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New Agreement Gives ECE Grads Degree Opportunity
Learn more about this opportunity assiniboine.net/ECE
Assiniboine signs agreement with Brock University
A new agreement between Assiniboine Community College and Brock University will give Assiniboine graduates the opportunity to pursue a Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (BECE) Honours degree, delivered online so students can remain in Manitoba.
“The partnership creates an opportunity for students to expand their knowledge in the field of early childhood education,” said Karen Hargreaves, Dean of Health and Human Services at Assiniboine Community College. “The online format will provide students the flexibility to pursue their ECE degree while still living and seeking in-demand employment opportunities in Manitoba.” The BECE Honours degree program takes approximately two-and-a-half years to complete and builds on the foundational knowledge gained from a two-year ECE Diploma program.
“We’re excited to partner with Assiniboine Community College to prepare early childhood educators for the critical work they do in our communities. In a rapidly expanding and highdemand field, students in the online Bachelor of Early Childhood Education program have access to world-class education opportunities and a growing network of early childhood educators across Canada,” said Michael Owen, Dean of the Faculty of Education at Brock University. Assiniboine also offers an Early Childhood Program Management (ECPM) program, by distance, for students seeking their ECE lll. The program prepares students for a director’s role and the responsibilities as the leader, manager and administrator of an early childhood setting.
For more information, visit assiniboine.net/ece.