Inside Mayoral Candidates Speak— p. 10 Songs For Social Change— p. 7 Visitability Legislation Passes— p. 9
Annual Reader Survey — Page 8
August 10, 2001
“Every aspect of our lives is, in a sense, a vote for the kind of world we want to live in.”
— France Moore Lappé
Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Mpls. MN Permit No. 4766
Volume 12, Number8
August 10, 2001
Used by permission of the GF Herald
Jay Johnson 1957-2001: IL Movement Loses A Leader [Editor’s note: The disability community is saddened by the death of long-time advocate Jay Johnson. Jay died in a tragic accident on his off-road vehicle on the Fourth of July. This article is a summary of some of his many accomplishments. See p.13 to read a personal recollection of this remarkable man.]
ay Johnson was the Executive Director of Options Interstate Resource Center for Independent Living in East Grand Forks, Minnesota. He also served on the North Dakota Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) and had previously been a member of the Minnesota SILC. He was also a member of the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL), actively participating on NCIL’s Rehabilitation Act and Social Security Reform Legislative Subcommittees. Jay was born on January 14, 1957. In 1978, he was seriously injured when his motorcycle was forced off a highway. Speaking about the accident and its effect on his life, he says: “I came down on top of a barbed wire fence, breaking
four wooden fence posts off at ground level with my body. The vehicle that hit me did not stop, leaving me for dead. My spinal cord was severed, paralyzing me from the chest down. This began my life as a person with a disability. After six months in a hospital, I was told that my mother could not take care of me, and I would be referred to a good nursing home. At 21 years old, that was not an acceptable option. Instead, I embarked on a different journey: assisting people with disabilities to live as independently as possible in the communities of their choice. It started with me.”
Jay was an outspoken advocate for effective national policies that incorporate consumer control and choice. He was a prolific speaker, writer, organizer and trainer on disability and independent living issues, both locally and nationally. He was involved in many community activities and helped obtain citizen input for community leaders to utilize in the rebuilding of East Grand Forks through his membership on the Community Advisory Response Team (CART). Jay has received numerous awards for his outstanding work in the disability and business communities.
After extensive rehabilitation, Jay attended college and graduated magna cum laude in 1984 with a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy. In 1986, after working as an occupational therapist, he founded Options, a center for independent living that serves people with disabilities living in Minnesota and North Dakota. Under Jay’s leadership, Options has become a local, regional and national leader in the provision of consumercontrolled independent living services.
The devastating Red River Flood of 1997 destroyed Jay’s home, the Options building and over a decade’s worth of Options records, books, software and equipment. After that he worked tirelessly, quickly reopening Options in temporary quarters and assisting people with disabilities affected by the flood. He is survived by his wife Joy and ten-year-old son Joshua. Q The information in this article was provided by Options, and edited by Jeff Nygaard
Editor’s Note: This is the first of a three-part series explaining the ins and outs of the various laws and policies put in place by the legislature as they came out of the 2001 session. This month’s Part 1 has to do with the income, asset, and eligibility standards for programs serving people with disabilities. Future installments will focus on laws having to do with community supports to allow people to get out and stay out of institutions and live independently in the community. The final installment will elaborate on all of the “other” provisions that don’t fit into the first two categories.
he 2001 Legislative Session and Special Session were marked by a huge budget surplus which declined a bit over the course of the Session due to economic conditions. One of the most noteworthy developments during the legislative session involved a decision in late March by the Department of Human Services (DHS) to follow a 1999 law regarding the waiting list for home and community waiver services for persons with developmental disabilities. [See the April 10th ACCESS PRESS for details.] The DHS decision, made after several legislative hearings on unspent waiver funds, will result in thousands of persons from the waiting list being able to obtain services. The DHS decision should result in spending a good portion of the $66 million for the next biennium which had been designated as surplus prior to the Administration’s decision to encourage counties to use the resources as required by 1999 legislation.
What follows is a listing of the various specific provisions of the Omnibus Spending Bill For Health And Human Services, Chapter 9, First Special Session 2001, focusing on those provisions that have to do with changes in some of the income, asset, and eligibility standards related to programs serving people with disabilities. MA Income Standard The Medical Assistance Income Standard for Persons Who are Elderly or Disabled, Article 2, Sections 16, 17, 21 and 24: 1. For persons whose Social Security or other income is at or below $716 per month (100% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG)), the Legislature provided an increase from the current income standard of $482 per month to $716, 100% FPG. 2. For persons with Social Security or other income over 100% FPG (i.e. $717 per month or higher), the Legislature changed the standard only to 70% FPG on July 1, 2001 and 75% FPG on July 1, 2002. Unfortunately, persons who are elderly or disabled with unearned income (those with earnings can use their Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities, or MA-EPD, eligibility) over 100% FPG will have to continue to pay a spend down to $502 per month (70% FPG) beginning July 1, 2001, 75% FPG beginning July 1, 2002. 3. The cost of the increase in the income standard was offset by savings in
Minnesota’s state-funded Prescription Drug Program (PDP). Medical Assistance is funded with 51% federal funds and 49% state funds, whereas the PDP program is funded entirely by state dollars. As the MA Income Standard rises, more persons will choose MA rather than PDP. These changes will mean that 9,000 persons who are eligible for Medical Assistance due to age or disability will be relieved of a spend down obligation on July 1, 2001. A spend down is much like a deductible payment in which medical costs must be incurred to a certain dollar amount before health coverage (MA in this case) will pay additional medical costs. The medically needy group (those with unearned income over $716 per month) of 4,000 persons on Medical Assistance and 1,400 persons on General Assistance Medical Care will gradually be allowed to keep more of their income to live on rather than having to spend it on medical costs down to $482 per month. MA-EPD The Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (MA-EPD) Premium Increase, Article 2, Section 28. A premium increase for persons with disabilities who need Medical Assistance and have earnings will likely affect nearly everyone using the MA-EPD eligibility option. The premium schedule interacts with the MA income standard increase in that persons with earned and Legislative - cont. on p. 9
August 10, 2001
Tim Benjamin & Jeff Nygaard Editors
ast month, John Tschida gave the big overview of the goings-on from the legislative session that had just ended. Now that there has been a little time to digest and make sense out of what happened, Anne Henry from the Disability Law Center has given us a more detailed picture of many of
the changes that will affect people with disabilities. The first installment of her analysis appears this month, and is a must read for those of you on the MA-EPD programs. Also, on page 9 Margot Imdieke Cross reports on a victory for accessible housing in the state of Minnesota.
needed more incentive to fill our your survey—all responWell, Jerry Lewis is still at dents are eligible to win free it—talking about “his kids” prizes! Don’t delay—turn to on his annual Labor Day page 8 and fill it out right now. telethon. Wendy Brower writes eloquently on the *** subject on page 6 this month. Pete Feigal, who writes the wonderful column “On Men*** tal Illness/Brain Disorders,” Your response to our annual called in sick right around reader survey is always im- deadline time, so you won’t portant, but this year even see his column this month. more than ever. We have Pete has been struggling with many ideas for possible new some serious heart problems, features for Access Press, and and has been in and out of the decisions as to which ones to hospital recently. As much as pursue will have a lot to do we will miss his voice, the top with the feedback from this priority is for Pete to take as year’s survey. And—as if you much time as he needs to take
care of his health. As soon as you’re feeling OK again, Pete, we’ll be very happy to see your byline in Access Press once again. Be well! *** “What I Did on My Summer Vacation,” which appears on page 12, is not like the essays we used to write in grade school. Mike Chevrette takes a more practical approach to vacationing in his article, telling what is accessible— and what is not—for people with disabilities planning a trip to the North Shore. ***
SS Offers “Employment Supports”
Changes At Access Press
by The St. Paul PASS Cadre
f you are receiving Social Security disability benefits, did you know that you can test your ability to work for up to nine months and still receive your full disability payment? Social Security’s “trial work period” allows beneficiaries with disabilities to work during this period and receive full cash benefits, regardless of earnings. The trial work period is one of the oldest of the special rules that Social Security calls “work incentives” or “employment supports” for beneficiaries with disabilities who want to work. Another rule provides for an extended period of eligibility. For 36 months cash benefits will start again if earnings fall below $740 a month. And another rule that became effective this year permits beneficiaries to
request startup of disability benefits if they become unable to work again within 60 months because of their impairments. Together these rules make it possible for beneficiaries with disabilities to test their ability to work and transition to career without fearing the immediate loss of their cash, health care and other benefits. A trial work month is any month during which you work and earn over $530. If you are self-employed, a trial work month is any month during which you work and earn over $530 (after expenses) or work more than 85 hours.
month period. If you have successfully completed your trial work period, then we will review your work to determine if your earnings are “substantial.” Generally, $740 per month in 2001 is considered “substantial” earnings. (This figure increases annually with increases in the national average wage index.) If your earnings do not average more than $740 per month, then your benefits will probably continue. If your average monthly earnings exceed $740, then your benefits will continue for an additional three months before they stop.
Special rules apply for perThe nine months of the trial sons who are blind. Instead of work period do not have to be the $740 earnings limit, you consecutive, but are accumu- can earn up to $1,240 before lated within a rolling 60-
ACCESS PRESS Co-Founder/Publisher (1990-1996) ...................................................... Wm. A. Smith, Jr. Co-Founder/Publisher/Editor-in-Chief (1990-2001) ........................... Charles F. Smith Co-Editor ........................................................................ Tim Benjamin and Jeff Nygaard Cartoonist ......................................................................................................... Scott Adams Production .............................................................. Presentation Images, Ellen Houghton Editorial Assistant ................................................................................ Donna McNamara ACCESS PRESS is a monthly tabloid newspaper published for persons with disabilities by Access Press, Ltd. Circulation is 11,000, distributed the 10th of each month through more than 200 locations statewide. Approximately 650 copies are mailed directly to political, business, institutional and civic leaders. Subscriptions are available for $15/yr. Editorial submissions and news releases on topics of interest to persons with disabilities, or persons serving those with disabilities, are welcomed. Paid advertising is available at rates ranging from $14 to $18/column inch, depending on size and frequency. Classified ads are $8.00, plus 35 cents/word over 20 words. Advertising and editorial deadlines are the 30th of the month preceding publication; special scheduling available for camera-ready art. ACCESS PRESS is available on tape. Call MN State Services for the Blind, 651-642-0500 or 800652-9000. Inquiries should be directed to: ACCESS PRESS • 1821 University Ave. W. • Suite 104S • St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 • (651) 644-2133 • Fax (651) 644-2136 • E-mail: access@mninter.net.
It sure seems like there has been a lot of loss in the community lately. First Leah Welch died, then we lost Charlie Smith. Again this month we have to run an obituary for an important fighter for human rights, Jay Johnson. A listing of Jay’s accomplishments appears on page 1, but Jay was more than the things he “did,” so we also offer Pat Danielson’s personal reflection on this remarkable man on page 13 this month. Let’s hope we don’t have to report for a long time on any more of our leaders passing away. Q
your work is considered “substantial.” If you are an ast month we said employee or you work in selfgoodbye to editorial asemployment, only what you sistant Nathan Halvorson. earn counts. He’s not totally gone, howFor more info on Social ever; you’ll see his byline on Security’s work incentives page 7 this month, writing and employment support pro- about something he really grams, you can visit our work knows a lot about—music! website at www.ssa.gov/work Glad you’re still in the or call us at, 1-800-772-1213 picture, Nathan. (TTY: 1-800-325-0778) or request our free booklet, Every goodbye brings a hello, Working While Disabled— so this month we get to say How We Can Help. Q “Welcome!” to new editorial assistant Laurie Eckblad Anderson. Laurie brings a CORRECTION In last month’s issue, the wealth of proofreading and phone number for the Social editing experience to the Security employment support paper, as well as strong office programs was listed as 1-900- management and bookkeep772-1213. The correct num- ing skills. Having worked ber is 1-800-772-1213. Our mostly in the book business, she is eager to learn the “nuts apologies for the error.
and bolts” of the newspaper business. Laurie’s contributions will have a big effect on shaping Access Press. Laurie’s first training day was August 6th. She’ll be starting her regular schedule after Labor Day, so you’ll soon be hearing her friendly voice on the telephone when you call the office. Welcome, Laurie! As happy as we are to have Laurie on board, it was difficult to say no to all of the other very strong candidates for the position. A big Thank You to all of you who applied. Well, it actually happened— the Access Press office has moved! As of Thursday, July 12th, the address is 104 S, here in the Griggs Midway Building. Due to the efforts of longtime Access Press staff person Donna McNamara, who has been working in the office helping with the transition process (and everything else!) this summer, the move went very smoothly, with very little interruption in the dayto-day operations of the paper. The exact date for the open house has not yet been set; stay tuned to Access Press for details. Q
Please patronize your Access Press Advertisers — and tell them where you heard about them. They bring you your paper.
A Deserving Employer by Dr. Claudelle A. Carruthers
remer Financial employs Shelly Hoemke. Ms. Hoemke has worked in credit administration for five years and four months. She does filing, photo copying, mailings and assists others as needed.
effects the nervous system and has no known cure]... At first, I was afraid to tell them what was really wrong with me. Once they knew, they helped me tremendously . . . They have been very creative in trying to accommodate me . . . Even the senior vice presMs. Hoemke only has glow- ident has asked me how I was ing remarks for her company. doing and offered to help.” “When they hired me, I was walking with a cane...They Bremer Financial is a finanreally liked my qualifications cial services corporation that . . . Everyone knows that I has been in business for many have MS [multiple sclerosis: years. The corporation has a A demylenation disease that foundation named Otto
Bremer Foundation that prioritizes projects that address the root cause of poverty, enhance the self-sufficiency of low-income people, and work at removing barriers that keep them in poverty.
etter Care Medical is celebrating its 30th anniversary. There are few, if any, medical supply vendors in the twin cities that are familyowned and run that have been around for 30 years. This is probably due, in part, to the number of changes in Medicare and Medicaid that have been made over the years and which directly affect the medical supply industry. Owner Dan Prose says, “Despite the many challenges, we have been able to adapt and provide a quality of service that we’re proud of.” Over the past 30 years, the Prose family has done more than just adapt to changing regulations. By listening and responding to the needs of their clients, they have established themselves as an important part of the disability community. Jerry Prose, founder of Better Care Medical, started his business in Robbinsdale in 1971. From there, they moved to St. Louis Park before settling at their current location in Hopkins, where they have been for the past 25 years. Better Care Medical was originally known as Sick Room Service, an affiliate of a Milwaukee-based medical supply company.
says that this style has created many loyal clients. Throughout the years, the industry has changed dramatically. Dan remembers the days the employees at Better Care Medical actually wrote the prescriptions for medical supplies themselves and just sent them to the doctor to be signed, and that was all that was needed. He also remembers that clients used to be able to order as much as four to six months worth of supplies. Today, however, Medicare regulations require prior authorization and limit the quantities of supplies that can be purchased, making monthly vendor-client contact a necessity. Prior to some of these regulations, a vendor could expect payment within 30 to 60 days. Now it is not unusual for them to wait up to four months, which creates a considerable cash flow problem. Today the folks at Better Care Medical pride themselves on their ability to wade through the mountains of governmental regulations to supply their clients with the highest quality products available at the lowest cost to the individual client and to the state and federal funders.
IN BRIEF . . . . Disabled Sports Jobs Conference
“Challenge 2001: Disabled Sports Employment Conference” sponsored by Disabled Sports USA will be held from September 5th through the 7th, 2001. The conference is made possible with financial supWhen Shelly is asked if there port from several federal is anything she would change agencies including Labor, about her job, she replies, Veterans Affairs, and the “No, they go out of their way to help me. I can move around in a way so that I do not get stiff. Everyone is very nice to Free, wheelchair-accessible me. They really know how to parking lot shuttles serve parking lots on the north and pick their people.” Q west sides of the fairgrounds. The shuttles run continuously
Social Security Administration. Private sector sponsorship is being supplied by The Hartford, United Airlines, and Ossur. Seminars will cover hiring guidelines, workplace accommodations, interviewing techniques, recreation accessibility laws, small business opportunities and
federal work incentive programs. The event will be held at the Renaissance Hotel, Washington, DC. For registration information and costs contact Disabled Sports USA at (301) 217-0960 or at www. dsusa.org.
Transportation To The State Fair
Better Care Medical Celebrates 30 Years by Tim Benjamin
August 10, 2001
every day of the fair from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. On Seniors Days, the shuttles will run an extended route from Heritage Square to the Ramberg Senior
Center until 6 p.m. Service may be limited from 2 to 3 p.m. due to the mall parade. Exact stop locations are available at any info. booth.
How To Find Free Medications Pharmaceutical companies doctor contact the maker of that makes the medication
often provide free medications to persons with low incomes through patient assistance programs. The proMany of Better Care Medical’s cess involves having your clients have been with them since they first needed medical supplies. Dan talks about the many loyal clients that Join with activists, commuknow much of his staff by first nity groups and their supportname and the many frienders at Boom Island Park on ships that have been created Sunday, September 16, 2001, over the years. These for the annual Walk for friendships have helped form who the folks at Better Care Medical are today. Dan met many of his clients after the th onset of an illness or a On July 18 the Blue Cross tragedy. Many of them were and Blue Shield of Minnesota at a place in their lives where Foundation announced a $14 there seemed to be little hope. million, multi-year grants proSeeing so many of his clients gram to improve access to and adapt to and grow with their use of preventive health care disabilities and become pro- and dental services for chilfessionals, scholars, and ad- dren and adolescents. Fovocates for the disability cused particularly on the community has made a big needs of immigrant communiimpact on Dan’s outlook on ties and communities of color, the program—Growing Up life. Healthy in Minnesota—aims We’d like to congratulate the to improve health outcomes folks at Better Care Medical for those most at risk for on building and maintaining lifelong health disparities.
the drug. Proof of your you are taking has a patient financial status may also be assistance program (and an required. 800 number), contact the Pharmaceutical ManufacturTo find out if the company ers Assoc. at 1-800-762-4636.
Don’t Forget To Walk For Justice Justice. Sponsored by Headwaters Fund, the walk exists to raise money and visibility for non-profit groups working for social change. An infor-
mation session: Raise More Money for Your Group, will be held on Thurs., Aug 16 at 5 p.m. For more info, contact Headwaters at 612-879-0602.
Blue Cross Foundation
an important and thriving business, overcoming many obstacles and dealing with many changes over the past Project P.E.A.C.E., a domesthirty years. We wish them tic abuse intervention project good luck and many more in NW Hennepin County, seeks volunteers to provide anniversaries! Q
While Minnesota has long been considered one of the healthiest states in the, nation, recent studies by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the Urban Coalition indicate increasing disparities in rates of health care coverage and health status. American Indians, populations of color, foreign-born populations, and low-income families, in particular, are over-represented among Minnesota’s uninsured, according to MDH.
The Foundation will make Growing Up Healthy grants of up to $200.000 for two years. Preliminary project descriptions are due to the Foundation September 14, 2001. Grants will be announced in April 2002. For more information on eligibility and how to apply, visit the Blue Cross Web site at www.bluecrossmn.com. Or contact the Foundation at (651) 662-6299 or toll-free (800) 793-6931.
On-call Crisis Line Advocates Needed crisis intervention and sup- required. Please call 763port to battered women. 533-0733 for more informaVolunteers take calls from tion. their homes. Training is
ACCESS IS FREEDOM! National Handicap Housing Institute, Inc.
In the beginning, Better Care Medical was only Jerry, his wife Marilyn, and two other employees—one salesperson and one serviceman. In 1972, the business expanded to five with the addition of son Dan Prose. Dan took over management of the business in 1986, continuing on through Jerry and Marilyn’s retirement in 1988, and finally becoming the owner in 1991.
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Dan has been running the business the traditional Prose way, based on honesty and trust. For the Prose family “a handshake and your word” has always been enough. Dan
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August 10, 2001
Religion and Disability
Hello Nicole:
Why My Brother? Hello Nicole,
by Mary Kelly
hen my brother was diagnosed with Marfan’s Disease and slowly lost his sight; I railed at God – that powerful being, wondering what gave Him the right. As I watched my brother stumble and fall, my heart would almost break, and I yelled at God - “How could you do this? Leave him to this fate?” My brother developed an inner strength, or maybe he’d had it all along – he did much better than I would have done, his spirit became so strong. And I asked Lord God, “Is this what he needed – to learn to be strong from You?” Was nary an answer, ‘cept a sigh from the wind but somehow, inside, I knew. Marfan’s then took over my brother’s heart and his life was shortened dearly, but rather than there being bitterness, my heart could see so clearly – His life was shorter than mine would be but he’d taught me so much about love, I knew he would sit close to the Father and watch over me from above. While my brother, James Stempfley, was diagnosed with Marfan’s Syndrome at an early age, he didn’t lose his eyesight due to detachment of the retinas (one of the characteristics of Marfan’s) until he was 21 years old. After conquering the anger and depression he experienced when this happened, he went on to live a full life and ended up managing a coffee shop in Duluth. He was an extraordinary person who taught me how to not only overcome, but to embrace the challenges life sometimes brings. He inspired me to work in the non-profit field, to share my skills with those less fortunate than myself. His faith in God never wavered and he shared that faith with as many as he could. He died at the age of 42 of heart failure, another characteristic of Marfan’s. For more information about Marfan’s Syndrome, contact www.marfan.org. Q
this attention is truly positive and whether an organization I’ve been working on getting a should advertise this as a service dog. In my research, I benefit, is another issue. have run across several organizations who claim that one Many people find animals benefit of a service dog is that interesting, so any animal can having a dog at my side will be a great ice-breaker in draw attention away from my social settings. I find nothing wheelchair. The organiza- wrong with the notion that a tions all phrase it a little service animal could benefit differently: some say a dog someone in this way, espewill make my wheelchair cially considering that many invisible! Some say a dog will people feel uncomfortable help people feel more com- around a person with a fortable approaching me in disability, and likewise, many my wheelchair. Some say people with disabilities feel people will stare at the dog uncomfortable in public. Howand not the wheelchair. A lot ever, it’s important to rememof the time they have “testi- ber that the reason for this monials” from people in discomfort is a long standing wheelchairs proclaiming this. belief that having a disability However, this is not one of the is inherently wrong, shameful things I wanted a dog for! and frightening. Up until Isn’t there something wrong recently, it’s been considered with this line of thinking? I acceptable and even necesfind it insulting. sary to hide people with disabilities in back rooms and Sincerely, institutions “for their own Wheelchair Visible good.” Or, as Jerry Lewis puts it, “If you don’t want to be Dear Visible, pitied, stay in your house!” Yes, I think there is something wrong with this line of thinking because it perpetuates the idea that we should seek to hide or distract others from our disabilities in order to be more socially acceptable. Although I’m sure having a dog at your side will draw a different type of attention than you would get without a dog, whether or not
Disabled & Proud, It’s Not An Oxymoron August 14: Iuna Uranchimag, a visitor from Mongolia who became paraplegic after a car accident in the U.S., talks about her experience. August 21st: Sheldon Mains, candidate for the Minneapolis Library Board, talks about plans for the new Minneapolis Public Library
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Misconceptions about disability are so ingrained that it’s hard to think differently. Yet, we have no chance of breaking free of this oppression if we do not address the prejudice and demand dignity in spite of our uncertainty. Already, it’s evident that as more of us enter society we are changing people’s perceptions of disability. Children with disabilities today have a vastly more optimistic outlook for their future than children with disabilities did just twenty years ago. But there is much more work to be done and it isn’t easy, especially when we ourselves have been taught that people with disabilities are in-valid or less-than human beings.
homes with a dog to distract attention away from their wheelchairs, so be it. For myself, I would be very leery of attention I received by having a service dog. I would question whether the attention I’m getting is not so much because people like animals, but because people find it inspirational to see a poor crippled girl with a saintly dog to help her. Similarly, an organization who trains service animals needs to be careful not to capitalize on this pity-factor. As Jerry Lewis says, “If it’s pity, we’ll get money” and it is always a challenge for a helping organization to raise funds without demeaning (i.e. eliciting pity for) those they serve. Any type of advertising that a service animal will make a wheelchair invisible is irresponsible and insulting to the disability community. It reinforces the old and harmful view of disability as something shameful that we would be better off hiding. There is no excuse for an organization that does not examine the ramifications of the images of disability they publicize. If they truly want to help, they will realize that there is nothing the disability community needs more than to know we have nothing to hide.
To the extent that we are unsure of our adequacy, we will have a harder time dealing with the outward expressions of prejudice. If some people with disabilities -- Nicole find it easier to leave their
Question? Complaint? Comment? Write to Nicole: % Access Press, 1821 University Ave. W, #104 S; St. Paul, MN 55104; HelloNicoleAccess@yahoo.com
Martha Hage’s RADIO SHOW
Considering how frightening the stereotypical view of disability is, Jerry has a point: when we go out in public we are very likely to encounter pity, staring and ostracism. Recently, an able-bodied friend said that he would rather die than become disabled. His reason was that he didn’t want to spend 24 hours a day in an apartment waiting
to be taken care of. Confused, I said, “But, you know many people with disabilities that live full, active lives, why do you think you would end up alone in an apartment?” He said he just couldn’t shake the fact that he’d been “born knowing” that people with disabilities spent their lives begging for help, having nothing to live for, and being treated like freaks!
Mark Hughes’ Disability Viewpoints August 14 August 15 August 21 August 22 August 28 August 29
5 pm, SHC part II repeated 1 am & 9 am, SHC part II repeated 5 pm, ADS* 1 am & 5 pm, ADS repeated 5 pm, ADS repeated 1 am & 5 pm, ADS repeated *SHC=Shriner’s Hosp for Children ADS =Attention Deficit Syndrome
651/642-4188 • KSTC TV • Ch 45 • 9 a.m. HOUSING AND PERSONAL CARE SERVICES Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI) offers subsidized one and two bedroom apartments for individuals with physical disabilities. We have housing in the Twin Cities metropolitan area, St. Cloud, Brainerd, Grand Rapids, Hibbing, Austin, Marshall, Willmar, and Duluth. The apartments are fully wheelchair accessible and each building has a central laundry room, large community room, secured entry and an on-site caretaker. ASI also offers shared personal care services 24 hours a day, at most locations, for adults with a physical disability and/or traumatic brain injury who qualify for Medical Assistance. For more information call (651) 645-7271 or (800) 466-7722. For services or housing call Cami, for employment as a personal care attendant call Al or Angie.
Accessible Space, Inc.
Disability Culture
August 10, 2001
Leadership Crisis In The Disability Community by Lolly Lijewski Tools in the Advocate’s this person’s participation? Is Toolbox, Part 2 of 2 this a natural evolution of a civil rights movement?” Last month, Lolly argued that the movement among local Yet another factor is the disability activists away from passing of key advocates like direct action and toward Leah Welsh, Charlie Smith, more incremental change and now Jay Johnson. Their and legislative work has absence leaves a huge void. taken some important tools out of the disability rights Finally, six years ago the toolbox. This month, she Consortium For Citizens With challenges the community to Disabilities (CCD) was just replace some of those tools. coming together and finding its way through a crisis ometimes organizations situation with the threat of hold their advocates back loss of funding to the PCA by limiting their freedom to and Tefra programs. The idea fully participate in advocacy was to form a coalition to efforts because of the fear of work together on common loss of funding or prestige in ground. But what happens when there are issues that the community. bring disagreement to the Another factor is that some coalition? advocates have left the activist community to take other It makes it difficult within the positions or to do work in coalition when there are other fields. When this differences of opinion about happens, while it is the what the consortium is or advocate’s personal choice, should be doing, beyond as a community we should be legislative work. Sometimes asking, “What are we losing there may be strategies that when this person moves on? would be effective at promotIs there something that could ing systems change work, and have been done to maintain which may have nothing
directly to do with the legislative work which has become the coalition’s focus, or may even be perceived by some as interfering with that work. This creates a conflict inside the coalition and outside in the community. Many times there is a process set up to deal with these conflicts. But sometimes they are swept under the rug in order to keep the cohesiveness within the coalition, since many advocates would rather avoid the conflict inside just to keep things together. Six years later CCD finds itself together, but at what cost? Disagreement or discussion about strategies does not diminish CCD’s accomplishments. The coalition has made incredible strides for the disability community in the past six years. It could make even more progress if it would expand its focus to include other strategies beyond legislative work. Some advocates have passed up recent opportunities to put the Minnesota disability ac-
tivist community front and center in regional and national advocacy circles. These are grindingly slow incremental change opportunities in areas such as; Social Security reform, health care, and housing. This kind of advocacy may not be as rewarding or as exciting as legislative or public policy work. However, if viewed on a continuum, advocacy and activism must maintain all of these tools in the advocate’s toolbox. The trick for the advocate is to know when to use what tool or tools and to understand his/ her role in utilizing each of them. For example; some may be more comfortable with confrontation than others, or some may be more comfortable with legislative work. Nevertheless, it is sometimes necessary to think and work outside the box. This is when we grow the most, and it is also often the time when we can gain the most for those whom we serve.
If the picture on the screen continues to shrink and the tools used by advocates lose their sharpness, the advocate becomes less effective and the work of social change becomes that much harder and takes that much longer.
progressively grayer, and there are few young people coming into the field of systems advocacy. A sense of complacency on the part of young people has become apparent. This is dangerous. Complacency may signal the slide down the slope to a loss What’s the solution? Metro of hard-won civil rights. area disability advocates need to take stock of themselves— It’s the responsibility of individually and as an activist current systems advocates to community. They need to be seek out young people who willing to stretch and chal- want to learn about this work, lenge themselves to do better and to teach them the full and reach higher. They need range of the tools in the to learn how to use the advocate’s toolbox. different tools in the advocates’ toolbox that they them- My hope is that Charlie selves may not be comfort- Smith’s passing will cause able using. They need to this community to look long challenge their organizations and hard at itself and where when the organization’s poli- it’s going. Charlie was an tics become stifling to the advocate who could do it all. mission of systems change. There are fewer and fewer Disability community mem- advocates doing systems work bers need to hold the advo- in the metro area disability cates accountable when community who are willing to change is not happening fast stretch themselves to “do it enough (or at all). all.” In the end it’s the people we serve who lose. Q Leadership development is also critical. The advocates doing this work are getting
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August 10, 2001
Lewis Pity-thon Perpetuates Stereotypes by Wendy Brower
abor Day is fast approaching. It represents the end of summer. To me, Labor Day also represents yet another celebrity-driven TV extravaganza: the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon. The Lewis telethon, stale in its beliefs (but glitzy nonetheless) continues to perpetuate outdated, unrealistic, stereotyped images of people with disabilities. Since 1981, the 75-year-old Jerry Lewis has been hosting this finelyhoned TV production for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). The purpose of the Jerry Lewis Telethon is to raise money—lots of money! The more money they get, the greater the success of the telethon.
like the Lewis telethon have been successful at raising money by perpetuating stereotypes of people with disabilities as victims, helpless poster children, people meant to be pitied, and by focusing on teary-eyed parents whose children have lives which are worse than death. During one of the telethons, Jerry Lewis blubbered, “My kids cannot go into the workplace. There’s nothing they can do. They’ve been attacked by a vicious killer. I’m begging for their survival.” Yuk!
Jerry Lewis still talks about “his kids” in a patronizing, condescending manner. Hey, this worn out theatrical act The sad truth is that events still works, and Jerry Lewis is
a master at tugging at the MDA Telethon’s narrowviewers’ heartstrings. So minded belief that people audiences give, give, and donate out of pity. Lewis emphatically justified this give… approach, saying “I’m telling However, each year leaders people about a child in with disabilities continue to trouble! If it’s pity, we’ll get be impatient with Jerry’s some money. I’m just giving medieval tactics. Leaders are you facts.” He went on to say, tired of the same old shop- “Pity? (If) you don’t want to worn images of themselves. be pitied because you’re a In fact, former poster children cripple in a wheelchair, stay in who themselves were actually your house.” recruited for the Telethon formed “Jerry’s Orphans” in Hmmm! Let me get this protest of the MDA Telethon. straight. Jerry Lewis believes that if people with disabilities Jerry Lewis and MDA are leave their houses to actively inscrutably defensive regard- participate in their communiing Jerry’s Orphans. In fact, ties like everyone else, they they are downright mean and should expect to get pity. unforgiving to anyone bold enough to question their It seems to me that the “pity” tactics. Recently, on CBS attitude just reinforces the News Sunday Morning, May notion that people with dis20, 2001, Jerry Lewis reacted abilities should remain isoto growing criticisms of the lated, warehoused, and invisible.
Arts Access Awards, VSA Arts Season Opens Sept 9 I
ndividuals and organizations that have made exemplary achievements in enabling people with disabilities to participate in the arts will be recognized Sunday, Sept. 9 at 2:00 at the Playwrights’ Center, 2301 Franklin Ave. E. in Minneapolis. VSA Arts of Minnesota will present the fifth annual Minnesota Arts Access Awards. Recipients will each receive
an original artwork called the Jaehny, named in honor of Jaehn Clare, an artist and cofounder of the statewide organization. This year’s Jaehnys are being created by Brently Michael Davis, a St. Paul sculptor. The afternoon awards are part of VSA’s first Arts Season Opener, featuring performance excerpts from the upcoming theater and dance
season, which are presented with American Sign Language interpreting and Audio Description. The event will be free and will include refreshments and information about pre-show tactile tours, post-show discussions, transportation, playbills in accessible formats, performance schedules, door prizes, and sampler season tickets, which will offer shows at a variety of arts venues. For more information, contact VSA Arts of Minnesota, 612-332-3888 voice/TTY, http://mn.vsarts. org, or e-mail jon.mn@vsarts. org Q
abilities Act (ADA), which became law more than 10 years ago. I’d love to tell Jerry Lewis, “Get into the 21st Century. Start by reading the ADA.” It was reported that Jerry Lewis raised $54.6 million dollars in last year’s MDA Telethon. Wow! Just think of all the good things that MDA and similar charities could do with that money to improve the everyday quality of life for people with disabilities.
Imagine the Telethon showing the everyday barriers that people with disabilities still face: discrimination; unacceptably high unemployment rates; inability to find, retain, and pay for attendant care; inaccessible housing, buildings, and recreation; and the never-ending transportation nightmare.
Of course, I’m just dreaming how telethons could be, eschewing the reality of how telethons operate today. Regrettably, I doubt that the I’d like to see TV fund-raising MDA Telethon will ever raise money for people with change as long as Jerry Lewis disabilities in a new, exciting is in front of the camera. way. Most telethons don’t promote Imagine the telethon’s host empowerment, justice, disfighting for more inclusion, ability rights, or what’s fair. cheering integration and ad- Apparently there’s no money vocating independence for in that. Q people with disabilities. Imagine Jerry Lewis using his Wendy S. Brower is the celebrity status and TV time Executive Director of the This pathetic thinking is to promote the value of Disability Institute. Gary totally inconsistent with the people with disabilities in our Smolik contributed to this nation’s Americans with Dis- society. commentary.
“Life Is Precious” I
t is a hot summer day in July...you are going down to Mankato to have a birthday dinner with your 51 year-old father, which you have done every year. You are so close to your father and have been your whole life. At dinner something is not right. Your father does not seem to be himself. His short-term memory does not seem to be working; he is repeating himself over and over. Your training as a State of Minnesota Rehabilitation Counselor tells you there is something
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very wrong. You hope for the best and try not to think of the worst. The next day comes, the doctor tells you the unthinkable, your father has an inoperable brain tumor and does not have long to live. After the initial shock, you ask, “What am I to do?” Although I just started my job and will have to take an unpaid leave of absence, I will care for my father until he passes on. I need to do this for him and myself.
camp. Mike owns his own construction company, Wheelock Construction. Because of the tumor, Mike’s short-term memory has been destroyed and he needs 24-hour care. On the positive side, Mike has not lost the ability to remember family and friends, and has kept his wonderful sense of humor.
Donations are welcome and appreciated. All proceeds will go to the Wheelock family to assist in caring for their Unfortunately, this is a true terminally-ill father. story. Tricia Wheelock’s father, Mike, was just diag- Send donations to: Wheelock nosed with a brain tumor on Family, c/o Jenny Reinardy, July 19th of this year. He has 1201 89th Ave. NE. #220, two other daughters, Jamie Blaine, MN 55434 Q and Beckie, and one granddaughter, Mryhia, who is 11 This article was submitted by months old. a long-time volunteer at Access Press who is a coMike is a Vietnam Veteran worker of Ms. Wheelock at who served in the Marines. the State of Minnesota VocaMike loves to hunt, fish, and tional Rehabilition Services.
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August 10, 2001
Music For Social Change Accessible Performances by Nathan Halvorson
group of 27 selfadvocates came together at Augsburg College in Minneapolis for “Music for Social Change” on Saturday, July 21st. Organized by Advocating Change Together (ACT) and the Governor’s Planning Council on People with Developmental Disabilities, the event marked an exploration into the historical and emotional aspects of music as a tool in creating social change. As participant and songwriter Martha Hage states, “Music has played an important role in the civil rights and other movements, but there is a lack of it when it comes to disability rights. We wish that it did play a larger role.” Advocates devoted the workshop to increasing focus on this tool in the movement for disability rights. The day-long event began with a meditation on just what it means to be a person with a disability. ACT’s Mary Kay Kennedy and Rick Cardenas led discussions which helped participants answer: “What values are important to me?” and “What do we stand for?” Advocates determined that the disability rights movement is committed to courage, justice, freedom, honesty, and action and it stands for the rights to be noticed, to speak up for oneself and others, and to preserve respect for each other. Fueled with enthusiasm by these definitions, participants “got on board” with the music laid down by folk singers Bret Hesla and Larry Dittberner. As the group sang through affirmations such as “We Shall Overcome,” “This Little Light of Mine,” and “How Great Thou Art,” people held and clapped hands, smiled and cried together. The songs took on new life as people brought their own experiences to them, inventing verses with messages as
The following performances will be Audio Described (AD) for people who are blind or have low vision, or Interpreted in American Sign Language (ASL) for people simple, moving and direct as to the unique power of music who are deaf or hard of hearing. “We will work together.” to bring people together and to organize for social change. In addition to enhancing the “Mother Goose Rocks!” by exposes the secrets of the jamboree with guitar and Commenting on this power, Randy Latimer, music by “Amadeus” by Peter Shaffer, Devil’s checkered past and banjo, Augsberg professors Martha Hage stated, “Music Gary Rue, runs 7/6 - 8/5 ASL/ runs 7/21 - 8/26 ASL Thurs., puts the audience in the jury AD Sun., July 29, 2:00, & Aug. 16, 7:30; Fri., Aug. 24, for the Trial of the MillenThurs., Aug. 2, 12:30 - 7:30 - AD Fri., Aug. 17, 7:30; nium. Describer: Mari Griffin; Sat., Aug. 25, 1:00 (tour Interpreter: Nancy Niggley; 11:00) - Describer: Cynthia “The Car Man” by Matthew Stages Theatre Co., 1111 Hamre; Guthrie Theater, Bourne, runs 8/22 - 9/2 AD Mainstreet, Hopkins, 952- 725 Vineland Place, Minne- Sat., Sept. 1, 2:00 - Ordway 979-1111, www.stagestheatre apolis, 612-377-2224, TTY Center for Performing Arts, .org. A world premiere mus- 612-377-6626; www.guthrie 345 Washington, St. Paul, ical based on Mother Goose theater.org. 651-224-4222, TTY 651stories and rhymes. 282-3100; www.ordway.org “Summer Blizzard 2001" The North American pre“The Sound of Music” runs runs 8/16-19 * ASL Fri., Aug. miere of the London sensation 7/26 - 8/11 ASL Thurs., 17, 8:00 - Interpreter: Arlyn reworks the music of Bizet’s August 2, 9:00 pm - Inter- Anderson; 3 Legged Race, at Carmen as a handsome preter: Mary Holte Off- the Southern Theater, 1420 stranger arrives in a MidwestBroadway Musical Theatre at Washington Ave., Mpls, 612- ern town. the New Hope Outdoor The- 340-1725, www.southern of Social Work Maria Brown can touch people. It can touch atre, 4401 Xylon Ave. N., theater.org, * $10-12 (reg. Accessible Arts Season and Vern Bloom expanded on your soul. People can remem- 763-531-5151 (free, starts at $17-19) Third annual “per- Opener Sun., Sept. 9, 2:00 the historical context of “Mu- ber its message.” Prof. Brown dusk) formance blizzard” explores Playwrights’ Center, 2301 sic for Social Change.” Brown adds that, “Music is somethe limits of body and Franklin Ave. E., Minneapoand Bloom focused on two thing people of all abilities “Jacques Brel Is Alive & imagination by aerial poets lis, 612-332-3888 or 800examples of music’s ability to can participate in. It brings a Well & Living in Paris” runs Chelsea Bacon & Katie 801-3883, voice/tty; http:// stir social change. First, they sudden energy to protesters 7/25 - 8/26 * AD/ASL Baldwin, “ballerine” Penel- mn.vsarts.org A program referred to the Southern and reminds people of where Saturday, August 11, 8:00 — ope Freeh, post-modern im- presenting: (1) performances Tenant farmer movement of they have come from. They AD: Rick Jacobson; ASL: provisers Hijack, multi- anticipating the 2001-02 Minthe early twenties. Songs of feel inspired and discover a Susan Masters; Park Square artist Daniel Alexander nesota Arts Season with this movement—such as ‘we can do this’ mentality.” Theatre, 20 W. 7th Place, St. Jones, trapeze strongwomen accessible accommodations, “Bread and Roses”—shat- She continues,”When I’ve Paul, 651-291-7005, www.park LAVA, & ballroom slapstick AND (2) VSA arts awards to tered color barriers between sung with people, our rela- squaretheatre.org. champ Brian Sostek, with individuals & organizations black and white tenants and tionship changes—I feel closer cabaret diva Melissa Birch as who have paved the way in helped union organizers to to them.” “Quilters” by Molly New- emcee. creating greater accessibility stay together through gun man & Barbara Damashek - 5/ in the arts for audiences and attacks on their homes. The event closed with partici- 18 - 9/9 * ASL Sunday, “Much Ado About Noth- artists. (See story and adverpants working together to August 12, 2:00 - Interpreter: ing” ASL/AD Sun., August tisement on page 6.) The professors also discussed write their own social change Gail Devereaux; Common- 19, 2:30 - Describer: Judy the importance of “We Shall songs. Their compositions weal Theatre, 206 Parkway Baldwin; Interpreters: Shake- Minnesota Renaissance FesOvercome” in the Civil Rights admitted pain in questions Ave. N., Lanesboro, 507- speare in the Park, at Mixed tival runs 8/18 - 9/3 ASL Sat., Movement. They cited a like “How many times will I 467-2525, 800-657-7025; Blood Theatre, 1501 S. 4th St., Sept. 15 - ASL Interpreters particular incident in 1968 be called a ‘mentally re- www.common wealtheatre. Minneapolis, 612-871-5168 will be available at the where a non-violent commu- tarded’ person?” and in- org. With music, movement or TicketWorks 612-343- Renaissance Festival site in nity-living experiment in cluded messages that anyone and patchwork scenes, this 3390, www.fringefestival.org. rural Shakopee, interpreting Highland, Alabama was raided can learn from, such as, “Our beautiful play pays tribute to various performances and by local deputies. When spirit is the same as those who the courage and spirit of “The History of the Devil” craft demonstrations. 952protesters began to sing the think they’re normal,” “Noth- America’s pioneer women by Clive Barker, runs 8/17 - 9/ 445-7361 Q song, their fear quieted, even ing about us without us” and and the glorious quilts they 8 * AD Sun., Aug. 26, 7:30 as men with guns and billy “Label jars, not people.” created. (sensory tour at 7:00) - * Selected performances are clubs paced through the room While the disability commueligible for Reduced AdDescriber: Rick Jacobson; mission Prices through Acand ransacked their belong- nity still faces many obstacles “Hamlet” ASL/AD Sun., Mary Worth Theatre Co. at cess to Theatre. For more ings. A witness exclaimed, in the progress towards free August 12, 2:30 - Describer: Cedar Riverside People’s Ceninfo contact VSA arts of “When we started to sing ‘We and equal treatment, “Music Judy Baldwin; Shakespeare ter, 3rd floor, 425 S. 20th MN, mn@vsarts.org. (612) are not afraid,’ Nature came for Social Change” impacted in the Park at Mixed Blood Ave., Minneapolis, 612-879332-3888 or statewide (800) into that room. Water and people like Beth Blick who Theatre, 1501 S. 4th St., 9075, $10 This funny and 801-3883 (voice/TTY). trees came in. The raiders insists that, after the day of Minneapolis, 612-871-5168 imaginative fantasy by a nervously retreated and had to singing, she feels “more hope or TicketWorks 612-343- visionary master of horror leave.” This evidence points for what can happen.” Q 3390, www.fringefestival.org
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August 10, 2001
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August 10, 2001
Legislature Adopts Visitability Language
Wound Clinic Now Open
by Margot Imdieke Cross
by Peter Alden, M.D. and Eric Erwin, M.D.
he Minnesota State Council on Disability, with the aid of state Senator Julie Sabo, and in concert with a coalition of more than 40 individual disability organizations, were successful in their attempt to pass legislation in the 2001 Minnesota legislative session adopting “Visitability” requirements for new affordable housing.
Finance Agency, incorporate three basic “Visitability” design standards. They are: 1. One no-step entrance; 2. 32inch clear doorways throughout the dwelling, and; 3. A half-bath on the main level. Waivers were provided should the no-step entrance or halfbath requirements reduce affordability of the housing for the targeted population.
The language, included in the new Jobs and Economic Development Omnibus Bill, requires that all newly constructed single-family dwellings, duplexes, triplexes and multi-level townhouses that are funded in whole or in part by the Minnesota Housing
Coalition members joining in support of the passage of the Visitability language include the Minnesota Consortium of Citizens with Disabilities, the Metropolitan Center for Independent Living, the Minneapolis Advisory Committee on People with Disabilities,
the Saint Paul Advisory Committee on People with Disabilities, the Alexandria Area Council on Disability and the Minnesota Senior Federation.
disability, stated; “This is a beginning. If homes are built more accessible as a matter of course, the children of tomorrow will have a greater opportunity to play and grow together. Children of all Eleanor Smith, founder of abilities will learn from one Concrete Change and creator another.” of the Visitability campaign noted that; “Visitability not The state’s focus, for some only allows neighbors and time, has been on the affordfriends to visit one another, it able housing shortage. allows older and disabled Visitability emphasizes the individuals to stay in their need to include the shortage homes longer and provides a of affordable/accessible housbroader housing market for ing. this population.” Minnesota now joins Texas, Diane Hovey, a supporter of Georgia and Vermont that the Visitability language and have Visitability language in parent of a child with a place. Q
LEGISLATIVE - Cont. from p. 1 unearned income below 100% FPG ($716/month) will no longer be required to spend down to be eligible for Medical Assistance. Therefore, unless these persons have assets over $3,000 or a spouse, they will not need the MA-EPD option. Individuals with earned and unearned incomes over 100% FPG, will be required to pay a premium on a sliding scale basis beginning at 1% of total income at 100% of FPG and rising to 7.5% of total income for those at or above 300% FPG. This mean that approximately 5,000 persons using the MA-EPD eligibility option will be required to pay a premium beginning November 1, 2001. DHS is required to provide MA-EPD participants with a general notice that a premium change will become effective November 1, 2001. Several disability groups as well as DHS are working to provide the sliding fee scale premium information on their web sites by the fall.
month of MA-EPD enrollment, a person who is temporarily unable to work due to a medical condition verified by a physician, may retain eligibility for up to four calendar months. This provision means that an individual with disabilities eligible for MA-EPD will not have to spend down to the excess income standard if their income is above 100% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) for up to four months while recovering from an illness or injury. The individual will also be able to retain their assets up to the standards of MA-EPD (up to $20,000, etc.) rather than the regular Medical Assistance asset limits ($3,000 for an individual). This provision is effective July 1, 2001. Another provision allows MAEPD participants who lose their jobs to retain assets accumulated while eligible for MA-EPD for up to 12 months. The asset retention provision is available for any reason, including layoff, job change or extended illness, while the income provision above is only available if lack of earnings is due to a medical condition. THIS PROVISION ONLY BECOMES EFFECTIVE UPON FEDERAL APPROVAL, SO THE EFFECTIVE DATE IS UNCERTAIN.
The premium for persons at 100% FPG will be $7 per month. Those with 300% FPG in earned and unearned income ($2,148 per month) will be required to pay $161 per month beginning September 1, 2001. For those with earnings above $2,148 per month, 7.5% of total gross Expansion of Prescription Drug Program income will be required as a Expansion of the Prescription premium. Drug Program (PDP) for MA-EPD Asset Protection Persons with Disabilities and During Illness the Elderly, Article 2, Section Medical Assistance for Em- 7 and 8. ployed Persons with Disabilities (MA-EPD), Asset and The state-funded Prescription Income Protection During Drug Program (PDP) eligibilIllness or Job Loss, Article 2, ity level for persons with Sections 19 and 28, amends disabilities was changed from Minn. Stat. § 256B.056, 100% of the Federal Poverty Subd. 3. After at least one Guidelines (FPG) to 120%
support or Social Security benefits to pay basic living expenses rather than a spend down for health care coverage. This provision is effective upon federal approval which should be readily forthcoming given recent clarificaUnfortunately, the Legisla- tions in federal rules and ture failed to treat persons on Medicare under 65 similarly to persons over 65. Persons over 65 are eligible for the PDP up to 135% FPG beginning January 1, 2002. FPG beginning July 1, 2002. This means that persons on Medicare with income up to 120% FPG ($859/month) will be eligible for prescription drug coverage by paying a monthly premium of $35.
he Wound Clinic at Abbott Northwestern Hospital reopened its doors on July 16th, with a new location at 2800 Chicago Avenue South (kitty-corner from Abbott Northwestern Hospital) in Minneapolis. The Clinic is in Suite 400. Along with the new location, the clinic has a new treatment approach focusing on supporting primary care through its distinct services.
new Wound Clinic is to diagnose and treat referred patients with vascular problems, diabetes, arterial insufficiency and other complex, chronic, non-healing extremity wounds. We use the expertise of vascular surgeons, podiatrists, nurses, enterostomal therapists, orthopedic technicians, pedorthists and prosthetists to provide comprehensive care for difficult wounds. The Abbott Northwestern clinic is As co-directors of the Wound the only specialized wound Clinic, we are excited to be clinic within Allina Hospitals reopened and serving patients & Clinics. again. The Clinic closed in December 2000 after a The goal of the clinic is to variety of circumstances give our patients services caused us to cease the otherwise unavailable to them, operation of a hospital-based either because of their locawound clinic. tion or their primary care center’s capabilities. At the The primary function of the same time, we will be a resource to referring physicians so they can complete the policy. Q treatment plan goals when Next Month: Changes in the patients are referred back to laws concerning community them. supports for people with disFor more information on the abilities. Wound Clinic, call 612-8633110. Q
Child Support Disregard Child Support Disregard for Children with Disabilities Eligible for MA Under the TEFRA Option, Article 2, Section 16. Children who have child support payments or Social Security Survivor or Disability benefits paid by parents or through the parents’ Social Security eligibility will no longer have those funds subject to a spend down in order to be eligible for Medical Assistance under the TEFRA and Home and Community Waiver Options. This change affects a small number of families. Two-parent families whose children are eligible through the TEFRA or Home and Community Waiver Options must pay a parental fee, but are not subject to a spend down. Because child support has been treated as income to the child, children had to spend down the child support or Social Security benefits in order to obtain Medical Assistance services through the TEFRA or Home and Community Waiver Options. This very unfair provision has been changed and these children and their parents will now be able to use child
August 10, 2001
he actions of the city governments of Minneapolis and St. Paul— Minnesota’s two largest cities—have not only a practical impact on the lives of people with disabilities who live in those cities, but also an impact on the lives of all Minnesotans. With this in mind, Access Press posed a simple question to this year’s candidates for mayor of Minneapolis and St. Paul: What disabilities issue most concerns you, and as mayor, how would you address this issue?
Remember, all disabled will have my attention, and I pledge that they will be a high priority in my administration from 2002 to 2006. STEVEN HOUDEK The issue of mental illness most concerns me because I know people personally that have various forms of mental illness. I know that any homeless people have a form of mental illness also. In the news headlines recently there have been incidents between police and those with mental illness. I would like the city to have an educational campaign. I think a lot of people
I also promise as mayor to be receptive to all proposals from disabled citizens for changes in the current laws and to actively lobby for those changes in the House and Senate. LARRY LEININGER Mobility disabilities most concern me. I would like to see more crosswalks along with modified curbs for wheel chairs. Also I would like to see the cross walks bounded by a line on each side which would by law indicate to the drivers that they must stop for anyone crossing the street between the lines. There are
Following are all of the responses received by Access Press. (There are a number of registered candidates who did not respond to Access Press, and their names do not appear here.) The order of responses is alphabetical, and should not be taken as any sort of priority listing nor endorsement by Access Press or the editors. First, the candidates for Mayor of Minneapolis: DICK FRANSON As a retired Army First Sergeant, who served during two wars, Vietnam and Korea, and I was exposed to AGENT ORANGE in Vietnam, consequently, I was awarded a 100% service-connected disability, and I am considered permanently and totally disabled.
are ignorant to this issue and put a lot of shame on people who are afflicted with this. The city needs to educate people so we may better help Since I have this background people with mental illness. in war and peace, I will speak out for all disabled veterans MARK KOSCIELSKI and the disabled community As a disabled veteran, the in this area. If elected Mayor number-one problem I have of Minneapolis, MN, I pledge experienced in this city is the to support the American lack of parking opportunities Disability Act 100%. downtown, particularly in the vicinity of City Hall. As your My administration will em- mayor, I would designate at ploy many handicapped indi- least two new parking spaces viduals in the mayor’s office. in front of City Hall while I will lobby the Congress and maintaining the transfer zones the President for affordable that we currently have. housing, provide adequate health care for all Americans, I will also submit a change in provide affordable prescrip- the city ordinances to enable tion drugs, and to provide handicap-permitted cars to transitional housing for over park for up to three hours at 4000 homeless veterans in yellow-hooded meters, which our state. currently allow for only fifteen minutes.
laws like this already on the books, but so few crosswalks that the laws are meaningless. More crosswalks would benefit the disabled with shorter, safer routes of passage.
LISA MCDONALD The disability issue which is the most relevant to residents of Minneapolis is accessibility. Minneapolis needs to work to develop more affordable, accessible housing. The tightening supply and demand situation in the housing market with a vacancy rate of 1.5% has driven up the cost of renting and buying a home. I am the only candidate for Mayor of Minneapolis with a real plan to build more units. This crisis especially impacts members of the disabled community who often are low
to middle income renters and buyers. My plan would provide new, affordable units at 30-50% of the metro media income and would include units that are accessible. The City of Minneapolis has an obligation to help properly house its citizens. Affordable, accessible housing would be one of my first priorities as Mayor of Minneapolis. R.T. RYBAK The passage of ADA has moved us forward regarding public accommodations, but I remain concerned that we have not gone far enough to tear down the walls between people with disabilities and the general population. Toward this end, the city needs to promote visitability of new affordable housing units and enforce building codes regarding number of accessible units. I will work to provide accessible housing options along transit corridors, especially the incoming LRT line. As Mayor, I will keep our streets, sidewalks and parks accessible, and improve their accessibility in the winter. In addition, I will make sure the Mayor’s Advisory Committee is truly empowered in meeting with city department heads to address disability issues.
no charge. I will also work to acquire federal grants and local business and non-profit partnerships to extend employment training programs to people with disabilities through initiatives such as the Train to Work program. And, I will continue to develop partnerships to improve housing, especially affordable housing, to better meet the needs of people with disabilities and limitations, MARK STENGLEIN Those with disabilities are too often ignored when shaping public policy. Their input is essential as we develop programs to meet their needs. The disabled are met with countless challenges daily, such as housing, transportation, and employment. These can often be remedied through collaborative efforts between non-profits, religious organizations, the private sector and government. I believe public safety is our first right as citizens and I will work to make every part of our 60 square mile city safe. As mayor, I will work to increase policing of our neighborhoods with stepped up car patrolling, and increased foot and bike patrols. I will lobby those in our judicial system to lock away predators rather than allow them to be released, only to re-offend And lastly, I will work to engage our entire society to lend a
helping hand and keep a watchful eye out for our fellow citizens. Here are the responses from the candidates for Mayor of St. Paul: JAY BENANAV As Mayor, I will ensure that city services, which include everything from libraries to information to garbage services, are available and accessible to all our citizens, including the disabled. This includes making all information available through alternative methods, including the internet and TTY phones, as well as ensuring that all city offices are accessible and equipped to welcome all St. Paulites A recent case which crossed my desk at the City Council involved the Humphrey Job Corps (JC) center on Snelling. It is a wonderful program providing training to youth, but it was brought to my attention by a young, disabled constituent that the center was not accessible. I look forward to working with the JC to help them achieve accessibility and, as Mayor, I will continue to work closely with all constituents to ensure that their needs are being met across St. Paul. Additionally, as Mayor, one of my key priorities will be attracting and retaining a Candidates - cont. on p. 11
Finally, I need your input. I have pledged to throw open the doors of City Hall and reinvolve citizens – of all abilities – in governing our city. SHARON SAYLES BELTON I was honored to receive the 2000 Commitment and Leadership Award from the Minneapolis Advisory Ccommittee on People with Disabilities. As mayor, I will continue to increase awareness among contractors and architects, business owners and the general public as to the needs of Minneapolis residents and visitors with disabilities. To do so, we need to work on several initiatives to ensure adequate housing, accessible transportation and good jobs. I will continue to provide assistance for additional snow and ice removal for seniors and people with disabilities at
August 10, 2001
President Speaks On ADA [Editor’s Note: The following is the text of President George W. Bush’s weekly radio address to the nation Saturday, July 28th, 2001.]
Many have joined the work force, thanks to reasonable accommodations made by their employers. This has made our country a fairer society, more considerate and HE PRESIDENT: Good welcoming to all our citizens. morning. This past week, our country marked the 11th As people with disabilities anniversary of the Americans find more opportunities to use with Disabilities Act. I’m their gifts and talents, we also proud that it was my father become a stronger, more who signed that landmark productive nation. Some legislation into law. And all barriers remain, however. Americans can take pride in And as long as they stand, our the changes the ADA has work is unfinished. brought into the lives of millions of citizens with In February, I announced a disabilities. Because of that plan called the New Freedom law, Americans with disabili- Initiative to expand even ties have gained greater ac- further the opportunities availcess to public places. They able to people with disabilihave more options in choos- ties. This initiative will help ing their homes, using public more Americans with distransportation, traveling and abilities enter the work force by improving transportation, staying in hotels.
or making it easier to work from home. It will encourage private companies to develop new assistive technologies, like computer monitors for people with visual impairments, infrared pointers for people who cannot use their hands to operate a keyboard, and lighter wheelchairs to increase mobility. And my New Freedom Initiative will help community groups, churches, synagogues, mosques and civic organizations to improve access for people with disabilities.
order requiring federal agencies to work with state and local authorities to allow people with disabilities to move out of institutions and into community settings. I’ve also instructed the Attorney General and the Secretary of Health and Human Services to fully enforce Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, ensuring that no one is unjustifiably institutionalized.
without disabilities and those who have disabilities. Stereotypes and prejudices abound and the Mayor must foster a better understanding about the whole issue of disabilities. I believe that the best way to do this is to bring several people with disabilities into prominent positions in my administration and develop a strong relationship with all the members of the Mayor’s Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities and help the committee to implement their programs and priorities. As a Vietnam Veteran who has worked with many disabled veterans, I believe that I know what people with disabilities face on a regular basis and I want to change the perceptions and actively use the talents of all disabled people.
RANDY KELLY We must stop thinking of people with disabilities as a separate constituency, and instead promote co-investment in social and cultural outcomes – we’re all just an accident, illness or birthday away from a life-altering disability. Let’s turn away from outdated thinking that sees people with disabilities as a group of “others” consuming social services and public money; people with disabilities are resources: customers, employees, entrepreneurs, and volunteers. Natural connections exist between “disabilities issues” and every day issues: personal and public safety, increased availability of universal housing design, business and job development made possible with assistive technology, a genuinely accessible transportation system, and effective lifelong learning. I’ll work with the mayor’s advisory council for people with disabilities to make Saint Paul the best place for people with disabilities to make their home and workplace in a stable community with low crime and good homes, where employment and business development and educational institutions address the needs and contributions of all its diverse residents.
BOB LONG Our city must be accessible and welcoming and open to all people. As a Saint Paul City Councilmember, I lead the fight for an accessible city hall, city facilities and accessible curbs at our street intersections. I will continue these actions as Mayor. The City must ensure that the needs of its employees with disabilities are met. The City should promote its job openings within the disabled community. The City should also ensure that all of its facilities are fully accessible to persons with disabilities.
BOB KESSLER I believe the most important issue is the lack of understanding between the people
The Mayor plays a crucial role in developing housing and can advocate for housing focused on the needs of the
I want to be the mayor of everyone in Saint Paul, and people with disabilities are a very important part of our community.
We have made significant progress in advancing the New Freedom Initiative. But some of these reforms will require the Congress to provide the resources we need to fully implement the New
Freedom Initiative and fulfill the promise of ADA. All of these efforts will build on the progress we have made as a society since the Americans With Disabilities Act became law. During the last 11 years, we have opened the doors of opportunity to millions of people with disabilities; and, together, we can ensure that everyone with a disability enjoys the respect that all citizens deserve. Q
Connie Panzarino Passes
Many of these groups are trying their best to meet the requirements of ADA, and we will help them. We must also by Judy Brewer work to ensure that people with disabilities are not arbi- [Editor’s note: The following trarily isolated or kept apart. I tribute to Connie Panzarino recently signed an executive was received too late for the July 10th edition. Despite the delay in publishing, we did want to mark the passing of this disability activist.]
CANDIDATES - Cont. from p. 10 skilled workforce, and that includes disabled workers. I will continue to work with and support wonderful programs in the Midway like MTS and MIDS that provide invaluable services to business, while training disabled workers.
My administration is also committed to requiring all federal agencies to make sure that their Internet sites are more accessible for people with disabilities, both inside and outside the government.
disability community. The Mayor must work with the Metropolitan Council to ensure that transportation is readily available to persons living and working in Saint Paul. Finally, the Mayor must encourage private employers to have more accessible facilities for their disabled customers and employees.
onnie Panzarino of Ja maica Plain Massachusetts, born November 26, 1947, passed away July 4, 2001. Ms. Panzarino was an author, artist, activist, and psychotherapist with spinal muscular atrophy which by
ism, and the ethics of genetic engineering. Connie authored books for children, and wrote numerous short stories, essays, and magazine articles. Her autobiography, The Me in the Mirror (Seal Press, Connie was an advocate for 1994), serves to educate and the rights of people with enlighten. disabilities and lesbians. As a Registered Art Therapist she A fund is being established to worked for over 18 years with continue Connie’s work; for survivors of physical and information contact Cyndy sexual abuse. She lectured Miller, 617-731-6228. Q nationwide on the subjects of disability, homophobia, sexadulthood allowed only movement of her right thumb and facial muscles. Daily fulltime attendant care allowed her to run her household and lead a very active life.
BOBBI MEGARD Supportive housing for people with disabilities is lacking in our city. Efforts made by the Urban League, private and non-profit developers should be lauded. But there’s more work to be done to ensure that our disabled population has good-quality, accessible living space. There are several factors involved in providing adequate supportive housing. First, it is crucial that we examine our zoning process. There have been incidents where zoning has been used to prevent building or redevelopment, based on the idea that supportive housing should be considered a business rather than a residence. Second, as Mayor, I will audit the city’s financial accounts to see if money can be found to assist with start-up projects. The city’s role in assisting with infrastructure in supportive housing is invaluable. Certain services, such as those provided by the Saint Paul Rehabilitation Center, can be expanded and included in city-financed projects. Finally, while building supportive housing, we must keep the ADA handbook by our side to ensure curb cuts, adequate parking, on-site social services, and convertible living spaces. Q
August 10, 2001
The Attempt To Disguise What I Did Discrimination On My Summer Vacation by Mike Chevrette
by Steve Gold
oes the ADA Apply To have a disability. The imporHMOs? tant point is to define exactly how the discrimination is Yes, unequivocally, even occurring. though the HMOs do not admit it. Be aware of some code words used to attempt to disguise If you are in a private HMO, what is really discrimination: Title III of the ADA applies. If you are in a medical Medically necessary as in “A assistance, public (sometimes motorized wheelchair is not mandatory) HMO, Title II medically necessary for Mrs. applies. Whichever type of Jones because there is another HMO you’re in, it must person in the house who can comply with the relevant push her in a manual chair.” ADA provisions. Medical condition as in, “Mr. Okay, How does the ADA Smith cannot receive physical apply? therapy because he was born with cerebral palsy (his alFirst, discrimination against leged “medical condition”) people with disabilities oc- and persons receive physical curs in the health area the therapy only if they need it as exact same way it occurs in a result of an accident.” the non-health context. Do not be intimidated by the Medical appliance as in, “The capital letters MD or HMO! HMO will not pay for an augmentative communication Second and most critical, device because it is not a people with disabilities have medical appliance.” the right to have their individual and specific medical Covered benefit as in, “If a and health issues treated the person needs in-home nursing same as, equally as, and as care and attendant services fully and completely as a for nine hours a day, they are nondisabled person is treated. not covered benefits at that The HMO cannot discrimi- level. The HMO will pay for nate against you based on such services, but only in a your disability or because you nursing home.”
y wife Jan and I just What can people with disreturned from a long abilities do to enforce their ADA rights against their driving trip that brought us up Highway 61 on the North HMO? Shore of Lake Superior. We Our experience suggests that continued on around the Lake both public and private HMOs and back through Lower can be held accountable. But Michigan, with a stop in it takes a lot of effort and time. Chicago. In all, I drove 2,000 Specifically: Each time--yes, mile in less than a week. Boy, each time--your or your are my wings tired. doctor’s request for services is turned down, you must Our first stop was at the appeal in writing and request Glensheen mansion. This 7.6an oral hearing. Nearly every acre estate on Lake Superior HMO has an appeal process, was built by Chester A. usually a three-step appeal Congdon between 1905-08. Tours are given of the main process. building. Considering the age When you hear a denial that is of this building, the tour was really a cover for discrimina- as accessible as you could tion, you must use the HMO’s expect. I was able to tour the appeal process and argue that main level in my wheelchair. the denial is discrimination in When the rest of my tour violation of the ADA. Don’t group went upstairs to the be surprised if you must second floor, I was escorted to the sewing room for a slide appeal all the way. show of the upper 2 floors. Tell the HMO, if necessary, The mansion does have an that you will fight this to the elevator but I was told that it is very small and unreliable. end. The last thing I wanted to do This article was originally on my first day of vacation published in the March 2001 was to end up stuck between issue of Mouth Magazine. floors of a 100-year-old Visit their website at building! The other building and the grounds were very www.mouthmag.com/ Q interesting and accessible. I do have to confess that for the first time in my life I returned to my van finding that I had left my headlights on. Yes, it was click, click, when I tried to start the engine. Luckily for me, one of the workers at the mansion had a set of jumper cables. ties or mental retardation all fell under the definition. Our next stops were at some of Minnesota’s State Parks. Bauer says that many employ- The first one was Gooseberry ers are unaware of the skills Falls. It is known for its that people with disabilities spectacular waterfalls, river bring to a job interview, and gorge, Lake Superior shoremany potential bosses see line, log and stone structures their hiring as “expensive or built by the Civilian Conserlitigious.” Those with dis- vation Corps, and wildlife. I abilities also tend to have loved to listen to the thunderlower than average educa- ous roar of the upper, middle tional and training back- and lower falls of the Goosegrounds, which leave them berry River, as it plummeted less prepared, especially dur- through a rocky gorge. We ing a time of low unemploy- stopped by the Joseph N. ment, advocates said. Alexander Visitor Center where you can find park The study also found that 28 information, interpretive dispercent of those ages 25 and plays, a park video, Nature older with severe disabilities Store, and more. This buildlived in poverty, compared ing was extremely accessible, with 10 percent of those with including power-assisted disabilities considered not doors, a unisex restroom and a severe and 8 percent of people with no disability. Refurbished Pentium
Census Shows Half Are Employed T
he Columbus Dispatch reported earlier this year that new Census Bureau estimates show that one-half of adult Americans with disabilities have jobs, and that the employed typically earn less than the average American. The disparity is greater among those people whose disabilities are considered severe, according to the recentlyreleased Census Bureau report. The results show that more needs to be done by the federal government and the private sector in order for people with disabilities to become more accepted in the workplace, said Olivia Raynor, Director of the National Arts and Disabilities Center at the University of California, Los Angeles.
one-half worked in 1997, with average earnings of $23,373 per year, the report said. Of those with severe disabilities in the same age category, 31 percent had a job, with average earnings of $18,631 per year. By comparison, 78 percent of all Americans ages 21 to 64 worked, averaging $30,155 a year. The report comes 11 years after passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Despite the landmark legislation, people with disabilities who seek jobs “already have two strikes going against them going into a job interview,’’ said Kirk Bauer, executive director of Disabled Sports USA, which is based in Rockville, Md., outside Washington, D.C.
According to the Dispatch article, the term “disability” accounted for a variety of definitions in the Census report. Those who use a wheelchair or cane; those who had difficulty performing simple tasks on their own, Of the 27.8 million people such as eating or bathing; and ages 21 to 64 with disabilities, people with learning disabiliOverall, in 1997, 20 percent of Americans, or 52.6 million people, said they had disabilities. Of that total, 33 million said their disability was severe.
The Census Bureau’s Web site is www.census.gov. Q This story was edited by Nicole Roberts
lowered information desk. The newly paved paths gave us a good view of the upper and middle falls. About 7 miles down the road, we stopped to see the Split Rock Lighthouse. Unfortunately, this park wasn’t as accommodating as Gooseberry Falls. I was able to get to the base of the lighthouse, but from there it was either steps or trails that are not accessible. I did stop at the history center, where I viewed the 20minute video that describes why and how the lighthouse was built. If you use a wheelchair and want to see the classic view of the lighthouse from the lakeshore, get ready for disappointment. I did not find a trail that was accessible to the lake.
rooms gives you a sense of being “away from it all.” The Arrowhead Room, a sunroom with an outdoor feel used for afternoon tea, board games, and reading, complements the architecture of the 1920s. The outside area is flat and accessible right down to the lake. But, if you’re going to stay here, call well in advance, and leave your cell phone at home. Don’t forget to get one of Nancy’s sweet rolls.
Our last stop before entering Canada was at Grand Portage National Monument. This served as the headquarters for fur trade activity and the Ojibwe heritage. It linked Lake Superior with a westward system of lakes and rivers. Access from the parking lot to the great hall and Our first night was spent in kitchens are accessible by Grand Marais at the Aspen way of a paved trail and ramp. Lodge. This hotel was very well built, with accessibility The rest of our trip was spent in mind. The room had plenty going around Lake Superior of space and the bathroom to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. was very accommodating. I From there we headed south was able to access the entire over the Mackinaw Bridge to building including the pool Chicago. After visiting family area and the outdoor deck. for two days, we headed back to Minnesota. The next morning we stopped at the Naniboujou Lodge for We traveled an average of breakfast. Wow, what a great 250 miles per day. This dining room! Naniboujou is seemed just right considering now on the National Register the stops for sightseeing, of Historic Places. The Lodge meals and other breaks. If you boasts Minnesota’s largest plan on a long road trip like native rock fireplace, a 200- this, consider tuning up your ton work of art that stands in vehicle and your wheelchair. I the 30 x 80-foot dining room. always bring spare parts for This room is brilliantly deco- those emergencies that need rated in designs of the Cree to be resolved immediately. Indians. The absence of Q phones and televisions in the
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August 10, 2001
Jay Johnson Remembered: A Strong Advocate Who Lived His Beliefs by Pat Danielson
ay Johnson—that maddening, loud, annoying, hard-headed, crude, bighearted, generous guy—was my friend. He died on July 4th, 2001. I never planned to make this guy my friend. It just happened. What a gift it was to be friends with Jay—and from time to time, what a curse. Life in proximity to him was not dull—maddening and scarey, yes, and also fun and energizing—but not dull. He was a guy who left no one feeling neutral about an issue or about himself. After being with Jay, you may have been happy, sad, excited, angry, or any other strong emotion, but it was very hard to walk away feeling neutral. Back in 1986 I was involved in the founding of the Options Interstate Resource Center for Independent Living, located in East Grand Forks, Minnesota. I was one of the original board members, and it was there that I met Jay. He was one of those guys I’d seen around the Rehab Hospital, but did not really know. One thing that impressed me about Jay right from the beginning was his absolute belief that we could pull off this undertaking of creating an entirely new organization. I was also impressed by his love of hearing himself speak.. That man could say in 100 words what I could not stretch to more than 10—what a gift! Over the years I heard him use that gift to motivate, advocate, entertain, offend, comfort, annoy, reassure, and inform. And we did pull it off. Options was begun with funds from North Dakota’s Office of Rehabilitation, Minnesota’s Department of Rehabilitation Services, and the Northwest Minnesota Initiative. What a wild ride it has been. Jay loved Options. He loved Independent Living (IL). He vowed that Options would not be so driven by the demands of granting entities that the Center would lose its focus on consumer control and advocacy. Jay was determined that Options would not become “just another human service agency.” He wanted Options to be the place that welcomed people with disabilities to use their abilities to live as independently as they chose, in the community of their choice.
Living His Beliefs Jay put our “Peers Helping Peers” motto into action every day. He greeted consumers as friends, as people worthy of respect. People who came through the door regularly would inevitably be given a nickname. (Some of his names were not suitable for print, but they were meant in good fun.) In addition to naming people he also tended to take on any accents others had. If he hung out with a person who had a southern accent it would not be long before he himself spoke with a drawl. Many people might be irritated by this, seeing it as just another dramatic affectation; at first, I was one of those people. As time went on, however, I came to believe it was one of Jay’s ways of trying on another way of being—of identifying with someone. Jay valued honest communication. His favorite line was, “If the meat’s bad, you go to the butcher.” He often followed that up with the comment, “If you don’t like what I say, or something I do bothers you, tell me!” Over the years I learned to tell him. I respected him for demanding my honesty and he respected me for daring to be honest. Our friendship grew.
with public figures, and was good at it. With help from his staff and others he put together the most accurate information available to him and spoke from the heart. He did not succeed every time, but he looked at each opportunity as a chance to get a little more information out there, and to gain support from a few more people who could change things. When attendant service funds were cut Jay instigated a rally at the state capitol where around 200 people with disabilities gathered to draw attention to the need for funds. Many other people worked hard to make that rally happen too, but Jay was our point man. To fire himself up for action I saw Jay roll into the board room, slip a tape in the VCR called “Options, Choices, and Rights.” He spun around, popped a couple of wheelies, and said “Yea! I love that! Now I’m ready!” Then he raced his chair out the door, bristling with renewed energy.
as a fairly naive, loud, chatty, young guy with a passion, and educated himself to speak with authority, and even eloquence, on issues affecting the lives of people with disabilities. He even learned not to speak when the occasion demanded it—a great accomplishment for someone whose every thought tended to come out of his mouth. Jay paid attention to the spiritual side of his life and tried to get his life’s priorities straight. He wanted to take an active part in his son’s life and worked hard at his marriage. He wanted to participate in a church community and found a church home in Sharon Lutheran Church of Grand Forks. At Jay’s funeral the minister read verses Jay had underlined in his Bible. Many people were surprised to learn that Jay not only had a Bible, but that he had read it enough to underline passages that were meaningful to him. I heard someone say, “When did he have the time!?” An
interesting question, since most of the stories Jay shared about his life involved IL, work, hunting, and fishing. If I were to identify qualities I most enjoyed in Jay I’d have to say I enjoyed his energy, humor and relentless belief in his ability to meet a challenge. What I most admired was his fearlessness. What I most respected was his willingness to learn from his mistakes and move ahead, and also his concern for the well-being of others. What I loved was his many-sidedness, and that I could expect to be surprised. I also loved the fact that working with him and being friends with him gave me the chance to allow his energy and boldness to spill over to me, bolstering me to take my own risks. What will we do to carry on the important work Jay began in IL and with Options? He shared his passion and his dream with all who would listen. If he could get a direct
line from the Hereafter to us, he’d call us on the phone to needle us about getting to work; to tell us of unfinished business; to remind us that people with disabilities are counting on us to keep alive the dream of equal access and choice. Jay would remind us that life goes on and we need to get busy. So Jay, here’s to you. You worked hard, played hard, and died young. You declared your independence from this Earth on July 4th, Independence Day . We hate like hell that you aren’t around to make us laugh, cry, groan, scream, and help us get up and go on. Options will go on. We will go on. But it will take us awhile to stop checking your office to see if you’re there. And I don’t know how long we will persist in telling each other to ask for your opinion. Thanks for the friendship, the good work and good times. You were a caring friend and unique human being. You are missed. Q
Jay was excited to be part of the national scene. He worked hard for the Americans with Disabilities Act, was a member of the Rehab Act Committee, and he worked to improve Social Security’s Work Incentives. As he learned more about the political process and how to work it effectively he found that involvement to be a heady experience. He was increasingly convinced of an individual’s ability to change the world around him and he became even more zealous in his avid pursuit of legislative change. He developed an even stronger “put up or shut up” mentality. If we were not willing to fight for it he didn’t want to hear us complain about it.
A Strong Advocate Advocacy was one of Jay’s favorite activities. Within the states of Minnesota and North Dakota he traveled many miles and many hours to visit the legislatures to gain funds for IL and to support and educate on legislation for people with disabilities in both states. He believed we need to speak up to create choices for ourselves. Jay was fearless when it came to confronting the bureaucracies that too often control the lives of people with disabilities. He liked nothing better than to I respect the growth I saw in exchange opinions in public Jay during his life. He began
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August 10, 2001
Access To Employment
Reach 11,000 Active, Interested Readers with ACCESS PRESS Classifieds. $8 up to 20 words, 35¢/word thereafter. Must be prepaid. Mail with check to: ACCESS PRESS, 1821 University Ave W, #104S, St. Paul, MN 55104; (651) 644-2133
Employment ads are $14 per col. inch; Aug. 31 is the s deadline for the Sept. 10 issue. Mail to: ACCESS PRESS ad e 5 r 1821 University Ave. • #104S • St. Paul, MN 55104 Mo p. 1 FAX 651-644-2136 • E-mail: access@mninter.net on
MISCELLANEOUS Charlie Smith’s cats are in desperate need of a home. Jasmine and Lizzyare two female cats, very friendly and in good health. Would like to keep them together but will split them up if necessary. For info call 612-970-4048 Do You Have a Physical Disability? Want to Have Fun? JoinINDEPENDENTGOERS for monthly activities. PLANNING MEETINGS: 11:00 a. m., first Sat. of month at Government Center Auditorium, downtown Minneapolis. Dues $12/year. Must provide own transportation. Personal attendants welcome. Call Armin: 763-782-5924. “Words of Love” is a CD by Snoopi Botten, a musician with cerebral palsy who writes and performs inspirational songs using a synthetic speech system. To order, call (612) 872-7233 or visit Snoopi’s website at http:// hometown.aol.com/dectalk/ myhomepage/index.html. Summer Work. $14.25 Base—appt. No exp. Nec. PT/FT. Scholarships Avbl. Conditions exist. Customer Sales/service. No telemarketing, No multi-level. Apply Now. Call 651-268-0562. www.workforstudents.com or www.earnparttime.com
10% Off Interior Painting Professional work, excellent references. 16 years experience. We also do exterior painting. CALL TODAY 763-559-4168/612-644-4883
Amigo electric wheelchair, dual wheels, charger, other accessories, $600.00, OBO, 952-831-6973.
Free! New $4,000 Twin electric bed, side-rails – used one week. Want to donate. FOR SALE Bruno Regal Cub-34 Call Valerie or Jim (651) 770Scooter w/charger. Like new– 6200. 25 hours used. Bruno Curb FOR RENT Sider Lift $3,800.00 651Lewis Park Apartments: 486-8062 Barrier free housing with Pacesaver Plus 2 Three wheelchair user in mind. Wheel Scooter, Compact Section 8 subsidized. OneDesign, Excellent Condition. and two bedroom units. For information on $975 Call Randy (952) 934- more availability call (651) 4880255 9923. St. Paul, MN Equal 1995 Chevy 20 White con- Opportunity Housing. version van, sport, short wheel base. Full power. Holmes-Greenway Housing LOW MILES 25 M. Full One and two bedroom Ricon List. Automatic. EZ apartments designed for locks, power lock for wheel- physically handicapped chair, Transfer seat—6 way persons. Convenient SE power. $14,000 firm. (612) Minneapolis location. Call (612) 378-0331 for 721-3072. availability information. Equal For Sale—1993 “Vibo” Pon- Opportunity Housing. toon Boat 24FT w/2/3 Canopy Wheelchair Widened Doors- Seward Square Apartments: Small fold down ramp on We are currently accepting front entrance. Less than 130 applications for our waiting Hours use on 40 Horse Force list at Seward Square Motor. Elec. Start, Power Apartments in Minneapolis. Tiller, Fish depth finder, Seward Square is barrier-free Live-well Asking $4500.00. housing and is federally Previous owner’s wheelchair subsidized. For an application, users. Contact: J.Schatzlein please call (612) 338-2680. 952-881-2129 or 651-215- Equal Opportunity Housing. 2216.
Litigation PARALEGAL
Goodwill/Easter Seals has an exciting FT opportunity for an individual who will be responsible for conducting retail training in community based sites (specifically Apple Valley) & case management activities for participants. BA in Voc. Rehab or related field OR 4 years related experience. Exp. required includes 2 years experience working with industrially injured, economically disadvantaged, or disabled populations and 2 years experience in retail or customer service industry. If you have a desire to make a difference in people’s lives, submit resume to: HR, 2543 Como Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108. Fax: 651-649-0302. Email: hradmin@goodwill easterseals.org.
Minnesota’s second largest law firm is seeking an experienced litigation paralegal to work in our General Litigation practice group. Responsibilities include investigation, research, discovery, trial support and management of documents and databases. Travel is a possibility. Candidates should have 5 years of paralegal experience in complex litigation, strong knowledge of litigation technology software, and excellent communication and client service skills. We prefer a 4-year degree or paralegal certification. Faegre & Benson offers competitive wages and an excellent benefit package, including generous paid time off, firm-paid sick child care service, emergency back-up child care services, retirement savings plans, transportation discounts, etc. To learn more about our current job opportunities and for additional information about Faegre & Benson, visit our web site at: www.faegre.com. For consideration, please send resume and salary history to Human Resources: FAEGRE & BENSON LLP 2200 Wells Fargo Center 90 South Seventh Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Fax: 612-766-1763 E-Mail: HR@Faegre.com
EEO/AA Equal Opportunity Employer OUTREACH ADVOCATES Provide direct advocacy services and community education to battered women and their families in community settings. Full-time positions. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled. Send cover letter & resume to: Sue Redmond, Interim Service Manager, Alexandra House, Inc., P.O. Box 49039, Blaine, MN 55449 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER
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Access To Employment
ds More a 4 on p. 1
EMPLOYMENT ADS ARE $14 A COL. INCH; AUG. 31 IS THE DEADLINE FOR THE SEPT. 10 ISSUE. Mail to: ACCESS PRESS 1821 University Ave. • #104S St. Paul, MN 55104 • Fax 651-644-2136 E-mail: access@mninter.net POLICE OFFICER The City of Rochester, Minnesota (population 85,000) is accepting applications for the position of Police Officer. A competitive salary and benefit package is offered. Minimum requirements: applicants must be MN POST licensed or eligible to be licensed by September 24, 2001. Candidates must take a written test given on September 24, 2001 in order to progress in a process for establishment of an eligibility list. Applications will be accepted beginning August 18, 2001 through September 7, 2001, 5:00 p.m. You may submit your applications to: Human Resources Dept 201 Fourth Street SE Room 295, City Hall Rochester, MN 55904 (507) 285-8074 humanresources@ ci.rochester.mn.us Equal Opportunity Employer
PROPERTY SERVICE MANAGER Supervise & coordinate maintenance & housekeeping functions. Maintain inventory, donation material & purchase supplies. Qualifications; experience in non-profit mgmt, supervision, fiscal & admin skills in “team mgmt” system, experience in program planning, development, coordination & evaluation; experience in managing a 24 hr residential facility (security, maintenance, minor repairs). Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Send cover letter and resume, to: Connie Moore Executive Director Alexandra House, Inc. P.O. Box 49039 Blaine, MN 55449 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER
Please patronize your Access Press Advertisers — and tell them where you heard about them. They bring you your paper.
WORD PROCESSOR Faegre & Benson LLP, a leading Minnesota law firm, has the following opportuni- Faegre & Benson, a leading Minnesota law firm, has an ties: opening for a Word Processor. Candidates should have PROJECT MANAGER strong Word and advanced We have a challenging career word processing skills, as opportunity for a Project well as typing of 70 wpm, Manager in our General excellent grammar, spelling Litigation group. This posi- and word proofing skills and a tion will be responsible for team orientated flexible work organizing, directing and style. PageMaker and Powermonitoring all technology and Point is highly desirable. We document related activities offer competitive wages and associated with large litiga- an excellent benefits package, tion cases, ensuring a success- including a discounted bus ful and timely conclusion. program-Metropass. For adCandidates should have a 4- ditional information about year degree in a related field Faegre & Benson, visit our and 10+ years experience as web site at www.faegre.com. a paralegal or lawyer with Please send resume and salary substantial experience in case history to Human Resources: management on complex litigation cases. Candidates must FAEGRE & BENSON LLP be flexible to handle a 2200 Wells Fargo Center 90 South Seventh Street demanding schedule, long Minneapolis, MN $5402 work days and travel as the Fax: 612-766-1763 case may demand E-Mail: HR@Faegre.com CASE ASSISTANT Equal Opportunity Employer We have a new opening for a case assistant in our Construction Law group. This position works directly with the lawyers and paralegals in the group and assists in preparing materials for depositions & Gray Plant Mooty, a downtrials, acquiring information town Mpls. law firm, is from courts, libraries and seeking the following: government offices, research, reproduction of documents, DATA ENTRY/ number stamping and various FILEROOM CLERK special projects. Ideal candi- Duties include data entry, dates will preferably have a 2 maintenance of client files or 4-year degree, the ability and file retrieval. Must be to multi task, excellent com- able to lift up to 50 lbs. munication and organizational Accurate typing speed of 40+ skills; proficient computer wpm required. skills; strong attention to detail and a team-oriented, HOSPITALITY flexible work style. COORDINATOR Duties include coordinating Faegre & Benson LLP offers food service for meetings/ a professional work envi- functions and the overall ronment, competitive wages maintenance of conference and an excellent benefit rooms. Hours 7:30 am. - 4:00 package, including a dis- p.m. counted bus programMetropass. We offer a professional work environment, educational opFor additional information portunities, a culture emphaabout Faegre & Benson, visit sizing work/life balance, comour web site at www.faegre petitive salaries & benefits .com. Please send resume and (including medical, dental, salary history to Human profit sharing and 401k). Resources: Send resume with cover letter to: FAEGRE & BENSON LLP HR 2200 Wells Fargo Center Gray Plant Mooty 90 South Seventh Street 3400 City Ctr, 33 S. 6th St., Minneapolis, MN $5402 Mpls, MN 55402 Fax: 612-766-1763 fax to 612-333-0066 E-Mail: HR@Faegre.com or e-mail to Anne.Weinauer@ Equal Opportunity Employer gpmlaw.com Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action Employer
Administrative LIBRARY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Great opportunity below!
August 10, 2001 Legal DATABASE ANALYST Do you enjoy using computers to solve problems & have an interest in the legal field? Faegre & Benson LLP, Minnesota’s second largest law firm, is seeking applicants for a Database Analyst opening in our Litigation Technology Services department. Your responsibilities would include: researching, analyzing, evaluating & proposing new systems and processes; providing direct consultation to legal teams regarding recommendation and implementation of litigation support data and image management software packages; creating & designing databases; and converting data and images. In addition, you will be establishing and overseeing quality control; working with vendors; providing ongoing support and regular maintenance of databases in use by legal teams; along with a variety of other duties.
Faegre & Benson LLP, a leading Minnesota law firm, has an opening for an Administrative Assistant in our Library. This person will provide timely and accurate administrative and clerical support for members of our Library Services team. Your responsibilities would include: typing various correspondence; maintaining library spreadsheets; processing various reports; organizing meetings; distributing passwords to staff; processing copyright requests; handling all telephone contacts with internal & external clients, along with a variety of other administrative duties. Our ideal candidate will work well under pressure, be detailOur ideal candidate will have oriented, have exceptional one to two years of profes- analytical & communication sional administrative experi- skills, and possess the abilience with excellent organiza- ties to multitask, prioritize tional, computer & communi- and exercise excellent judgcation skills. In addition, our ment. Bachelor’s degree and candidate will be people, 4 years of related experience service, and action-oriented. required. Prefer experience Faegre & Benson LLP offers with Word, Excel, Access, competitive wages and an OBTextWorks, Concordance, excellent benefits package, Summation, and other legal including a discounted bus specific office applications. program-Metropass. For addi- Must have a good understandtional information about ing of networking, database Faegre & Benson, visit our and imaging concepts. We web site at www.faegre.com. offer a professional work Please send resume and salary environment, competitive history to Human Resources: wages and excellent benefits. For additional information FAEGRE & BENSON LLP about our law firm, visit our 2200 Wells Fargo Center web site at www.faegre.com. 90 South Seventh Street Please send resume and salary Minneapolis, MN 55402 history to Human Resources: Fax. 612-766-1763 Internet: HR@faegre.com FAEGRE & BENSON LLP 2200 Wells Fargo Center Equal Opportunity Employer 90 South Seventh Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Fax: 612-766-1763 STRUCTURAL E-Mail: HR@Faegre.com ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN Equal Opportunity Employer SRF Consulting Group, Inc. ATTORNEY/POLICY has an opening for an entry ADVOCATE level CAD technician to assist in the preparation of bridge and parking structure plans. Legal Services Advocacy 2-Year technical degree and Project seeks atty/advocate to Autocad/Microstation expe- work with policy analyst to design strategies to monitor rience required. MN’s workforce programs; In addition to varied and analyze policy issues; prepare exciting work in a positive findings and analysis; provide atmosphere, SRF offers com- tech assist to community petitive salary and benefits, groups on employ/training Law degree or 401(k) & profit sharing. If issues. minimum BA/BS in soc you want a career with strong sciences, pub pol or related; growth potential in one of grad degree or related exper ENR’s Top 500 design firms, pref. Sal: DOE; exc benes send your resume to SRF including fully-pd fam hlth Consulting Group, Inc., One ins. Resume, cover letter & Carlson Pkwy. N., #150, refs by 8/20/01: Maureen Plymouth, MN 55447; fax to 763-475-2429, or e-mail to O’Connell, LSAP, 2324 Unihr@srfconsulting.com; EOE versity Ave. #101, St. Paul, MN 55114 EOE
DEVELOPMENT/ CONSTRUCTION MANAGER Centex Multi-Family Communities, L.P. Centex Multi-Family Communities, L.P. is the multifamily development arm of Centex Development Company, L.P., an affiliate of Centex Corporation. Established in 1950 in Dallas, Texas, Centex Corporation is a Fortune 500 Company and the nation’s premier company in construction-related business. Centex Multi-Family Communities, L.P. has an immediate opening for a Development/Construction Manager in the Twin Cities Area. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 10 years experience in the development and/or construction of multi-family projects with a strong knowledge of finance, entitlement, marketing, and property management. This individual will assist the Project Manager in the selection of sites, the entitlement process, the selection of design consultants, the feasibility process, the selection of a general contractor and bidout, along with monitoring and acceptance of construction and lease-up. Salary commensurate with experience. Please submit resume to: Centex Multi-family Communities, L.P., c/o Kelly & Fawcett, P.A., 2350 U.S. Bancorp Piper Jaffray Plaza, 444 Cedar Street, St. Paul, MN 55101, or fax to (651) 223-8019. Centex Multi-Family Communities, L.P. is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN Senior technician wanted to perform a wide variety of drafting tasks, including planset coordination and design. Requirements include a twoyear technical degree, 5+ years civil drafting experience with Microsoft/Geopak and strong communication skills. SRF Consulting Group, Inc., is a locally owned and well established civil engineering, transportation, and planning firm. In addition to varied and exciting work in a positive atmosphere, we offer excellent growth potential, competitive salary and benefits, 401 (k)/profit sharing, vacation and sick leave. If you would like to become part of one of ENRs top 500 design firms, send your resume to SRF Consulting Group, Inc., One Carlson Pkwy. N., #150, Plymouth, MN 55447; fax to 763-475-2429, or email to hr@srfconsulting.com; EOE
August 10, 2001
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SPONSORS OF ACCESS PRESS: Thanks to the following sponsors for supporting ACCESS PRESS this year. ------------------------------------- BASIC SPONSOR ------------------------------------Margaret Beier Carlyn Bryngelson Robert J. Geldert Beth Jensen Debra Johnson Rosanne Kramnicz Steven McKeever Kathleen M. Miller Cindy Moore Jane & Albert Olson Carla Reichenberg Paul W. Taylor Kelli N-E Wysocki ------------------------------------- FRIEND SPONSOR ------------------------------------Lynda Adams Mary Andresen Marisa Bennett Mike & Karen Bjorgan Sandi Lane and Monte Blair Susan Blaylock Maynard Bostrom Bob Brick Wendy Brower Susan Bulger Deah Cain Lynne Corneli Stephanie Cunningham Marty Cushing Justin & Yoshiko Dart Jolene Davis LeRoy deBoom Barbara Droher Neil Doughty Craig Dunn Mel Duncan Candace/David Gislason Tom Gode Rep. Kevin Goodno Nadine & Andy Groven Patricia Guerrero John Hoffman Bradley J. Holmes Ellen & Skip Houghton Judy Hunt Cindy & Gregory Johnson Ericka Johnson Linnea Johnson Hoff Barb Kane Mary Kay Kennedy Diah Kinion Beth Knutson-Kolodzne Eugene Kook Sherry Lampman Sue Lasoff Bruce Larson David Larson Linda Larson John Marty Dorothy McCoy Kathy Moran Paul Mueller Jim and Cindy Musselman Bill and Joan Overby Richard Peterson Margery Pilhofer Dwight & Chris Porter Barbara Proehl Virginia Puzak Julee Quarve-Peterson Kelly Rathcke Kim Rezek Brian Rogers Patricia L. Rogers Fern Rogstad Stuart Rosen Ginger Rudberg Patricia Rydeen Arthur Sauter Elizabeth Smith Adele Spavin Diane Sprague Gerry and Barb Tollakson Caryl Wattman Mary Frank-Wawokiyawin Teri Welcher Curt Wiehle David Wood Accommodating Care, Inc. Accord Health Care Services All Temporaries, Inc Alliance for the Mentally Ill of MNArc of Anoka/Ramsey Cty Arc Suburban Arc Minnesota Assistive Speech Technology Research Labs Axis Healthcare Best Care Blue Sky Designs, Inc. Brain Injury Assn. of MN Consumer Council of The Alliance for the Mentally Ill Disabled Dealer East Suburban Resources Equity Services-St. Paul Franciscan Sisters of St. Paul Forensic Alliance of Mentally Ill Fraser Community Services Home Health Care JQ-P, Inc. Kaposia MBW Company Metro Mobility Service Center Staff MN Developmental Achievement Ctr Assoc. (MnDACA) MN Bio Brain Assoc. NAMI New Dimensions Northeast Contemporary Services Resource S.M.I.L.E.S. ------------------------------------- IN MEMORY------------------------------------Troy Fahlenkamp and Valerie Birosh by David Dreier Mabel Heuer by Dawn Doering Miss Irene MacKaloney by Roger Hoffman Bill & Renee Smith by Becky J. Bugbee-Tong Bill Smith by Joe & Peg Figliuzzi Uncle Bill & Aunt Renee Smith by Mary & Henry Pattridge Charlie Smith by Lee Ann Erickson Charlie Smith by Barbara Kane Charlie Smith by Sister Kenny Institute Ruth Riggs by Corbin Kidder Bill & Renee Smith by Helen Thompson Bill Smith by Kathy & Paul West Linda Wolford in memory of Tony Lebahn
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