April 2021 Edition - Access Press

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Volume 32, Number 4

April 2021


by Access Press staff

- Duke Ferguson

VACCINES To page 3

Rick Cardenas was front and center in 2014 when an accessible connection from the skyway to Green Line light rail opened.

Remembering our Rick: Cardenas a community “hero” by Jane McClure Rick Cardenas is remembered as a compassionate, fearless and larger-thanlife leader of Minnesota’s disability community. Cardenas, 79, died March 13 after sustaining a stroke. For years Cardenas was out front at every march, rally and demonstration. Friends described him as a “superman” and “hero” who worked for all disadvantaged people, delving into the Americans with Disabilities Act, Minnesota Olmstead Plan, the Minnesota Human Rights Act and

countless pieces of legislation. “Sometimes, one voice can be heard,” one newspaper article said of Cardenas. “Sometimes, one voice cuts through the roar of business and talk and everyone stops and listens and, most importantly hears.” “If being persistent, insistent, undaunted, and on the right side of history is a maverick, then Rick Cardenas is the definition of a maverick. Rick showed up and never gave up,” a tribute from Minnesota Council on Disability stated.

Check our Directory of Organizations for the supports and services you need for daily living!

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HERO To page 5

Grant provides mentors, support for Macalester students by Grace Ellsworth Macalester College students with disabilities find peer support through the MentorUP: Mentoring Program for Students with Disabilities, which pairs students with disabilities in a mentor-mentee relationship. Participants connect over their shared experiences as students with disabilities, providing advice, resources and support in the process. The program is now poised to expand. Macalester Disability Services was awarded a grant in late 2020 from the Mansergh-Stuessy Fund for College Innovation, part of the St. Paul Foundation. The fund, established in 2011, provides annual grants to an innovative project chosen among applicants from Macalester, Gustavus Adolphus College and Hamline University. The grant allows Macalester Disability Services to finance, formalize and expand MentorUP, which was developed under the leadership of Director of Disability Services Melissa Fletchers, Disability Services Coordinator Josie Hurka and Disability Service Case Manager Shayne Fettig-Hughes. Disability Services will use the grant to make changes in fall 2021, offering men-


The opening of vaccination lists to more Minnesotans, and easing of some COVID-19 restrictions, are welcomed by many people with disabilities. Still, federal and state health officials caution that the pandemic is far from over. Calls for masks, good sanitation practices and social distancing remain, even for those who have had their vaccines. That’s especially true for people with disabilities, their caregivers and family members. New virus variants are especially worrisome, especially with some families traveling on spring break trips. And given some personal resistance to vaccines, reaching 80 percent vaccination and “herd immunity” is a challenge. President Joe Biden, in a televised address in March, said vaccines should be available to all adults who want them by May 1. He expressed hope that July 4 of this year would be an “independence day" from the pandemic. For people who have spent the last year isolating themselves, that is welcomed news. More than 800,000 Minnesotans have been fully vaccinated in the ongoing fight against COVID-19. That is more than 13 percent of the state’s population. More than 2 million had received their initial vaccine doses as April began. Among those who have lined up for shots are adults with Down syndrome, who were added to the vaccine eligibility list March 10. That’s a big win for advocates in Down Syndrome Association of Minnesota (DSAMN), who waged a high-profile effort to raise awareness of the pandemic risks to its constituency. But it is still a waiting game for people with other disabilities who are under age 65 and living in the community. Frustration is growing after more than a year of quarantine for many. The opening of more testing sites and vaccination sites continues, as more people return to school and workplaces. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) recommends all school-age youth returning to school, sports or extracurricular activities, and their families, get tested every two weeks through the end of the school year. People who travel during spring break are also recommended to be tested for COVID-19. A majority of the state’s residents older than age 65 are vaccinated, although gaps remain. One concern is with communities of color and with homebound senior citizens, so those populations don’t lag behind in getting vaccinated. Front-line health care workers, group home residents and nursing home residents are also prioritized. In mid-March, the vaccine eligibility list was expanded to include Minnesotans with oxygendependent chronic lung and heart conditions, sickle cell disease, those in active cancer treatment or with

DIRECTORY of Organizations

Do what they think you can't do.


Vaccines ramp up statewide

Macalester College's Disability Services welcomes grant assistance to expand its MentorUp Program. tors paid positions and expanding alumni services. Disability Services also intends to increase the number of participants in the program to 10-12 mentors and 80100 mentees. “We’re really excited to have this opportunity,” Fletcher said. “It makes your day, when you can bring forward the work of other people, but also just say this matters because it does.” Another goal for Disability Services is to include alumni connections for mentors and mentees. This could be a valuable way to pass down advice on how to overcome

workplace hurdles. “One person’s experience in negotiating an accommodation with an employer may be very different from someone else’s,” Fletcher said. “We wanted to make sure that students had information about that that was real time experience.” Fletcher hopes that relationships with alumni will allow students to find examples of thriving professionals who also identify as having a disability. “They’re seeing success,” Fletcher said. “They’re seeing that once they GRANT To page 4

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