Health & Wellbeing
Men and mental health
Similar rather than different Most likely as you are reading
A big question
Recently I’ve been asked to deliver many online workshops, including coping with change, taking care of our mental health during a pandemic, or how to support ourselves through grief.
this, a man near to you will be struggling alone with his mental health–a concern often undiscussed and unaddressed. Here’s how we can all help.
At the end of one of my workshops, a male participant electronically raised his hand and said, “it’s all great this information but I personally have been having trouble even recognising when I feel stressed. I only realise it because I act angry. Even if I am occasionally aware of it, I certainly do not want to talk about it, »
It’s been strange year-and-a-half. We are still adjusting to the changes brought on by the pandemic. Some of us remain very cautious, while others not at all. One thing for sure though is it has touched our lives in different ways and certainly has had an impact on our mental health.
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