond & Green takes great pride in supporting the watch and jewelry dreams of our clientele.











A. Baume & Mercier ladies Classima with mother-of-pearl dial and diamond bezel, $4,800. B. Raymond Weil ladies Noemia with mother-of-pearl and diamond dial and diamond bezel, $2,795. C. Engraveable oval cuff links with coin edge, in sterling silver, $125. D. Montblanc Meisterstuck ball point pen, $440. E. Patek Philippe Calatrava in 18K gold, $34,700. F. Tudor Heritage Black Bay Bronze, $3,975. G. John Hardy adjustable Classic Chain bracelet with black sapphires and 8mm onyx beads, $750. H. Breitling Navatimer self-winding chronograph, $8,215. I. TAG Heuer Aquaracer 300M Calibre 16 Chronograph, $3,650. J. Montblanc Orbis Terrarum, $5,900.

Know Your Diamond CARAT WEIGHT




Look for diamonds graded by GIA, the creator of the 4Cs.



















ore than 2,000 people a day came to view Patek Philippe’s collection of about 450 exquisite timepieces dating back to 1530, including borrowed museum pieces, supercomplications, rare handcrafts and complex movements. The NYC exhibit (only the fourth of its kind to ever take place) ran for 10 days in July, but its impact on more than 20,000 guests will surely last a lifetime. Larry Petinelli, president of Patek Philippe USA, spoke to us about the importance of this historic exhibit. “Our goal was to attract not just the uber-collectors, but also a new generation of young people who might lack a passion for horology but are perhaps interested in history or sports or music. Despite the serious price points, we tried to make the exhibit accessible rather than stuffy. We featured actual artisans at work (enamellers, engravers, marquetry woodworkers) and highlighted some of our more renowned US patrons—Joe DiMaggio, Duke Ellington, JFK—and the timepieces most meaningful to them.” John F. Kennedy remains a superhero in the minds of both Americans and citizens of the world. The timepiece chosen to represent this beloved US president was a Patek Philippe autonomous quartz desk clock that displays the time in Moscow, Washington DC and Berlin, a gift that symbolized



direct communication between Washington and Moscow. The clock (borrowed from the National Archives with strict regulations) was designed by Heinz Wipperfeld and was presented to Kennedy on the day after his famous Ich bin ein Berliner speech. “I was born in December ’63,” says Petinelli, “so I wasn’t around in Kennedy’s lifetime. But I was always intrigued by that era: from JFK’s assassination to the Vietnam War to the first man on the moon. That’s why this exhibit is as much about history as art.” We talked about the incredible Stern family, how they bought the company in 1839 (they’d been a supplier to Patek) and have remained a family business through four generations, an anomaly in the luxury market. (Actually Gen 5, Thierry Stern’s two teenaged sons, were in NYC for the exhibit, thoroughly fascinated…) We talked about the fact that, other than fine watches, few things in life are simultaneously useful, meaningful and investment-worthy, which is why Patek Philippe watches are (as their fabulous ad campaign reminds us) handed down from generation to generation. “It’s hard to imagine passing down my cell phone,” quips Petinelli. B Y K A R E N A L B E R G G R O S S M A N

PATEK PHILIPPE’s Grand Exhibition encompassed art, history and the meaning of time.

Above: JFK’s Patek Philippe quartz desk clock, representing the establishment of direct communication between Washington DC and Moscow.



©2017 movado group, inc.



Retro COOL

Watches look to yesteryear for designs that fuse nostalgia with modern technology.


atch designers have taken note of the recent popularity of vintage watches—particularly among Millennials who have made retro cool again. More than ever, brand visionaries are mining their archives for inspiration and even faithfully recreating historic flagships, many of which are marking significant anniversaries this year. While the styling may be vintage in spirit, the technology is strictly state of the art, so you can have the best of both worlds. While Omega often channels a vintage vibe for its flagships, this year it faithfully recreated three of its most famous models—Seamaster 300, Railmaster and Speedmaster—all, remarkably, launched in 1957. The limited-edition 60th anniversary models are available individually or as a specially packaged set. Using digital scanning technology for the first time, Omega preserved the historic aesthetic but with robust highprecision movements that are the best of the best. Rolex’s 50th anniversary Oyster Perpetual Sea-Dweller is another


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While the STYLING may be VINTAGE in spirit, the TECHNOLOGY is strictly STATE OF THE ART, so you can have the best of both worlds. heavy hitter expected to be one of the year’s bestsellers. The tribute model has been upsized to 43mm, and the brand added its hallmark cyclops lens over the date at 3 o’clock, for the first time in the legendary dive collection. The next-gen SeaDweller is water resistant down to an incredible 4,000 feet and is powered by a new automatic movement, the Caliber 3235, which achieves the precision of -2/+2 seconds per day to meet the brand’s Superlative Chronometer standards. In a reference to the original from 1967, the words “Sea-Dweller” appear in red on the black dial. Meanwhile, Breitling also celebrated the 60th anniversary of its Superocean dive range with the Superocean Héritage, updated with a new steel bezel fitted with a scratch-proof ceramic ring that matches the dial, which is embellished with the original Superocean logo. Distinctively shaped luminous hands (triangular for the hours and lozenge for the minutes)

and cone-shaped hour markers allude to the 1957 original, but the new COSC-certified (Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute) Breitling Caliber B20 movement is based on the Tudor Caliber MT5612 with Breitling modifications. Superocean Héritage II is available in 42 and 46mm sizes, plus there is a 46mm chronograph. You can choose from black, blue and bronze with a matching strap with contrast stitching. Other options include leather, crocodile, or rubber strap—or you can go old-school with a steel mesh bracelet. Perhaps no brand fused the notion of old meets new better than TAG Heuer, which revived the Autavia Rindt with a reissue of the 1962 model worn by Austrian F1 driver Jochen Rindt; it was chosen in an online contest called the Autavia Cup. TAG Heuer upsized the original design to 42mm and powered it with the new Heuer-02 caliber automatic chronograph movement. BY LAURIE KAHLE





BASELWORLD AT 100 Celebrating a century of jewelry and timekeeping innovation!


at the show have done a brilliant job niversally considered the world’s blending innovation and tradition, drawing most extraordinary trade show, on their rich heritage and adding more Baselworld brings together the approachable price points to engage a industry’s most exalted jewelry and watch younger generation. Turning time into brands to showcase their exquisite objects of beauty, Swiss watchmakers offerings for the coming year. Just as continue to pursue their quest for technical, important, store owners, buyers, designers functional and aesthetic innovation. and top industry execs from around the Says LBG’s John Green, “I’ve been world come to Basel, Switzerland to traveling to the Basel Fair (today called brainstorm ideas and exchange Baselworld) since 1985. It’s always been the information—on business, on fashion and luxury trade show that sets the bar for all on time! It’s an exhilarating meeting place, others. The booths created by Rolex, Patek impossible to visit without feeling totally Philippe and other international brands are as inspired by the beauty, precision and elegant and sophisticated as the most beautiful creativity of our ever-evolving industry. jewelry and watch boutiques around the world. This 100th edition of Baselworld in March The windows for these booths give us great attracted 1,300 exhibitors from 40 Marc and John Green at Baselworld. ideas for display trends and creative artistry. countries, 106,000 international buyers, “This year was no exception, with many and 4,400 journalists. That said, it’s been a tough few years for Swiss watch striking new timepieces in clean and balanced designs. The exports: despite their 60 percent share of watch business jewelry world (necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets) is worldwide, they’ve been challenged by a strong Swiss franc exploding with beautiful colored stones that are not only and political and economic uncertainty around the globe. To breathtaking but also mix perfectly with diamonds. “Men’s jewelry is also growing by leaps and bounds with remain relevant, luxury watch brands must now track social changes as well as fashion and financial fluctuations. increased use of leather, metal, gem materials and innovative Nevertheless, business for Swiss watchmakers has almost design in wrist and neck jewelry, adding a hip vibe to even the doubled since the early 2000s. Clearly, the 220 Swiss exhibitors most conservative men.” BY KAREN ALBERG GROSSMAN

Marc Green’s Baselworld Watch Picks: 1. The new Rolex Sky-Dweller in stainless steel is destined to become the next Daytona. Whereas Rolex is known for its professional performance watches rather than for fancy complications, this watch is special, featuring an annual calendar, GMT function, and a most interesting setting mechanism that requires only rotating the bezel. It’s sharp looking and a steal at $14,400 in stainless (vs. $40,000 to $50,000 in gold). 2) The Lady-Datejust 28 is the modern archetype of a Rolex

classic that transcends the whims of fashion. With its champagnecolor dial, diamond hour markers and fluted bezel, it’s elegant but not overly ostentatious. The inside is as impressive as the outside, with a new-generation selfwinding mechanical movement and patented hairspring. A timeless and beautiful find! 3. Patek Philippe had several great introductions, including its Ref. 5320G with a new perpetual calendar. With its cream-colored ceramic dial, it’s a classic nostalgia look that recalls the 1940s and ’50s. Very elegant!


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Shops: The Art of Shaving; bareMinerals; bluwire; Brewster’s Trading Post; Brighton Collectibles; Brookstone; Chico’s; Clay Pipe; Coach; Denali; Dylan’s Candy Bar; The Essentials; Everything Under The Sun; Galina’s; Godiva Chocolatier; Kiehl’s; Landau; Lush; Lux Bond & Green; Momentum Trading Post; The Old Farmer’s Almanac General Store; Pasta Vita; Robert Graham; Sephora; Spin Street; Splendeur A Luxury Boutique; Sunglasses USA; Swarovski; Tommy Bahama; Trading Cove; Victoria’s Secret; Yankee Candle Restaurants: Ballo Italian Restaurant; Bean and Vine Café & Wine Bar; Ben & Jerry’s; Bobby Flay’s Bar Americain; Bobby’s Burger Palace; Bow & Arrow Sports Bar; Carlo’s Bakery; Chick-fil-A; COMIX Comedy Club & Craft Beer Bar; Dunkin’ Donuts; Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana; Geno’s Deli & Sweets; Geno’s Fast Break; Geno’s Pub; Hash House A Go Go; Imus Ranch Coffee; Jasper White’s Summer Shack; Jasper White’s Summer Shack Express; Jersey Mike’s; Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville; Johnny Rockets; Jumbo Oriental at Sunrise Square; Krispy Kreme Doughnuts; The Lansdowne Irish Pub & Music House; Michael Jordan’s 23.sportcafe; Michael Jordan’s Steak House; The Original SoupMan; Pasta Vita; Seasons Buffet; SolToro Tequila Grill; Starbucks Coffee; Todd English’s Tuscany; Tom’s Urban; Wok-On Plus: Elemis Spa; Kids Quest; Mandara Spa; Mohegan Sun Golf Club

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LBG ~ Weddings

Christina and Steve Palladino May 19th, 2017

Deirdre and Nick Brenia August 12th, 2016

Sam Mayville and Hannah Martin’s Engagement May 14th, 2016

Matthew Collin and Kate Clifford June 17th, 2017

Ben and Emily Stoner Apri1 6th, 2017

Kristyn and Greg Dadlez March 11th, 2017

Nick and Olivia Gregorian

Matthew and Allison Schutzer September 24th, 2016

with their dogs Stanley and Lucy

January 7th, 2017

Gille and Kathryn Murphy Galle June 3rd, 2017

Robert Maron and Amanda Lamontagne November 11th, 2016

Ryan Olesnevich and Sofia Santia September 8th, 2016

Congratulations to the brides & grooms!



LBG ~ Custom Design

We’ll help you create it. The jewelry you wear is an expression of your personality, passions and lifestyle. While creating a custom-designed piece may seem overwhelming, we are experienced at simplifying the process and making even complex designs accessible. Whether it be an engagement ring, pendant, earrings or an heirloom piece you would like to remake, our designers will work together with you to develop a unique design that reflects your vision and budget. Our custom design specialists will bring your inspiration to life by combining the latest design technology with our dedication to artistry and fine craftsmanship. Please call to schedule an appointment or visit any one of our six locations throughout Connecticut and Massachusetts.

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The round halo’s popularity has waned. What’s newly in demand: diamond accents elsewhere, such as on the shank, and the oval halo, an elegant look that elongates and slims the finger. Oval has risen to the top among fancy diamond shapes.



Flowers, vines and leaves seemingly gathered from the garden join bows in bringing the latest bridal gown trends to engagement rings. Floral halos or ribbon-like flourishes make for sophisticated styles that appeal to Boho and classic girls alike.


Whether twisted or overlapping, this wrapped design focuses attention on the center stone and adds interest to a simpler setting. What better way to signify tying the knot?


Vintage has been gaining favor for its glamour and timelessness. Nods to the Victorian and Art Deco periods include delicate engraving and personalized elements.


More than ever, couples want to convey their stories in uniquely personal ways. Today’s abundant engagement ring choices offer an extension of that storytelling.

While colored diamonds in pink, yellow, chocolate and black are all options, colored gemstones are even bigger breakouts. Sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and the dimensional color of alexandrite and opal are being used alone or with diamonds in three-stone settings and halos.



These tapered cuts provide a slenderizing effect on the hand and work well in an array of on-trend settings, from vintage to east/west.



More evidence of the non-traditional movement and the desire to assert individuality, rose, yellow, white gold and platinum come together in stacking rings or in a single design.


Dual bands offer an architectural and fashion-forward look. Plain or covered in diamonds, it’s a bold yet simple statement.

This is the ultimate example of customization and personalization. Rising in status for some time now, stacks are fast becoming the new standard, able to be mixed and matched, worn separately and added to over time.




Perhaps one of the newest looks is the east/west setting, showcasing a horizontal stone orientation rather than vertical. Unique and versatile, accommodating all manner of stone cuts, this setting creates the illusion of a larger stone and stacks well with other rings.

Dainty and delicate, simple designs can be as impactful as over-the-top styles. The most popular engagement ring on Pinterest recently was a brilliant round solitaire diamond on a thin, simple band. Traditional and au courant, the design proves sometimes less is truly more.


Unique details kick it up a notch and enhance the center stone. Scrollwork in an ornate setting lends a one-of-a kind feel. Elaborate details on the sides of a band add dimensional views. Accent diamonds, in baguettes or unique shapes, ramp up the bling factor.


Uber feminine and romantic, rose gold is probably the trendiest of metals and flatters all skin tones. With more women going for a feminine, fashionable look when walking down the aisle, it’s no surprise pink reigns supreme.


SAY “I DOUGH!” Custom doughnuts are the new wedding cake.


hese days, trendy, artisanal doughnut shops have popped up all around the country, and those circles of yeasty goodness—dreaded carbs 15 years ago—are back with renewed vigor. So it only makes sense that they’d make an appearance at weddings. Within the past year or two, an increasing number of doughnut walls, tiered cakes, trucks and madeto-order stations have popped up at receptions and as part of the “after-party” (another emerging wedding trend, as late-night comfort food replaces more formal offerings). “It’s becoming more popular,” affirms Heather Jones, the catering sales director for Wente Vineyards in Livermore, California. “We also do an action station with beignets, making them right in front of the guests and providing, say, a cabernet-chocolate dipping sauce. Or perhaps fresh churros with a bourbon-cream sauce. It’s all about PERSONALIZE taking things to the next level.” One big advantage is that it’s easy to personalize the doughnut experience (compared to, for example, a chocolate fountain). For Brooklyn’s Angela and Charla Harlow-Rothschild, “we tried to be very intentional about everything in our wedding to reflect who we are as a couple,” says Charla. Amidst the foodstuffs were two doughnut displays, from Dough and Dun-Well, both local shops. “Dough was the first of the new, trendy spots in Bed-Stuy,” says Charla, “and they hire people from the neighborhood, so we wanted to give them a shout-out.” Angela notes that “Dun-Well is cool, because they create delicious doughnuts that are vegan and gluten-free, perfect for friends who couldn’t share in the cake.” Supporting local business was also important for Kelsea Kirven Gallagher and her husband Patrick at their wedding in Richmond, Virginia. They brought in the Mrs. Yoder's Kitchen doughnut truck for their late-night snack. The Mennonite family-owned business has a huge following for its unusual misshapen glazed doughnuts. “[The business is] wonderfully grounded in family and faith,” says Kelsea, “serving as a great role models for our new marriage. And our guests are still talking about those warm doughnuts two years later!” Jones notes that the desire for a personal touch is common for couples who opt for doughnuts at Wente as well. Rather than order trendy variants like Hibiscus-Passion Fruit, “they will have one or two [classic] flavors that are ‘their’ doughnuts. Maybe they grew up with them, or enjoyed them as a couple.” BY ROBERT HAYNES-PETERSON

It’s easy to

HOLE LOTTA LOVE From left: Doughnut tower by Mankin Mansion; doughnut wall and doughnut station by Emily Sullivan Events.



the doughnut experience.

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While Oz is famous for its gorgeous weather, beaches and exotic animals, you can also experience fine dining in wine country or play a round of world-class golf. Here are three Australian itineraries highlighting the country’s less-traveled destinations. BY ALYSSA PINKSER

HUNTER VALLEY This Australian wine region has over 150 high-quality wineries and cellar doors and some of the best al fresco dining in the world. Sleep on the massive acreage of hotel and spa Chateau Elan and spot kangaroos outside your window. Stay in a luxury villa room or a spa suite replete with fireplace. Enjoy the award-winning 18-hole golf courses, then relax with a world-class massage, ritual or treatment in its spa. While in the Valley, eat at the charming French-owned Bistro Molines, which overlooks the rolling green hills. Drink at Krinklewood Vineyard, where vintner Evan Windrim plays classical music and performs reiki on his barrels of wine as they age. Eat at Peppers Convent; it’s an institution and its restaurant, Circa 1876, is a must-dine for newlywed foodies. A hot air balloon experience with Balloon Aloft is a once-in-alifetime experience where you’ll float above the clouds, seeing the valley below and toasting your new marriage with a Champagne breakfast.


BYRON BAY Byron Bay is one of the only beaches in the world where the bright white sand squeaks as you walk along it. This is due to its superfine quartz crystals that sparkle in the sun and feel soft as silk underfoot. Once a hippie haven, it’s now a chic and wellrespected Australian coastal town that retains its earthy roots with five-star eco-lodging and music venues that put Nashville to shame. Secluded in the Byron Bay Hinterland is Olivia Newton-John’s beautiful Gaia Retreat & Spa, inspired by healing cultures and arts from around the world. Sleep in southeast Asian-inspired villas and unwind as a couple with meditative walks and massages. Elements of Byron is another cozy resort for pairs and features an adults-only 25-meter heated pool with swim-up bar and villas that overlook a charming natural pond. The spa incorporates indigenous ingredients and each massage room boasts its own private garden.

Get pampered at Gaia Retreat & Spa.

Unwind as a couple with MEDITATIVE

walks and massages.

Ride the waves in eastern Australia.

GOLD COAST The Gold Coast is south of Brisbane on Australia’s eastern shores. Couples can stay in one of QT Hotels & Resorts’ 1950s-inspired, surf-glam, apartment-style rooms overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Dine at an international celebrity favorite, the understatedly named The Fish House, featuring southern European cuisine and incomparably selected Australian and international wines. The restaurant’s open windows overlook Mermaid Beach. Try yoga upstairs at the healthy yet delicious raw food restaurant BSKT, and celebrate with cocktails afterwards at its bar. Relax on long white sandy beaches, or sign up for surf lessons from the Get Wet Surf School. Rick Shores, located next to a swim school at a stunning oceanfront address, offers high-end creative pan-Asian cuisine with a locally sourced twist. It’s a popular celebratory spot perfect for indulging in a multi-course meal. Stop by Miami Marketta, a hip indoor venue for street food with a full bar, where you can check out artist performances—everything from painters to poets to bands.





Delicacies in tin are haute and happening!

s you sip good wine and listen to live music in a lush garden with twinkling lights overhead, you might think you’re at a rustic café in the French countryside, especially since the menu features traditional French items like steak au poivre, coq au Riesling, and steamed mussels. But check out the bottom of the menu and you’ll find the “Can to Table” offerings: spiced calamari in ragout sauce from Portugal, mussels in escabeche from Spain, and scallop rillettes from France. The States are even represented with habanero-smoked oysters from the Willapa Bay in Washington.

Preserved at their freshest point with utmost care by a handful of suppliers using the highest-grade olive oils and sauces, these delicacies are eaten at the finest restaurants in Portugal and Spain. The rare seafood is caught in the cool waters along the European coast, and would clearly be difficult to enjoy stateside were it not preserved. Fortunately, restaurants are catching on. Foodies in New Orleans frequent N7, the aforementioned eatery tucked away in a secret garden in the Marigny. The restaurant has no website, no phone, not even a sign other than a hand-painted N7 on the wooden fence surrounding the property. Still, the place is always packed and full of life. Patrons enjoy the extensive wine list, the exquisitely flavored, freshcooked fare and the upscale canned food. Artistically decorated cans are served on long, wooden boards with sliced baguettes, various sauces and small tasting forks. Several other restaurants around the country are also serving conservas (Zingerman’s in Ann Arbor, MI; Donostia, Huertas and Maiden Lane in NYC; Bar Vivant in Portland, OR; and Aatxe in San Francisco), so expand your palate and enjoy a taste of the exotic, a high-end dining experience straight from a can—best enjoyed with a fabulous glass of wine (from a bottle)! BY LESLEY RUBENSTEIN



This trend of HAUTE CUISINE served from cans is called CONSERVAS, and items are typically served tapas style.


Pumpkin Old Fashioned


Meticulously crafted libations to spice up the change of season.

s autumn gives way to even cooler evenings, nothing soothes the senses and warms the soul like sipping a perfectly executed cocktail. The recipes that follow, conceived by recognized mixologists from awardwinning bars across the country, all tell a story. Each celebrates the change of seasons and reflects the mixologist’s regional roots. Seek out these complex creations during your travels to appreciate the sophisticated blends and experience winter in a glass. Cheers!






A local favorite in Chicago’s Fulton Market District, The Betty is described as an upscale neighborhood tavern with a sophisticated vibe, warm atmosphere and innovative approach to classic drinks. Mixologist Julianna Arquilla has worked there since its opening, starting out serving and moving up the ranks to running the entire bar. Known for her calm and finesse with large crowds, she creates thoughtful, fulltasting drinks using interesting ingredients. She chose a local big rye for this cold weather cocktail. THE BITTERSWEET 2 oz. Journeyman Last Feather Rye .50 oz. CH Dogma Fernet .25 oz. spiced syrup 2 dashes orange bitters 1 egg Coffee dust and orange for garnish “In the winter I want to warm up with a nice spicy rye. Chicago winters can be long, bitter and cold, but they make the wait for the summer worth it. (The quote ‘Without the bitter, the sweet isn’t as sweet’ is definitely true about Chicago!) The Bittersweet is a perfect nightcap for a cold winter night. The bitterness from the fernet melds well with the spiciness from the rye, and the spiced syrup adds just enough sweetness. The egg rounds it out with a lovely elegance.”


Tucked away on beautiful grounds in Dallas sits the stately, luxurious Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek.

Recognized internationally for its exemplary service and extraordinary amenities, the historic hotel includes a restaurant and bar that have garnered awards on their own. Danny Caffall has spent the past six years creating sophisticated, flavor-layered cocktails and welcoming locals and travelers from around the world. “I love being part of something so special,” he explains. “Mansion Bar is an incredible place within a legendary property. Welcoming our guests is a great honor.” PUMPKIN OLD FASHIONED 2 oz. rye whiskey ½ oz. cinnamon falernum Muddled orange peel Dash Angostura bitters Eyedropper of pumpkin tincture Caffall is known for using interesting ingredients to craft traditional cocktails with an unexpected twist. “The Old Fashioned is a timeless classic cocktail. We’ve added a hint of the fall season to it. The beauty of the Pumpkin Old Fashioned is its subtlety: a breath of the pumpkin and fall spice on the exhale.”


Patrons treasure the extensive menu, the fresh seasonal flavors, the knowledgeable staff and the steamy décor of New York City’s Seamstress, recipient of national accolades. Head bartender Luis Hernandez leads the tight-knit team with well-honed skills. His inspiration for creating cocktails is the pursuit of flavor—and the look on people’s faces when they discover something special! AROMATICS .5 oz Ardbeg 10 1.5 oz Amontillado sherry .75 oz fig broth .75 oz Scottish breakfast tea .5 oz bitter blood orange 2 dashes Madagascar wild peppercorn tincture 2 dashes coffee-infused Angostura bitters Spritzed dehydrated blood orange for garnish


“Aromatics is a drink where you can smell the warmth before you feel it. As the name suggests, the aromatics represent layering in flavors, all dark and warming. When I create a cocktail like this one, I’m representing myself, Seamstress, my bar team and all the bars in New York. This drink is the summary of all that inspires me in this wonderful, creative city.”


NEW ORLEANS A native New Orleanian who bartended in New York and traveled the world, Neal Bodenheimer returned to his Louisiana stomping grounds after Hurricane Katrina to open Cure, a sophisticated uptown cocktail bar that pays homage to the city’s cocktail history while pushing the envelope. He and his partners have since opened other establishments to rave reviews. Customers value Bodenheimer’s inventiveness and personal warmth. His handcrafted drinks and cocktail menus reflect the flavors and hospitality of his hometown and his world experiences. Cure has been recognized by the James Beard Foundation and is continually listed as a top bar in the South and the US. DELTA EGGNOG 6 eggs 1 cup La Canne raw turbinado sugar 2 cups cream/milk mixture (one cup milk, one cup heavy whipping cream) 1 cup Cathead Hoodoo chicory liqueur 1 cup Donner-Peltier LA1 Louisiana whiskey 1 whole nutmeg Grated nutmeg for garnish “Delta Eggnog is a great holiday drink, because it gets better as it sits over time. It’s regionally appropriate, it makes amazing gifts and it’s a great addition to any holiday party!”

top 10 2. CLIMATE CHANGE Sustainability and ingredient transparency: these are the new norms. Honest Beauty Magic Balm blends organic fruit and botanical oils to soften and soothe, plus donates to help fund access to safe products and advances in research education.

6. SENSORIAL JOURNEY Somerset House’s recent London exhibition, “A Sensory Journey Through Contemporary Scent,” explored the emotional connection that is a burgeoning trend in the luxury beauty category. Search for fragrances that evoke unexpected places or moments.


hu Try cool mineral oky graphic with a sm metallics, or go el Kajal eb -R -N ck Ro cs eti look. Flirt Cosm smolder. es a long-lasting Eyeliner provid

By Laurie Schechter



3. NO MAKEUP MAKEUP “Flawless but bare,” #iwokeuplikethis and #nomakeup are all trending. Laura Mercier’s Tinted Moisturizer Broad Spectrum SPF 20 Sunscreen “gives skin a fresh, healthy, no-makeup look with a soft hint of color,” says Mercier.

5. BODY & MIND 4. GLOWING COMPLEXION “Strobing” means to highlight with light only—think dewy glow. Shiseido’s Synchro Skin Glow Luminizing Foundation Broad Spectrum SPF 20 synchronizes throughout the day to maintain an all-day luminous finish. By Terry Glow-Expert Duo Stick claims to be the ultimate strobing tool, a three-inone blush, bronzer, highlighter with integrated blending brush.

Fully reconnect body and mind through experiential elements. Two years in development, Elemis’ Pro-Collagen Cleansing Balm uses sublime texture, distinctive aromatics and a spa experience to relax you and your skin.

Your virtual beauty assistant is in with step-by-step tutorials based on your face, features and skin type. The Wow How app uses a virtual beautician and augmented reality to teach makeup applications that enhance your features prior to buying from affiliated retailers.

8. MULTITASKING Time savers for active women are in demand. Take Shiseido’s Sports WetForce, a sunscreen and makeup in one that uses an innovative technology to cause the sunscreen’s SPF 50+ UV protection to become even more effective when exposed to water or perspiration for 30 minutes.

9. SALT THERAPY Himalayan Dry Salt Therapy at Breathe Salt Rooms aims to improve respiratory systems, skin conditions and overall wellness. The Cove at the Shore Lodge in McCall, Idaho boasts granite-lined heated saltwater pools to immerse you in the stuff.

10. THICK BROWS To grow them, Fernanda Lacerda of NYC’s Maria Bonita Salon & Spa and MB45 Studio recommends regularly visiting an eyebrow guru and using an eyelash booster on your brows. Microblading, a form of tattooing and a popular alternative, should be carefully considered with pre- and postprocedures followed closely. “Look at tons of pictures, client recommendations and reviews before you commit,” Lacerda advises.




What you need to know to plan your perfect luxury river cruise.



vid cruise travelers know the truth of the old adage: It’s about the journey, not the destination. And unlike ocean cruises, which may spend much of the trip on open seas, river voyages cruise right through the heart of cities around the globe to offer an up-close experience. Here, we compare three of the top luxury river cruise companies. BY JULIANNE PEPITONE Boutique dining on Uniworld’s Bordeaux, Vineyards & Chateaux itinerary.


CURRENT STARTING COST: $2,499 per person on select 2017 holiday itineraries. THE TAGLINE: “Our credo, ‘No request too large, no detail too small,’ comes to life in every interaction we share with our guests. We never tire of going above and beyond to create extraordinary experiences both onboard and onshore.” THE SCOOP: Fans of cookie-cutter cruise décor need not apply. Uniworld ships look like none other: public areas decked out with tufted leopard-print settees and abstract art, a lounge outfitted in gleaming teal, and suite walls painted in rich red. The boutique philosophy goes beyond the décor: Uniworld offers a slate of themed cruises including journeys that explore European aristocracy, Jewish history and culture, French food and wine, European Christmas markets, and “Generations” family cruises. Travelers on most of the European voyages are provided with butlers who are trained to “go above and beyond to create special moments that our guests remember long after they leave.” THE DESTINATIONS: Europe, Russia, China, Vietnam and Cambodia, Egypt and India.

Relax and take in views of the Rhine River from aboard a Uniworld cruise ship.

CULTURE AROUND THE GLOBE: VIKING RIVER CRUISES CURRENT STARTING COST: $1,699 for an 8-day “Christmas in Germany” 2017 sail, per person based on double occupancy. THE TAGLINE: “Offering you extraordinarily welldesigned cruises that bring you closer to the cultures of the world…our intimate, inclusive itineraries are designed to help you explore nuances of your destination: its food, culture, people and customs.” Viking Longship Aquavit terrace.

Crystal River Cruise’s Bach.


$2,560 for a 7-day March 2019 sail from Vienna to Budapest, per person based on double occupancy. THE TAGLINE: “[A] heady combination of indulgent services and enriching discovery… innovative excellence, exquisitely designed ships, bold itineraries, customized destination immersion and the highest standards of personalized service at sea and on land.” THE SCOOP: The five ships that make up Crystal’s river fleet are shiny and new: one (Mozart) was fully refurbished in 2016, and the other four (Bach, Debussy, Mahler, Ravel) are new builds delivered in summer 2017. Each ship features a spa and library, and the new vessels offer suites as large as 750 square feet, including walk-in closets and king beds. Crystal bills itself as the owner of “the most awarded luxury ships in the world,” and its all-inclusive fares do indeed include a lot: butler services, complimentary airport transfers,

all beverages including premium spirits, guided shore excursions in every port, and Michelin-star “culinary experiences” on certain trips. THE DESTINATIONS: Central Europe spots: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Slovakia and Switzerland.

Viking Longship on the Danube River.


THE SCOOP: Viking boasts a fleet of dozens of

“Longships,” which include full verandas and al fresco dining terraces. The company targets the cerebral, experienced traveler and advertises its voyages as the “thinking person’s cruise.” Viking offers a plethora of cultural experiences in its Local Life, Working World, and Privileged Access programs, which feature behind-the-scenes-style opportunities. The Culture Curriculum onboard program focuses on local background with lectures on history and art, tastings of vintage wines from the voyage destinations, restaurant menus inspired by local cuisine, and performances including folkloric shows and musicians playing regional music. T H E D E S T I N AT I O N S : Europe, Russia, Asia, Ukraine and Egypt.

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Gemstones e were so excited when we saw these

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we were completely hooked! Gem-Water by

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We all know that proper hydration is immensely

And even if that’s too woo-woo for you, think

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their highest potential, so a healthy water habit

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granted, Gem-Water bottles don’t tell time...but

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Explore the little luxuries the world has to offer.

plane and


There’s flying first class and then there’s truly getting the first-class treatment. London’s Heathrow Airport has recently introduced Heathrow VIP for passengers who are traveling in first or business class. This ultra-luxe service includes an exclusive entrance to the airport, concierge service, a private lounge for up to 12 guests decorated by Helen Green and featuring food-anddrink options by Michelin-starred chef Jason Atherton, along with private security screening within the lounge and a private car that will take you directly from the lounge to your aircraft at boarding time. What a way to go!

bedding with


Doing your part for the environment while also doing something nice for your home is a true win-win situation. So why not sign up for San Francisco-based Coyuchi’s new Coyuchi for Life luxury linens subscription service? This unique program not only provides customers with new GOTS-certified organic sheets, towels and duvets regularly (you can choose whether to have them sent every 6, 12 or 24 months), but also allows you to send back your old ones, which will be renewed or upcycled for other purposes and attain a new life of their own. It’s one way to guarantee you’ll have sweet dreams.



iceland baby

Iceland is already a popular vacation destination, but this cold-weather spot is about to get even hotter. In early 2018, the Retreat at Blue Lagoon Iceland, a new resort deep within moss-covered lava fields and surrounded by the mineral-rich waters of the Blue Lagoon, will open its doors. The Retreat will feature 62 elegant suites each with a floor-to-ceiling window and terrace, a state-of-the-art spa offering dry heat, steam heat, in-water treatments and more, and the Moss Restaurant, where every dish will be locally sourced and based on the reinvention of Iceland’s culinary heritage, and where your wines will be brought up from an underground cellar forged deep in the centuries-old lava. Finally, guests can partake in a variety of adventure experiences including visiting black sand beaches, lava hiking in a lunar environment and private Northern Lights viewing tours.


Shoe icon Manolo Blahnik is one of New York City’s most revered citizens, in part due to his iconic association with HBO’s Sex and the City. But for a double dose of the artisan’s genius this fall, you’ll have to head to another city: Prague, Czechoslovakia. Together with Preciosa, the leading manufacturer and global supplier of Bohemian crystal, Blahnik has created a one-of-a-kind shoe, embellished with fuchsia pompoms and more than 100 crystal chandelier trimmings, that is on display at the Preciosa flagship store in Old Town Prague. Meanwhile, a comprehensive tribute to his life’s work, The Art of Shoes, is making a stop at Museum Kampa through November. Guest-curated by Cristina Carrillo de Albornoz and made up of six thematic sections (Nature, Gala, Art and Architecture, Heart, Geography, and Materials), the retrospective gives visitors a kaleidoscopic view of Blahnik’s creative path as shown by an impressive collection of 80 drawings and 200 shoes that represent nearly 50 years of his work as a stylist and designer. Prepare to be dazzled. BY BRIAN SCOTT LIPTON


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Gift of Time


tirelessly to build a sanctuary for his mission church on Long Island. The watch, which bears an inscription from 1957, is from the only banker who would lend the reverend money for the construction. “I wear my Rolex every day,” says Hinsch, “but when I go to church, it’s always the Wittnauer.” It’s not uncommon for a watch’s story to span generations, even when it just involves digging it out of storage and getting it running again. Take Maxwell Raymond Rich, a 26-year-old attorney in Manhattan. In 1956, his grandfather rewarded himself for his hard work as a stockbroker with a goldplated Omega Seamaster Automatic. Five years later he found himself with a wife and bouncing baby boy. When Rich was set to graduate law school, he, too, decided to reward himself and began talking about buying a watch. That’s when his mother remembered grandpa’s Omega stashed away in a box somewhere, forgotten for decades. “We decided that, in honor of my father’s upcoming 55th birthday, we should have the watch serviced and restored,” recounts Rich. “Omega sent it to Switzerland for six months, and the watch arrived a few days before his birthday. He loves telling the watch’s history and how it pays honor to his father. My brothers and I look at the watch as one of our few heirlooms from Grandfather.” (Hopefully they won’t have to fight over it!) You could say the value of the Omega—the sentimental value, that is—had been reappraised. And isn’t that the nature of younger generations: to value the things of their grandparents’ era, things that their parents deemed old-fashioned or even worthless? We should all aspire to be scrupulous reappraisers of all things in our lives, in an effort to fill them with as much beauty and meaning as possible. BY CHRISTIAN CHENSVOLD

ew luxury brands can create lifestyle marketing campaigns that rival the true stories of real people. Heirloom watches and jewelry pieces are often passed on with tales attached to them—sometimes banal, sometimes sparkling with romantic adventure. The term “sentimental value,” after all, is hardly a sentimental term, for it describes something very real. Some possessions are more valuable to us than their monetary worth would suggest because of the emotions and memories attached to them. That’s why, when we lose something with sentimental value, it really hurts the heart. “I went to Knox College, the same college my father did,” says Jack Dechow. “Right after I decided to attend, my father gave me a watch inscribed with the college’s crest that his parents had given him upon graduation. It was a simple gold watch with a metal band. I wore it a lot over the summer, but it was stolen out of my car the month before I embarked for campus. I really wish I still had it, so I’d have a tangible gift to remember my father and grandfather by when they inevitably pass.” Much has been noted about Millennials’ low interest in things like status logos and analog watches. But it turns out many in this generation value luxury heirlooms more than we expected. To own a fine piece is one thing, but to wear a fine piece with a tale behind it elevates it from mere status symbol and makes the wearer a storyteller. Dr. James Hinsch has a luxury watch of his own—a vintage Wittnauer—also a sentimental keepsake he takes out weekly. His father was a reverend who worked



Imparting more than intrinsic value, a watch is the person who wore it.


FALL/WINTER 2017/2018

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