The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD)
he Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD) was established by Ireland’s lead state agency on disability issues, the National Disability Authority (NDA) in 2007 as part of the National Disability Strategy. The National Disability Authority provides independent expert advice to the Irish Government on policy and practice. Ireland is the first country in the world to place Universal Design on a statutory footing. The Centre states it is “dedicated to the principle of universal access, enabling people in Ireland to participate in a society that takes account of human difference and to interact with their environment to the best of their ability”. The Centre’s website is a great resource for those working in the area of disability access and
provides a number of excellent documents and links. They have a focus on the built environment and undertake research as well as developing design recommendations that cover a range of building types and spaces, including homes, shared spaces, and educational campuses (including early learning facilities). Dementia friendly housing and Universal Design in urban environments resources are also available. The Centre also provides guidance on Universal Design approaches to ICT (Information and Communications Technology), Web accessibility, and products and services. All of the research results and guidance is available to download from the website: www.universaldesign.ie
Winter 2021