3 minute read
from ACC EMAG #1 2023
by ACCMag
Too many believers treat intimacy with Jesus as the means to a goal, not the goal itself. To the degree we make life about something other than relationship, God will be the degree to which we struggle with the purpose and meaning of life. When we put pressure on ourselves and feel frustrated, it’s likely we are chasing the wrong thing. God hasn’t asked us to achieve something but to receive the kingdom like little children do. One of the basic indicators of a healthy relationship is joy. If you’ve lost your joy in your relationship with Jesus, you probably have lost the treasure of intimacy. In real estate, we know the emphasis is on location. In the Kingdom, the focus is on relationship.
Both the Great Commandment and Jesus' words in John 15 emphasise the centrality of loving God and remaining
in Christ as a way of life. When you and I were born of the Spirit, we were adopted into God’s family and received an inheritance. The restoration of intimacy with the Father is the greatest fruit of our inheritance in Christ.
We are to love God much because we have been forgiven much If there’s anyone who could teach us about intimacy, it’s Mary Magdalene. Mary loved much because she had been forgiven much. Jesus had delivered her of tormenting demons. Jesus had forgiven her of her sin. Jesus had raised her brother Lazarus from the dead. The depth of your intimacy with Jesus is often measured by the gratitude of your heart towards Jesus. All throughout the Gospels we read of Mary’s priority for the presence of Jesus over everything else.
In Luke 10 we read of Jesus celebrating Mary’s intimacy with him over Martha’s activity for him. In Matthew 26 we read of Mary breaking open the alabaster box (worth a year's wages) and anointing Jesus' body for burial. The point being, Jesus is worth sacrificing everything for. No wonder then, that of all the people Jesus could have revealed himself to first after He rose from the dead was Mary (John 20:1-18). Why? Mary prioritised what is on the Father’s heart: intimacy. From John 20 we get many insights into Mary’s relationship with Jesus that can help fuel our intimacy with Jesus today.
Desire will make you do things that duty will never make you do. Who was the first person to get up and go visit Jesus tomb while it was still dark? Mary was. Those who love Jesus, prioritise Him in their daily schedule. What you do in the first two hours of your day sets the tone for the rest of the day. Establish a time and place where you meet with God everyday. Who remained at the tomb while the other disciples went home? Mary did. Just as Joshua would linger in the tent of meeting long after Moses had left, so too those who love Jesus, linger in his presence long after others have given up. We mustn’t let others lack of hunger dissuade us from our hunger for his presence.
Who had a divine encounter with two angels and our risen saviour? Mary did. Those who are intimate with Jesus get the privilege of encountering Jesus. There are many things in life we can be taught but there are some things you simply have to experience in an encounter with Jesus to learn.
Who got to hear the voice of the resurrected Jesus before anybody else? Mary did. Only those who sit at Jesus feet are able to easily recognise His voice. Voice recognition is a byproduct of relationship. Jesus said, 'My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me.'(John 10:27 ESV)
Who did Jesus commission to announce to the rest of the disciples what He had said? The answer is Mary. Only those who spend time with Jesus get the privilege of speaking on behalf of Jesus. A lot of people want to say something but only a few have something worth saying. Only those who minister to Jesus privately get to carry an anointing from Jesus publicly.
I encourage you to reset your affections on Jesus and approach him with renewed fervency as you begin a new year of intimacy with Him.
COREY TURNER is the Senior Pastor of Neuma Church and ACC National ACC National Executive member.