AD4L November 2012

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Access Dance for Life!

November 2012 Access Dance for Life! is an online resource promoting health and wellness in dance for students, parents, and teachers.

2 NOVEMBER is Diabetes Awareness Month! In this months newsletter we are focusing on Diabetes Awareness. What do you do if a student has Type 1 Diabetes? What do you need to be aware of in a studio setting? Registered dietitian Stacey Nickol fills us in on some of the details of what it means to be diabetic and what warning signs to look for regarding Hyper and Hypoglycemia. We bookend our focus on Diabetes discussing two topics which are important for everyone, and I think apply to those living with diabetes as well. Rest is an important factor for all of us, but do you really know the signs of fatigue? How much rest do you really need? Staying positive and focused on the future, Chantale explains the process of creating a vision board for yourself and explains how it can help us to keep an eye on our goals and formulate our dreams into reality. As always, a great, big, grateful, THANK YOU to the folks contributing to this newsletter. Your enthusiasm and passion for your work is a motivating force behind this project. So very grateful for your participation! The newsletter is now available to everyone! Join us on Facebook and twitter (@AccessD4L), or subscribe to receive blog and newsletter updates by email. Sharing this with your studio/students? If you are viewing this on ISSUU there is a download link just beneath the viewer (.pdf format). Come join the conversation! Wishing you wellness in dance, and life!

Founder, AD4L

In this issue‌ Pg. 3 Pg. 4 Pg. 6 Pg. 7 Pg. 8 Pg. 9

Rest for Best Performance Are you overtraining? Are you getting enough rest? Take this quiz to find out! Physical Activity and Diabetes in Children Diabetes and Dance Class: Do you know the warning signs of hyper/hypo glycemia? Diabetes Facts enVISIONing your own success in dance, and life!

Please note that the articles and opinions in this newsletter are intended to inform students, teachers, and parents, and should not replace consultation with your family doctor, sports medicine doctor, dietitian, or other health professionals.

3 Rest for Best Performance Authors: Kevin Dyck, Sam Steinfeld, and Janine Didyk (physiotherapists with RWB). As a physiotherapist who works with both professional and developing ballet dancers I often hear the statement “I can’t take a day off because my body feels terrible the next day”. Dancers have a very strong work ethic and tolerance for pain. Dancers are able to push the body to the very extreme limits of what is capable in order to develop their art form and deliver amazing performances. To many dancers the word “REST” is a four letter word! Without adequate rest and recovery of the body, however, I have seen dancers succumb to injury and fatigue. With a little bit of planning and selfanalysis, rest and recovery should become a part of every dancer’s routine. Fatigue is the culprit for many of the injuries that dancers incur. Studies show that injury rates go up at the end of a rehearsal session, the end of the day and at the end of the season. Fatigue can’t be simply explained, however, as being tired. It is a complex interaction between the body and the brain, between ones physiology and ones psychology. When we exercise, rehearse and perform our bodies go through changes where muscle tissue breaks down, there is depletion of energy stores called glycogen and fluid is lost. There are two types of fatigue: Central and Peripheral. Peripheral fatigue happens when a muscle uses up all of its available energy supply like when a quad muscle gives out after numerous jumps. Most of the time this type of fatigue is temporary and resting for a day or two will help. Central fatigue is harder to pinpoint because it involves the brain as well as the body’s tissues. It can be the underlying problem in numerous problems ranging from overuse syndromes like tendonitis to acute injuries such as tearing an ACL in the knee. Rest and Recovery time allows energy stores to be replenished and for tissue repair to occur. If sufficient time is not taken the body will continue to breakdown from the intensity of exercise and central fatigue or overtraining can set in. This is advanced athletic fatigue that involves a decline or stagnation of dance technique and performance ability. Symptoms include a loss of appetite, general tiredness, and heaviness in the limbs, irritability and depression. So how does a dancer rest and recover? There are 2 types of recovery: short and long term. Short term recovery, sometimes called active recovery, occurs in the hours after an intense rehearsal or performance. It refers to engaging in low intensity exercise such as stretching, or performing a cool-down after a vigorous rehearsal. Eating a balanced meal and replenishing fluids lost during exercise is also part of recovery and optimizing what is called protein synthesis (the process of increasing the protein content of muscle cells). Other recovery techniques include massage, heat or icing, and meditation for stress relief. Getting a good night’s sleep is also a part of recovery. Every dancer needs different amounts of sleep but 8-10 hours is an agreed upon amount by researchers for young dancers who are also in school learning. Long term recovery refers to the rest times built into the dancing season. Dancers need to take a minimum of 1 day off per week and should include recovery days into their season after intense performances or competitions. 2-3 weeks off between seasons is also a must when dancers can rest the muscles and joints that have been overused and stressed throughout the year. This can be a good time to engage in cross-training to develop alternate muscle groups not normally used in dance but are necessary for balance and control. A quote from another dance physiotherapist is a reminder to dance and survive by: “The performing body is blood and guts. It needs to rest to do its best!” (M. Liederbach)

Authors: Kevin Dyck, Sam Steinfeld and Janine Didyk are all physiotherapists from Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet. To learn more about how rest can help your body perform to its maximum potential contact them at the RWB.


Am I overtraining? Have I rested enough? A simple checklist done daily can help you avoid overtraining and can help with early detection that you are under-recovered! Every morning rate yourself on a scale of 1 – 5 (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree) on the following 6 statements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I slept really well last night I am looking forward to today’s rehearsal/class I am optimistic about my future performance(s) I feel vigorous and energetic My appetite is great I have very little muscle soreness

If your total score is 20 or above your overall recovery is good and you are probably ready to continue to perform and rehearse at a high intensity level. If your total score is below 20 it is probably a good idea to rest or work easily until your score rises again. So remember that the dancing body will experience fatigue but it can cope better with the implementation of proper short and long-term rest techniques to prevent injury and illness.

November is Diabetes Awareness Month Are you or someone you love at risk? Go to for more information.

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Diabetes – a global pandemic The International Diabetes Federation estimated that, globally, 366 million people had diabetes in 2011; by 2030 this will have risen to 552 million. Today, approximately 9 million Canadians live with diabetes or prediabetes. • An estimated 3 million with diabetes • An estimated 6 million with prediabetes • Of these, nearly one million people have diabetes without being aware that they have the disease

6 Physical Activity and Diabetes in Children Author: Stacey Nickol, BSc HNS RD Many people recognize the benefits of regular exercise in adults including decreased risk of heart disease and cancer, weight loss or weight maintenance, improved blood pressure control and increased energy levels and mood. In adults with type 2 diabetes exercise can also help manage blood sugar levels. In children, physical activity aids with growth and development by building a healthy heart, helping maintain a healthy weight, it has also been shown to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes as well as other chronic diseases. Type 2 diabetes was once thought to be an “adult only” disease and was seldom seen in children. Unfortunately, there has been a 10-to-30 fold increase in American children with type 2 diabetes in the past 10 to 15 years. Sedentary lifestyle and diet are thought to be the leading causes of Type 2 diabetes in children, given that about 95 per cent of children with type 2 diabetes are overweight at diagnosis. The number of Canadian children who are overweight has tripled in the last 30 years, and as a result the incidence of type 2 diabetes in children is rising.

The bottom line…be active and eat healthily. The Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines for Children aged 5-11 years old, recommends a total of 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity daily. Some examples include dancing (of course), in an after school program or just in free play, swimming, biking, skipping etc. Focus on fun and aim to limit “screen time”, (TV, iPads, computer games etc.). The Canadian Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines for Children and Youth recommend that children aged 5 –11 years old should limit recreational screen time to no more than 2 hours per day, as well as limit sedentary (motorized) transport, extended sitting and time spent indoors throughout the day as well. Start slowly and gradually build activity into your daily routine. Children learn by watching and doing, so be a role model of positive behaviours and a healthy lifestyle. Try some of these simple lifestyle changes: •

Leave the car at home; walk or bike whenever possible

Be active as a family – play at the park or swim at the local pool

Keep the TV off during meals and avoid snacking in front of the screen

Switch from regular pop to sugar-free pop or water

Switch to lower-fat dairy products, such as 1% or skim milk

Offer children healthy snack choices, such as fresh fruits and cut-up veggies

Follow Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide and Canada's Physical Activity Guide to Healthy Living

7 Diabetes in the Dance Class Author: Stacey Nickol, BSc HNS RD As dance teachers it is important to be knowledgeable about diabetes and supportive to students who have both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Open communication between the teacher, student and parents is important, as well as clarifying if the child is able to provide their own self-care, (i.e. test blood sugars, administer medication etc.). Dance teachers should be knowledgeable on appropriate management of acute situations including hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia and be able to recognize signs and symptoms of altered blood sugars in their students with diabetes. Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar is blood sugar reading less than 4 mmol/L. It is more likely to occur with prolonged or intense activity, or it may develop several hours after activity. No food, or inadequate food intake prior to activity, increases the likelihood of developing hypoglycemia. A meal containing carbohydrate, fats and protein consumed a few hours before activity will help prevent blood sugar lows. Signs and symptoms of a low blood sugar include: trembling, rapid heart rate, sweating, hunger and/or nausea. A blood sugar reading less than 2.5 mmol/L is too low for normal brain function. Signs and symptoms include: difficulty concentrating, irritability, blurred or double vision, difficulty hearing, slurred speech, poor judgment and confusion, dizziness and unsteadiness, tiredness, inconsolable crying, loss of consciousness and seizures. A low blood sugar should be treated immediately with a fast-acting carbohydrate food. Some examples include ž cup juice or pop, 1 tablespoon honey, 6 hard candies, 1 tablespoon sugar dissolved in water or 3 sugar packets or 15 grams of glucose tablets. (Note that foods both high in fat and sugar (i.e. chocolate bars), slow down the absorption of the sugar in those foods and are not suitable for treatment of a low). Test after 10 – 15 minutes, if the values are still low, (less than 4 mmol/L); continue to treat with the fast-acting carbohydrate. The child should eat a snack once recovered. Hyperglycemia or high blood sugar is a blood sugar reading at or above 11mmol/L. It can result after excessive carbohydrate intake, decreased medication doses as well as due to the emotional response of activity and competition. Early signs and symptoms of a high blood sugar include: frequent urination, increased thirst, blurred vision, fatigue and headache. Later signs and symptoms include: fruity-smelling breath, nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath, dry mouth, weakness, confusion, abdominal pain and coma. A high blood sugar during exercise is typically treated with medication. The amount and type is dependent on several factors and therefore it is critical to know ahead of time if the child is able to self-manage their diabetes. It is also important for the child to drink lots of fluid to prevent dehydration. Being able to recognize early signs and symptoms of hyper and hypoglycemia is of most importance when teaching young children, as children are not as in tune to their bodily cues as adults. In addition, permit the student the freedom to test and treat their blood sugar as necessary. A knowledgeable and supportive dance teacher and studio makes for an excellent environment for students to feel safe and secure, with the ability to focus on dance, learning and having fun! For more information on diabetes visit the Canadian Diabetes Association @


Did you know? Type 1 diabetes, usually diagnosed in children and adolescents, occurs when the pancreas is unable to produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that controls the amount of glucose in the blood. Approximately 10 per cent of people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes. The remaining 90 per cent have type 2 diabetes, which occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body does not effectively use the insulin that is produced. Type 2 diabetes usually develops in adulthood, although increasing numbers of children in high-risk populations are being diagnosed. (excerpted from

For a wealth of information on Diabetes, understanding your diagnosis, recipes, etc. be sure to check out the links below, and your local diabetes chapter.

9 enVISIONing your own success in dance and life! Author: Chantale Lussier, Phd (c) “Vision or Dream boards have achieved notoriety in the past few years with the release of the book, The Secret. An endorsement from Oprah also didn’t hurt. Vision boards are based on the Law of Attraction. The idea that your mode of thinking directly affects what the universe gives you. If you put positive mental energy into the universe, you’ll be the recipient of positive outcomes.” Neil Farber (2012) While there are many different ways that people engage their creative minds, one of the ways we can tap into this powerful resource is in service to our own professional development, goal setting, and enhancing our mental map of beliefs about our ability to succeed. Creating vision boards is one tool that allows you to actively create, reframe, and envision your own future success. I have found this tool to be extremely impactful with dancers particularly at transitional moments in their training and development, when the dreams may be clear yet the concrete next steps, perhaps less so. Vision board making allows you to carve dance into your life’s vision as a whole, it allows you to broaden your sense of personal and professional identity, all the while you narrow in on creative solutions to previously unknowable possibilities for yourself in dance, and in your life. Like many people, I’ve been “visioning” - as many people call it - for a number of years. As I review them now, it is clear to me which parts have already worked their way into my life, and which parts are still working on, with, and through me. Each vision board has a core and a “title” of sorts: Life, Love, and Happiness; The Essentials – the Way we Love; Your Path to a Career with Heart; One Wild and Precious Life. I’ve learned to notice the placement of subsequent items on the space in front of me, as it tells me where my priorities lie in both my professional and personal life at any given time. Even when I thought I was very clear on something, in hindsight, my vision board reMINDs me of my true values, my true North, and sometimes, even insightfully tells me of my inner contradictions. My vision board does not lie. It merely reflects back to me who I am daily becoming, what I want, and where I’m hoping to navigate to next. It also highlights the belief and value system that my life is built upon. And last but not least, it also, gives me important clues as to how I need to carve the chapters of my life, as I engage and participate in its co-creation. “Research has shown that regular visual stimulation is an important key in moving forward to achieve goals” Holly Matheson (2012). Thus, we can use vision board making as a tool to bring goal-setting processes to life, including engaging in the mining process of identifying underlying empowering and/or sabotaging beliefs you hold about yourself, your abilities, and the world at large. “The point is for you to articulate exactly what you want to achieve” (Nadia Goodman, 2012). Doing so in a visual form is oftentimes layered with far greater meanings, thoughts, and emotions than most people can finely articulate via language. Thus, vision board making can sometimes allow us to make significant strides, unearthing richer creative solutions than traditional language-based goal-setting strategies may. “In a Gatineau cabin with the kids. Lots of laughs, not much sleep.” Let me share one vision board-related story with you. My husband and I had been cultivating the dream of “the cottage” for years already. At least once a year, we’d take a road trip through the beautiful Laurentian Mountains (Quebec, Canada), my childhood playground, to try and find something to call our own. Deep down, we believed this dream to be decades away. Prices in the Laurentians are quite high, given its popularity with skiers, thus rendering even a plot of land, a very expensive purchase by our standards. One fall weekend, my husband wanted to go for our yearly “pilgramage” to the Laurentians. That particular day, my husband found us a plan B, an affordable cottage was merely an hour away, in the Gatineau mountains. On the photo of the real estate add, the cottage looked a terrible shade of purple. I was far from sold, but appreciated the idea that we could dream and drive, and stay closer to home. Turned out, the cottage was a lovely shade of deep, wine red, on top of a steep hill overlooking a beautiful lake, and surrounded by a ton of birch and maple trees, magnificently radiating the full range of bright colors typical of Quebec and New England in the fall. Needless to say, one look at this little rustic charmer built with great love, and we were sold. A few weeks later, we

10 made an offer and bought our little lakeside cabin in the woods! A number of months later, as I was readying myself to do a new vision board, I reviewed the last one. Sure enough, there it was, jumping right out at me. No, it did not say a little cabin in the Laurentian mountains, but indeed a Gatineau cabin! Did my vision board “bring me” my cottage? Of course not. But it did allow my husband and I to narrow our vision, to adjust our finances and savings tactics to include the dream of the cottage proactively, and perhaps even subconsciously, to broaden our geographical map of possibilities. It allowed us to keep in mind, in sight, and in feelings, an idea that was profoundly important to us. So as this lesson taught me well, and as I always share with the dancers I work with, be CARE-full what you place on your vision board, for it informs your choices, and perhaps even the Universe, in deeply meaningful, exciting ways.

WHAT (nuts and bolts) “A vision board is a visual map that you create to design your best possible future. It serves as your virtual GPS for work and life planning… a combination of meditation, soul-searching and even improv” (Joyce Schwarz, as cited in Tartakovaski, 2012) You could use a large poster-size sheet of cardboard or paper, a now-opened packing cardboard box, or a tri-fold re-useable foam poster board the kind they sell for science fairs. Those are my favorite kinds for they allow me to find the core of my vision, and place it in the center, all the while honoring complimentary goals and ideas on each side. You could also now use any number of virtual ways to make a collection of words, images, and ideas such a PowerPoint, Facebook, Google +, or especially useful for vision board making, Pinterest.

The task? To begin searching for images, words, ideals, and ideas that speak to you. In your logical mind, but also things that call to your attention for any number of other reasons; appeals to your eyes, your senses, gut feeling, and intuition being equally meaningful ways of knowing, in this process. I often recommend my clients do this process over a number of weeks, slowly, randomly and purposefully finding “good data”, clues to your life’s deepest desires. Once collected, begin playing around, to figure out how to assemble them, how they fit together. Sometimes words create powerful statements, sentences. Or words and images find themselves layered together becoming something entirely different. There is no wrong or right way. In my experiences, I usually end up collecting way more items and themes of interest than could ever realistically fit onto one board or arguably fit in one lifetime! Then, I begin the process of narrowing my vision, editing based on ideals, goals, values, and priorities. It becomes clear fairly quickly what matters to me most, be it in terms of material possessions, but even more meaningfully, in terms of types of experiences I wish to have, qualities of experience I wish to nurture into my life.

WHY (meaning, purpose, passion) As I encourage my dancers, vision boards not only allow us to identify WHAT we want, but also invite us to ponder WHY this matters. As Slim (2008) reminds us, if we only engage our brain, we run the risk of ending up with “a board with more bling than Mr. T, but devoid of real purpose and emotion.” The process of bringing awareness to the quest, noticing ideas that entice us, and carefully selecting them from the full range of possibilities, suggests to me that this process may invite deeper reflections than may at first appear. But indeed, it is up to you to bring this reflective depth to the work and play of vision boarding. Ultimately, I believe that identifying why this or that matters to you is part of what gives your vision board life! Without this deeper sense of purpose, meaning, and/or passion to your ideas, they will merely be images and words stuck on a paper with glue. They will not stick to you, your spirit, and your beliefs about what may be possible for you to experience in this life. As you begin the process of collecting images and words that speak to you, reflect on why this speaks to you, why this is ultimately worth your time, work, vision, and emotional energy. Your passion and personal meanings are your driving force. They give life to your visions and goals!

11 HOW (work, process vs outcome, qualitative experience) “Sparking your incredibly powerful creative faculty is the reason you make a vision board. The board itself doesn't impact reality; what changes your life is the process of creating the images—combinations of objects and events that will stick in your subconscious mind and steer your choices toward making the vision real.” Martha Beck (2010) Plenty of people do vision boards only to be thoroughly disappointed when they “don’t work”. But we must remember - the vision board doesn’t do the work, we do. In addition, it is important that our vision boards, and thus our visual representation of our goals, include a focus on process goals, and how we will be going about living these experiences. As Neil Farber’s (2012) articles demonstrate, many studies have found that visualizing and vision board making was most effective when people imagined themselves doing the work required, doing the training, engaging in the process. In the case of athletes, those who were most successful imagined themselves training rather than winning (Farber, 2012). In the case of dancers, while it may be fine and well to include performance-driven, outcome-oriented photos such as dancers on stage, it is necessary to also include the kind of lifestyle and day-to-day living ideals required of a dance artist aiming to reach such heights. As such, you may wish to include images of your ideal training studios and spaces, dancers sweating it out doing their yoga and/or pilates, and rehearsal scenes as well. Think of what you want to live, experience, and work on in order to create the ultimate kinds of performance and life experiences you wish to have. Make it about the process of your life, more so than outcomes and quantitative measures.

NOW WHAT? (Let go & let God, action, trust) Now what, you ask? Quite simply, its time to roll up your sleeves and get to work! Get into action mode, break down your vision into action-ables daily, weekly. And then, as the expression goes “Let go and let God”. Or the Universe. Or Karma. Or luck. Surrender to what is Now, and to that which feels right within your own heart, belief system, and lived experiences. Some like to keep their vision board in plain site, almost as a daily reminder of how they want their life to feel. Others yet, prefer to revisit it on an occasional (weekly or monthly) basis, and adjust as needed, much like the process of goal setting. There is no right or wrong per say, so long as this vision board inspires you, and then motivates you to leap off the board, back into your life, and right into action! Rest, when rest is required. Adjust sail, as you see fit. And exercise a healthy dose of trust, be it in your higher power, or in this life that you are living.

CONSIDERATIONS: Real/Virtual, Public/private “If you're a goal-seeker looking for your ticket to success, those Pinterest boards might be exactly what you need to achieve it. Whether it's yet-to-be-completed home improvements, academic excellence, fitness or financial goals you're determined to achieve, Pinterest offers a ripe opportunity to map out those goals while connecting to a powerful community of like-minded individuals.” Holly Matheson (2012) Do not feel confined to one form or another. For me, I enjoy how easy it is to move pieces around and place them exactly in the physical space, and order, that makes sense and speak most to me. Virtual, though easier to create, is still ‘mediated’, the connection to the ideas may feel more “distant” for some. Some tools have greater creative flexibility than others. However, what you lose in flexibility you perhaps gain in ease and accessibility. Bottom line, know yourself, and which tool (real/virtual) will allow you to best engage in this creative process. One final element to consider is whether or not you wish to make your vision board a public or private work-inprogress. On one hand, making your vision public – be it by showing it to a few select individuals, or sharing it on social media – allows you to get feedback and support. On the other hand, it may prove to feel like added pressure, in which case, this may be a process that for now, remains best used in private. Once again, I simply encourage you to notice why: what is driving you to make it public or private, what’s the purpose, and if applicable, what’s the fear.

12 CHALLENGES While I have shared many a perspective of how to go about creating a vision board, and how to work and play with the process involved, it seems important to also include some friendly warnings so as to empower you best in this creative endeavor. What follows then are two lists of DON’Ts I found ring true to me and my experiences of both doing and facilitating vision board making with dance artists: 5 don’ts by Pamela Slim (2008): 1. Don’t be seduced by the marketing. 2. Don’t stick with what’s possible. 3. Don’t look at the images in a conventional way. 4. Don’t fall for clichés 5. Don’t settle for second best.

7 Reasons Why Vision Boards Fail To Work by Evelyn Lim (2012) 1. Too many pictures 2. Not clear about what you want 3. Keeping the vision board in some obscure place 4. Lack of association 5. Having internal issues (self-doubt, self-sabotage, etc) 6. No action on your part 7. Not sharing your vision

To me, vision board making is a fun and effective way of engaging my mind, heart, and spirit in consciously co-creating my life. In this process, I pro-actively take inventory of where I am currently “located” in diverse areas of my life, and where I wish to aim the compass. In this life, and throughout our creative careers, there will be many junctures, turning pointes (pun intended!), and life decisions to be made. We come to realize that it is indeed the journey and our experiences along the way that matter most. Being inspired and motivated into clear and defined action is an important part of designing an authentic, creative life that works for you. I hope you’ll join me and envision your artistic, creative life first in your imagination, then on a vision board, and when ready, in how you choose to live your daily life.

Imagine. Create. Live!

References Beck, M. (2010). What The Heck's A Vision Board—and How Can It Change Your Life? Available online: Beck, M. (2008). The subtle tricks to building an effective vision board. Available online: Farber, N. (2012). Throw away your vision board. Available online: Farber, N. (2012). Visualize and make it happen. Available online: Goodman, N. (2012). How to Create a Vision Board for Business Ideas on Pinterest. Available online: Lim, E. (2012). Why Vision Boards Fail? Avoid 7 Common Mistakes That Others Make! Available online: Matheson, H. (2008). Vision Boards and Pinterest: A Goal-Oriented Match Made in Heaven. Available online: Tartakovski, M. (2012). Plan Your Future: How to Create a Vision Board. Available online:


Cecchetti Ballet Workshop Hosted by the Manitoba Branch of the CSC Date: January 18-20, 2013 Location: 380 Graham Avenue

Guest Teachers: Jane Wooding, Fellow & Examiner, CSC -CICB Johanne Gingras, LCSC-CICB Rachael McLaren, The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre

Pre-Registration until December 31, 2012 (Registrations will also be taken at the door)

Please contact Nicole Egeland at for more information.

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