Feature: Making Friends with the Land, People and Time – Architecture in Taiwan
Feature: Making Friends with the Land, People and Time – Architecture in Taiwan
第 577 号/平成 30 年 9 月 27 日発行/毎月 1 回 27 日発行/昭和 46 年 3 月 3 日第 3 種郵便物認可/ ISSN 0389-9160
発行所 = 株式会社エー・アンド・ユー 〒 100-6017 東京都千代田区霞が関三丁目 2 番 5 号霞が関ビルディング 17 階 電話: (03)6205-4384 /振替:00130-5-98119
特集: 大地、人、時に寄り添う、台湾の建築 平成 30 年 9 月 27 日発行/毎月 1 回 27 日発行/昭和 46 年 3 月 3 日第 3 種郵便物認可
特集: 大地、人、時に寄り添う、台湾の建築
定価=2,800 円 本体 2,593 円
アタリ バーコードを入れて下さい
Architecture and Urbanism 18:10
18:10 18:10
– Architecture in Taiwan 4910019731085 02593
雑誌 01973 -10 A+U Publishing Co., Ltd. 2018 Printed in Japan
Making Friends with the Land, People and Time
Cherry Orchard Cemetery Jiaoxi Township, Yilan 2014
577 Feature: Making Friends with the Land, People and Time – Architecture in Taiwan Fieldoffice Architects Cherry Orchard Cemetery Jiaoxi Township, Yilan 17 16
フィールドオフィス・アーキテクツ 櫻花墓地 宜蘭、礁渓郷 2014
Architecture and Urbanism 18:10
Fieldoffice Architects
Cherry Orchard Cemetery Jiaoxi Township, Yilan 2014
577 Feature: Making Friends with the Land, People and Time – Architecture in Taiwan Fieldoffice Architects Cherry Orchard Cemetery Jiaoxi Township, Yilan 17 16
フィールドオフィス・アーキテクツ 櫻花墓地 宜蘭、礁渓郷 2014
Architecture and Urbanism 18:10
Fieldoffice Architects
Gazing from afar at the environs of Lanyang Museum, one can imagine a scene from bygone days with sailing ships gracing the rocky anchorage amid the remnants of Wushih Reef, one of a string of reefs scattered along a coastline bounded by mountains and pounding surf and dominated by cuesta formations where sharp slopes meet gentle inclines. Here, the mountains, oceans and plains tirelessly relate the story of Yilan. The precious wetlands and long-standing Wushih Harbor at the northern tip of the Lanyang Plain are distinctive elements in the design of this museum, a building whose form seems to have spontaneously emerged from this rich natural setting. Yilan’s splendid mountains, plains and seascapes play a vital part in the architectural planning of the museum, and they form a natural backdrop for it. The architectural lines are intended to draw the eyes of visitor downward layer by layer; from the heights of the mountain scenery, and in the process, the wetlands, Wushih Harbor, and the ocean gradually unfold before the eyes. And as you ride the elevator upwards, Guishan Island comes into view, evoking the sentiments of author and Yilan native Huang Chunming as he describes his first glimpse of the island on his homecoming journey. The building appears to emerge from the ground, its 20-degree slope complemented by tilted load-bearing walls. The convergence of these lines gives the viewer the sensation of being in a new spatial dimension. The building materials also highlight Yilan’s rich natural setting. Integrating the imagery of the cuesta rocks, the design incorporates granites and cast aluminum panels to present the fine textures of natural imagery. On rainy days, variations in the colors of the stone materials give the building a changing appearance. Moreover, the rhythm of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons concertos are coded into the layout arrangements of the external panels. 蘭陽博物館の周辺を遠くから眺めると、残っ ウーシー
ている鳥 石の岩礁真っ只中の岩だらけの停
岩礁の内の 1 つであり、急な傾斜と緩い傾斜
こで山々、海、大地は疲れることなく宜 蘭
美 術 館 の 設 計 に お い て、 貴 重 な 湿 地 帯 と、
蘭 陽平原の北端に古くからある鳥石港は特 色のある要素だ。 宜蘭の壮麗な山々、大地、海の景色は、美 術館の建築計画上で重要な役割を担ってお り、その自然背景となっている。建築がつ く り だ す 線 は 利 用 者 の 目 線 を 各 層 ご と に、 下 向 き に 引 き つ け る よ う 意 図 さ れ て い る。 山の景色の高さから目線が動くにつれ、湿 地、鳥石港、そして海が、段々と目の前に 展 開 し て い く。 ま た、 エ レ ヴ ェ ー タ で は、 グイシャン
上に上がるにつれ亀 山島が視界に現れ、イー ラン出身の作家黄春明(ホワン・チュンミン) の作品情緒を喚起させる。春明は帰省に際 しはじめてこの島を目にし、その印象を著 した。美術館はまるで、地面から出現した ように見える。建物の 20 º の傾斜は、斜めの 耐力壁で補完されている。これらの線の集 合が、見るものに新たな空間の次元に入っ
pp. 36–37: Aerial view of the museum with Guishan Island in the distant. pp. 38–39: View of the granite façade and the walkway that leads to the main entrance. Photo courtesy of the architect. Opposite, above: Side view from the northeast. Opposite, below: Elevation view from across the water. This page, above: Wushih Reef. Photo courtesy of the architect. This page, below: Concept drawing by the architect. 36 ∼ 37 頁:博物館と遠方に亀山島を見る。 38 ∼ 39 頁:花崗岩の外壁とメイン・エン トランスへと至る歩道を見る。左頁、上: 北東側から見る。左頁、下:水辺を横切る 立面。本頁、上:鳥石の岩礁。本頁、下: 建築家によるコンセプト・ドローイング。
Site plan (scale: 1/12,000)/配置図(縮尺:1/12,000) 41
Gazing from afar at the environs of Lanyang Museum, one can imagine a scene from bygone days with sailing ships gracing the rocky anchorage amid the remnants of Wushih Reef, one of a string of reefs scattered along a coastline bounded by mountains and pounding surf and dominated by cuesta formations where sharp slopes meet gentle inclines. Here, the mountains, oceans and plains tirelessly relate the story of Yilan. The precious wetlands and long-standing Wushih Harbor at the northern tip of the Lanyang Plain are distinctive elements in the design of this museum, a building whose form seems to have spontaneously emerged from this rich natural setting. Yilan’s splendid mountains, plains and seascapes play a vital part in the architectural planning of the museum, and they form a natural backdrop for it. The architectural lines are intended to draw the eyes of visitor downward layer by layer; from the heights of the mountain scenery, and in the process, the wetlands, Wushih Harbor, and the ocean gradually unfold before the eyes. And as you ride the elevator upwards, Guishan Island comes into view, evoking the sentiments of author and Yilan native Huang Chunming as he describes his first glimpse of the island on his homecoming journey. The building appears to emerge from the ground, its 20-degree slope complemented by tilted load-bearing walls. The convergence of these lines gives the viewer the sensation of being in a new spatial dimension. The building materials also highlight Yilan’s rich natural setting. Integrating the imagery of the cuesta rocks, the design incorporates granites and cast aluminum panels to present the fine textures of natural imagery. On rainy days, variations in the colors of the stone materials give the building a changing appearance. Moreover, the rhythm of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons concertos are coded into the layout arrangements of the external panels. 蘭陽博物館の周辺を遠くから眺めると、残っ ウーシー
ている鳥 石の岩礁真っ只中の岩だらけの停
岩礁の内の 1 つであり、急な傾斜と緩い傾斜
こで山々、海、大地は疲れることなく宜 蘭
美 術 館 の 設 計 に お い て、 貴 重 な 湿 地 帯 と、
蘭 陽平原の北端に古くからある鳥石港は特 色のある要素だ。 宜蘭の壮麗な山々、大地、海の景色は、美 術館の建築計画上で重要な役割を担ってお り、その自然背景となっている。建築がつ く り だ す 線 は 利 用 者 の 目 線 を 各 層 ご と に、 下 向 き に 引 き つ け る よ う 意 図 さ れ て い る。 山の景色の高さから目線が動くにつれ、湿 地、鳥石港、そして海が、段々と目の前に 展 開 し て い く。 ま た、 エ レ ヴ ェ ー タ で は、 グイシャン
上に上がるにつれ亀 山島が視界に現れ、イー ラン出身の作家黄春明(ホワン・チュンミン) の作品情緒を喚起させる。春明は帰省に際 しはじめてこの島を目にし、その印象を著 した。美術館はまるで、地面から出現した ように見える。建物の 20 º の傾斜は、斜めの 耐力壁で補完されている。これらの線の集 合が、見るものに新たな空間の次元に入っ
pp. 36–37: Aerial view of the museum with Guishan Island in the distant. pp. 38–39: View of the granite façade and the walkway that leads to the main entrance. Photo courtesy of the architect. Opposite, above: Side view from the northeast. Opposite, below: Elevation view from across the water. This page, above: Wushih Reef. Photo courtesy of the architect. This page, below: Concept drawing by the architect. 36 ∼ 37 頁:博物館と遠方に亀山島を見る。 38 ∼ 39 頁:花崗岩の外壁とメイン・エン トランスへと至る歩道を見る。左頁、上: 北東側から見る。左頁、下:水辺を横切る 立面。本頁、上:鳥石の岩礁。本頁、下: 建築家によるコンセプト・ドローイング。
Site plan (scale: 1/12,000)/配置図(縮尺:1/12,000) 41
Jin-Mei Parasitic Pedestrain Pathway accross Yilan River 2005–2008 津梅橋遊歩道 2005 ∼ 2008
13 years later, we finally got funding and took the Jin-Mei Parasitic Pedestrian Pathway all the way across river to the beautiful farmlands on the other side. The constructional wooden posts along the river also grew into little trees, without violating the old regulations against tree planting. Determined to peacefully coexist with values from different generations, and to meet one another. Keeping the original bridge to avoid unnecessary demolition and reduce concrete disposal, we came up with a low-tech attaching system to protect the elders and children to cross the river in joy. While crossing, one could be closer to the river and get to know it better. Narrower the road so the people can meet: softer the light so the birds can sleep. The environment was never meant to be designed for today’s needs; we were happy to see the entire bridge be written with love stories.
13 年後、私たちはついに資金を得て、津梅
Opposite: Elders and children can cross to the other side of the river safely, while enjoying the view of the river. This page: Activities happening on Yilan Riverside Green under the Parasitic Pedestrian Pathway. Since the greens slope gently to the river, people practice Dragon Boat Racing here. 左頁:高齢者や子どもたちが川を安全にか つ景色を楽しみながら渡れるようになっ た。本頁:津梅橋遊歩道の下にある宜蘭河 畔緑道では様々なアクティビティが生まれ ている。緑豊かな河畔は川に向かってス ロープ状になっており、ドラゴン・ボート・ レースなどが開催されている。
Jin-Mei Parasitic Pedestrain Pathway accross Yilan River 2005–2008 津梅橋遊歩道 2005 ∼ 2008
13 years later, we finally got funding and took the Jin-Mei Parasitic Pedestrian Pathway all the way across river to the beautiful farmlands on the other side. The constructional wooden posts along the river also grew into little trees, without violating the old regulations against tree planting. Determined to peacefully coexist with values from different generations, and to meet one another. Keeping the original bridge to avoid unnecessary demolition and reduce concrete disposal, we came up with a low-tech attaching system to protect the elders and children to cross the river in joy. While crossing, one could be closer to the river and get to know it better. Narrower the road so the people can meet: softer the light so the birds can sleep. The environment was never meant to be designed for today’s needs; we were happy to see the entire bridge be written with love stories.
13 年後、私たちはついに資金を得て、津梅
Opposite: Elders and children can cross to the other side of the river safely, while enjoying the view of the river. This page: Activities happening on Yilan Riverside Green under the Parasitic Pedestrian Pathway. Since the greens slope gently to the river, people practice Dragon Boat Racing here. 左頁:高齢者や子どもたちが川を安全にか つ景色を楽しみながら渡れるようになっ た。本頁:津梅橋遊歩道の下にある宜蘭河 畔緑道では様々なアクティビティが生まれ ている。緑豊かな河畔は川に向かってス ロープ状になっており、ドラゴン・ボート・ レースなどが開催されている。
Feature: Making Friends with the Land, People and Time – Architecture in Taiwan
Feature: Making Friends with the Land, People and Time – Architecture in Taiwan
第 577 号/平成 30 年 9 月 27 日発行/毎月 1 回 27 日発行/昭和 46 年 3 月 3 日第 3 種郵便物認可/ ISSN 0389-9160
発行所 = 株式会社エー・アンド・ユー 〒 100-6017 東京都千代田区霞が関三丁目 2 番 5 号霞が関ビルディング 17 階 電話: (03)6205-4384 /振替:00130-5-98119
特集: 大地、人、時に寄り添う、台湾の建築 平成 30 年 9 月 27 日発行/毎月 1 回 27 日発行/昭和 46 年 3 月 3 日第 3 種郵便物認可
特集: 大地、人、時に寄り添う、台湾の建築
定価=2,800 円 本体 2,593 円
アタリ バーコードを入れて下さい
Architecture and Urbanism 18:10
18:10 18:10
– Architecture in Taiwan 4910019731085 02593
雑誌 01973 -10 A+U Publishing Co., Ltd. 2018 Printed in Japan
Making Friends with the Land, People and Time