February 2002 Edition - Access Press

Page 1

February 10, 2002

Inside Disabilities in Turkey — p. 5 Feminism and Disability — p. 7 Canine Graduation — p. 9

Underfunded Civil Rights Laws — Page 3


“Self-confidence is the result of a successfully survived risk.”

—Jack Gibb

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Volume 13, Number 2



February 10, 2002



n the January issue of Access Press, we discussed three cases which either had already received oral argument, or were going to be argued, before the U.S. Supreme Court. On January 10, 2002, the day Access Press hit the streets, the Court issued its decision in one of those cases.

Budget Shortfall To Dominate Legislative Debate by John Tschida


he gavel has fallen, opening the 2002 legislative session—and the current fiscal environment has many disability advocates concerned. “With a $2 billion budget shortfall, budget cuts are going to happen,” said Joel Ulland, public policy director for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Minnesota Chapter. “Our goal is to make sure the budget isn’t balanced at the expense of people with disabilities.” Many advances were made last session in the area of state disability policy, but the state’s ledger reflected record surplus levels at that time. Legislative debate centered on how much money to return to taxpayers, not on where to make program cuts. “This year will be a defensive

struggle to keep what we fought so hard for last year,” said Lolly Lijewski, advocacy director at the Metropolitan Center for Independent Living. “The governor has laid out his plan. Now it’s up to the legislators.” Governor Ventura has presented a plan calling for a mix of tax hikes and budget cuts that has been soundly criticized by both the House and Senate. While it does preserve important advances—such as pay increases for home health aides and PCAs, increased Metro Mobility funding, and renewed state efforts to get people with disabilities out of nursing homes and into the community—it does present some challenges for the disability community. Items on the chopping block include the addition of people

with disabilities to the state’s prescription drug program, education grants for home care workers, and cuts that could affect special education services. State mental health grants would also be trimmed, as would chemical dependency services for those not qualifying for Medical Assistance. A tightening of eligibility requirements could also affect some individuals on the Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (MA-EPD) program who are working only a minimum number of hours each month. “Everything we do at the Capitol is to make sure people with disabilities have access to the services they need to live successfully in the community,” said Jeff Bangsberg, public policy director for the Minnesota Budget - cont. on p. 6

Williams vs. Toyota Motor Manufacturing The issue in this case, as discussed in January, was: Does the physical impairment of carpal tunnel syndrome, which poses a substantial limitation to the major life activity of performing manual tasks, constitute a disability as defined by the ADA? The Court’s answer is that carpal tunnel is, or can be, a physical impairment posing substantial limitations to a major life activity, including performing a class of manual tasks, and can thus be defined as a disability—if those tasks are such that they would be central to the lives of most people. However, the Plaintiff, Ella Williams, did not provide sufficient evidence to show that her impairment was severe enough to substantially limit a major life activity, and she did not fit the definition of an individual with a disability because the manual tasks she could not perform were, in the Court’s view, not central to the lives of most people. Readers will remember that Williams was an assembler with Toyota who developed carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. She was transferred to the paint inspection department where she worked for several years. Then the employer added an extra duty which exacerbated her condi-

tion, and refused to let her continue only performing her original duties as a reasonable accommodation. She was terminated and sued Toyota. The District Court found in favor of Toyota. The Court of Appeals partially reversed that finding by holding that Williams had proved herself to be an individual with a disability. Since the Supreme Court was not called upon to make a decision as to whether Williams was substantially limited in the major life activity of working, it has left further discussion of the viability of “working” as a major life activity for another day. The Supreme Court explained that the Court of Appeals had used the wrong analysis in reaching its decision that Williams fell within the definition of an individual with a disability, and the Court reversed that finding. The Supreme Court said that the Court of Appeals had mixed two different descriptions of major life activities in coming up with its analysis. The class of manual tasks which Williams was limited in performing, the Court said, all related to her job of working with pneumatic tools. The Court said that if Williams had argued that she was substantially limited by her impairment in the major life activity of “working” her claim would have failed because she could perform two of the four jobs and therefore was not limited in performing a broad range of jobs. The Court further said that in order for her to successfully argue that she was substantially limited in the major life activity of performing manual

tasks, she would have to be limited in performing tasks central to the lives of most people. This is because other major life activities listed in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regulations include walking, seeing, hearing, and other activities central to everyone’s lives. The Court of Appeals should have been looking, said the Supreme Court, at whether Williams was substantially limited in performing tasks central to the lives of most people, not whether Williams could or could not perform manual tasks associated with her job. Those tasks, said the Court, were specialized and most people would not have to perform them. Here, the Plaintiff can brush her teeth, wash her face, bathe, fix breakfast, do laundry, tend her flower garden, and pick up around the house. Those are activities central to the lives of most people, the Court said, and more clearly demonstrated whether Williams was substantially limited in the major life activity of performing manual tasks. The court conceded that Williams had indicated that she needed help with dressing on occasion, could not garden as much as she used to, and could not play with her children as often. The Court did not consider that these limitations as expressed by Williams constituted a substantial limitation to a major life activity. The decision ultimately does not change much in our understanding of existing disability discrimination law. However, this was a unanimous decision of the Court. The Court continues to show its ambivalence of accepting Court Decision - cont. on p 6

February 10, 2002


governor’s budget. Many community mental health organizations will see a 5% cut; 5% doesn’t sound like a lot, but that amount could severely disrupt operations. As we go to print, I am told that things are moving very quickly and that we need to keep aware. John Tschida’s article helps us understand Ventura’s budget and the need for us all to get involved and protect the positive moves forward that the state disability community has made.

Tim Benjamin Editor


he legislative session began January 29 after much posturing by our governor. Ventura claims the pain will be equally distributed. I’m not sure if he is making a campaign promise or if he truly believes what he is saying. Initially the

governor’s budget didn’t look to be as devastating to the disability community as once thought. However, some of the nonprofit organizations that work in the disability community are having all their grant money threatened. Many will see cuts under the

Last month, Kathy Hagen gave us an overview of ADA cases coming before The Supreme Court. This month, she provides a summary of the decision in one of those cases (Williams vs. Toyota). Kathy has been very diligent

about keeping us updated We are glad Jeff will continue on these important cases. to write for Access Press. Our thanks to her. Mike Chevrette offers a Assistive Technology Spe- firsthand look at changes in cialist at Courage Center, Jeni air travel since September 11. Mundl, explains the catego- He traveled to Florida for the ries of assistive technology as Society for Accessible Travel well as the differences be- and Hospitality (SATH) contween services and devices. ference to gather information Jeni has also promised, in for Access for All. future issues, to explain more about how assistive technol- John Schatzlein was unable to ogy can and will affect our provide us with a Religion everyday lives. and Disability column this month. We look forward to Jeff Nygaard gives us a look hearing from him again in the at the underfunding of civil months to come. rights legislation. Jeff is an expert at giving a compre- Anita Ho, professor from St. hensive view of the under- Catherine’s, invites Access belly of the issues that affect Press readers to attend her us all. I personally can’t lecture on feminism and thank Jeff enough for all the disability. Professor Ho will help he gave to me and to make the case that the Access Press in the last year. feminist movement has left

disabled women behind. There will be no admission charge for this lecture. The Mixed Blood Theatre is putting on a play called The History of Bowling. The playwright and the lead actor are disabled. The play got great reviews in Chicago. We have made arrangements with Mixed Blood to have an Access Press night where the ticket price will be cut nearly in half—$20 for two tickets if you mention Access Press when purchasing the tickets. Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota held a ceremony for 11 graduates in late January. Their stories are detailed on page 9.

The World Of Assistive Technology by Jeni Mundl


ssistive technology is all around us. Persons with and without disabilities use assistive technology daily to make their lives easier and to live more independently. Even a pencil can be considered assistive technology—without a writing utensil, taking notes during a meeting would be impossible for anyone. For most people, technology makes things easier. For people with disabilities, assistive technology turns possibilities into reality. Many people benefit from assistive technology tools, such as remote controls, garage door openers, speakerphones,

reachers, or Velcro strips that replace buttons. Assistive technology can help people with disabilities get around more easily, communicate better, live independently, and become more active in their communities. Assistive technology can also help prevent the worsening of a condition and improve a person’s capacity to learn.

broad range of both products assistive technology device. and services. These are Sub-Categories, and defined in the Assistive TechExamples, of Assistive nology Act of 1998 (ATA) as Technology follows:

General Categories of Assistive Technology

Assistive technology device: Any item, piece of equipment, or product system—whether acquired commercially offthe-shelf, modified, or customized—used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.

It is easy to categorize assistive technology as being only computer-related technology; in reality, assistive technology encompasses a

Assistive technology service: Any service that directly assists an individual with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an



ronmental controls (such as electronic switches or systems that help a person without mobility to control lights, telephones, and appliances).

lifts, and wheelchair cushions).

Transportation Aids: Items that provide independence in personal transportation, such Aids for Daily Living: Selfas hand controls, cartop help aids for use in activities Recreational Aids: Items that carriers, custom cars and such as dressing, personal help persons with disabilities vans, and personal restraint hygiene, bathing, home main- to participate in activities like systems. tenance, and cooking. Ex- skiing, biking, boating, and so amples include: reachers, on. Examples include: the Low Tech and High Tech loop buttonhole grabbers, Bi-Ski, the hand cycle, and bathtub lifts, and one-handed the beeping ball. Besides dividing assistive knives. technology into categories, Communication Aids: Aug- many distinguish between Mobility Aids: Standing/walk- mentative communication/ low tech and high tech ing devices, transfer aids, speech devices, alarm sys- assistance. Below are more wheelchairs and three- tems, telephone communica- examples and how they can wheeled chairs, and patient tion aids, assistive listening enhance one’s life. lifts. devices, and visual/reading aids. Examples include: Examples of low tech assistive Educational and Vocational switch-activated phones, talk- technology: Aids: Computers, adaptive ing pens, TTY, and mobile • Eating utensils or toothsoftware, and job modifica- computers with speech brushes with weighted or tions. thick handles for those with Seating and Positioning Aids: limited dexterity and gripEnvironmental Aids: Work Modifications to wheelchairs ping ability. site/school design or modi- and other seating that give • Communication boards with fication, home modifica- greater stability to the body pictures to transmit basic tion, accessible architecture, and reduce pressure to the needs. adapted furniture, and envi- skin (modular seating, seat • Easy-grip doorknobs or car door openers to assist people with weak hands. • Big button phones to aid people with limited vision or hand control. FOR VALUABLE INFORMATION VISIT • Tape recorders to assist students who have trouble S ACTS with note taking. • General Topics • Text telephones or phone • Building Accessibility amplifiers to assist people with hearing impairments. • Employment • A mouthstick to help a • Detailed Fact Sheets person turn the pages of a The Site is regularly updated with: book or push elevator buttons. • New Sources • New Information • New Links

MSCOD’s Web Page

Access Press Co-Founder/Publisher (1990-1996) ....................................................... Wm. A. Smith, Jr. Co-Founder/Publisher/Editor-in-Chief (1990-2001) ............................ Charles F. Smith Board of Directors ............. Margot Imdieke Cross, Mary Kay Kennedy, Steve Kuntz, Lolly Lijewski, Bridget Smith, Joani Werner, and Linda Wolford Editor .............................................................................................................. Tim Benjamin Editorial Assistant ..................................................................... Laurie Eckblad Anderson Associate ........................................................................................................... Jeff Nygaard Cartoonist .......................................................................................................... Scott Adams Production ........................................................... Ellen Houghton at Presentation Images Access Press is a monthly tabloid newspaper published for persons with disabilities by Access Press, Ltd. Circulation is 11,000, distributed the 10th of each month through more than 200 locations statewide. Approximately 650 copies are mailed directly to political, business, institutional, and civic leaders. Subscriptions are available for $15/yr. Editorial submissions and news releases on topics of interest to persons with disabilities, or persons serving those with disabilities, are welcomed. Paid advertising is available at rates ranging from $14 to $18/column inch, depending on size and frequency. Classified ads are $8.00, plus 35 cents/word over 20 words. Advertising and editorial deadlines are the last day of the month preceding publication. Access Press is available on disk. Call MN State Services for the Blind, 651-642-0500 or 800-652-9000. Inquiries should be directed to: Access Press • 1821 University Ave. W. • Suite 104S • St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 • (651) 644-2133 • Fax (651) 644-2136 • E-mail: access@mninter.net.

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Examples of high tech assistive technology: • Computers operated by voice recognition—for those unable to use a keyboard. • Environmental controls which operate several appliances from a remote control—for individuals with Technology - cont. on p. 5

February 10, 2002

Post 9-11 Air Travel Realities

Federal Funding Inadequate For Civil Rights Enforcement

by Mike Chevrette

by Jeff Nygaard

[Editor’s note: The November issue of Access Press included an overview of what to expect when flying after 9/11, as well as some travel tips. This article is a report on another writer’s actual experience while flying. It also includes tips not mentioned in the earlier piece.]


ince the terrorist hijackings of September 11, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued directives to strengthen security measures at airline checkpoints and passenger screening locations. In securing our national air transportation system, steps were also taken to ensure that the new security procedures preserve and respect the civil rights of passengers with disabilities. The tragic events of September 11 have affected us all in many ways, but travel will continue to be a part of life. My most recent air trip was to the Society for Accessible Travel and Hospitality’s (SATH) world conference held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The members of this conference get information from many experts in the travel industry. It’s also a great opportunity to hear from people with disabilities and to discover what they have experienced since the attacks on our country. As with all my journeys, this trip was a new adventure—with some good, and some bad, aspects. Below, I will explain some of the changes that are in effect and some of my personal experiences.


he United States Commission on Civil Rights (CCR) released a major report on the subject of civil rights enforcement in 1995 which found a pattern of defunding and understaffing of the federal government’s civil rights enforcement and compliance capabilities going back for more than 20 years. The Commission’s January 2001 update, entitled “Funding Federal Civil Rights Enforcement: 2000 and Beyond,” shows that the trend has continued or accelerated since 1995. The report points out in its first sentence that “inadequate funding levels for federal civil rights enforcement have occurred simultaneously with growing workloads at the agencies Before boarding the plane, responsible for enforcing civil you must now have a photo ID rights laws.” that matches your boarding pass. For those without a There are more than 20 major driver’s license, a passport or civil rights laws in existence photo ID made by a federal in the United States, and six government or state agency is major federal agencies are in charge of enforcing or assistacceptable. backpack from my wheelchair and sent it through the X-ray. For the first time ever, I had to remove my laptop computer from its carrying case and send the case through the X-ray. I was then patted down by airport security. This was typical of all my flying trips, although they where much more thorough. I was then asked to remove my shoes and they were checked for explosive residue. There was an issue with a few small wrenches that I carry to help reassemble my chair after the batteries have been disconnected. After I explained their use, I passed all the screening tests and was off for my gate. The entire process was handled well.

The rest of the trip went very smoothly; it was probably one of the best flights I have ever experienced. As we had more than enough time, I would suggest arriving only two hours before departure.

Department of Education The Department of Education (DOEd) has an Office of Civil Rights (OCR) which implements the civil rights provisions in several DOEd programs, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the ADA. The OCR has suffered a staffing decline of 14% since 1994 and their funding now is below the level of that year. This has occurred despite the fact that the numbers of civil rights complaints are higher than they were in 1994, and and one personal bag (purse are “dramatically higher” than or briefcase) for each traveler they were during the 1980s. does not apply to medical Equal Employment supplies or assistive devices. Passengers with disabilities Opportunity Commission may generally carry such The Equal Employment OpCommission items on board the aircraft. portunity Clearly double-tag all equip- (EEOC) enforces the Rehament as well as your luggage. bilitation Act of 1973 as well as the ADA. EEOC has seen Carry two sets of eyeglasses its budget increase since and medication. Pack one in 1994, but not sufficiently to your carry-on and one in your keep up with increased checked suitcase. In case of workloads due to new legislaunexpected delays, pack tion and the expansion of enough medication to last a existing statutes. As with the Education Department, the few extra days. number of complaints reTake along a brief statement ceived by the EEOC was from your physician regard- “dramatically higher” in the ing your medical history, 1990s than in the 1980s, and including: the nature of your CCR concludes by saying that disability; allergies to medi- these delays “undermine the cations; and current treatment fairness and effectiveness of plans, including medications. the federal enforcement sysTake your physician’s phone tem and discourage people number in case you need to from coming forward to seek have a prescription refilled or need advice in an emergency.

The airways are much safer than they have ever been; with a few more minutes spent by all of us, they will continue to be that way. There is an amazing world to be seen by all people, regardless of your disabilities. Get out there and experience it. Go with the flow, or as Jane Cox from Continental Airlines told me: Flying has never bothered me, “Pack plenty of patience and but I did feel some apprehen- understanding.” sion while we were heading to the airport. I imagined Tips for Travelers security guards taking me out with Disabilities of my wheelchair and doing a The new guidelines have strip search. Not knowing changed many of the policies what to expect, I arrived three set by airlines and airports. hours before my departure Don’t assume each airline or time. We waited in the airport has the same policies. Northwest Airlines (NWA) Always call ahead and let the Security may want to disasticket counter line for only ten airline know your needs. semble your wheelchair or minutes. (I still prefer to go to the main ticket counter to The limit of one carry-on bag Travel - cont. on p. 7 check my luggage and to receive my gate pass. At that time, I verify my seat assignment and answer any questions that NWA personnel may have regarding my wheelchair.) Once we received our gate passes, we headed for the security checkpoint. When I saw three National Guard soldiers armed with automatic rifles, it was a great reminder to me that our country will never be the same. Just as before, I removed my

ing in compliance with these laws. In each and every case, the CCR report concludes that the funding for civil rights enforcement (and they actually include under “enforcement” such things as education and technical assistance aimed at compliance with and prevention of civil rights violations) has either declined in real dollars, or failed to keep up with inflation and/or increased demand for the services.


restitution for well-founded and Human Services (HHS) complaints of discrimination.” has an Office for Civil Rights (OCR) which enforces the Department of Labor nondiscrimination provisions The work of the Department of the Rehabilitation Act of of Labor’s Office of Federal 1973, as well as Title II of the Contract Compliance Pro- ADA. OCR is working with a grams (OFCCP) enforces Title budget that “is over 60 I of the ADA, as well as percent below the real spendnondiscrimination and affir- ing power of the 1981 mative action requirements budget,” having faced consisfor federal contractors in tent decreases in its funding relation to disabled veterans. for years. The OCR budget OFCCP saw its budget de- makes up 0.0054 percent of cline steadily from 1978 until the overall HHS budget. 1997, and staffing levels have yet to recover even to 1994 Department of Housing levels. Again, “these budget Staffing levels at the Departand staffing reductions come ment of Housing and Urban at a time when OFCCP’s Development Office of Fair enforcement responsibilities Housing and Equal Opportuhave expanded,” which has nity (FHEO) have decreased “adversely influenced the ef- by 22 percent since 1994. fectiveness of OFCCP’s During that same time the work.” number of complaints has increased by 15 percent, to a Department of Justice level more than double the The Department of Justice number of complaints rehas a Civil Rights Division ceived annually during the (CRD) which enforces Titles 1980s. II and III of the ADA and “coordinates federal enforce- The National Council on ment of statutes that prohibit Disability states that “despite discrimination on the basis of legislation from1988 that mandisability in programs that dated improving fair housing, receive federal financial as- fair housing enforcement resistance.” mains an unfulfilled promise for Americans with disabiliWhile the funding of CRD is ties.” higher in the current year than in past years, that is partly That’s the situation at all six because the levels were so of the principal federal civil low in past years. Former rights agencies. The U.S. acting Assistant Attorney Gen- Commission on Civil Rights eral Bill Lann Lee stated in concludes their report with July 2000 that the FY 2000 the following words: “As a funding increase “has not result of inadequate funding, made up for the fact that for the nation’s civil rights laws many years, the CRD has remain, in large measure, basically been running on ‘unfunded mandates.’ These empty.” The National Coun- agencies’ budgets have been cil on Disability concurs, reduced at a time when their saying that “the impact of enforcement responsibilities resource restrictions is direct, have grown substantially. In obvious, and highly detrimen- the face of rising workloads, tal.” inadequate funding and staff levels continue to endanger Department of Health and our national enforcement of Human Services civil rights laws.” The Department of Health

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February 10, 2002

Mental Illness/Brain Disorders

Hello Nicole:

What Then Shall We Do? by Pete Feigal


eo Tolstoy, the famous Russian novelist, read the quote from Luke 18:18: “What then shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Afterward, while in the heart of a manic phase of his bipolar disorder, he went into the slums of Moscow and in one evening gave away his clothes, furniture, and all of the great fortune he had made from the publication of his masterpiece, War and Peace. The turning point for many of us is that moment when life and circumstance shake us awake, and we stop pretending we don’t see the inequities of the world or within our own hearts, and we ask ourselves, “what can I do to make a difference or have the life I want?” It doesn’t happen to everyone, and everyone that has asked the question doesn’t necessarily move toward any answer. Many drift back to their sleep. Tolstoy, in his mania, believed he was truly awake and tried to find the answer in his grand—but impractical—solution. What shall we do? What is expected of us? How do we change the world and earn a place for ourselves? Janis Joplin sang: “All you gotta do is be a good man, one time, for one woman.” Maybe she was onto something and you don’t have to give away everything you own. Maybe it is that simple. Aldous Huxley, the English writer and philosopher, spent seven years traveling the globe, investigating the essence of the world’s great religions. When he finally arrived back home, he was met on the docks of London by the press. They asked him what world-shattering insights he had learned in his years of searching, what amazing secrets he had discovered.

Huxley replied, “I think we mental hospital for most of should just be kinder to each the previous year. How people other.” were unsure how to act or speak around me, and so they Much of my speaking is to kept their distance. How I high school kids going through remember being in the cafetethat vale of tears called ria at Pine Island High, sitting adolescence. That was the at a table during lunchtime, crucial age—right at the time with my tray’s little presswhere you move from being a formed divisions full of kid to being an adult—when I mashed potatoes with coaguwas personally hit with de- lated hamburger gravy, green pression. There is a part of me beans, a carton of milk, and that never quite made the one, one tab of butter. And transition, the arrested juve- how I couldn’t take one bite of nile delinquent that still cranks potatoes past the huge lump in the stereo and spins the tires my throat because there was of the car. A part of me that no one sitting to my left, no has stayed 15, the age I was one sitting to my right, and no when I was stopped, really, one sitting in the three closest before I had a chance to get spots across the table— going. although the rest of the table in both directions was full of I try to tell the kids about the laughing teenagers. pitfalls I fell into by choice, and the ones that reached out I’ve been in locked mental and grabbed me, hoping to wards, jail lockups, and emershare some of my hard-earned gency rooms—and there is insights that might save them nothing that compares to the a little pain. The question I get hell of eating alone in the most often from these troubled lunchroom. And I tell them but brilliant people is “what how one day I looked up and can I do to help a friend there was a guy standing there suffering with mental ill- with his tray and he said, “Can ness?” I tell them that they I sit next to you?” That was 30 can’t be anyone’s psychiatrist years ago. I can tell you what or therapist, and to not even I was wearing that day. I can try. I tell them that what they tell you the color of the sky can do is be kind and to do the that day. That kid saved my little things: send the e-mails, life. That simple act of bring an extra apple, talk to kindness is something that got someone who’s isolating, call me through that terrible lonely someone you’ve never called day. And that small victory before, and go have a soda or helped me get through that go to the mall with a kid who terrible lonely week. And isn’t in the “cool” crowd. lonely months and years later, Little things that have a huge I’m still here—not quite as impact. lonely, not quite as alone. Often their response is that they want more, something bigger, something more profound to help or change the suffering of a loved one. They can’t believe that bringing an extra apple can have any impact on someone’s life. So I tell them one of my experiences. How when I was 16 and had just returned to my high school after being in a

Dear Nicole,

Dear Mom and Dad,

Our daughter has attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Although she is on medication for this, she is still not doing well in school. She is getting D’s and F’s in her classes and having conflicts with teachers and other kids. Every night, just trying to get her to do her homework turns into a major argument. We feel bad for her, because what takes most kids an hour will take her three or four. She basically comes home from school, does her homework, and goes to bed—she has very little time to play or relax as she needs to get her work done. She’s starting to resent school. We don’t know if this qualifies as a disability question, but we would like to know if you have any ideas on how to help her do better in school and/or how to avoid the family feuds over homework. We’ve considered special education, but we think it would make her feel worse to be singled out for her problem. At this time, she does not feel inferior or “disabled” and because she is at the tender age of 13, we think it’s best not to place that stigma on her.

I can certainly understand why your daughter would resent school, it sounds like it is making her life pretty miserable. No one would be happy if they had to spend all of their time working, especially when even their best efforts bring unsatisfactory results. In order to help your daughter, you need to reconsider some of the choices you’ve made so that her school becomes a supportive environment in which she can succeed.

Sincerely, Mom and Dad

ADHD is a disability covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Although it’s natural to want to protect your daughter from the pain of social oppression, hiding or denying her disability will only make her life more difficult. She needs you to teach her how to handle the issues brought up by her ADHD, so that she does not feel alone and confused. Growing up, my parents strove to treat me “just like any other kid.” They had high expectations, and virtually never addressed the limitations of my disability. In school, I was expected to do everything the same as my able-bodied peers. While this challenged me in ways many people would see as positive, it also led to deep feelings of isolation and anxiety as I grew ashamed of my difficulties and had no resource for dealing with them. For example, I did not do well on written exams because I did not have the muscular strength in my hands to write quickly. Rather than acknowledging my disability and arranging some simple accommodations, I became nervous taking tests and hid my humiliation and shame by pretending not to care about grades.

strangers or my closest family. Each one helped me through the thousands of tough and wonderful days that I had a chance this past fall to have comprised my life. tell that kid, who is now a wonderful man and friend, I think we sometimes don’t what he did for me. He didn’t see the face of God because remember the incident, but it’s so close. It’s right there in was glad it had meant so much front of us, in the face of to me. My friend, Mike kindness of those around us. Lunde, saved me that day, as Maybe it is that simple—what many have through the years. then shall we do? Thousands of acts of kindness It’s not realistic to expect your that have graced me and that “I think we should just be daughter to succeed in an came as gifts from total kinder to each other.” environment where she is at


such a great disadvantage. Naturally she is frustrated. Likewise, it makes sense that she would be angry with you for forcing the school’s demands on her when she needs a break. Although I understand your concerns about recognizing your daughter’s disability, I believe that she must be experiencing feelings of inferiority already, as she is failing courses and is unable to get along with others. Accommodating her special needs so that she is able to function successfully will empower her and give her confidence. She needs to understand that there is nothing wrong with her for having ADHD and that she is not alone—there are things that can be done to help. Tell her that you are on her side, and that you will work with the school to make her life there more manageable. Consult the school’s special education department and social worker about assistance that can be offered. PACER Center (952-8389000) is a parent advocacy organization that would be an excellent source of information, guidance, and support as you figure out your daughter’s education plan with the school. Special education services can be implemented discretely and with respect. Talk to PACER and school staff about your concerns that your daughter not be singled out or treated differently as a result of receiving these services. Finally, examine your own attitudes. If you are feeling ashamed of your daughter’s disability, seek support from counselors within the disability community. ADHD is something your daughter will likely struggle with throughout her life and she needs to know that you do not think less of her because of it, and she does not have to hide it. —Nicole

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February 10, 2002


Disability Culture

An Overview Of Services For People With Disabilities In Turkey by Irem Cosansu Yalazan


urkey, or “Turkiye” in the Turkish language, is located where Asia and Europe meet. The surface area of Turkey is 312,503 square miles. The population is 67 million, according to the 2000 census. The capital city is Ankara. The country is divided into 81 provinces. The government is a parliamentary democracy, meaning that the legislative, judiciary, and governing bodies work under a check and balance system. The parliament has 550 representative members and elections are held every five years. Turkey has a developing economy and a young, dynamic population. Within this population, there are approximately 7 million people with various disabilities—or 10 % of the population—according to The World Health Organization’s definitions. It is estimated that 1.5 million people have developmental disabilities. Disability Rights The Constitution of The Republic of Turkey guarantees all citizens the rights of protection and participation in society, the rights of employment and protection in the work environment, and the rights of education and training for integration into society. To this end, various pieces of legislation related to the rights of health, education, care and rehabilitation, employment, social security, and accessible physical environment have been advocated by

disability organizations in favor of persons with disabilities. The long-term efforts of these advocates led to the adoption of this legislation by the government. Two particular improvements have been enacted and have given hope in the disability field. One of them deals with the reorganization of government bodies providing services, and increased collaboration among for-profit and nonprofit organizations; the other is an increase in the number of day care rehabilitation centers run by government, for-profit, and nonprofit organizations. Both improvements are a result of long-term efforts by people working in the disability field and are considered the seeds of better policy and services.

The Administration of Disability organized the first Disability Conference in 1998. Before the conference was held, different commissions were established and had the broad participation of academicians, representatives of government bodies, and advocates of disability organizations. They prepared reports related to the needs and Government Offices problems of people with disabilities, which have proThe High Council of Disabil- vided a base of knowledge ity—with participation by and objectives for future representatives from the min- efforts in the disability field. istries of health, education, labor and social security, “The Law Related to Rights social services, and the con- and Services for People with federation of disability orga- Disabilities” has been prenizations and universities— pared with the collaboration was established in 1997 to of different parties in the determine disability policy. disability field. It grew out of the first Disability ConferThe Administration of Dis- ence, and it is on the agenda of ability was established as a the National Assembly. secretariat body of The High Council of Disability. Its Education duties are to provide coordination and collaboration The Ministry of Education among governmental and non- has had special education governmental organizations curricula since 1951. The to support projects that pro- curricula, and related legislavide disability services, to tion, were revised in 1983 and publish research reports and again in 1997. There are efforts to improve integration of children with special needs into the mainstream education system by providing accessibility, preparing classroom CARE SERVICE conditions, and training of


manuals, and to provide ID cards to people with disabilities. Currently these cards provide discounts to people with disabilities who travel by plane, train, and public transportation—and who attend the theater. The holders of these cards will receive other benefits in the future. This service-based record system will be used as database for determining disability policy and services.

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teachers and staff. There were 16,155 students with disabilities and 2,603 teachers in 269 special schools and centers during the 20002001 school term. When we compare the number of elementary schools (43,257) and number of students (9,884,444), it is obvious that a very small percentage of children with disabilities can use their rights of education. The number of children with disabilities being integrated into the school system is expected to increase in the future.

ment bodies and private, nonprofit, and disability organizations; advocacy efforts of disability organizations; and the participation of an increasing number of professionals and academicians.

The Future When we compare the number of persons with disabilities and the existing services in Turkey, it is not easy to be optimistic. Needs go far beyond services currently available. However, hope for the future exists through improvements in legislation; collaboration among govern-

Irem Cosansu Yalazan is a social worker from Turkey who is completing a tenmonth fellowship at The Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at The University of Minnesota. The participation of the Humphrey fellows in the culture column has been arranged by Lolly Lijewski.

Social Services


A Social Services and Child Protection Agency has been Cont. from p. 2 organized in all provinces in Turkey. The Agency has 18 dexterity issues. residential care institutions • Special lifts to help someone for people with physical and get in and out of the bathtub mental disabilities. There is a or bed—for those with waiting list—consisting of mobility impairments. approximately 2000 persons • Talking calculators with sciwith disabilities—for these entific mathematical capabilities and graphing—for institutions. individuals with vision loss. • The Agency provides day Reading machines to concare rehabilitation services in vert printed material into 50 centers, most of which are synthesized speech—for run by a partnership of those that are blind or have a reading disability. disability organizations. • Head-controlled wheelchairs The social security agencies with augmentative commuhave subsidized the services nication devices—for indiof for-profit and nonprofit viduals who are nonverbal day care rehabilitation centers and have little muscle consince 1997. That’s why the trol. number of for-profit centers • WebCAM security syshas skyrocketed from 30 to tems—for vulnerable adults. 200. The majority of these centers have provided services to people with developmental disabilities. These centers can be seen as first step for improving community-based social services. There is a need for long-term and short-term residential

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In general, the method of division isn’t as important as the purpose and what one can accomplish with the technology or methodology. It is interesting to note that sometimes simple solutions are just as effective as complex technology options. In the upcoming months, we will further explore the area of assistive technology and its possibilities. Opportunities for independence, education, and work are enhanced when one begins to utilize any of the available options. Jeni Mundl is the Assistive Technology Specialist at Courage Center.

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February 10, 2002

COURT DECISION - Cont. from p. 1

BUDGET - Cont. from p. 1

“work” as a major life activity and yet seems loath to totally abandon it. The danger in this decision for Plaintiffs comes in dicta (statements made by the Court but not part of the holding itself) which are in essence restatements made in the Sutton v. United Airlines case, decided in 1999. The Court argues that “Disability was defined in the general section of the ADA applying to all the titles.” “Disability” and its definition were not

Home Care Association. hearing of the Senate Health, “That’s what we’ll be doing Human Services and Correcagain this year.” tions Budget Division. While discussing a financial incenA key part of that community tive to discharge non-elderly integration equation is hous- people with disabilities from ing, which is in short supply nursing homes, she admitted for those with limited bud- that in many cases “there’s no gets, mobility impairments, place for these people to go.” and support service needs. Last session saw the passage Attention now turns to key of ‘visitability’ language, budget committees in both which seeks to add new legislative chambers, where housing stock to accommo- lawmakers have begun to date the needs of wheelchair discuss the governor’s prousers. posals. Ventura has asked that his budget be given quick “It’s a start,” said Margot consideration, saying that each Imdieke Cross of the State week’s delay costs MinnesoCouncil on Disability, “but tans an extra $3.7 million in we need to continue to forgone tax collections. Hisincrease awareness of this torically, legislators have issue in a non-budget year. waited until the Department There’s lots of talk about of Finance releases its revised affordable housing, but the budget forecast in February concerns of the disability before making revised budget community have not been a decisions. Lawmakers can part of that conversation.” remain in session until May 20, which is the deadline Senator Linda Berglin ac- imposed by the state constituknowledged the need for tion. more housing and housing with supports at a January 24

restated in the provisions regarding Title I, the title which the EEOC enforces. The EEOC was given the authority to issue regulations to enforce only Title I. As the definition of “disability” was not included in Title I, the Court seems to be inviting future respondents to argue that the EEOC had no authority to define in regulations what constitutes an impairment or what constitutes a major life activity.

Definition of Disability under the ADA: The term “disability” means, with respect to an individual: (A) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual; (B) a record of such an impairment; (C) being regarded as having such an impairment. See 42 U.S.C. Section 12102(2). Definition of Disability under the Minnesota Human Rights Act: “Disability means any condition or characteristic that renders a person a disabled person. A disabled person is any person who (1) has a physical, sensory, or mental impairment which materially limits one or more major life activities; (2) has a record of such an impairment; or (3) is regarded as having such an impairment. See Minnesota Statutes Section 363.01 Subd. 13.

These arguments could bode range of jobs. The Court ill for future ADA employ- argued that, even if he were ment discrimination cases. considered incapable—because of his impairments—of Minnesota’s Response to safely performing the major “Work” as a portions of the job of correcMajor Life Activity tions officer, he could still perform the duties required of The Minnesota Human a probation officer. Never Rights Department has is- mind that probation officers sued no regulations to define constituted about 10 percent the statutory definition of of the employment opportuni“disability.” The Minnesota ties with the Hennepin County Court of Appeals decided two Department of Corrections. cases in 1988 and 1989 which Never mind that most of the adopt the same standards set probation jobs were filled by forth in the EEOC regulations transfers from other correcissued in 1992 regarding the tional duties. definition of the major life activity of “working.” Will- After this case was decided, iams, under Minnesota law, the Minnesota legislature would still have had to show amended the definition of that she was substantially “disability” in the Minnesota limited in performing a broad Human Rights Act. It class of jobs. In State of changed the words “substanMinnesota by Cooper vs. tially limits” to “materially Hennepin County, the Minne- limits.” The argument, thus sota Court of Appeals deter- far not overturned by the State mined that an applicant for a Supreme Court, is that a job as corrections officer with “material” limitation is a Hennepin County was not more liberal standard than a disabled because his impair- “substantial” limitation. ment did not preclude him from performing a broad Kathleen R. Hagen is an attorney with the Minnesota Disability Law Center.

February 10, 2002


Accessible-to-All Romantic Romp: The History Of Bowling F

or a quarter of a century, the Mixed Blood Theatre Company has been creating worlds that are devoid of the artificial barriers that impede people’s success in America. Historically, this has meant producing plays that address the issues of race, culture, and gender. Now Mixed Blood, together with Interact Theatre, is extrapolating that mission to embrace people with disabilities—by continuing its “New America” season this month with Mike Ervin’s dark comedy, The History of Bowling. The play runs February 13 to March 10 in the Alan Page Auditorium in Mixed Blood’s historic firehouse theatre on the West Bank of Minneapolis. Joel Sass directs the cast of Robert Ness (who appeared in two previous productions of the play in Chicago), Ann Kim, Gavin Lawrence, and Marquetta Senters.

love in, of all places, P.E. class. His paramour, Lou, is a senior with an invisible disability (epilepsy) who has spent her life trying to hide her condition. When an insensitive coach forces the two to collaborate on a project, love blossoms and lovers’ quarrels ensue—comically spurred on by Chuck’s seductive roommate, Cornelius, who is deaf and blind, as well as a cad and a con.

Mike Ervin has written a laugh-out-loud, slightly twisted comic romance that pokes fun at many of the misconceptions and well-intentioned biases people have about the ‘disabled.’” Playwright Mike Ervin is a well-known Chicago writer and disability rights activist. He coordinates the Victory Gardens Access Project, a program that uses technology to make live theater accessible for persons with disabilities. He is also the author of The Plucky and Spunky Show, first produced at the Remains Theatre in Chicago and later throughout the country. He has published over 1,000 articles and essays—mostly about disability topics—in more than 400 newspapers and magazines, including the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, and The Progressive.

artists, in facility and attitude.” To accomplish this, Mixed Blood has: • Reconfigured the theatre to allow better accessibility for seating, and to accommodate up to 11 wheelchairs. • Joined with Interact Center for the Visual and Performing Arts as co-producers of The History of Bowling and two future productions, affirming the organization’s long-term commitment to this expansion of purpose. (Interact’s mission is to create art and challenge society’s view of disability.) • Rebuilt the stage to allow wheelchair access from the dressing rooms for actors with disabilities. • Rebuilt the ramped entrance to the building to be code-

“On one hand, The History of Bowling is an irreverent comedy about the age-old ‘boy-meets-girl’ paradigm,” says Mixed Blood artistic director Jack Reuler. “On the other hand, disability is its engine, the catalyst that enriches the characters and makes this play an important piece of theater. It offers an inside view of living with disabilities, yet at the same time it emphasizes that people with disabilities aren’t dePhysical and Attitudinal The History of Bowling is the fined completely by their story of Chuck, a 32-year-old disability; it is just part of Accessibility at Mixed Blood quadriplegic college fresh- what makes them unique.” According to Jack Reuler, “It man, who after 15 years of f feminism is about watching TV in his mother’s Director Joel Sass says he was is not simply enough for women’s issues, why is the attic, has gathered the courage attracted to the project be- Mixed Blood to be ADA- and to return to college. As he cause “the script is extremely code-compliant; we want to experience of women with begins to relish coming out of funny, and the characters are be welcoming to all peoples, disabilities often left out of the disability closet, he finds very complicated and human. as audiences and participating feminist ethics? Professor Anita Ho, of the College of St. Catherine, will discuss this important, but often neglected, issue. Her talk will be held on Cont. from p. 3 February 13, from noon to disconnect the battery. You Ticketed passengers’ oxygen craft. Any pack that is carried 1:00 p.m., in Library Room or an assistant should be able canisters will be inspected. on the animal will be manu- 226 on the college’s St. Paul take your chair apart. If this is Commercial oxygen provid- ally inspected or put through campus. An ASL interpreter not possible, have a copy of ers are allowed beyond the the X-ray. The animal’s will be present. the owner’s manual or copies screener checkpoints once halter may also be removed A philosopher who specialof schematics. If your battery their canisters have been for inspection. izes in biomedical ethics and is disconnected at security, thoroughly inspected. They make sure it’s reconnected may also be required to check Air carriers must ensure that social/political philosophy, properly. (I carry a laminated in with the airline and receive qualified individuals with a Dr. Ho will speak on “Women photo of my batteries and the a pass before going through disability—including those with Disability: Why Are wires are labeled for each the checkpoint without a with vision or hearing impair- They Left Out by Feminists?” ments—have timely access, She will start by examining ticket. battery post.) via alternative formats, to how traditional discussions of If you use a wheelchair, be Service animals, once in- information (such as new the mind-body distinction sure to bring some spare parts, spected to ensure prohibited security measures) that the have affected the way we items are not concealed, are carriers provide to other identify women with their such as inner tubes. bodies and as vulnerable permitted on board an air- passengers. beings. Such an understanding of women—as vulnerable


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Am, will help forge a new path for the field. Ticket Information Tickets for The History of Bowling are now on sale at (612) 338-6131 or www. mixedblood.com. Friday, February 15 is Access Press Night—mention the ad on page 9 of this issue and get two tickets for $20 (normal price: $18 per ticket). An audio-described performance is scheduled for Friday, February 22, and an American Sign Language performance is scheduled for Friday, March 1. Information for this article was provided by the Mixed Blood Theatre.

Women With Disabilities: Free Talk At The College Of St. Catherine



and ADA-compliant. • Made arrangements for accessible living quarters for out-of-town actors with disabilities. • Arranged for a personal care assistant for the lead actor through the Metropolitan Center for Independent Living. • Researched and provided participants with numerous articles and books, by and about professionals with disabilities in the entertainment industry. • Acknowledged that the entertainment industry has had a checkered history in its portrayal of people with disabilities. Mixed Blood hopes that its opening, contemporaneous with the films A Beautiful Mind and Sam I

bodies—still lingers today, as evidenced in the way that the contemporary media portray women.

ing, others cannot live without a great deal of help from others. The ideal of strength requires these women to deny their vulnerability, and sugAs an attempt to overcome gests that their disabilities are negative stereotypes and to hurdles to the feminist’s quest promote equality, many femi- for equality. nists have tried to focus on women’s strength. They Professor Ho will argue that argue that women are strong in order to have an adequate individuals, and that they theory of equality, feminists have control over their bodies need to reconcile the conflictand other aspects of their ing ideas of vulnerability and lives. While this ideal of independence. She will sugstrength is in various ways gest that feminists need to empowering for women with- acknowledge and incorporate out disabilities, Professor Ho the experience of women with will argue that it has nonethe- disabilities in their theories. less inadvertently ignored the needs of women with disabili- The College of St. Catherine ties. The idea that gender (St. Paul campus) is located equality requires that all at 2004 Randolph Avenue. women be strong and inde- For more information about pendent puts some people this event, including disabilwith disabilities in a disad- ity accommodations, please vantaged position. While call Anita Ho at 651-690many with disabilities are 6801 or e-mail her at atho striving for independent liv- @stkate.edu.

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February 10, 2002

Accessible Performances The following performances will be Audio Described (AD) for people who are blind or have low vision, or Interpreted in American Sign Language (ASL) for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

John Command’s Broadway My Way II; runs 2/1-24; ASL Sat., 2/16, 7:30; Bloomington Civic Theatre at Richfield Middle School, 74th & Oliver Ave. S.; 612-825-7667; www.bloomingtoncivictheatre.com. Musical revue of Broadway tunes. Choral Arts Society and Honors Choirs of SE Minnesota; Sat., 2/16, 2:00; free concert review at Rochester Public Library Auditorium. To request special seating, ASL interpreter, audio describer, assistive listening or written materials in alternative format, contact Rochester Civic Music at 507-281-6005 (TTY 1-800-627-3529) five working days before the event. Ten Little Indians; ASL Sun., 2/17, 2:00; Eden Prairie Community Theater at Eden Prairie High School Auditorium; 952-949-8453, TTY 952-949-8399. Based on the novel, And Then There Were None, this entertaining show combines elements of mystery, humor, and romance.

La Boheme; AD Fri., 3/8, 7:30; Minnesota Opera at the Art; runs 3/6-4/13; ASL/AD Sat., 3/23, 8:00; Park Square Ordway Center for Performing Arts; St. Paul; 612-333-6669; Theatre; St. Paul; 651-291-7005; www.parksquaretheatre.org. This work looks at three friends whose hilarious arguments www.mnopera.org. Pre-opera discussion at 6:30. expose the dark heart of relationships. Mr. Bundy; runs 3/1-30; AD Sat., 3/9, 7:30; ASL Sat., 3/23, 7:30; Pillsbury House Theatre; Mpls.; 612-825-0459; Proof; runs 3/19-24; AD/ASL Sun., 3/24, 2:00; State Theatre; www.pnc-mn.org. When a convicted child molester moves Mpls.; 612-373-5650 or 612-989-5151; www.stateinto the neighborhood, community response and personal orpheum.com. ethics collide as one family decides what it means to “do the The Sound of Music; runs 3/14-24; ASL/AD Sun., 3/24, 2:00; right thing.” Fargo-Moorhead Community Theatre; 701-235-6778; Taming of the Shrew; runs 3/8-24; ASL Sun., 3/10, 2:00; www.fargoweb.com/fmct. Central Minnesota Community Theater; St. Cloud; 320-259Medea; runs 3/2-4/21; AD Fri., 3/29, 8:00; Theatre de la Jeune 5463; www.paramountarts.org or www.cmct.org. Lune; Mpls.; 612-333-6200; www.jeunelune.org. Cowbird; runs 2/15-3/17; AD Thurs., 3/14, 8:00; Eye of the Storm Theatre at the Theatre Garage; Mpls.; 612-728-5859. A For updates by phone, call VSA arts of Minnesota at 612-332heartbreaking comedy about a woman of the world whose 3888 or statewide 800-801-3883 (voice/TTY). secret life unravels when young adults appear asking if she’s their mother.

Verbose: Deaf Poetry Show; ASL Tues., 2/26, 7:30; Acadia Theatre; Mpls.; 612-874-8702. A program of deaf performers Patience; runs 3/1-24; AD Sat., 3/16, 3:00; Howard Conn Fine and poets, focusing on the stylistic and rhythmic patterns of Arts Center; Mpls.; www.gsvloc.org or call 651-255-6947; their “spoken word.” reserve audio description tickets in advance. The village ladies are crazed for a poet—except for Patience, a milkmaid Alice in Wonderland; runs 2/22-3/3; ASL Fri., 3/1, 8:00; who doesn’t understand what all the fuss is about. Rochester Civic Theatre; 507-282-8481; www.roch civictheatre.org. Eye Spy, Beauty in My Eye; runs 3/8–24; ASL Sun., 3/17, 2:00; AD Tues., 3/19, 11:00; SteppingStone Theatre; St. Paul; Summer in the Shadows; runs 3/2-17; ASL Wed., 3/6, 10:00 651-225-9265; www.steppingstonetheatre.org. How percepa..m. & Sat., 3/9, 8:00 (discussion follows); AD Sat., 3/16, tions of beauty have changed people’s lives; written by a St. 8:00; Great American History Theatre; St. Paul; 651-292- Paul teenager and her mother. 4323; www.historytheatre.com. In the summer of 1888, W.E.B. DuBois, working in the kitchen at the luxurious Hotel Hush Hush; runs 3/11-4/5; AD Tues., 3/19, 11:30 a.m.; ASL Lafayette on Lake Minnetonka, discovers his place as a black Tues., 3/26, 11:30 a.m. & Thurs., 3/28, 10:30 a.m.; Great American History Theatre; St. Paul; 651-292-4323; man in the 19th century. www.historytheatre.com. A deeply personal portrait of a Thief River; runs 2/15-3/10; ASL Fri., 3/8, 7:30; AD Sat., 3/ woman faced with the conflicts of an old culture in a new 9, 1:00 (tour 11:00); Guthrie Lab; Mpls.; 612-377-2224 or 1- world. Based loosely on the case of Khoua Her, a 24-year-old 877-44STAGE, TTY 612-377-6626; accessible tickets $15; St. Paul Hmong woman who killed her six children amid www.guthrietheater.org. economic woes and alleged domestic abuse.

The Fourposter; runs 2/8-3/30; AD Thurs., 3/21, 7:30; Jungle Theater; Mpls; 612-822-7063; www.jungletheater.com. This story of a marriage is told from the vantage point of a bed.

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Befriended by the Enemy;AD Fri., 3/22, 7:30; In the Heart of the Beast Puppet & Mask Theatre; Mpls.; 612-721-2535; www.hobt.org. The true story of Larry Trapp, a Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon, and the Jewish family who transformed his life. The Snow Queen; runs 2/26-4/13; AD/ASL Fri., 3/22, 7:30 (school show Wed., 3/20, 10:30 a.m.); Children’s Theatre Co.; Mpls.; 612-874-0400; www.childrenstheatre.org.

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ourage Center, in Minneapolis, is offering a unique opportunity for artists to publish their art and gain national exposure while supporting people with disabilities. Courage is conducting a national art search to find artwork for their holiday and all-occasion cards, and invites all artists, and especially Romeo & Juliet; runs 2/22-3/24; ASL/AD Thurs., 3/21, 10:00 those with disabilities, to a.m. & Sun., 3/24, 2:30; Stages Theatre Co., Mainstage submit works to the 2002 Art Theatre; Hopkins; 952-979-1111; www.stagestheatre.org. Search.

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Courage Cards Conducts Art Search

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piece of artwork chosen, in addition to national exposure through the distribution of more than 800,000 catalogs and promotional pieces, radio, TV, the Internet, and print advertising.

Courage Cards are produced from original art and the continuing success of the program is due to the many fine artists who are willing to share their talents to help others. The profits from the The 2002 Search seeks card sale of the cards support art suitable for holidays in- programs for people with cluding Christmas, Hanuk- disabilities. kah, and Thanksgiving. Major city scenes, and depictions Entries will be accepted from of world peace and ethnic April through May 31, 2002. diversity, are also needed. For a copy of the 2002 Art Courage also seeks artwork Search guidelines, call Courfor all-occasion cards. age at 763-520-0211 or 1888-413-3323. Or visit the Two-dimensional art is se- Courage Cards website (www. lected based on artistic merit, couragecards.org) to downsuitability of subject, and load the application or send a color. A licensing fee will be request via e-mail to paid to the artist for each artsearch@courage.org.

Diamond Hill Townhomes We are currently accepting applications for our waiting list at Diamond Hill Townhomes, a great property located near the Mpls. International Airport. We have two and three bedroom townhomes that are HUD subsidized and rent is 30% of the total household's adjusted gross income. We have a large number of mobility impaired accessible units and we are scheduling appointments for persons in need of a mobility impaired accessible unit immediately. To schedule an appointment please call (612) 726-9341

February 10, 2002


Hearing And Service Dogs Of Minnesota Graduation by Laurie Eckblad Anderson


he announcement, showing eleven perky faces, was irresistible. The students in this class came from diverse backgrounds and for some, this instruction was a new lease on life. All have studied important core subjects, yet each has specialized in order to prepare for a particular job in the real world. As in all graduation ceremonies, emotions ran high and some achievements brought tears to the eyes of the onlookers. When a mortarboard, in the school colors of blue and gold, was placed on the first graduate’s head, the crowd went wild.

that their partnership provides. much activity as he required. Now Beau goes to work every Jeff, a sheltie, was donated by day with Al and demonstrates a rescue organization because his skills—in both the hearing he “needed a job.” He is and service areas—in Stephanie Magelky’s second corporate settings as well as in Hearing Dog. Her past experience made the training process easier, especially in light of the huge commitment and lifestyle change that comes with a pairing.

Crackers is another sheltie and started out with Joanne Krueger as “just” a pet. Their relationship changed when Joanne learned, through training, to be the leader of the pair. Joanne feels much less vulnerable knowing that On January 26 at the Animal Crackers is around to alert her Humane Society in Golden to the smoke detector and Valley, Hearing and Service other sounds. Dogs of Minnesota (HSDM) graduated six new Hearing Mavis Burdick lives in a very Dogs and four new Service small town where she didn’t Dogs, as well as one dog know many people. She qualified for both jobs. As needed a dog small enough this program would not be for apartment living. Champ, possible without the efforts of a dachshund, has been a numerous volunteers—from “beautiful” addition to her puppy raisers to field life, especially since they trainers—all were recognized passed their certification test. during the ceremony by Laurie Carlson, Volunteer Co- Sadie, a Border collie mix, is ordinator. Carlson is also the a shelter dog trained to paw Hearing Dog Coordinator, Roy Sonkowsky awake if his and Kim Hyde is the Service son needs him or if she hears Dog Coordinator. the smoke alarm. A sleep apnea sufferer, Roy has peace Teamwork is central to the of mind now that Sadie is on success of this program. the job. These human/canine pairings increase the self-confidence Hazel Johnson and Maggie, and independence of also a shelter dog, share a participating persons with strong bond. Maggie is disabilities. Furthermore, always at Hazel’s side to alert each person and his/her dog her to sounds. The have the have formed a remarkable distinction of being the 100th bond that seems to transcend team graduated by HSDM! their working relationship. Beau: Demonstrator and Ambassador Hearing Dogs Casey, an Eskimo dog, is Audrey Moe’s second Hearing Dog. Audrey appreciates Casey’s companionship as well as the feeling of safety

Al Peters (founder of HSDM) became paired with Beau (a golden retriever) after Beau’s former owner found it difficult to provide the dog with as

The people who raised her attended the ceremony and met Jill for the first time. Jill, who uses a wheelchair, calls Claire her best friend and appreciates the retrieves that

retrieve, but didn’t care for gun noise. He has been through a lot of training and had been a challenge to match with the right person. His first foster family was on hand to

Beau holding his rawhide “diploma” the classroom. After the ceremony, Beau showed how he can pick up such objects as a dime or a credit card from the ground. He also seemed eager and willing to personally greet everyone in the room. With his “striking good looks” and outgoing personality, Beau is truly a great ambassador for HSDM. Service Dogs In many of these pairings, fate seemed to play a role. Shadow, a German shepherd, “found” Kathy Connell in a feed store. Now Shadow brings Kathy her crutches and holds doors open for her with his body. Jill Heins and Claire, a black “Goldador” (a Lab and golden retriever mix), also developed an instant bond. Claire was raised in Texas, from puppyhood, to be a guide dog; a career change moved her to HSDM.

AN ACCESSIBLE-TO-ALL ROMANTIC COMEDY BY MIKE ERVIN February 13-March 10 Mixed Blood Theatre “…feisty writer Mike Ervin has made it his mission to dispel the legion of stereotypes about folks with disabilities…Ervin’s offbeat sensibility makes for a consistently funny show.” -Chicago Tribune

Claire makes for her.

witness his graduation. Ranger helps Candy with balance Ranger, a yellow Lab, and when she is using her walker, Candy Stauffer also and she considers him her experienced love at first sight. dearest companion. Ranger started life as a hunting dog that liked to

Skia: A Rare Breed Rita Jesse’s partner, Mitch, brought Skia home as a pup— and the dog immediately parked herself under Rita’s wheelchair. Now Skia is just over a year old and performs 16 to 20 jobs and knows at least 45 commands. She does everything from pulling Rita’s wheelchair to providing comfort and protection for Rita during a seizure. Because of Skia, Rita has been able to go out on her own for the first time in three years. Although none of these behaviors is particularly surprising for a Service Dog, they are very unusual for a Siberian husky. Skia is one of only a few huskies who have been found to be responsive to this kind of work. She may not pull a sled, but she is truly a trailblazer. For more information on Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota, please call 612729-5986 voice/612-7295914 TTY, or e-mail via hsdm@bitstream.net.

METROPOLITAN CENTER for INDEPENDENT LIVING MCIL offers services for people with disabilities, their families and friends, service providers, and interested community members in the 7-county metro area. Information and Referral (Information hotline: 651-603-2039) Advocacy Independent Living Skills Training Individual Peer Support Deaf I.L. Services Personal Assistance Services (M.A. Subsidized) Ramp Project Transition Program ADA Information Meeting Rooms Computer Lab Resource Library Support Groups ...Chemical Dependency with Physical Disability GLBT with Disability Chemical Dependency with Traumatic Brain Injury

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Laughter and unconventional characters come tumbling out of the disability closet when a 32year-old quadriplegic gathers the courage to return to college where he finds love in, of all places, PE class. The affair becomes a romantic triangle with the addition of the frosh’s seductive roommate, who is deaf and blind as well as a cad and a con. Join us on Friday, February 15, for ACCESS PRESS NIGHT AT MIXED BLOOD THEATRE. Tickets are twofor-$20 when you mention this ad!

Call (612) 338-6131


February 10, 2002

IN BRIEF . . . . Computer Access for Shriner Patients Mental Health Rally At Shriners Hospitals for Children—Twin Cities, a volunteer with a dream, and equipment donated by a local company and the Women’s Auxiliary, have made it possible to provide computer access to any child despite his or her physical limitation. “After I began volunteering, I noticed that children who could not use a standard mouse, keyboard, or sit up to see a standard screen were unable to use a computer by themselves. So with the help of the Information Systems and Child Life staff, I was able to utilize my computer experience to create a computer set-up that would include patients of all physical abilities,” said Craig Jaakkola, volunteer. On the Internet, Jaakkola sought out a special type of cart that would be able to handle the specific computer

components to fit a child’s needs—rather than having to adjust the child to the computer. Amazingly, he found what had been pictured in his mind through Ergotron Inc., a St. Paul-based company. This special cart is ergonomically correct, which means that it is adjustable and can accommodate a person in any position. After meeting with Jaakkola and reading about his proposed project, Ergotron generously donated a cart to the hospital. The Shriners Hospital Women’s Auxiliary donated approximately $4,000 to purchase the equipment, which included: a touch screen monitor, voice recognition software, a wireless keyboard, three wireless mice, a wireless network, and a USB hub (used to connect equipment).

Exhibits By Deaf Artists VSA arts of Minnesota, will celebrate Deaf Awareness Month (March 15—April 15, 2002) with exhibits by deaf artists at three Twin Cities libraries: - Minneapolis Public Library, 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis - Merriam Park, 1831 Marshall Avenue, St. Paul - Dakota County Library, 1340

Wescott Road, Eagan The displays will feature works by professional deaf artists and students from the Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf in Faribault, MN.

Maureen Johnston, Child Life Supervisor reports, “Computers are now being used in patient rooms and the hospital’s Child Life department where recreation activities are designed to initiate socialization among patients and provide therapy through play. The hospital’s teacher also utilizes the computer in the schoolroom and is able to integrate computer lessons into the curriculum. Before the touch screen and ergonomically correct cart was available, computer access was extremely difficult for patients with certain physical limitations; but now every child can be included.”

The governor has been saying that his proposed budget protects entitlement services and services to people with disabilities. It, in fact, does not. Many of the programs providing services to people with mental illness are not funded under Medicaid, meaning that they are facing at least a 5% cut in funding totaling almost $3.5 million. This includes the Adult Mental Health Integrated Fund, Rule 78 Children’s grants, Adult Mental Health Residential grants, crisis housing, CSP grants,

Mental health advocates are opposing these cuts and are urging the legislature to: document the unmet needs of people with mental illness, and their families; identify the barriers to meeting those needs; and

address the problems of youth transitioning from the children’s system to the adult system. The Mental Health Legislative Network will be holding its “Day on the Hill” on Tuesday, February 26. A legislative update will be held at 10:00 a.m. in the Great Hall of the Capitol and a rally will take place at noon in the Rotunda. If you need more information, contact NAMI-MN at 651-645-2948 or 1-888-4730237.

PACER Employee Appointed To Federal Council

For more information about the Shriners free health care J ohn Hoffman, PACER system, please visit www. Center’s Early Childhood shrinershq.org or call Erin Project coordinator, has been appointed by U.S. Secretary Enright at 612-596-6140. of Education Rod Paige to the Federal Interagency Coordinating Council (FICC). The council advises the secretaries of several federal agencies on effective coordination of serof deaf artists and promote vices to young children with awareness of deaf culture.” disabilities.

VSA arts of Minnesota promotes quality accessible arts experiences for people with all types of disabilities. To contact VSA arts of MinneAccording to Craig Dunn, sota, call (612) 332-3888 (V/ VSA arts of Minnesota’s Ex- TTY) or e-mail mn@vsarts ecutive Director: “We are .org. working to assemble exhibits that portray the unique vision

Children’s Mental Health Collaboratives, and more. Three programs serving people with mental illness at regional treatment centers will also be closed or moved. None of those savings are being redirected to mental health programs.

experience and knowledge of early childhood intervention services. Other members represent federal and state agencies.

serving young children with disabilities. At the Iowa Department of Human Services, he provided technical assistance to Part C (affecting infants and toddlers) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. While in Iowa, Hoffman served on several statewide groups working on issues affecting children with disabilities.

“I am honored to be a member of this council,” said Hoffman. “I believe service coordination is the key to connecting families to their communities. After all, families need to be supported in meeting unique As one of seven parent repre- health and development pri- You may contact PACER at 952-838-9000 or via sentatives from around the orities for their children.” www.pacer.org. nation, Hoffman offers the council firsthand parenting Hoffman is experienced in

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Access for All The Minnesota Travel Guide for Persons with Disabilities www.accessminnesota.org 1050 W. County Rd. F • Shoreview, MN 55126 Office: (651) 481-4062 • Fax: (651) 787-2790 mike.chevrette@efunds.com

February 10, 2002



Access To Employment


Reach 11,000 Active, Interested Readers with ACCESS PRESS Classifieds. $8 up to 20 words, 35¢/word thereafter. Must be prepaid. Mail with check to: ACCESS PRESS, 1821 University Ave W, #104S, St. Paul, MN 55104, (651) 644-2133

Employment ads are $14 per col. inch; Feb 28 is the deadline for the March 10 issue. Mail to: ACCESS PRESS • 1821 University Ave. • #104S St. Paul, MN 55104• FAX 651-644-2136 • E-mail: access@mninter.net




Tub slide shower chair. Transfer from bed to commode and over the tub. No lifting in the bathroom. $500. 952-933-2163.

Lewis Park Apartments: Barrier free housing with wheelchair user in mind. Section 8 subsidized. Oneand two bedroom units. For more information on availNEW: Wheelchair (re- ability call (651) 488-9923. cliner); Hoyer lift; walker w/ St. Paul, MN Equal Opportubasket; 4-legged cane; nity Housing. Miracle Ear hearing aid; commode (stainless steel, on Holmes-Greenway Housing wheels, retractable arms); One and two bedroom apartgel pad; oxygen cart. 218- ments designed for physically 829-2257. handicapped persons. Convenient SE Minneapolis locaLark scooter—travel model, tion. Call (612) 378-0331 for $1200, and Lazy Boy lift availability information. Equal chair, $600. Both good Opportunity Housing. condition. Call Lila, 763559-7030. Seward Square Apartments: We are currently accepting Beautiful blue and black applications for our waiting INVACARE 9000 electric list at Seward Square Apartwheelchair. 3 months new. ments in Minneapolis. Seward Was $4,000. Sell $2,100 Square is barrier-free housing B.O. Must see. 612-822- and is federally subsidized. 2704. For an application, please call (612) 338-2680. Equal OpFor Sale—1993 “Vibo” portunity Housing. Pontoon Boat. 24 ft w/2/3 Canopy. Wheelchair WidMISCELLANEOUS ened Doors-Small fold-down ramp on front entrance. Less “Words of Love” is a CD by than 130 Hours use on 40 Snoopi Botten, a musician Horse Force Motor. Elec. with cerebral palsy who Start, Power Tiller, Fish writes and performs inspiradepth finder, Live well. tional songs using a synthetic Asking $4500. Previous speech system. To order, call owners wheelchair users. (612) 872-7233 or visit Contact: J. Schatzlein 952- Snoopi’s website at http:// 881-2129 or 651-215-2216. hometown.aol.com/dectalk/ myhomepage/index.html.

Gray Plant Mooty, a 130+ attorney firm located in downtown Minneapolis, is a full-service law firm representing clients nationally and internationally. We are currently seeking two creative individuals for our forward-thinking Business Development/Marketing Department: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ANALYST This position will perform research and prepare analyses to identify marketing and business development trends; and develop and maintain the firm’s marketing database and Web site. Must possess strong technical, analytical, project management and problem solving/troubleshooting skills. 3-5 years of progressively increasing responsibilities in a marketing role required; experience in a similar position at a law firm or other professional services firm preferred. College degree preferred. MARKETING ASSISTANT This position supports business development projects including drafting and distributing press releases, updating marketing materials, conducting research, planning and coordinating seminars, and providing general administrative support. Must possess strong technical, administrative, written and verbal communication skills; desktop publishing experience desired. College degree and 1-2 years experience in a marketing department preferred. We offer a professional work environment, educational opportunities, a culture emphasizing work/life balance, competitive salaries & benefits (including medical, dental, profit sharing, and 401k). Send resume and salary requirements to HR, Gray Plant Mooty, 3400 City Ctr; 33 S. 6th St., Mpls, MN 55402; fax to 612-333-0066; or e-mail to Anne.Weinauer@gpmlaw.com. Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer ATTORNEY


NAPIL Fellow to work with Hispanic community to improve access to legal info/ assistance. Fluent Spanish req, prior exper with Hispanic culture/community strongly preferred. Anticipated starting sal: $34,500; excel benes, including fully paid familyhlth. Resume: Galen Robinson, Legal Aid Society of Minneapolis, 2929 4th Ave S., #201, Mpls, MN 55408. EOE

St. Cloud Area Legal Services seeks full-time atty to handle ed discrimination cases. Diverse economic, social or cultural exper +. Sal: $34,500 - 36,601, upon bar admis, excel benes, including fully paid family-hlth.

World’s First Wheelchair-Accessible Kiddie Ride


hildren who use wheelchairs are often shut out of some of the childhood pleasures that their nondisabled friends enjoy. On the kiddie ride scene, however, things are changing. The Pizza Ranch—in Norwood Young America (NYA), Minnesota—is the first family entertainment center in the greater Twin Cities area to add America’s first wheelchair-accessible ride to its line-up of fun and games. The FireRocker—a coin-operated, rocking fire engine— with its siren, horn, and brass bell to ring, draws all kids like a magnet.

Fargo, North Dakota, the FireRocker offers something no other ride can: a tailgate that drops down to form a wheelchair ramp, along with other features that enable a wheelchair to be wheeled aboard. The ride was named “Best New Product of the Year” at a recent industry trade show in Las Vegas. Florida Disney has three FireRockers and they can also be found at some Chuck E Cheese franchises. The Mall of America might also have a FireRocker in its future.

dren with disabilities were invited to bring kids to try out the new ride for free. Participating groups also received ten free meal tickets. “Every child deserves access to fun,” says Pizza Ranch manager Karen Silvernagle. “This is one more way we can make sure that no one gets left out or treated differently because they have a disability.”

Information for this article was provided by Access Kiddie Rides. For more Originally used at Spooky information, contact Terri World in Shakopee, the $6,000 Isom at 952-467-4338 or visit FireRocker was unveiled in www.accesskiddierides.com. Designed and manufactured NYA on January 22. Organiby Access Kiddie Rides in zations that work with chil-

Resume: Ann Cofell, SCALS, P.O. Box 886, St. Cloud, MN 56302.


REPORTS TO: Visitor Services Manager



This position is responsible for maintaining donor records, processing and acknowledging gifts, coordinating donor benefits and producing departmental reports in the area of fund-raising. Additionally, this position provides general administrative support to the Development Department by producing development department appeals and prospective prospect identification. The successful candidate will possess the following experience and skills: Excellent working knowledge and experience in database management, specifically, Raiser’s Edge. Experience with Crystal Reporting and MS Office also required. Strong detail orientation, critical thinking/analytical skills, writing/research/verbal communication and organizational skills are also required. Undergraduate degree in a related field and experience preferred. Submit resume with salary requirements to: Human Resources Minnesota Children’s Museum 10 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55102

Equal Opportunity/ AA Employer


Personnel Director 610 Florence Avenue Owatonna, MN 55060 EOE/AA

DESCRIPTION: This position is responsible for interacting with visitors by playing in our exhibits, answering questions and providing quality customer service to all museum visitors. Specific duties also include: coordinating and executing gallery operations, systems and procedures that ensure visitor satisfaction and safety; monitoring exhibit maintenance and cleanliness and picking up toys; and ensuring that opening and closing responsibilities are completed each day for each gallery. REQUIREMENTS: The successful candidate is required to have a minimum of one year’s experience working directly with children in an educational or professional setting. Minimum one year’s experience in a customer service related field; museum experience is preferred. Commitment to customer service and teamwork is essential. APPLICATIONS: Please submit resume or stop by and complete an application:

Fax: (651) 225-6006


South Central Human Relations Center has an opening for a life skills worker. This position involves working with families in Waseca County. This person will provide life skills training for parents and children to include: parenting skills, home management, communication skills, and budgeting. A background in working effectively with families is preferred. This is a full time position with flexible hours and benefits. Send resume, by Feb. 25, to:

CLASSIFICATION: Parttime, non-exempt. Daytime, evening and weekend hours available. Pay rate $9.00/ hour.

Human Resources Minnesota Children’s Museum 10 West 7th Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: 651/225-6006 Equal Opportunity/AA Employer

Ramsey County Ramsey County invites you to join us in building a better community through public service in the following fields: • • • • • • • •

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February 10, 2002


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------------------------------------- IN MEMORY------------------------------------------------------------------- BENEFACTOR SPONSOR ($1000 and above) ---------------------------Charlie Smith by Anita Boucher & Jeff Bangsberg Medtronic Foundation Bill & Renee Smith by Becky J. Bugbee-Tong Troy Fahlenkamp & Valerie Birosh by David Dreier Mabel Heuer by Dawn Doering Charlie Smith by Lee Ann Erickson Bill Smith by Joe & Peg Figliuzzi Charlie Smith by Andrew Groven ------------------------------------- IN HONOR ------------------------------------John Hardy by Martha Hardy Miss Irene MacKaloney by Roger Hoffman Anne Henry by Karen Adamson Cecelia Bilbrey-Baer by Patrick J. Bilbrey Charlie Smith by Barbara Kane Ruth Riggs by Corbin Kidder Charlie Smith by Tom & Mimi Fogarty Charlie by Fern Rogstad Charlie Smith by Tracy Kochendorfer Charlie Smith, our cousin, by Henry Pattridge & family Jaehn Clare by Candice Warne Kyle by Joe & JoAnn Zwack Uncle Bill & Aunt Renee Smith by Mary & Henry Pattridge Charlie Smith by Sister Kenny Institute College of Saint Catherine’s Occupational Therapy Masters Program by Steven Anderson Bill & Renee Smith by Helen Thompson Bill, Renee, & Charlie Smith by Kathy & Paul West U of M Occupational Therapy Education Program by Erica Stern Charlie Smith by Linda Wolford Tony Lebahn by Linda Wolford ------------------------------- In Kind (time & services) ---------------------------Bob Brick Kathy Hagen

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