It would take a happy accident to stumble upon Water Lane House. The Carlton Paget family had rented in the village for 7 years, without ever clapping eyes on it. ‘GPS doesn’t stand a chance,’ says Fi, ‘because Water Lane is not in fact a road, but a footpath along a stream.’ This added instant appeal for her three children, who were captivated by the ‘secret house.’ The house itself did not disappoint; an ancient, wonky thatched cottage, smothered in roses was straight from a children’s fairy-tale.
Garden designer Fi took one look at the tangled garden and saw extraordinary potential. But the house was not a place for the faint hearted, its sagging thatch sprouting moss and dandelions! The previous owner had been a widowed lady who had lived out her days at Water Lane House. ‘It was far from a show home...’ laughs Fi. Even so, they put in an offer instantly.
On a practical level, aside from the urgent issue of re-thatching certain parts, the survey showed up little of structural concern. Its brickwork, windows and doors were in good shape, and there were plenty of redeeming features. Fi was determined to make any changes sympathetic and respectful to the house’s history.
‘We have tried to add to the house, rather than alter or customise it,’ tells Fi. In 500 years, it must have changed hands many times, and each time evolved a little more. Its 14th Century heart was a two up two down, which today makes up the kitchen and family room downstairs with two bedrooms above. Here the beams remain wonky, the staircase crooked and the walls bulging with age.
Over the centuries, the house was gradually extended. Around 100 years ago, a cross gable extension was added, in an Arts and Crafts style, creating a large sitting room downstairs and two bedrooms above, all with intricately carved woodwork, and architectural ironmongery typical of its era. In the 60s a wooden extension was added to the end of the sitting room to use as a music room. The house seems to have adjusted gracefully, and the different eras blend easily.

A magical 500-year-old thatched cottage has been sympathetically brought back to life with respect and imagination, by the creative Carlton Paget family.

’ THERE IS a comforting air of peace and stability here created by previous generations that have lived here and added to the spirit of the house.’

Over the centuries, the house was gradually extended. Around 100 years ago, a cross gable extension was added, in an Arts and Crafts style, creating a large sitting room downstairs and two bedrooms above, all with intricately carved woodwork, and architectural ironmongery typical of its era. In the 60s a wooden extension was added to the end of the sitting room to use as a music room. The house seems to have adjusted gracefully, and the different eras blend easily.
Fi likewise wanted to help the tired house without compromising its character. The careworn kitchen needed updating but Fi decided against a glossy modern kitchen. Flickery strip lights and peeling Formica units were removed and Fi had no-frills plywood units installed and recycled freestanding cupboards. The aga was moved into a central position and a large mirror hung behind it. ‘The ceilings in this part are low-ish, so we find ways to bring light and an illusion of space,’ says Fi, who also painted walls in pale shades and white-washed the beams.
The rest of the house likewise was given a sympathetic update rather than a drastic overhaul. Fresh paint and new carpets gave an instant facelift and Fi set about furnishing in the eclectic and laid-back style which comes naturally. The house had a few surprises in store for them as they discovered its history – at one point while stripping old wallpaper to re-paint, she uncovered the loveliest floral wallpaper, which Fi pasted back down to leave an imperfectly perfect bathroom wall.
Colour and creativity are everywhere, and despite this being a very English home, there is a sense of the wider world here, in the art and furnishings effortlessly put together. Fi developed an eye for oriental furnishings from her father, a renowned expert in South East Asian antiquities and artefacts. There is a confidence with art, furnishings, and colour, where styles, provenance and eras are mixed apparently haphazardly.
On a summer’s day the doors are flung open and pets and family stream in and out. Fi is usually to be found deep in a flower bed. Her skill is evident. There is form and subtle structure everywhere, plus vistas, mystery paths and the charm, colour and (deliberate) abandon that typifies the English cottage garden. If ever fairies might be found at the bottom of any garden, this would be the place.
in a house that was full of colour, art, flowers, textiles and overseas finds and the happy disarray of family life. I’m not sure if I meant to replicate it, but in many ways I have.’