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My advice is-be political or die-or, go to a nursing home. If you're not in the political process, people are going to be talking for you, deciding things for you.
More Theaters & I , Mnseums Page 7
-Ed Roberts
Access Przas I
May 10, lees
Repeal the ADA. Cut Per- every state that such organi- quate funding to make it sonal Care Attendant Servic- zations are openly meeting, more palatable to the medical es. Stophelpingfarnilieswith attendinggun shows and lob- community, and to extend children who have severe dis- bying for their right to be benefits for prescription abilities keep their families armed, and ignore the reality 1 drugs, dental care, and other together. Keep support for that most members of these costs which are vital to people conservative, dependent on this coverage. of "law and or?%~ncreasin~ deductible~to pa*, , ly have a de- tientsand lowering the already A a-ns a
J / \I/!
hearing apd seeing?
ther groups as, but camouflage suits and gun collections make these ~ le . e .o ~easy targets for the media.
plan. The idea is a travesty and should be laughed at. Let's hope ~ewt'can'twhip his robotic followers into line behind this one.
We are experiencing media hysteria in .full swing again. Just as the Simpson trial was How many of us feel mat it is Our state legislators haven't I beginning to bore, the Okla- important to put barrier$. kished theirdeliberations on homa bombing set off an around public buildings, and the importantfinding bills for equally frenzied rush for air use metal detectors robtinely home care attendant costs, time and newspaper space. on people looking for tax welfare reform to alkow peoAuthors, analysts, and politi- forms? Frankly, this sort of ple to go to work while retaincians will be using this event reaction would just offer in- ing medical assistance, and to make money or promote convenience to the public. adequate funding for the their own causes for a few Metro Council to properly by Anne L. Henry, MN Disability Law Center more months while real life Now for the important stuff. deliver Metro Mobility services. (You can see the proThe Conference Committee The cut to the hour limits is hated and will be transferred issues are largely disregardCongressman Richard posed changes to this service on Health and Human Servic- also contained in the House to home and communitywaiv- ed. Armey, majority leader of with present fhding on page es will be making final deci- bill but is not effective until er slots, county mental health sions regarding the Personal July 1996. The savings taken grants or be dropped fiom To the disappointment of the Congress, has started an ini- 2). It appears that, as usual, Care Assistant program and by the Senate in reducing all service altogether. DHS esti- Rush Limbaugh crowd, it tiative to amend the current all of these important issues the TEFRA Medical Assis- home care categories from 15 mates that over 900 current tumed out that the deed was ADA legislation. Hehasstart- will be decided in the frenzied tance option for childrenwith minutes to an hour and 15 PCA recipientswill no longer nottheworkofaMiddleEast- ed his campaign with state- action of the last few minutes serious disabilities, in the next minutesand reducingthethree be eligible for PCA services ern Death Squad (disappoint- ments calling ADA a "disas- of the session. twoweeks. Personswith disa- highest levelsofcare fiom 2.5 or waivered services. It is un- ing; no oppomityro try aut ter"andUanabominationyyand bilities and their families and hours to 3.25 hours is estimat- clear how many of the 900 some of our hot new weapons insisting on the need to pre- At the eleventh hour, we have friends have been very active ed by the Department of Hu- individualswill be eligiblefor in retaliation). Now that it vent "gold diggers" from fil- our conservative governor, this legislative session in or- man Services to be $409,000 county mental health services appears a home-based group ing frivolous lawsuits. This Mr. Veto himself, proposing der to defeat the Governor's for the fmt year of the bienni- and how many will bedropped of'militia" men were respon- sort oftalk by a very powerhl a $20mill ion giveaway to help sible, we are (1) professing to legislator must be taken seri- a millionaire buy a hockey proposed cuts. The task has um (FY7%)and $925,000for h m services. be surprised that they exist ously. The ADA was the re- team. He is willing to ignore been extremely difficult be- the second year (FY'97). and (2) feeling the need to sult of a long, hard fight and the irony of state funding for a e the DFL leadership in take nationwide defensive justly celebrated at the time it another sport fiasco with conboth the House and Senate PCA Inelifor Per- A& force on medical assisactions to prevent another at- passed. To have it threatened current lowering of funding tance home care charged with "-yided to cut health care in tack in another federal build- is truly frightening, not apara- for health care. This too, is ..._ Department of Human Their Own Care proposing alternative methinganywhere. Forgetthat it is noid reaction. Services even more than Both the House and Senate ods to reduce spending in the common know ledge in almost recommended by Governor delay the PCA "restructuring" PCA program is included in Next we have Newt Gingrich Right now, our chance of be%on. As ConferenceCom- to July of 1996 for persons both the House and Senate .....t ee begins, the following who cannot direct their own versions of the bill. Because who cannot direct their own offering to "save" Medicare ing bombed is remote enough by taking away $300 billion to forget. The lessening of issues await negotiation by the care. The bills require that for the PCA "restructuring" is care. of funding. In another era, if employment opportunities, a ,use and Senate conferees: persons who cannot direct delayed until the second year anyone even broached such a reduction in home health care their own care, such as those of the biennium (7/1/96), the ridiculous idea, they would and more difficulty in using W~roem - The Senate with developmental disabili- proposals from the task force v i probably be given a sanity public transportation are hapbill cuts the limit of hours ties, mental illness, traumatic will be crucial to avoiding the test. Medicare as structured pening. Terrorists are not our available for PCA recipients brain injury,Alzheimer's, and negative affects of the PCA acks only one thing ade- problem, legislators are.. inning July 1, 1995. all children, PCA willbeelim- "restructuring" for persons Cuts - cont. on p. 6
Legislative Update On TEFRA -A-~:d.PCA. Cuts
. --
May 10,1995
Access Press
Prohibitive ADA Costs: Fact Or. Fiction
l~etro Mobility Is Proposing Change? by the Metro Mobility Staff P ~ ~ levels to ~ one-half base ~ fare icy actionswouldreduceavail- and decrease the peak limited able service to make mobility fare to the same fare
by Deborah Leuchov
Act (ADA) minimum levels The total of all the proposed and raise fares to a level con- MetroMobility-relatedactions Conservativepolitical pundits accommodationsactually save sistent with ADA maximum for the biennium is an estimathave attacked the Americans money for employers. with Disabilities Act, claiming it places excessive govern- JAN'S final 1994 quarterly 1996to 1997 at the Metropolmentxegulations and financial report documented that 42% burdens on business. Disabil- of employers surveyed reportity advocates like Justin Dart, ed savings greater than overlooked fact that job former chair ofthe President's $10,000, 29% reported sav- accommodation is an excelof $4.6 million. The ' Council on Employment of People with Disabilities,point out that the ADA "specifically provides that no business or public entity can be required to do anything which will re-
~Increase the ~Metro Mobility ~ fare adjustments M upon~ which off-peak fare fiom $1.70 up public comment is being to $2.00. sought include: Increase the Metro Mobility peak fare from $2.20 up to $2.50.
Increasetheregularrouteoffpeak social fare for youth, seniors and limited mobility from $0.25 to $0.50.
imum by eliminating service
peak social fare for limited
ship, Shorewood.
The Transportation Accessi
buz in undue hardship:'
Recent research on the actual costs of accommodating employees with disabilities supports Dart's view that the ADA "will not bankrupt anyone." A report by Annenberg Senior Fellow, Peter David Blanck, examiningjobaccommodations provided by Sears over a fourteen-year period (1 978- 1992) revealed that 97% oftheirjob accommodations for disabled employees cost little or nothing. The average cost of these accommodations was $36.
is Harris, and the DuPont Company documentingthatpeople with disabilities are productive workers, stereotypes that equate hiring employees with disabilities with make-work jobs, charitable handouts, and constricting regulations persist. If sound public policy is Likewise, data collected by the to be based on fact, not fiction, _%lob~ccommodation ~ e t w o r k objective studies utilizing hard - (JAN) confirms the findings data must displace the misinof the Sears Study. JAN has formation pervading the curbeen surveying employers rent public policy debate. since 1992. They document Accurate information can disthat not only do most job ac- pel the myth that the costs of commodations cost little or ADA compliance are prohibinothing, but that job tive and highlight the often
catinp the Americans with Disabilities Act. Transcendinn Compliance: A Case Report on Sears. Roebuck and Co.canbeobtainedbycalling (202)393- 71 00 Voice, (202)393-4121 TTY. JANcan be reached by calling (800)536-7334 Voice/VY.
Please come and give us y The set of regular route social reaction to these changes.
The Metropolitan Council will hold public hearings to receive public comment regarding proposed Metro Mobility service reductions, fare increases and regular route social fare adjustments. The hearings will be held at the following times and locations: -
runire u u Acl\ rrtisers - a n d tell w"err you about them. The? bring you your paper.
All interested persons are encouraged to attend one of the hearings and offer comments. Individuals are asked to keep their comments within a 5-minute time limit at the hearings. People may register in advance to speak by calling 229-2700 or 291-0904 TTY. A sign language interpreter will be availableat each ofthe hearings. Written comments, which must be received by June 22, 1995, should be sent to Mark Fuhrmann, Transportation Systems Evaluation/lmplementationManager, Metropolitan Council, Mears Parkcentre, 230 E. Fifth Street, St. Paul, MN 55 101. Additional information on the proposed actions is available by calling the Metro Mobility hotline at 22 1-0302.
................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................... ......................................................................
Mon., June 5 1 I :OOa.m. to 2:OOp.m. Chambers, Mears Park Centre, 230 E. 5 St., St. Paul Mon., June 5 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Chambers, Mears Park Centre, 230 E. 5 St., St. Paul Thur., June 8 1 1:OOa.m. to 2:OOp.m Minneapolis Convention Center, Rm 102 ABC, 1301 - 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis Thur., June 8 7:00 to 9.00 p.m. Minneapolis Convention Center, Rm 102 ABC, 1301 - 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis
Access Press
Publisher ............................................................................................................. Wm. A. Smith, Jr. Charles F.Smith Editor Scott Adams Cartoonist Production ......................................................................... Presentation Images, Ellen Oestreicher Staff Writer & Editorial Assistant Dawn R. Doering
COUNCIL Notice of Public Hearings on Metro Mobility Service Reductions, Fare Increases and Regular Route Social Fare Adjustments METROPOLITAN
ACCESS PRESS isamonthly tabloid newspaper published forpersonswithdisabilities by Polychrome, Ltd., W.A. Smith, Jr., President. Circulation is 10,000, distributed the 1 Oh of each month through more than 120 locations statewide. Approximately 650 copies are mailed directly to political, business, institutional and civic leaders. Subscriptions are available for $12/yr.
Editorial submissions and news releases on topics of interest to persons with disabilities, or persons sewing those with disabilities, are welcomed. Paid advertising is available at rates ranging from $1 1 to $15/column inch, depending on size and frequency. Classified ads are $7.00, plus 20 centslword over 20 words. Advertising and editorial deadlines arc the 30th of the month preceding publication: special scheduling available for camera-ready art. Inquiries should be directed to: ACCESS PRESS 3349 University Ave. S.E. Minnesota 55414 (612) 379-0989 Fax (612) 379-2730
-Access Press Corporate Welfare IN BRIE 1AWARD-WIN Reform
LET'S LOOK AT THE WHOLE PICTURE by Mel Duncan Minnesota taxpayers are subsidizing corporations, many owned bymillionaires. In fact, in 1994 Minnesota provided closeto $1 billion in corporate welfare. OAen little or nothing was asked in return. Usually, the companies were not even required to pay their ;en a living wage. nccountabilityfor public money is a common theme in today's political debate. This theme is clearly focused on peoplewith disabilitiesand the debate surroundingcuts to the Personal Care Attendant and TEFRA programs. While the legislature shines a spotlight on public assistance serving individuals, not even a flashlight is pointed at corporate welfare. The legislature and Governor are proposing huge cuts in health and human services. At the same time. the subsidies to corporations are sliding by unscathed. For example, the tax break given for courier services cost Minnesotans about the same as the
PCA program last year. Yet, bill requires corporations on the business tax subsidy is not public assistance to demoneven up for review. strate that they have created a net increase in jobs paying at Corporate welfare comes in least a poverty level wage, many forms, much of it be- ($7.2 llhr), within two years. yond public scrutiny. It in- Two years and you're offhas a cludestax subsidies,tax incre- familiar ring. The bill ment financing, and state also requires that business regrants and loans. When it latedtax subsidies be analyzed comes to corporate welfare, as to the jobs and wages that some of the biggest corpora- they actually produce. Unlike tions don't hesitate to line up appropriations, most tax exat the window. For example, a pendituresonce enacted never company owned by multi-mil- have to be renewed. lionaire, Curt Carlson, recently got $500,000 from the state The next few years will be to help him with his business brutal economically. As electventures. . ed officials boldly savageprograms that have built our qualWho knows if these subsidies ity of life in Minnesota, taxserve the public good? As tax- payers must demand that corpayers we should demand the porate welfare be on the table same accountability for cor- as well. Big business can afporate welfare as for individu- ford to endure a few more cuts al welfare. A bill, H.F. 869 than people who need personand S.F. 705 authored by Rep. al care attendants. KanClark, DFLMinneapo]is, and Sen- John H[ottinger, Me1 Duncan is the Executive moving Director of M P A - MinnesoDFL-Mankato, throughI -L-L-. me 1--:-I legsrature, would ta Alliance for Progressive ris accountability. The Action begintt
\\ / w
reiterated its intention to work with the "handicapped community" andto make the entire memorial accessible. (Only one of the major sculptures, Social Programs, will include a braille interpretation.) The commission feels that FDR's condition will be honored and acknowledgedwith the following statement which will be carved in granite along with other landmark events in FDR's life: "1921, Stricken With Poliomyelitis HeNever Again Walked Unaided." The Memorial is expected to be completed in late 1996or early 1997.For information, or to comment, contact the FDR Memorial Commission, 825-A Hart Senate Building, Washington, D.C. 2051 0; (202) 228-249 1(voice), (202) 228-1010 (fax).
n ~ w n c i v prlicrriminatinn and
labyrinth ofgovemiknt rules and legislated poverty. Instead of the usual "professional do goode?' commen-
your calendar for May 23rd at 9pm (CDT) to see this film on public television.Channel 2 in the metro area. Em
Public immunization clinics for low-income Hennepin County residents will be held during May.
The clinics are sponsored by the Hennepin County Community Health Department, the Minneapolis Health Department and the Bloomington Health Department. For more information about the clinics, call the Hennepin County Community Health Department at 348-274 1.
-May 18, Minneapolis, 5-7 p.m., Folwell CommunityCenter, 1615 Dowling Ave. No.
Immunizations are available to children for eight vaccinepreventable diseases(diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, mumps, measles, rubella and polio and Haemophilus B). Children who visit the clinics without parents or guardians must bring along signed official vaccine information pamphlets. A donation of $5 per shot is requested.
- - - -- ------- J
The clinics:
-May 19, Minneapolis, 8:3011:30a.m., Health Services Building, 525 Portland Ave.
&;eRk~~y~FP~ -May 19, Mound, 2-4 p.m., WestonkaCommunityCenter, 5600 Lynwood Boulevard L
-May 18, Hopkins, 2-4 p.m., Community Health Department Offices, 8 10F i r s t . So./ 2nd Floor
- .
-May 23, Brooklyn Centl, 9-1 1:30a.m., Community Health Dept Off~ices, 6601 Shingle Creek Parkway.
I I"AnEveningInParis" Friday,
FDR MemorialControversy LjAcerptedfrom "One Step ability was central to his char,head", Vo1.2, #6, March 27, acter and even, ironically, to his public persona. He quite 995) literally inspired a nation with :Americans with disabil- his courage, strength and abil.-I are protesting three new ity to overcome obstacles. culptures of President 'ranklinD. Rooseveltbecause At the March 1, 1995, FDR do not depict his wheel- Memorial Commission meetI ~ ~ Jleg , braces or crutches. ing, co-chaired by Senators 3esk sculpturesof Roosevelt ~ & kHatfield (R-OR) and nd another seven pieces will Daniel Inouye (D-HI), memut of a national memorial bers brought up the issue raised ow under construction at the "by individuals in the handi'idal Basin in Washington, capped community," who had requested that FDR be shown in his wheelchair in at least argument in defense of one of the sculptures. The ,.-disabling7' the president, commission members revho lost much ofthe use ofhis sponded by unanimously votegs from polio years before ing "to move ahead as rapidly ~pyingthe White House, as possible with the already ~ l aFDR t himself strove to approveddesignand artwork." hide his disability 6om the ~ublic,and largely succeeded. In a statement released after protesters insist his dis- the meeting, the commission
Told with biting humor, WHEN BILLY BROKE HIS HEAD ... AND OTHER TALES OF WONDER is a straight-forward,no apologies look at the true and unfiltered experiences of the disabled. This compellingand entertaining documentary reveals how
May 19th, 7:00 pm to Midnight. Place: Zuhrah Shrine Center - 2540 Park Ave. Mpls. Cost: $15 per person. It is a
ists, a silent auction, "The Golden Strings" musicians, a light buffet, entertainers and dancing. Lots of singles attending. Come withagroup of
yourself sactiiities s u p- p 0 ~ ingpeoplebuildingcommunication abilities. Please call 497-2800 for more information or for tickets. m
2505 University west St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 At Hwy. 280 & University Avenue
11 Visit Our New, Large, Fully-stocked showroom open to the public. 11
Wheelchairslwith complete repair service Walkemlcanes, crutches Bathroom safety aids IncontinentlUrologicalsupplies
Commode &shower chairs Ostomyland wound care Blood pressure equipment Diabetic supplies
We offer 24 hr. Emergency Service ~xclusivelvto our regular customers. Free UPS and deliveries to Mpls., St. Paul & Suburbs.
We bill M.A., Medicare, Blue CmsslBlue Shield, UCare and many other mwances
Access Press
Religion & Disability
INTERFAITH BROCHURE CAN USE YOUR I. by Mary Jane Steinhagen Becauseefforts to help people with disabilities access full participation in their religious communities tend to be lower profile programs, many people don't know of their existence. To address this need, a number of involved people plan to createan interfaith brochure availableto church agencies and the general public. This article profiles the advocacy and informationprograms available within three denominations. A Fall issue will profile additionalresources.Your input is welcome about what informationwould be helpful; feel free to call me at (612) 215-2216.
The Office maintains a lending library of books, periodicals, and multi-media materials about handicapping conditions and people with disabilities. It also offers a lending library of taped books on church history, theology, Scripture, spirituality, and related subjects. Materials h m either of these two resource collections may be borrowed without cost.
tion issues involving people with disabilities. Camp program assistance is provided to congregationsand denomination agencieson both integrated and specialized camps for persons with disabilities. Community disability action programs is an ecumenical venturewhere churches within a given community form a coalition to work together on specific issues.
The Ofice also advocates on behalf of persons with disabilities. It encourages the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of church life.
The Office on Ministry with Persons Who Are Handicapped is an organization of the Episcopal Diocese ofMinnesota. It also serves all congregations in the Episcopal
There is ministry with children with disabilities and their families. A component ofthis ministry includes congregational disabilityawarenesssessions for adults and children. Otherparts are atrainingmodFor further information,please el forthe church's educational contact The Reverend Barbara team and support group parRamnaraine at Saint James, ents and siblings. 3225 East Minnehaha Parkway, Minneapolis, Minnesota For more information, contact 55417, (612) 721-1 103. Reverend Suzanne Mades at. 639 Jackson Street, Saint Paul, METHODIST DISABILI- MN 55101 (612) 291-1371.
PLmmrnh +h-~..-h,..++L, T 1,:'-,4
1 I fl W f l R r n l A f i J J
States. Located at Saint James
lot ~f pwinfiil feelings inside Nicole
bout where t h m
laint? Comnmt? Wrie fa Nkole: Care OfAccess Pres
miti* works to make congegations aware of the DCC ss aresouace they can consult.
with disability adin other denomwlu h e community.
I I W W V ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ .--n.
- . . ---Aww VIW yUU 1wt?Uf
* . a
At Allied Health ~ l t e r n a t i m ~ ~ w with dk you to create a M l t h wvkm partnership. We'll provide campdent nursirrg supervision that supports your goals and o b j e d i s , plus knowledgeable assistance and coordination when you need it. -- : ',,tl.L +. ""
& <-
I Allied Health Alternatives, Inc. .
n r r ~ C a.
-. -. b
d .
w b
'LESBIANS & BI WOMEN I win Cities; inspired by a Medical, Ins.
- Branch Offices:
~aribaGlt,MN 55021
412 19"Ave. SW; #I 02 Willmar, MN 56201 612-235-5684
2 N:E. Third Strmt - - Grand Rapids, MN 55744
RENTALS Wheelchain + HospitalWE,
,._ Diabetic Equ@ment ~athroomSafety ids
+ Petint Lifters i r a c t i o n Dwices
-~8 IN REHAB& MED~CAL LWWUAS ~ R Y - O S T M W & ~ V M ~ ~ C A L ~ +
For additional information, CQPI~W an S c b i d e r at (6 12) I. A new group is k i n g in the 487-1395.
5401 Gamble Drive; Suite 235 - - ' Minneapolis, MN 55416
.- - 162-NW4th street ,
ClosingTheGap7sannuaIcm conference in prd.ious years for People with D W u ference has earnaim i n m a - (4) can apply the content in housed in the % tional reputation as a leading their own lives, the lives of Administration. It bj source for information family members or the people by the *National Ins novative applications of mi- they serve. Didility and ~ e h a , . crocomputer technology for R v h (NIDRR)w personqwith disabilities. Ed- Applicationsniust&re~~ivA-::lc Law 103-218, T ~ -I ucatiioLnalsmimLdemonstm by July I, 1995, M d d a l s can Related Assistance' @ tions and h d s - o n computer be obtained by contacting viduals with Disabiliti@l labs will be held in Blooming- STARrat612-296-88 17voice, - . l e n m ~ b e r 1 9 - 2 1 , 1 9 9 5 .e.61%296-9478 TTY. or 612- l ' h c ~ ~ ~ ~ R o g r a r n . +.&#.' 282-667 1 fax. In Greater Min- of Technology to 8; MiPmao~rksidmPs -9 ap- nesotause800657-3862yoice Results) has six objectia pig fot xihelwships to cover or 800-657-3895 'TTY. Addi- increase availabilityaf &gigi&tim fees and related tima1 information about the a and servi STAR conference is available from involvemen expenses through Program. &mile win be Closing The Gap at 5 12-248giQm6 persons who: (1) are 3294, . - cmml or potential users of assistivetechnolog)~~2)resi& STAR is a ~ o g r a mof the outsidethe sevenen&ntymetro Mhnesota Governor's Adxiarea (3) have not attended the sary Cauncil on Technolog)r' awareness.
Nursing Support Services Nursing Enterprises
variety of disability related issues. The committee provides an Tey -. andm'ad ,,, , ,,sourage church:s,@ improve their physical ;necessibility. Annually, the (Church oftheY earA w d recLw.; , , ,'Ad Y I*W *ih h88 , , , , m s s i b l e in its strucâ&#x201A;Źurt!and pragrams.
544-1655 ' +;- for-- our Call FREE brochure titled "Choosinga PersonalCare Assistant." t=:aw.;;
Canes & Crutches Bboxi PresWre Eqpt.
Home Oxygen
* Portable Oxygen
1015 EXCELSIORAVE HOPKINS o p m 8 3 0 - 6 0 0 ~ 0- ~~ r i .
.group of h e same name started in Boston, LABIA will create space for Lesbian and BiWomen and our allies to work together. We'll startwith community-buildingandcammvnication among queerwomen and branch out into all interconnected forms of oppression p d resistance. We plan to do direct action and other .brganizing for political and social change, as well as to provide a supportive environtnmt for Women wishing to build a multi-issue communi-
ty andamulti-isuem~ An introductory/fo envisioni-ngmeeti place on Sunday, p.m. &the Sabath nity Center (check boarpi room).
. --s
This isacceyiblespace; and child rare sewi&ffi@+ vided on request. We invite all interested @en to attend. cali ,LiQ$ Enockeon (52 1-8242) Audn Reule (874-8465)rfg fiuther information, ,
On Mental Health
May 10,1995
-.Access Press
I Life Goes On
by Sandy Gardener
the Governor did era1 people representing vari- at 296-2577; and the Speaker TEFRA program, OUS advocacy organizations, of the House, lrv Anderson at
time to plan strategy. There children and adults with diswas a bond between us, for we abilities will be forced into reassimilate, once we literally make our disabilities disap-
di- many to name, but just know .&@these individuals are workance agents out of business in we may keepour independence
B~~the mental health recov- mental illness, it is not about that person? Don't you see her
for the disabled. J
by Deborah Peterson comer of Winnetka and 5 1st Ave. One of the units is sold but one is still available for interested buyers who meet qualifying income limits. Low interest mortgages are availableto lowlmod incomefirst-time
with weddings, vacations, and His Head...AndOther Talesof with Billy as he meets prom
* Saturday, June 3, from 1-4pm at Seward Square A e e n t s located at 2 121 South 9th in Minneapolis. (If ASL inter-
Art Center on September 16, '1994, the single scheduled showing was expanded to two show times and both were
worker (who attempts to explain toabefuddledBilly what a spenddown is and how it is calculated). YOU
4th Annual
STARLIGHT BALL MAY 19th Zuhrah Shrine Center
For information call Sarah Bellefuil at 53 1-5137.
7:00till Midnight had not purchased advance ences as he discovers some realities of livingwith tickets were turned away at the a disability. us on J~~~ We are particularly excited door. 3rd for an opportunity to about our agenda, which will include Board elections and a "When Billy Broke His enjoy this fabulous film. speakerwhowilll :providing Head..." chronicles the intm- You'll be glad you did! (a an overview of the Legislative duction ofradio talkshow host donation of $2-5 to cover session, and also will feature Billy Golfus to society as a rental cost of the film is the enthrallingone hour docu- new man; aman with adisabil- appreciated).
at 831-1931.)
8. + .
An Evening in P d s . Lots ofsingles9 bring your friendsor your sweetheart. There will be a mine, carature artist, silent auction entertainment by the Golden Strings and a light buffet. Tickets are there is charge information contact Sara Meyer, 497-2800. S15.009
May 10,1995
Access Press
bps -
by Heather Charles
My name is Doug Bahl. 1am the Presidentofthe Minnesota Association of Deaf Citizens (MADC), the largest Deaf organization in the State of Minnesota with approximately 2,000 members. I myself am Deaf. owner, Victor. PlayedbyT~~ Sherohmm, victor holds his wait staff and audience captive with his stories of travel and human experience
tempting detail each delicious laugh in spite of it all. dish hoping to dissuade Victor Score: 8 f"m his Pact with death.
I am writing to express my extremedispleasuaatthelack of sensitivityto the Deafcomould be beneficial to munity asdemonsmatid in your ipment Distribution testimony before the Senate Jobs, Energy and Community Service. More repre- Development Committee on April 7,1995. Your comments referring to the Deaf community as children and to the TACIP Board as our babysitterwasboth derogatory and insultingto me as an individual and to the Deaf community as a whole.
As Victor's story unfolds so AN EMPTYPLATE runs until do the lives of Claude, Mimi, May 20 at the Cricket neater
intent to commit suicide by tragedy far outweighs the 0th- is limited ASL not available refusing all nourishment. en', his concern for each one at this time. Sendig the cafe into a corn- of them brings balance and
(MTA), shows this point. A Yourtestimonyinsinuatedthat representative of MTA has because we are Deaf, we are been on the TACIP Board for not capable of operating a service as complex as that of relay. You implied that we need the TACIP Board to "look out for" US and "take care" of us as a baby sitter would take care again and again from the of a child. It is sad to see such
IA r
Delay cut in PCA hour limits in the Senate bill until July 1996, 'as contained in the House bill. Delay county public health nurse assessment for PCA hours until July 1996. Develop alternative methods through Medical AssistanceHomeCareTaskForce to limit growth in the PCA program to 5% over the biennium rather than enact elimination of PCA services for people who cannot
both Home and Senate bills will eliminate TEFRA eligibiiityhrapproxfmate~~ 1600 children byJanuary 1,1996. DHS estimates that approximately 390 children with developmental disabilities, 341 children who have physical disabilities and 878 chi& dren with a mental illness diagnosiswill lose eligibilityfor health care services through the TEFRA Option by the second year of the biennium. Because DHS cannot yet detail the type of health care services used by the 1600 children and whether these chiidren have insumm cavemge, HMO coverageor arecovered under self-insuredcompanies, it is impossibleto try to develop alternative methods for these 1600 children to obtain needed health care services. It is very important that the TEFRA eligibility cuts be delayed until after the next legislative session in orderto allow the Legislaturean opportunity to make changes to require that these children's health plans meet their health needs. The savings generated for the stateby eliminatinghealth care coverage for 1600 children with disabilities is estimated to be $4.3 million forthe biennium.
(PCA,etc.) services through managed carsorganizati&s by J U 1,1996. ~ ~ In addition, bbth Hause and Senate languageestablishtask forces to study jlrivate health coverageforTEFRA children and an advisory committee on the development of managed care for TEFRA children.
The attitude demonsrrarea In your testimony is the same a? titude we have seen in the TACIP Board. It is an air of superiority That is one of the reasons we strongly support the elimination of the TACIP Board. The Minnesota TelephoneAssociation(MTA)has had a representative on the TACIP Board foranumber of years now and has had the opportunity to develop sensitivity tothe deafcommunity. 1 am h o n i f ~ that d this sensitivity has not happened I was happy to see that the members of the Jobs, Energy and Community Development committee did not share your perspective and voted to pass Senate File 910. I am even happier to see that the majority of the members of the Sen-
individuals, believing that because we can not speak, we are Sincerely, therefore imbeciles and need Doug Bahl to be treated as children. To
required to obtain health tingfore hoursthan necessary. Both the Senate and House billsbegincountypublichealth nurse assessment for PCA hours on January I, 1996: Beca~lsethis ctrange would involve training and increased staff responsibilities for 87 counties, PCA providers and recipients are very concerned about how this change is implemented and whether or not sufficient time for an orderly transition is available. Delaying the county public health nurse involvenient until July of 1996wouldoffermoreti& for training, development of standards and increased staffing which may be necessary to accomplish new duties.
beliefcould not be fartherfiom the truth! 1 hope you will rethink what you stated in your testimony and will come to understand that the only differencebetween you andme is you can hear, and 1can not.
I 1 Dear Editor:
our doors locked at all times. I found that a c c o r d - i to Section 504 of'Ihe Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the owner of our building must supply us with locks we can use independently and with ease.
Many people who live in my apamnent complex, HolmesGreenway, cannot physically locklunlock their apartment doors. With recent crime in New data from DHS on our building, it has become TEFRA children shows that very important that we keep I'm enclosing a letter we have during state fiscal year 1994, 3534 childrenused health care services through the TEFRA Given the serious cuts proMedical ~ssis&e Option at p s e d for children and adults a cost of $23.6 million (state with disabilities at the state and federal), for a state budget lev& the likelihood of sigcost of $10.8 million includ- nificant federal cuts and the IW ing both home care and other establishment of a number of health care services. Previous task forcesto provide recomfiscal information regarding mendations-for both the TEFRA eligible children in- TEFRA and PCA programs, cluded children who were eli- as well as the development of gible for Medical Assistance managed care for persons through SSI eligibility and withdisabilities,the needfor home and community waiver involvement and action is eligibility. The difference in clear. Many individuals will the TEFRA data underscor& be needed to attendtask force the importance of having reli- meetings, analyze informaable information on which to tion, and take action on both base proposals for change. state and federal proposals DHS hasused figuresof$36.5 . which will affect essential million(St. Paul Pioneer Press, health care, including home 3/25/95) and $3 1.8 million caresemices,needed by chiltotal TEFRA spending in one dren and adults with disabilyear. ities.
written totheownerofHoImesGreenway requesting that he modify our doors. I thought you may be interested in this and hope you will support us if we need to file a disability lawsuit
May 10,1995
.- &
Access Press
The Power C 3 To
..:... .-
After last's month lofty treatise, I'm back down to terra f m a . Today, I'm just going to cover a bit of DRAGnet news. Lots of reasons for this; mostto do with too little time and too Rttle sleep. A dangerous cornbination for yours stoutly. But things are expandingat our little shop so rapidly that I just have to hang in there a few more days (weeks, months, something) until it3 off and running.
by Gordon Gillesby The Power of To:
want to apologize to those waiting for a refurbished computer fiom us. HANG IN THERE!! We'll start dealing with the backlog of orders within the nexttwoweeks. Theproblem is1wa.s downtimeassociated with my health (I've been sick for four months), several very large equipment donations which crammed our workspace, our third move in 14 months, the need to track down shelves and workbenches and fially, the time to get everything re-set UP-
We've moved. Again. An exercise I'm quite tired of even if the staff won't let me do anything but stand around and watch everyone else tote barges and lift bales. By any measure -staff, space, income - in something under 14 months, DMGnet's expanded to over four times the size it was. Our new facilities (hate that word) are at 3 14 Washington Avenue North, Minneapolis, 5540 1 (no, 1don't know the zip+four yet); telephone numbers remain the same (612.338.2535lvoice and 338.25691
I'm not complaining (well, maybe about being sick), we'll take all this kind of action we can get! We're getting upwards of ten computer donations per day and two a month that require a good-sized truck to move around. I'm keenly aware how many folks are waiting for our computers. I don't want dodisappointanyone. A bit of time, a bit of money and a couple of key additions to our DRAGnetpersonnelroster and we'll process that backlog. Bear with us, this should be flying much better by fax). the time I type another column out It's four blocks from where we were. next month. It's also four times the space. We desperatelyneed it to process several (Mmmm.Fresh coffee and a can of hundred computers and a veritable mixed nuts. Breakfast of Charnpihost of related equipment. Literally ons.....) tons of sttlff. We're all busily sorting, piling, unpiling, stacking, re- Grand Metropolitan has RE+PC prostacking and assembling shelving, cessing their obsolete computer computers,s o h , officefurniture, equipment. This is a major recycling tools and other stuff so we can get on project involving hundreds of com-
Martha Hage's
RADIO SHOW Disabled & Proud, It's Not A n Oxymoron
small way, you're also helping people with disabilities get computers! Because of Grand Met and other major corporatedonors-we talked directly to Microsoft Cornoration about &cyclingdonated s o k a r e still licensed to their company. AS a result, we now have an agreement to do just that and we'll also get our Microsoft OEM status so we can May 16 Peter Kelley: Access for Pride purchase copies (when we must) at a significant discount. ~f it saves us May 23 Joame Kuehn: Church/Religion & Brain Disorders money, it saves you money ...... May 30 Charlie Smith: Legislative Recap If you think recycling is all the DRAGna does, you'd be off the June 6 Rita Lancaster: Journey of Hope a program for families with family members with mental illness mark. The DRAGnet International Disability Network (a.k.a DIDnet) is now entering its fifth month of June 13 To Be Announced wide-area beta testing. That's fancy computer techno-babble meaning, "lots ofpeople are checkingthisthiig 106.7 FM St. Paul 9 0 3 FM -Minneapolis out to see if it works the way we think Every Tuesday 7:30 p.m. . it does". Catchy, huh? We truly are international with several sites from Canada and one from Australia recently joining our core U.S. group. Our local DRAGnet Information ers. Unfortunately, this aspect of our ------Service has had aver 26,000 callers service is not free because of direct to date and remains one of the most expenses for staff and travel. Howused electronic disability informa- ever, we have several clients who are Gordon Gillesby is the Chair/CEO tion resources in North America. It willing to offset our costs in serving of DRAG& - the Disability Retakes a lot of work to keep all that theirownclientsbetter. That'spretty sources, Aflliates and Groups netelectro-mechanical gizmos from much a win-win situation for all. work (61,2.338.2535/voice). The grinding to a halt. And that doesn't More people get computers and the Power of To: is about computers, count the hours each week that we trahing on how to use them, we get a cyberspace and communicationfor spend publishing new disability in- little bit of cash to help underwrite all people. Please share your formation for our local community -.other DRAGnet projects. thoughts,comments and ideas about this column with Access Press or iog There's more but, unlike a Galfrayan on to DRAGnet Information Service
- .5I ,
thought of the morning right away) or pickup one of those for other non-profits and in-home hard-core science fiction fans), I'm tion). nd time. See you in ,
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