February 1996 Edition - Access Press

Page 1

Metro Mobility


"You don't have to be a man to fight for freedom. You need to be an intelligent human being. " -Malcolm X

p. 3

, Number 02


T G K A Cuts Delaved 3

TEFRA: A Legislative Recap And Update


by Bob Brick

The Children's ~ o m Care e The&mgesmayJeeff!ma- d8bt7wouldexceed that of the Option (TEFL%)was devel- sonable if the assumptions total TEFRA program. 7 opad inthemid-1980's as pan driving the Legislation were fitbe State9$philosophy to true. However, many advo- So what happens now? Due , prevent . * out-of-home place- cates haveconcluded thatthe to the legislative changes






. support services through the DHS estimated that the


l a.


Ovn Isod&+#iQr.gkr$r qqtmrters mmed at the Slate Capitol Rotunda on 7udBbp, January L J ~ dd-61. Activists updated supporlers on Metro MobilSty, PCA and TEFRA c u e and olso encouraged them to s p k out, write, and visit legislators. The miraly was spttsorsd bgr Centerfor Independent Living and rhe Consortiumfor Citizens with Disabilities.


n Interview V.*Ith Rep. Lee Greenfield by Charlie Smith, Editor ACCESS PRESS: Can you tell me about the bill you've introduced regarding the Personal Care Attendant (PCA) md TEFRA programs? Rep. Greenfield: I introduced a bill &at will repeal the cuts thd wemn&lelastyeatinthe PCA program and the TEFRA program. What I'm also doing is meeting with the Department of Human Services @HS) to make them split &t those whoare affected by category, by subgroupofpopulation, by kind of service, and what's built into the budget elsewheretomcount for some ofthe f o k . And hopeto make it as whole as possible this session. I think we can go a long way. I don't think it will

fayilies to accessacuteh g t h care-sewices ki'd fm&tkrm ~orex'm~lk;in M~TS.E~&

want a lack of service or less service- but it seemsto me we might want to provide a li#le ACCESS PRESS: It is ru- more training to somebody mored you'd like to see the who works with these other PCA program scaled back to populations. And that's the just people who can direct part that was the concern. I think the DHS took that diftheu own care again. ferently. And sonowthe quesRep. Greenfield: Well, the &m L what's i i t h e and diction DHS and what we what's not and what do we do. did last year wasn't clear. Obviously, people with brain What is clear is that when we injuries which is one of the it -we have estabkhed the program for popul~ionsusiq people yho could & i t their to provide serviees for, if we o m cam, W s what PCA's don't, in fact, give them some were originally for. Then we kind ofpersonal services, they started using them for people can go in institutions which who can't direct theu own would be more expensiveand care.And it would seemtome less freedom forthem and less we might want a little mare appropriate. But it's not clear training for those who cannot to me if a PCA is the appropridirect their own care. I don't are kind of trdmd person. effect people whohave rCA's who manage their own care.


Greenfield - cont. on p. 5

Medical A s s k t a n c e p ~ . of the TEFRA program qualify based on the $36 millionpery&. By May offtheprogram iaafity mda&G-kivy'1895,the cast vim i d e n W the mori i e s d needed by the child. as $24 mill ion. There were no care criteria now being used. Families pay a fee based on significant program changes income, to participate in the made during this time period. Accordingto DHS, thesechil' Likewise, enrollment figures dren have a variety of disPmPn". for the program have ranged abling conditions: 670 have The kparlmat of Human fhm 4,001) to 3,534. EnrollServices(DHS) m ~ ~ B 2 l g w t ~ g & over 90% of the enrolled fhm- the paie projded UY h ~ . . and 400 have mental illness ilies also have private health In fact, it is dropping. or behavioral disabilities. care insurance. These families ofken use the program as a While using these figures, way to obtain servicesthat are there was little meation of DHS originallyprojected that not co.vered timy@ their pri- * alternatives amilabiet e ~fam- these &&lren would lose vate insurance. Examples in- ilies if this service were not TEFRAeligibility by ~anuary cludeout-of-pocket expewes available. Often it was stated I, 1996. When DHS was unfor acute care services, dura- that b i l i e s would have to able to meet that deadline, the ble medical equipment, ther- use private resources, fami- 1645 children were to lose apies, personal care assistance lies, churches or the commu- services on March 1,1996. nity to provide the necessary and prescriptions. services. Never mind that Just recently, advocates In 1995, the GoWmor pps many families would go 1edthatthesec:hildren~dl posed eliminating the TEFRA barkrupt trying to finance the receive another reprieve. The program based on an assump- heaIh care needs oftheu chil- Cornmhsioner ofthe Departtion that the program was dren or that many do not have ment of Human Services regrowing out of control. After the informal support system cently approved a plan to althe disability cornunity ml- that DHS believes is avail- low enrolled children to conlied t~ save the program, the able. tinue on the progfam until after the legislature adjourns. Legislature cut it dramaticalEqually disturbing was the ly. impression created by DHS Thisdecision essentiallybuys The Legislature diectedDHS that if these services were not time for the legislature to reto increase parent fees, re- available, children would not view more information about assess all children on the pro- need them. The reality is that the children who will be vut gram, and to tighten up the this program provides the type off and determine if it wishes level of care criteria. Addi- of support services needed by to implenent the cuts. It is tianally, counties were given families in order to keep their estimatedthat the Legislature the authority to conduct the children at home. Ifonly 10% would have to allocate about assessments for all people in ofthe enrolledfirnuliesplaced $7 million to reverse these need of Personal Care Assis- theuchildrenout-oFthe-home and the PCA cuts scheduled tance Services effective on because adequatesupportser- to be effective July 1, 1996. vices were not available, the TEFRQ - cont. on p. 4 January 1, 1996. t

Brick fnnn A3rc Mimesota has provided ACCESS PRESS with an article explaining the past and w e n t TEFRA (see page f ). This is an important program and deserves our attention. lfwe allowourchildmn wit,& d w i l i e s to be institutionalized, who is

seehe needsourhelp if rhebill ment of Human Senrices will is going to make itthroughthe fmd a way to make more cuts apd it will be even harder to stop them. if your liiend or +*** neighbor goes to an institutimi, you may be next if your Wmle has written sam tips voice isn't head this gem. on c o n d g ymu'kgislator a*** (see page 4). She explains what is impwfmt @tell your Representat&eLeeGreenfieid iegislator and what they need The season st&% sat down with me lastweek to to hm Born yw. The PCk B&m% 5th with the precinct h e l p a ~ s o m e o f t h e c h g - and TEFRA programs keep ~ucbses. Tbis will be your es he has in mind for the Per- people out of institutims and chance to get involved. We some1 Care Attendant pro- in the camnunity. A problem need people with disabilities gram (PCA) snd the TEFRA I have seen io the diibilii to not.only atteod their local pqgam (see page 1). Rep. community is people feel 'We c a u q s * but to run for dele-

your opportunity to change that. if more people with disabilities am i~volveda9 this level of !he p c e s s , the more attentionourisstwswil1get. If you have never been to your oaucus and want to find out what is going to happen and how you caa make a differwe, three p u p s - Americans forDisabilityRightsM'inesota (ADR), Voices DisabilityRightsand the Consortium forCitiz.ens with abilities (CCD) baue teamed up to get you the tm@og and



As y w can see I have scaled back ACCESS PRE$S to eight pages while warere-reo r ~ i z i the' g paper. We arein theprocess ofseeking non-profit status in an eFfort to find continuing funding for ACCESS PRESS (ses below). Swing in March the subscriptionprice of the paper williacreasetoSl5.00 per year. We will still offer people on limited incomesa reduced rate.

Access Press

Easier To Get A Workout! people with limited physical The fmt round of changes foabilities to use the facility. cused on doors and entrances. q-hree yearsago, we surveyed From the exterior, agraduated mgmizations that serve pea- ramp now leads up from the with special needs in the sidewalk to the front doors. ~ i d ~ ~A~~~~~ ~ -Automatic ~ ~dooriopeners ~ allow ~ community to determine what for easy access through the we needed to do to make our double doors-

the least reprasmted, This is

the memo line "for ACCESS PRESS". We will keep you updated each month on any changes.

ties. Inside the pool area, the YMCA installed an Easy Ladder and Transfer Tier. The ~two pieces ~ i fit together ~ to make it feasible for a person to slide off a wheelchair and onto the

mm= ----- -- -

The -- - Ramp Project

obtaining safe and easy access scheduled for Monday, March to their homes in the Minneap- 25 at 12noon CST on C-Band.

in place, and we wanttogetthe Waldorf Corporation paid for 646-4557.

re either audio described for atre in the Round, Minneapo- U. of MN,Minneapolis eople who are blind or have lis; Info: 333-3010 low vision, or that are ASL interpreted for people who are ASL Interpreted Performances "An Italian Straw Hat*, Fri.,

Because this is an excellent 'resource that can be replicated

Performances 17,l:OOprn (Free sensory tour 2205 for tickets at 11:OO am) Fri., March 1,

blind patron & companion "Mrs. Warren's Profession"

ACCESS PRESS Publisher ........................................................................................................Wm.

A. Smith, Jr. Editor ...................................................................................................................... Charles F.Smith Cartoonist Scott Adams Production ....................................................................... Presentation Images, Ellen Oestreieher Dawn Doering Staff Writer & Editorial Assistant ACCESS PRESS isamonthly tabloid newspaper published for persons with disabilities by Polychrome, Ltd., W.A. Smith, Jr., President. Circulation is 10,000, distributed the 10hofeachmonth through more than 120 locations statewide. Ap roximately 650 copies are mailed directly to political, business, institutional and civic leaders. su&scriPtionsare available for $ I2lyr.

................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................

and reused at other locations. The reusable ramp can be rented. An alternate method of improving access for those with .~Omewaking ability has alsobeencreated. Long-tread, steps

cate and adapt to meet their For further information on the own needs. Ramp hoject, the programs, book or video, contact the A television program entitled Metropolitan Center For InRampsfor Home Access, fea- dependent Living at 6 121646turing the Ramp Project, will 8342, or your local Center for be broadcast both by cabletele- Independent Living.


Editorial submissions and news releases on topics of interest to persons with disabilities, or persons serving those with disabilities, are welcomed. Paid advertising is available at rates ranging from $1 1 to SI5/column inch, depending on size and frequency. Classified ads are $7.00, plus 35 centslword over 20 words.


Advertising and editorial deadlines are the 30th of the month preceding publication; special scheduling available for camera-ready art. \

Access Press is available on tape. Call MN State Services for the blind, 642-0500 or 800-652-9000. Inquiries should be directed to: ACCESS PRESS * 3349 University Ave. S.E. Minnesota 55414 (612) 379-0989 Fax (612) 379-2730

Minneapolis, ,




February 10,1996

Access mess



Attention Metro Mobility Riders!

mt ' I Taxi Service Available For Wheelchair Users!



= - & % z m


w . I&

Rides have increased to 4,400 rides per day. There are now 25,500 Certified Riders. The demand increase is because there is not a viable altemative.


It follows that as Metro Mobility decreases in ridership, other modes must increase. The transit demndent riders o f ~ e t r ~o o b i i i t need y viable options which allow them to be full partners in society.

The funding level is at $15.3 million per year. The real need The council must promote the is $2 1.5 million per year. use of regular route buses as they become accessible. ~dditional'sedan type vehicles are needed for the 60 per- We, too support independence, cent of the riders who do not productivity, community livneed a lift equipped van. We ing, and family unity. expect a commitment from the Metropolitan Council to In order to maintain these valchange the fleet to sedans and ues, people with disabilities smaller, more efficient vans. need reliable transportation. The Metropolitan Council is moving toward settinga priority on trip purpose. This action would be totally unacceptable to the riders of Metro Mobility. It applies a clearly discriminatory policy on riders ofMetro Mobility which is not applied to, nor would it be accepted by, riders of the regular route system.

W? want to go where we want when we want. We want to be employed contributors to society. We want to be out in the community taking advantage of the richness of community life. We want to have the choice to live with or near our family

For all of these things to happen we need fill funding for As the Metro Mobility system Metro, all regular route buses



can go there. If you're going to work orto the doctor, great! But if you're going shopping or to a movie or to s ~ e n time d withyourfamilY,so&! ~ o u ~ out of luck if they- get - their way. When you ride the regularroute bus, the driver doesn't ask you where you're going. So are we going to stand for this new violation of our civil rights? NO! Let's get - out there.

Chair Cab isnow in operation in the Twin Cities area. nK service uses two mini-vans with ramps and only be

used by wheelchair users and you need to do is call Yellow their companions. The charge at 824-4444 or 824-4000 is the same as regular Taxi and request a Chair Cab ride. service (so it isn't cheap).

1 New Pub1ic PO1iCY H0tline re

Find out about developments at the State Capitol affecting people with developmental disabilities through the Arc Minnesota's Public Policy Hotline. This Hotlinenumber,

(612) 794-3864, contains a recordedmessageofcurrent legislative developments. To be connectedtotheHotline,press 2 on your touch tone phone after you hear the initial mes-

1 S ~ O WAnd Ice Removal

In both Minneapolis and St. It's just the beginning of the Paul sidewalks and curbcuts session and we have a long are supposed to be cleared full way to go. It's up to you and width. Businesses have four you and you and me! No one is hours after a snowfall to clear going to do our work for us. their walks and entryways. Tellyoursenatorandyourrep- Homeowners have 24 hours to resentative that you want, no, you demand reliable transportation. Full funding for ~ e t r o , accessible fixed route buses, and new and better transit op- The 1996Minneapolis& Saint Paul Home Tour, which will tions. take place Saturday, May 4, Camp on their door step if you and Sunday, May 5, is now have to. Remind them yet one seekingnominations forhomes more time that Metro is public of all styles and sizes. The transportation, not asocial ser- eventwill showcasehomes that vice.- Call your Met council




sage. If you have a rotary phone, leave your name and phone number, and we will call you back promptly with g=updated legislative informar ; tion.

clear their walks.

cleared curbcut in Mimeapolis, call 673-2441. In St. Paul, If you have a problem with a call at 292-6600. resident or business, they can be forced toeither shovel or be Minneapolis also offers fi . ticketed. To report an sidewalk sand for icy walks. unshovelled sidewalk or un- Call 673-2441 for this freebie.


Accessible Homes Sought For Home Tour are historic, contempomy, re- will be selectedby m i d - ~ a k h . stored, remodeled, and, wher- Homes on the tour are typicalever possible, accessible to lynotforsale. Fornomination people with disabilities. Nominations are due by Thm- Office of Public Affairs. 67 day, February 15, and homes 249 1

Tourette Syndrome Association


r a box lunch ($6), or to

please call (6 12) 827-1774.

needs to integrate the Metro Metro in the last biennium. ular route bus system. The Council needs to increase the use of the regular route by encouraging those now using Metro Mobility who are able to use the bus system. The access tothe regularroute bus system must be improved by viewing Metro Mobility system as a feeder. Those able tousetheregularroutesystem need access to the system.

Metro Mob; w h dI F

doubletheoriginal investment. only equal opportunity minorA pretty good retum by any ity group. They can join us at measure. But the legislature any time. and the Met Council hav gotten that message. rtantly, power Did you know that the Met to make change. This is an council wants to go to the Fed- election year and it's time we era1government and ask for an let our voices be heard at the ADA waiver? This waiver ballot box! -vsy would allow them to prioritize the trips we take on Metro Provided by Metropolitan mobility. They want to tell us Center for Independent Livwhere we can go and when we ing



/'Il8~i Riorlflze Ri des. Bu es Prior $ 17, &?

1 TWOGranf Pragrams For Artists Very Special Arts Minnesota (VSAMN) is pleased to announce two funding opportunities for Minnesotans active in the arts who have a disability.

~ h i s ~ r o ~ r is a rintended n to help individuals with disabilities who are just beginning to develop skills, talents and efforts in a particular art form. The VSAMN Artist Recognition Grant Program, in its The Support Grants for first year, is for Minnesotans Emerging Artists with D i s withdisabilitieswhohavebeen abilities is in its third year. active in the arts in an on-



going way for a number of years. In all, 14grantstotaling$4,350 will be awarded by VSAMN this year. For more information contact: Craig Dunn & (612) 332-3888 (voice or TTY)FAX: (612) 332-3888

Handi Medical Supply 2505 University Avenue West St. Paul, Minnesota 551 14 At Hwy. 280 & University Avenue

(612) 644-9770 W i t Our New, Large, Fully-stocked showmorn open to the public

YOUR COMPLETE MEDICAL SUPPLY VENDOR Wheelchairslwith complete repair service Walkerslcanes, crutches . Bathroom safety aids Incontinent(Urologicalsupplies

Commode& shower chairs Ostomyland wound care Blood pressureequipment Diabetic supplies

GREAT SERVICE & PRICES to our regular We offer 24 hr. Emergency Service customers. Free UPS and deliveries to Mpls., St. Paul & Suburbs.

We b ~ lM l A , Mdcare. Blue CrosBlue Sbdd, UCare and many other Insurances



Amms Press Religion & Disability

For All People Celebrating SabbathISunday,. March 1 6 & 1 7

Somewise words to remember, by Edward Evert Hale: But still I am one. I cannot do everything, But still I can do something; It's also important to contact : Roger Moe and Irv Anderson as they are very influential A-

by Bonnie Fiorello, ARC of Hennepin County Thereligious heritageofboth the Jewish and Christianfaiths affirms that all people, with and without disabilities, are created in the image of God. ~ o t h " e ~ r n "and"westem" ' religions and ideologies state this intheirwritings. AsGod's creations, every person has been assigned dignity and worth as an individual.

,@&on should addresses also be in

that I can do. and phone numbers are: The government plans to cut the PCA program by 25% beginning in July ofthisyear. However, there is still hope.

Sen. Ro Majority 208 State Capito St. Paul, MN. 55

SabbathJSunday is an annual project of The Arc, the national organization which strives litysf-life ur cammu-

bulletin that explains the project to congregations. A sermon devoted to the topic, a speaker with a developmental disability or a special offering would be appropriate for Sabbathtsunday celebrations at your church or synagogue.

establishing projects through youth or college-agegroups to reach out to residents of community group homes or by designating a volunteer to act as a brokerto anange services or special accommodations at the place of worship.

People with developmental disabilities could also take an active role in some hnction of the worship services such as presentingspecial music, leading in pmyer, serving as an acalyte, ushering, collecting the offering,distributinghyrn-

There are many things that= do to help meet the needs of the families of people with developmental disabilities in your congregation. YOUcan encourage your congregation to appoint a layperson to act a s a special representative to

opmental disabilities in your made availablethrough alocal

their families. The Arc hascre- velopmental disabilities by to your local Arc chapter. atedaspecial SabbathfSunday offeringchurch memberships, -.

TEFRA ~ont.fiornp.1 nlg er ple who can't direct their Those children who remain reduced because theWP eligible for TEFRA and use costs of the Waiver program care h m the PCA pmgmm. of

Personal Care Assistants, are scheduled to lose the PCA services on July 1, 1996, because they can't direct their own care. DHS believes that the Federal Government will approve allocating various waivered services slots for thesechildren.Ifthe waivered slots become available, services most likely would be


com~,aredto the PCA ~ , r o m .

However, Wbefore additional waivers can be obtained, DHS must submit an amendment of its Medical Assistance plan to the Fedmid Government. There are concerns that this amendment will not be approved due to the discriminatory nature of removing peo-

Expecting this type of problem, advocates were successful in adding language to the 1995 legislation which states that people can't be dropped h m the PCA program until an alternative service is made available. At the Capitol, bills have been

introduced to r e d the 1995 cuts 'ts .the TEFRA and PCA program. The bill passed out ofthe SenateHealth CareCommittee and now must be consideredby the Health Care and Family Services Finance Division. The bill is expected to be heard in the House soon. Advocates believe that the bill should be financed by using a projected budget surplus of about $232 million generated from the DHS budget.

11 Collectables & Antiques 11












Silverware Coins Dishes - Toys Paper Collectables Marbles Fashion Jewelry ZSb and up lots of other neat things



184 W. 7th Street, St. Paul (across from the Civic Center)


(612) 225-1418 11 A.M. 6 P.M. Your Hosts: Joe Drometer, Linda Smith and Scott Adams


Free Internet Access Access Minnesota is a tele- access to the Internet through communicationsproject fund- your local Minnesota Extened by a federal demonstration sion Service Office. grant to provide free, public In RamseyCounty,your Minnesota Extension Service OfPeople who will be affected by fice has a dedicated computer the proposed cuts to the and high speed phone linejust TEFRA and PCA program are for the purpoie of Internet acencouraged to contact Sena- cess. The grant makes it postors Roger Moe and Gene sible for the public to explore Merriarn alongwith Represen- the Internet and find infomatatives Irv Andersona d Loren tion useful to individuals and Solberg and ask them to allo- businesses in the community. cate @ds needed to prevent Getting into the Net is amazthe cuts from happening. ingly easy. Even if,you have House File 2486 and Senate minimal computer experience File 23 16 support the repeal of you will be able to find inforthese cuts. mation From all around the world with just a bit of orienAffected perople are also en- tation. couraged to contact their own Senator and Representative You are welcome to come in and ask them to support these anytime between the hours of bills. They should also join 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.. Call their local ARC chapter or Shirley Anne at 777-8 156 for anotheradvocacy organization an appointment. If your are sothey can continueto receive unfamiliar with computers or current information on this and how to use Netscape or Goother public policy issues. pher software, we will try to have a staff person available Bob Brick is Executive Direc- to introduce you to the system. tor of Arc&nesota


GREENFIELD The other interesting question is with the TEFRA program. What do you do with children who obviously aren't directing their care? Is it okay that their parents direct their care? Now, to some degree that may be okay, though I wouldn't mind havingalittlemore training again because the parents often don't know - I mean they have m instinctto how they do it but I don't think they know how to tell somebody else to do it necessarily.


ACCESS PRESS: But, it goes backto if we shift people back tothewaivers,andthewaivers are more expensive with less service. Rep. Greenfield: That's what we're exploring. Also whether the waivers are so structured they're even more expensive; maybe we should allow something in-between. I've asked DHS to look at that, too, and come back with information. ACCESS PRESS: Anne Henry from the Disability Law Center, toldmethatupto 1600 kids may be dropped from the TEFRA program in March.

Rep. Greenfield: Well, 1600


February 10,1996

Access Press cant fm,


p. I

clients and what kind of services they're getting ...well, that end of it doesn't seem to work at all. And so, in order to getthis information, whatthey had to do is take a sampling of files, go through those files, and see how many kids they've got over on TEFRA. I'm hoping that they had enough time over the interim, that the data they worked on and the pling they've done is much betterthanwhatthey hadoriginally which was a fairly small sample which they weregenerating all their numbers on. So if, in fact, this is a better sample it should be closer to the truth. And so there's a significantnumberofkidswho never were on the program, the sample was wrong. ACCESS PRESS: So, if 900 ofthe 1600neverexisted,what do you think will happen tothe 700 that are going to be dropped? Rep. Greenfield: See, there aren't 1600people on filethat are going to be dmpped. As I recall, most of the denials are really children with mental healthproblems. Thequestion is whether TEFRA is the appropriate level ofcare for them in the first place. And theques-

with mental illness get PCA services. Is that right? Rep. Greenfield: Yes, the way the bill is draftednow. Whether we have enough funds to do all that, we'll have to see. The bill we've introduced working with Anne Henry puts it all back in place.

Life Goes On







A Tribute To Bill Smith, Jr..*,"' by LeAnne Dahl

' --

H e was a dear man in every -a friend,an cate, a leader a deep thinker and most of all a defender of grave injustices that keep peoACCESS PRESS: So, now ple from living their lives with gettingthe money. I mean they dignity. are still projecting the $800+ I met Bill and Renee and their million surplus. family in the early '70's. The Smith's were concerned for Rep. Greenfield: Right. their son, Charlie, who was ACCESS PRESS: Do you still learningtoadjust to living know where the surplus will with a disability. About the Triple known be spent? I mean is some of Same


blotches of yellow paint on night we had placed the order. them-) He sounded pleased. That was one of the last contacts I had One of the findraising events with him. that Bill organized was a Skia-thonthroughthe Lions Club. Somehow,until Ireceivedthat Not too long ago, I received a call from a friend telling me note from him attached to a that Bill was in the hospital, I featured newspaper article believedthatthingswouldstay about the event. All at once, a the same. 1 had grown comfloodofmemoriescameback. fortable knowing Bill and Yes, it was through Bill's ex- Charlie were at the ofice alpertise in fundraising and waysreadytoanswermyquesbuilding that this house be- tions or help me figure somecame a reality. thing out. I appreciated Bill's wise viewpoints and his willThis man always made time to ingnessto sharethem with me. devoteto organizationsinvolv- He always had time to talk to ' ing people with disabilities. me. Bill and I both served on the board of the Cerebral Palsy Yes, he will bemissed by all of Workshop in the '70's and in us who knew him. The best early '80's. way to keep his spiritalive is to fight for the justices that are Although there were a few the rights of every human beyears where I didn't see the ing. Thisinvolvesspeakingour Smith family, I kept up with through contacting key legisthem and what was going on lators about cuts to PCA, when ACCESS PRESS start- TEFRA, & METRO MOBILed. it wasn't until three ITY programs. years ago that met with Bill and Charlie and they gave me I knowtheonething Billwould the chance to write for them. want is to allow ACCESS PRESS, with Charlie as edi-

that money coming to Human formally as Independence for Impaired Individuals, began Services? planning to start the first group Rep. Greenfield: Current stat- home for people with disabilUte says that when there is a ities in MN. I recall spending surplus over a certain amount, many Saturdays at the house that it automatically is used watchingasvolunteersworked first to pay off any shifts that under Bill's direction in order occurred in fundingin the past. to make the house accessible Last year we shifted what we for the four residents who paid school districts in order would be living there. He never seemed to lose his cool if to free something like sBOO million. Now, if you go back Someone such as myself the other way, a good deal of couldn't quite get the hang of that money goes back in topay sa"dpapen;ng Or painting. ( stdl have a pair of socks with for the shift. social safety net. ACCESS PRESS: So, most of











-. C.







i- to K- 12 education.

-a4-&tmesduring%he @gslrr- tiwmkh but par.'.

Rep. Greenfield: Right. abled people. We d y don't up with something like the r p psl e with Governor's reammendation ACCESS PRESS: And now h w e ~f o ~ they've changed again in Jan- mental ilk!&. uary. And all of t#x@shws. . mendation, and then go from gone dawn. H o u c n w , g i v - ~&l388 PSESS: Well, en the numbers, write leg&kings us back to the p p l e there. tion? with mental illness that are &I~S on the PCA program. ACCESSPRESS:Sowhatcan Rep. Greenfield: It's very htud. Ypheard testimony lastweek our readers do to encourage They don't have anythiig like 6anawamu;th*wasgetting the Governworthe leadership the kind of data I would hope $500 a month worth af PCA to get more money for I-Iuman coverage and it was basically Services? to have in order to do What they havedone ...l&lV just monitoring. 'llW moniback ....The carnpulm syst& toring keeps her out of the Rep. Greenfield: To call or they use is Mhr1152 which is hospital. writetheirlegislators,and& about the needs: the need to the payment system for g e m - ' ating the checks for pnoviders Rep. Greenfield: Right, . , fund programs, gumantee the who would bill PHs. DHS was supposed to also be able ACCESS PRESS: The way I tell us something about the understand your bill, people


DHS did na sccL the waiver. I know their reasoning why they didn? t k the waiver was because they felt all the block weE -ing fmm W d i n g ton, D .c., m d so there wodd' sy noad The k t is that they didn't do anything on i t So is them a penalty for not following th16ugh? Grenfwld - cont. on p. 7



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The Power Of To: %~:@i,p

by Gordon Gillesby


Cruising along life's fast lanes can Ieadtoideologicaltrainwrecks when fact and opinion conflict (how's that for an opening metaphor, eh?). Two ideas often touted in these columns are:i)govemrnentdoesn't work well and 2) the bane of the industrial revolution is the concept of "(he size fits all*. Allruleshave exceptions. One ofthe above I continue to h l y stand by; the other has some important exceptions. Exceptionswhich can oRen go unheralded in my pell-mell diatribes on the g&eral inefficienciesand incompetentnature of government and a,s programs.

. ~ o r t u e l ythmare'those , who seek



ceive Ford Foundation awards out of techniques -at least, for ramps 1,450 potential programs. It is a you should also know the basic deresponse to the h&h cost and relative sign and materials used has received inflexiile (that's the "one size fits the fidl endorsement by the Minneall" thing;) ramp construction. It's sota Building Codes and Standards ~ ~ ~ w - ~ g " ewitb,wt h i c Di-dK enthusiasticsupity engineering to make modular, port of the commercial contracting reusable, custom fitting, and low- industry. cost ramps. Okay. Enough of that. What I'm A ramp? What's the big deal h u t really interested in am the people than? well, Fftis project was spear- who dmve tklslproject into the frenh a k d by a government employee. zied state of high demand it%curThese ramps cost less than half of rently experiencing. Now, there are their commercial cowterpcuts while a whole bt of@i@pIethat &save exceeding W i safety d design m&tAsidehm FordandHmd, specs. They go up in abouf the quar- t h e are community agencies of varter of the time used for typical ramp ious swipes (MCIL, DHS, VA, Comqmmwtion. They come in two a-+ m d t y lclwekqrnent BLack Orants, -W: a-mpwa1oa8-M &.) a b g with the Telephone Piolow-riser variety. This second kind neers of America, JayCees, Eagle is often more suitable for people us- Scout candidates, YMCA, Lians ing walkers, crutches or canes. Clubs, Moose Lodges, Civitans and They'fe stronger, more durable and a plethora of carpenter's unions and -113s' all say it together -they're c h c h pups. Ad., of cautse, Jim reusable! Williams.

out impressive governmentprograms to award them with both public recognition and funding. Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School bf Government and the E d Foundaticmrecognize"Innovations in American Government" to promote new and highly effective programs and They don't need traditional 6-09 footpolicies meeting public needs. ings so these ramps can be rented to people in temporary disability siYou've read about "The Ramp tions. Not that these things look bad Project'' in ACCESS PRESS before. because they don't. But since they It was one of thirty programs to re- use somewhat novel construction '


. - -- .

1 b 3 7


However, in the center ofit all is one BobZierman. Now, Icouldspend 'an entire column on Bob (although, I'm not sure if he'd approve of it) because he's, one of the wondrous and extremely m e individuals that

does good work. Not for credit or glory. Certainly not for the money. He's a state employee -for longer than either ofus wants to admit (22 years). Simply because it's the right tbing to do. It helps people do what they need to do for themselves. I've been amundnon-pmfm most of my life. Both organizations along with the people in them - in one form or another- typically fill into one of two categories: either they do things FOR people or they simply waste resources (time, space, m a ey, people). While many claim to "help people help'fhemselves" in reality, very few accomplish this. It may be lack of vision, it may be poorly defined.missionsor methodologies. It may be miss-guided "dogood-ism".

clients. He easily could have become one of the mindless bureaucratic dmnes.

One size doesn't fit an. Government *can* work. Computers and cyberspace are,related to dedicated people who start innovative m p projects. Maybe computers and ramps are how we need to connect the world. Thanks, Bob!



Gordon Gillesby (gille027@ tc.umneh) is the CEO ofDR4Gnet - the Disability Resomes, Afllfares and Groups networA '(612.338.2535hhe;338.2569/f(zxj.

It comes down to the fact that real change is hard work. Very hard work. And mostly thankless, at that. I don't want to gush or fawn or extol meaningless platitudes. Simply put, 1admire and deeply respect Bob. He is amonument to survival. He worIrs hard, long, thankless hours W i n g workable solutions for untenable problems. And he's doneit foryeax


-unnoticed by his bosses, the public and, I suspect, most of his own

The P m r of To: is about computers, c y b e r s p s ceandcommunication fbr all people. Please share yow thoughts, comments avrdidwsabod chis column withAccess Press or log on to DRAGnet l ~ o * w t i o Service n with your computer and modem (612.753.1943; 8-n-I; ANSlemule tion).

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JUSTICE FOR ALL The Americans for Disability Rights - MN "Justice for All" (ADR-MN) is a broad based coalition that provides education about and advocates and protection of legisl rights of people with disabilities (PWD).



the lives a ~ m i Msponsoring ADR-MN has been m o n i ~ g n ~ o n ariF3ii;fe aT activities and conducting trainings, more people with disabilities have contacted legislators-and attended legislative hearings. Members have been organizing and participating at Town Meetings, rallies, press conferences, and letters to the editor. Letters to Congressional and State legislative representatives continue to impress upon them the impact that changes in current legislation have on PWD.

Voices For Disability Rights and the Minnesota (CCD) Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities will be assisting the efforts of ADR-MN in sponsoring caucus trainings throughout the Twin Cities and Minnesota.

Voices for Disability Rights

Bring a friend or two and participate in the precinct caucus trainings. Then go to your precinct caucus together on March 5th. You must let your senators and representatives know what your needs and expectations are. Remember, your vote decides whether they work for you or not! "Get involved as though your life depends on it, it does!" Justin Dart.


CCD for Citizens with Disabilities Become involved in the political process and making a difference no matter what your energy and ability level! We need YOU in order to generate "Justice for All" in our world. For the nearest training session or to receive updates and information, send to: ADR-MN "Justice for All", c/o Metropolitan Center for Independent Living, Attn.: LoMy Lijewski 1600 University Avenue, Suite 16, St. Paul, MN 55104 Or you may contact by Voice (612) 646-8342, TTY (612) 603-2001, Fax (612) 603-2006 NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX POLITICAL PREFERENCE (IF DECIDED)

I will never forget her delivery of a line during an Open Door performance in Brussels, Belgium. Sheplayed a newscaster who is reporting on a young man with a physical disability venturingout to a grocery store for the first time. Her repetitive description of him as being "very special" was d l the more biting in light of the fact that the performance was part of the International Very Spe cia1 Arfs Festival!. Never before or since have the words been uttered with such clear

ness with which we have all come to expect from Jaehn will follow her to her new locale. I have already sent a letter to one of my VSA associates to expect to hear-from a passionate, loquacious, redhaired woman lookingtobring her ideas on disability pride, accessibility, volunteerism, and the role of the arts in all three to the refined, Southern culture of South Carolina. I can tell you I'd love to be a fly on the wall during the fmt meeting involving those two! Jaehn, one of the fomders of VSA in Minnesota, will be missed by our Board of Directors and by many other arts organizationsin the state. But, like in any change, our loss will be someone else's gain. I am sure that the impact ofher presence, her personality and her skills will, eventually, be felt just as strongly in the Palmetto State as they have here in the Gopher State.


Jaehn, I know that my life and the livesofothersin the Minnesota arts and disability communities have been better for knowingyou. We wish you the best in your life advehture. Don't forget to pack your suntan lotion and those fim little drink parasols! Craig Dunn Director, Very Special Arts Minnesota

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