3 minute read
Voice for the Voiceless
from ACC Emag #4 2022
by ACCMag
A Voice for the Voiceless
A delegation of 40 women Christian leaders, including representatives from the ACC, called on all sides of politics to save lives from starvation in Africa and the Middle East.
ACT– The Micah Women Leaders Delegation met with senior government ministers, key opposition figures, cross bench MPs and minor party representatives in Canberra in September.
Each year Micah Australia organises a delegation of women to Canberra with the aim of bringing light to the plight of the ‘voiceless’ around the globe.
This year's campaign – Help Fight Famine –is supported by a coalition of Australia’s leading aid and development organisations. The goal of the initiative is for a $150 million package to prevent hunger crisis threatening almost 50 million lives in 45 countries. ACC pastor, Bek Prosser, was a member of the Micah Women Leaders Delegation. She reported:
People think Parliament House is an intimidating place, but my experience has given me a different perspective.
The Help Fight Famine initiative focusses on nations that are currently on the brink of declaring famine. Armed with financial data, global statistics and some harrowing stories, we met with representatives from all ‘sides’ of politics to ask for support and aid to be given to these nations.
International aid can seem to be of little importance in a landscape cluttered by our own national
'Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.' (Proverbs 31:8-9)
It is a great privilege to represent the worlds’ poorest to the decision makers of our nation. Throughout the day in Parliament House, I observed other groups defending a multitude of other causes. Our ACC churches are filled with generous people, many of whom freely give as they have freely received. When we consider God's generosity to us, our response is to be generous to those around us. Likewise, our beautiful nation has been immensely blessed, and we carry the responsibility to help our neighbours who have immense need.
But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbour?” (Luke 10:29)
Another profound realisation for me was that the Parliamentarians, Senators and other Government officials whom we met, are also my neighbours. It is easy to forget the humanity of these people. They represent us and our congregations, and the communities in which our churches are planted.
Can I encourage you to reach out to your local member of Parliament, not to ask them to do something for your church, but to bless and encourage them? It is a simple but generous act. As a pastor and leader in your community, you are positioned in such a way to bless those around you who carry the weight of governing.
I was so grateful to have opportunity to pray for and with some of these men and women right there in their Parliamentary offices. What better place to share the love of Jesus, than in the halls of our Parliament House.
BEK PROSSER is an ACC pastor at Hope Centre, Qld.

THE FACTS: • 50 million people in 45 countries are on the verge of famine. • 10,000 children are alrady dying of hunger every day.
1. Ethiopia 2. Somalia 3. Yemen 4. South Sudan 5. Afghanistan
• Conflict • Covid • Climate Change
HOW CAN WE RESPOND? We're calling on the government of Australia to: 1. Commit to an urgent $150 million famine prevention package 2. Tackle the root causes of the global hunger crisis 3. Strengthen the resilience of the Asia Pacific region