ADA Works for Hennepin County -p. 4
Volume 7, Number 03
[ealth Care Commentary Page 2
"Differences challenge assumptions. 99
Anne Wilson Schaef, Women 5 Reality (1 98 1)
March 10,1996
Governor Poses ThreatYI &it&ldY
Quality of Life, Independence, & Families May Be Vetoed
1s g o N N a YOU
by Charlie Smith
n~~~fh ~ ( & ~e
It'ssime for Minnesotatorec- scheol and cemS%&y. ognizethe painfully sad injustices of the past. 1996 is the The main purpose of the selftime to set ahe record straight advocates is to preserve the and start the healing process history of what people with for people with developmen- developmental disabilities tal diSabilities and their fami- lived through. The goals of lies who have been forgotten. the group is threefold: 1) put I'm speaking of the Remem- names on gpve markers, 2) bering With Dignity Project. mllectpralhistorim and support indiv&k@s Lt tellingtheir The Remembering With Dig- storiesofliving in institutions, nity Project began in Septem- and 3) increase public awareber 1994 when members of ness of the historical and self-advocacy organizations present roles of smTe institu(Advocating Chmge Togeth- tions. er, Minnesota Association of Persons with Severe Handi- There is now a resolution becaps, local People First Chap fore the Minnesota Stade Senters, and the Minnesota Dis- ate and House by Senator ability Law Center) and the Linda F3erglin and Represen~(knrnunityaT k g e got to- tative B a y MeCollum. This gether and decided t h & g ~ ~resolution ~* addresses the isthing should be done. Over $w1@3there m many the next year, the self-advo- Minnesotans wit3t evelopcates went to the Faribault mental disabilities who* Regional Twatmeat Center been committed involuntariwhere they discovered,saored ly to live in state institutions. have died in the archives, a chart of Tens of thohundreds of markers of peo- there and been buried in unple buried there over the k t marked graves which bore 120 years. They also visited only n u m b . Institutionalthe former Owatonna State ized children were deprived School and Orphanage of their families and life in where they toured the state communities. In many in-
--._ As EG go to press Goyernor
quested by Department of
itoring, behavior internen-
includes the Personal Care Attendant(PCA)/TEFRA leg-
PCAs can no longerperform tasksnecessary forthosewho
. care. A provision m d ' last year (iider) doe; allow *bver 6fKl wi. r r~ipients who llse PC, thoseeligible for waiver proam4 @mur,t~,q&yon the PCA cannot direct their d n qm y&qg%&~ .Mil waivers will lox needed PCA func(which have h xyamre- tions, includingseizure mon'
of medical e x p r i m a -
The objective of this resolution is to ask the State of Minnesota to make a public apology to people who have been involuntarily committed to state institutionsecknowledging that it regrets tke history of all that has &ken @we in the past. As of this writing, the bill awaits passage on rhe Senate floor. However, Representative McCollum has withdrawn the bit1 from committee due to the lack of support.
Arc Minnesota's Public Polig H;Qt&:.-f612) 794-3864, - ..
Questions have been raised as to why an apology is necessary. Now that institutions are closing, there are more people with disabilitiesliving In the Senate, the curs to the in themmunity. The public PCA program and the tightmust mmgnize how impor- ened level of awe eligibility isto welt-m and allow these indiv joy lifejust as the pblic dds.
* -7' : ated last 9e9%m in .mjunction with the PCPcITEFRA cuts.
In the House, Representative Greenfield's bill restored the two major cuts to the PCA program slated to take effect this July: I ) the elimination fromthe PCA programof people who cannot direct their own care, including children, and 2) the reduction in hours of care. The PCA-covered services involving assisting, rnonitor'bg, prompting, and interventions for behaviors and seizures, have also been restored to the PCA program.
The Housedoesnothingabout changes made last year to 1997. In addition, the !$nap Unless this happen&lifk d l . bill cuts Jirl2,miRon in b 3 1 - tighten TEFRA eligibilifp. h not go on as usual. I ult mental health addition, the Howee owt $200,000 for children's ken-
- , - -%A bp $V+WW by on ~ h' , ry, MN Disability Law Center
What DidPass At The Capitol Both the House and Senate Health and Human Services subcommittees have finished with theiromnibusbills which include &R' an the PCA program and the TEFRA Medical Assistance eligibility option. The House and Senate bills are different, so the bills will be sent to a conferenceeommittee,comprised of equal numbers of Senators .and Representatives, to come to a compromise. .
taIhBh ~ ; m d , Forsbna~nElssa1-112pereent rate increase paid to PCA providers and home and cojgmunity waiver programs which was slated to go into effect in April. Representative Greenfield has assured us that with the new forecast numbers which became avdlable on Febmwy 28, I 9%. the rate increase for providers will be put back to April 1, 1996. More money will become available because the cost of reskoring the PCA program wiAdrsrp from 97.8millionas against the November, 1995 forecast to $4.5 million For the March, 1996 forecast. (DHS did not accurately estimate the cost of moving PCA recipients to waiver programs.)
March lO,l!E%
. . .- .
Metro Mobility
Met ro o Iit a n C o u nc iI's Request Needs Your Help
" ?-.
Cadmil hrts reqwsted 5 18 Edwina Garcia ...................... 2%-$375 (M) E ine Harder ,,.................,....... 296-5373 . . . . . reasons: $1.6 rn'rlnonb c Wis ....,....................... 296-4240 Robert L&ghton .......................... 296-4 1 93 deficit; $2 million to cove dera1 funds; $6.4 million to defer fare in- Carol Molnau - 296-8972 James Rice ............................ 296-4262 (M) creases and for transit redesign. Ken Wolf ..............................296-5 185 (M) G o v e r n Carkon hkkd WmBlion in his budget. The House is now at $5.2 m~iion. Transportation Finance Committee Senate is now at $4.5 million. K& Langwth,Chair ................. 296-3205 ION NEEDED NOW William &danger .................296-5975 (hil) Dick Day .....................................296-9457 esset ouse and Senate members: Carol Flvnn ........................,.. 296-4274(M)
TEFRA Review Update Department of Human Services (DHS) is in the process of reviewing denials for TEFRA eligiblechildren inthe nursing facility level of care. Their initial standards were higherttmqprwided in law. It
appearsthatmorechildrenwith h m i c illraa md physical disabilities will remain eligible after the second round of review which uses the CADI waiver process to determine whether the children would otherwise beeligibleforanuning facility level of care. With regard to children who have developmental disabili-
one concerned about contin- wtm wsrd to mental health, ued eligibility seek a waiver W R A law passed last year screening forthemental retar- allows only children who dationlrelated conditions would be eligible for hospitalwaiver at the county level. ization to be eligible, and does DHS will accept the results of not provide for a second level county waivers for TEFRA of care (less than hospitalizaeligibiliiy. In a t b w o r d s , if a tion) as is allowed for those child is eligible for the m n ~ l l with physical disabilities(nursretardationlrelated conditions iw facilities) and those with county waiver, that child is developmental disabilities eligible forTEFRA. We have (ICFIMR). We are continuing been told that for many chil- to work on this with the House dren in the Developmentally and Senate in hopes of estabDisabledcategory, insufficient lishing a second level of meninformation caused the denial. tal health care before the SesThe county level screening sion ends. 3 - ..,a requires Went participation and thus assumes that proper Minnesota Dislabiliilj~A m r
hist a citizen ing plans. Partners include
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. . . . . .rnternarlmat . .. ~nstltute Art
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Sisfer Theroun-isaimedatgiv.
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and 18 on PBS.
Paid advertisin8 is nrr &+$ hquency. Classified ds are S7.W ~ d v & i s i nand ~ editaridddlinesarethe 30th &â‚Źhe imWb available for camt&d@
&? <-i.-:-;z 1-,.
offered by each, and who can m m a those asked to attend
. - .- - -.
f e e s wa- ists in iercolor, oils and acrylics, drawings, sculpture and p h e Artist's deadline for inclusion k i t w w b . Wgmphy. Entries ,w@dgdin the show is March 22,1896.
C o - R ~ ~ ( H 1 e r t(1$MO-1995) ~~er EdWOr "
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f m WWk38 p n t s will havean oppmtqjty pwat Henmepin Ave. Unit- to discus the pros and con3iirF Representatives from the , dMethodist Chwch, Art workingwiththedi~tpart- MCDAan Room,M i n n a ~ l i s . ners, the kinds of programs Nonprsflt
Show by Artists with Disab"111- Awaras are glven ror Best of c n e ~---. n - - - ~ - - ? OL-Lities features more than 33u m u w., rcuplra LIIUIK,--A anu
series, produced by . W E T - 'IV J i s g j a ~ .
March 10,1996
IN BRIEF. . . . The Ramp Project Telecast TheRampProjectwill beaired scheduled for 12:00, was again on Saturday, March 23, changed by the management on Channel 6 at 12:OO noon. of channel 6. No notice was given of thiichange and no The time ofthe Saturday 2-24- explanation has been provid96 broadcast of the Ramp ed. The show was instead F] couple of months ago at But what's really shameful is tives. Let's say this is true. Project Teleconference, broadcast at 4:OO and 8:OO pm
Bigger Is Better?
costs, medical inflation, in- months. creasingdemands on the health
on Feb. 24th. The Ramp Project regrets any inconvenience caused by the actions taken by Channel Six.
the hands of these "non-prof- mately 26 times the average ing to do may be found in their it" corporations? We decided annual pay in Minnesota, is ownwords. GeorgeC.Halvorsources invites residents of to look into the current system "not outlandishw,adding that son, President and CEO South and Southwest Minne- The TimeBank is a volunteer Any resid apolis to an open house on barter program for residents west Minneapolis can join the Saturday, March 23, 1 1 AM- of South and Southwest Min- TimeBank. Area employee
quired by law to be non-profit. So, what makes a company non-profit? Basically, ifacompany does not distribute dividen&, and individuals do not -- -- have equity in the company, it's non-~rofit(and maior tax exemptions result). It apparently does not mean that there v' -sany limit on how much man-6y the corporation can earn, retain,orspendonsalariesand - benefits, as we shall soon see.
'q' .
limited their pay to $92,000, which would be 4 times the pay of the average worker in Minnesota. Well, that would make available an additional $7.3 million each year, which could beused to pay for97,333 physical exams. Or 73,000 papsmears. Or 135,185clinic visitstotreatstrepthroat. Well, you get the idea. Maybe these executive pay scales aren't so hard to understand, after all.
-?lea* care spending makes up 13- 15% of Minnesota's economy,which is roughly the same as for the country as a whole. Add to this the fact that Minnesota law requires its health care providers to be nonprofit, and you start to understand why 24 out ofthe largest 50 non-profit corporations in Minnesota(includingallofthe top ten!) are health-care corporations. ?othey're big. "What's wrong with that?" some may ask. I that lhere is intrinsically wrong with that. Like many people, however, I ve heard about or expericed the bureaucracy that mes with businesses of this ve you tried to talk to ctor on the telephone
It could be argued that high executive salaries are simply the result of market forces. In otherwords,thattheyareneeded to attract the "best" execu-
precisely because they can't afford to ''buy it". When it comes to the health of people, we haveto recognizethat there are lots of important ideas that will never be "self-sustaining" in the financial sense. K. James Ehlen, President of Allina (1 993 compensation: $354,582) says that the key to his success is coming up with incentivessothat"peoplewho work in a hospital think like somebody who is ...working on a health plan." In other words, like the person who pays the bills. The average Health - cont. on p. 7
The ReUse Center Grand Opening The Reuse Center is a nonprofit retail store that sells salvaged construction materials and offers hands-on home imvrovement classes. The Cen-
M A,
ter is the first project of the Green Institute, a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the revitalization of the urban economy and en-
vironment. The Lenrer ana the Institute were horn of a ten yearbattletopreventconstruction of an unneeded garbage ReUse - cont. on D. 5
Handi Medical Supply 2505 University Avenue West St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 At Hwy. 280 & University Avenue
(612) 644-9770
11 Visit Our New, Large, Fully-stocked showroom open to the public. 11
Available 24 hours per day Specializingin the care ofchildren Adults Elderly We provide Personal Care Assistants Home Health Aids a Homemakm a Live-in Caregiven Nursing
Wheelchairslwith complete repair service Walkerslcanes, crutches Bathroom safety aids IncontinentlUrologicalsupplies
Commode &shower chairs Ostomyland wound care Blood pressure equipment Diabetic supplies
Our Rehabilitative Services include: Physical1 OccupationaVSpeech/RespiratoryTherapies PCA Provider Organization MA/Waiver/Medicare Certified
We offer 24 hr. Emergency Service exclusivelv to our regular customers. Free UPS and deliveries to M ~ l s .St. . Paul 8 Suburbs.
8421 Wayzata Boulevard. Golden Valley, MN 55426
We bill M.A.. Medicare, Blue Cross/Blue Shield. U-Care and many other insk~rances
March 10,1996
Religion & Disability
I have been working in telemarketing for a month To me a job should be asource ronmental causes-at thisjob
based on my needs.
this because I feel stupid. whether you want to give your What do you think? a negative light.
opinion on matters relating to
mean you are a bad telemark-
Worse Than The Avon Lady
me. For ease in understanding friendships have become my
passageofthe Americans with the Recommendations of the back sessions. Disabilities Act. He observed Hennepin County ADA Advithat, unlike earlier civil rights sory Committee, I was satis- A County implementation first time last December to 4..
ward. They form the blueprint tee. Based on communityfeed-
Better Cme Medica1,Inc.
- 3..
againstADA on several fronts. Some politicians called for its repeal citing the regulatory burden it placed on business. Storiesof"frivolous"lawsuits regularly appeared in the media. Even supporters of ADA have questioned its effectiveness. A recently released Harris survey estimated that twothirdsofworking-age,disabled Americans remain unemployed a slight increase since a similar poll was taken in 1989, one year prior to ADA.
trs a self-transfer tool,
a hygiene helper, a bathing support, a positioning aid, a standing support, a walking aid. a floor exercise assistant,
ble to its clients, employees and citizens, in general. County staff and community representatives to the Committee worked together to identitj. policy and process improvementsthat should result in consistency throughout our system in areas such as "reasonable accommodations"and the appropriate use of interpreters, TTY's and other aids and services.
createamore customerfiiendly environment for persons with disabilities. This change in the County's culture must accompany any policy improvements.
For staff at Hennepin Count), participation in the Advisory Committeeand the experience of working closely with the community was an important conscious-raisingactivity. In turn, we believe the CommitCommunity feedback was the tee's work will ultimately rekey to the Committee's suc- sult in improvements in the cess. Fivedifferentroundtable quality of services &_livered -ions o r g a n i d by CWrnunity representativesprow'& ed detailed information ~ 3 : '
-hm mlar Di- For a c q y of ths R ~ C O ~ I + a kcdam ,ms*in&E4 &vision fseilitatedapanel of six dmionso/rbP~~aylepi~Cotl~ deafand had of hearing pro- ty AJIAddvisory Cupmiltee,+anda beck-saver for caregivers. fessionals, Their wide ranging .~m6rginfoormtionabautthh disiu~iionbrought our atten- process, please call Jim 7. SOREHANDsM 'tibn to the importan$$ @vi& -.Rotnnmoine, ADA kbordii~. '
self-care systems
close-captioning,assiStivef is-' tor at 348-7743? tening technology and a ety of other communic
On Mental Illness
Access Press I --
March 10,1996
A Mental Illness Nightmare c L , . , . ~ ~ nToward g by Joe Zwack Self-Advocacy "For days and nights on end it dents would bring them to- laws, and other statutes affect-
things to my mind."
ganizations o f parents, spous- what the circumstances.
Body)was originallydesigned their own rights.
tion program. Forensic is the
special education
StateofMinnesota Deparlment of Children and Families.
wi& disabilities
-. . .
# I II
March m.199.
Access Press
Tf-- 1 r
w . .'
- - -
by Gordon Gillesby mebody isn't doing their job out Now, I've known Ms. Mutchlerforat least four years. I used to attend MATC meetings on a regular basis F & t w o r k i n g isn'tjust a subject on the for about a year but discontinued $&ability of computers to work togeth- when DRAGnethem,to expand and er. It applies to people and informa- absorbed my fiee time. So I was tion, too. Most ofus are familiarwith somewhat nonplused at the idea of the results when computers break- goingelsewhere to"beginWrecycling down. Lost checks, screwed up bank computers. Was she unaware that accounts, paperwork shuffles and DRAGnet is the largest successfbl general mayhem with a side order of non-profit computer recycling operconfusion. When people fail to net- ation in the country? work information -this is, communicate it effectively across tradition- So, somewhat upset, I telephoned al boundaries -the results are eco- her office to see what I could discovnomically devastatingbut not neces- er. Was this a deliberate slap in my sarily as visible. face? Was she out to get me? Was there some other reason to snub our A recent case in point: MATC - a local ability to satisfy MATC needs. group of state-wide agencies pro- When I reached her- after the usual moting "assistivetechnology"recent- chit-chat - 1 posed my question. ly sent a newsletter. One of MATC's She responded by saying something founders works at the State of Min- to the general effect of, "I thought nesota Department of Economic S e DRAGnet went out of business." curity in the Rehabilitation Services Branch. Diane Mutchler's article Huh? outlined general ideas MATC needs to explore in the coming year. One This might be less interesting if it suggestion involved contacting an weren't that all the others at MATC out-of-state non-profit organization should be equally aware of what we that allegedlyrecycles computers for do. Nor is this an isolated case. It the disabled to coordinate establish- seems a whole raft of peoplelorganiing operations in Minnesota. zations in the non-profit sector are
unaware of DRAGnet despite recent media coverage. Just after Christmas, the STAR program also announced they would recycle computers-that's aftertheydonated equipment to us! Do all these people think we don't exist? Don't they read Access Press? That's what's bothering me. While I could chide them for not being "connected" with what's going on within their own community, the real problem lies with you-the Access Press reader. I know people read this paper. Charlie Smithknows it, too. But I'm not sure enough people make it a point to read every page of every issue. What's more, I'm not sure you're doing your job after you've finished reading it, either. A long time ago, as I left asmall Iowa town to move on to Big City radio broadcasting, my mentor took me aside and gave me three rules of life. I wish I could recite all three but I've long since forgotten two of them. The third, however, has stood the test of time. Two words that embody all the mistakesa person can make. Two words that avoid nearly all problems with people and ideas. Just three
little syllables that make for nearly be. Do you see them downtown? perfect communication: Why not get a bundle dropped off at the office or a neighborhood conveDon't Assume. nience store so others can have their own copy. You can even share your Okay, three words, four syllables if copy with someoneelse(afteryou've youdon'tuseacontraction.The point finished reading it). Photocopy arti- . here is that you can do more to help cles and post them on a bulletin board. younelf and your community than In short, get involved. you realize. Most of us assume everyone knows the same things we It's a waste of your money to do know. Ever remember being sur- anything less. prised when finding someone who doesn't know somethingthey should? We assume such things all the time. When it comes to the information on Gordon Gillesby (gilleO2 7@tc.umn Access Press pages, this has to stop. .edu) is the CEO of DRAGnet -the Disability Resources, Aflliates and It's not enough to simply read this Groups network (612.338.2535/ paper. It's not enough to be merely voice; 3 3 8 . 2 5 6 9 w . informed on apersonal level. It isn't enough to expect others to know The Power of To: is about computwhat you know. You MUST com- ers, cyberspace and communication municate what you know to others. for all people. Please share y o y You have to tell people about Access thoughts, comments and i&as about Press. this column with Access Press or log on to DRAGner Ir@ormationService Tell them to read specific articles with your computer and modem (say, this column for instance). (612.753.1943;8-n-I; ANSlemulaThey don't have a copy? Have them tion). call or stop by Access Press for one. Are there copies in lobby of your apartment building? There should
Professional Dircztory TO Call List 379-0989 Your Business Card it's a self transfer de\ ise. a freedom tool an exercise assistant a support for bathing a hygiene helper andalsoa back saver for aids or caregivers. LET INDEPEA'DEWCE PLUS AIAKE A
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The S.T.S.A. is dedicated to promoting safe, reliable, and innovative transportation solutions for the disabled of Minnesota. Provider members consist of Special Transportation companies, nursing homes, vendors, and individuals. For information about becoming a member of the S.T.S.A., or to receive our newsletters, please call: Kevin Walli o r M a r k Britton today a t 221-1044 I
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Lift installation Lift Repair d Drop Floor
Access Press
THEAPR~OISSUE Mailto: ACCESSPRESS 3349 University Ave. Mpls, MN 55414 FAX 379-2730 OFFICE SERVICES
March 10,1996 -
patient would, I imagine, prefer that theu doctor's primary concem remain the provision of quality care rather than cut-
conk from p. 3 theory. First off, the idea of "making people healthier" is a public health concept which assumes that the system covers "people". That is, every-
Employing fewer nurses? Limiting the length of doctor's appointments? 24-hour limitson hospital stays for new mothers and their babies?
costs to be cut. The problem
ers. If we want to be compet- ditions", or long-term care necessary and what can be
system are also well-docu- rooms and insurance adjust-
or send resumes to:
theory of the HMO system is age at all, and when they need pitals, where the concem is
Human Resources 90 South Seventh Street
LORS for full-time or part-
able to compete if it tem that is unfairly draining PRESS we'll look at a few more aspects of the current its members health- the public coffers. health care crisis, such as: If
HEALTH C A R EINDUSTRY Data Modeler1 Database Administrator
sis more on preventive giants,pointedoutthatUWe're tem? And, is there an affordin a cost war. We are compet- ableway toget accessto health ing with each other to take care for everyone?.
. -a:
sis intervention counselingand
evaluating outcomes(1 styear= 70 points; 2nd=20; 3rd = 10). B-level experience: Professional
Dept., P.O. BOX I 129, Minne- strated commitment to social justice and the ability to unapolis, MN 55440. EOE. If you're interested in this , derstand and addressthe needs opportunity7please send a of low income people. Appli- mume and cover letter to: FUNDRAISING cations are due March 22, Therapy Direetor IEoaestfc Abuse Project New position at agrowingnon- 1996, and are available from 20q W. Ave. profit in Wash. Co. Director 218-724-8538. DCAP, Inc., is Minneapolis, MN 55404 of Development/Fund-rais- an Equal Opportunityand AfSng. This fast-paced position firmative Action Employer. Employment Opportunities requires 3 yrs. direct exp. in
donor or Fundraising campaigns, with established relationships in the Fundraising community a must. Undergraduatedegreehelpful. Starting Sal: $35,000 - 42,000 DOE. Preferred start date 51 15/96. Send resume & cover letter by 4/15/96 to F.V. N., P.O. Box 854, Lake Elmo, MN 55042. EOE.
,. ...........
Recruiter......................... 266-6476 24-hour Joblime ........................................ 336-6502 TDD/'ITY ................................................ 266-650 1 Persannel Fax 292-7656 CapitrilCity Youth C o p internshiv information 266-652 1
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An Eqwl Employment Opportuttity Employer
Submit applications to: Human Resource Management, Department of Health, Metro Square Building, Suite410, PO Box 64957,121 East Seventh Place, St. Paul, MN 551640915 or fax to (612) 21 5-1259.
March 10,1996
Acc--- I I I
THE FRIENDS OF ACCESS PRESS Due to the sudden death of the publisher of ACCESS PRESS in January, ACCESS PRESS is in danger ofgoing out ofbusiness. Advertising and subscriptionshave not been keeping pace with the cost of producing the paper. In response, a group was formed to help in this effort. This group, The Friends ofACCESS PRESS, suggested we start a sponsorship drive. Here are the sponsorship levels:
Basic Sponsor (low income)................................. $5.00 Friend of Access Press......................................... $25.00 & up Bronze Sponsor.................................................... $75.00 & up Silver Sponsor....................................................$1 50.00 & up Gold Sponsor......................................................$350.00 & up Diamond Sponsor............................................... $500.00 & up $1,000.00 & up Benefactor.....................................................
cont. from p. 5
A typical residency involves Dne ortwoactor/educatorswho stay at a school for at least one week, sometimes the whole school year. Students are involved in a variety of acting exercises, such as improvisation, role-playing, story-telling and scene work, to open up discussion about various issues and to help give students some coping skills. According to Lori Hurley, Residency Company Manager, the greatest way residencies benefit the participants is to help them understand they have many different options. "The program is so focused," she said, "participants are empowered to make new choices around the different issues. It
helpschange the way they think cial needs. With the intended dual purpose of educating the about certain situations." public and helping the actors "A Day in the Life," is arecent improve problem-solving and exampleofaspecial residency teamworkskills,"A Day in the program designed by CLIMB Life" was a learning experispecifically for adults with ence for all involved. The sucdevelopmental disabilities. cess of the play has prompted With funding provided by the some discussion of re-staging Metropolitan Regional Arts it for video. Council,CLIMB actor Bonnie St. Mane worked for several With the continued success of yea& with twelve self-advo- traditional plays such as "Eascates to create, write, and per- ier to be Silent" and interactive and instructive residenform their own play. cies such as "A Day in the The five skits, performed at Life," CLIMB Theater Comthe Eisenhower Community pany is sure to continue its Center for a crowd of almost long tradition of providing 200 people, illustrated some quality entertainment and common daily struggles and education for individualswith triumphs for people with spe- special needs.
Contributions niade at the "Friend" level ($25) or above, will entitle the contributor to a one year complimentary subscription to ACCESS PRESS. Your contributions are tax deductible. ACCESS PRESS will have a listing each month of the names of sponsors. While ACCESS PRESS is pursuing our non-profit status, DRAGNet has agreed to be our fiscal agent. Checks should be made out to DRACNet with a note in the memo line "for Access Press." Your contribution is tax deductible. Please mail your sponsorship to ACCESS PRESS, 3349 University Ave. S.E., Minneapolis, 55414. Your help is crucial if ACCESS PRESS is to continue being the voice for people with disabilities!
Bisexual Conference To Feature Parajaje-Jones ing in age from 15 to 60 plus, will address the theme of this year's conference, "Wisdom Comes (Out) At Every Age," which is intended to encourage coalition-building across age barriers within the bisexual,transgender, and alliedcomA panel offive speakers, rang- munities in the Midwest. In , addition, the conference will include interactiveworkshops and discussions on Saturday and Sunday, the Bi and 4 U Who knows better than you performance art cabaret on the PCA services you need? Friday evening, a visual art exhibit, an open mic reading At Allied Health Alternatives, we work with hosted by queer youth, and a you to create a health services partnership. dance party on Saturday night.
T h e fifth annual Bisexual Empowerment Conference: A Uniting Supportive Experience (BECAUSE) is set for Friday, April 26 through Sunday April 28, 1996, at the University of Minnesota and the Playwrights'Center in Minneapolis. The keynote speak-
er for the conference will be Elias Farajaje-Jones, a nationally known bisexual activist who was a speaker at the 1995 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force "Creating Change" conference.
I THE CHOICE IS YOURS I We'll provide competent nursing supervision that supports your goals and objectives, plus knowledgeable assistance and coordination when you need it.
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The conference will be held in accessible space, and Braille and large print programs will be available. The keynote speech and panel will be sign
will be free of charge, with a 20. Workshop proposals are suggested donation of $30.00. also due by March 20. To propose a workshbp, to request a The planning committee for registration form, or for more BECAUSE is looking forpre- information, call (6 12) 813senters for workshops to be 1383. Anyone interested in held on Saturday, April 27. volunteeringshould call Carey Anyone interested in attend- Hostad at (612) 722-8390. ing the conference is encouraged to preregister by March
language interpreted. Anyone needing a sign language interpreter for workshops, on-site child care, assistance with transportation or child care costs, or other accommodations should contact the accessibility coordinator, Beth Wright, at (6 12) 724-6 176 by March 20. The conference
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