1 minute read
from ACC EMAG #1 2023
by ACCMag
We have a Kingdom culture core value in our church that says, 'Prayer fuels power!' It shapes everything we do in our ministry.
Jesus said, 'My house shall be called a House of Prayer for all nations.'
We all know the importance of prayer but often we miss some of the keys along the way to actually help us host corporate prayer in the life of the church.
Here are a few tips to help you in your corporate prayer meetings. 1. Mobilise your worship team The power of worship and coming together and actually feeling the presence of God and experiencing an encounter with God is so essential to actually praying into the heart of God. Mobilise your worship team but also make sure you compliment worship with a clear prayer focus.
2. Choose a biblical theme Choose a relevant theme that is happening right now in your community, your city or in the news that you want people to begin to focus in and pray for. Also, include several key leaders in your prayer meeting to pray into a key aspect of that theme, maybe using a scripture verse.
3. Mobilise everyone in the congregation Encourage everyone attending the prayer meeting to actually participate in prayer and not simply spectate.
4. Faith Always make sure you pray in faith and let’s give glory and honour to Jesus. When Jesus is exalted and lifted up everything else goes better.
I encourage you when it comes to worship, when it comes to prayer, keep Jesus as your key focus. As we come in a spirit of unity and faith, we’re going to see our prayer move mountains in people’s lives and in our church and wider cities.