English for Professionals Training Program
Posi ve, Inclusive, Results Focused Empowering Professionals through Communication
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Access Tunisia
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Our Values Positive, Inclusive, Results Focused Our core values shine through our programs. We aim for a learning environment which is: Posi ve We believe that everyone can learn to use English effec vely, and whatever your current ability we push you to be a more effec ve communicator. We have high expecta ons of you and believe you are able to achieve the goals you have, and more. Inclusive Working in small teams helps to bring out your best and mirrors real world team-working. Role playing mee ngs and nego a ons, giving presenta ons and joining social events provide opportuni es for you to develop your spoken confidence and to convey your ideas with impact. Results Focused We help you to achieve your goals whether that is to succeed in business interna onally, to build cross border rela onships effec vely, or to be successful in interna onal organiza ons and situa ons.
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English for Professionals Training Program - Business English Courses - Specialised Business English Courses - Business Communica on Skills In English Courses - Individual Courses - Group Courses - Blended Learning
Empowering Professionals Through Communication
English for Professionals Training Program
All of our full- me courses consist of at least 15 hours per week classroom me with 10 hours per week of home study. All classes are conducted by qualified teachers using the most up to date materials and methods, and are focused on the needs and abili es of the students as individuals as well as a group. Because the classes are small, the maximum number of students is 12, but on average 9, all students have a good deal of individual a en on and plenty of opportunity to prac ce their speaking in class.
- Business English Courses focus on general business language and include a series of workfocused topics such as: Finance, Marke ng, Human Resources, General Management, Sales, Produc on, Logis cs, etc.
- Specialised Business English Courses cover such areas as: Engineering, the Pharmaceu cal and Chemical Industry, Law, SAP, Banking, Insurance, Oli & Mining, Adver sing, Medicine, Automo ve Industries, Accoun ng & Finance, Aeronau cs, etc. For many clients we also create company-specific English learning materials to align the course programme to the client’s business objec ves and to improve the discussion and role-play ac vi es.
- Business Communica on Skills In English Courses Can be delivered in combina on with all of the areas listed above, focussing on the competencies and communica on skills necessary to suceed in an interna onal business environment. Courses include one or several of the following communica on skills: Nego a ons, Presenta on Skills,People and Performance Appraisals, Professional Wri ng, Mee ngs, Telephone Skills, Sales, Socialising & Networking, Delega ng & Conflict Resolu on, Working with Numbers, Intercultural Awareness, and Business Travel.
- Individual Courses an individual course allows you to decide exactly what you are going to learn, which materials to use, and when. The programme of each individual course is tailor-made for the par cipant and is based upon a comprehensive needs analysis and a detailed diagnos c assessment at the start of the course. The dura on of the course can be scheduled as a maintenance, weekly, semi-intensive or full-immersion course, even during holiday periods. For highly-specialised needs, maximum impact and progress in the minimum amount of me, or for par cipants with limited me availability, individual courses are the best op on.
- Group Courses small groups of par cipants are a very effec ve and efficient way of improving general English or generic Business English competencies. These courses focus on fluency, accuracy, confidence and communica on skills in English. The composi on of the groups is based on a needs analysis and placement test at the start of the course. The study agenda is designed in collabora on with the members of the group. Small group courses are a good op on for par cipants who need to improve their general communica on skills, or those with a limited budget.
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The Common European Framework Access Tunis English Standard
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Our Teachers - GREAT TEACHERS - PERSONALIZED PROGRAMS AND OBJECTIVES - RELIABLE AND ORGANIZED As well as being experienced professional English trainers, many of our instructors are na ve English speakers with prac cal business experience and qualifica ons from a variety of fields.
Empowering Professionals Through Communication
Whether you need to study for a specific reason such as a presenta on, or as part of your long term career development our tailor made courses can have a direct impact on your future achievement and success. Fundamentally, we understand that knowing about English is not enough – what is important is the ability to successfully use English in your life. - Marke ng & Adver sing - I.T. - Hospitality and Tourism - Sports - Environment
- Culture and Heritage - Office Administra on - Retail - Finance
Course Requirements - Minimum age of par cipants: 18 Years. - Minimum level of English required: Intermediate / B1+. - Minimum length of course: 6 weeks. - Maximum length of course: 50 weeks. Why choose this course? - 20 English lessons per week - 20 to 25 hours work experience per week - A Cer ficate of A endance - A Reference Le er
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Stay in Touch 7 Rue, Med Belkahla, 2037, Naser 2, Tunis. m. +216 52 5052 58 e. info@access-tunis.com www.access-tunis.com
Empowering The Leaders of Tomorrow