2020 BLACKTOWN Local Business Awards Special feature 4 - check out these local businesses
www.thebusinessawards.com.au | www.accessnews.com.au WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS OCTOBER 2020
2020 Blacktown Local Business awards
A nigh o emo ion and gra i ude A HUGE success.” Ta is how S eve Loe described his year’s Black own Ci y Local Business Awards ollowing he spec acular awards ceremony held on Sep ember 22. “I was a magnifcen , highly emo ional nigh or all concerned,” he Awards ounder and Preceden Produc ions Managing Direc or said. “No only was he even a huge success, bu he en ire program was our bes ever.” Mr Loe said he presen a ion ceremony, held a S Marys Band Club, was emo ional and hear warming as winners ook o he s age o receive heir rophies. “Some speeches were hilarious while o hers were ear-flled,” he said. “Te one hing hey all had in common was he genuine gra i ude all recipien s el owards heir s a , amily, riends, cus omers and suppor ers.”
Precedent Productions MD, Steve Loe.
Te Wes ern Sydney Business Access was on hand o cap ure all he exci emen as he fnalis s in each ca egory were announced and, he o cial media par ner or he Black own Ci y Local Business Awards, has published a winners’ ea ure, ha recognises all ca egory winners
rom he presen a ion evening. “Te awards are only possible wi h he suppor o our Major sponsors: Black own Ci y Council, Blackown Workers Club, NOVA Employmen and Wes poin Shopping Cen re and Suppor sponsors: Seven Hills Plaza, S anhope Village, Black own Mega Cen re, Whi e Key Marke ing, Grea er Black own Business Chamber, B EED Business Cen re and o ary Club o Black own Ci y,” Mr Loe said. “I would like o hank hem or heir suppor o he awards, which proves heir commi men o heir communi y and he businesses ha hrive here.”
Mr Loe also hanked S Marys Band Club or providing such an ou s anding venue or he even . “I’d like o par icularly hank he amazing s a or providing such wonder ul service and excellen ood, which everyone horoughly enjoyed. “My special hanks also o he S Marys Band Club managemen eam or heir suppor and hard work in ensuring he presen a ion nigh was a success. “I would also like o acknowledge he abulous en er ainmen provided by Aaron sindos, S e anie Jones and Monique Mon ez and our amazing and ever-pro essional MC Paul Hancock.”
Businesses can register for the 2021 Local Business Awards at www.thebusinessawards.com.au For more information about the Local Business Awards program, call Precedent Productions on 8363 3333.
This Year's Winners
Category Name Automotive Services Bakery/Cake Shop Beauty Services Butcher Cafe Early Childhood Centre Education Service Electrical Appliance Store Fashion Shop Fast Food/Takeaway Fitness Services Floor Coverings & Window Furnishings Florist/Plant Retail Store Fresh Food Hairdresser Health Improvement Services Home Furniture & Furnishings Home Improvement & Hardware Jewellery & Fashion Accessories Store Most Inclusive Employer New & Used Motor Vehicles New Business Performing Arts Pet Care Pharmacy Professional Services Real Estate Agency Restaurant Service & Trade Sole Operator Specialised Business Specialised Retail Business Business Person of the Year Youth Award Business of the Year Blacktown City Council Sustainability Award Blacktown City Council Sustainability Award - HC Blacktown City Council Sustainability Award - HC
Business Name Aussie Forklifts Lalor Park Hot Bread Bless Khin Beauty Sutcli e Meats Gloria Jeans - Seven Hills Plaza Kids Early Learning - Quakers Hill North Preschool Kumon Stanhope Gardens Education Centre Harvey Norman - Blacktown Mega Centre Millers Fashion Club - Seven Hills Plaza Fresh Break - Westpoint Blacktown Vibe Health Club - Westpoint Blacktown Decorug - Homemaker Prospect Flowers by Jody Wesfresh Outlet Haus of Hair Blacktown Medical Imaging - Westpoint Blacktown Fantastic Furniture - Homemaker Prospect Home Heat & BBQ Angus & Coote - Westpoint Blacktown Northwest Community Childcare Heartland Kia - Blacktown I Love Cruising with Dianne Helen Perris Music Studio Barking with Bianca Terry White Chemmart - Stanhope Village Smita Nashikkar Photography Qfirst Invest Sydney Australia Green Peppercorn Sydney Electrical Contractors Love.Light.Soy Candles ORATEL Network Solutions BCF - Boating & Outdoor Equipment - Blacktown Mega Centre Marites Idea Novis, Qfirst Invest Sydney Australia Jenna Aguilar, Bless Khin Beauty Sydney Electrical Contractors JumpStart 4 Kids Long Day Care Centre Nexen Energy Solutions The Cutting Room
2020 Blacktown Local Business awards
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Heartland Motors has been servicing the local community for over 50 years. At Heartland Kia Blacktown We have a large range o new and quality used cars or sale, our team can also provide you with genuine servicing, fnance, insurance and a massive range o parts & accessories. We are committed to delivering Quality, Sa ety and Innovation in everything we do; while at the same time fnding ways to improve.
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2020 Blacktown Local Business awards
At JumpStart 4 Kids Long Day Care Centre we were w ecstatic to receive the Blacktown City Council 2020 Sustainability Award category at the Blacktown Local Business Awards This awards signiďŹ es collaboration between educators, children and families who continue to support sustainability daily throughout our service. Our vegetable garden offers children daily hands on experiences, as they water and discover an array of fruits, vegetable, herbs and at times some very friendly insects to investigate. Our compost bin allows children to reduce waste which is then used as fertilisers for our garden. Our very active worm farms are a highlight for the children as they feed, touch and care for some very wriggly friends. Families and children visit our vegetable garden to explore and to harvest vegetables and fruits for home and centre based cooking experiences. We are always excited to see photos of fantastic dishes served at home with our fresh garden ingredients. Switching off lights, solar panels, water saving initiatives and using donated recyclable materials from families and exploring play through loose parts all contributes to children’s awareness of sustainability. Children learn through play, investigation, active questioning, and exploration. Being sustainably conscious supports not only our centre environment but our broader community as we support all children and families to become active and responsible citizens.
JumpStart 4 Kids Long Day Care Centre located at 94 Harold Street Blacktown is an Exceeding centre dedicated to engaging children in play-based learning that builds inquiry minds through the support of dedicated educators as we continue to achieve exceeding outcomes for all children in our care. We look forward to sharing our sustainability initiatives with our current and future families.
2020 Blacktown Local Business awards
Meet Marites Idea Novis, the woman o the hour who walks the talk with aith, grace, and glamour. She is the mind behind Qfrst Invest Sydney Australia Pty Ltd (Qfrst Invest). At the age o 29, having ounded a amily-owned Philippine-based company Quezon First Engineering Services in July 2000, Marites has mastered the expertise o a property strategist. Since the oundation o the company, she managed the business and has attained exposure to general construction as fnance and logistic manager, all these while juggling the role o a business owner, a mother, a sister, and a daughter. During this time, Marites is unstoppable. The goal-getter in her paved the way o the company’s recognition rom Lucena City, the city in which it was established and rom other Philippine municipalities as well. Her company expanded and her networks grew. The service o their company stretched: rom preparation o building plans and engineering consultancy to actual building construction and electrical installation. Quezon First Engineering Services became a persevering orce and a coming together o ully committed and well-experienced pro essional engineers and architects. The company became a breakthrough o trustworthy services which include designing, consulting and building or the growing general construction industry in the advent o the new millennium. She became one step ahead o her competitors because o the company’s state-o -the-art tools and equipment and testing acilities that guaranteed quality workmanship on client requirements and on-time delivery and project completion. There was no denying that the service Quezon First Engineering o ered are rooted rom the clients’ trust and sa ety standards and practices it adheres to. During her 18 years tenure, having managed their very own frst company Quezon First Engineering, Marites knew she has a lot more to o er in the property and business industry that is why she, together with her husband Engr. Gerard Francis Novis, packed her bags and brought her passion and skills to Australia; thus, the oundation o Qfrst Invest on October 2017. This passion-driven business woman has described her role as Qfrst Invest’s managing director as “an outlet where dreams are allowed to be big and ear is conquered.” Even on a di erent country, Qfrst Invest’s ultimate goal did not change. It still caters to the utmost needs o clients, letting them know that their need is the company’s priority. At present, Qfrst Invest continues to live by its vision and mission o providing its clients o nothing but the best and most convenient quality homes that promises a secured uture. Each day, Marites, along with Qfrst Invest’s team, dedicates her time and e ort in guiding and advising the clients on strategies o achieving their fnancial goals through property investment. Through client prospecting, listing, showing, and selling properties, Qfrst Invest assists in developing a property wealth plan. Qfrst Invest, with a orce o more than a decade o experiences and obtained skills, is more than just planning and promises. We are a team o high quality services providing an endless range o possibility built rom trust and credibility rom our most treasured clients.
Shop 1035A Westpoint Blacktown 17 Patrick St Blacktown NSW 2148 and the phone number: 02 8814 9387. WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS OCTOBER 2020
2020 Blacktown Local Business awards
WINNERS – Business of the Year 2020 Sydney Electrical Contractors is proud to announce that they have been recognised for a second year in a row at the Blacktown Local Business Awards as winners in the category of Services and Trades. Held on the 22nd September 2020, the Local Business Awards acknowledges outstanding local businesses that go above and beyond – who provide quality work, products and an exceptional customer service experience. Up against many exceptional businesses, Sydney Electrical Contractors were also awarded the overall Gold Award for “Business of the Year for 2020” which is a testament to the company’s great leadership and hard-working team. This major achievement has left the entire team at Sydney Electrical Contractors feeling incredibly happy, humbled and motivated to continue striving for excellence. Even though 2020 has been a tough year for all and has put many businesses in difficult situations, Managing Director Robert Theodoridis during his acceptance speech, described how determined the company was to make this a successful one. “It’s truly a blessing to win this award with the year we have all had. We need to be resilient to get through these times. If you get knocked down, you get up and keep fighting. If you can get through a year like this, you can do anything”. Sydney Electrical Contractors have truly demonstrated their constant commitment to top class and quality services throughout 2020, being one of the preferred electrical contractors Sydney wide and truly worthy winners of these awards. Managing Director Robert Theodoridis explains, “we are a company who never settles for complacency and strive to excel even further every year. Our aim was to strive to be leaders in our Industry and set the standard of how Small Electrical Businesses need to operate to be successful. Many business owners have contacted us to help them with their business support needs especially throughout this exceedingly difficult time we have all experienced in 2020.” Sydney Electrical Contractors makes it their mission to give back to the local community. The company is also associated with many non-for-profit organisations, donate on a regular basis and attend regular charity functions and events. The ultimate goal of Sydney Electrical Contractors is to continue to be Industry Leaders and be known for their high-quality workmanship within the industry and greater community. The company believes that with this continued excellence in service that the growth of the company will continue with a vision to expand into Canberra, Victoria and Queensland in the near future.
Services Sydney Electrical Contractors have more than 35 years’ combined experience in the electrical and communications industries. They specialise in new home electrical installations, solar system installations, commercial fit outs, multi-story residential apartments, and strata maintenance. The company is also qualified in all Level 2 Electrical Work which includes emergency and restoration repairs Below are our Residential Services: • New homes and extensions • Multi story residential projects • Broad variety of electrical maintenance and repairs. • Real estate maintenance. Below are our Commercial Services: • Highly responsive emergency electrical repairs
• Extensive and complete lighting design and solutions • Shop fit-outs and major renovations • Emergency and exit lighting • Overall electrical maintenance and preventative programs • Structured data cabling • Real estate maintenance
Below are our Level 2 Electrical Services: • Emergency power line repairs with insulated low voltage cherry picker (EWP) • Residential, Commercial and Multi storey metering • Disconnect & reconnections • Main switchboard upgrades
• Over-head and underground mains • Defect rectifications • Single and 3 phase upgrades and services • Temporary power supplies • Installation of steel and timber private poles • Real estate maintenance
For more information about Sydney Electrical Contractors head to www.sec24hr.com.au or contact us on (02) 8007 7215 WESTERN SYDNEY BUSINESS ACCESS OCTOBER 2020
2020 Blacktown Local Business awards
2020 Blacktown Local Business awards
Wes poin shines in winners IX Wes poin re ailers were announced as overall winners a his year’s Black own Local Business Awards held on Augus 22, showcasing he achievemen s and resilience o our local businesses. O he s aggering 8,000 plus nomina ions his year rom he local area, here were 337 fnalis s chosen across mul iple ca egories, o which 76 were Wes poin re ailers. Te Local Business Awards has been running or over 30 years o celebra e businesses, heir eams and owners. I is regarded as one o he major business even s or he local area, giving he public he oppor uni y o nomina e heir pre erred businesses and show. Teir apprecia ion or ou s anding providers o goods and services. Wes poin is exci ed o announce he six winning re ailers rom he Cen re are: • Fresh Break–Fas Food/ akeaway
• Angus & Coo e–Jewellery and Fashion Accessories S ore • QFirs Inves – eal Es a e Agency • Black own Medical Imaging–Heal h Improvemen Services • Vibe Heal h Club–Fi ness Services • Ou s anding Businessperson o he Year was awarded o Mari es Idea Novis rom QFirs Inves . Wes poin Cen re Manager, Aga a ynkiewicz, said ha he Cen re is proud o be involved in his year’s Local Business Awards. “A he awards ceremony I spoke abou passion, resilience and agili y being he corners one o small business, especially in 2020,” Ms ynkiewicz said. Wes poin is a major sponsor o he Black own Local Business Awards.
Image gallery of this year's winners.