Scotland + Venice 2004 Landforms

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2004 ___


N56˚08.1 W4˚05.2 Drawing inspiration from the observations of the Scottish Parliament’s architect, Enric Miralles, Landforms explored the relationship between Scotland’s landscapes and its contemporary architecture. 17 projects completed after the formation of the Scottish Parliament in 1999 were included, ranging from the new Parliament building in Edinburgh itself to an individual house on the Isle of Skye. The projects were linked back to the distinct and various landscapes in which they are located. In order to achieve this, an 8m long Douglas Fir bench, representing a topographical section of Scotland from the Moray Firth to Dumfries, was used as a central element. Inserted into the bench were transparent blocks inscribed with key geographical, geological and demographic data. The international latitudinal and longitudinal referencing system was used for each project. The Architecture Biennale theme in 2004 of ‘Metamorph’ was of particular relevance to Scotland in showing how architecture both reflects and acts as a catalyst for political and cultural change. Credits: Exhibition Design: NORD Graphic Design: Skratch Design (now part of Graphical House)

Image: Andrew Lee


Població d’Escòcia 5.1 milió Àrea d’Escòcia 78,783sq km Nou de Sant Francesc, 4 08002 Barcelona Tel 93 412 6878

N56˚08.1 W4˚05.2

N56˚08.1 W4˚05.2

El cinturó central d’Escòcia és a la mateixa latitud que Moscou. La costa escocesa mesura 10.000 km. A Escòcia hi ha 100 destil·leries de whisky. A Escòcia hi ha aproximadament 600 camps de golf. A Escòcia hi ha 40 lochs (llacs) marins continentals. El loch amb volum més important és Loch Ness (7 bilions de m³). Les roques d’Escòcia es troben entre les més antigues del món –daten, aproximadament, de 3 bilions d’anys.


Tigh na Drochaide Illa d’Skye/Isle of Skye, 2001 Arquitecte/Architect: Dualchas Building Design Client: Neil Stephen

An Turas Illa de Tiree/Isle of Tiree, 2003 Arquitecte/Architect: Sutherland Hussey Architects Artistes/Artists: Jake Harvey, Sandra Kennedy, Glen Onwin, Donald Urquhart Client: Tiree Arts Enterprise

Maggie’s Dundee Dundee, 2003 Arquitecte/Architect: Frank O. Gehry & Associates Inc. Client: Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centres

Tolbooth Stirling, 2002 Arquitecte/Architect: Richard Murphy Architects Client: Stirling District Council

National Park Gateway Centre Balloch, 2002 Arquitecte/Architect: Bennetts Associates Client: Loch Lomond + Trossachs Interim Committee

Falkirk Wheel Falkirk, 2002 Arquitecte/Architect: RMJM Client: British Waterways Scotland INVERNESS Població 40,949

The Highlands and Western Islands of Scotland are famous for their dramatic landscapes, harsh weather conditions and traditional farmhouses. Tigh na Drochaide (Gaelic for ‘House of the Bridge’) is typical of the work of Dualchas Building Design. Fusing traditional forms such as thick walls and centrally located fireplaces with modern technologies they have delivered an affordable and energy efficient housing typology that can symbolise the modern Highlands of Scotland.

Tiree és una illa llunyana situada a la costa oest d’Escòcia. Es caracteritza per immenses platges de sorra blanca, vents huracanats i postes de sol espectaculars. An Turas (en gaèlic, “viatge”) és el resultat d’un projecte de col·laboració entre artistes, enginyers i arquitectes. Destinat a crear un punt focal per a l’illa, l’estructura se situa prop del moll on arriba el transbordador principal.

La forma i la materialitat de l’edifici va sorgir d’un estudi en detall del paisatge i el llegat arquitectònic de l’illa. Com un lloc de refugi, contemplació i repòs, An Turas completa i intensifica la qualitat poètica i espiritual de Tiree.

Tiree is a remote island off the west coast of Scotland. It is characterised by vast white sandy beaches, fierce winds and dramatic westerly sunsets. An Turas (Gaelic for ‘journey’) is the result of a collaborative project involving artists, engineers and architects. The building offers a place of shelter, contemplation and rest for the islanders. It complements and heightens the poetic and spiritual quality of Tiree.

Els Maggie’s Centres s’han establert arreu del Regne Unit per ajudar a la gent a viure amb el càncer, adaptar-se a les noves circumstàncies i tirar endavant amb les seves vides. Una amiga de la desapareguda Maggie Keswick Jencks va ser qui va fundar el primer centre de suport, i Frank Gehry ha realitzat el seu primer edifici al Regne Unit amb el Dundee Maggie’s Centre.

Aquest petit edifici, inspirat per la lluminositat i la calma de l’entorn de l’estuari on es troba, ofereix espais agradables i estimulants per donar el serveis adequats. Un seguit de nou centres es troben actualment en fase de construcció, amb projectes dels arquitectes Zaha Hadid, Daniel Liebskind i Richard Rogers.

Maggie’s Centres are being established throughout the UK to help people living with cancer adjust to their circumstances and get on with their lives. Frank Gehry has completed his first building in the UK with the Dundee Maggie’s Centre. This small building, inspired by lighthouses and the calm environment of the estuary where it sits provides friendly and uplifting spaces for the delivery of services on offer.

Stirling va ser una de les ciutats més significatives de l’Escòcia medieval. Aquest edifici, antiga seu de l’Ajuntament (tolbooth significa, a Escòcia, ajuntament) data del 1703 i complia la funció de govern local, administració comercial, ordre públic i rellotge de la ciutat. L’edifici ha estat transformat i revitalitzat com un centre de música i arts, situat al cor de la vida cívica de la ciutat.

El projecte de Richard Murphy Architects per a aquest edifici històric va consistir en embolicar l’estructura original per tres costats. Una espectacular nova escala central porta els visitants amunt a través de les superposicions d’elements antics i contemporanis. Conscients de la funció històrica que havien complert aquests tolbooths o ajuntaments escocesos, els arquitectes i la comunitat local han creat un espai vital de cultura al nucli de la Ciutat Vella.

Stirling was one of the most significant towns in medieval Scotland. Its tolbooth (townhall) dating from 1703 housed the functions of local government, commercial administration and law enforcement as well as the town clock. Richard Murphy Architect’s addition to this historic building is enveloped by the original structure on three sides. The building has been reinvigorated as a music and arts centre, placing it once again at the heart of civic life in the town.

El llac més gran del Regne Unit (loch vol dir “llac” en gaèlic), Loch Lomond, es troba enmig del primer Parc Nacional d’Escòcia, que ha estat inaugurat fa poc. A l’extrem sud, situat sobre la línia de la falla geològica que divideix les Highlands o terres altes i les Lowlands o terres baixes, trobem l’Entrada + el Centre d’Orientació.

Aquesta senzilla caixa de vidre ofereix un llindar simbòlic al parc i els seus boscos. Dóna accés al llac allargant l’estructura final del moll amb un pont voladís sobre la riba. Una llarga passarel·la de 100m amb columnes porta els visitants cap al mateix edifici i els invita a la indagació dins l’estructura i a l’exploració més enllà dels seus límits, en el paisatge del bosc, les muntanyes i la costa.

As the UK’s largest inland loch (loch is a Gaelic word for lake), Loch Lomond sits at the centre of Scotland’s recently established first National Park. At its southern end, sited on the geological fault line dividing the Highlands and Lowlands, sits the Gateway Centre. This simple glass box provides a symbolic threshold to the park and its woodlands. It reaches out to the loch by cantilevering its final structural bay over the shoreline.

Durant la revolució industrial, al Regne Unit es va construir una xarxa extensiva de canals per transportar mercaderies des dels centres de fabricació fins als ports marítims. A Escòcia, els canals Forth-Clyde i Union travessaven el paisatge i connectaven les ciutats més importants.

El Falkirk Wheel, un espectacular transbordador* de rotació que connecta aquests dos canals històrics, és una peça d’enginyeria i disseny molt innovadors. El Falkirk Wheel, que aixeca vaixells i barcasses a 35m entre els canals, és la peça central d’un projecte de restauració del canal que pretén revitalitzar aquestes xarxes de transport, promoure el lleure, el turisme i la indústria. Vist des dels mateixos canals o de terra estant, aquesta estructura ha atret l’atenció i l’admiració dels visitants des que es va inaugurar l’any 2002.

The UK’s extensive network of canals was constructed to move goods from manufacturing centres to seaports. In Scotland the Forth and Clyde and Union Canals traverse the landscape, linking major cities. The Falkirk Wheel, a groundbreaking boatlift that links these two historic canals is a dramatic piece of engineering and design. Lifting boats and barges 35m between the canals, the Falkirk Wheel is the centrepiece of a canal restoration project which aims to revitalise these transport networks.

La primera guarderia que s’ha construït en molts anys per encàrrec de l’Ajuntament d’Edimburg es troba enmig de la bulliciosa Royal Mile (la via pública que va des de la Ciutat Vella Edimburg com a ruta cerimonial al Castell). Situada en un dels nombrosos camins que flanquegen la Royal Mile, la guarderia ofereix un entorn lluminós, espaiós i segur per als nens i el professorat.

L’estudi Allan Murray Architects ha utilitzat materials moderns en contrast amb els edificis històrics que l’envolten, per produir qualitat als espais interiors i exteriors d’aprenentatge i de joc. aAquest petit edifici ofereix un refugi tranquil i relaxant dins l’efervescència del centre Edimburg.

The first purpose built nursery school in many years to be commissioned by The City of Edinburgh Council can be found just off the bustling Royal Mile (Edinburgh Old Town’s main thoroughfare). The nursery provides a bright, spacious and secure environment for its children and staff. Allan Murray Architects have employed sharp, modern materials in contrast to the historic buildings surrounding it, to produce quality indoor and outdoor spaces for learning and play.

Enmig del paisatge dels grans museus, els palaus i el Castell Edimburg, sorgeix el que podria ser l’edifici més significatiu que ha estat construït a Escòcia al llarg dels segles. El Parlament d’Escòcia, que es finalitzarà l’any 2004, troba la inspiració formal en les formacions rocalloses sobre les quals s’aixeca la ciutat.

A partir d’aquest context assoleix un ric assemblatge de formes que connecten els espais verds i els espais públics amb el teixit urbà de la Ciutat Vella. La visió original d’Enric Miralles del Parlament com un edifici arrelat en el paisatge i la cultura d’Escòcia ha donat a Edimburg un símbol potent de la seva renaixença.

Amidst Edinburgh’s landscape of grand museums, palaces and the Castle is emerging what may be the most significant building to be built in Scotland for centuries. Enric Miralles’ original vision for the Parliament as a building rooted in the landscape and culture of Scotland has given Edinburgh a potent symbol of its renaissance. The building is due to be opened in 2004.

Dance Base, el National Centre for Dance, se situa enmig de la complexa topografia i el traçat medieval de la Ciutat Vella d’Edimburg. És una instal·lació pública on cada setmana assisteixen a classe aproximadament 2.000 ballarins.

L’edifici allotja quatre estudis d’assaig de dansa i els serveis de suport necessaris. Es troba situat en un fort pendent, a l’emplaçament entre el Grassmarket (un carrer bulliciós ple de bars i cafès) i el famós Castell, que s’eleva al cim de la roca volcànica que defineix l’aparença Edimburg. Amagats darrere un edifici ja existent, els quatre estudis estan organitzats com una sèrie d’espais distintius que s’obren a vistes espectaculars del Castell i del paisatge que l’envolta.

Dance Base, the National Centre for Dance, sits amongst the complex topography of Edinburgh’s medieval Old Town. The building houses four dance rehearsal studios and supporting services. Hidden behind an existing building, the four studios are organised as a series of distinctive spaces that open up dramatic views towards the Castle and surrounding cityscape. This complex and invigorating building was shortlisted for the Stirling Prize - the UK’s premiere prize for architecture.

Inaugurat el 1999, un any abans de la formació del parlament d’Escòcia, el Museum of Scotland havia estat pensat i projectat durant quaranta anys. Com un dels projectes de grans edificis simbòlics d’Escòcia, el museu reflecteix el caràcter de la Ciutat Vella Edimburg i, alhora, de la nació com a conjunt. Amb un caràcter autènticament monumental, l’edifici mostra la cura i la precisió formal i estructural amb què l’han projectat els arquitectes Benson + Forsyth.

Les finestres i les obertures en la pedra arenosa emmarquen sempre magnífiques vistes a través de tot el museu, més enllà de la ciutat i sobretot dels voltants del Castell. Com el nou Parlament, el Museum of Scotland presenta una interpretació moderna del llegat arquitectònic d’Edimburg.

As one of Scotland’s great symbolic building projects, the Museum of Scotland reflects the character of both Edinburgh’s Old Town and the nation as a whole. Truly monumental in character, its masonry form has been crafted with great care and precision by architects Benson + Forsyth. Similar to the new Parliament, the Museum of Scotland presents a modern interpretation of Edinburgh’s built heritage.

A les dècades del 1950 i 1960, Glasgow va construir un seguit de grans urbanitzacions d’habitatges a la perifèria de la ciutat. Molts d’ells rebien el subministrament d’aigua d’unes immenses torres de formigó que es trobaven situades en un terreny elevat. Aquestes estructures monolítiques es poden veure a l’horitzó de la ciutat des de qualsevol punt de Glasgow.

Considerades lletges per molts, algunes d’aquestes torres han esdevingut fa poc icones emblemàtiques locals, gràcies a les estratègies d’il·luminació desenvolupades per Chris Stewart Architects en estreta col·laboració amb alguns grups de la comunitat local. L’èxit d’aquests projectes ha contribuït al desenvolupament urbà i a les estratègies generals d’il·luminació de Glasgow.

In the 1950s and 1960s Glasgow constructed a number of large housing estates on its periphery. Many of these received their water supply from huge concrete storage towers located on high ground. These monolithic structures can be seen on the skyline of the City from almost any location. Several of these towers have recently become iconic local landmarks thanks to the lighting strategies developed by Chris Stewart Architects in close collaboration with local community groups.

En contrast amb la complexitat medieval de la Ciutat Vella d’Edimburg, el centre urbà de Glasgow està traçat seguint una trama racional. Dins d’aquesta potent trama urbana, els arquitectes locals Gordon Murray + Alan Dunlop han inserit una audaç proa de coure en un nou hotel de quatre estrelles. Tot evocant el llegat de construcció naval de Glasgow, aquesta intervenció espectacular respecta hàbilment el context de l’entorn mentre ofereix un focus per a la regeneració en un districte tristament oblidat durant molts anys.

Glasgow ha establert una reputació com a ciutat disposada a assumir riscs amb la seva reurbanització i The Radisson Hotel demostra la seva capacitat de reflectir el caràcter audaç i fort dels seus ciutadans.

In contrast to Edinburgh Old Town’s medieval complexity, Glasgow’s city centre is laid out in a rational grid. Within this strong urban pattern, local architects Gordon Murray + Alan Dunlop have inserted an audacious copper prow affront a new 4 star hotel. Evoking Glasgow’s shipbuilding heritage this dramatic intervention cleverly respects the surrounding context whilst delivering a focus for regeneration in a district sadly neglected for many years.

L’Scotland Centre for Architecture, Design and the City va ser inaugurat el 1999, l’any en què Glasgow havia estat nomenada Ciutat de l’Arquitectura i el Disseny del Regne Unit. El Centre ocupa parcialment l’antiga seu d’un diari, un edifici projectat per Charles Rennie Mackintosh, l’accés del qual connecta amb el teixit urbà dels carrers de Glasgow.

Al costat de l’antic edifici, ha estat inserit un espai de circulació radicalment nou. Un seguit d’ascensors i escales travessen aquest espai i connecten les diverses sales d’exposició que comprèn l’edifici de Mackintosh. Cap amunt, el recorregut culmina amb una torre que ofereix la millor visió panoràmica de la ciutat.

Scotland’s Centre for Architecture, Design and the City was opened in 1999 to coincide with Glasgow’s reign as UK City of Architecture and Design. Housed partly in a former newspaper office designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh, the building is entered from one of the network of lanes which link Glasgow’s streets. A dramatic new circulation space has been inserted beside the old building. Climbing upwards a series of escalators and stairways link the various exhibition galleries, and culminate in a viewing tower which offers the best available views of the surrounding city.

L’any 1990 va viure un renaixement pel que feia al desenvolupament d’habitatges urbans a la ciutat més gran d’Escòcia, Glasgow. Situat a l’East End (l’extrem est) de la ciutat que, en el passat, havia estat conegut per la indústria pesant que allotjava, Graham Square és un exemple emblemàtic d’aquesta tendència. El client va unir 3 construccions d’arquitectura local per transformar l’emplaçament d’un antic mercat de carn en una illa residencial plena de vitalitat.

La proposta de McKeown Alexander va consistir en un bloc de baix cost amb energia sostenible i solucions ecològiques. Tot respectant la trama del teixit urbà tradicional d’habitatges de la ciutat, el projecte va introduir uns innovadors espais com a atris i una estructura que permet que cada resident transformi la distribució de l’espai interior segons les seves necessitats.

The 1990s saw a renaissance in urban housing development in Scotland’s largest city – Glasgow. Located in the East End of the City, once famous for its heavy industry, Graham Square is a leading example in this trend. McKeown Alexander’s contribution to the scheme was a block of low cost energy conscious apartments. Their scheme introduced innovative atrium spaces and a structure that allows each resident to transform the internal spatial layout.

Antiga cotxera de tramvies, el Tramway s’ha establert com el principal centre d’art i teatre contemporani d’Escòcia. La seva reforma, l’any 2000, va demostrar la capacitat de l’edifici per evolucionar i adaptar-se a les demandes creixents de la seva col·lecció de galeries i d’espais de performance.

Zoo Arquitectes va utilitzar el pressupost optimitzant-lo; va millorar els nivells de comoditat, els estàndards acústics i l’accés. El funcionalisme de l’ús dels materials i de l’espai s’adaptava perfectament al caràcter del Tramway que, en primer lloc i abans que res, és un centre d’art, que treballa per al públic i els artistes. Aquest projecte demostra els beneficis que es poden aconseguir mitjançant un ús intel·ligent i imaginatiu dels recursos.

A former tram depot, Tramway has established itself as Scotland’s premiere arts and contemporary theatre venue. Its redevelopment demonstrated the building’s ability to evolve and adapt to the growing demands placed upon its collection of gallery and performance spaces. Zoo Architects improved comfort levels, acoustic standards and access. Their utilitarian approach to materials and space suited Tramway’s character, which first and foremost is as an artistic centre, which works for audience and artists alike.

Situat en un solar abandonat darrere del Tramway, Hidden Gardens (jardins amagats) és un espai públic únic per als ciutadans de Glasgow. Dedicats a la pau, els Hidden Gardens van sorgir d’un programa de col·laboració que involucrava la comunitat local, els artistes i els arquitectes paisatgistes, instigats per la nva organisation.

Hidden Gardens estableix una forta connexió entre la història industrial de l’emplaçament i la seva funció contemporània. S’ha mantingut i il·luminat la xemeneia existent, mentre un seguit d’obres d’art han estat incorporades amb diverses estratègies d’arquitectura de jardins per oferir un entorn natural tranquil i contemplatiu als residents locals.

Emerging from previously derelict land to the rear of Tramway, Hidden Garden is a unique public space for the citizens of Glasgow. Dedicated to peace, the Hidden Gardens grew out of a collaborative programme involving the local community, artists and landscape architects, which was instigated by the nva organisation. The Hidden Garden makes strong connections between the site’s industrial history and its contemporary function.

Situat a l’illa de Bute, davant la costa oest d’Escòcia, Mount Stuart és una casa gòtica victoriana del segle XIX projectada per l’arquitecte Sir Robert Rowand Anderson per al III marquès de Bute. El Visitor Centre, d’un estudi d’arquitectes amb seu a Londres, Munkenbeck + Marshall, ofereix instal·lacions per a les milers de persones que visiten la mansió i produeix un fort contrast d’estil arquitectònic.

Situat estratègicament a uns 800 metres de l’antiga casa, seguint l’antic mur que marca el límit d’un prat i l’extrem del bosc, aquest edifici sobri embolicat amb llistons de fusta dura traça una línia elegant a través del paisatge. La última planta, a nivell de la teulada, té la façana coberta de vidre i permet els visitants orientar-se i gaudir de les vistes de l’entorn.

Situated on the Isle of Bute off Scotland’s west coast, Mount Stuart is a 19th Century Gothic-Victorian house designed by architect Sir Robert Rowand Anderson for the 3rd Marques of Bute. The Visitor Centre by London based architects Munkenbeck + Marshall provides facilities for the thousands of visitors who come to the house each year. Elegantly sited within the grounds of the house, the building wrapped in hardwood louvers draws an elegant line across the landscape.

Cowgate Under 5’s Centre Edimburg/Edinburgh, 2002 Arquitecte/Architect: Allan Murray Architects Client: The City of Edinburgh Council in association with Buredi

Scottish Parliament Edimburg/Edinburgh Arquitecte/Architect: EMBT/RMJM Client: Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body ABERDEEN Població 211,000

L’obra de Dualchas Building Design ha demostrat que es pot construir habitatges rurals econòmics sense oblidar les tradicions ni el paisatge de les illes de l’oest. Mitjançant la fusió d’estratègies mediambientals tradicionals com ara els murs gruixuts i les llars de foc situades al centre amb modernes tecnologies, han aconseguit una tipologia d’habitatges assequible i energèticament sostenible que pot simbolitzar les modernes terres altes d’Escòcia.

tel: 00 1 310 482 3000

20 de setembre - 19 d’octubre de 2003

Les anomenades Highlands, terres altes i les Westlands, les terres de l’oest d’Escòcia, són famoses pels seus paisatges espectaculars, les dures condicions mediambientals i les granges o masies tradicionals, conegudes com blackhouses (cases negres). L’estudi Dualchas Building Design, que té la seu a l’illa d’Skye, ha trobat inspiració en aquesta arquitectura autòctona.Tign na Drochaide (que, en gaèlic, vol dir “Casa del Pont”) és una obra emblemàtica. La seva forma senzilla s’integra bé en el paisatge i està protegida dels vents més forts amb murs de contenció.

N57˚09.2 W5˚48.1

BEN NEVIS La muntanya més alta 1344m

N56˚29.5 W6˚57.3

Dance Base Edimburg/Edinburgh, 2001 Arquitecte/Architect: Malcolm Fraser Architects Client: Dance Base

DUNDEE Població 143,000

N56˚27.3 W2˚58.3

Museum of Scotland Edimburg/Edinburgh, 1999

N56˚07.1 W3˚56.3

Arquitecte/Architect: Benson + Forsyth Client: Museum of Scotland Tel: 00 44 207 359 0288

N56˚00.2 W4˚35.3 FALKIRK Població144,000

N55˚59.6 W3˚50

Water Tower Lighting Glasgow, 1999 - 2003 Arquitecte/Architect: Chris Stewart Architects Client: Water Tower Lighting Committee


Població 454,000

N55˚56.6 W3˚11.2 N55˚56.6 W3˚11.1 N55˚56.5 W3˚11.5 N55˚56.5 W3˚11.2

Radisson SAS Hotel Glasgow, 2003

GLASGOW Població 640,000

N55˚51.6 W4˚09.3 N55˚51.3 W4˚15.4 N55˚51.3 W4˚15.2 N55˚51.2 W4˚13.4 N55˚50.3 W4˚16 N55˚50.3 W4˚16

Arquitecte/Architect: gm+ad Architects Client: MWB Ltd

The Lighthouse Glasgow, 1999 Arquitecte/Architect: Page & Park Client: The Lighthouse Trust

N55˚47.3 W5˚01.1

Tel: 00 44 141 552 0686

Graham Square Housing Glasgow, 2000 Arquitecte/Architect: McKeown Alexander Client: Molendinar Park Housing Association Ltd

Tramway Glasgow, 2000 Arquitecte/Architect: Zoo Architects Client: Glasgow City Council

Hidden Gardens Glasgow, 2003

Exhibition design: Graphics: Translator: Isabel Núñez Photography: Brian Sweeney & Keith Hunter ©2003. All rights reserved.

Landforms was commissioned by The Lighthouse to promote contemporary Scottish architecture out-with Scotland. It opened at the in Barcelona in September 2003 and travelled to Utrecht, Marseille and the Venice Biennale in 2004. In 2005 it was exhibited in London at The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).

Arquitecte paisatgista/Landscape Arch: City Design Co-op Artistes/Artists: Divya Bhatia, Julie Brook, Alec Finlay, Gerry Loose, Stephen Skrynka Client: nva organisation

Mount Stuart Visitor Centre Illa de Bute/Isle of Bute, 2001 Arquitecte/Architect: Munkenbeck + Marshall Client: Mount Stuart Trust Ltd Tel: 00 44 207 739 3300


Població d’Escòcia 5.1 milió Àrea d’Escòcia 78,783sq km Nou de Sant Francesc, 4 08002 Barcelona Tel 93 412 6878

N56˚08.1 W4˚05.2

N56˚08.1 W4˚05.2

El cinturó central d’Escòcia és a la mateixa latitud que Moscou. La costa escocesa mesura 10.000 km. A Escòcia hi ha 100 destil·leries de whisky. A Escòcia hi ha aproximadament 600 camps de golf. A Escòcia hi ha 40 lochs (llacs) marins continentals. El loch amb volum més important és Loch Ness (7 bilions de m³). Les roques d’Escòcia es troben entre les més antigues del món –daten, aproximadament, de 3 bilions d’anys.


Tigh na Drochaide Illa d’Skye/Isle of Skye, 2001 Arquitecte/Architect: Dualchas Building Design Client: Neil Stephen

An Turas Illa de Tiree/Isle of Tiree, 2003 Arquitecte/Architect: Sutherland Hussey Architects Artistes/Artists: Jake Harvey, Sandra Kennedy, Glen Onwin, Donald Urquhart Client: Tiree Arts Enterprise

Maggie’s Dundee Dundee, 2003 Arquitecte/Architect: Frank O. Gehry & Associates Inc. Client: Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centres

Tolbooth Stirling, 2002 Arquitecte/Architect: Richard Murphy Architects Client: Stirling District Council

National Park Gateway Centre Balloch, 2002 Arquitecte/Architect: Bennetts Associates Client: Loch Lomond + Trossachs Interim Committee

Falkirk Wheel Falkirk, 2002 Arquitecte/Architect: RMJM Client: British Waterways Scotland INVERNESS Població 40,949

The Highlands and Western Islands of Scotland are famous for their dramatic landscapes, harsh weather conditions and traditional farmhouses. Tigh na Drochaide (Gaelic for ‘House of the Bridge’) is typical of the work of Dualchas Building Design. Fusing traditional forms such as thick walls and centrally located fireplaces with modern technologies they have delivered an affordable and energy efficient housing typology that can symbolise the modern Highlands of Scotland.

Tiree és una illa llunyana situada a la costa oest d’Escòcia. Es caracteritza per immenses platges de sorra blanca, vents huracanats i postes de sol espectaculars. An Turas (en gaèlic, “viatge”) és el resultat d’un projecte de col·laboració entre artistes, enginyers i arquitectes. Destinat a crear un punt focal per a l’illa, l’estructura se situa prop del moll on arriba el transbordador principal.

La forma i la materialitat de l’edifici va sorgir d’un estudi en detall del paisatge i el llegat arquitectònic de l’illa. Com un lloc de refugi, contemplació i repòs, An Turas completa i intensifica la qualitat poètica i espiritual de Tiree.

Tiree is a remote island off the west coast of Scotland. It is characterised by vast white sandy beaches, fierce winds and dramatic westerly sunsets. An Turas (Gaelic for ‘journey’) is the result of a collaborative project involving artists, engineers and architects. The building offers a place of shelter, contemplation and rest for the islanders. It complements and heightens the poetic and spiritual quality of Tiree.

Els Maggie’s Centres s’han establert arreu del Regne Unit per ajudar a la gent a viure amb el càncer, adaptar-se a les noves circumstàncies i tirar endavant amb les seves vides. Una amiga de la desapareguda Maggie Keswick Jencks va ser qui va fundar el primer centre de suport, i Frank Gehry ha realitzat el seu primer edifici al Regne Unit amb el Dundee Maggie’s Centre.

Aquest petit edifici, inspirat per la lluminositat i la calma de l’entorn de l’estuari on es troba, ofereix espais agradables i estimulants per donar el serveis adequats. Un seguit de nou centres es troben actualment en fase de construcció, amb projectes dels arquitectes Zaha Hadid, Daniel Liebskind i Richard Rogers.

Maggie’s Centres are being established throughout the UK to help people living with cancer adjust to their circumstances and get on with their lives. Frank Gehry has completed his first building in the UK with the Dundee Maggie’s Centre. This small building, inspired by lighthouses and the calm environment of the estuary where it sits provides friendly and uplifting spaces for the delivery of services on offer.

Stirling va ser una de les ciutats més significatives de l’Escòcia medieval. Aquest edifici, antiga seu de l’Ajuntament (tolbooth significa, a Escòcia, ajuntament) data del 1703 i complia la funció de govern local, administració comercial, ordre públic i rellotge de la ciutat. L’edifici ha estat transformat i revitalitzat com un centre de música i arts, situat al cor de la vida cívica de la ciutat.

El projecte de Richard Murphy Architects per a aquest edifici històric va consistir en embolicar l’estructura original per tres costats. Una espectacular nova escala central porta els visitants amunt a través de les superposicions d’elements antics i contemporanis. Conscients de la funció històrica que havien complert aquests tolbooths o ajuntaments escocesos, els arquitectes i la comunitat local han creat un espai vital de cultura al nucli de la Ciutat Vella.

Stirling was one of the most significant towns in medieval Scotland. Its tolbooth (townhall) dating from 1703 housed the functions of local government, commercial administration and law enforcement as well as the town clock. Richard Murphy Architect’s addition to this historic building is enveloped by the original structure on three sides. The building has been reinvigorated as a music and arts centre, placing it once again at the heart of civic life in the town.

El llac més gran del Regne Unit (loch vol dir “llac” en gaèlic), Loch Lomond, es troba enmig del primer Parc Nacional d’Escòcia, que ha estat inaugurat fa poc. A l’extrem sud, situat sobre la línia de la falla geològica que divideix les Highlands o terres altes i les Lowlands o terres baixes, trobem l’Entrada + el Centre d’Orientació.

Aquesta senzilla caixa de vidre ofereix un llindar simbòlic al parc i els seus boscos. Dóna accés al llac allargant l’estructura final del moll amb un pont voladís sobre la riba. Una llarga passarel·la de 100m amb columnes porta els visitants cap al mateix edifici i els invita a la indagació dins l’estructura i a l’exploració més enllà dels seus límits, en el paisatge del bosc, les muntanyes i la costa.

As the UK’s largest inland loch (loch is a Gaelic word for lake), Loch Lomond sits at the centre of Scotland’s recently established first National Park. At its southern end, sited on the geological fault line dividing the Highlands and Lowlands, sits the Gateway Centre. This simple glass box provides a symbolic threshold to the park and its woodlands. It reaches out to the loch by cantilevering its final structural bay over the shoreline.

Durant la revolució industrial, al Regne Unit es va construir una xarxa extensiva de canals per transportar mercaderies des dels centres de fabricació fins als ports marítims. A Escòcia, els canals Forth-Clyde i Union travessaven el paisatge i connectaven les ciutats més importants.

El Falkirk Wheel, un espectacular transbordador* de rotació que connecta aquests dos canals històrics, és una peça d’enginyeria i disseny molt innovadors. El Falkirk Wheel, que aixeca vaixells i barcasses a 35m entre els canals, és la peça central d’un projecte de restauració del canal que pretén revitalitzar aquestes xarxes de transport, promoure el lleure, el turisme i la indústria. Vist des dels mateixos canals o de terra estant, aquesta estructura ha atret l’atenció i l’admiració dels visitants des que es va inaugurar l’any 2002.

The UK’s extensive network of canals was constructed to move goods from manufacturing centres to seaports. In Scotland the Forth and Clyde and Union Canals traverse the landscape, linking major cities. The Falkirk Wheel, a groundbreaking boatlift that links these two historic canals is a dramatic piece of engineering and design. Lifting boats and barges 35m between the canals, the Falkirk Wheel is the centrepiece of a canal restoration project which aims to revitalise these transport networks.

La primera guarderia que s’ha construït en molts anys per encàrrec de l’Ajuntament d’Edimburg es troba enmig de la bulliciosa Royal Mile (la via pública que va des de la Ciutat Vella Edimburg com a ruta cerimonial al Castell). Situada en un dels nombrosos camins que flanquegen la Royal Mile, la guarderia ofereix un entorn lluminós, espaiós i segur per als nens i el professorat.

L’estudi Allan Murray Architects ha utilitzat materials moderns en contrast amb els edificis històrics que l’envolten, per produir qualitat als espais interiors i exteriors d’aprenentatge i de joc. aAquest petit edifici ofereix un refugi tranquil i relaxant dins l’efervescència del centre Edimburg.

The first purpose built nursery school in many years to be commissioned by The City of Edinburgh Council can be found just off the bustling Royal Mile (Edinburgh Old Town’s main thoroughfare). The nursery provides a bright, spacious and secure environment for its children and staff. Allan Murray Architects have employed sharp, modern materials in contrast to the historic buildings surrounding it, to produce quality indoor and outdoor spaces for learning and play.

Enmig del paisatge dels grans museus, els palaus i el Castell Edimburg, sorgeix el que podria ser l’edifici més significatiu que ha estat construït a Escòcia al llarg dels segles. El Parlament d’Escòcia, que es finalitzarà l’any 2004, troba la inspiració formal en les formacions rocalloses sobre les quals s’aixeca la ciutat.

A partir d’aquest context assoleix un ric assemblatge de formes que connecten els espais verds i els espais públics amb el teixit urbà de la Ciutat Vella. La visió original d’Enric Miralles del Parlament com un edifici arrelat en el paisatge i la cultura d’Escòcia ha donat a Edimburg un símbol potent de la seva renaixença.

Amidst Edinburgh’s landscape of grand museums, palaces and the Castle is emerging what may be the most significant building to be built in Scotland for centuries. Enric Miralles’ original vision for the Parliament as a building rooted in the landscape and culture of Scotland has given Edinburgh a potent symbol of its renaissance. The building is due to be opened in 2004.

Dance Base, el National Centre for Dance, se situa enmig de la complexa topografia i el traçat medieval de la Ciutat Vella d’Edimburg. És una instal·lació pública on cada setmana assisteixen a classe aproximadament 2.000 ballarins.

L’edifici allotja quatre estudis d’assaig de dansa i els serveis de suport necessaris. Es troba situat en un fort pendent, a l’emplaçament entre el Grassmarket (un carrer bulliciós ple de bars i cafès) i el famós Castell, que s’eleva al cim de la roca volcànica que defineix l’aparença Edimburg. Amagats darrere un edifici ja existent, els quatre estudis estan organitzats com una sèrie d’espais distintius que s’obren a vistes espectaculars del Castell i del paisatge que l’envolta.

Dance Base, the National Centre for Dance, sits amongst the complex topography of Edinburgh’s medieval Old Town. The building houses four dance rehearsal studios and supporting services. Hidden behind an existing building, the four studios are organised as a series of distinctive spaces that open up dramatic views towards the Castle and surrounding cityscape. This complex and invigorating building was shortlisted for the Stirling Prize - the UK’s premiere prize for architecture.

Inaugurat el 1999, un any abans de la formació del parlament d’Escòcia, el Museum of Scotland havia estat pensat i projectat durant quaranta anys. Com un dels projectes de grans edificis simbòlics d’Escòcia, el museu reflecteix el caràcter de la Ciutat Vella Edimburg i, alhora, de la nació com a conjunt. Amb un caràcter autènticament monumental, l’edifici mostra la cura i la precisió formal i estructural amb què l’han projectat els arquitectes Benson + Forsyth.

Les finestres i les obertures en la pedra arenosa emmarquen sempre magnífiques vistes a través de tot el museu, més enllà de la ciutat i sobretot dels voltants del Castell. Com el nou Parlament, el Museum of Scotland presenta una interpretació moderna del llegat arquitectònic d’Edimburg.

As one of Scotland’s great symbolic building projects, the Museum of Scotland reflects the character of both Edinburgh’s Old Town and the nation as a whole. Truly monumental in character, its masonry form has been crafted with great care and precision by architects Benson + Forsyth. Similar to the new Parliament, the Museum of Scotland presents a modern interpretation of Edinburgh’s built heritage.

A les dècades del 1950 i 1960, Glasgow va construir un seguit de grans urbanitzacions d’habitatges a la perifèria de la ciutat. Molts d’ells rebien el subministrament d’aigua d’unes immenses torres de formigó que es trobaven situades en un terreny elevat. Aquestes estructures monolítiques es poden veure a l’horitzó de la ciutat des de qualsevol punt de Glasgow.

Considerades lletges per molts, algunes d’aquestes torres han esdevingut fa poc icones emblemàtiques locals, gràcies a les estratègies d’il·luminació desenvolupades per Chris Stewart Architects en estreta col·laboració amb alguns grups de la comunitat local. L’èxit d’aquests projectes ha contribuït al desenvolupament urbà i a les estratègies generals d’il·luminació de Glasgow.

In the 1950s and 1960s Glasgow constructed a number of large housing estates on its periphery. Many of these received their water supply from huge concrete storage towers located on high ground. These monolithic structures can be seen on the skyline of the City from almost any location. Several of these towers have recently become iconic local landmarks thanks to the lighting strategies developed by Chris Stewart Architects in close collaboration with local community groups.

En contrast amb la complexitat medieval de la Ciutat Vella d’Edimburg, el centre urbà de Glasgow està traçat seguint una trama racional. Dins d’aquesta potent trama urbana, els arquitectes locals Gordon Murray + Alan Dunlop han inserit una audaç proa de coure en un nou hotel de quatre estrelles. Tot evocant el llegat de construcció naval de Glasgow, aquesta intervenció espectacular respecta hàbilment el context de l’entorn mentre ofereix un focus per a la regeneració en un districte tristament oblidat durant molts anys.

Glasgow ha establert una reputació com a ciutat disposada a assumir riscs amb la seva reurbanització i The Radisson Hotel demostra la seva capacitat de reflectir el caràcter audaç i fort dels seus ciutadans.

In contrast to Edinburgh Old Town’s medieval complexity, Glasgow’s city centre is laid out in a rational grid. Within this strong urban pattern, local architects Gordon Murray + Alan Dunlop have inserted an audacious copper prow affront a new 4 star hotel. Evoking Glasgow’s shipbuilding heritage this dramatic intervention cleverly respects the surrounding context whilst delivering a focus for regeneration in a district sadly neglected for many years.

L’Scotland Centre for Architecture, Design and the City va ser inaugurat el 1999, l’any en què Glasgow havia estat nomenada Ciutat de l’Arquitectura i el Disseny del Regne Unit. El Centre ocupa parcialment l’antiga seu d’un diari, un edifici projectat per Charles Rennie Mackintosh, l’accés del qual connecta amb el teixit urbà dels carrers de Glasgow.

Al costat de l’antic edifici, ha estat inserit un espai de circulació radicalment nou. Un seguit d’ascensors i escales travessen aquest espai i connecten les diverses sales d’exposició que comprèn l’edifici de Mackintosh. Cap amunt, el recorregut culmina amb una torre que ofereix la millor visió panoràmica de la ciutat.

Scotland’s Centre for Architecture, Design and the City was opened in 1999 to coincide with Glasgow’s reign as UK City of Architecture and Design. Housed partly in a former newspaper office designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh, the building is entered from one of the network of lanes which link Glasgow’s streets. A dramatic new circulation space has been inserted beside the old building. Climbing upwards a series of escalators and stairways link the various exhibition galleries, and culminate in a viewing tower which offers the best available views of the surrounding city.

L’any 1990 va viure un renaixement pel que feia al desenvolupament d’habitatges urbans a la ciutat més gran d’Escòcia, Glasgow. Situat a l’East End (l’extrem est) de la ciutat que, en el passat, havia estat conegut per la indústria pesant que allotjava, Graham Square és un exemple emblemàtic d’aquesta tendència. El client va unir 3 construccions d’arquitectura local per transformar l’emplaçament d’un antic mercat de carn en una illa residencial plena de vitalitat.

La proposta de McKeown Alexander va consistir en un bloc de baix cost amb energia sostenible i solucions ecològiques. Tot respectant la trama del teixit urbà tradicional d’habitatges de la ciutat, el projecte va introduir uns innovadors espais com a atris i una estructura que permet que cada resident transformi la distribució de l’espai interior segons les seves necessitats.

The 1990s saw a renaissance in urban housing development in Scotland’s largest city – Glasgow. Located in the East End of the City, once famous for its heavy industry, Graham Square is a leading example in this trend. McKeown Alexander’s contribution to the scheme was a block of low cost energy conscious apartments. Their scheme introduced innovative atrium spaces and a structure that allows each resident to transform the internal spatial layout.

Antiga cotxera de tramvies, el Tramway s’ha establert com el principal centre d’art i teatre contemporani d’Escòcia. La seva reforma, l’any 2000, va demostrar la capacitat de l’edifici per evolucionar i adaptar-se a les demandes creixents de la seva col·lecció de galeries i d’espais de performance.

Zoo Arquitectes va utilitzar el pressupost optimitzant-lo; va millorar els nivells de comoditat, els estàndards acústics i l’accés. El funcionalisme de l’ús dels materials i de l’espai s’adaptava perfectament al caràcter del Tramway que, en primer lloc i abans que res, és un centre d’art, que treballa per al públic i els artistes. Aquest projecte demostra els beneficis que es poden aconseguir mitjançant un ús intel·ligent i imaginatiu dels recursos.

A former tram depot, Tramway has established itself as Scotland’s premiere arts and contemporary theatre venue. Its redevelopment demonstrated the building’s ability to evolve and adapt to the growing demands placed upon its collection of gallery and performance spaces. Zoo Architects improved comfort levels, acoustic standards and access. Their utilitarian approach to materials and space suited Tramway’s character, which first and foremost is as an artistic centre, which works for audience and artists alike.

Situat en un solar abandonat darrere del Tramway, Hidden Gardens (jardins amagats) és un espai públic únic per als ciutadans de Glasgow. Dedicats a la pau, els Hidden Gardens van sorgir d’un programa de col·laboració que involucrava la comunitat local, els artistes i els arquitectes paisatgistes, instigats per la nva organisation.

Hidden Gardens estableix una forta connexió entre la història industrial de l’emplaçament i la seva funció contemporània. S’ha mantingut i il·luminat la xemeneia existent, mentre un seguit d’obres d’art han estat incorporades amb diverses estratègies d’arquitectura de jardins per oferir un entorn natural tranquil i contemplatiu als residents locals.

Emerging from previously derelict land to the rear of Tramway, Hidden Garden is a unique public space for the citizens of Glasgow. Dedicated to peace, the Hidden Gardens grew out of a collaborative programme involving the local community, artists and landscape architects, which was instigated by the nva organisation. The Hidden Garden makes strong connections between the site’s industrial history and its contemporary function.

Situat a l’illa de Bute, davant la costa oest d’Escòcia, Mount Stuart és una casa gòtica victoriana del segle XIX projectada per l’arquitecte Sir Robert Rowand Anderson per al III marquès de Bute. El Visitor Centre, d’un estudi d’arquitectes amb seu a Londres, Munkenbeck + Marshall, ofereix instal·lacions per a les milers de persones que visiten la mansió i produeix un fort contrast d’estil arquitectònic.

Situat estratègicament a uns 800 metres de l’antiga casa, seguint l’antic mur que marca el límit d’un prat i l’extrem del bosc, aquest edifici sobri embolicat amb llistons de fusta dura traça una línia elegant a través del paisatge. La última planta, a nivell de la teulada, té la façana coberta de vidre i permet els visitants orientar-se i gaudir de les vistes de l’entorn.

Situated on the Isle of Bute off Scotland’s west coast, Mount Stuart is a 19th Century Gothic-Victorian house designed by architect Sir Robert Rowand Anderson for the 3rd Marques of Bute. The Visitor Centre by London based architects Munkenbeck + Marshall provides facilities for the thousands of visitors who come to the house each year. Elegantly sited within the grounds of the house, the building wrapped in hardwood louvers draws an elegant line across the landscape.

Cowgate Under 5’s Centre Edimburg/Edinburgh, 2002 Arquitecte/Architect: Allan Murray Architects Client: The City of Edinburgh Council in association with Buredi

Scottish Parliament Edimburg/Edinburgh Arquitecte/Architect: EMBT/RMJM Client: Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body ABERDEEN Població 211,000

L’obra de Dualchas Building Design ha demostrat que es pot construir habitatges rurals econòmics sense oblidar les tradicions ni el paisatge de les illes de l’oest. Mitjançant la fusió d’estratègies mediambientals tradicionals com ara els murs gruixuts i les llars de foc situades al centre amb modernes tecnologies, han aconseguit una tipologia d’habitatges assequible i energèticament sostenible que pot simbolitzar les modernes terres altes d’Escòcia.

tel: 00 1 310 482 3000

20 de setembre - 19 d’octubre de 2003

Les anomenades Highlands, terres altes i les Westlands, les terres de l’oest d’Escòcia, són famoses pels seus paisatges espectaculars, les dures condicions mediambientals i les granges o masies tradicionals, conegudes com blackhouses (cases negres). L’estudi Dualchas Building Design, que té la seu a l’illa d’Skye, ha trobat inspiració en aquesta arquitectura autòctona.Tign na Drochaide (que, en gaèlic, vol dir “Casa del Pont”) és una obra emblemàtica. La seva forma senzilla s’integra bé en el paisatge i està protegida dels vents més forts amb murs de contenció.

N57˚09.2 W5˚48.1

BEN NEVIS La muntanya més alta 1344m

N56˚29.5 W6˚57.3

Dance Base Edimburg/Edinburgh, 2001 Arquitecte/Architect: Malcolm Fraser Architects Client: Dance Base

DUNDEE Població 143,000

N56˚27.3 W2˚58.3

Museum of Scotland Edimburg/Edinburgh, 1999

N56˚07.1 W3˚56.3

Arquitecte/Architect: Benson + Forsyth Client: Museum of Scotland Tel: 00 44 207 359 0288

N56˚00.2 W4˚35.3 FALKIRK Població144,000

N55˚59.6 W3˚50

Water Tower Lighting Glasgow, 1999 - 2003 Arquitecte/Architect: Chris Stewart Architects Client: Water Tower Lighting Committee


Població 454,000

N55˚56.6 W3˚11.2 N55˚56.6 W3˚11.1 N55˚56.5 W3˚11.5 N55˚56.5 W3˚11.2

Radisson SAS Hotel Glasgow, 2003

GLASGOW Població 640,000

N55˚51.6 W4˚09.3 N55˚51.3 W4˚15.4 N55˚51.3 W4˚15.2 N55˚51.2 W4˚13.4 N55˚50.3 W4˚16 N55˚50.3 W4˚16

Arquitecte/Architect: gm+ad Architects Client: MWB Ltd

The Lighthouse Glasgow, 1999 Arquitecte/Architect: Page & Park Client: The Lighthouse Trust

N55˚47.3 W5˚01.1

Tel: 00 44 141 552 0686

Graham Square Housing Glasgow, 2000 Arquitecte/Architect: McKeown Alexander Client: Molendinar Park Housing Association Ltd

Tramway Glasgow, 2000 Arquitecte/Architect: Zoo Architects Client: Glasgow City Council

Hidden Gardens Glasgow, 2003

Exhibition design: Graphics: Translator: Isabel Núñez Photography: Brian Sweeney & Keith Hunter ©2003. All rights reserved.

Landforms was commissioned by The Lighthouse to promote contemporary Scottish architecture out-with Scotland. It opened at the in Barcelona in September 2003 and travelled to Utrecht, Marseille and the Venice Biennale in 2004. In 2005 it was exhibited in London at The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).

Arquitecte paisatgista/Landscape Arch: City Design Co-op Artistes/Artists: Divya Bhatia, Julie Brook, Alec Finlay, Gerry Loose, Stephen Skrynka Client: nva organisation

Mount Stuart Visitor Centre Illa de Bute/Isle of Bute, 2001 Arquitecte/Architect: Munkenbeck + Marshall Client: Mount Stuart Trust Ltd Tel: 00 44 207 739 3300

Image: Andrew Lee

Image: Andrew Lee

Image: Andrew Lee

Image: Andrew Lee

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RADISSON BLU Glasgow, 2003 N55˚51.3 W4˚15.4 Architect: Gordon Murray + Alan Dunlop Architects (gm+ ad architects)

GRAHAM SQUARE HOUSING Glasgow, 2000 N55˚51.2 W4˚13.4 Architect: McKeown Alexander Architects Client: Molendinar Park Housing Association Ltd The 1990s saw a renaissance in urban housing development in Scotland’s largest city – Glasgow. Located in the East End of the city, once famous for its heavy industry, Graham Square is a leading example in this trend. McKeown Alexander’s contribution to the scheme was a block of low-cost energy-conscious apartments. Their scheme introduced innovative atrium spaces and a structure that allows each resident to transform the internal spatial layout.

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THE LIGHTHOUSE Glasgow 1999 N55˚51.3 W4˚15.2 Architect: Page \ Park Client: The Lighthouse Trust Scotland’s Centre for Architecture, Design and the City was opened in 1999 to coincide with Glasgow’s reign as UK City of Architecture and Design. Housed partly in a former newspaper office designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh, the building is entered from one of the network of lanes which link Glasgow’s streets. A dramatic new circulation space has been inserted beside the old building. Climbing upwards a series of escalators and stairways link the various exhibition galleries, and culminate in a viewing tower which offers the best available views of the surrounding city.

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Image: City Design Co-op

MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND Edinburgh, 1998 N55˚56.5 W3˚11.2 Architect: Benson + Forsyth Client: Museum of Scotland As one of Scotland’s great symbolic building projects, the Museum of Scotland reflects the character of both Edinburgh’s Old Town and the nation as a whole. Truly monumental in character, its masonry form has been crafted with great care and precision by architects Benson + Forsyth. Like the new Parliament, the Museum of Scotland presents a modern interpretation of Edinburgh’s built heritage.

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Image: Keith Hunter

DANCE BASE Edinburgh, 2001 N55˚56.5 W3˚11.5 Architect: Malcolm Fraser Architects Client: Dance Base Dance Base, the National Centre for Dance, sits among the complex topography of Edinburgh’s medieval Old Town. The building houses four dance rehearsal studios and supporting services. Hidden behind an existing building, the four studios are organised as a series of distinctive spaces that open up dramatic views towards the Castle and surrounding cityscape. This complex and invigorating building was shortlisted for the Stirling Prize, the UK’s premier prize for architecture.

WATER TOWER LIGHTING Glasgow, 1999 – 2003 N55˚51.6 W4˚09.3 Architect: Chris Stewart Architects Client: Water Tower Lighting Committee In the 1950s and 1960s Glasgow constructed a number of large housing estates on its periphery. Many of these received their water supply from huge concrete storage towers located on high ground. These monolithic structures can be seen on the skyline of the city from almost any location. Several of these towers have become iconic local landmarks thanks to the lighting strategies developed by the architects in close collaboration with local community groups.

Client: MWB Ltd In contrast to Edinburgh Old Town’s medieval complexity, Glasgow’s city centre is laid out in a rational grid. Within this strong urban pattern, the architects inserted an audacious copper prow in the front of the new 4 star hotel. Evoking Glasgow’s shipbuilding heritage, this dramatic intervention cleverly respects the surrounding context while delivering a focus for regeneration in a district sadly neglected for many years.

Image: Keith Hunter

SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT Edinburgh, 2004 N55˚56.6 W3˚11.1 Architect: EMBT/RMJM Client: Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body Amid Edinburgh’s landscape of grand museums, palaces and the Castle emerged what may be the most significant building to be constructed in Scotland for centuries. Grown from its context into a rich assemblage of forms linking green spaces and public places with the urban pattern of the Old Town, Enric Miralles’ original vision for the Parliament as a building rooted in the landscape and culture of Scotland has given Edinburgh a potent symbol of its renaissance.

___ 12 Image: Andrew Lee

COWGATE UNDER 5’S CENTRE Edinburgh, 2002 N55˚56.6 W3˚11.2 Architect: Allan Murray Architects Client: The City of Edinburgh Council in association with Buredi The first purpose-built nursery school in many years to be commissioned by The City of Edinburgh Council can be found just off the bustling Royal Mile (Edinburgh Old Town’s main thoroughfare). The nursery provides a bright, spacious and secure environment for its children and staff. Allan Murray Architects have employed sharp, modern materials, in contrast to the historic buildings surrounding it, to produce quality indoor and outdoor spaces for learning and play.

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Image: City Design Co-op

FALKIRK WHEEL Falkirk, 2002 N55˚59.6 W3˚50 Architect: RMJM Client: British Waterways Scotland The UK’s extensive network of canals was constructed to move goods from manufacturing centres to seaports. In Scotland the Forth and Clyde and Union Canals traverse the landscape connecting major cities. The Falkirk Wheel, a ground- breaking boatlift that links these two historic canals, is a dramatic piece of engineering and design. Lifting boats and barges 35m between the canals, the Falkirk Wheel is the centrepiece of a canal restoration project which aims to revitalise these transport networks.

Image: Brian Sweeney

___ 10 Image: Keith Hunter

Image: Keith Hunter

NATIONAL PARK GATEWAY CENTRE Balloch, 2002 N56˚00.2 W4˚35.3 Architect: Bennetts Associates Client: The Loch Lomond + The Trossachs Interim Committee As the UK’s largest inland loch (a Gaelic word for lake), Loch Lomond sits at the centre of Scotland’s first National Park. At its southern end, sited on the geological fault line dividing the Highlands and Lowlands, sits the Gateway Centre. This simple glass box provides a symbolic threshold to the park and its woodlands. It reaches out to the loch by cantilevering its final structural bay over the shoreline.

___ 09 Image: Keith Hunter

Image: Brian Sweeney

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TOLBOOTH Stirling, 2002 N56˚27.3 W2˚58.3 Architect: Richard Murphy Architects Client: Stirling District Council Stirling was one of the most significant towns in medieval Scotland. Its tolbooth (townhall), dating from 1703, housed the functions of local government, commercial administration and law enforcement, as well as the town clock. Richard Murphy Architects’ addition to this historic building is enveloped by the original structure on three sides. The building has been reinvigorated as a music and arts centre, placing it once again at the heart of civic life in the town.

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Image: Keith Hunter

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MAGGIE’S DUNDEE Dundee, 2003 N56˚27.3 W2˚58.3 Architect: Frank O. Gehry & Associates Inc. Client: Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centres Maggie’s Centres are being established throughout the UK to help people living with cancer adjust to their circumstances and get on with their lives. Frank Gehry has completed his first building in the UK with the Dundee Maggie’s Centre. This small building, inspired by lighthouses and the calm environment of the estuary where it sits, provides friendly and uplifting spaces for the delivery of services on offer.

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Image: Brian Sweeney

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AN TURAS Isle of Tiree, 2003 N56˚29.5 W6˚57.3 Architect: Sutherland Hussey Architects Artists: Jake Harvey, Sandra Kennedy, Glen Onwin, Donald Urquhart Client: Tiree Arts Enterprise Tiree is a remote island off the west coast of Scotland. It is characterised by vast white sandy beaches, fierce winds and dramatic westerly sunsets. An Turas (Gaelic for ‘The Journey’) is the result of a collaborative project involving artists, engineers and architects. The building offers a place of shelter, contemplation and rest for the islanders. It complements and heightens the poetic and spiritual quality of Tiree.

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Image: Brian Sweeney

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TIGH NA DROCHAIDE Isle of Skye, 2001 N57˚09.2 W5˚48.1 Architect: Dualchas Building Design Client: Neil Stephen The Highlands and Western Islands of Scotland are famous for their dramatic landscapes, harsh weather conditions and traditional farmhouses. Tigh na Drochaide (Gaelic for ‘House of the Bridge’) is typical of the work of Dualchas Building Design. Fusing traditional forms such as thick walls and centrally located fireplaces with modern technologies, they have delivered an affordable and energy-efficient housing typology that can symbolise the modern Highlands of Scotland.

TRAMWAY Glasgow, 2000 N55˚50.3 W4˚16 Architect: Zoo Architects Client: Glasgow City Council A former tram depot, Tramway has established itself as Scotland’s premier arts and contemporary theatre venue. Its redevelopment demonstrated the building’s ability to evolve and adapt to the growing demands placed upon its collection of gallery and performance spaces. The architects improved comfort levels, acoustic standards and access. Their utilitarian approach to materials and space suited Tramway’s character, which first and foremost is as an artistic centre, which works for audience and artists alike.

HIDDEN GARDENS Glasgow, 2003 N55˚50.3 W4˚16 Architect: City Design Co-operative Artists: Divya Bhatia, Julie Brook, Alec Finlay, Gerry Loose, Stephen Skrynka Client: NVA Emerging from previously derelict land to the rear of Tramway, the Hidden Gardens is a unique public space for the citizens of Glasgow. Dedicated to peace, the Hidden Gardens grew out of a collaborative programme involving the local community, artists and landscape architects, which was instigated by the NVA. The Hidden Gardens makes strong connections between the site’s industrial history and its contemporary function. MOUNT STUART VISITOR CENTRE Isle of Bute, 2001 N55˚47.3 W5˚01.1 Architect: Munkenbeck + Marshall Client: Mount Stuart Trust Ltd Situated on the Isle of Bute off Scotland’s west coast, Mount Stuart is a 19th century Victorian Gothic house designed by architect Sir Robert Rowand Anderson for the 3rd Marquess of Bute. The Visitor Centre by London-based architects Munkenbeck + Marshall provides facilities for the thousands of visitors who come to the house each year. Elegantly sited within the grounds of the house, the building wrapped in hardwood louvres draws an elegant line across the landscape.

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RADISSON BLU Glasgow, 2003 N55˚51.3 W4˚15.4 Architect: Gordon Murray + Alan Dunlop Architects (gm+ ad architects)

GRAHAM SQUARE HOUSING Glasgow, 2000 N55˚51.2 W4˚13.4 Architect: McKeown Alexander Architects Client: Molendinar Park Housing Association Ltd The 1990s saw a renaissance in urban housing development in Scotland’s largest city – Glasgow. Located in the East End of the city, once famous for its heavy industry, Graham Square is a leading example in this trend. McKeown Alexander’s contribution to the scheme was a block of low-cost energy-conscious apartments. Their scheme introduced innovative atrium spaces and a structure that allows each resident to transform the internal spatial layout.

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THE LIGHTHOUSE Glasgow 1999 N55˚51.3 W4˚15.2 Architect: Page \ Park Client: The Lighthouse Trust Scotland’s Centre for Architecture, Design and the City was opened in 1999 to coincide with Glasgow’s reign as UK City of Architecture and Design. Housed partly in a former newspaper office designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh, the building is entered from one of the network of lanes which link Glasgow’s streets. A dramatic new circulation space has been inserted beside the old building. Climbing upwards a series of escalators and stairways link the various exhibition galleries, and culminate in a viewing tower which offers the best available views of the surrounding city.

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Image: City Design Co-op

MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND Edinburgh, 1998 N55˚56.5 W3˚11.2 Architect: Benson + Forsyth Client: Museum of Scotland As one of Scotland’s great symbolic building projects, the Museum of Scotland reflects the character of both Edinburgh’s Old Town and the nation as a whole. Truly monumental in character, its masonry form has been crafted with great care and precision by architects Benson + Forsyth. Like the new Parliament, the Museum of Scotland presents a modern interpretation of Edinburgh’s built heritage.

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Image: Keith Hunter

DANCE BASE Edinburgh, 2001 N55˚56.5 W3˚11.5 Architect: Malcolm Fraser Architects Client: Dance Base Dance Base, the National Centre for Dance, sits among the complex topography of Edinburgh’s medieval Old Town. The building houses four dance rehearsal studios and supporting services. Hidden behind an existing building, the four studios are organised as a series of distinctive spaces that open up dramatic views towards the Castle and surrounding cityscape. This complex and invigorating building was shortlisted for the Stirling Prize, the UK’s premier prize for architecture.

WATER TOWER LIGHTING Glasgow, 1999 – 2003 N55˚51.6 W4˚09.3 Architect: Chris Stewart Architects Client: Water Tower Lighting Committee In the 1950s and 1960s Glasgow constructed a number of large housing estates on its periphery. Many of these received their water supply from huge concrete storage towers located on high ground. These monolithic structures can be seen on the skyline of the city from almost any location. Several of these towers have become iconic local landmarks thanks to the lighting strategies developed by the architects in close collaboration with local community groups.

Client: MWB Ltd In contrast to Edinburgh Old Town’s medieval complexity, Glasgow’s city centre is laid out in a rational grid. Within this strong urban pattern, the architects inserted an audacious copper prow in the front of the new 4 star hotel. Evoking Glasgow’s shipbuilding heritage, this dramatic intervention cleverly respects the surrounding context while delivering a focus for regeneration in a district sadly neglected for many years.

Image: Keith Hunter

SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT Edinburgh, 2004 N55˚56.6 W3˚11.1 Architect: EMBT/RMJM Client: Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body Amid Edinburgh’s landscape of grand museums, palaces and the Castle emerged what may be the most significant building to be constructed in Scotland for centuries. Grown from its context into a rich assemblage of forms linking green spaces and public places with the urban pattern of the Old Town, Enric Miralles’ original vision for the Parliament as a building rooted in the landscape and culture of Scotland has given Edinburgh a potent symbol of its renaissance.

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COWGATE UNDER 5’S CENTRE Edinburgh, 2002 N55˚56.6 W3˚11.2 Architect: Allan Murray Architects Client: The City of Edinburgh Council in association with Buredi The first purpose-built nursery school in many years to be commissioned by The City of Edinburgh Council can be found just off the bustling Royal Mile (Edinburgh Old Town’s main thoroughfare). The nursery provides a bright, spacious and secure environment for its children and staff. Allan Murray Architects have employed sharp, modern materials, in contrast to the historic buildings surrounding it, to produce quality indoor and outdoor spaces for learning and play.

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Image: City Design Co-op

FALKIRK WHEEL Falkirk, 2002 N55˚59.6 W3˚50 Architect: RMJM Client: British Waterways Scotland The UK’s extensive network of canals was constructed to move goods from manufacturing centres to seaports. In Scotland the Forth and Clyde and Union Canals traverse the landscape connecting major cities. The Falkirk Wheel, a ground- breaking boatlift that links these two historic canals, is a dramatic piece of engineering and design. Lifting boats and barges 35m between the canals, the Falkirk Wheel is the centrepiece of a canal restoration project which aims to revitalise these transport networks.

Image: Brian Sweeney

___ 10 Image: Keith Hunter

Image: Keith Hunter

NATIONAL PARK GATEWAY CENTRE Balloch, 2002 N56˚00.2 W4˚35.3 Architect: Bennetts Associates Client: The Loch Lomond + The Trossachs Interim Committee As the UK’s largest inland loch (a Gaelic word for lake), Loch Lomond sits at the centre of Scotland’s first National Park. At its southern end, sited on the geological fault line dividing the Highlands and Lowlands, sits the Gateway Centre. This simple glass box provides a symbolic threshold to the park and its woodlands. It reaches out to the loch by cantilevering its final structural bay over the shoreline.

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Image: Brian Sweeney

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TOLBOOTH Stirling, 2002 N56˚27.3 W2˚58.3 Architect: Richard Murphy Architects Client: Stirling District Council Stirling was one of the most significant towns in medieval Scotland. Its tolbooth (townhall), dating from 1703, housed the functions of local government, commercial administration and law enforcement, as well as the town clock. Richard Murphy Architects’ addition to this historic building is enveloped by the original structure on three sides. The building has been reinvigorated as a music and arts centre, placing it once again at the heart of civic life in the town.

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Image: Keith Hunter

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MAGGIE’S DUNDEE Dundee, 2003 N56˚27.3 W2˚58.3 Architect: Frank O. Gehry & Associates Inc. Client: Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centres Maggie’s Centres are being established throughout the UK to help people living with cancer adjust to their circumstances and get on with their lives. Frank Gehry has completed his first building in the UK with the Dundee Maggie’s Centre. This small building, inspired by lighthouses and the calm environment of the estuary where it sits, provides friendly and uplifting spaces for the delivery of services on offer.

___ 07 Image: Keith Hunter

Image: Brian Sweeney

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AN TURAS Isle of Tiree, 2003 N56˚29.5 W6˚57.3 Architect: Sutherland Hussey Architects Artists: Jake Harvey, Sandra Kennedy, Glen Onwin, Donald Urquhart Client: Tiree Arts Enterprise Tiree is a remote island off the west coast of Scotland. It is characterised by vast white sandy beaches, fierce winds and dramatic westerly sunsets. An Turas (Gaelic for ‘The Journey’) is the result of a collaborative project involving artists, engineers and architects. The building offers a place of shelter, contemplation and rest for the islanders. It complements and heightens the poetic and spiritual quality of Tiree.

___ 06 Image: Keith Hunter

Image: Brian Sweeney

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TIGH NA DROCHAIDE Isle of Skye, 2001 N57˚09.2 W5˚48.1 Architect: Dualchas Building Design Client: Neil Stephen The Highlands and Western Islands of Scotland are famous for their dramatic landscapes, harsh weather conditions and traditional farmhouses. Tigh na Drochaide (Gaelic for ‘House of the Bridge’) is typical of the work of Dualchas Building Design. Fusing traditional forms such as thick walls and centrally located fireplaces with modern technologies, they have delivered an affordable and energy-efficient housing typology that can symbolise the modern Highlands of Scotland.

TRAMWAY Glasgow, 2000 N55˚50.3 W4˚16 Architect: Zoo Architects Client: Glasgow City Council A former tram depot, Tramway has established itself as Scotland’s premier arts and contemporary theatre venue. Its redevelopment demonstrated the building’s ability to evolve and adapt to the growing demands placed upon its collection of gallery and performance spaces. The architects improved comfort levels, acoustic standards and access. Their utilitarian approach to materials and space suited Tramway’s character, which first and foremost is as an artistic centre, which works for audience and artists alike.

HIDDEN GARDENS Glasgow, 2003 N55˚50.3 W4˚16 Architect: City Design Co-operative Artists: Divya Bhatia, Julie Brook, Alec Finlay, Gerry Loose, Stephen Skrynka Client: NVA Emerging from previously derelict land to the rear of Tramway, the Hidden Gardens is a unique public space for the citizens of Glasgow. Dedicated to peace, the Hidden Gardens grew out of a collaborative programme involving the local community, artists and landscape architects, which was instigated by the NVA. The Hidden Gardens makes strong connections between the site’s industrial history and its contemporary function. MOUNT STUART VISITOR CENTRE Isle of Bute, 2001 N55˚47.3 W5˚01.1 Architect: Munkenbeck + Marshall Client: Mount Stuart Trust Ltd Situated on the Isle of Bute off Scotland’s west coast, Mount Stuart is a 19th century Victorian Gothic house designed by architect Sir Robert Rowand Anderson for the 3rd Marquess of Bute. The Visitor Centre by London-based architects Munkenbeck + Marshall provides facilities for the thousands of visitors who come to the house each year. Elegantly sited within the grounds of the house, the building wrapped in hardwood louvres draws an elegant line across the landscape.

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