Volume 32, Number 8
August 2021
Lawmakers still haven’t finished up
- Cal Appleby
It's fun to meet new friends at the fair.
After one year’s pandemic hiatus, it’s back to Minnesota State Fair by Jane McClure Visiting the 2021 Minnesota State Fair? After the 2020 fair was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people are eager to visit. With some preplanning, a day at the fair can be an enjoyable experience for people with disabilities. Tickets are on sale now. Go to www. Minnesota State Fair Accessibility Services offers many services for fairgoers with disabilities. Go to www.mnstatefair. org/general-info/accessibility-guide/ or
email; 651288-4448 One go-to spot is Care & Assistance, which provides a number of accessibility services. Care & Assistance is located at 1338 Dan Patch Ave., across from West End Market. Hours are 8 a.m.-11 p.m.
She ‘Rises’ to the occasion Page 6 Looking at 1946 fair Page 2 Appleby was award winner Page 4 ADA celebration a success Page 5
New sensory break spot opens For visitors with sensory processing disabilities, the fair can be too much. One welcomed new feature is the Fraser Sensory building. The new take-a-break STATE FAIR To page 3
Check out fair foods Page 7
Get to know the two new hires on board at Access Press by Jan Willms Access Press, Minnesota’s disability community news source, is pleased to announce that Holly Anderson has been appointed as the organization’s new executive director. She joins newly hired Advertising Manager Staci Reay and longtime Managing Editor Jane McClure. “Holly will be a great addition to the Access Press team,” said Joel Ulland, president of the Access Press board of directors. “Her experience with the disability community will be extremely valuable as we expand the reach of Access Press into the future.” Anderson said it is an honor at being selected to “fill one of Tim Benjamin’s shoes.” Benjamin retired as executive director in 2020, and is still a columnist for the paper. “I have respected him and his excellent work for many years,” Anderson said. “I promise to do everything I can to try to meet and maybe exceed his expectations.” Anderson comes to Access Press with more than 20 years of nonprofit leadership experience. She began her career in
While celebrating many gains for the disability community in the 2021 special legislative session, some eyes are on the calendar. The Minnesota Legislature will gavel back into session in September. The main topic on the agenda is to make decisions on bonus pay for essential workers who toiled on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lawmakers in June passed a measure to pay $250 million to potentially thousands of front-line essential workers. That could include nurses, long-term care workers, grocery store workers, small business owners and many others. A nine-member committee is to decide how the money will be allocated. Three members will be appointed by Gov. Tim Walz, three by the Republicancontrolled Senate and three by the DFLcontrolled House. A seven-member majority vote is needed to allocate the money. Their recommendations are due by September 6, when lawmakers will meet again in a special session. Action on bonding is also possible in September. The 2021 special session, which extended into July, was highlighted by a compromise on the state budget. Disability advocates and their organizations saw many gains, especially on the personal care attendant compensation front. Federal assistance and higher-thananticipated tax revenues made many gains possible. Here’s a look at other highlights of the 2021 session and links to additional information. In recent weeks groups have been posting legislative updates on their web pages. Self-advocates should check the web pages of the groups they are involved with. One of the most detailed legislative wrap-ups is provided by the Minnesota Council on Disability. https://www. legislative-update/#7-7-21 The council is also sending out updates on individual bills. Many gains were made in mental health, and have been outlined by National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) Minnesota. One big step is to expand the mental health workforce, increase its diversity and have it be more culturally informed. Gains include a funding increase for loan forgiveness programs and expanding it to licensed alcohol and drug counselors, cultural and regional diversity standards for licensing boards, including cultural competency in continuing education standards for mental health professionals, paying for BIPOC mental health professionals to become supervisors, creating a culturally informed and culturally responsive mental health task force, and other key items. Wilder Foundation also worked closely on this effort. LAWMAKERS To page 4
If we just start with great love for everyone, we will understand them to their very core.
Holly Anderson Washington, DC, working on marketing and public awareness campaigns for the National Consumer League. In 2002, she and her husband moved to Minnesota. She became vice president of the Minnesota Chapter of the MS Society, and in 2009 became president of the chapter. “Advocating for people with disabilities is a passion of mine,” Anderson said. “I
Access Press thanks this month's issue sponsor!
look forward to working with the amazing nonprofits in Minnesota that are advocating for disability rights.” Anderson’s office at the MS Society was a drop-off point for Access Press. “The paper is such an important source of news in Minnesota. There isn’t another news source covering people with disabilities in this way.” Reflecting on the past year and a half in Minneapolis, Anderson said that as an extrovert, not working or seeing people was difficult. “I get my energy from people, and I also live with depression and struggled to do anything. I also live with fibromyalgia, which flared often during COVID. It’s the irony of the disorder and of depression that moving helps and yet moving is the last thing you feel you can do.” Anderson was also devastated by the loss of two pets during this time. She kept active with anti-racist and diversity work. “I got involved with antiracist learning in 2016,” Anderson said. “I took 80-plus hours of training through the Unitarian Church.” She also completed classes at Cornell University to earn her NEW HIRES To page 4