English for Professionals Training Programs
Progressive, Comprehensive, Effec ve Empowering Professionals with Communication
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Access Tunisia
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Our Values Progressive, Comprehensive, Effective Our goal is to create a learning environment which is: Progressive While we value the tradi onal model of educa on, we also u lize progressive immersion techniques that help beginners to start using the language immediately and challenges more advanced students to further develop their ability to express themselves. Comprehensive The first step we take in working with our clients is crea ng a comprehensive language objec ve that uses a hands-on, coopera ve learning approach through guided role play, music & film, social media, and online learning resources. Effec ve Our goal is helping you reach yours. The dedica on of our administra ve team and instructors combined with our comprehensive teaching methods is what makes Access an effec ve training solu on.
English Training Program
Our Values 01
Our Corporate/Brand Values We are dedicated to con nually developing and expanding our services to help people meet the challenges of a constantly evolving global market. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
We aim to offer the highest standards possible. Good communica on is at the heart of everything we do. We value our staff and clients and treat everyone with equal respect. We are a team that enjoys working, learning, and growing together. We are value honesty and fair.
Our Philosophy Ÿ
Our approach is always prac cal. People need to use English, not just study it. Our focus lies in developing fluency, not just understanding grammar.
There is no one correct path to language learning. We implement a wide range of styles to cover understanding, reten on, and prac ce.
Learning is a collabora ve process. We treat par cipants with the respect they deserve as experienced professionals who are responsible for contribu ng to and enhancing their own learning experience.
English is important because it is the global language of business and innova on. We encourage and mo vate fluency in our students so that they can have the ability to think, act, and grow in a global economy.
Time is precious. All of our courses are considered intensive, making the best use of me.
Small is beau ful. We restrict class sizes to ensure an op mal leaning environment.
Learning never ends. We know that your course with us is just part of a bigger picture. We give you the tools and prac ces to con nue progressing even a er you leave us.
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Our Values 02
English for Professionals Training Programs - General English Courses - Business English Courses - English for SpeciďŹ c Purposes - Open Discussion Groups - Individual Courses
Empowering Professionals with Communication
What We Stand For There are 3 core factors that determine our success:
Great Instructors We value our instructors and consider them to be the essen al component of a successful training program. We invest great care in recrui ng and mo va ng our team of professional language teachers, because our clients deserve the best. Our instructors are not only ac ve in developing courses, but are commi ed to improving the internal and external customer experience. Customized objec ves We are aware that every client has different needs, not only specific to their area of ac vity, but within their organiza on itself. Therefore we realize the importance of crea ng a highly customized training program. We work closely with HR and training departments to iden fy needs, set objec ves, and design exercises that are genuinely useful to their team. Reliability and Organiza on We understand that our success is ed to our clients' success. We also believe that good communica on is the key to success. Clients can rely on our a en on to detail regarding scheduling, repor ng, and customer service. Administra ve processes are con nually evaluated and modified to improve efficiency.
English Training Program
What We Stand For
English for Professionals Our Courses Scheduling lessons is flexible. Our courses consist of 30 hours of instruc on, either onsite at your offices or at our training center. We recommend a minimum of 2 lessons per week, las ng one and a half hours each. Devo ng more me to lessons generally delivers notably posi ve results, as par cipants have more exposure to the target language. All courses are conducted by specially trained instructors using leading interna onal curriculums and highly customized objec ves. The maximum number of par cipants is 12, ensuring ample opportunity to prac ce speaking and me for individual a en on.
- General English Courses lay the founda on for the basic language skills of grammar, vocabulary and pronuncia on. We believe in a balanced approach of wri en and spoken grammar, since both are equally important in a aining fluency. Our methodology involves introducing new vocabulary and grammar through real life context, body language and facial expression. Learning is reinforced with online resources, social media, engaging role play, games, music, film & cultural. Focus: speaking with fluency - ac ve listening - understanding context in reading - effec ve wri ng - correct pronuncia on
- Business English Courses focus on the global language of business including topics in marke ng, management, sales, human resources, finance, logis cs, etc. Par cipants coming from a variety of disciplines within an organiza on have the opportunity to share in the skill sets needed to perform their jobs. Courses are tailored to cover objec ves within the company’s current and future goals. Focus: Nego a on - Presenta on - Mee ngs - Email Correspondence
- English for Specific Purposes requires a par cular focus on how professionals communicate within their field. The objec ve of specific courses is to empower professionals in performing their jobs equally well in English as they do in their mother tongue. Courses are balanced between a structured curriculum and exercises in speaking, listening, and wri ng. Industries: Avia on, Oil & Mining, Finance, Medicine, Pharmaceu cal, Chemical, Automo ve, Manufacturing, Government, Engineering, Marke ng, Digital Media
- Open Discussion Groups Professionals with intermediate/advanced English need the opportunity to prac ce speaking to gain confidence and truly improve their language skills. One of our instructors will lead discussions and ac vi es such as organized debates, mee ng simula ons, and role play. Focus: developing personal expression - interna onal business e que e - vocabulary, expressions & idioms - deba ng effec vely and thinking cri cally in English
- Individual Courses allows the par cipant to create a completely customized course where they have the ability to choose what they want to cover. The dedicated, one on one interac ons with the instructor allow for maximum a en on and feedback. The added benefit of covering sensi ve work-related subjects in privacy with confidence creates an invaluable experience for the par cipant.
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Our Courses 04
Our Instructors - Reliable and Organized - Passionate about teaching - Customize courses to meet objec ves Our instructors are na ve English speakers with prac cal business experience and qualifica ons from a variety of fields. They work closely with the manager of instruc on in developing our custom courses. We con nually improve client experience by listening to our instructors’ valuable feedback.
Empowering Professionals with Communication
The Common European Framework Access Tunis - Standard of Assessment
English Training Program
Our Courses 05
Stay in Touch t. +216 36 343 326 e. info@access-tunis.com a. 7 rue, Mohamed Belkahla, 2037, Naser 2, Tunis. www.access-tunis.com
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