Spring catalogue 2020

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Contents Architecture, 2 Art, 22 Business & Marketing, 57 Decorative Arts, 59 Design, 66 Fashion, 70 Food & Drink, 73 Gardens & Gardening, 79 History & Heritage, 81 Interior Design, 83 Music & Memoir, 88 Natural History, 89 Photography, 91 Science & Education, 108 Sport, 109 Travel, 110

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Urban Oasis Tranquil Outdoor Spaces at Home Rebecca Gross Having personal, private, outdoor space is becoming ever-more elusive as urban areas become more crowded due to population growth and development. Urban Oasis: Tranquil Outdoor Spaces at Home features projects from Sydney to Singapore and London to New York that showcase inspirational and aspirational rooftops, gardens and courtyards that offer private pockets of paradise. Amid the hustle and bustle of their urban environments, these outdoor spaces provide relaxing, sociable and plant-filled settings for their owners to savour peace and calm, and the company of family and friends, surrounded by nature and in the fresh, open air. 9781864708417 The Images Publishing Group 250 x 200mm. 224pp., 300 col. March 2020 £35.00, Hardback

Urban Oasis is a journey through the private havens found in some of the world’s busiest cities, where ingenious design offers a place among the high-rise buildings to relax and entertain. Solace in Nature Homes that Blend with the Landscape Edited by The Images Publishing Group This book is a treatise on how to reconnect people with nature through contemporary architecture and design. At Home is about finding solace within the landscape in the bluffs, mountains, hills, woodlands, forests, bushland reserves or hinterlands without eschewing the mode of luxury living associated with sophisticated design elegance and innovative architectural features. Showcasing dozens of new, innovative architectural styles and interiors, these captivating and beautifully designed homes have taken indoor/outdoor living to a whole new level, blending architecture seamlessly into the surrounding vistas without resorting to architectural cliché. Each design documents the importance of place, engages context with climate, and offers residents with spaces that cater to different modes of family living, all the while being integrated organically within spectacularly dramatic yet serene settings.

9781864708448 The Images Publishing Group 280 x 212mm. 192pp., 250 col. May 2020 £35.00, Hardback



Offers dozens of modern architecturally designed homes integrated beautifully in the natural landscape, such as bushland, forests, hills or mountains.

The Grotta Home by Richard Meier A Marriage of Architecture and Craft Edited by Tom Grotta. With contributions from Glenn Adamson, Matthew Drutt, Sheila Hicks, Joseph Giovannini, Louis Grotta, Jack Lenor Larsen, John McQueen, Richard Meier, Wendy Ramshaw and David Watkins A ‘vessel for living’ – such were the words Glenn Adamson used to describe this remarkable residence in New Jersey. Richard Meier designed the Grotta home to house Sandra and Louis Grotta’s collection of contemporary studio jewellery and significant works in wood, ceramic and fibre. The building was conceived around the collection, framing the objects within the open architecture, which comprises an equal blend of glass and concrete. Nature, visible from many vantage points, plays an essential supporting role. The Grotta Home by Richard Meier: A Marriage of Architecture and Craft is rich in photographs of the collection and provides impressive insights into this exceptionally personal project. The accompanying essays afford the reader a greater sense of how the Grottas have not simply acquired art, but have immersed themselves in it.

9783897905689 Arnoldsche Art Publishers 230 x 280mm. 336pp., 232 col. Available £48.00, Hardback

Architect Richard Meier designed the residence to house Sandra and Louis Grotta’s collection of contemporary studio jewellery and significant works in wood, ceramic and fibre.



As Found Houses Experiments from self-builders in rural China John Lin (Rural Urban Framework) and Sony Devabhaktuni In rural China, an informal wave of building catalysed by economic and social developments has rendered some villages unrecognisable. This building boom, taking place in a context of limited regulations, has created densities more often found in urban areas. At the same time, the rapid transformation of rural villages has generated some remarkable hybrid experiments where rural builders use generic construction methods to adapt, modify, graft, cleave and wrap traditional vernacular typologies. These typologies have existed for hundreds of years and represent an accretion of localised building knowledge and cultural identity. Where often these typologies are preserved and maintained as tourist destinations, this book looks at those instances where families transform them to account for new ways of living. By looking closely at these transformations, As Found Houses identifies innovative, informal design responses that negotiate between traditional housing forms and the changing conditions of the rural village. Using photographs, axonometric drawings and interviews with the villagers who live in these hybrid experiments, the book situates design solutions within the context of their larger human narratives, thereby challenging ossified understandings of vernacular architecture that treat historical and cultural tradition as static.

9781943532797 ORO Editions/Applied Research & Design 239 x 170mm. 200pp., 150 col. May 2020 ÂŁ29.95, Paperback



Tells the stories of innovative transformations of vernacular houses in rural China by selfbuilders.

9788855210157 Forma Edizioni 160 x 115mm. 224pp., 93 col., 88 b.&w. January 2020 ÂŁ19.00, Paperback

9788855210201 Forma Edizioni 160 x 115mm. 224pp., 93 col., 88 b.&w. January 2020 ÂŁ19.00, Paperback

Rome On the Road Edited by Ilia Celiento

New York On the Road Edited by Aurora Maria Riviezzo

This handy pocket guide to modern and contemporary architecture in Rome has entries for 87 buildings, and a clever folding map with thumbnail photographs that correspond to marked locations. It includes indices by architect and by project, accessibility to the public, and directions by bus and metro.

This pocket guide to highlights of modern and contemporary architecture in New York City features entries for 85 famous skyscrapers and cutting-edge projects. The cover incorporates a clever folding map with thumbnail photographs that correspond to marked locations.











Kengo Kuma Topography Kengo Kuma & Associates Kengo Kuma is a globally acclaimed Japanese architect whose prodigious output possesses an inherent respect and value of materials and environment, often creating a harmonious balance between building and landscape. Often ranked among other esteemed architects, such as Shigeru Ban, Tadao Ando, Kazuyo Sejima, or Kenzo Tange, Kuma is always in search of new materials to replace concrete and steel, and seeks a new approach for architecture in a post-industrial society, fusing interior and exterior realms to make spaces that create a calming and tranquil atmosphere. This richly illustrated volume showcases close to 40 high-profile works by Kengo Kuma & Associates (based in Tokyo and Paris), focusing on some of his most recognised works, including the Asakusa Culture and Tourism Center in Tokyo, the Mont Blanc Base Camp project, the Great Bamboo Wall, as well as progress for the design for Tokyo’s main stadium for the 2020 Olympic Games. 9781864708455 The Images Publishing Group 300 x 223mm. 280pp., 300 col. February 2020 £60.00, Hardback

A luminary in the field of international contemporary architecture, this highly anticipated monograph of Kenzo Kuma’s work chronicles close to 40 key works from around the globe.

New Houses in Asia Inspired Architecture and Interiors for the Modern World Edited by The Images Publishing Group Designing modern homes across the Asia region comes with many different and varied challenges, from extreme heat and humidity, to cyclonic rain and winds, and even snow and earthquakes. This edition showcases recent award-winning designs for houses in Asia, with details of how each architect met the various challenges faced, and how they responded to the various requirements imposed by the site’s environment or local culture. Beautifully presented, the selection of houses provides a wealth of information: from how to design a multi-generation home to best practice for keeping the interior cool during the heat. This curated list of the best new and contemporary examples of modern designer houses in Asia charts important trends in modernity while providing an important guide to how architects meet the challenges, and forming an important reference guide. 9781864708639 The Images Publishing Group 280 x 212mm. 256pp., col. March 2020 £35.00, Hardback



Showcases recent award-winning homes across the region. With full-colour photos throughout, this book provides an overview of the best contemporary house designs, charting trends in modernity.

Beautiful Beach Houses Living in Stunning Coastal Escapes Edited by The Images Publishing Group The lure of a home by the ocean resonates with us all, bringing to mind the beauty and changing moods of the water, the intoxicating salty scent and the sound of waves against the shore. But what makes a beach house, and how does the idea of a home by the coast differ across the world? This stunning edition showcases a global snapshot of beautifully designed coastal homes, with a diverse mix of types, from Hamptons style to more minimalist residences, reflecting the different landscapes and locations. Lavishly illustrated with full-colour images of award-winning architecture combined with spectacular views, this curated list brings together the most recent designs from highly regarded architects to produce the best examples of contemporary beach house residential design. This book is a captivating glimpse into the irresistible world of modern and stylish contemporary living in homes that take full advantage of their beach-side settings.

9781864708615 The Images Publishing Group 267 x 230mm. 256pp., col. March 2020 £40.00, Hardback

A superb guide to the best contemporary beach house designs from around the world. Includes more than 30 beach houses by awardwinning and high-profile architects.

Infinity House An Endless View Edited by The Images Publishing Group. Introduction by Marc Kristal There’s something especially beautiful about being able to look to the full expanse of a horizon, something that speaks to the most ancient part of our soul. With the continuing build up of our surroundings, that precious ability to gaze into the unfettered distance is one we all appreciate and savour. This stunning edition showcases incredible houses in simply amazing locations, where the architect has rightly championed the accessibility to the endless views. Lavishly illustrated with full-colour images of award-winning architecture, this compilation draws you in through its winning designs, but its the glorious and enticing images of the vast horizon that will capture your imagination. We may all not be lucky enough to inhabit an eye-catching designer home with views to die for, but at least we can all share the beauty through these breathtakingly evocative images. 9781864708622 The Images Publishing Group 280 x 212mm. 264pp., col. April 2020 £35.00, Hardback

Infinity House comprises a compelling list of contemporary houses purposefully designed to capture unparalleled views of nature. Stunning images showcase houses from across the globe. Architecture


With Intention to Build The Unrealized Concepts, Ideas, and Dreams of Moshe Safdie Safdie Architects; text by Michael J. Crosbie Moshe Safdie explains that probably more than half of his lifetime design work is unbuilt, and he considers his unbuilt work to be some of his most significant. In this richly illustrated book, replete with detailed diagrams, sketches, models and studies, Moshe Safdie explains that for those who design in order to build, not succeeding in building is never a failure (there are many reasons why a project might not be built) because these designs are part of the evolution of an architect’s work. This volume is a fascinating journey through Safdie’s thoughts and career, and also a historical reference of the social and political forces at play at the time. Not only a treatise on Safdie’s unrealised concepts, this book is also a wonderful affirmation that there is valuable heritage in the unbuilt. 9781864708493 The Images Publishing Group 235 x 235mm. 180pp., col. April 2020 £30.00, Hardback

A unique account of how the architectural titan Moshe Safdie’s body of unrealised works might have changed the course of history.

Pavillon Le Corbusier Zurich The Restoration of an Architectural Jewel Edited by City of Zurich, Building Surveyor’s Office, Silvio Schmed & Arthur Rüegg. With photographs by Geor Aerni Situated on the shore of the Lake Zurich, Le Corbusier’s exhibition pavilion is his last realised design. Based on his Modulor proportional system and at the scale of a single-family home, it demonstrates the potential of prefabricated elements to form a perfect space for art and design. Commissioned in 1960 by Heidi Weber, Zurich-based gallery owner and patron of Le Corbusier the visual artist, this structure in steel and glass represents pivotal aspects of his architectural philosophy and also points to the future. Architects Silvio Schmed and Arthur Rüegg have carefully restored the Pavillon Le Corbusier to its original state, including the reconstruction of missing pieces of furniture and luminaires. This book documents their research and the restored building, featuring previously unpublished historic photographs and documents alongside newly commissioned images by Georg Aerni. 9783858818522 Scheidegger & Spiess 280 x 230mm. 88pp., 85 col., 19 b.&w. January 2020 £35.00, Hardback



A richly illustrated documentation of the restoration of Le Corbusier’s exhibition pavilion in Zurich, his last realised design.

9783899863208 av edition 227 x 210mm. 500pp., 1000 col. January 2020 £65.00, Hardback English, German

9783899863246 av edition 310 x 230mm. 260pp., 450 col. February 2020 £65.00, Hardback English, German

new exhibition design 03 Ed. by Uwe J. Reinhardt, Philipp Teufel in cooperation with edi - Exhibition Design Institute, Dusseldorf

Retail Design International Vol. 5 Components, Spaces, Buildings Jons Messedat (ed.)

The new edition in this successful series presents the status quo in exhibition design and scenography. The focus is on current trends and corresponding methods, renowned firms, exceptional designers and curators. The manifesto Indian method – design in difficult times takes a stand regarding the current social and political discourse and opens up new strategies for poetic spaces.

This standard work about the retail sector shows what new retail formats and new forms of spatial expression can be created to appeal to all the senses. Some 450 colour images showcase around 60 current best-practice examples, from temporary pop-up stores to avant-garde brand worlds and hybrid retail centres offer an inspiring cross-section from around the world.

9782930451312 Prisme Éditions/Exhibitions International 300 x 240mm. 288pp., col. January 2020 £58.90, Hardback

9788855210249 Forma Edizioni 310 x 243mm. 352pp., 385 col., 95 b.&w. January 2020 £100.00, Hardback

Belgium New Architecture 7 Ouvrage collectif architectures

The World Winery Collection A travel guide to contemporary architecture all over the world Edited by Luca Molinari

Belgium New Architecture 7 is a current and timeless reference book on the greatest achievements in contemporary Belgian architecture of recent years. From offices and shops, housing, public spaces, to cultural & educational sites, there are over 60 recently completed structures by Belgian and foreign architects to be discovered in this latest volume.

This survey of contemporary winery architecture around the world profiles 30 wineries and explores how the new generation of growers are incorporating a thoughtful approach to architectural design into their wider public-facing identity and mission. The author has selected wineries in Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Oceania to illustrate how quality and sustainability have become priorities in the construction process. Architecture


9781864708820 The Images Publishing Group 260 x 260mm. 400pp., col. June 2020 £30.00, Hardback

Architecture as Space Research Yung Ho Chang Featuring one of the most famous architects in China, Yung Ho Chang, this book forms the very first English edition collection of his architecture projects. Containing more than 60 projects with a particular focus on architecture and space design, this handsome volume explores Chang’s own investigations and research on space, and covers his unique design language.

9789460582554 Luster 180 x 130mm. 224pp., 75 col. Available £15.00, Paperback

Best Buildings Britain Matthew Freedman Best Buildings Britain is the third title in the Best Buildings series and presents 75 buildings completed after 1918 in Great Britain, each accompanied by a photo and a short text. The selection is based on the top ten lists of renowned British architects and architecture critics which are also included in this elegant and practical guide for architecture fans.



9783862067558 Verlag Kettler 240 x 125mm. 256pp., 121 col. Available £30.00, Paperback English, German

Architecture of the 1950s to 1970s in the Ruhr Area When the Future was Built Tim Rieniets, Christine Kämmerer, StadtBauKultur NRW This guide invites you on a journey to discover the forgotten gems of architecture from the 1950s to the 1970s in the Ruhr district in Germany. The book sheds light on 54 structures, throughout 17 cities, all of which were specially selected, photographed, and described for this publication. Joined together they offer a vivid and comprehensive panorama of their era.

9781943532841 ORO Editions/Applied Research & Design 254 x 203mm. 400pp., 350 col. June 2020 £35.00, Hardback

City of Refugees A Real Utopia Peter Jay Zweig and Gail Peter Borden Where should they go? 70 million displaced refugees and asylum seekers with no passport, no money, and no worldly goods. With high graphic content this study strategically documents the contemporary refugee crisis; examining its origins, implications and architectural opportunity for strategic responses. The City of Refugees is a soft place to land, that believes in the future.

Digital Architecture in China Xu Weiguo Digital architecture – the use of computer modelling, programming, simulation, and imaging to create both virtual forms and physical structures – is increasingly popular in architecture all over the world. This book provides a report of the progress of digital architecture design in China, and is broken down into four parts – understanding of digital architecture, digital design practice, future and possibility of digital architecture, and chronology of digital architecture in the world. More than 30 outstanding projects from the most influential architects in China are detailed, providing an up-to-date view of the use of digital architecture. With full-colour pictures and detailed technical drawings, the book is much more than solely academic in tone, but will be like visiting a vivid Chinese digital architecture exhibition.

9781864708790 The Images Publishing Group 255 x 185mm. 300pp., col. June 2020 £30.00, Hardback

Jewel Changi Airport Safdie Architects Jewel Changi Airport documents the creation of a remarkable addition to one of the world’s premier airports. The sinuous, faceted glass Jewel serves as Singapore’s new gateway to the world, and redefines what an airport can be. Brimming with terraced plantings, lush valleys, floating bridges, art installations, shops, restaurants, and a central waterfall, Jewel is a new type of destination: part public garden and part shopping and entertainment complex. Through photos, drawings, ephemera, essays, and interviews, the book provides detailed insights on how the project came to be – from its bold vision and concept to the innovative engineering, environmental, and construction strategies employed to make it a reality.

9781864708509 The Images Publishing Group 280 x 280mm. 248pp., col. January 2020 £35.00, Hardback

VI Design for Children’s Spaces Joseph Sung Smart brand design and careful placement can do much to enhance a sense of identity and create customer loyalty, as well as providing striking and effective ways to attract attention. VI Design for Children’s Spaces provides an informative look at a wide range of contemporary VI design for a variety of children’s spaces all over the world. These include learning spaces (such as schools, after-school care, and kindergartens), as well as more general spaces such as a kids’ café, children’s hospitals, sports clubs, bookstores, and libraries for children. The designers analyse each design project to reveal the interplay of the design process. This is a must-have book for designers who pay attention to VI design of children’s spaces and is also of interest to those who run or manage spaces for kids.

9781864708813 The Images Publishing Group 260 x 200mm. 240pp., 400 col. March 2020 £20.00, Paperback



ORO Editions, and its imprints Goff Books and Applied Research and Design, publishes award-winning illustrated books specialising in architecture, urbanism, landscape architecture, art photography, academia, and a growing list of culturally stimulating disciplines and topics. ORO has published 400+ titles over the last 13+ years, having the pleasure of collaborating with renowned professionals in their field, such as: Peter Bohlin of BCJ, William Pedersen of KPF, and Laurie Olin of OLIN Studio. Goff Books has worked with acclaimed photographers such as David LaChappelle and Herb Ritz. AR+D, our peer-reviewed imprint, has partnered on academic publications with distinguished universities such as Harvard GSD, UPENN, the University of Virginia, USC, UC Berkeley, and HKU, among others.

ORO Editions highlights:


Horror in Architecture Joshua Comaroff, Ong KerShing

A Guide to the Gardens of Kyoto Marc Treib & Ron Herman

9781935935902 180 x 110mm. 220pp., £12.50, Hardback

9781940743677 191 x 134mm. 204pp., 190 col. £17.95, Paperback

Great Gothic Cathedrals of France A Visitor’s Guide Stan Parry

Rome Was! Rome from Piranesi to the Present Randolph Langenbach

9781939621788 254 x 203mm. 196pp., 200 col., 4 b.&w. £22.50, Paperback

9781943532148 152 x 216mm. 136pp., 100 col. £19.95, Paperback

City of Immortals Père-Lachaise Cemetery Carolyn Campbell 9781943532292 228 x 152mm. 200pp., 100 col., 100 b.&w. £19.95, Paperback

Street Culture Seleen Saleh 9781943532599 178 x 127mm. 300pp., 290 col. £19.95, Paperback with flaps

Computational Drawing From Foundational Exercises to Theories of Representation Carl Lostritto 9781940743264 229 x 178mm. 292pp., 250 col. £35.00, Hardback

Urban Grids Handbook for Regular City Design Joan Busquets & Dingliang Yang, designed by Michael Keller 9781940743950 279 x 216mm. 656pp., 600 col. £45.00, Hardback

A 21st-Century Socialist Country Towards Sustainability Seonhye Sin How can North Korea survive as a 21stcentury socialist country? By suggesting new national planning strategies, this thoughtprovoking book visions a new potential future of a sustainable North Korea.

BI: the origin of architectural creativity 9 modules for non-linear interactive design flow Ying-Chao Kuo and Ching-Hwa Chang

Connective Tissues: Ten Essays by University of Virginia Kenan Fellows 2001-2006 Peter Waldman

This book embodies and touches on Biological Intelligence, Circular architecture, Lifeform and architecture, Sustainability, Creative design flow inspired by Biological Intelligence, and Architectural creativity.

A philosophical work framed on epistemological and ethical questions, sustained by Joseph Campbell in the Hero of a Thousand Faces. It also seeks to identify the contemporary vitality of American cultural history and contemporary topographic landscapes.

9781943532988 ORO Editions, 211 x 211mm., 352pp., 300 col. June 2020, £32.95, Paperback

9781943532537 ORO Editions, 279 x 279mm., 176pp., 150 col. July 2020, £29.95, Hardback

Dalvey 7: 7 Houses by Singapore Architects Patrick Bingham-Hall, Ko Shiou Hee

Draw in Order to See A Cognitive History of Architectural Design Mark Alan Hewitt

Future Airports Ali Rahim

Presents seven houses designed by seven Singaporean architects working in a unique collaborative model and ponders that it is perhaps even more pressing for architects to address the issue of true collaborative spirit in this increasingly distortive egocentric world.

This is the first book to survey the history of architectural design using the latest research in neuroscience and embodied cognition. A comprehensive historical narrative, which contains many of the current references to the history of design and representation.

9781943532933 ORO Editions, 203 x 165mm., 208pp., 190 col. June 2020, £19.95, Paperback

9781943532834 ORO Editions, 229 x 178mm., 300pp., 290 col. July 2020, £29.95, Paperback

9781943532773 ORO Editions, 254 x 203mm., 180pp., 150 col. December 2019, £19.95, Paperback

What is the typology of a successful 21st century airport? Future Airports re-examines the relationship between capital growth and the history of New York City real estate by speculating that airports play a role in the city’s financial success. 9781951541002 ORO Editions, 254 x 254mm., 220pp., 200 col. April 2020, £29.95, Paperback



Mediating Environments Leena Cho and Matthew Jull

Tramonto Russell Shubin

Explores the fundamental and radical environmental conditions in the Arctic and provides a spectrum of innovative design approaches and spatial outcomes, alongside expanding conceptual strategies in the arctic beyond the modes of insulation, stabilisation, and optimisation.

Features a stunning presentation of a high-end contemporary single-family home overlooking the beautiful California coast. This 17,000 sqft home with its indoor-outdoor lifestyle, wonderfully integrates the natural beauty of the coastal landscape and adjacent state park.

9781940743615 ORO Editions/Applied Research and Design 241 x 165mm., 240pp., 200 col., available, £24.95, Paperback

9781943532995 ORO Editions, 254 x 356mm., 150pp., 120 col. June 2020, £39.95, Hardback

Triangle Modern Architects Victoria Ballard Bell

Animating Guarini Mark Ericson and Perry Kulper

This is the first book to document the creative combination of outstanding architecture, rich history and unique cultural significance of the Triangle Region of North Carolina, one of the most important on the national map of modern design.

A historical account and a reimagining of Guarino Guarini’s orthographic projection as a drawing technique that precedes convention. Features detailed descriptions and illustrations of 17th-century orthographic projection and translates drawing techniques into digitally animated drawings.

9781943532889 ORO Editions, 229 x 279mm., 250pp., 200 col. June 2020, £39.95, Hardback



9781943532742 ORO Editions/Applied Research and Design 254 x 229mm., 200pp., 170 col., July 2020, £29.95 Paperback

Transect Urbanism Readings in Human Ecology Andrés Duany, Brian Falk, and Sandy Sorlien The definitive go-to reference on the Ruralto-Urban Transect. Through essays, diagrams and images, Transect Urbanism provides historical, practical, and theoretical insights into one of the most effective urban planning methodologies developed in the 20th Century. 9781951541019 ORO Editions, 252 x 205mm., 284pp., 250 col. June 2020, £32.95, Paperback

Architecture Beyond Experience Michael Benedikt A thought-provoking interdisciplinary essay centred on bringing about a more relational, ‘posthuman’ and yet humanist strain in architecture. Architecture Beyond Experience provides the argument and the concepts to ultimately re-centre a profession. 9781943532605 ORO Editions/Applied Research and Design 254 x 178mm., 312pp., 290 col., July 2020, £29.95 Paperback

Architecture Stuff, More Stuff Robert Livesey A fascinating study examined across two volumes that explores how seven seminal projects might have been conceived with or without the design architect’s awareness, and how this approach can be used as a tool for creating architecture. 9781951541040 ORO Editions/Applied Research and Design, 216 x 152mm., 240pp., 230 col., June 2020, £29.95 2 paperbacks

Social Urbanism Reframing Spatial Design through our Collective Culture María Bellalta A critical review of Social Urbanism, defined as a socio-political and practical approach to urban globalisation, deriving from a planning strategy and portfolio of built projects that seek to alleviate the social consequences of urbanisation. 9781943532681 ORO Editions/Applied Research and Design, 254 x 254mm., 272pp., 200 col., June 2020, £35.00, Hardback

Toward an American Spolia A Loose Inventory of Antecedents and Possibilities Aleksandr Mergold Presents an inventory of the processes of spolia, a distinctive cultural practice from ancient times to ours, framing the necessity for the spoliation of the American 20th century its materials, inventions, aesthetics and debris. 9781943532858 ORO Editions/Applied Research and Design, 229 x 179mm., 248pp., 220 col., April 2020, £24.95, Paperback

Brick 20 Outstanding International Brick Architecture Edited by Wienerberger AG

Cold War and Architecture The Competing Forces that Reshaped Austria after 1945 Monika Platzer

Epics in the Everyday Photography, Architecture, and the Problem of Realism Jesús Vassallo

Features the winning and nominated designs submitted to the 2020 International Brick Award. All the projects are presented in texts and richly illustrated with atmospheric images, site and floor plans, views, elevations and sections.

This lavishly illustrated book sheds new light on the building activity in post-war Austria and explores the lines of architectural debates of the time in the context of the global political and cultural conflict of East vs. West.

In his new book, Spanish architect and writer Jesús Vassallo traces a series of collaborations between architects and photographers, starting in the immediate post-war years and up to the present.

9783038601746 Park Books, 300 x 240mm.,288pp., 260 col. 100 b.&w., June 2020, £45.00, Hardback

9783038601753 Park Books, 270 x 200mm., 300pp., 200 col. 50 b.&w., January 2020, £50.00, Paperback

9783038601623 Park Books, 240 x 170mm., 328pp. 108 col., 67 b.&w., December 2019, £45.00 Hardback



Fez Lessons Industrious Habitat. Teaching and Research in Architecture Edited by Harry Gugger, et al.

Traffic Space is Public Space A Handbook for Transformation Aglaée Degros, Stefan Bendiks

Materialität/Matérialité/ Materiality Andrea Bassi, Roberto Carella Heinz Wirz

Explores the impact of cultural and sociopolitical clashes caused by European colonisation of the ancient Arab-Muslim world in the Maghreb on the urban fabric and socio-economic structure of Fez, Morocco’s second largest city.

Presents creative strategies for regaining and improving public space in urban environments by transforming space occupied by increasingly dense traffic and by creating better balance between pedestrians and vehicles in mutually used spaces.

Research by two Geneva architects, focused on fundamental themes: materiality, presence, construction, pre-fabrication and the internal figure. Their reflections are presented through illustrative details, texts and technical data.

9783038601692 Park Books, 310 x 210mm., 208pp., 150 col. 200 b.&w., January 2020, £45.00, Paperback

9783038601654 Park Books, 240 x 170mm., 240pp., 110 col., 20 b.&w. January 2020, £35.00, Paperback, English, German

Bodies in Spaces Franziska Wittmann

Juliaan Lampens 1950-1991

Instead of focusing on the creation of physical constellations through architecture, Franziska Wittmann’s work investigates the effects of these conditions on people. The collection provides physiological phenomena, architectural parallels and prominent examples in architectural history.

A reissue and unique reference on Belgian architect Juliaan Lampen. Features written text by Lampens and previously untranslated text, now made available in French and English offering readers three equivalent language editions in one volume.

9783037612125 - English 9783037612101 - German Quart Publishers 297 x 145mm., 64pp., 45 col., 57 b.&w., Available, £33.75, Paperback



9789492567147 VAi/Exhibitions International, 217 x 301mm., 136pp. March 2020, £59.00, Hardback, English, French, Dutch

9783037612149 Quart Publishers 225 x 145mm., 88pp., 16 col., 26 b.&w., available, £24.95, Paperback English, French, German

Gio Ponti. Amare l’architettura Edited by Maristella Casciato and Fulvio Irace This catalogue for a major retrospective on the architect, designer, art director, and writer Gio Ponti explores the career of one of the most renowned protagonists of Italian architecture and design in the 20th century. 9788855210195 Forma Edizioni, 240 x 280mm., 320pp., 50 col. 100 b.&w., January 2020, £50.00 Paperback with flaps

9781864708585 The Images Publishing Group 276 x 232mm. 232pp., col. April 2020 £50.00, Hardback

Correlations: Life + Work Bentel & Bentel Architects Carol Bentel, Paul Bentel, Peter Bentel, John Morris Dixon A celebration of a multi-generational architecture firm Bentel & Bentel, through prominent buildings and interiors as well as through an illustrated presentation of the partners’ histories, working methods, and artistic pursuits. Reflecting the lives and accomplishments of the firm’s partners, this monograph is composed of three narratives: Who We Are, What We Do, and Who We Were.

9781864708479 The Images Publishing Group 295 x 250mm. 240pp., col. April 2020 £45.00, Flexibind

matharoo associates Architectural Practice in India Edited by Philip Jodidio In this highly illustrated monograph, Gurjit Matharoo, a proponent of free thinking, of openness, and inventiveness, touches on the reasons for which his work in India is important in the context of contemporary architecture, underlining how he knows far fewer boundaries than almost any accepted norm.

9781864708806 The Images Publishing Group 230 x 170mm. 400pp., col. May 2020 £30.00, Hardback

9781864708738 The Images Publishing Group 280 x 280mm. 300pp., col. May 2020 £65.00, Hardback

Space Variation: Louis I. Kahn Zhang Jing

Wadia Associates Wadia Associates

Through the reworking of 1,500 drawings by Louis I. Kahn, this book provides new information and perspective for understanding Kahn and his work, and a new awareness of the spatial characteristics and variations. User friendly and with 1,500 drawings, this book forms an important source of material.

Award-winning architecture and design firm Wadia Associates brings together an impeccable selection of exquisite traditional residential designs of many high-end American homes, apartments, gardens, and interiors. This highly illustrated monograph is filled with beautiful photography (including four gatefolds), detailed drawings and sketches, and crafted narratives that illuminate the working process and success of many high-end homes, apartments, gardens, and interiors.



9781943532957 ORO Editions 241 x 241mm. 300pp., 250 col. April 2020 £29.95, Hardback

9781943532728 ORO Editions 241 x 241mm. 192pp., 170 col. January 2020 £29.95, Hardback

David A. Hansen, Architect From There to Here David Hansen and Dar

Live Learn Eat Architecture of Anthony Poon Anthony Poon, Pool Design Inc., and Michael Webb

Through sketches, diagrams, rendering, photographs and narratives, this book portrays the criteria and conceptual thinking that was primary in finding an inclusive architectural solution for a diverse selection of projects. A useful reference text for architectural students, architectural programs and libraries, architects, and non-professionals interested in architecture.

Anthony Poon’s passion for music inspires a vibrant architecture that engages its users and the environment. His success explodes the myth that architect-designed houses are more expensive and challenging than generic solutions and raises the bar for developers and architects alike. This monograph explores three fields in which Poon Design have excelled: housing, schools, and restaurants.

9781943532674 ORO Editions 267 x 203mm. 220pp., 200 col. July 2020 £29.95, Paperback

9781864708370 The Images Publishing Group 280 x 212mm. 256pp., 300 col. December 2019 £35.00, Hardback

The Miralles Projection Thinking and Representation in the Architecture of Enric Miralles Javier Fernández Contreras

Brick Stone Metal Wood Building on Tradition Introductory text by Carlos García Fernández and Begoña de Abajo Castrillo

This book explains both the origin and evolution of Miralles’ system of representation, from his time as a student at the Barcelona School of Architecture to the latest projects he designed with Benedetta Tagliabue, including the heroic period with Carme Pinós. Includes significant new material on his original drawings for the Utrecht Town Hall project.

Brick Stone Metal Wood offers a compelling illustrative journey, using a wide range of examples from across the world, of what can be achieved by using traditional materials in conjunction with modern materials to create a contemporary and modern structure. Each example provides a clear illustration of how traditional materials have been used to highlight or enhance the building.



Angelo Candalepas Buildings and Projects Edited by Angelo Candalepas

Johan Celsing Buildings, Texts Pamela Johnston, Johan Celsing (eds)

With topical essays by Alberto Campo Baeza and Laura Harding as well as an insightful text by the architect, this book offers a comprehensive and lavishly illustrated survey of the outstanding achievements of Candalepas Associates to date.

First-ever monograph on Johan Celsing, one of Sweden’s most renowned contemporary architects. Lavishly illustrated photographs, sketches, watercolours, and working drawings, most of which have never been published before, offer a uniquely intimate portrait of the architect and his work.

9783038601715 Park Books, 300 x 240mm., 192pp., 160 col. 60 b.&w., April 2020, £50.00, Hardback

Quirino De Giorgio An Architect’s Legacy Michel Carlana, Luca Mezzalira & Curzio Pentimalli. Photographs by Enrico Rizzato The first monograph available in English on Italian architect Quirino De Giorgio (19071997), featuring a new photographic survey of his 60 surviving buildings in Northern Italy and offering a deeper insight into his spatial, structural, urban, and landscaping inventions.

9783038601708 Park Books, 275 x 200mm., 448pp., 600 col. 170 b.&w., May 2020, £70.00, Hardback

9783038601760 Park Books, 240 x 170mm., 400pp., 429 col. 252 b.&w., December 2019, £35.00, Paperback

Aebi & Vincent De aedibus Heinz Wirz

Bauernhaus am Zürichsee Käferstein & Meister Käferstein & Meister

Baumeisterhaus - Käferstein & Meister Käferstein & Meister

The two Bern architects Bernhard Aebi and Pascal Vincent have designed an impressive portfolio of works since 1996, including renovations of historical buildings such as the Bundeshaus in Bern, but also many residential and administrative buildings.

The reconstruction plays with the given structural elements of the farmhouse and brings with a double circulation a diverse rhythm of movement into the house. The farmhouse gained a contemporary freshness while respecting existing elements.

The building on Oberwiesenstrasse draws upon a rich vein of traditional building methods, but these references are subtly interpreted. On closer inspection it is apparent that this building is rooted in a contemporary set of circumstances.

9783037611999 Quart Publishers, 290 x 225mm.,72pp., 80 col., 30 b.&w., February 2020, £34.95, Paperback, English, German

9783037612019 Quart Publishers, 240 x 160mm., 48pp., 25 col., 12 b.&w., April 2020, £29.40, Paperback, English, German

9783037612002 Quart Publishers, 240 x 160mm., 48pp., 25 col., 12 b.&w., November 2019, £29.40, Paperback, English, German



Bernardo Bader Architekten - Bregenz De aedibus international 17 Heinz Wirz

Frei & Rezakhanlou De aedibus Heinz Wirz

Horisberger Wagen De aedibus Heinz Wirz

In 2010, Lausanne architects Eric Frei and Kaveh Rezakhanlou produced an exceptional school facility in Chermignon. This project presented in Frei & Rezakhanlou, has the power to combine the landscape, topography, urban morphology and building type.

Since a compilation of their work was published in the series Anthologie 2012 ISBN 9783037612040, Detlef Horisberger and Mario Wagen have achieved further competition successes and expanded their exciting oeuvre. This book showcases their recent works.

9783037612088 Quart Publishers, 290 x 225mm., 76pp., 115 col., 45 b.&w., Available, £34.95, Paperback, English, German

9783037612064 Quart Publishers, 290 x 225mm., 72pp., 80 col., 30 b.&w., January 2020, £34.95, Paperback, English, German

9783037612040 Quart Publishers, 290 x 225mm., 72pp., 80 col. 30 b.&w., March 2020, £34.95, Paperback English, German

Inches Geleta Anthologie Heinz Wirz

MPH De aedibus Heinz Wirz

Rapin Saiz De aedibus Heinz Wirz

Dedicated to Locarno architects Matteo Inches and Nastasja Geleta who have designed several exquisite buildings, each developed entirely out of the atmosphere of the location. These impressive structures are concisely integrated into the continuum of the context.

An overview of MPH architects Olaf Hunger, Nicolas Monnerat and Franck Petitpierre’s oeuvre since 1997, including large housing developments, individual homes and renovation projects on historical buildings.

This publication showcases the works of Vincent Rapin and Maria Saiz in Vevey, who transpose their experience of the international architectural scene to the tone of regional neighbourhoods.

9783037612118 Quart Publishers, 290 x 225mm., 80pp., 88 col., 56 b.&w., March 2020, £34.95, Paperback English, German

9783037612132 Quart Publishers, 290 x 225mm., 72pp., 80 col., 30 b.&w., January 2020, £34.95, Paperback English, German

For 16 years, Bernardo Bader has been producing discerning designs in the Vorarlberg region developed out of an uncompromising respect for the existing buildings and structures there. This volume presents important milestones in his oeuvre.

9783037612071 Quart Publishers, 210 x 165mm., 48pp., 50 col., 30 b.&w., December 2019, £19.90, Paperback, English, German



Schulz und Schulz - Leipzig De aedibus international 18 Heinz Wirz, article by Katharina Benjamin In this volume, the two German Architects Ansgar and Benedikt Schulz present their impressive works: powerful, sculptural figures with precise urban planning placement that are integrated coherently into the continuum of the context. 9783037612095 Quart Publishers, 290 x 225mm., 64pp., 95 col. 28 b.&w., available, £34.95, Paperback English, German

Tibiletti Associati De aedibus Heinz Wirz

Weberbrunner De aedibus Heinz Wirz

An overview of projects by Ticino architects Stefano Tibiletti and Catherine GlaeserTibiletti, which are clear architectural responses to the location and its urban morphology, translated into forms of typology and construction.

Since 1999, the Zurich architects Roger Weber and Boris Brunner have produced an impressive oeuvre based on numerous competition successes. Their residential developments, schools and public buildings are always well-considered, voluminous, spatially orientated solutions designed with a powerful architectural instinct.

9783037612033 Quart Publishers, 290 x 225mm., 72pp., 80 col. 30 b.&w., December 2019, £34.95, Paperback English, German

Ideal Landscapes and the Deep Meaning of Feng-Shui Kongjian Yu

Landscape Architecture Frontiers 041 Kongjian Yu et all.

Well-illustrated and poetically written, this book is a must-read for those who are interested in Feng-Shui, as well as those who care about their daily living environment especially those who practice architecture, landscape architecture, and urbanism.

This book on observation and representation in landscape architecture presents the scientism of design disciplines, explores the methodological principles of design generation and conveys design ideas and emotional inspiration with rich design vocabulary through multiple perceptual approaches.

9781943532759 ORO Editions, 267 x 203mm., 168pp., 140 col., December 2019, £19.95, Paperback

9781943532926 ORO Editions, 292 x 279mm., December 2019, £32.95, Paperback

9783037612026 Quart Publishers, 290 x 225mm., 92pp., 123 col. 34 b.&w., December 2019, £34.95, Paperback English, German

Thinking A Modern Landscape Architecture Christopher Tunnard, Sutemi Horiguchi, Marc Treib Lavishly illustrated with historical and contemporary photos and drawings, the authors offer the first compressive study in English into their thinking, landscape designs, and influence on landscape architecture. 9781943532780 ORO Editions, 254 x 191mm., 248pp., 200 col., February 2020, £35.00, Hardback



Committed to the international communication of art and design

Artist of the Year 2020 - Xu Bing

Designer of the Year 2020 - Jamy Yang

Born in Chongqing, China, in 1955, Xu Bing graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing (CAFA) in 1981 and became a teacher. Xu Bing’s artworks have been widely collected and exhibited at major art museums and institutions, including the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York and the British Museum in London.

Founder and design director of YANG DESIGN and YANG HOUSE, Jamy Yang, has been listed as “Top Influential Chinese Designer” on Forbes. Jamy’s design dedication has brought him international recognition and hundreds of design awards including Red Dot, iF, G-Mark, IDEA and DFA Silver to name a few.

Xu Bing: Book from the Sky to Book from the Ground ISBN: 9781788840620


Design Fusion: Deconstructing West and East ISBN: 9781788840774

Honour of the Year 2020 - KANJIAN (Zhu Zheqin)

Manufacturer of the Year 2020 - BENTU (Xu Gang)

Zhu Zheqin, also known as Dadawa, is a well-known Chinese singer, artist, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. She has made significant contributions to Chinese culture, both through her internationally distributed music albums, and as the 2009 Chinese Goodwill Ambassador to the United Nations Development Program.

Founder and design director of BENTU, Xu Gang has led the team in material research and product design, whose emphasis on sustainability enables the normal waste of the industrial age or useless materials to re-enter the everyday life. He has also been awarded the Red Dot Award: Best of the Best, A Design Award, Good Design Award, and other international awards.

Beauty of China: Show the World ISBN: 9781788840781

Refashioning Concrete: Design by BENTU ISBN: 9781788840804


Artist of the Year 2019 - Bai Ming

Designer of the Year 2019 - Chang Yung Ho

Artist and writer, born in Yugan, Jiangxi Province of China. Tenure track professor, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University. Chair of the Department of Ceramic Art in the Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University; Member of the International Academy of Ceramics (IAC) of UNESCO.

Chang Yung Ho is founder, Principal Architect of Atelier Feichang Jianzhu (FCJZ), Professor at Tongji University, Peking University and Professor of the Practice and former Head of Architecture Department MIT. In 2009 he was bestowed the honorary membership by AIA Hong Kong and was a Pritzker Prize Jury member from 2011 to 2017.

BAI: The New Language of Porcelain in China ISBN: 9781851499090

Exhibition as Construction Experiment ISBN: 9781864708400

Honour of the Year 2019 - Made in Shanghai

Artist of the Year 2018 - Zhu Yingchun

Based on the industrial manufacturing history of Shanghai over the past 100 years, this book introduces the development of Chinese design throughout the different eras of the People's Republic of China, from the planned economy stage to the later economic reforms and the opening up of the country to trade.

Zhu Yingchun is a book designer, artist, and director of the Book Culture Research Center in Nanjing Normal University. He is also a three-time winner of the prestigious book design competition “Best Book Design from all over the World� held in Leipzig. The Language of Bugs ISBN: 9781851498857

Made in Shanghai ISBN: 9781788840132

Cacaform Birds ISBN: 9781788840071



9781788840620 ACC Art Books 276 x 202mm. 208pp., 200 col. March 2020 £30.00, Hardback

9781788840781 ACC Art Books 230 x 190mm. 200pp., 200 col. March 2020 £30.00, Paperback

Xu Bing Book from the Sky to Book from the Ground Xu Bing

Beauty of China Show the World Zhu Zheqin Dadawa

A stunning monograph focusing on Xu Bing’s most ambitious works of art: Book from the Sky and Book from the Ground. Accessible yet academic, this book presents the artist’s motivation and method in his own words.

The story of Zhu Zheqin, also known as Dadawa, a wellknown Chinese singer, artist, philanthropist, and entrepreneur whose work has had a wide impact on contemporary Chinese culture. This book explores her efforts to support music and handicrafts created by ethnic minorities in China through her KANJIAN brand.

Design Fusion Deconstructing West and East Jamy Yang

Leng Bingchuan Master of Chinese Black and White Art Leng Bingchuan

Award-winning industrial designer Jamy Yang, whose company is considered the most influential product strategy and design consultancy in China, presents his theories on design in 15 thematic chapters.

A comprehensive, beautifully printed survey of black and white ink paintings by contemporary Chinese artist Leng Bingchuan, with 256 works dating from 1980 to 2000.

9781788840774 ACC Art Books, 230 x 190mm., 272pp., 207 col. 39 b.&w., March 2020, £30.00, Paperback



9781788840798 ACC Art Books, 260 x 185mm., 300pp., 200 col. March 2020, £30.00, Paperback

Refashioning Concrete Design by Bentu Xu Gang An insight into the Chinese designer Xu Gang and the earth-conscious, innovative design brand he helped found, Bentu. It explores the company’s contemporary design aesthetic alongside their emphasis on sustainability and reuse of materials. 9781788840804 ACC Art Books, 230 x 190mm., 380pp., 100 col. March 2020, £30.00, Paperback




Wyndham Payne Design Paul Payne, introduction by William Connelly




Wyndham Payne’s career as an illustrator began in the early 1920s, gathering momentum with a series of book illustrations for renowned Charing Cross publisher Cyril Beaumont. Working in the tradition of Claud Lovat Fraser – and others – Payne nurtured a reputation for freedom of line, illustrating books, calendars, greetings cards and advertisements, often with toys – soldiers, model theatres, trains – as a subject. Aside from creating illustrations for the Beaumont Press, Payne was also commissioned by Oxford University Press and Hodder & Stoughton, among others. For The Bodley Head, he designed covers for Agatha Christie titles, whilst his celebrated jacket for The Wind in the Willows was produced for Methuen. Wyndham Payne presents a detailed survey of the artist’s work: lino cuts, woodcuts, drawings in pen, watercolours, silhouette painting on glass, and later, when his health became too poor for commercial work, models - including automata – for his children and grandchildren. The book also includes a fulsome biography of the artist, covering his life and work.

9781788840651 ACC Art Books 214 x 140mm. 96pp., 110 col., 20 b.&w. March 2020 £14.95, Hardback

A new title in ACC Art Books’ celebrated Design series, presenting and reviving the work of illustrator Wyndham Payne (1884-1974). It explores the full breadth of Wyndham Payne’s career, as illustrator, printmaker, painter and model maker.



Gauguin and the Impressionists The Ordrupgaard Collection Anna Ferrari and Anne-Birgitte Fonsmark Masterpieces of 19th-century French painting from the Ordrupgaard Collection in Copenhagen are travelling to the Royal Academy of Arts in the spring of 2020. Drawn from the remarkable collection of the Danish insurance magnate and art lover Wilhelm Hansen, these works represent the very best of French Impressionism. Having already built up an impressive collection of Scandinavian art, at the beginning of the First World War Hansen had ambitious plans to extend his collection to encompass French art. A burst of acquisitions from 1916 to 1918, during which he took advice from the influential Parisian art critic Théodore Duret, saw his collection grow to include works by Manet, Monet, Renoir, Cézanne, Sisley, Courbet, Morisot, Matisse, Pissarro and – forming a particular highlight of the collection – a group of significant paintings by Paul Gauguin. With stunning reproductions of sixty works, the authors explore the history of the collection and provide detailed analysis of the works themselves.

Presents paintings from the remarkable Ordrupgaard Collection, including masterpieces by Manet, Morisot, Monet, Renoir, Cézanne, Sisley, Courbet, Matisse and Gauguin. Accompanies an exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, 29 March - 14 June 2020.

Alfred Sisley (1839-1899), September Morning near Saint-Mammès and the Veneux-Nadon Hills, 1884. Oil on canvas, 54 x 72.5 cm. © Ordrupgaard, Copenhagen. Photo Anders Sune Berg

Berthe Morisot (1841-1895), Woman with a Fan, Portrait of Madame Marie Hubbard, 1874. Oil on canvas, 50.5 x 81 cm. © Ordrupgaard, Copenhagen. Photo Anders Sune Berg

Camille Pissarro (1830-1903), Plum Trees in Blossom, Éragny (The Painter’s Home), 1894. Oil on canvas, 60 x 73 cm. © Ordrupgaard, Copenhagen. Photo Anders Sune Berg



9781912520503 Royal Academy of Arts 220 x 245mm. 144pp., 100 col. March 2020 £19.95, Hardback

Picasso and Paper Ann Dumas, Emilia Philippot, William H. Robinson Pablo Picasso’s artistic output is astonishing in its ambition and variety. This handsome new publication examines a particular aspect of his legendary capacity for invention: his imaginative and original use of paper. He used it as a support for autonomous works, including etchings, prints and drawings, as well as for his papier-collé experiments of the 1910s and his revolutionary threedimensional ‘constructions’, made of cardboard, paper and string. Sometimes, his use of paper was simply determined by circumstance: in occupied Paris, where art supplies were hard to come by, he ripped up paper tablecloths to make works of art. And, of course, his works on paper comprise the preparatory stages of some of his very greatest paintings, among them Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937). With reproductions of more than 300 works of art and additional texts by Violette Andres, Stephen Coppel, Emmanuelle Hincelin, Christopher Lloyd, Johan Popelard and Claustre Rafart Planas, this sumptuous study reveals the myriad ways in which Picasso’s genius seized the potential of paper at different stages throughout his career.

9781912520176 Royal Academy of Arts 285 x 235mm. 328pp., 400 col. January 2020 £40.00, Hardback

Pablo Picasso, Head of a Woman, Mougins, 4 December 1962. Pencil on cut and folded wove paper from an album sheet, 42 x 26.5 cm. Musée national PicassoParis. Pablo Picasso gift in lieu, 1979. MP1850 Photo © RMN-Grand Palais (Musée national Picasso-Paris) / Béatrice Hatala © Succession Picasso/DACS 2019

Pablo Picasso’s often experimental and at times revolutionary use of paper is the subject of this major study, published to accompany an exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, London (25 January 13 April 2020) and the Cleveland Museum of Art (24 May - 23 August 2020). Exhibition organised by the Royal Academy of Arts, London and the Cleveland Museum of Art in partnership with the Musée national Picasso-Paris.

Pablo Picasso, Seated Woman (Dora), 1938. Ink, gouache and coloured chalk on paper, 76.5 x 56 cm. Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel, Beyeler Collection Photo: Peter Schibli © Succession Picasso/DACS 2019



Angelica Kauffman The Elements of Art Bettina Baumgärtel, Helen Valentine and Annette Wickham During the 15 years she lived in England, the Swiss painter Angelica Kauffman made a significant impact on British art. She and Mary Moser were the only women among the 36 founder members of the Royal Academy of Arts in 1768. Ten years later she was commissioned by the Academicians to paint a set of four ‘Elements of Art’, for display in their new Council Chamber. Published to coincide with a major new exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, 28 June – 20 September 2020, this book charts Kauffman’s artistic career in London. An introduction by Kauffman expert Bettina Baumgärtel is followed by an essay by Helen Valentine, Senior Curator at the RA, on the ‘Elements of Art’. The curator Annette Wickham writes on Kauffman’s influence on contemporary artists, including the former RA Schools student Sarah Pickstone, who created an installation based on Kauffman’s ‘Elements’ in 2018. 9781912520466 Royal Academy of Arts 230 x 170mm. 96pp., 72 col. June 2020 £12.95, Paperback



Rose Wylie Let it Settle Tim Marlow and Russell Tovey Rose Wylie RA is the third artist to participate in an exhibition collaboration between the Royal Academy and The Gallery at Windsor, Vero Beach, Florida. This book accompanies her show and features an interview with the artist by Tim Marlow, Artistic Director at the Royal Academy, and an essay by the actor and art collector Russell Tovey. The exhibition comprises new paintings and drawings – wittily observed and subtly sophisticated meditations on the nature of visual representation itself. Using images as a prompt, Wylie often works from memory, and the associated works on a single subject offer an insight into her complex creative process. Wylie’s work has been the subject of renewed critical attention in recent years, with major shows in Europe at venues including Turner Contemporary, Margate (2016), the Serpentine Sackler Gallery, London (2017), Tate Modern, London (2018), and the Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Málaga (2018). 9781912520510 Royal Academy of Arts 305 x 245mm. 80pp., 45 col. January 2020 £19.95, Paperback

Summer Exhibition Illustrated 2020 The Royal Academy’s legendary Summer Exhibition has been an annual event since 1769, making it the longestrunning art exhibition of its kind. The exhibition, which includes paintings, prints, drawings, sculpture, architectural models and photography, is the largest opensubmission show in the UK. First published in the 1870s, the Summer Exhibition Illustrated presents the highlights of each year’s selection. A committee of Academicians choose which artists and architects – professional and amateur alike – will have the chance to display their work in the galleries of Burlington House, to be seen by thousands of visitors. In the essay that begins the book, this year’s coordinator explains the ideas behind the show and provides a behindthe-scenes glimpse into this idiosyncratic fixture of the London calendar.

9781912520527 Royal Academy of Arts 240 x 170mm. 192pp., 200 col. June 2020 £16.95, Paperback




A Foujita Diary 12 Panoramas by Tsuguharu Foujita Edited by Michel Hjorth


While travelling through Japan in October and November of 1934, painter Leonard Tsuguharu Foujita made a charming booklet of colour drawings for his friend and travelling companion Eduardo de Arteaga. Foujita, Eduardo, and Foujita’s wife Madeleine Lequeux journeyed together to Kobe, Kyoto, and the island of Itsukushima, popularly known as Miyajima. This book reproduces the delightful and previously unpublished sketches Foujita made for that trip, and recounts the story of the journey.

9789198465198 Booxencounters 165 x 95mm. 40pp., 12 col. January 2020 ÂŁ28.00, Hardback

A charming book of previously unpublished colour drawings by Leonard Tsuguharu Foujita, created during a journey he took with his wife Madeleine Lequeux and their friend Eduardo de Arteaga in Japan in 1934.



Ray Harryhausen: Titan of Cinema Vanessa Harryhausen Special effects superstar Ray Harryhausen elevated stop-motion animation to an art during the 1950s to 1980s. With material drawn from his incredible archive, his daughter, Vanessa, selects 100 creatures and objects that meant the most to her as she watched her father make world-famous films that changed the course of cinema. The book includes many newly restored works and items that have never previously been seen. In addition to Vanessa’s reflections, many of those who worked with Harryhausen or were inspired by him add their own memories and comments. Ray Harryhausen’s work included the films Jason and the Argonauts, the Sinbad films of the ‘50s and ‘70s, One Million Years B.C and Mighty Joe Young, and a wider portfolio including children’s fairy tales and commercials. He also inspired a generation of film-makers such as Peter Jackson, Tim Burton, George Lucas, and Steven Spielberg, and his influence on blockbuster cinema can be felt to this day. 2020 will be the 100th anniversary of his birth.

A fascinating examination of the work of Ray Harryhausen the pioneer of the special effects that we see in modern cinema. Accompanies a major exhibition at the National Galleries of Scotland from May-September 2020.

9781911054344 National Galleries of Scotland 265 x 245mm. 208pp., 200 col. April 2020 £25.00, Paperback



Le Corbusier Lessons in Modernism Edited by Giuliana Altea & Antonella Camarda Le Corbusier and Sardinian-born sculptor Costatino Nivola met in 1946 in New York. The Franco-Swiss architect was working with a team around Oscar Niemeyer on the project for the United Nations headquarters, the artist had been living there in exile since 1939. Their meeting marked the beginning of a life-long friendship between the two, with Le Corbusier sharing Nivola’s Greenwich Village studio while working on the United Nations project and, in 1950, creating two murals in the kitchen of Nivola’s East Hampton home. The artist put together a collection of some 300 drawings, six paintings, and six sculptures by his architect friend which today are held in various places across Europe and America. This book tells the story of the collection and explores its significance, thus contributing to understanding the evolution of Le Corbusier’s visual art and its impact on the reception of his work in America.

9783858818485 - English 9783858818539 - Italian Scheidegger & Spiess 280 x 220mm. 184pp., 120 col., 30 b.&w. January 2020 £30.00, Hardback

An exploration of the friendship between Italian artist Costatino Nivola and Franco-Swiss architect Le Corbusier, and of the evolution of Le Corbusier’s visual art.



El Greco Carnet d’Expo Charlotte Chastel-Rousseau The last great master of the Renaissance, Domenikos Theotokopoulos (1541-1614), known as El Greco, ‘The Greek’, holds a singular place in the history of art. Born in Crete, trained in the Byzantine tradition, El Greco continued his apprenticeship in Italy, in contact with Venetian aesthetics and Roman mannerism. It was in Spain, where he settled in the 1570s and where he imported his Italian influences (Titian, Tintoretto, Michelangelo) that he revealed the extent of his talents. In Toledo, he painted both secular and altar paintings, such as his masterpiece, The Burial of the Count of Orgaz.

9782072877094 Editions Gallimard 178 x 125mm. 64pp., 40 col. Available £9.95, Hardback

Published to accompany the first major monographic exhibition dedicated to El Greco in France: Grand Palais, Paris, 21 October 2019 - 10 February 2020, followed by Art Institute of Chicago, 4 March - 21 June 2020. Canova: Four Tempos Texts by Prince Domenico Antonio Pallavicino, Vittorio Sgarbi, photographs by Luigi Spina The full-size plaster models that represented the passage from a preliminary designing phase to the production of the marble sculpture were of great significance to Italian sculptor Antonio Canova’s creative process. As the subtitle emphasises, the temporal dimension holds great importance in the neoclassic sculptor’s creative and productive phases: the plaster artefact posits a before and an after. Before comes the preparatory study; after is the finished work. Plaster stands in between, it is central. The plaster forms are not the finished works, however they contain all their power and potential. This volume explores this meaningful and little-known phase in the creative process of Antonio Canova, along with quality close-up photo sequences that expose the plaster surfaces, bringing a greater focus and appreciation to the plaster form.

9788874399215 5 Continents Editions 300 x 240mm. 96pp., 70 b.&w. April 2020 £35.00, Hardback



A collection of sublime black and white photographs of plaster models by sculptor Antonio Canova. Includes text from well-known Italian art historian Vittorio Sgarbi.

Titian’s Hidden Double Portrait Unveiled After 500 Years Jaynie Anderson, Larry Keith, Irina Artemieva This book recounts the fascinating history of Titian’s unfinished portrait, A Lady and her Daughter (possibly his mistress Milia and their daughter), which dates from the early 1550s. After Titian’s death in 1576, it was repainted in his studio with a more saleable image of Tobias and the Angel. Often presented as Titian’s work but in a style which made the attribution suspect, the painting has had a succession of owners. It belonged to Tsar Nicholas I for a short time, and ultimately to the art dealer René Gimpel, who hid it with other artwork in a warehouse in London during World War II, where it miraculously survived the Blitz. It was not until the mid-20th century that an x-ray examination uncovered the beautiful painting underneath, an undisputed work by the great master himself. The painstaking restoration process, begun in 1983, took 20 years. Notable art historians and conservators have contributed essays that offer an in-depth examination of this exceptional and mysterious painting. 9789463887007 Hannibal Publishing 290 x 230mm. 159pp., 140 col., 30 b.&w. Available £39.50, Hardback

A fascinating history of Titian’s mysterious and unfinished portrait, A Lady and her Daughter, which was repainted after his death in 1576, only to be rediscovered and restored in the 20th century.

David Bowie’s Tintoretto The Lost Church Of San Geminiano Christina Currie, Xavier F. Salomon, Ben van Beneden e.a. This beautifully illustrated book, with numerous essays by an international roster of leading art historians, examines Jacopo Tintoretto’s masterpiece Angel Foretelling the Martyrdom of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, painted between 1560 and 1570 for the Church of San Geminiano in Venice. It was displayed in this location for some 250 years until the church was demolished in 1807, and in 1818 the painting was sold into private hands. It was, famously, the centrepiece of the late rock star David Bowie’s collection, being one of the first artworks he acquired. He had it for nearly 30 years, and named his record label after the artist (the Jones/Tintoretto Entertainment Company LLC). In 2016 it was purchased at auction by a private collector and donated to the Rubens House in Antwerp, where it is on long-term loan. This book accompanies the display of the painting, back in Venice for the first time in 200 years as part of an exhibition at Palazzo Ducale.

9789463887014 Hannibal Publishing 290 x 230mm. 159pp., 140 col., 45 b.&w. Available £39.50, Hardback

An in-depth survey of this influential and iconic Italian altarpiece, one of the highlights of David Bowie’s art collection. Art


Buddhist Ritual Art of Tibet A Handbook on Ceremonial Objects and Ritual Furnishings in the Tibetan Temple Michael Henss Tibetan Buddhist art is not only rich in figural icons but also extremely diverse in its symbols and ritual objects. This first systematic review is an abundantly illustrated reference book on Tibetan ritual art that aids our understanding of its different types and forms, its sacred meanings and ceremonial functions. Over 18 chapters, several hundred different implements are documented in detail, in many cases for the first time and often in their various styles and iconographic forms: altar utensils and amulets, masks and mirrors, magic daggers and mandalas, torma sculptures and prayer objects, vajras and votive tablets, sacrificial vessels and oracle crowns, stupas and spirit traps, ritual vases, textiles, furniture, and symbolic emblems. These are accompanied by many historical and modern text sources, as well as rare recorded oral material from high-ranking Tibetan masters. This long-awaited handbook is a must-have for all those with a profound interest in Buddhist art and religion. 9783897905672 Arnoldsche Art Publishers 300 x 230mm. 480pp., 400 col. June 2020 ÂŁ78.00, Hardback

First systematic review of Tibetan ritual art, shedding light on its different types and forms, its sacred meanings and ceremonial functions.

Rarities From The Himalayas to Hawaii Thomas Murray This book presents a personal collection of ancestor sculpture and protective deities, following the ancient migratory and trade routes of the Austronesian, Southeast Asian Bronze Age, and Hindu-Buddhist peoples. The author, Thomas Murray, has spent a lifetime studying this art through his endeavours as a peripatetic dealer, collector, and field researcher. The objects illustrated come from a swathe of widely varied cultures from Nepal eastward to Hawaii, with the overwhelming majority from Indonesia and Southeast Asia. Murray’s eye is highly informed and based on an unusually large sampling of objects to which his experience and research have exposed him. The artworks documented represent some of the top examples he has acquired and retained over the course of a long career. They are characterised by sculptural balance and a harmony of line, as well as a rare quality of expressiveness. Each ranks high in terms of aesthetics and desirability within its own particular style as perceived by the art market and by other western aficionados.

9781898113720 Hali Publications Ltd 280 x 300mm. 168pp., 58 col., 4 b.&w. Available ÂŁ30.00, Hardback



A collection of antique tribal sculpture from varied cultures from Nepal eastward to Hawaii, with the majority from Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

The Ghent Altarpiece: Van Eyck Art, History, Science and Religion Danny Praet, Maximiliaan P.J. Martens a.o. The Ghent Altarpiece or the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, by the Van Eyck brothers (1432), is recognised worldwide as a great work of art, and one of the most influential paintings ever made. It was the world’s first major oil painting, and it is laced with religious mysticism. For the first time, this book gathers together diverse insights on the Ghent Altarpiece, the monumental poliptych that the brothers Hubert and Jan van Eyck realised with the assistance of a large workshop and advisers on the painting’s subject matters. This book has the same aim: to bring together experts from the most diverse disciplines. Only by combining the perspectives of (art) historians, philosophers, religious studies scholars, mathematicians and specialists in optics can one fully understand the riches and depth of this masterpiece. Lavishly illustrated, including details that have come to light using state-of-theart techniques during the current conservation project and are not always visible to the naked eye. 9789492677976 Hannibal Publishing 280 x 240mm. 304pp., col. Available £55.00, Paperback

An interdisciplinary approach to a major work in art history – the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, by the Van Eyck Brothers – offering new insights.

Leonor Fini Catalogue Raisonné of the Oil Paintings Richard Overstreet Leonor Fini (1907-1996) is widely considered one of the most important women artists and personalities of the 20th century. Her work came to prominence in the seminal 1936 Fantastic Art, Dada and Surrealism exhibition at New York’s MoMA. Her paintings presented a uniquely female approach to Surrealism. Never joining the Surrealist movement, she was entirely on her own – self-taught, self-created, known for her fierce independence, provocative panache, and elegance. A prolific painter, she also worked extensively in book illustration, printmaking, writing, as well as creating designs for plays, ballets, operas, and film. This new book is the definitive catalogue raisonné of Leonor Fini’s more than 1,100 oil paintings. Lavishly illustrated in colour throughout, it offers essays on the artist’s oeuvre by Fini-authorities Richard Overstreet and Neil Zukerman along with a concise updated biography by British art historian Peter Webb.

9783858818430 Scheidegger & Spiess 300 x 240mm. 672pp., 1154 col. June 2020 £320.00, 2 Vols, Hardback, Slipcase

The authoritative reference work on Surrealist painter Leonor Fini, including the first-ever, complete catalogue raisonné of her oil paintings. Art


Charles Rennie Mackintosh in France Pamela Robertson and Philip Long; foreword by Sir John Leighton Known worldwide for his architecture and interior designs, Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868-1928) was also an extremely gifted painter. Towards the end of his life, he gave up his principal career as an architect and moved to the south of France where he devoted himself to painting in watercolour. Meticulously executed and brilliantly coloured, these landscape watercolours are conceived with a sense of design and an eye for pattern in nature, which owes much to his brilliance as an architect and designer. This book charts Mackintosh’s time in France and explores his career as a landscape painter, placing his work in the context of the modern movement. The 44 paintings Mackintosh is known to have completed while in France are illustrated, and are supported by documentary photographs of the places he painted as well as extracts from his letters written to his wife and friends. This new, revised edition of an enduringly popular title on one of Scotland’s best-loved artists contains a new foreword by the Director General of the National Galleries of Scotland, Sir John Leighton, and will feature a new cover design, updated to feature the popular flexicover binding. 9781911054405 National Galleries of Scotland 265 x 245mm. 120pp., 80 col. Available £17.95, Flexibind

Charts Mackintosh’s time in France and explores his career as a land­ scape painter, placing his work in the context of the modern movement. Includes the 44 paintings Mackintosh is known to have completed while living in France.

Art & Court of James VI&I Bright Star of the North Kate Anderson, Jemma Field, Catriona Murray, Anna Groundwater & Karen Hearn The only son of Mary, Queen of Scots and her second husband Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, James grew up during one of the most turbulent periods of Scottish history. He became King of Scotland at a year old and took control of his kingdom in 1581. Under the Union of the Crowns in 1603, he became the first monarch to reign over the three Kingdoms of Scotland, England and Ireland. This book uncovers the cultural riches of James’s court and aims to rehabilitate James’s reputation – and to demonstrate his impact and legacy on early modern Britain. The pages are packed with dazzling art works and sumptuous objects.

9781911054412 National Galleries of Scotland 265 x 245mm. 160pp., 180 col. May 2020 £25.00, Hardback



James VI&I was the first monarch of Scotland, England and Ireland. This sumptuous book rehabilitates his reputation and uncovers the cultural riches of James’s Court.

Henry Moore Studios & Gardens Sylvia Cox & Hannah Higham Henry Moore is one of the most important and influential artists of the 20th century. His home, studios and garden at Perry Green in Hertfordshire provide an invaluable insight into his life and work. When Moore died in 1986 the studios and their contents were preserved so that visitors could experience them as they were in his lifetime – as if the artist has just stepped outside. Although no longer working spaces, the studios provide a glimpse into Moore’s world and bring us as close as possible to his working methods. This guide to the house, studios and gardens at Perry Green provides a fascinating introduction to Moore’s artistic practices and the extraordinary range of his work, from sculpture to textiles, prints and drawings to woodcarving and ceramics.

9781785512759 Scala Arts & Heritage Publishing Ltd. 220 x 220mm. 96pp., col. March 2020 £12.95, Paperback

This guide to the house, studios and gardens at Perry Green provides a fascinating introduction to Moore’s artistic practices and the extraordinary range of his work, from sculpture to textiles, prints and drawings to woodcarving and ceramics.

Masterpieces of The Wallace Collection Curators of The Wallace Collection The Wallace Collection owns one of the finest collections of fine and decorative arts in the world. This splendid book provides a marvellous introduction to the museum’s treasures and the fascinating history of its Founders, the first four Marquesses of Hertford and Sir Richard Wallace. The Collection is best known for its paintings by artists such as Titian, Rembrandt, Hals (The Laughing Cavalier) and Velázquez and for its outstanding collection of 18th-century French paintings, porcelain, furniture and gold boxes, probably the best to be found anywhere outside of France. But visitors can also enjoy superb medieval and Renaissance objects, including Limoges enamels, maiolica, glass and bronzes, as well as the finest array of princely arms and armour in Britain, comprising both European and Oriental objects. With commentaries on more than 400 works of art, all of them beautifully illustrated, this book highlights every aspect of this great museum’s extraordinary riches, providing both an excellent overview of the Collection and an enduring reference to many key themes in European art.

9781785512773 Scala Arts & Heritage Publishing Ltd. 248 x 197mm. 260pp., col. March 2020 £16.95, Paperback

An insightful introduction to The Wallace Collection’s abundant treasures and the fascinating history of its founders.



Treasures at Canterbury Cathedral Sarah Turner Treasures at Canterbury Cathedral brings the reader up close to some of the most significant and priceless objects on display at Canterbury Cathedral. Each item has been carefully selected from more than half a million objects currently held in the Cathedral’s Collections and the Cathedral’s UNESCO Memory of the World archive, together with some loan items that feature in the new exhibition spaces inside this beautiful building. Every one of these treasures helps to tell part of the fascinating history of Canterbury Cathedral. From Anglo-Saxon charters to 20th century vestments, from stone carvings to silver sundials, more than 1300 years of history is presented here through this collection of curious and often surprising artefacts.

9781785512643 Scala Arts & Heritage Publishing Ltd. 190 x 165mm. 64pp., col. April 2020 £7.95, Paperback

Showcases some of the most significant objects on display at Canterbury Cathedral, charting more than 1300 years of history through this collection of curious and often surprising artefacts.

Postal Futurism Echaurren Salaris Collection Claudia Salaris In the ambitious dream of a futurist reconstruction of the universe pursued by the movement founded by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, which ranged from the arts to the most diverse aspects of life, the renewal of postal communication methods also found its place, with proposals that covered the entire sector, from postcards to letterheads and envelopes, from stamps to interpersonal correspondence. Futurism, in fact, has not limited itself to using the post office network to spread its ideas in every part of the world, but also created a new postal style, conceiving many solutions of modern graphics and even post-postal correspondence via computer and cell phone, made up of synthesis, laconicism, conventional symbolism and abbreviations. The book explores this little-known chapter of Futurism through the material of the Echaurren Salaris Collection, the richest in the world with regard to magazines, posters, books and futurist documents, as well as an indispensable reference for the knowledge of this movement. 9788836644797 Silvana Editoriale 240 x 170mm. 472pp., 897 col. December 2019 £99.00, Flexibind English, Italian



An indispensable reference to the Futurism movement, documenting Futurist postal items – postcards, envelopes, stamps, and personal correspondence.

The Void In Photography, Film, Performance and Installation Introduction by Irving Domínguez, Interview by Boris Groys, Texts by Wolfgang H. Scholz, Translation by Debra Nagao Wolfgang H Scholz (b. 1958) is a visual artist and film director. His work spans more than three decades and encompasses apart from painting many forms of expression, ranging from theatrical and documentary films, sculpture, photography, and installations to multimedia stage pieces. The title The Void is taken from a Buddhist term for the Fifth Element: The Void. Since 2010 Scholz has worked with Japanese Butoh masters, creating several multimedia stage pieces and series of photographic works on this theme. This volume includes a conversation with Prof. Dr. Boris Groys of New York University, one of the most important scholars of the arts and humanities of the 20th century. This dialogue is an essential text for understanding the creative processes, references, and influences of Wolfgang H. Scholz concerning the philosophical and programmatic themes of The Void. 9788417866075 Turner 300 x 240mm. 240pp., 143 col., 75 b.&w. Available £29.00, Hardback English, Spanish, German

The first retrospective of German artist Wolfgang H. Scholz, covering his work from the 1970s to date.

James Tower Ceramics, Sculptures and Drawings Edited by Timothy Wilcox James Tower (1919-1988) is best known for his elegant forms in glazed earthenware. During a career spanning four decades, from the 1950s to the 1980s, he worked unceasingly in a wide variety of media to achieve an elusive harmony of shape and surface, form and decoration, inert material and active design. His personal understanding of the purpose and meaning of abstraction embodies a perpetual dialogue between the visible world and the unseen dynamics which shape it. This centenary volume of essays considers Tower’s entire output from a wide variety of perspectives, embracing paintings and drawings, as well as sculpture in bronze, terracotta and fibreglass. The contributions of leading critics and historians approach his work, situated at the junction of art, craft and design, in a broad historical and cultural context, illuminating key episodes in post-war British art, and Tower’s unique place within it.

9783897905702 Arnoldsche Art Publishers 270 x 220mm. 96pp., 70 col. Available £28.00, Hardback

A monograph on the influential ceramicist James Tower, representing his complete artistic output. Art


Mr. Percy Portrait Modeller in Coloured Wax The Miniatures and Tableaux of Samuel Percy Ruth Ord-Hume This is the first biography and reference book dedicated to Samuel Percy, a modeller who produced an impressive oeuvre of wax portraits and tableaux in the mid-to-late 18th and early 19th century. Based in part on the author’s own substantial collection of Percy waxes, this book follows Percy from his beginnings in Dublin, at the Dublin Society Drawing Schools, working with the famed statuary John Van Nost; to England, where he journeyed from town to town, putting advertisements in regional newspapers. These revealing advertisements have been gathered here for the first time, in order to track his travels. As well as a chronological narrative of Percy’s life, this book commits an entire chapter to an area of his work that has never been studied before: his miniature tableaux. These portray various subjects, both religious and secular, from Christ on the Cross to playing children. Based entirely on original research, Mr. Percy: Portrait Modeller in Coloured Wax features over 100 illustrations, celebrating both Percy’s accomplishments and the works of other modellers for comparison.

The first major reference work on Samuel Percy, modeller of miniature portraits and tableaux in coloured wax.

9781788840378 ACC Art Books 300 x 237mm. 288pp., 100 col. March 2020 £45.00, Hardback

International Realism 14th International ARC Salon Frederick C. Ross & Kara Lysandra Ross With determination to restore the universal language of realism in the visual arts, a group of fine artists and experts banded together to celebrate and propagate 21st Century Representational Art. They founded the Art Renewal Center in 1999. Since their genesis, this non-profit educational foundation has dedicated itself to encouraging rigorous skill-based training in the methods of the Old Masters, bestowing the title of ‘ARC Approved’ on ateliers who share their core values and demonstrate technical mastery. The International ARC Salon Competition is the largest and most prestigious for realist based art in the world, receiving this year over 4,300 entries from 73 countries and spanning six continents. The 1,525 works featured here represent over 35% of the total. This year’s winners demonstrate the great breadth and originality that can be found in all facets of fine art. Categories include: Figurative, Portraiture, Imaginative Realism, Landscape, Plein Air, Fully from Life, Animals, Sculpture, Drawing, Still Life, and the Da Vinci Initiative Award for the Young Aspiring Artist. 9781788840675 ACC Art Books 279 x 216mm. 520pp., 1448 col., 107 b.&w. Available £49.95, Hardback



Presents the best of the 14th International ARC Salon Competition: over 1000 stunning traditional artworks, from the forefront of the 21st Century Realist Art Movement.

Gunnar S. Gundersen Jan Kokkin Gunnar S. Gundersen (1921-1983) was one of the most important Norwegian artists of the post-war period. Together with several other artists, he was part of a modernist breakthrough. He started abstract painting in 1947, and by around 1960 his art had evolved towards a fully non-figurative form. Gundersen became one of the few Concrete artists in Scandinavia, together with Richard Mortensen in Denmark and Olle Bonniér and Olle Bærtling in Sweden. An important part of his oeuvre consists of the many rich, colourful wall paintings made from 1950 to 1980. Despite Gundersen having exhibited all over the world, an international breakthrough eluded him. A gallery dedicated to his art was opened in Høyanger in Western Norway in November 2018.

9783897905634 Arnoldsche Art Publishers 290 x 245mm. 256pp., 256 col., 100 b.&w. April 2020 £45.00, Hardback English, Norwegian

Claus Bury The Poetry of Construction Volker Fischer Sculptor Claus Bury (b. 1946) has been enhancing public spaces in Germany for more than four decades with his monumental sculptures, which by now total more than 100. His canon of forms is comprised of geometric basic corpuses, such as squares and cubes, triangles and pyramids, rectangles, rhombuses and segments, which he employs in a contemporary Archaic style oriented on the antique structures of Egypt, Greece and Mexico. Bury’s sculptures are almost always accessible, and the contingent changes in perspective do not only thematise the basic requirements of the human experience of form and space; they also articulate people’s experience in their surroundings, impressively underpinning Hegel’s theory that the world has a ‘house character’ and that man is fundamentally a domestic creature. A spectacular review of Claus Bury’s monumental works in ships, gates, houses, arches, bridges and temples. 9783897905726 Arnoldsche Art Publishers 270 x 200mm. 400pp., 100 col., 400 b.&w. December 2019 £58.00, Hardback English, German

TONundTON 1990-2019 With contributions by Jürg Fischer, Yvonne Höfliger, Regula Huber, Gabrielle Obrist, Beat Soller, Nicolas Stämpfli Faoro & Alfred Zimmerlin The ceramicist Theres Stämpfli (b. 1952) and the musician Peter K Frey (b. 1941) have been working together under the name TONundTON since 1990. The artist duo always operate in terms of location, frequently searching for deserted buildings, such as a transformer tower dependent on a power supply. The artists revitalise the abandoned locations with sensitive, often anthropomorphic ceramics and sounds that fill the entire room. Even when intervening in museums, their installations alter the overall perception of space. In doing so, the two artistic disciplines come together to form a collective project, both audibly and visually. TONundTON is the first major documentation of their work. A soundtrack can be played by accessing QR codes in order to unite the acoustic and visual performances. 9783897905627 Arnoldsche Art Publishers 260 x 230mm. 128pp., 98 col. Available £28.00, Hardback English, German



J-M Bytebier A B(ee) Denis Gielen A monograph of works by Jean-Marie Bytebier (1963), a Belgian artist who predominantly focuses on the possibilities of how painting could be presented, in order to understand our increasingly complicated postmodern society. 9789463931175 B&L/Exhibitions International, 315 x 210mm. 128pp., January 2020, £35.50, Paperback

Koen van den Broek Stuff

Laura de Coninck Saudade

Stuff presents Koen van den Broek’s oeuvre of painted versions of his snapshots, which capture traces of human presence. His personal collection of photographs that he takes on his countless journeys, are his artistic points of departure.

In this beautifully illustrated monograph of works, visual artist Laura de Coninck expresses in images what her father - the unforgettable poet Herman de Coninck captured in words.

9789089319975 MER - B&L/Exhibitions International, 240 x 240mm., 272pp., January 2020, £47.50, Paperback

Ricardo Brey Adrift Arie Hartog, Erica Moiah James, Evan Moffitt, John Welchman, Roel Arkesteijn

Richard Tuttle The Role Of The Story Teller Phillip Van Den Bossche, Ann Demeester

An independent editorial project of conceptual artist and sculptor Ricardo Brey and his most recent body of works Adrift (2014-ongoing): a reflection of Brey’s overall aspiration for his recent exhibitions in the Museum De Domijnen and Gerhard-Marcks Haus.

A fascinating insight into Postminimalist artist Richard Tuttle’s world of colour. His themes and provocative questions bring together seemingly disparate episodes, providing new ways to consider and experience our own relationship with colour.

9789089319968 MER - B&L/Exhibitions International, 310 x 240mm., 240pp., January 2020, £47.50, Hardback, English, German

9789463931137 MER - B&L/Exhibitions International, 210 x 210mm., 504pp., January 2020, £148.50, Hardback



9789463931045 MER - B&L/Exhibitions International, 300 x 200mm., 100pp., January 2020, £47.50, Paperback

Yayoi Kusama Love Forever Harrie Verstappen et al. The first publication dedicated to Yayoi Kusama, one of the most important post-war and contemporary artists, featuring Kusama’s early performative activities and previously unpublished photographs and forgotten works from private collections. 9789463930772 MER - B&L/Exhibitions International, 210 x 140mm., 128pp., January 2020, £29.90, Paperback

Icons of Street Art Big Murals Michael Harker, Suzanne Bäumler In this book, photographer Michael Harker demonstrates the special power and meaning of Big murals – giant works of art covering entire house façades, often with a political message, with photos taken in Berlin, Lisbon, Paris and New York City. 9783955049287 Kunth Verlag/Monaco Books, 356 x 280mm., 288pp. 300 col., Available, £59.00, Hardback

Alison Watt In Conversation Alison Watt, Julie Lawson, Tom Normand & Andrew O’Hagan In a series of brand-new paintings, renowned artist Alison Watt responds to the paintings and drawings of 18th-century Scottish artist Allan Ramsay. The new works are particularly inspired by Ramsay’s wonderful and muchloved painting of his wife. 9781911054450 National Galleries of Scotland, 300 x 235mm., 96pp. 30 col., May 2020, £20.00, Hardback

Elia Nurvista Feeding the Scene Nicola Müllerschö, Christoph Tannert

The Supermarket of Images Edited by Peter Szendy, Emmanuel Alloa and Marta Ponsa

Artist Elia Nurvista (born 1983 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia) focuses on the intersection between art and research-based community projects in her artistic practice. Many of her works centre on food as an issue of political, cultural, social, and gender-specific relevance.

This catalogue is a collection of short texts offering a wide range of perspectives on the economics of the image and images of the economy. A number of classic essays have also been reproduced. Published to accompany an exhibition at Jeu de Paume Museum, Paris, February - June 2020.

9783862067480 Verlag Kettler, 250 x 210mm., 64pp., Available, £25.00, Paperback

Burri. Painting, an irreducible presence Bruno Corà This exhibition catalogue on the pioneering, avant-garde Italian artist Alberto Burri (19151995), whose work famously blurred the boundaries of painting and relief sculpture, documents a comprehensive retrospective at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini in Venice. 9788899534967 Forma Edizioni, 300 x 240mm., 182pp., 170 col. 12 b.&w., January 2020, £52.00, Paperback

Kurt Wanski Jürgen Köhler This is the first comprehensive monograph on German artist, Kurt Wanski (1922-2012), one of the least known major exponents of Art Brut, despite having been a renowned and respected figure in East Berlin’s art scene. 9783862067411 Verlag Kettler, 300 x 240mm., 208pp., Available, £55.00, Hardback, English, German

9782072857126 Editions Gallimard, 230 x 165mm., 320pp., 200 col., February 2020, £34.95, Hardback



The Architecture of Life Environments, Sculptures, Paintings, Drawings and Films by Carlos Bunga Edited by Iwona Blazwick A comprehensive monograph on contemporary European artist Carlos Bunga. Using only cardboard and paint, Bunga creates fantastical buildings, furniture-like sculptures and paintings as immersive environments. 9788434313798 Poligrafa Art Books, 240 x 170mm., 176pp., 143 col., 12 b.&w., November 2019, £32.00, Hardback

Existenz: Brigitte Waldach Felix-Nussbaum-Haus Edited by Museumsquartier der Stadt Osnabrück A documentation of German artist Brigitte Waldach’s installation at Felix-NussbaumHaus in Osnabrück, Germany, designed by celebrated American architect Daniel Libeskind. This book also features previously unpublished design sketches for the building. 9783858816580 Scheidegger & Spiess, 260 x 220mm., 96pp., 30 col., 3 b.&w., available, £25.00, Hardback, English, German



Chillida Open-Air Sculptures Giovanni Carandente

Carole A. Feuerman Fifty Years of Looking Good Edited by John T. Spike

The public works of Eduardo Chillida figure among the most intense and telling creations of contemporary monumental-scale sculpture. This book analyses, in addition to the artistic, stylistic and environmental aspects, the profound ethical implications of Chillida’s work.

Carole A. Feuerman is celebrated as one of America’s major hyper-realistic sculptors. This lavishly illustrated monograph covers Feuerman’s entire career spanning five decades to date and features more than 200 of her story-telling works.

9788434313859 Poligrafa Art Books, 295 x 240mm., 336pp., 226 col., Available, £39.00, Hardback

9783858818447 Scheidegger & Spiess, 300 x 240mm., 208pp. 200 col., March 2020, £50.00, Hardback

Franz Gertsch - Rüschegg Landmarks of Swiss Art Angelika Affentranger-Kirchrath

The Glacier’s Essence Greenland - Glarus. Climate, Science, Art Fridolin Walcher & Martin Stützle

Franz Gertsch is one of the most distinguished exponents of photo-realism worldwide. This book offers a concise introduction to his large-format print Rüschegg, a key part of his oeuvre and a landmark of Swiss art history. 9783858816634 Scheidegger & Spiess, 250 x 215mm., 96pp., 40 col., April 2020, £25.00, Hardback, English, German

An artistic reflection on climate change exemplified by the rapidly melting glaciers on Greenland and in the Swiss Alps, featuring prints and photographs by Martin Stützle and Fridolin Walcher alongside easy-to-read essays on latest findings in climate and glaciological research. 9783858816658 Scheidegger & Spiess, 320 x 240mm., 208pp., 150 col., March 2020, £50.00, Hardback, English, German

Lawrence Weiner Attached by Ebb and Flow Edited by Antonella Camarda

Manfred Wakolbinger Inhale - Exhale Connie Offergeld et al.

Features language-based installation by Lawrence Weiner, New York-born pioneer of conceptual art, at Museo Nivola in Orani, Sardinia. This publication includes an interview with Lawrence Weiner where he describes in his own words his art and this project.

Features a selection Manfred Wakolbinger’s works in photography and sculpture since 2012, accompanied by a conversation between the artist and curator Jasper Sharp. Also includes text by novelist Christoph Ransmayr.

9783858818478 Scheidegger & Spiess, 220 x 160mm., 144pp., 30 col., March 2020, £30.00, Paperback, English, Italian

9783858816542 Scheidegger & Spiess, 320 x 240mm., 184pp., 86 col., 52 b.&w., Available, £35.00, Hardback, English, German

Michael Kvium A Retrospective Edited by Gitte Ørskou

Nives Widauer: Villa Nix Edited by Dorothee Messmer Katja Herlach & Claire Hoffmann

This first comprehensive monograph of Danish artist Michael Kvium, revealing the various lines in his work from early experiments as a young artist in the world of bikers to an outspoken critic of our current Western society.

Features a retrospective of Nives Widauer’s oeuvre of three decades. The book documents the Vienna-based Swiss artist’s two-part exhibition at Centre Culturel Suisse in Paris and at Kunstmuseum Olten in summer and autumn 2020.

9783858818492 Scheidegger & Spiess, 300 x 240mm., 304pp. 230 col., March 2020, £65.00, Hardback

9783858816597 Scheidegger & Spiess, 270 x 220mm., 192pp. 160 col., 20 b.&w., Available, £45.00, Hardback, English, German

Manon Edited by Kunsthaus Zofingen A comprehensive survey of work by Swiss performance artist Manon since 2008, featuring new essays and rich previously unpublished material. Photographs of venues and Manon’s performances are completed by her conceptual sketches and other documents. 9783858816399 Scheidegger & Spiess, 270 x 190mm., 320pp. 250 col., January 2020, £45.00, Hardback English, French, German

Silvia Buol Watercolors and Drawings Contributions by Konrad Tobler and Martin Zingg This beautifully manufactured book features for the first time a selection of some 25 series from Silvia Buol’s works. The oversized spreads allow for presentation of some works in true size and are complemented by critical essays. 9783858816573 Scheidegger & Spiess, 480 x 340mm., 76pp. 69 col., 3 b.&w., December 2019, £45.00, Hardback, English, German



Sophie Taeuber-Arp - Equilibre Landmarks of Swiss Art Walburga Krupp A concise introduction to Swiss artist Sophie Taeuber-Arp’s Equilibre (1889-1943), a pioneer of 20th-century avant-garde and whose oeuvre encompasses the entire range of the modernist movement from applied and fine art and dance to architecture, interior design, and teaching. 9783858816627 Scheidegger & Spiess, 250 x 215mm., 96pp., 60 col., April 2020, £25.00, Hardback, English, German

Nanda Vigo Light Project Marco Meneguzzo A protagonist of the Milanese cultural scene of the 1960s, Italian designer Nanda Vigo (Milan, 1936) began producing her Cronotopi in 1963. This book showcases the multifaceted activity of the designer in the fields of art, architecture and design. 9788836643318 Silvana Editoriale, 280 x 240mm., 240pp., 150 col., Available, £24.95, Paperback, English, Italian



Giulio Paolini Edited by Germano Celant

Alain Grosajt Write Through Painting

In a reprint of one of the first in-depth monographs dedicated to a contemporary artist, art historian, curator, and critic Germano Celant sheds light on the conceptual work of artist Giulio Paolini.

In this monograph of works, Alain Grosajt explores the question of trace and writing as an insatiable archaeologist. Grosajt covers the canvas with hundreds of signs, creating his own writing, coining his memories through multiple means of painting.

9788836642274 Silvana Editoriale, 240 x 170mm., 128pp., 128 b.&w., Available, £21.00, Paperback with jacket, English, Italian

Traversées / Kimsooja From India to Morocco, via South Korea, Peru or Japan, Traversées / Kimsooja is an invitation to a kaleidoscopic trip around the world, punctuated by installations, concerts and performances. 9788836643882 Silvana Editoriale, 230 x 170mm., 128pp., 80 col., Available, £22.00, Paperback with flaps English, French

9788836642892 Silvana Editoriale, 260 x 210mm., 168pp., 120 col., Available, £22.00, Hardback, English, French

Vallauris 2019 International Biennale of Contemporary Creation and Ceramics Creative and innovative, this edition of the Biennale highlights the emergence of new ways of creating with an orientation towards current technologies. Exemplary porcelains are presented here for the first time, next to the best of contemporary international ceramic creation. 9788836643837 Silvana Editoriale, 297 x 210mm., 160pp., 100 col., Available, £25.00, Hardback, English, French

9788836644544 Silvana Editoriale 300 x 225mm. 352pp., 100 col. Available £34.00, Paperback English, German

9788836643851 Silvana Editoriale 220 x 160mm. 192pp., 120 col. Available £28.00, Hardback English, French

Garden of Earthly Delights Edited by Stephanie Rosenthal with Clara Meister

Kiki Smith

In today’s world, defined by radical climate change and migratory flows, the garden can be seen as a place of paradise, reflecting within its borders themes as pressing as the Anthropocene, seed politics, the legacies of colonialism and historical segregation. In addition to deliberate political positions, this book features works that also bring to life the sensual dimensions of gardens.

9788836644629 Silvana Editoriale 240 x 200mm. 400pp., 350 col. Available £35.00, Paperback English, Italian

Richard Artschwager Germano Celant This fully illustrated catalogue accompanies the largest exhibition in Europe on American artist Richard Artschwager. Turning to the understanding of space, everyday objects and perception, the poetics of Artschwager has established itself as a unicum in the art of the 20th century. His works deal with the representation of utilitarian instruments reproduced with industrial materials such as formica and aluminium.

This unique collection of exceptional breadth brings together almost 100 works by American artist Kiki Smith, from the 1990s to the present day. From microscopic elements to the organs of the body, from the organs to the body in its entirety, then from the body to cosmic systems, the artist explores the relationship between different species and scales.

9783897905603 Arnoldsche Art Publishers 203 x 241mm. 144pp., 117 col. Available £28.00, Hardback

The King’s Peas: Delectable Recipes and Their Stories from the Age of Enlightenment Meredith Chilton The King’s Peas celebrates the history of how we dine, which can be dated back to radical changes that occurred in France between1650 and the French Revolution. This cookbook is richly illustrated with pictures of paintings, books, silver, glass and ceramics to stimulate the imagination – and the appetite. You are cordially invited to participate in this delectable historical feast. Art


Gitagovinda India’s Great Love Story Edited by Caroline Widmer; Museum Rietberg The tale of the shepherd girl Radha and the Hindu god Krishna is probably the most famous love story in India. Written by Jayadeva at the end of the twelfth century, the Gitagovinda narrates the highs and lows of Radha and Krishna’s relationship. As a vivid metaphor for the human yearning for god, the work is today closely associated in India with the religiosity of Krishna. In the 18th century, in the former princely residence of Guler, the artist family of Nainsuhk and Manaku created the outstanding picture series of the second Guler Gitagovinda of 1775/80, which recounts the love story with an unparalleled elegance. This book retells the story using selected pieces from this series (printed in original size) and whisks the reader off into the atmospheric world of Indian miniature painting and poetry. This book accompanies an exhibition at Museum Rietberg, Zurich, 24 October 2019 - 16 February 2020.

9783897905757 Arnoldsche Art Publishers 203 x 300mm. 152pp., 57 col. Available £35.00, Hardback English, German



Red Hood, Blue Beard Colour in Fairy Tales Schimma, Sabine; Stohler, Peter for the GRIMM World Kassel (eds) The eye of the beholder is fascinated by colours. Their symbolic and cultural historical meanings, which have often developed over centuries and are reflected in various narrative forms, are found to be equally fascinating. Thus in traditional folk tales and in literary fairy tales, colours are not just attributes or superficial manifestations but rather have a deeper significance. Why, for example, is the head covering of a little unimposing girl, of all things, red, and why is the beard of a knight who kills women blue? Why does Cinderella wear grey clothing, and what power does Peter Schlemihl’s sold shadow have? The publication traces – colour by colour – these and other exciting questions, all richly portrayed with numerous prints and illustrations from historical fairy tale books. This book accompanies an exhibition at GRIMM World, Kassel, November 2019 - March 2020. 9783897905733 Arnoldsche Art Publishers 280 x 220mm. 120pp., 65 col. Available £28.00, Hardback English, German

Coming Home Flemish Art 1880-1930 Katharina Van Cauteren This beautifully illustrated book explores the artistic roots of Flemish identity during the last decades of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century. Through art, essays, poems, and reflections by artists, academics and collectors, it revives the cultural context of the Flemish Belle Eqoque. Featured here are works by Emile Claus, Valerius De Saedeleer, George Minne and Gustave Van de Woestyne, James Ensor, Rik Wouters and Léon Spilliaert, Constant Permeke, Gust De Smedt, Frits Van den Berghe and Edgard Tytgat.

9789401451772 Lannoo Publishers 290 x 250mm. 352pp., 320 col., 20 b.&w. January 2020 £45.00, Hardback

Brancusi Sublimation of Form Brancusi is a key figure in the history of art and is considered to be a pioneer of modernism. This publication presents masterpieces by Brancusi from museums and private collections around the world, including Sleeping Muse, The Kiss and Leda. 9789461612748 Snoek Publishers/Exhibitions International, 240 x 240mm., 295pp., January 2020, £47.50, Hardback

Jan Brueghel A magnificent draughtsman Dr. Teréz Gerszi and Dr. Louisa Wood Ruby Jan Brueghel was a prominent painter, but what is perhaps less well known is that Jan was also an exceptional draughtsman. This comprehensive catalogue of Jan Brueghel’s authentic drawn oeuvre includes a biography and essays on his draughtsmanship. 9789085867999 BAI/Exhibitions International, 280 x 210mm., 176pp., Available, £41.50, Hardback

Chagall, Picasso, Mondrian and others Migrants in Paris Texts: Sophie Tates, Radna Fabias Today, Chagall, Picasso and Mondrian are known as Masters of Modern Art, but they were migrants. This publication tells the story of Paris’s migrant artists who, despite adverse conditions, had the courage to take art to new heights. 9789050062107 Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam/Exhibitions International, 210 x 170mm., 71pp., Available £17.30, Spiral Bound

Van Gogh and the Sunflowers A Masterpiece Examined Nienke Bakker and Ella Hendriks This book focuses on Sunflowers from the collection of the Van Gogh Museum. The masterpiece has been researched with the latest techniques to identify materials used, current condition of the painting, and how to conserve the painting for future generations. 9789493070080 Tijdsbeeld-Piece Montee/Exhibitions International 260 x 215mm., 80pp., January 2020, £17.90, Paperback

From Titian to Rubens Masterpieces from Antwerp and other Flemish Collections From Titian to Rubens featuring masterpieces by artists including Titian, Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony van Dyck and Michiel Sweerts, offers a dazzling array of works, and the finest group of Italian and Flemish art to come to Italy. 9789461615640 Snoek Publishers/Exhibitions International, 270 x 215mm., 240pp., January 2020, £38.00, Hardback

Colouring Brussels Gwen Guégan This superbly illustrated colouring and activities book for children is inspired by the city of Brussels and its eclectic architecture. With lots to see and do, there are hours of fun to be had with this educational activity book. 9782875720504 CFC-Editions/Exhibitions International 270 x 230mm., 52pp., January 2020, £14.50, Paperback



Beatrice Joris Mertens

Brecht Evens Lontano

In this beautifully illustrated graphic novel, unfold the tale of the character Beatrice, who is on the verge of an unexpected new world when her curiosity about a seemingly unclaimed red tote bag gets the better of her.

A stunningly presented portfolio containing a sumptuous selection of the most spectacular full-colour splash pages from Brecht Evens’ illustration, commercial and graphic novel oeuvre. Not bound, beautifully printed on a perfectly frameable format (30cm x 40cm).

9789492672230 Oogachtend/Exhibitions International, 3 10 x 240mm., 112pp., Available, £28.50, Hardback

9789492672254 Oogachtend/Exhibitions International, 400 x 300mm., 36pp., January 2020, £29.90, Paperback, loose pages

Vermeer The Complete Works; Old Master Series Jean-Luc Chalumeau

Congo as Fiction: Art Worlds Between Past and Present Edited by Nanina Guyer, Michaela Oberhofer

In a ranking of the most popular artists all over the world, Vermeer would certainly occupy a prominent place. This book brings together the complete catalogue of Vermeer’s work, thematically collected and analysed individually.

A comprehensive investigation of Congolese artists – past and present – who have been exploring and reflecting upon the effects of globalised trade, colonialism, proselytisation, and virtual boundaries.

9788434313958 Poligrafa Art Books, 260 x 190mm., 72pp., 62 col., Available, £6.99, Paperback

9783858818355 Scheidegger & Spiess, 280 x 230mm., 244pp., 240 col., January 2020, £45.00, Hardback



Da Vinci The Complete Paintings; Old Masters Series Adela Montes This book showcases all of the pictorial work produced by Leonardo, including drawings that contributed to the definitive attribution of some of his art works. Also included is Giorgio Vasari’s Vite dedicated to Leonardo, reproduced in its entirety. 9788434313972 Poligrafa Art Books, 260 x 190mm., 72pp., 62 col., Available, £6.99, Paperback

Le Prix Marcel Duchamp 2019 Éric Baudelaire, Katinka Bock, Marguerite Humeau, Ida Tursic & Wilfried Mille Presents the four nominees for the 2019 edition of the prestigious Marcel Duchamp Prize promoted by ADIAF, for young contemporary artists, either French or living in France, all who work in the field of the plastic and visual arts. 9788836640744 Silvana Editoriale, 250 x 200mm., 64pp., 40 col., Available, £15.95, Paperback with flaps, English, French

Mask In Present-Day Art Edited by Madeleine Schuppli Masks evoke scenes of carnival or African tribal rites, we may be thinking of death masks of famous people, theatre and fashion, cosplay, disguise, and of protection. They represent some of the most ancient and most controversial objects of our cultural history. Today’s artists look beyond the mere object, they are interested also in the social, cultural, and political meanings of masks. This book, published in conjunction with an exhibition at Aargauer Kunsthaus Aarau during fall 2019, explores their appearances in contemporary art. Artists at all times have been attracted by masks and their symbolism. Through works by distinguished Swiss and international artists and concise texts the book demonstrates manifold approaches to the topic of masks.

9783858816450 Scheidegger & Spiess 325 x 240mm. 312pp., 181 col., 18 b.&w. December 2019 £45.00, Hardback English, German

Kama Sutra The Amorous Man The Sensuous Woman Edited by Roli Books

incarNations African Art as Philosophy Kendell Geers

The Kamasutra is an ancient classical work on the art of love. Its uniqueness lies in that it discusses the theme of sexual pleasure without any feeling of shyness or shame.

incarNations is at once a mix and exchange between classical and contemporary art from Africa and its diasporas, looking at African art as a living philosophical practice. The masks, images and historic objects act as milestones, anchoring contemporary works in the ancient context of live creation. Taken from Sindika Dokolo’s collection, the works of African artists enter into dialogue with those of the diaspora while contemporary works are presented alongside classical works.

The author, Vatsyayana talks about Kama, that is, sexual pleasure, and explains the rules which govern life according to Kama. Through its discussion on erotic love, the book manages to highlight the social customs and individual habits of ancient India. This tastefully produced and beautifully illustrated gift edition treats the subject of male and female sexuality in two separate volumes, suggestively entitled The Amorous Man and The Sensuous Woman. The male-female union is portrayed in all its splendor through the use of Indian miniatures and Khajuraho sculptures.

Artists: Sammy Baloji, William Kentridge, Tracey Rose, Wangechi Mutu, Otobong Nkanga, Yinka Shonibare, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Ana Mendieta, Kehinde Wiley, Andres Serrano, Aida Muluneh, Mwangi Hutter, Hank Willis Thomas, Tracey Rose, Adrian Piper, Lubaina Himid, Roger Ballen, Zanele Muholi, Phyllis Galembo.

9788174370105 Roli Books 216 x 152mm. 128pp., 115 col. March 2020 £19.95, 2 Vols, Hardback, Slipcase

9788836642991 Silvana Editoriale 270 x 200mm. 128pp., 100 col. Available £13.95, Paperback



Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers produce high quality books for museums, galleries and heritage institutions across the world. They offer all aspects of the publishing process, tailored to each institution’s individual needs while always ensuring the highest standards of design and production. Scala works with institutions in over forty different countries, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Royal Collection and Westminster Abbey, the State Hermitage, St Petersburg, the University of Sydney and the National Gallery, Singapore.

Scala highlights:

Elizabeth Revealed 500 Facts About The Queen and Her World Lucinda Hawksley 9781785511813 256 x 212mm. 160pp., col., b&w. £20.00, Hardback

First 100 Years of Women in Law Lucinda Acland and Katie Broomfield, with a foreword by Baroness Hale 9781785512568 234 x 156mm. 160pp., col., b&w. £19.95, Paperback

Mathematics How It Shaped Our World David Rooney 9781785510397 280 x 240mm. 208pp., 200 col. £40.00, Hardback

Peterborough Cathedral A Glimpse of Heaven Dr Jonathan Foyle 9781785510809 280 x 240mm. 128pp., 110 col. £19.95, Paperback

The State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg Director’s Choice Mikhail Piotrovsky 9781785511561 190 x 165mm. 80pp., 40 col. £16.95, Hardback

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Director’s Choice Simon Milne 9781785511660 190 x 165mm. 80pp., 50 col. £9.95, Paperback

Somerville 140: 1879-2019 A Celebration of Somerville College, Oxford in 140 Objects Lizzy Emerson 9781785512254 248 x 200mm. 208pp., col., b&w. £35.00, Hardback

Royal Academy of Dance Celebrating 100 Years Featuring forewords by Darcey Bussell, and Li Cunxin, with an introduction by dance critic Gerald Dowler 9781785512179 248 x 200mm. 176pp., col., b&w. £35.00, Hardback


9781785511134 Scala Arts & Heritage Publishing Ltd. 190 x 165mm. 80pp., August 2020 £9.95, Paperback

9781785510755 Scala Arts & Heritage Publishing Ltd. 190 x 165mm. 80pp., col. April 2020 £9.95, Paperback

Chau Chak Wing Museum The University of Sydney David Ellis

Hugh Lane Gallery Director’s Choice Barbara Dawson

The Chau Chak Wing Museum – opening in 2020 as part of the University of Sydney – is the stunning new home for the collections of the Macleay Museum, Nicholson Museum and University Art Gallery. Through colourful imagery and Director David Ellis’s sharp commentary, this volume beautifully traverses the range of natural phenomena and human achievement showcased by these extraordinary collections.

The Hugh Lane Galley, Dublin’s city art gallery, is situated in the heart of the city, and is the oldest public modern art gallery in the world in continuous existence. This selection of highlights, lucidly chosen by Director Barbara Dawson, takes a personal journey through this fascinating collection; from early works presented by Hugh Lane and his supporters through to contemporary practice.

Glass Flowers: Marvels of Art and Science at Harvard Jennifer Brown, Scott E. Fulton, Donald H. Pfister. Photography by Natalja Kent

Meadows Museum A Handbook of the Collection Edited by Mark A. Roglán

The Lobkowicz Collections Music Series: Highlights Kathryn Libin with Petr Slouka

Exquisite detail is captured in this beautifully designed publication celebrating Harvard University’s unique ‘Glass Flowers’ collection. Includes brand new photography.

The Meadows Museum, Dallas, founded by Algur H. Meadows, boasts one of the finest collections of Spanish art outside Spain. This book, featuring beautiful illustrations, presents the breadth of the museum’s holdings.

This publication offers an introduction to the rich musical traditions of the Lobkowicz family, and to highlights from its music collections – treasures that include 18th-century lute tablatures, and oratorios and operas in manuscripts and early prints.

9781785512247 Scala Arts & Heritage Publishing Ltd., 222 x 222mm., 144pp., May 2020, £19.95, Paperback

9781785513145 Scala Arts & Heritage Publishing Ltd., 229 x 152mm., 256pp., May 2020, £19.95, Paperback

9781785512780 Scala Arts & Heritage Publishing Ltd., 190 x 165mm., 80pp., 40 col., Available, £9.95, Paperback



9783735605429 Kerber Verlag 290 x 225mm. 120pp., 75 col. Available £33.00, Hardback

9783735605597 Kerber Verlag 297 x 210mm. 500pp., Available £56.00, Hardback

Dale Grant Fading Beauty Text by Jörn Jacob Rohwer

Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau The Collections Edited by Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, text by Peter Bernhard et al.

Dale Grant’s Fading Beauty is a collection of photographs capturing the distinctive features displayed by flowers during their life cycle. Flowers all begin life looking rather similar but it is at the moment when they begin to wither, that their true individual beauty can be witnessed as the vivid colours of their petals eventually become transparent and muted in tone.

The Bauhaus was one of the most important schools of art, design, and architecture, whose visionary designs continue to be regarded as icons of modernity today. This book provides an in-depth presentation of the second-largest Bauhaus collection in the world, featuring objects from all the phases and fields at the renowned institution and an introduction to its history and development.

9783735605948 Kerber Verlag 340 x 240mm. 320pp., 120 col. Available £74.00, Hardback

9783735606150 Kerber Verlag 250 x 210mm. 128pp., 67 col., 3 b.&w. Available £26.00, Paperback English, German

André Butzer Works On Paper 2001-2019 Edited by Nino Mier Gallery, Los Angeles, text by Gwen Allen, Hannah Eckstein, Kay Heymer

Connecting Afro Futures Fashion x Hair x Design Edited by Claudia Banz, Cornelia Lund, Beatrace Angut Oola

André Butzer is one of today’s most distinctive and influential painters. For the first time, this volume reveals a little-known side of his oeuvre: 139 never-seen-before works on paper executed between 2001 and 2019. Following his breakthrough works in the early 2000s, throughout the years, you can witness the artistic verve and intimacy, which bring forth his uncompromising mature style.

Connecting Afro Futures discusses young African fashion and design, staging them visually from a decolonialised perspective on global developments in design. The magalog takes up the positions presented in it from the two project hubs in Dakar and Kampala and expands on them with discursive and visual contributions such as essays, interviews, photo spreads, and illustrations.


Art/Kerber Verlag

Kabbalah Edited by Domagoj Akrap, Klaus Davidowicz, Mirjam Knotter Presents the various facets of Kabbalah, from the historical development and early Jewish mysticism, to practical Kabbalah and magic, to modern manifestations in art and popular culture. It follows the traces that Kabbalah has left in the most diverse forms of modern art and features many international artists, such as David Bowie, Madonna, Anselm Kiefer, and Frank Lloyd Wright.

9783735606372 Kerber Verlag 275 x 210mm. 352pp., 273 col., 85 b.&w. Available £65.00, Hardback English, German

The Assembled Human Text by Sabine Breitwieser et al. With The Assembled Human the Museum Folkwang inquires into the ambivalent relationship between humans and machines in 20th and 21st century art. It’s a conflicted relationship, fluctuating between utopia and nightmare, and it still influences our present time. Featuring 200 works by 100 artists as well as prolific essays, this extensive catalogue goes in-depth into this highly topical issue.

9783735606136 Kerber Verlag 245 x 283mm. 120pp., Available £38.00, Hardback


9783735605184 Kerber Verlag 270 x 210mm. 254pp., 165 col., 23 b.&w. Available £38.00, Paperback English, German




Mitra Tabrizian Text by Parveen Adams, David Bate et al. British-Iranian photographer and filmmaker Mitra Tabrizian creates an unsettling imagery out of ordinary daily life. Atmospherically, she evokes almost unreal scenes, which push reality and its inhabitants into the sublime realm of a fathomless emotional interior. She addresses the incidental and mundane, yet her agenda reaches deeper. With a unique perspective, she inquires the complex social roles of the individual.

9783735606433 Kerber Verlag 252 x 189mm. 120pp., 104 col. Available £30.00, Hardback

Lewis and Harris Vianca Reinig and Philipp Schmidt Text by Donald S. Murray For their new book, photographers Vianca Reinig and Philipp Schmidt travelled to Scotland and captured the beauty of the northernmost isle of the Outer Hebrides: Lewis and Harris. With alternating perspectives, sudden cuts between panoramic shots and minute details, this book, arranged in a chronologically and filmic sequence of images, poetically brings to life the vibrant experience of their travels. Art/Kerber Verlag


9788417866006 Turner 220 x 160mm. 160pp., 76 col. March 2020 £30.00, Paperback English, Spanish

Jacobo Castellano riflepistolacañon Jacobo Castellano

9788417141165 Turner 315 x 240mm. 304pp., 184 col., 141 b.&w. April 2020 £36.00, Hardback

Arnaldo Coen Arnaldo Coen

Jacobo Castellano, (1976), is one of the most complex and solid contemporary Spanish artists. His sculptural work follows a defined line in which the recovery of remembrances stored in his memory leads to a deep reflection on essential issues such as identity, or life and death. This reflective publication is the first monograph to be published on this unique artist.

Arnaldo Coen (1940) is one of the most prominent Mexican artists. As a result of his restless, transgressive and irreverent creativity, his work has never ceased to be fresh. This is the first monograph covering the artist’s pictorial and sculptural works from the 1960s to date, with some 300 images complementing this contemporary, provocative and irreverent compendium of Coen’s legacy.

9788836644384 Silvana Editoriale 280 x 240mm. 240pp., 150 col. Available £30.00, Flexibind

9788417141974 Turner 295 x 241mm. 368pp., 480 col., 100 b.&w. April 2020 £39.95, Hardback

Walking Through Walls Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath

OMR Contemporary Art in (and art of ) Mexico 1983-2015 Edited by Turner

Presents a contemporary panorama of the artistic responses made to the detrimental effects of human-made barriers, divisions and walls, showcasing works by Jose Dávila, Mona Hatoum, Nadia Kaabi-Linke, alongside many others. Acknowledging the location of the Gropius Bau alongside the former Berlin Wall, this book offers a global perspective on the physical and psychological repercussions of coexisting in divided societies.



This book charts the creation and history of OMR, a contemporary art gallery located in Mexico City. OMR was founded in 1983 by Patricia Ortiz Monasterio and Jaime Riestr and has since developed its identity as a cutting-edge contemporary art space for fostering new artistic voices throughout Mexico and abroad, which are presented here in this book.

Colour Sells Hilde Francq From marketing strategy to packaging, colour is essential for both the positioning and the sales of brands and merchandise. The vast majority of consumers say they pay attention to prevailing trends, and colour influences their decision to purchase a particular product. This book offers insights into the commercial use of colour and discusses trending colour marketing strategies. It includes inspiring case studies and interviews with experts and designers from brands such as HAY, Vitra, Essentiel, Bang & Olufsen and BMW.

9789401463430 Lannoo/Campus 270 x 220mm. 276pp., 20 col. February 2020 £65.00, Paperback

Insights from the Boardroom Herman Daems on Corporate Governance Herman Daems The corporate world has more directors than CEOs. But what does a director do? What is the role of a board of directors? As an experienced director and chairman of several companies and associations, Herman Daems critically analyses the functions of directors and chairmen. He reviews best practices and offers firsthand insights into corporate governance.

9789401463829 Lannoo/Campus 230 x 150mm. 276pp. January 2020 £35.00, Hardback

The Book of Noble Purpose Olivier Onghena-’t Hooft Organisations and companies remain successful if they are ecosystems in which people are motivated to improve. People are engaged when organisations have a purpose and attract like-minded men and women. The transformative power of noble purpose is what unites individual self-realisation, organisational efficiency, and societal evolution. This book, inspired by the life story of the author, promotes a society where environment, humanism and economy go hand in hand to create a sustainable future.

9789401463720 Lannoo/Campus 230 x 150mm. 200pp. January 2020 £30.00, Hardback

Business & Marketing


9789401463799 Lannoo/Campus 215 x 135mm. 200pp., 20 col., 10 b.&w. March 2020 £30.00, Paperback

9789401463805 Lannoo/Campus 240 x 170mm. 200pp. December 2019 £30.00, Paperback

Generation Alpha in beta Reframing Marketing to Kids Maarten Leyts

Healthusiasm Making Customers Healthy & Happy Christophe Jauquet

Generation Alpha in beta describes how marketing is evolving for the demographic group Generation Y, born between 2010 – the year when the iPad and Instagram were launched – and 2025. With examples and insight, it shows how young entrepreneurs and influencers use new media to promote their interests and associated brand preferences to their peers and to the world.

9789401463980 Lannoo/Campus 240 x 170mm. 232pp., 75 col. December 2019 £30.00, Flexibind

In a world where technology can answer more and more of our needs, people are very conscious about pursuing strategies for happier and healthier lives. This is the first book to offer a view on health trends over different sectors by connecting people’s expectations of products, services, and experiences with their enthusiasm to be the best version of themselves possible.

9789401465243 Lannoo/Campus 220 x 140mm. 144pp., 75 b.&w. January 2020 £25.00, Paperback

Sociocracy 3.0 - The Novel Unleash the Full Potential of People and Organizations Jef Cumps

Start to Draw Visual Communication in the Workplace Axelle Vanquaillie

How do you transform an organisation and truly make it future proof? This book introduces the Sociocracy 3.0 framework as a practical guide to creating agile and meaningful organisations. Sociocracy 3.0 provides a toolkit for any company that seeks to work more consciously and effectively on the basis of equality, collective intelligence and a flexible organisational structure.

Start to Draw discusses the positive aspects of drawing and visualising your ideas in your work environment. This handson, richly illustrated bite-sized book provides insight into why drawing works, how you can have a great impact on your own (and others’) professional work, and how you can end up with a more creative approach to your job.


Business & Marketing

Moonwatch Only The Ultimate OMEGA Speedmaster Guide Grégoire Rossier, Anthony Marquié There are very few timepieces in the world that deserve a definitive and comprehensive book such as this one. The OMEGA Speedmaster Professional Moonwatch is one of them. Initially designed for automobile racing teams and engineers, the OMEGA Speedmaster embarked on a very different trajectory when NASA chose it to accompany astronauts heading for the Moon in 1965. Its involvement in the space adventure has propelled the Moonwatch to the top of the list of celebrated timepieces. After years of research and observation, the authors present a complete panorama of the Moonwatch in a systematic work that is both technical and attractive, making it the inescapable reference book for this legendary watch.




This third edition marking the 60th anniversary of the Speedmaster has been enriched with numerous new features including a 16-page gallery of astronauts and their Speedmaster, QR codes to extend your exploration and a detailed story of a vintage Speedmaster.


“It is an indescribable reference work and a true must-have for every Speedmaster collector.” – Forbes

The third edition of this definitive and popular book, marking the 60th anniversary of the Speedmaster. Now includes 17 new Speedmasters and an additional 120 new illustrations.

9782940506309 Watchprint.com 315 x 260mm. 566pp., 1150 col. December 2019 £220.00, Hardback

Decorative Arts


Shaun Leane Shaun Leane; texts from Jo Hardy, Vivienne Becker and Claire Wilcox Celebrated world-wide for his modern romantic jewels that push the boundaries of contemporary design, Shaun Leane has been responsible for creating a new genre of jewellery; precious, poetic, with a sense of eternity, yet relevant to today’s world. Illustrated with a breath-taking combination of high fashion shots and detailed close-ups of the pieces themselves. Captured by photographers Nick Knight, Robert Fairer and Chris Moore, along with a dedicated photo essay of unseen backstage images recorded by Leane’s close friend Ann Ray. Shaun Leane is introduced by the jeweller himself, then divided into three distinct parts: His heritage and training, by Joanna Hardy; reflections on Leane’s famous collaboration with Alexander McQueen, by Claire Wilcox; and his modern classic commercial jewellery style, by Vivienne Becker. Altogether, this book provides a vital overview of an artist that will be of interest to anyone who follows the contemporary jewellery and fashion scene.

A comprehensive visual record of the life’s work of this renowned jewellery designer, known for his work with Alexander McQueen.

9781788840736 ACC Art Books 345 x 250mm. 320pp., 300 col. March 2020 £55.00, Hardback Deluxe edition: 9781788840835 £399.00 Hardback, slipcase, with a print by Rob Rusling, signed by Shaun Leane, limited to just 250 copies


Decorative Arts

Sam Kramer Jeweler on the Edge Toni Greenbaum Despite being one of the most influential – and indeed most eccentric – of the American modernist jewellers, Sam Kramer (1913-1964) has received little recognition. His expressive, organic work and surreal workshop, located on West 8th Street in New York’s Greenwich Village, paved the way for other mid-twentieth century metalsmiths, and for many more working today. Sam Kramer: Jeweler on the Edge investigates Kramer as both a seminal artist and a cult personality. Through lavish colour photographs of rarely seen works as well as newly discovered archival material, the story of this unique individual is told against a backdrop of post-Second World War America, from the late 1940s to the early 1960s. Mirroring both the existential angst and quirky humour of the Beat Generation, Sam Kramer embodied the iconoclastic spirit of his era.

9783897905641 Arnoldsche Art Publishers 245 x 175mm. 160pp., 120 col. January 2020 £28.00, Hardback

Author Toni Greenbaum captures Sam Kramer’s spirit, intentions and humour, celebrating a decisive chapter in American art jewellery.

Decorative Arts


Chinese Porcelain Marks Christer Löfgren This study identifies and classifies Imperial reign marks on Chinese porcelain from the Ming to the Qing dynasties. Working on the theory that only a few artists created these marks, Christer Löfgren, a former antiquities dealer in Chinese porcelain, created a database with thousands of so-called ‘mark and period’ brands. This survey, 15 years in the making, covers all the Ming emperors, from the 15th century to the last emperor during the Qing period, including Hongxian, up until 1920.

9789198465181 Booxencounters 250 x 165mm. 336pp., January 2020 £157.00, 2 Vols, Hardback, Slipcase

An incredible – and unique – achievement, this book identifies thousands of Chinese porcelain marks from 500 years of history.

Roman Art A Guide through The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Collection Paul Zanker, Seán Hemingway, Christopher S. Lightfoot, and Joan R. Mertens The collection of Roman art at The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the finest in the world. It contains more than 5,000 objects, including exquisite cameos, refined silver vessels and utensils, spectacular Pompeiian frescoes, monumental sculptures in stone and bronze and elaborate sarcophagi. This handsome guide features a selection of over 200 of the most important works that exemplify this rich and diverse collection, each presented in detail and illustrated with stunning colour photography. Every work is accompanied by an engaging text written by prominent scholars that establishes the object’s significance in antiquity, and thus provides new insights for a contemporary understanding of ancient Roman art.

9781785511837 Scala Arts & Heritage Publishing Ltd. 280 x 216mm. 424pp., 410 col., 25 b.&w. May 2020 £39.95, Paperback


Decorative Arts

The definitive showcase of the Roman art collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, featuring over 200 works highlighted with stunning photography and engaging scholarship.

Contemporary Jewellery in Portugal From the Avant-Garde of the 1960s to the Early 21st Century Cristina Filipe In this book, Cristina Filipe offers a critical examination, from a social and art historical perspective, of some of the artists and contexts that contributed to the transformations in Portuguese jewellery from the vanguard of the 1960s to the early 21st century – a decisive period in which the term ‘jewellery’ itself was redefined. In addition, Contemporary Jewellery in Portugal contextualises the international scene, reflecting on how Portuguese artists responded to these external influences. What jewellery was made? Who made it? What were the underlying trends and creative references? These are some of the questions that this book seeks to answer through the analysis of artist interviews and exhaustive factual research, accompanied by a visual narrative mirroring the changes in contemporary jewellery in Portugal.

9783897905658 Arnoldsche Art Publishers 245 x 170mm. 408pp., 195 col. Available £38.00, Hardback

Cristina Filipe offers an examination of the artists who contributed to the transformations in Portuguese jewellery from the 1960s to the 21st century.

Chiparus Master of Art Deco Alberto Shayo This new and updated edition adds new figures as well as historic documents. Of particular interest is the discovery of the long-lost marble figure Polar Bear last seen over 75 years ago in Paris, where it was exhibited for the first and last time at the 1943 Salon des Artistes Français. Accompanying images of this important discovery are presented in this edition for the very first time. Over 26 years ago the first publication of Chiparus: Master of Art Deco brought this artist into the public eye. His name, lost in records and catalogues, was rejuvenated by Alberto Shayo’s rediscovery of his works, effectively bringing artist and oeuvre back to life.



9781788840637 ACC Art Books 325 x 275mm. 336pp., 385 col., 32 b.&w. Available £65.00, Hardback



The book dwells on the sources and inspiration of the Art Deco movement, with particular emphasis on sculptures created by Demétre Chiparus.

One of the most important sculptors of the Art Deco era, Demétre Chiparus (1886-1947) was a Romanian sculptor who lived and worked in Paris, France. This monograph covers his work as both a sculptor and a painter. Decorative Arts


Glassworks The Art of Frederick Birkhill Contributions by Samantha De Tillio, Dr. Dedo Von Kerssenbrock-Krosogk, Amy Schwartz, Stuart Reid, and Doreen Balabanoff Glass as an art form has an ancient tradition; the archaeological record suggests that artisans in Egypt and Mesopotamia were fabricating glass vessels and ornaments during the fourth millennium BCE. Its durable nature, range of colours, malleability, and most of all, its optical transparency are qualities that have made glass a premiere art medium. Over a lifetime, Frederick Birkhill has explored the unique qualities of glass and the numerous techniques and intricacies of working with it. The result of these decades of study is a body of work that is extraordinary in scope, technical expertise, and sheer virtuosity. This book honours this gifted artist.

9781732986404 The Artist Book Foundation 304 x 292mm. 196pp., 100 col., 25 b.&w. May 2020 £65.00, Hardback


Decorative Arts

Silver Triennial International 19th Worldwide Competition Edited by Christianne WeberStöber The publication for the 19th Silver Triennial provides an exciting review of the current silver scene from across the globe. The competition is organised by the Society for Goldsmiths’ Art in collaboration with the City of Hanau, which invited internationally renowned silversmiths and metal designers as well as emergent up-and-coming artists to participate in the competition. The diverse repertoire of silver everyday implements; such as tea-, water- and coffee pots, bowls, cutlery, candlesticks and jars, as well as abstract objects; is exemplary of 21st-century silversmithing. A top-class jury selected the award winners and exhibitors.

9783897905665 Arnoldsche Art Publishers 250 x 170mm. 160pp., 110 col. Available £28.00, Hardback English, German

The Persian Carpet The Forgotten Years 1722-1872 Hadi Maktabi This publication sets out to investigate a significant yet overlooked era of carpet weaving in Iran. The time-span stretches between two highly significant dates, which are exactly 150 years apart. The first, 1722, marks the downfall of the Safavid dynasty. The second date, 1872, represents the formal start of the modern carpet revival, when increased demand attracted European attention and changed the industry’s structure. Prevailing opinion has hitherto been that in-between not much happened and that there was an overall decline in carpet production. Thankfully that is not the case, otherwise this book would not exist. New evidence brings to light a period of design evolution, thriving workshops and prestigious commissions. Through careful study of documentary sources, artworks in different media but first and foremost the hand-knotted rugs themselves, the glory of this forgotten age of the Persian carpet is brought to life.

9781898113867 Hali Publications Ltd 318 x 245mm. 304pp., 180 col., 15 b.&w. Available £60.00, Hardback

9782930451305 Prisme Éditions /Exhibitions International 260 x 200mm. 160pp., col. January 2020 £46.50, Hardback English, French

Bai Ming Vibrations de la Terre - Vibrations of the Earth Christine Shimizu A comprehensive monograph on award-winning artist Bai Ming. Born in 1965 about 100 kilometres from the former imperial porcelain factories of Jingdezhen in China, Bai Ming is a multi-facetted visual artist. The delicacy of his technique in ceramics, painting and lacquer has revitalised Chinese porcelain, freeing it from its archaic forms. His creations are recognised by collectors around the world.

9789463930826 MER - B&L/Exhibitions International 345 x 255mm. 128pp., col. January 2020 £47.50, Paperback

Ed Miller Arjen Ribbens Wood turner Ed Miller (1928-2017) was a basement artist, one of those self-taught creatives who make it clear that dedication, perseverance, and talent can sometimes lead to impressive artistic results. As a legacy he leaves an oeuvre that is homogenous and of outstanding artistic quality. This publication, for the first time, brings together a collection of his works.

9783897905740 Arnoldsche Art Publishers 280 x 200mm. 280pp., 120 col. January 2020 £48.00, Hardback German

Seladon im Augenmerk Jadegleiche Porzellane und ihre MeisterInnen in Longquan, VR China Anette Mertens; Mareile Flitsch Ever since at least the ninth century, the Chinese province of Zhejiang has been known for its fine celadon porcelain with wonderful shimmering surfaces in qing, the magnificent shades of green. This publication offers an exciting social anthropological insight into the cultural history, technology and sociality of celadon production in the porcelain metropolis of Longquan, up to the present day.

9783897905764 Arnoldsche Art Publishers 260 x 210mm. 128pp., 126 col. Available £28.00, Paperback with flaps English, German

Margit Hart Mindscapes. Jewelry and Photography Carl Aigner, Mirella Cisotto Nalon, Nina Schedlmayer & Jonathan Wahl Over the past 25 years, the Austrian artist Margit Hart has created an extremely diverse oeuvre of contemporary jewellery. Since 2009 the artist’s work has extended into abstract photography, resulting in a mutual dialogue between both disciplines. This monograph showcases the interplay between both modes of artistic expression in a tangible way. Decorative Arts


Form Guide Understanding Design Terms Edited by Museum für Gestaltung Zurich, Burg Giebischenstien Kunsthochschule Halle

100 Best Posters 18 Germany - Austria - Switzerland 100 Beste Plakate e. V.

Bracket [Takes Action] Neeraj Bhatia and Mason White

This easy-to-use and conveniently sized dictionary of key design terminology covers product forms, constructions and impressions. The 100 products examples used are presented with a brief description of their origin.

Featuring ground-breaking designs from the fields of corporate design, advertising, author graphics, and poster art, the 2018 yearbook explores the status of posters amid the wide variety of media and forms of expression available to clients and designers.

Bracket [Takes Action] provokes spatial practice’s potential to incite and respond to action today. Through essays and design projects, the intent of the fourth almanac of Bracket is to unpack the contemporary possibility of action through design.

9783899861211 av edition, 160 x 60mm. 240pp., 222 col., January 2020 £18.00, Screw binding, English, German

9783862067343 Verlag Kettler, 240 x 170mm., 288pp., 125 col., 3 6 b.&w., Available, £35.00, Paperback, English, German

9781943532919 Oro Editions/Applied Research & Design, 262 x 200mm., 320pp., 300 col., June 2020, £32.95, Paperback

Circus ABC David Berry and Jennifer Lemmer Posey

Design from the Alps 1920-2020 Tyrol South Tyrol Trentino Edited by Claudio Larcher, Massimo Martignoni & Ursula Schnitzer

Robotic Force Printing A Joint Workshop of MIT/ETH/TJ Philip F. Yuan, Philippe Block et.al

This survey, published to coincide with an exhibition at museum Kunst Meran, tells the story of a century of product design from The Alps, highlighting the vast variety of discoveries and innovations that have emerged there.

This book is a documentation of the joint workshop of MIT, ETH and Tongji University, which integrates COMPAS and FURobotic to explore the integration between novel structural designs and the advances in additive manufacturing and robotic fabrication.

There is no better place to learn your ABCs than at the circus! Beautifully illustrated with vintage circus posters from the Ringling Circus Museum, this entertaining ABCs book is the perfect read for children of all ages. 9781785513008 Scala Arts & Heritage Publishing Ltd., 216 x 216mm., 64pp., April 2020, £12.95, Hardback



9783858816498 Scheidegger & Spiess, 290 x 230mm., 460pp., 327 col., 39 b.&w., December 2019, £45.00, Hardback, English, German, Italian

9787560885766 Tongji University Press, 240 x 170mm.180pp., 110 col., 25 b.&w., January 2020, £19.95, Paperback

Soviet Design From Constructivism To Modernism 1920-1980 Edited by Kristina Krasnyanskaya & Alexander Semenov Soviet design is often discredited as massive, non-ergonomic and monotonous. Yet a remarkable variety of original styles have emerged behind the iron curtain. The Soviet Union has left a vast heritage in interior design that is largely unknown in the West. Other than architecture and graphic or product design, interior design from the Soviet era has not yet been thoroughly investigated. For the first time ever, this book offers a comprehensive survey of the country’s interior design culture between revolutionary avant-garde and late Soviet modernism. Drawing on archives that were inaccessible until recently and featuring a wealth of previously unpublished material, it documents the achievements of seven decades in the former socialist empire.

9783858818461 Scheidegger & Spiess 300 x 240mm. 432pp., 300 col., 240 b.&w. April 2020 ÂŁ65.00, Hardback

First-ever comprehensive survey of Soviet interior design across seven decades, drawing on archives that were ignored or inaccessible until recently and featuring a wealth of previously unpublished material.



Porsche 911 Iconic Vehicles Made From LEGO® Bricks Joachim Klang In this new book, Porsche 911: Iconic Vehicles Made From LEGO® Bricks, by Joachim (Joe) Klang, LEGO® enthusiasts can bring sports cars from the legendary Porsche 911 series to life in their own home using their existing collection of LEGO® bricks. With easy to follow step-by-step instructions that illustrate how to build these models from LEGO®, readers can be assured that no details are missed. Fans of all skill levels can enjoy this latest addition as well as other successful titles from the passionate author including: Build Your Own Lego Vehicles ISBN 9783868527667 Tips For Kids: Record-Breaking Brick Vehicles ISBN 9783958435513

9783966640022 Heel Verlag GmbH 254 x 203mm. 128pp., 100 col. March 2020 £16.99, Paperback

A book on how to build your own Porsche 911 legends out of LEGO® bricks.

Iconic Objects Made From LEGO® Bricks Joachim Klang In his latest book, Joachim (Joe) Klang presents the reader with a fascinating choice of exclusively designed LEGO® models, featuring cool, classic objects that everyone will recognise. With illustrated simple step-by-step instructions, LEGO® fans can create iconic objects such as the Polaroid® camera, the Nintendo® Gameboy or the Rubik’s cube using their own collection of bricks. More step-by-step LEGO® model books are also available from the author including: Bricks and Tricks ISBN 9783958437623 Tips and Tricks ISBN 9783958434790

9783966640039 Heel Verlag GmbH 245 x 245mm. 144pp., 100 col. June 2020 £19.99, Hardback



How to create iconic objects such as the Polaroid® camera, the Nintendo® Gameboy or the Rubik’s cube out of LEGO® bricks.

9783897905696 Arnoldsche Art Publishers 260 x 210mm. 160pp., 181 col. Available £38.00, Paperback with flaps English, German

9780993587887 Artmonsky Arts 175 x 215mm. 120pp., 100 col., 50 b.&w. Available £10.00, Paperback

Otto Prutscher Universal Designer of Viennese Modernism Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Rainald Franz

Wrapping It Up 50 Years of British Packaging Design 1920-1970 Ruth Artmonsky and Stella Harpley

Otto Prutscher (1880-1949) was an architect and a designer in all applied arts media, as well as an exhibition designer, teacher and member of all the important arts and crafts movements, from the Secession to the Wiener Werkstätte and the Werkbund. This publication conducts an audit of Prutscher’s work as a pacemaker of Viennese modernism.

Wrapping It Up gives an account of the usefulness of packaging to all involved beyond its commercial value as a marketing and advertising tool. Features many graphic artists and designers whose ingenuity was so successfully applied to the problem of how to protect goods in transit and in storage and still attract attention.

9783899392180 Red Dot 300 x 240mm. 1200pp., 2500 col. Available £70.00, 2 Vols, Hardback

International Yearbook Brands & Communication Design 2019/2020 Peter Zec Year after year, the International Yearbook Brands & Communication Design shows powerful brand- and communication-centred works and projects by design studios and companies focused on communication campaigns. This two-volume publication showcases the more classical categories such as corporate design, advertising, magazines, packaging and typography as well as the digital and multimedia disciplines including e-commerce websites, apps, and computer games.

9783899860993 av edition 247 x 196mm. 46pp., 46 col. January 2020 £18.00, Paperback, Slipcase English, German

Designline Edited by Sara Hausmann, Achim Böhmer The Designline is a 4.5 metre long history on design, which can either be used as a booklet, or unfolded as a large poster. Numerous photos and information on historical developments, outstanding works and designers from each epoch accompany the design history, making this important both as an example, and in terms of product language.



100 Iconic Bollywood Costumes Sujata Assomull, illustratrated by Aparna Ram, foreword Manish Malhotra 100 Iconic Bollywood Costumes is a celebration of fashion in Indian cinema, studded with beautiful illustrations of India’s most enduring glam icons. It pays tribute to the colourful silver screen looks that have not only come to define their lms and actresses, but have also shaped the way millions of Indian women view style: Madhubala’s classic Anarkali in Mughal-e-Azam (1960), Kajol’s tomboy chic in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998), Kareena Kapoor’s game-changing Patialas in Jab We Met (2007), and many more. Packed with insider know-how on the creative processes behind these influential costumes – from designer legends such as Manish Malhotra to the stylish performers themselves – 100 Iconic Bollywood Costumes is a must-have for both fans and scholars of women’s fashion, Bollywood cinema, and the quintessential quirks of modern Indian culture.

9788194110972 Roli Books 241 x 165mm. 224pp., 107 col. March 2020 £24.95, Hardback

100 Iconic Bollywood Costumes is a definitive guide to these outfits and more, as well as to the magic behind them. The book is full of insider knowhow from designer legends such as Manish Malhotra.



Kaiser Karl The Life of Karl Lagerfeld Raphaëlle Bacqué On the last morning of his life, Karl Lagerfeld’s only companion was Sébastien, his bodyguard and right-hand man. The king of fashion insisted on being cremated, along with his universally recognisable ‘gear’ – the dark glasses and high starched collar that served as a bastion for his secrets. It is only now that witnesses have begun to talk. Thus emerges the story of Karl Lagerfeld: his father’s past in the heart of wartime Germany, his rivalry with Yves Saint Laurent (enflamed by his only love, Jacques de Bascher) and the networks he forged with the biggest luxury manufacturers in the world as he compiled his vast fortune. Truly an unparalleled icon in the history of fashion, Lagerfeld’s legacy lives on today.

9781788840705 ACC Art Books 220 x 150mm. 256pp., 12 b.&w. February 2020 £18.00, Hardback

“This first biography, fed by many first-rate witnesses… we laugh, we shudder, we admire.” – Elle



Embellishment/Smuk A New Light on Decorative Techniques Karolien De Clippel, Florence Müller, Corinne ThépautCabasset, Peter McNeil, Romy Cockx, Rebecca Devaney, Anaïs Huyghe, Eve Demoen, Nadia Albertini For the first time, this book investigates decorative techniques in the luxury fashion industry. The demand for decoration on clothing resulted in many specialised skills and crafts, such as broderie (embroidery), and parurerie florale (artificial flower application). This handcrafted adornment is synonymous with exclusivity and luxury, and still plays a crucial role in haute couture today. Embellishment/Smuk reveals these activities in the most important ateliers of Paris. At the same time, the book delves into the male wardrobe, more specifically that of the 18th century courtier, who adorned himself with coats and waistcoats richly embroidered with floral motifs. 9789082765922 Hasselt Fashion Museum/Exhibitions International 280 x 215mm. 192pp., col. Available £52.90, Hardback English, Dutch



Fabienne Delvigne Sublimating Through Difference Catherine Seiler. Forewords: by Diane von Furstenberg and Stéphane Bern This book traces the career of Fabienne Delvigne, the Belgian entrepreneur, hat designer and craftswoman who creates high-end luxury products. Her unique talent was recognised in 2001, when the Belgian royal family awarded her the coveted title of Warrant Holder of the Court of Belgium. An original and exhilirating volume the book not only looks back on the milliner’s career, but also reveals a woman of character who defends an artistic heritage while being of her time. Anecdotes, recollections, previously unseen projects, a behind-the-scenes view of the creator’s artistry, a look back on her collaborations with such leading companies as Guerlain and BMW, and, of course, hats to go mad for! The book will be released to mark the 30th anniversary of Maison Fabienne Delvigne. 9782930117812 Editions Marot/Exhibitions International 305 x 250mm. 200pp., col. Available £59.99 Hardback

Garden of Lace Carine Gilson Karen van Godtsenhoven “beautifully crafted” - Net-a-porter.com Birds of paradise, exotic flowers, the Garden of Eden, Gustav Klimt, Art Nouveau and Les Ballets Russes are sources of inspiration for the fantastic and exclusive oeuvre of Belgian lingerie and nightwear designer Carine Gilson. She transforms Calais lace and silk from Lyon into ‘haute lingerie’ with masterly finesse, and her designs catapult the imagination into a dream world of sensuality and elegance. This book explores her philosophy and work, focusing on her designs, the luxurious material she sources, and the craftsmanship of the atelier that has been transforming lace and silk into exquisite and luxurious lingerie, robes, and nightgowns for nearly 30 years. Carine Gilson’s couture lingerie is sold in her own stores in Paris, London, Taipei and Brussels and in famous couture houses around the world.

9789401464703 Lannoo Publishers 280 x 230mm. 192pp., 140 col., 50 b.&w. January 2020 £45.00, Hardback

Louis XIII Cognac The Thesaurus Farid Chenoune. Edited by Karen Howes. Preface by John Malkovich First exhibited at the Exposition Universelle (Paris, 1900) Louis XIII has embodied sophistication for over a century. Each bottle is a unique work of art, from the decanter – each of which requires eleven craftsmen to blow the crystal, apply the ornamentation and wrap the 20-K gold collar around its slender neck – to the cognac itself. Composed of up to 1200 eaux-de-vie from the first cru of the Cognac region, Grande Champagne, Louis XIII balances notes of myrrh, honey, dried roses, plum, honeysuckle, cigar boxes, leather, figs and passion fruit in an unmatched, ambrosial blend. This book is an ode to the cognac, sung by some of its earliest and most vibrant devotees. We delve into the diaries and letters of two passionate travellers aboard the America-bound cruiser Normandie, 1935; the agenda of King George VI and his wife Queen Elizabeth on their visit to Versailles in 1938; and the first-hand account of a young millionaire who, while on a trip to Constantinople in 1928, requested that the Orient-Express stop so that the surface of his brandy might lie still. Tracing the history of the iconic decanter from the pewter flask found after the Battle of Jarnac to the inspired glass vessels that captivated the royal courts of Europe, Louis XIII Cognac – The Thesaurus promises an elegant and entertaining glimpse into this prestigious cognac and the characters who drank it.

Collecting testimonies from early 20th-century letters and diaries, this book honours the timeless reputation of Louis XIII, the luxury cognac from Rémy Martin.

9781851499014 ACC Art Books 330 x 245mm. 288pp., col April 2020 £150.00, Hardback

Food & Drink


Chow! Secrets of Chinese Cooking Cookbook Dolly Chow The provinces of China are united by their love of a good meal. Each has their own specialties and methods of preparation - all of which are, of course, purported to be ‘the best’. Rather than attempting to cover the entirety of Chinese cuisine, this charming little book instead focuses on recipes born from melding the author’s favourite family menus with tips on traditional preparation and table etiquette as dictated by Confucius 2500 years ago. The result is an informative and delicious peek into the Chinese food culture of the early twentieth century. Requiring only minimal materials and expertise, the recipes are accessible and flavourful, while the insights into traditional Chinese eating customs will be of use for travellers hoping to dine authentically while abroad. Chow! guides the reader through the basics - how to wash rice, serve tea and make noodles from scratch - before introducing them to a variety of dishes based around meat, seafood and vegetables. Whether you seek familiar tastes or adventurous dishes, Chow! has it all: from stuffed mushrooms and fried rice to minced pigeon, crab fat with green vegetables and duck tongue soup.

9781788840750 ACC Art Books 185 x 125mm. 320pp., March 2020 £20.00, Hardback English, Chinese


Food & Drink

New edition of the classic, bestselling traditional Chinese cookbook. First printed in 1936, the book has been reprinted 68 times and has sold over 300,000 copies in China.

Mixing Cosmopolitans The Pouring Tales Daniel Staub Daniel Staub, the creative mind behind several bars and speakeasies in Zurich and author of the bartending blog ‘The Pouring Tales’ is on a mission to find and portray the most innovative and passionate bartenders from all across the globe – the true artists of modern mixology. Resulting from his extensive travels and research into the global nightlife scene, Mixing Cosmopolitans is a travel diary, a bar guide, and a recipe book all in one. Yet in the spotlight, first and foremost, are the people who breathe new, often unconventional, life into the art of hospitality and who in this book share their own personal path to finding their passion in bartending.



9783907203040 Alambic Books 260 x 200mm. 224pp., 83 col. January 2020 £29.99, Hardback



Presenting 21 personal, beautifully illustrated portraits of bartenders and their bars along with the recipes for their signature cocktails, Mixing Cosmopolitans offers a compelling look into a constantly evolving scene and art form.

A beautifully illustrated introduction to 21 bartenders and their bars around the world, along with the recipes for their signature cocktails, offering a compelling look into a constantly evolving scene and art form.

Rum - Rhum - Ron Pascal Kählin, Sina Bühler This book – researched and authored by recognised rum expert Pascal Kählin – offers a comprehensive overview of a wide range of different rums and the most important places of production around the world. The evolution of rum is closely tied to the cultural history and prevalence of sugar. As a comprehensive guide, Rum – Rhum – Ron discusses and classifies different rum brands and portrays important distilleries in image and texts, detailing their history, local variations and particularities. This ‘atlas of rum’ tells rum’s story and its rise from sailor’s drink to collector’s item – a compendium for experts and anyone with an interest in spirits.

9783907203019 – English 9783907203026 – French Alambic Books 220 x 170mm. 200pp., 44 col., 10 b.&w. January 2020 £25.00, Hardback

An illustrated introduction to some 90 rum distilleries in more than 30 countries worldwide, describing and classifies 144 different spirits. Food & Drink


9788494817687 Grupo Peñín 210 x 148mm. 1120pp., 1000 col. Available £25.00, Paperback

9788866410485 Gambero Rosso 225 x 110mm. 1302pp. Available £25.00, Paperback

Peñin Guide Spanish Wine 2020 PI&ERRE

Italian Wines 2020 Edited by Gambero Rosso

Now in its 30th edition, the Peñin Guide Spanish Wine 2020 is the definitive guide to Spanish wine. Each year their team of tasters travels to every wine-growing area of Spain to taste and review new varieties, labels and vintages, and this year’s edition of the guide contains information about 2,100 wineries and on more than 11,800 new wines.

Italian Wines is the English-language version of Gambero Rosso’s Vini d’Italia, the world’s best-selling guide to Italian wine. It is the result of a year’s work by over 60 tasters and is an essential tool for both wine professionals and passionate amateurs around the globe: helping you to find your way through the complex panorama of Italy’s wine world.

9788866412021 Gambero Rosso 230 x 135mm. 496pp. February 2020 £12.50, Paperback

9789401464789 Lannoo Publishers 240 x 195mm. 240pp., 200 col., 30 b.&w. Available £25.00, Hardback

Top Italian Food & Beverage Experience 2020 Edited by Gambero Rosso

Craft Beer Brewing The New Wave of Belgian Brewers Jeroen Bert

The fifth edition of Gambero Rosso’s Top Italian Food & Beverage Experience features a selection of the best Italian food and beverage producers. This is an indispensable tool for foodies, as well as industry players wanting to promote the best of ‘Made-in-Italy’, and for the 50,000 buyers and influencers who participate annually in Gambero Rosso’s international events. 76

Food & Drink

Craft Beer Brewing tracks the current scene and follows the author as he brews the most popular beers in his kitchen. Included here are recipes and instructions for an accessible ‘brew-in-a-bag’ method of making craft beer at home. You’ll discover the brewing secrets of cutting-edge producers like Dok Brewing Company, Resistance, Cabardouche, L’Ermitage and many others.

Everyday Vegan Healthy Plant-Based Cooking for the Entire Family Ellen Charlotte Marie Vegan cooking is more popular than ever. The challenge is to prepare meals that will be healthy and appealing for the whole family. This book features kid-tested recipes for families with children that are easy, tasty, and nutritious. Whether you are a practicing vegan or just want to introduce your family to healthier eating, these recipes will inspire you. Ellen also introduces a sugar free challenge, explains the world of kombucha and seaweed, and shows how to make your weekday meals easier by planning and preparing ahead.

9789401462907 Lannoo Publishers 240 x 190mm. 160pp., 180 col., 20 b.&w. December 2019 £25.00, Paperback

Sharing Inspired Recipes for Office and Home Benoit Dewitte One Michelin star chef Benoit Dewitte has developed a unique culinary program for Welkin & Meraki’s co-working office spaces in Brussels, Eindhoven, Paris, Luxembourg, and London. He has created breakfast and lunch menus for these locations that are full of light, tasty and varied dishes. In this book, he shares nearly 60 of those delicious recipes.

9789401465021 Lannoo Publishers 240 x 195mm. 176pp., 120 col., 15 b.&w. January 2020 £30.00, Hardback

Dessert Roger van Damme This inspiring book of 50 fabulous desserts by chef Roger van Damme and his team is the result of 25 years of hard work at the apex of the culinary world. With a passion for innovation that goes beyond the traditional definition of a pastry chef, Van Damme transforms seasonal products into new and original confections, and creates inspired combinations. With an international flair, this book takes us from Belgium to Barcelona, Paris, and beyond.

9789401465212 Lannoo Publishers 300 x 240mm. 384pp., 400 col., 50 b.&w. December 2019 £45.00, Hardback

Food & Drink


Biotope Pastorale Bart De Pooter, Robby Sallaets, Kris Vlegels

Bistro Belge Nostalgic Places to Eat in Belgium Toni De Coninck

In this brilliantly illustrated coffee table book, two-star Michelin chef Bart De Pooter, owner of the Belgian restaurant Pastorale, pays homage to the adventures and discoveries that have shaped his culinary landscape over the past 25 years.

In Belgium, you can still find restaurants where time seems to have stood still. This book tells the story of these establishments, and the people who work there, along with recipes for speciality dishes the author gathered along the way.

This delightful cookbook showcases the splendour of Kashmir through beautiful vintage and new photographs bringing alive its history and culture. Coupled with its collection of authentic, comprehensive and easy-to-make recipes, makes this book indispensable to all lovers of good food.

9789401462655 Lannoo Publishers, 280 x 230mm., 256pp., 190 col., 30 b.&w., Available, £50.00, Hardback

9789460582585 Luster, 240 x 170mm., 256pp., 200 col., Available, £25.00, Hardback, English, Dutch

9788194110941 Roli Books, 235 x 174mm., 144pp., 196 col., March 2020, £15.95, Hardback

The Mughal Feast Recipes From The Kitchen Of Emperor Shah Jahan Salma Yusuf Husain

Pure & Healthy: Healthy Indian Vegetarian Cuisine Vidhu Mittal, Nutritionist - Radhika Karle

Wazwaan Traditional Kashmiri Cuisine Waza Sharief, Waza Shafi, Waza Rafiq, Rocky Mohan

Presents a delightful transcreation of the original handwritten Persian recipe book Nuskha-e-Shahjahani from the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan’s time. 9788193704974 Roli Books, 241 x 178mm., 224pp., 28 col., March 2020, £24.95, Hardback


Food & Drink

This unique cookbook, packed with vegetarian recipes suitable for everyone, also includes weekly menu suggestions for those with medical conditions. With its blend of traditional dishes and innovative renditions, it elevates healthy food to refined cuisine. 9788194206811 Roli Books, 280 x 229mm., 232pp., 1006 col., March 2020, £29.95, Hardback

Kashmiri Cuisine Through the Ages Sarla Razdan

For the first time ever, the exotic treasury of secret recipes from the renowned family of waza – the master chefs of Kashmir – are made available to all those who love the cuisine of the beautiful Valley. 9788194110934 Roli Books, 235 x 174mm., 96pp., 48 col., March 2020, £15.95, Hardback

David Austin’s English Roses David Austin (revised and updated by Michael Marriott) Informative, accessible and stunningly illustrated, David Austin’s English Roses introduces the reader to the world of rose propagation and care. The book focuses on English Roses, bred by David Austin to combine the sumptuousness of Old Roses with the strength and practical virtues of Modern Roses. It will be greatly prized by rose-growers and rose-lovers everywhere, whether professional or amateur. Also available: Climbing and Rambler Roses ISBN: 9781870673655 Modern, Shrub and Species Roses ISBN: 9781870673716 Old Roses ISBN: 9781870673693

9781788840194 ACC Art Books 270 x 215mm. 208pp., 130 col. April 2020 £25.00, Hardback

The perfect companion for gardeners and enthusiasts of the English Rose, written by the proprietor of one of the world’s leading rose nurseries.

“Fully illustrated, the charm of his English Roses comes across on every page, even if the reader has to imagine their scent.” - The Irish Garden

Gardens & Gardening


Cambridge University Botanic Garden Director’s Choice Beverley Glover Cambridge University Botanic Garden is a unique 40-acre site housing a living collection of plants for research and teaching use by the University of Cambridge. Laid out in 1846 to demonstrate relationships between major plant groups, the Garden today is home to 8,000 species from all around the world, including 2,000 trees which provide year-round interest. In this guide the Director, Professor Beverley Glover, introduces the reader to some of the highlights in the Botanic Garden’s collection. These include majestic trees and beautiful flowers, but also some rare and vulnerable species that might otherwise escape notice. She sets the scene for the Garden’s foundation and history through its original map, and showcases some of its modern landscapes and horticultural set pieces. Throughout the guide she emphasises the enormous role that the Botanic Garden plays in modern scientific research, and explains some of the key breakthroughs of recent years. 9781785512858 Scala Arts & Heritage Publishing Ltd. 190 x 165mm. 80pp., col. April 2020 £9.95, Paperback

Beautiful photography and engaging text throughout reveals the splendour of the Botanic Garden’s collection, including majestic trees and beautiful flowers, and some rare and vulnerable species.

Rooted in the Hood An Intimate Portrait of New York City’s Community Gardens Anna Angelidakis Rooted in the Hood is a photo essay celebrating the community gardens of New York City and the people who create, cultivate, and enjoy them. The late ‘60s and ‘70s witnessed the devastation of New York City, with many buildings in low-income areas left unattended, burned, and reduced to rubble. Drug dealers, gangs, and junkies soon moved in, making those neighbourhoods unsafe to live. This book is about ordinary people, dreamers, and visionaries rising against these unsafe conditions by clearing empty lots, planting trees and vegetables, and slowly creating small havens for the community. By drawing attention to these local gardens, the book brings awareness to the importance of green spaces, not only in New York City, but across the country and around the world.

9781943532766 ORO Editions 178 x 178mm. 300pp., 250 col. April 2020 £24.95, Hardback


Gardens & Gardening

Celebrates the community gardens of New York and the people who tend them. Features a stunning and eclectic selection of photographs.

Pompei Holocaust Photographs by Luigi Spina This photographic narrative by Luigi Spina reveals unexpected treasures that hail from Pompei and Ercolano, hidden from the public eye and concealed under the roofs of the National Archaeological Museum in Naples. Spina’s collection of black and white photographs gives the reader a glimpse of the bronze, glass, ceramic, and terracotta artefacts such as candle sticks, decorations, handles, statues, pots, oil lamps and even charred bread, that fill the cells in this Neapolitan institution.

9788874399161 5 Continents Editions 280 x 280mm. 144pp., 100 b.&w. April 2020 £45.00, Hardback English, Italian

A collection of black and white images of hidden artefacts from Pompei, held at the National Archaeological Museum in Naples.

Unhinged On Jitterbugs, Melancholics and MadDoctors Patrick Allegaert, Bart Marius, Andrew Scull, Yoon Hee Lamot and others For more than 30 years, the permanent display on psychiatry has been the very heart of the Museum Dr. Guislain in Ghent. The history of psychiatry is the inspiration for new thematic exhibitions every year, in which the museum seeks to dislodge entrenched views and deep-rooted stigmas and reframe them in the context of today. In October 2019, this permanent display received a makeover and has been presented under the title ‘Unhinged’, in which the Museum Dr. Guislain offers a fresh look at its own history as a museum. The richly illustrated publication explores the boundaries of the traditional and goes in search of the sane in the insane. It provides an overview of psychiatry on the basis of five contemporary themes that enter into dialogue with each other: ‘power and powerlessness’, ‘body and mind’, ‘architecture’, ‘classification’ and ‘imagination’. Historical documents are also put side by side with contemporary art, creating a dynamic interpretation. 9789463887229 Hannibal Publishing 240 x 170mm. 256pp., col., b.&w, December 2019 £29.00, Hardback

A fascinating contemporary look at the history of psychiatry. History & Heritage


Colonists, Citizens, Constitutions Creating the American Republic James Hrdlicka; Foreword by Ruth Bader Ginsburg Colonists, Citizens, Constitutions highlights documents that tell the story of American constitutionalism from the founding era through the turn of the 20th century. Accompanying a major exhibition at the New-York Historical Society and the Museum of the American Revolution, the book features federal and state constitutional materials that offer essential windows onto the history of the United States. Remarkably numerous and impressively diverse, constitutions enabled Americans to create revolutionary governments of, by, and for the people. Weaving both well-known and less familiar documents into a compelling narrative, the accessible text reveals how Americans have exercised their constitutional powers to shape their communities and why democracy remains an on-going process, one in which citizens must constantly strive to create ‘more perfect’ unions among themselves. 9781785512070 Scala Arts & Heritage Publishing Ltd. 265 x 207mm. 208pp., 80 col. January 2020 £35.00, Hardback


History & Heritage

Exeter Cathedral The Garden of Paradise Jonathan Foyle with Diane Walker Nine hundred years ago, foundations were dug for a great church in Exeter, which would develop into the beautiful cathedral that still marks the heart of the city. It is distinctive among English cathedrals for its twin transept towers, and unbroken vault stretching from the entrance to the high altar, and the sheer profusion of carving of plants and animals throughout. Exeter is a heavenly garden in stone, and this new book, illustrated with specially commissioned photography, draws on archaeology, archives and imagery to explain what its builders in a surprisingly cosmopolitan city were trying to tell us about their understanding of the world, and the realm they envisioned beyond us.

9781785512353 Scala Arts & Heritage Publishing Ltd. 280 x 240mm. 128pp., col. March 2020 £19.95, Paperback

Llandaff Cathedral John Kenyon The ancient Cathedral Church of Saints Peter and Paul with Dyfrig, Teilo and Euddogwy saw its beginnings in the community that formed around the seat of its founding bishops in the middle part of the 6th century. Today, Llandaff Cathedral lies peacefully in a steep hollow, once no doubt sheltered from the view of marauders by land and sea, close to vital river crossings which made it strategically secure during the early period of its development as a Christian community. This guide reveals how successive generations, changes of fortune, accidents, disasters, human courage and determination have all made their mark on this fascinating building, from the 12th to the 21st centuries.

9781785512575 Scala Arts & Heritage Publishing Ltd. 250 x 210mm. 40pp., col. January 2020 £5.00, Paperback

Out of the Blue Fifty Years of Designers Guild Tricia Guild and Amanda Back Out of the Blue unravels Tricia Guild’s unique and creative approach, focusing in on her inspiration, her intuitive design methodology and the techniques, processes and materials used. Frustrated with the lack of truly contemporary fabrics and wallpapers for interiors, Tricia’s vision was to create a lifestyle. Tricia showed people how to put the different elements of a room together; how colour, pattern, texture and form can combine to create a harmonious space. In this book, readers will be able to see where Tricia’s inspiration comes from – her travels to India, Japan and Scandinavia – and how this is translated into collections of fabrics, wallpaper, furniture and accessories. Her inspiration may come from ancient Indian textiles, Renaissance-style velvet or a Swedish Gustavian wall treatment, but the resulting interiors are never drawn solely from one traveller’s tale and are never just a reworking of an old document. Instead, each is an eclectic amalgam in which a harmony exists between East and West, present and past. 9781788840743 ACC Art Books 270 x 215 256pp., 1000 col. March 2020 £30.00, Hardback

Celebrating a half-century of design and innovation from Designers Guild, this is the perfect source of inspiration for the budding designer. Accompanies an exhibition at the Fashion and Textile Museum, Bermondsey, opening in February 2020.

Interior Design


“Family-run since 1909, Belgium’s Lannoo Publishers covers topics from architecture and serious modern fiction to high-art treatments of Instagram subjects. The publisher’s books are united by an irrepressible sense of whimsy… These are things of beauty.”– Sadie Stein, Departures Magazine Lannoo highlights:

150 Bars You Need to Visit Before You Die Jurgen Lijcops 9789401449120 260 x 193mm. 288pp., 150 col., 30 b.&w. £27.50, Hardback

Mountain View The Perfect Holiday Homes; Nature Retreats Vol. I Sebastiaan Bedaux 9789401446150 280 x 230mm. 224pp., 250 col., 30 b.&w. £45.00, Hardback


Gin & Tonic The Complete Guide for the Perfect Mix Frédéric Du Bois & Isabel Boons 9789401425605 195 x 130mm. 500pp., 250 col., 120 b.&w. £22.50, Hardback

The Day After Tomorrow How to Survive in Times of Radical Innovation Peter Hinssen 9789401446495 240 x 170mm. 272pp. £29.95, Flexibind

Insta Grammar: Unicorn Irene Schampaert

9789401449687 210 x 150mm. 128pp., 80 col., 20 b.&w. £12.50, Paperback

Wonder Plants 2 Your Urban Jungle Interior Irene Schampaert & Judith Baehner 9789401449274 280 x 230mm. 240pp., 250 col. £32.50, Hardback

Margiela. The Hermès Years Kaat Debo, Sarah Mower, Rebecca Arnold, Vincent Wierink & Suzy Menkes 9789401452366 290 x 227mm. 272pp., 240 col., 80 b.&w. £50.00, Hardback

The Rolling Home presents The Culture of Vanlife The Rolling Magazine 9789401449779 275 x 210mm. 240pp., 240 col., 30 b.&w. £35.00, Hardback

Living in the City Urban Interiors and Portraits Feeling Living The city is not just a place where creative talents meet and work, it is also a place where they live. Feeling Living magazine has selected 20 of the most fascinating and beautiful city abodes of people who spend their lives pushing the envelope of innovation and creativity. Scattered around major European cities, these lofts, houses, industrial-style spaces, and Hausmann-style apartments are often surprising, and always interesting. This book invites you into their homes, and shares with you their vision of city life.

9789082183757 Lannoo Publishers 260 x 200mm. 288pp., 250 col., 20 b.&w. Available ÂŁ40.00, Hardback English, French, Dutch

A beautifully-illustrated book that tours the private homes of 20 influential European designers, such as Patricia Morosa in Milan, Moustache in Paris, and Studio Job in Amsterdam.

Interior Design


Bea Objects & Interiors Bea Mombaers Interior stylist Bea Mombaers is passionate about vintage and design; she’s always on the lookout for special finds and unique objects. Over time she developed a distinctive signature style. This book presents Bea’s work and universe as seen through the lenses of different photographers. The photos show interiors arranged by Bea, but also intriguing details, beautiful still lifes and objects with a story Bea feels inspired by. The photos are presented according to the key moments in a day: waking up, breakfast, break, lunch, coffee, apero, dinner and party. Bea is a source of inspiration and interior dreams, and a personal view on Bea Mombaers’s world and her favourite projects so far.

9789460582530 Luster 260 x 200mm. 240pp., col. May 2020 £36.00, Hardback

A source of inspiration and interior dreams Bea presents interior stylist Bea Mombaers’s work and universe through the lenses of different photographers and according to key moments in the day. Designing Your World Marcel Wolterinck Marcel Wolterinck The studio of leading Dutch designer Marcel Wolterinck has an impressive track record in interior, exterior and outdoor spaces for private and business customers worldwide. His work is characterised by a harmonious relationship between indoors and outdoors, and the use of subtle colour, earthy tones, and refined, natural materials. In this well-illustrated book, designed by the noted Amsterdam-based studio Trapped in Suburbia, Wolterinck presents more than 20 new and inspiring projects, including designs for an exclusive yacht, a villa in Greece, private gardens, and a line of products.

9789089898166 Lannoo Publishers 315 x 250mm. 304pp., 320 col., 80 b.&w. March 2020 £85.00, Hardback English, Dutch

Showcases the latest collection of interior, exterior and product designs by Dutch designer Marcel Wolterinck. Twenty international projects are included. 86

Interior Design

Bernd Gruber Interior Design & Craftsmanship Edited by Wim Pauwels, Foreword by Marcel Wolterinck

Thomas Griem Homes

Countryside Living Edited by Wim Pauwels

This is the first monograph of renowned architect and interior designer Thomas Griem. Featuring projects in London, Hong Kong, Paris, Mallorca and Ibiza, this book is testament to the success of his studio’s approach to architecture and interior design.

Packed full of ideas on how to achieve that highly desirable ideal of comfortable country living, this book is a source of information and inspiration to interior designers, architects, and home owners, and a must-have for rural house enthusiasts.

9782875500694 Beta-Plus Publishing, 340 x 270mm., 176pp., 200 col., Available, £85.00, Hardback

9782875500663 Beta-Plus Publishing, 330 x 280mm., 224pp., 200 col., Available, £75.00, Hardback

Best of 500 Timeless Interiors Wim Pauwels

Best of 500 Gardens & Swimming Pools Wim Pauwels

Best of 500 Contemporary Interiors Wim Pauwels

Best of 500 Timeless Interiors showcases the 500 best projects over years of Beta-Plus features on timeless architecture and interiors. Beautiful and inspirational, this book is filled with sumptuous colour photographs of projects from around the world.

Showcases 500 of the most stunning and inspi­ rational projects from years of Beta-Plus features on gardens. Each project has been captured with sumptuous photographs, illustrating details of the overall design and offering ideas for your own garden or pool project.

Best of 500 Contemporary Interiors showcases the 500 best projects over years of Beta-Plus features on contemporary architecture and interiors. Beautiful and inspirational, this book is filled with sumptuous colour photographs of projects from around the world.

9782875500717 Beta-Plus Publishing, 260 x 260mm., 526pp., 500 col., Available, £62.50, Hardback

9782875500731 Beta-Plus Publishing, 298 x 256mm., 448pp., 500 col., Available, £62.50, Hardback

9782875500724 Beta-Plus Publishing, 298 x 256mm., 448pp., 500 col., Available, £62.50, Hardback

Kitzbühel-based company of craftsmen and designers Bernd Gruber presents ten recent residential projects (in Kitzbühel, Munich, Vienna, South Tyrol, Berlin, Grisons and Los Angeles) in a beautifully crafted coffee table book, finished with real natural linen. 9782875500571 Beta-Plus Publishing, 340 x 270mm., 192pp., 200 col., Available, £85.00, Hardback, English, German

Interior Design


The Family Home This beautifully packaged hardback book with linen finish provides unique access to distinct interiors from renowned Belgian architects and designers who have a deep understanding of family life. 9782875500670 Beta-Plus Publishing, 330 x 280mm., 224pp., 200 col., Available, £75.00, Hardback

Timeless Living: An Anthology Wim Pauwels Features 23 beautiful timeless interior design projects by Bernard De Clerck, Stéphane Boens, AM Designs, Polyèdre, Eiken Project, Het Bourgondisch Huis, Van Apers, AID Architecten, Moka Vanille, Stéphane Goosse, Atelier Passe Partout, Garnier, Pas-Partoe, and many more. 9782875500533 Beta-Plus Publishing, 290 x 245mm., 384pp., 300 col., Available, £55.00, Hardback


Interior Design/Music/Memoir

Private Spaces Wim Pauwels Not only is this a luxury coffee table book, it’s a treasure trove of inspiration for anyone looking to decorate or build a home, where renowned architects and interior designers share their most remarkable projects from all over the world. 9782875500540 Beta-Plus Publishing, 300 x 300mm., 320pp., 300 col., Available, £70.00, Hardback

Would It Kill You to Put on Some Lipstick? One Year and 100 Dates Holly Martyn Author Holly Martyn’s post-breakup memoir on finding love (and, along the way, herself) by going on 100 dates in one year, provides insight into dating and finding true connections even in moments of self-doubt and personal crisis. 9781943876136 Glitterati Editions, 216 x 165mm., 308pp., January 2020, £25.00, Hardback

Timeless Interiors & Renovations Wim Pauwels Timeless Interiors & Renovations presents sixteen diverse renovations and interior projects from all around the world. Projects by: Bernard De Clerck - Maison Hand - Lionel Jadot - Nicolas Schuybroek - GovaertVanhoutte - K2A Architecture and many more. 9782875500410 Beta-Plus Publishing, 310 x 244mm., 240pp., 200 col., Available, £55.00, Hardback

The Illustrated Book of Songs Colm Boyd The Illustrated Book of Songs is a collection of lists about the music that makes up the soundtrack of our lives, full of interesting stories & facts and cool illustrations of your favourite performers and songs. 9789460582486 Luster, 190 x 150mm., 262pp., Available, £22.00, Hardback

9782379641046 E/P/A 160 x 105mm. 176pp., 81 col. March 2020 £10.95, Hardback

9782379641039 E/P/A 160 x 105mm. 176pp., 81 col. February 2020 £10.95, Hardback

The Little Book of The Moon Brigitte Bulard-Cordeau

The Little Book of Trees Dominique Pen Du

How old is the moon? What are the names of the various lunar maria? What is a lunar eclipse? What is a waxing crescent? Who drew the first map of this celestial body? This pocket encyclopaedia, punctuated with vintage illustrations, provides a wealth of information on anything to do with the moon, in a wide array of categories including scientific, artistic and literary. Hardback, foam-filled, and with gilt edging all of the books in this series are beautifully packaged.

Where does the apricot tree come from? Why is the oaktree regarded as the king of all trees? What is made from the walnut tree? Why were lindens planted around churches in the Middle Ages? What are the birch-tree’s pharmaceutical properties? Why is the yew’s shade deemed to be dangerous? Exquisitely illustrated with colourful lithographs, this little album is a pocket-sized encyclopaedia, containing hundreds of anecdotes on around 80 species of trees.














Natural History


Lunatic A reasonable guide to the moon and back Katrin Swartenbroux and Wided Bouchrika These are indeed luna-tic times: people have, once again, begun to believe in the power of the moon. Just think about the popularity of all kinds of moon sign apps, and how labels such as Vetements and Valentina flirt with cosmic prints and astrology. The moon is no longer exclusive to ‘flower power’ hippies, but is now also popular among well-educated youngsters. How did that come about? Which artists and writers did the moon influence? How do you integrate the moon into your daily life? Lunatic offers the answers to these questions. It’s a beautiful inspirational guide brimming with glowing images and original illustrations, which also serves as a practical manual that explains your zodiac sign and how the phases of the moon influence your life.

9789401465700 Lannoo Publishers 200x150mm 192pp., 120 col., 50 .b.&w. April 2020 £25.00, Hardback

The ultimate feel good guide for those for whom the moon plays an important role in his or her life.

Borealis The Lungs of the Earth Jeroen Toirkens & Jelle Brandt Corstius Thirty per cent of all trees are in the so-called boreal ecosystem, a circle of mostly coniferous trees, ranging from Europe and Asia to North America. These boreal forests, also referred to as taiga, convert massive amounts of CO² into oxygen. Over a span of 100 years, an average tree produces enough oxygen to allow a single person to breathe for twenty years. Still, less than twelve per cent of these forests are protected. For Borealis, photographer Jeroen Toirkens and journalist Jelle Brandt Corstius travelled to these forests, looking for the stories of the people living there. Their mission turned into eight very different journeys, to Norway, Scotland, Canada, Japan, Alaska and Russia.

9789401452373 Lannoo Publishers 315 x 250mm. 256pp., 100 col., 200 b.&w. May 2020 £60.00, Hardback English, Dutch


Natural History

The remarkable result of eight journeys to the most northern forests in the world, where climate change is already clearly visible.

Bond Photographed by Terry O’Neill Terry O’Neill; edited by James Clarke Terry O’Neill was given his first chance to photograph Sean Connery as James Bond in the film Goldfinger. From that moment, O’Neill’s association with Bond was made: an enduring legacy that has carried through to the era of Daniel Craig. It was O’Neill who captured gritty and roguish pictures of Connery on set, and it was O’Neill who framed the super-suave Roger Moore in Live and Let Die. His images of Honor Blackman as Pussy Galore are also important, celebrating the vital role of women in the James Bond world. But it is Terry O’Neill’s casual, on-set photographs of a mischievous Connery walking around the casinos of Las Vegas or Roger Moore dancing on a bed with co-star Madeline Smith that show the other side of the world’s most recognisable spy. Terry O’Neill opens his archive to give readers – and viewers – the chance to enter the dazzling world of James Bond. Lavish colour and black and white images are complemented by insights from O’Neill, alongside a series of original essays on the world of James Bond by BAFTA-long listed film writer, James Clarke; and newly conducted interviews with a number of actors featured in O’Neill’s photographs.

9781788840729 ACC Art Books 325 x 285 252pp. March 2020 £50.00, Hardback

Iconic portraits and contact sheets from Goldfinger, Diamonds are Forever, Live and Let Die, Golden Eye and the Bond spoof Casino Royale, published to coincide with the new James Bond film, No Time to Die.



Icons The Ultimate Terry O’Neill Box Set Terry O’Neill This limited edition box-set, containing two of Terry O’Neill’s acclaimed books, is being released to celebrate his CBE. The two books, Terry O Neill’s Opus and Terry O’Neill’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Album – combined – contain more than 650 pages of the greatest photographs covering Terry O’Neill’s remarkable career. Widely considered one of O’Neill’s signature photographs, ‘Bardot with Cigar’ was taken on the set of Les Petroleuses, aka The Legend of Frenchie King, in Spain 1971. “I was watching Brigitte prepare for the next scene, and the wind kept blowing her hair – I saw the photo I wanted to take before I snapped the camera. I had to wait weeks before the film was developed to know if I got the shot” remembers O’Neill. The 28 x 20cm print is stamped and framed with a deep bevel envelope mount in 50/50 UV Glass and is ready to hang. The two books and framed Bardot print come packaged in a stand-alone box and a certificate of authenticity, signed by Iconic Images. 9781788840668 ACC Art Books 325 x 275mm. 652pp., 205 col., 362 b.&w. Available £650.00, 2 vols, HB, print, slipcase, maximum trade discount 40%

In celebration of Terry O’Neill (1938-2019) being awarded a CBE for Services to Photography in the 2019 Queen’s Birthday Honours list, ACC Art Books and Iconic Images will release a limited edition box-set containing two of his most acclaimed books and a special ‘Bardot with Cigar’ stamped and framed print. Limited to 250 copies.



Oxford The Last Hurrah Dafydd Jones Oxford University at the start of the eighties, rife with black ties and ballgowns. A change was on its way – best described by a newspaper as ‘the Return of the Bright Young Things’. At this time, Oxford University was synonymous with the wealthy, the powerful and the privileged. Many of the young people in these pictures moved on to have careers in the establishment – including Boris Johnson and David Cameron. In these photographs, however, their youth is undeniable: teenagers in full suits celebrate the rise of Thatcher in England and Reagan in America, in between punting on the river, chasing romance and partying through the night. Oxford: The Last Hurrah shows a world that has been written about and dramatised, yet never photographed. Affectionate and critical, it pokes affectionate fun at its subjects while celebrating English eccentricity. From the architectural marvels of the colleges to misty mornings along the river at dawn, this is Oxford at its most beautiful – and the students of the 1980s at their most raw and honest.

9781788840712 ACC Art Books 230 x 190mm. 96pp., 80 b.&w. May 2020 £16.95, Hardback

An important photo book, visually documenting student life at Oxford University during the 1980s, and the major work of award-winning photographer Dafydd Jones.

“I had access to what felt like a secret world. It was a subject that had been written about and dramatised but I don’t think any photographers had ever tackled before. There was a change going on. Someone described it as a ‘last hurrah’ of the upper classes.” - Dafydd Jones Photography


Stones From the Inside Rare and Unseen Images Bill Wyman As soon as Bill Wyman was given a camera as a young boy, he quickly developed a passion for photography. After joining what would become the world’s greatest rock ‘n’ roll band, Wyman continued his hobby. When he didn’t have his bass, he had his camera. The result is an arresting, insightful and often poignant collection of photographs, showing his exclusive inside view of the band. From travelling to relaxing, backstage and on, Stones From the Inside is a unique view captured by a man who was there, every step of the way. Along with the images of the band at work and play, Wyman includes remarkable images of those along for the ride, from John Lennon, Eric Clapton, David Bowie and Iggy Pop to John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd. To accompany his photographs, Wyman offers up wonderful insights, anecdotes and behind-thephoto stories, giving all us a front-row seat and backstage pass to what it was like to be there, as music history was made as a member of The Rolling Stones.

9781788840699 ACC Art Books 300 x 237mm. 272pp., 246 col., 28 b.&w. February 2020 £40.00, Hardback Limited edition: 9781788840682 Available £399.00, Hardback, slipcase, with print, maximum trade discount 40%



Known, unknown, rare and unseen images from Bill Wyman, capturing life on-stage, backstage and on the road. Also available in a luxurious limited slip cased edition, accompanied by a print.

Present Stephan Vanfleteren Stephan Vanfleteren (1969) is best known for his probing black and white portraits, but in recent decades he has also produced a wide range of documentary, artistic and personal work. From street photography in global cities like New York to the genocide in Rwanda, from building fronts and shop windows to the mystical landscapes of the Atlantic Wall, from still lifes to penetrating portraits. To mark Vanfleteren’s 50th birthday, he is celebrating with a major retrospective, which will occupy the entire Antwerp Museum of Photography, and with this publication Present, in which he looks back over his fascinating career. “I was there, I was present”, says the photographer, who always feels himself to be both accomplice and witness. For Present, Vanfleteren has taken a generous selection of more than 400 photos from his ample archive, some of which have become iconic images while others have never been published before. In extensive texts, he reflects on how his own work and photography as a genre have evolved over the past decades and links these developments with a number of major social changes. This superbly illustrated book is an impressive overview of Vanfleteren’s work and offers a comprehensive picture of him as a photographer, as an artist and, above all, as a human being living life with empathy, wonder and curiosity. 9789463887144 Hannibal Publishing 310 x 243mm. 496pp., col., b.&w. December 2019 £65.00, Hardback

First major retrospective from Stephan Vanfleteren, including previously unpublished work and extensive personal reflections and stories. Accompanies an exhibition at FOMU, Antwerp running until 1 March 2020, which will travel around the world.



MOOD/MODE Anton Corbijn In MOOD/MODE, leading international photographer and filmmaker Anton Corbijn presents images from his extensive body of work in which he explores the crossover between photography and the world of fashion – in the broadest sense of the word. Corbijn’s portraits of figures such as Alexander McQueen, Tom Waits and Naomi Campbell have now achieved iconic status. As visual director behind Depeche Mode and through his decades-long collaboration with U2 and others, he has made his mark on the way we look at an important aspect of contemporary culture. With MOOD/MODE, Anton Corbijn shows that fashion is everywhere. The book contains some 100 photographs, many of them published for the first time, and its world première will be in Knokke-Heist, running from 4 April to 5 July 2020.

9789463887373 Hannibal Publishing 330 x 330mm. 200pp., col., b.&w. May 2020 £55.00, Hardback

All images © Anton Corbijn.



Leading international photographer and filmmaker Anton Corbijn presents images from his extensive body of work in which he explores the crossover between photography and the world of fashion. Accompanies an exhibition in KnokkeHeist, from 4 April 2020 to 5 July 2020.

Alejandra Guerrero - Wicked Women Alejandra Guerrero & Violet Blue In the second decade of the 21st century we are witnessing an unprecedented exploration of female sexual power, while on the other hand reactionary cultural forces contrive to keep women as defenceless as possible. In this context, the work of photographer Alejandra Guerrero can be understood as a clarion call. Hers is a rarefied visual art that marks a turning point for female sexuality in erotica, her eloquent tableaux revealing the intricate ways in which women exert their erotic power. Here we see a future in which women dictate raw, yet refined desires. Each moment comes from the erotic fever dreams of the participants and the desires of the woman behind the camera. Sometimes, when Guerrero turns the lens upon herself, those moments are one and the same.

9781911422204 Circa 260 x 300mm. 160pp., 20 col., 70 b.&w. May 2020 £50.00, Hardback

First monograph on one of the world’s leading female erotic photographers. With an introduction by Violet Blue – one of the world’s leading commentators on female sexuality.

“I like depicting sexy, strong women – the spirit of a dominatrix. Through my work I explore the part of my personality that enjoys teasing and provocation. In doing this, I’ve seen the change and growth of myself as a person, a woman, a lover, a critical openminded thinker and, most important, as an artist.” - Alejandra Guerrero. Photography


Insta Grammar Just Cats Irene Schampaert The Insta Grammar series curates the most interesting themes trending on the popular social media site Instagram. This sequel to the immensely popular Insta Grammar Cats (ISBN 9789401436953) features a new selection of the cutest, funniest, most photogenic felines to be found on Instagram. With pithy quotes about cats from artists and writers interspersed throughout, this is the perfect gift book for all cat lovers.

9789401463485 Lannoo Publishers 210 x 150mm. 128pp., 110 col., 25 b.&w. February 2020 £14.95, Paperback

“Taking the best of Instagram and printing it, the Insta Grammar series of coffee table books prove there’s a (physical) place for your favourite online images.” - Vogue The coolest and most popular Instagram cats. The sequel to the immensely popular Insta Grammar Cats. The perfect gift book for all cat lovers.

“The books are true to the Polaroid aesthetic, and we ‘like’ it.” - Elle Décor



World Press Photo 2020 World Press Photo Foundation Beginning in 1962, the World Press Photo Foundation has had an annual book published, featuring all prize-winning entries. 2020’s Yearbook will prove to be another must-have edition, bringing together the very best press photographs from 2019, carefully selected from thousands of powerful, moving and sometimes disturbing images. These are the most striking images and the most compelling stories of the year.

9789401467049 Lannoo Publishers 245 x 190mm. 240pp., 120 col., 120 b.&w. April 2020 ÂŁ24.95, Hardback

2019’s best visual journalism compiled in one book. Selected from thousands of images by photo journalists, picture agencies, newspapers and magazines from all over the world.



Paradise City Healing Cities Through Music Mario Goossens, Karel Van Mileghem, Fabrice Debatty This book explores the healing power of music in relation to some of the world’s most devastating conflicts and disasters, showing how music inspires people to rebuild, and restores hope. The authors profile Hiroshima (1945: the atom bomb), Belfast (1969-1998: The Troubles), Detroit (2013: racism and bankruptcy of the city), New Orleans (2005: Hurricane Katrina), Port Au Prince (2010: earthquake) and Kigali (1994: Rwandan genocide). The authors have created a Spotify playlist to accompany the book: Paradise City Lannoo Playlist

9789401464963 Lannoo Publishers 270 x 215mm. 192pp., 150 col., 40 b.&w. December 2019 £35.00, Hardback

Explores the healing power of music in relation to some of the world’s most devastating conflicts and disasters, showing how music inspires people to rebuild and restores hope. The Standing Rock Portraits Sioux Photographed by Frank Bennett Fiske 1900-1915 Murray Lemley Over 100 years ago Frank Bennett Fiske (1883-1952) photographed members of the Standing Rock Native American community at Fort Yates, North Dakota, where he was born. The men and women he portrayed were his friends and neighbours who were living on the reservation. These images, created with a large studio camera on glass negatives, are notable for their depth and clarity. The negatives were recently rediscovered, and have rarely been displayed. Photographer and graphic designer Murray Lemley, also from North Dakota, curated this selection of images to introduce Fiske’s work to the wider public. They are published here in an attractively-priced gift edition.

9789089898173 Lannoo Publishers 270 x 190mm. 112pp., 120 b.&w. Available £20.00, Hardback



An attractively priced gift book edition of powerful photographic portraits of the Standing Rock Sioux from Fort Yates, North Dakota, taken in the early years of the 20th century by Frank Bennett Fiske.


Lightstream Nigel Grierson


Lightstream represents Grierson’s most recent foray into photographic abstraction as he makes long exposures of figures beside the light of the ocean. Taking the maxim from Dieter Appelt ‘A snapshot steals life that it cannot return. A long exposure (creates) a form that never existed’, Grierson makes beautiful illusory photographs which look almost painterly. However, it is important to him that these are un-manipulated photographs straight from the camera: “There’s a huge element of ‘chance’, and the embrace of the happy accident within this approach, which is a sort of photographic equivalent of ‘action painting.’ ”



The marks and traces created by the moving light, at times have the simplicity of a child’s drawings. On occasion, the residue of a human figure might be reduced to little more than their posture or demeanour, which then seems more significant than ever, a sort of essence, whether that be elusive or illusive.

9781916237315 Lost Press 272 x 218mm. 72pp., 33 col. March 2020 £30.00, Hardback

A new book from photographer Nigel Grierson, joint creator of the legendary 4AD visual identity.

Passing Through Nigel Grierson Passing Through is a book concerned with nature, and our transient connection to it. Grierson’s work treads a fine line between reality and fiction, in his search for spirituality “For Rudolph Steiner, the most direct route to spirituality for the adult, involves finding ‘the inner child’ via the occupation of ‘playing’. On a personal level this book represents a journey; a return to childhood, exploring woodlands, playing in the dirt, finding little treasures and taking something home as a souvenir; the photograph. I once heard it said that spirits are in fact traces or energies left behind when beings repeat the same actions over and over on the same pathways. Perhaps that is why we can sometimes hear voices in the woods, even after the people have long gone home”.

9781916237308 Lost Press 272 X 218mm. 104pp., 52 col. March 2020 £35.00, Hardback

The first of a number of Fine Art photography books, published by the new and exciting Lost Press. Photography


Cuba. Vivir Con Carolina Sandretto Cuba has been living under the American embargo for the last 64 years. The living conditions due to the embargo are extremely difficult for the population. The regime provides for education and food but people are obliged to live in the same houses as their families as they are not allowed, and do not have the means, to buy or construct new ones. During the last six decades old houses once belonging to people now gone or deceased have been taken over and transformed into Solar. A Solar is a multifamily and multicultural entity that represents the layers and the complexity of the contemporary Cuban society. Often inhabited by as many as 30 different families, Solar houses, in small tiny apartments that were once rooms, a variety of people. From young families to elderly people everyone lives and cohabits in small spaces with almost no privacy. Through a series of portraits executed with a medium format camera photographer Carolina Sandretto documents Solar, focussing on the inhabitants and their living spaces.

9788836642496 Silvana Editoriale 265 x 215mm. 216pp., 190 col. Available £45.00, Hardback English, Spanish, Italian

A family album dedicated to the stories of Cuban citizens living in the Solares, portrayed by Carolina Sandretto.

René Burri Explosions of Light Edited by Mélanie Bétrisey and Marc Donnadieu Swiss photographer René Burri (1933-2014) has been wherever history had been played out. A member of the famous Magnum Photos cooperative since 1955, his many travels took him to Japan and China, across Europe and the Americas to report sharply many of the 20th century’s major events. His iconic picture of Che Guevara with cigar, shot in 1963, is one of the world’s most famous and widely reproduced photographic portraits ever. Burri had a close relationship with Lausanne’s Musée de l’Elysée and in 1987 the museum staged a first exhibition of his work, entitled The Ruins of the Future, followed by his first major retrospective in 2004. The museum also hosts the Fondation René Burri, which the artist established in 2013 as a home for his estate. Published to coincide with a new exhibition at Musée de l’Elysée between 29 January and 3 May 2020, René Burri: An Eye Explosion draws from this vast collection. It brings together for the first time Burri’s entire body of work, photographic and non-photographic. It offers a new, multi-faceted and uniquely intimate view of one of the world’s greatest photo reporters. 9783858818454 Scheidegger & Spiess 265 x 215mm. 240pp., 220 col., 60 b.&w. March 2020 £45.00, Hardback



New concise monograph on celebrated Swiss photographer René Burri, drawing on his archive now held at the Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne, Switzerland, and featuring previously unpublished archival material.

Booxencounters 271 x 304mm. 336pp., January 2020 9789198465174 £58.00, Paperback 9789198465167 £157.00, 3 Vols, Hardback, slipcase

China Seen Through a Photographer’s Eyes Christer Löfgren In these photographs, Christer Löfgren captures scenes of urban and rural daily life in China, from the final stages of the Cultural Revolution in 1974 to the present day, revealing the enormous changes that have taken place there.

Booxencounters 271 x 304mm. 580pp., 606 col. January 2020 9789198465150 £58.00, 2 Vols, Paperbacks, Slipcase 9789198465143 £157.00, 2 Vols, Hardback, Slipcase

The Clash of Graffiti and Street Art Christer Löfgren In this collection of photographs taken in over 36 countries, Christer Löfgren explores the international art of graffiti and wall paintings, including travelling to places like the Antarctic and Greenland where you may not expect to see it.

Booxencounters 271 x 304mm. 336pp., 131 col. January 2020 9789198465136 £58.00, Paperback 9789198465129 £157.00, 3 Vols, Hardback, slipcase

Booxencounters 271 x 304mm. 300pp., 254 col. January 2020 9789198465112 £58.00, Paperback 9789198465105 £157.00, 3 Vols, Hardback, slipcase

From the North to the South Pole - Latitude Christer Löfgren

MAN - Thoughts About Mankind Christer Löfgren

This book of photographs by Christer Löfgren explores our diverse and multifaceted world, from north to south. These vibrant photographs ask us to broaden our vision and grasp the complexity and beauty of the world as a global whole.

In this book of poignant and expressive images, Stockholmbased photographer Christer Löfgren captures the fundamental humanity of people from around the world. He addresses the credibility of documentary photography, which many believe was lost with the advent of Photoshop.



Art of the Race - V18 Darren Heath, Andy Cantillon Art of the Race - V18 is book five in a series that encapsulates the very essence of Formula 1 motor racing through the lens of Darren Heath, one of the sport’s most celebrated photographers. Art of The Race captures the key moments and rarely seen images of each race as the 2018 season unfolds, culminating in Lewis Hamilton winning his fifth World title. “Formula 1 is the aesthete’s ultimate sport: an intoxicating cocktail of speed, spectacle, competition and power, at the heart of which are the thoroughbred racing machines…From a young age I dreamed of one day photographing the sport I adored. My one desire: to demonstrate through this creative art just how beautiful Formula 1 can be.” Darren Heath - Multiple awardwinning photographer with an Honorary Fellowship of The Royal Photographic Society in 2005.

9781916156708 Art of Publishing Ltd. 200 x 210mm. 256pp., 234 col., 22 b.&w. Available £23.95, Hardback



Rebel Lives Photographs from within the Lord’s Resistance Army Kristof Titeca The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), led by the infamous Joseph Kony, is a rebel group that was active in Northern Uganda from the second half of the 1980s. The rebellion became notorious for the use of extreme violence, in particular its large-scale abductions of civilians, of which more than half were children. Rebel Lives is a visual story about life inside the rebel group: based on photographs taken by LRA commanders between 1994 and 2004. Kristof Titeca, senior lecturer in Development Studies and expert on the LRA, collected this material, and used it to trace the photographed (former) rebels. Together with Congolese photographer Georges Senga, he travelled back to photograph the former rebels in their current context.

9789492677983 Hannibal Publishing 280 x220mm. 288pp., col., b.&w. Available £39.00, Paperback

Australia 1872 How Bernhard Holtermann turned gold into a unique photographic treasure Christoph Hein Bernhard Otto Holtermann emigrated from Hamburg to Australia in 1858 as a destitute young man, where, in 1872, he unearthed the largest lump of gold in the world. Holtermann shared his new-found wealth with his adopted home. As he travelled through the settlements, he had the poverty-stricken life documented in spectacular images, and promoted Australia to the world. More than 150 of these impressive photos have now been published, most for the first time, and are thus immortalised for eternity. Holtermann’s photos impressively document the drudgery of the gold mines and life in Australia during the 19th century. Several modern-day photos and representations of how contemporary artists interpret his work have been included in this coffee-table volume. Thanks to this book, Bernhard Holtermann’s legacy has been given the distinction it deserves for the first time. 9783740808419 Emons Verlag 295 x 266mm. 240pp., 45 col., 170 b.&w. March 2020 £29.95, Hardback, English, German

Alexis Gicart: Hinterland Alexis Gicart. Text by Noémie Nicolas The Hinterland photographic series explores the different realities of a territory. The images featured in this book show marginal places, fragmented transition zones, abandoned structures; spaces between proximity and distance, presence and absence, natural and artificial. 9782875720443 CFC-Editions/Exhibitions International, 255 x 195mm., 96pp., January 2020, £28.50, Paperback, English, French, Dutch

Debby Huysmans Flotsam Debby Huysmans This collection of simple images taken by Debby Huysmans in former communist countries, captures the shift from communism to modernisation, before they’re forgotten. By documenting simple, almost banal daily fragments and ignoring common aesthetic rules she captures what is almost invisible. 9789463930840 MER - B&L/Exhibitions International, 240 x 150mm., 96pp., January 2020, £46.00, Paperback

The White Album of the Hamptons – Photographs Christophe von Hohenberg

Sequence as a Dialogue Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber Nadja Imail

Presents a unique, minimal take on the beaches of the Hamptons; a visual record of von Hohenberg’s experiment in capturing the soul of the Hamptons and its unseen world of transcendent illumination through black-andwhite photographs.

This photographic publication provides insights into the current oeuvre of photographers Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber, and – in keeping with the spirit of their work method – is a mixture between monograph, artist book, and fanzine.

9781943876143 Glitterati Editions, 216 x 279mm., 104pp., February 2020, £40.00, Hardback

9783862067640 Verlag Kettler, 280 x 200mm., 56pp., 81 col., 2 b.&w., Available, £30.00, Paperback

Turning 18 Anne-Catherine Chevalier Anne-Catherine Chevalier, Geneviève Damas Turning 18, with your future in front of you: it’s a special time, which the talented photographer, Anne-Catherine Chevalier, has captured. A selection of 50 portraits with texts by Geneviève Damas. 9782930451336 Prisme Éditions/Exhibitions International, 260 x 200mm., 112pp., January 2020, £41.50, Hardback, English, French, Dutch

Cosmic Culture Soviet Space Aesthetics in Everyday Life Dieter Seitz Cosmic Culture traces the impact of space travel on everyday life in the East. It combines artistic and documentary photography, portraits of contemporary witnesses, landscape snapshots, and historical documents. 9783862067657 Verlag Kettler, 240 x 300mm., 144pp., January 2020, £55.00, Hardback, English, German



Landscape Photography Saskia Boelsums The dramatic landscape photographs of Saskia Boelsums manifest a strong connection to the Dutch tradition of landscape paintings. She is inspired by nature, weather, and the seasons, with clouds and skies characterised by moody chiaroscuro and painterly monumentality. The reality of the changing climate, and what this will mean for the future, is a theme that runs throughout her work. She captures not only the beauty of the landscape, but also a vague sense of uncertainty and threat. As she says: “I am photographing when most people think the weather is too bad to go outside. By exploring different landscapes in all four seasons, I feel strongly connected to the universe. That feeling I’m trying to pass on through my landscape photos.” - Saskia Boelsums.

9789089898104 Terra/Lannoo Publishers 308 x 250mm. 208pp., 220 col. Available £50.00, Hardback



Nothing Has Changed Portraits of the US Larry Niehues & Andrew Pogany. Foreword by Dan Auerbach (The Black Keys) “I’m proud to say I’m from the USA because I’ve really seen it with my own eyes - all the beauty and the destruction, the tradition and the innovation, the loud cities and the quiet little spaces.” - Dan Auerbach (The Black Keys). Larry Niehues, a French-born photographer who lives in the United States, travelled around the country for 5 years photographing modern day America while seeking out the continuing presence of a timeless post-war ‘old America’. Photographed using 35mm film, his portraits of people and iconic small town life (motels, diners, gas stations, cars), evoke mid-century American life in a way that is both authentic and powerful in the tradition of William Eggleston, Dennis Hopper, Bruce Davidson, and Robert Frank.

9789401463065 Lannoo Publishers 240 x 295mm. 240pp., 200 col., 40 b.&w. Available £50.00, Hardback

You’ve Got Mail Quirky Belgian Letterboxes Peter Schouten In Belgium, it sometimes seems as if everyone just does as he pleases, unbothered by rules or regulations. Peter Schouten wanted to find a way to capture the uniqueness of his surroundings, and found the answer one night while looking through his photographs of an original house from the sixties. It wasn’t the house itself that grabbed his attention, but the strange letterbox in front of it: it had the shape of a big eagle sitting on a little concrete house, painted in bright colours. Ever since, Peter has been photographing the weirdest, most puzzling letterboxes all over Belgium. Over six years he has built a collection of over 300 photos of the most exceptional examples. Looking at those photos, you’ll agree with the photographer that the Belgian letterboxes form a unique little piece of the country’s cultural heritage.

9789460582578 Luster 150 x 150mm. 200pp., 200 col. Available £15.00, Paperback English, Dutch

Archive, Matrix, Assembly The Photographs of Thomas Struth 1978-2018 Nana Last Archive, Matrix, Assembly presents the first comprehensive, systematic theory of this contemporary German artist’s main body of photographic work from its beginnings in the late 1970s until his most recent work in 2018. 9781943532827 ORO Editions/Applied Research & Design, 267 x 278mm., 200pp., 190 col., July 2020, £29.95, Paperback

Doomed Paradise The Last Penan in the Borneo Rainforest Photographs by Tomas Wüthrich. Doomed Paradise is a unique photographic documentation of the Penans’ way of life on the island of Borneo and an impressive visual manifesto against the politics and industrial interests that endanger them.

9783858816429 Scheidegger & Spiess, 300 x 220mm., 160pp., 100 col., January 2020, £45.00, Paperback, English, German, Penan

The Wisdom of Buddha Paige Lee Baron-Schrier The Wisdom of Buddha is a stunning visual journey through the countries of India, Bhutan, Tibet, China, Cambodia, and Myanmar. The soul-touching photographs are paired with carefully selected quotes meant to express the very heart of Buddha’s teachings. 9781943532902 ORO Editions/Goff Books, 248 x 2318mm. 140pp., 135 col., February 2020, £29.95, Hardback

Douglas Kirkland Edited by Silvana Editoriale Douglas Kirkland is the legendary photographer who captured the Hollywood elite. Kirkland has been at the cutting edge of fashion, photojournalism and portraiture, working for the world’s most reputable magazines for more than 50 years. 9788836643189 Silvana Editoriale, 280 x 230mm., 96pp., 50 col., January 2020, £21.00, Hardback, English, Italian

Delhi Then and Now Narayani Gupta, Dilip Bobb, Pramod Kapoor Delhi Then and Now comprises two masterful essays that trace the story of Delhi. A rich portfolio of archival photographs and illustrations, together with vibrant new pictures, edited by Pramod Kapoor, capture Delhi in all its glory past and present. 9788194295907 Roli Books, 292 x 292mm., 202pp., 167 col., March 2020, £49.95, Hardback

Jimmy Katz Closed Session Edited by Marco Pierini This volume collects 80 images by Jimmy Katz, award-winning American photographer of the most famous jazz musicians. Over two decades, Katz has immortalised the main actors of the jazz scene against the background of New York. 9788836643790 Silvana Editoriale, 240 x 200mm., 160pp., 110 col., Available, £24.95, Paperback, English, Italian



Lucien Hervé White Spain and Black Spain Iñaki Bergera Previously unpublished photobooks by Lucien Hervé (1910-2007) on the monastery of El Escorial and on Mediterranean architecture are finally seeing the light of day. Each of these books is preceded by a critical essay that situates and contextualises each one. 9788417866013 Turner, 210 x 210mm., 244pp., 171 col., 50 b.&w., Available, £30.00, 3 paperbacks, slipcase, English, Spanish

Naturalis fons: The Source of Natural Well-Being Giovanni De Sandre The spectacular close-up images within this book show nature in a new light. The curious and inquiring photographic lens of Giovanni De Sandre reveals unexpected details, an amazing world hidden in well-known plants, some of which we use every day. 9788836644636 Silvana Editoriale, 300 x 230mm., 336pp., 200 col., December 2019, £35.00, Hardback, English, French, Italian


Photography/Science & Education

Documented Landscape By Ruedi Weidmann The seventh volume in the Pictorial Worlds series, presents a selection of images from the archives of the Geobotanical Institute Rübel and of Carl Schröter, which are being kept as part of the ETH Zürich’s extensive image archive. 9783858816375 Scheidegger & Spiess, 260 x 200mm., 196pp., 107 col., 14 b.&w., December 2019, £50.00, Hardback, English, German

FUNdamental Mathematics A voyage into the quirky universe of maths & jokes David Eelbode Mathematics can be very funny. In this book David Eelbode takes you on a fascinating trip to the mathematical concept of space through personal anecdotes, sharp observations and absurd reasoning. 9789401462617 Lannoo Publishers, 215 x 140mm., 280pp., 40 b.&w., Available, £25.00, Paperback

Francesco Radino Photographs 1968-2018 Roberta Valtorta Francesco Radino (Bagno a Ripoli, Florence, 1947) is one of the masters of contemporary Italian photography. The volume contains the most significant works of his rich production, accompanied by numerous critical interventions and writings by Radino himself. 9788836644766 Silvana Editoriale, 300 x 240mm., 320pp., 280 col., December 2019, £43.00, Paperback, English, Italian

Why We Stop Growing Etienne Geraert The study of differential growth by using a quadratic parabola gives the answers to the questions ‘Why do we stop growing?’ and ‘Why are women shorter than men?’. The conclusions for various animals are amply illustrated by graphic representations. 9789401462143 Lannoo Publishers, 210 x 130mm., 96pp., 25 col., 30 b.&w., Available, £25.00, Hardback

1969 - The Year of Eddy Merckx Johny Vansevenant This book tells the story of the year 1969 in the extraordinary cycling career of Eddy Merckx, one the most successful riders in the history of competitive cycling. This year is engraved in the memory of every Belgian cycling fan as the year in which Merckx won his first Tour de France, the first time in 30 years that a Belgian had won this prestigious race. In 1969, however, he won much more: his first Tour of Flanders; Liège-Bastogne-Liège (also known as La Doyenne, or ‘The Old Lady’); and his third Milan-San Remo cycling classic. This book chronicles his career in interviews with Merckx himself, his family, friends, and rivals, and includes dozens of previously unpublished photos.

9789401462860 Lannoo Publishers 310 x 245mm. 432pp., 100 col., 350 b.&w. Available £65.00, Hardback

A chronicle of the heady year of 1969 in the career of world class Belgian cyclist Eddy Merckx. Includes a removable photograph, signed by Eddie Merckx. The Wolfpack 365 Days at the Wheel Rik Van Puymbroeck, Sigfrid Eggers Following the runaway success of The Wolfpack in 2018, photographer Sigfrid Eggers again dives behind the scenes of the cycling team. He follows their training and gains full access to their private lives. The Wolfpack offers an unprecedented insight into how this successful formation works. Elia Viviani won the first stage of the Tour Down Under, Zdenek Stybar conquered Flanders with victories in the Omloop Het Nieuwsblad and the E3 Prize. Philippe Gilbert won the Paris-Roubaix monument in his own name. The young cub Remco Evenepoel triumphed in the Baloise Belgium Tour and stunned the cycling world with his win in the Clásica San Sebastián. Julian Alaphilippe topped off the good work with victories in the Strade Bianche, Milan-San Remo and La Flèche Wallonne. And the Tour was yet to come... C’était une vie en jaune. The victories, the intense friendships, but also the wounds, the pain and the requisite stamina: Eggers depicts the whole range of experience. 9789463887243 Hannibal Publishing 295 x 243mm. 240pp., December 2019 £35.00, Hardback English, Dutch

A visual journey of the Wolfpack with complementary texts by Rik Van Puymbroeck. Sport


Bike Life Travel, Different Tristan Bogaard & Belén Castelló For the travel and adventure enthusiasts: Bike Life shares the story of Tristan and Belén’s adventures on various bicycle tours throughout Europe, North America and Central Asia. A book full of beautiful photographs and personal anecdotes, advice, and the many things they learned while being on the road. The book breathes adventure, but also bursts with interesting tips on how to plan your own bicycle tour, and provides some recommended routes. The book also provides an answer on the most commonly asked questions and concerns surrounding this exciting way of exploring the world, and gives inspiration to go out and pedal to a new place.

9782390251156 Lannoo Publishers 290 x 230mm. 256pp., 200 col., 20 b.&w. April 2020 £39.95, Hardback

Discover various bicycle tours throughout Europe, North America and Central Asia. With beautiful photographs, personal anecdotes and practical advice to organise your own trip.

They Must Fall Muhammad Ali and the Men He Fought Photography and words by Michael Brennan, introduction by Jimmy Breslin From award-winning photographer Michael Brennan comes a book highlighting his extensive archive of powerful and sometimes very moving images from the world of boxing. They Must Fall: Muhammad Ali and the Men He Fought features images of not only Ali, the ‘Greatest of All Time’, but also of the men he fought in the ring. Brennan located former opponents for a special feature that ran over several pages in Sports Illustrated, to discover for himself where these great athletes ended up. This unique book is a look through Brennan’s archive with a spotlight on the 1970s. It will contain several never-before-seen photos. With text throughout by Michael Brennan, including his original 1981 Sports Illustrated essay, this is an eye-opening and fascinating account of Ali and the men who challenged him in the ring.

9781788840187 ACC Art Books 250 x 250mm. 128pp., 80 b.&w. April 2020 £29.95, Hardback



Exclusive never-before-seen photos of Ali and other stars of the ‘70s boxing scene. Includes a special introductory essay by the late, great Jimmy Breslin.

Endless Summer 52 Sunny Destinations Around the World Edited by Monaco Books Summer, sand and sunshine – walking barefoot, the sound of the sea, a cloudless sky, a happy ambience, and feel-good temperatures. If only it could last forever! Nothing’s easier: our planet offers sunny destinations that promise endless summer all year round with enchanting beaches, vibrant cities, and spectacular landscapes. In January, explore temple complexes in Thailand; in March, soak up the sun on a small, palm island in the Maldives; in October, go hiking on Cyprus. This book will take you to the most beautiful warm weather, sun-lit travel destinations month by month, introduce the sights, indicate the best time of year to travel to each location, and recommend hotels and restaurants - carrying you off to the places where the long summer days seem to last forever.

9783955049386 Monaco Books 240 x 185mm. 312pp., 500 col. March 2020 ÂŁ25.00, Hardback

An illustrated month-by-month guide to the most interesting, sun-lit, warm weather destinations in the world, with insider local travel tips and recommendations.



111 Places in Manchester That You Shouldn’t Miss Julian Treuherz, Peter de Figueiredo Manchester is far more than a grey provincial city preoccupied with the business of making money. The bales of cotton goods awaiting export have gone from the grand warehouses styled like palaces, and the cotton mills no longer hum with the sound of machinery. Yet the buildings remain in all their glory of tiles, terracotta and stained glass – converted to hotels, offices, chic apartments, hipster bars, fine eateries or gritty drinking dens. The textile trade may have disappeared, but you can find sustainable fashion in the old ragtrade district, and top quality coats and jackets are still being hand-sewn in the last remaining family-owned clothing factory. This book will also take you to alternative Manchester – Radical Manchester from Peterloo to the Pankhursts, Literary Manchester from Elizabeth Gaskell to Anthony Burgess, and of course to Madchester, the crazy music scene of Morrissey, Tony Wilson, the Hacienda and Factory Records.

9783740807535 Emons Verlag 205 x 135mm. 240pp., 111 col. March 2020 £12.99, Paperback

The ultimate, alternative guide to Manchester, providing a treasure-trove of interesting and unusual places not found in traditional travel guides.

111 Places in London’s East End That You Shouldn’t Miss Ed Glinert, photography by Marc Zakian Mediaeval no-go zone, Victorian hell-hole, war-ravaged bomb site, 21st century shining city, the most exciting area in one of the most exciting cities in the world – the East End has often been London’s strange alter ego. Ed Glinert trawls through the strange stories, the crazed characters, the violent vignettes, the dried-up docks, the imaginative immigrants, the proud philanthropists to give a different history of the most misunderstood sector of the capital, from the Princes in the Tower to the Ratcliffe Highway murders; from Jack the Ripper to the Kray twins; the Jewish ghetto to Banglatown; Cable Street to Canary Wharf; Mahatma Gandhi to George Orwell. 9783740807528 Emons Verlag 205 x 135mm. 240pp., 111 col. February 2020 £12.99, Paperback

Ed Glinert trawls through the strange stories, the crazed characters, the violent vignettes, the dried-up docks, the imaginative immigrants, the proud philanthropists to give a different history of the most misunderstood sector of the capital. 112


111 Places in Fife That You Shouldn’t Miss Gillian Tait Fife is an ancient Scottish county, proudly known as the Kingdom. A compact peninsula shaped like the head of a Scottie dog nosing the North Sea, it boasts magnificent approaches from south and north via the celebrated bridges over the Forth and Tay. Tourists flock to the world-famous golf courses in the old university town of St Andrews. But Fife is packed with all manner of much less-visited treasures. You will discover a land where generations of the illustrious and the powerful, the humble and the hard-working have all left their mark, from kings and queens to miners and fishermen, from bishops, earls and industrialists to scholars, artists and sportsmen – to say nothing of the internationally famed Fifers whose legacies have changed history. This book will introduce visitor and native alike to a whole host of unexpected and contrasting sites and sights that celebrate the delightful otherness of this unique little Kingdom.

9783740805975 Emons Verlag 205 x 135mm. 240pp., 111 col. April 2020 £12.99, Paperback

Fife is an ancient county with a distinctive, selfcontained identity. The 111 places in this book celebrate the delightful otherness of Scotland’s unique little Kingdom.

111 Places in Leeds That You Shouldn’t Miss Kim Revill, photography by Alex Compton Welcome to Leeds; a great northern powerhouse of a city that has reinvented itself from an industrial centre of wool, textiles and coal to one of the country’s biggest financial and commercial cities outside of London. Leeds is famous for its beautiful Victorian arcades, its magnificent architectural landmarks, its eclectic mix of shops and bars and its sporting venues. But scrape its bare bones and you will find it is a city rich in history, heritage and culture with a plethora of hidden places and talents. Can you really sit in Her Majesty’s seat, catch a Dutch water taxi, go otter spotting in the centre of town or get married on a tiny island in the city? Leeds offers so much to locals and visitors alike and you can discover the answers to these questions and much, much more in this guide to 111 places in the great city of Leeds.

9783740807542 Emons Verlag 205 x 135mm. 240pp., 111 col. April 2020 £12.99, Paperback

Can you really sit in Her Majesty’s seat, go otter spotting in the centre of town or get married on a tiny island in the city? Discover the answers and much more in this guide to 111 Places in Leeds. Travel


The 500 Hidden Secrets of Hamburg Malte Brenneisen In this new title in the successful series The 500 Hidden Secrets journalist and writer Malte Brenneisen shares his favourite insider tips, tricks and places - in short, the things that he loves most in and about his hometown Hamburg. Malte enjoys exploring Hamburg and its surroundings in his vintage VW van, with his family and dog in tow. His book contains interesting lists such as 5 places to eat with that typical cool Hamburg vibe, 5 small museums really worth a visit, 5 great skate and surf shops, 5 wine bars for a lovely date, 5 unique spots in the harbour, and much more.

9789460582493 Luster 180 x 120mm. 264pp., 70 col. Available £14.95, Paperback

Malte Brenneisen shares in this insider’s guide to Hamburg his favourite places in savvy lists of 500 hidden secrets and addresses.

The 500 Hidden Secrets of The Hague Tal Maes The Hague is the third largest city in the Netherlands; it’s the home of many national and international public services and, subsequently, of a substantial English-speaking community. Many think of The Hague as a stately, regal place, but it’s also a warm and bustling cultural hotspot. On top of that, it’s the only large Dutch city by the North Sea, with an 11-kilometre-long coastline. As an author and a photographer, Tal Maes has published several city guides to The Hague, so it’s safe to say she knows the city like the back of her hand. For this book, she listed her 500 favourite places and tips, presenting them in original and interesting lists such as 5 historic houses of famous Dutchmen, 5 fun boat trips, the 5 best spots for Dutch “maatjes” herring, 5 museums around the Binnenhof, the 5 best lifestyle and concept stores, and much more.

9789460582509 Luster 180 x 120mm. 264pp., 81 col. Available £14.95, Paperback

Tal Maes shares in this insider’s guide to The Hague her favourite places in savvy lists of 500 hidden secrets and addresses. 114


Hidden Cuba Magalie Raman For the past 15 years, Magalie Raman has been spending several months a year in Cuba, visiting her in-laws and friends. She sometimes guides people around the island, and she is the author of The 500 Hidden Secrets of Havana (ISBN 9789460581892). In this book, she shares her love for the versatile and sensuous country that is her second home. She writes about the overwhelming nature scenes and about bustling rumba nights with lots of percussion and locals of all ages. Lush green sites, marvels of the colonial era, a history that feels like the story in a novel... Cuba has it all, and this guide will help you discover the best of it. It contains out of the ordinary and interesting lists such as: places where you’ll relive the revolution, the best street food stalls, rocking chairs with a view, inspiring artists’ studios, breathtaking landscapes crossed by historical steam trains and much more. 9789460582516 Luster 180 x 130mm. 272pp., 200 col. June 2020 £16.95, Paperback

Magalie Raman has written an ode to Cuba, her second home, detailing all there is to see and do, with a focus on the unusual.







Discover Thailand The Big Travel Handbook Edited by Monaco Books This lavishly illustrated handbook will inspire your next trip through Thailand, a paradise whose fascinating culture and incomparable natural beauty draw travellers from all over the world. Its treasures include historic places like Sukhothai and Ayutthaya – with their temple ruins and giant Buddha statues – floating markets, splendid temples, and exotic landscapes. The lively chaos and high-octane nightlife of Thailand’s largest cities, Bangkok and Pattaya, are legendary. Away from the hustle and bustle, unique island worlds like Phuket enchant visitors with fabled beaches and lush tropical rainforests teeming with abundant and exotic fauna and flora. This journey around the ‘Land of Smiles’ features a selection of the most beautiful beaches and places to visit, with background information on the country and its customs.

9783955049393 Monaco Books 266 x 185mm. 304pp., 650 col. March 2020 £25.00, Flexibind

Discover Thailand takes you through the beautiful ancient kingdom, presenting its many-faceted charm of floating markets, splendid temples, bustling cities, and exotic landscapes.

Japan Highlights of a Fascinating Country Edited by Monaco Books Cherry blossoms, Mt. Fuji, tatami mats, karaoke, manga, geishas, samurais, sushi, ramen, and sake – all this, and more, is Japan! This lavishly illustrated book invites you to explore the ‘Land of the Rising Sun’, a country of 6,852 islands and 127 million people, a place of extraordinary beauty with a fascinating cultural heritage. In vivid colour photography and insightful texts, Japan presents firespitting volcanoes and steaming hot springs, opulent buildings of the imperial dynasties and graceful temples. From Hokkaido to the island of Honshu, where you’ll find the busy metropolis of Tokyo and the imperial city of Kyoto, to the natural wonders of the smaller islands, this journey of discovery brings you to devotional places of tranquillity amidst the metropolitan bustle, contemplative lakes picturesquely situated at the foot of steeply rising volcanoes, traditional gardens framed by modern skyscrapers, and much more.

9783955049379 Monaco Books 295 x 231mm. 256pp., 700 col. March 2020 £25.00, Hardback



This lavishly illustrated photography book captures the beauty of Japan, from Hokkaido to the metropolis of Tokyo, to the imperial city of Kyoto and the natural wonders of its many small islands.

9783740807474 Emons Verlag 205 x 135mm. 240pp., 111 col. May 2020 £12.99, Paperback

9783740807481 Emons Verlag 240pp., 111 col. 205 x 135mm. April 2020 £12.99, Paperback

111 Places in Atlanta That You Must Not Miss Travis Swann Taylor

111 Places in Austin That You Must Not Miss Nick Yeager & Kelsey Roslin

Atlanta gifts her visitors a generous dose of Southern hospitality and international culture steeped in history, flavours, and high-tech. Striving to keep a grasp on her illustrious, rich history while simultaneously making magnificent strides, leaps, and bounds to continue growing as a major metropolitan area and international destination, Atlanta’s 111 places will fascinate and surprise even Atlanta natives.

Those who know Austin know it to be a magical place. Live music surges through the air and cleansing creek water flows through the hills. There is a universal love for queso, and Leslie, an iconic cross-dressing homeless activist who was said to personify the city’s motto ‘Keep Austin Weird’ – these stories and more are now yours to discover.

9783740807504 Emons Verlag 205 x 135mm. 240pp., 111 col. February 2020 £12.99, Paperback

9783740807498 Emons Verlag 205 x 135mm. 240pp., 111 col. May 2020 £12.99, Paperback

111 Places in Portland That You Must Not Miss Katrina Nattress, photography by Jason Quigley

111 Places in Calgary That You Must Not Miss Jennifer Bain

‘Keep Portland Weird’ is just the tip of this delightfully bizarre city’s iceberg. Throughout these pages, you’ll learn about Portland’s (at times sordid) past; relive the pioneers’ gruelling trek to Oregon; discover the strangest museums you’ve ever heard of, and get the scoop on the restaurants, bars, and coffee shops that don’t come with an hour-long wait.

This ultimate insider’s guide to Calgary reveals to Calgarians and visitors alike the city’s most interesting people, places and stories, some lurking off the beaten path and others hiding in plain sight. Join author Jennifer Bain as she takes you on a quirk-filled journey through the city that invites you to ‘Be Part of the Energy’.



9783740807511 Emons Verlag 240pp., 111 col. 205 x 135mm. March 2020 £12.99, Paperback

111 Places in the Hamptons That You Must Not Miss Wendy Lubovich It’s easy to fall in love with the Hamptons. Charming towns, pristine beaches – and that luminous light cherished by locals and generations of beach lovers. While it’s famous for its magnificent mansions and coiffed hedges, there is so much more here to than meets the eye. Come find the hidden secrets of the Hamptons waiting to be discovered.

9781864708707 The Images Publishing Group 250 x 200mm. 224pp., May 2020 £30.00, Hardback

Nantucket Classic American style 30 miles out to sea Liza Gershman and Carrie Nieman Culpepper Come explore the lifestyle of Nantucket with this stunningly photographed book. Its classic New England nautical style, shaped by its rugged environment are captured through photographic portraits and environmental shots of summer residents and islanders in their homes and leisure pursuits across the island, as well as watercolour illustrations of elements that shape that signature Nantucket style.

9789401464901 Lannoo Publishers 190 x 120mm. 160pp., 200 col. February 2020 £5.99, Paperback

9789460582547 Luster 265 x 125mm. 256pp., Available £36.00, Hardback

Bruges City Guide 2020 Sophie Allegaert

South Africa A Road Trip Mirjam Bleeker & Frank Visser

This definitive guide will lead you on an adventure through the heart of a city you thought you knew, introducing the best shops, hotels, bed and breakfasts, cafés and restaurants. It includes three atmospheric walks through the city, which showcase Bruges’ range of diverse museums, and with a foldout street map, this book confidently directs you to Bruges’ finest sights.



This book is an ode to South Africa’s stunning nature and to its people. It’s a report of photographer Mirjam Bleeker and stylist Frank Visser’s road trip along the coasts and through the inland, passing vast nature reserves and bustling cities. It features beautiful photos of these inspiring people and their homes, as well as breathtaking photos of nature scenes.


Don’t be a Tourist in New York The Messy Nessy Chic Guide Vanessa Grall

Don’t Be a Tourist in Paris The Messy Nessy Chic Guide Vanessa Grall

Before Time Began Contributions by Jessica De Largy Healy, Georges Petitjean, Luke Scholes

9781916430914 13 Things Ltd. 225 x 165mm. 376pp., 150 col. £25.00, Hardback

9781916430921 13 Things Ltd. 225 x 165mm. 323pp., 150 col. £25.00, Hardback

9788874398768 5 Continents Editions 270 x 225mm. 144pp., 57 col. £32.00, Hardback

Art London: A Guide to Places, Events and Artists Hettie Judah, photos by Alex Schneideman

Barron & Larcher Textile Designers Michal Silver & Sarah Burns 9781851499205 ACC Art Books 240 x 195mm. 144pp., 101 col., 10 b.&w. £30.00, Hardback

Charles Bargue and Jean-Léon Gérôme: Drawing Course Gerald M. Ackerman and Graydon Parrish 9781788840446 ACC Art Books 275 x 250mm. 336pp., 136 col., 212 b.&w. £65.00, Hardback

Classic Albums by Women Classic Album Sundays 9781788840392 ACC Art Books 190 x 190mm. 192pp., 112 col., 5 b.&w. £15.00, Paperback with flaps

Conran/Quant: Swinging London - A Lifestyle Revolution Geoffrey Rayner & Richard Chamberlain 9781788840118 ACC Art Books 270 x 215mm. 240pp., 180 col. £40.00, Hardback

Jane Austen’s England A Travel Guide Karin Quint 9781788840354 ACC Art Books 210 x 135mm. 320pp., 180 col. £15.00, Paperback with flaps

The Book of Rolex Jens Høy and Christian Frost 9781788840231 ACC Art Books 265 x 225mm. 200pp., 334 col., 18 b.&w. £30.00, Hardback

9781788840385 ACC Art Books 210 x 150mm. 208pp., 61 col. £15.00, Paperback with flaps

Classic Cars A Century of Masterpieces Simon de Burton, Foreword by Robert Coucher 9781851499168 ACC Art Books 295 x 245mm. 288pp., 300 col. £40.00, Hardback

Always Audrey Six Iconic Photo­g raphers. One Legendary Star. Edited by Iconic Images, Introduction by Terence Pepper 9781788840323 ACC Art Books 325 x 285mm. 288pp., 72 col., 106 b.&w. £45.00, Hardback




Orient Express The Story of a Legend Text by Guillaume Picon, Photography by Benjamin Chelly, Preface by Sir Kenneth Branagh 9781851499151 ACC Art Books 290 x 240mm. 260pp., 216 col., 119 b.&w. £40.00, Hardback

The Wristwatch Handbook A Comprehensive Guide to Mechanical Wristwatches Ryan Schmidt

Kenzo Takada Kazuko Masui and Chihiro Masui

RHS Botanical Illustration The Gold Medal Winners Charlotte Brooks

9781788840019 ACC Art Books 285 x 210mm. 464pp., 322 col., 105 b.&w. £55.00, Hardback

9781851498291 ACC Art Books 290 x 245mm. 352pp., 445 col., 7 b.&w. £50.00, Hardback

9781788840149 ACC Art Books 270 x 215mm. 256pp., 133 col., 7 b.&w. £30.00, Hardback

Jackson’s Hallmarks Pocket Edition Edited by Ian Pickford 9781851497751 ACC Art Books 215 x 122mm. 184pp., 1000 b.&w. £6.95, Paperback

Rolex History, Icons and RecordBreaking Models Mara Cappelletti and Osvaldo Patrizzi 9781851497836 ACC Art Books 235 x 235mm. 152pp., 150 col. £29.99, Hardback

Norman Parkinson Always in Fashion Edited by Carrie Kania and Alex Anthony

Oliver’s Birds By Oliver Hellowell Photography by Oliver Hellowell, Forewards by Iolo Williams & Ken Jenkins

9781788840262 ACC Art Books 250 x 250mm. 240pp., 103 col., 61 b.&w. £35.00, Hardback

9781788840101 ACC Art Books 175 x 215mm. 156pp., 152 col. £17.99, Hardback

London Peculiars A Guide to the City’s Offbeat Places Peter Ashley

Rock ‘n’ Roll London A Guide to the City’s Musical Heritage Tony Barrell

Vinyl London A Guide to Independent Record Shops Tom Greig, photography by Sam Mellish

Writers’ London A Guide to Literary People and Places Carrie Kania and Alan Oliver

9781851499182 ACC Art Books 210 x 150mm. 144pp., 134 col., 9 b.&w. £15.00, Paperback with flaps

9781788840163 ACC Art Books 210 x 150mm. 160pp., 21 col., 13 b.&w. £15.00, Paperback with flaps

9781788840156 ACC Art Books 210 x 150mm. 192pp., 162 col. £15.00, Paperback with flaps

9781788840460 ACC Art Books 210 x 150mm. 240pp., 20 col., 17 b.&w. £15.00, Paperback with flaps




Young Rembrandt An Van Camp, Christopher Brown & Christiaan Vogelaar 9781910807323 Ashmolean Museum Publications 280 x 220mm. 256pp., 150 col., 5 b.&w. £25.00, Paperback

Urban Jungle Living and Styling with Plants Igor Josifovic and Judith de Graaff 9783766722447 Callwey 280 x 215mm. 176pp., 250 col. £25.00, Hardback

Abarth Racing Cars. Collection 1949-1974 Stefan Bogner & Franz Steinbacher 9783667113924 Delius Klasing 300 x 250mm. 420pp., 302 col. £35.00, Hardback, English, German

111 Places in Brighton and Lewes That You Shouldn’t Miss Alexandra Loske 9783740802554 Emons Verlag 205 x 135mm. 240pp., 111 col. £12.99, Paperback

111 Places in Cambridge That You Shouldn’t Miss Rosalind Horton and Sally Simmons 9783740801472 Emons Verlag 205 x 135mm. 240pp., 111 col. £12.99, Paperback

111 Places in Liverpool That You Shouldn’t Miss Peter de Figueiredo & Julian Treuherz 9783954517695 Emons Verlag 205 x 135mm. 240pp., 111 col. £12.99, Paperback

111 Places in London That You Shouldn’t Miss John Sykes and Birgit Weber 9783954513468 Emons Verlag 205 x 135mm. 240pp., 115 col. £11.99, Paperback with jacket

111 Places in Glasgow That You Shouldn’t Miss Tom Shields 9783740802561 Emons Verlag 205 x 135mm. 240pp., 111 col. £12.99, Paperback

33 Walks in London That You Shouldn’t Miss Nicola Perry 9783954518869 Emons Verlag 205 x 135mm. 368pp., 111 col. £17.99, Paperback

The Little Book of Medicinal Plants Elisabeth Trotignon 9782812319815 E/P/A 160 x 107mm. 176pp., 80 col. £10.95, Hardback

Archigram - The Book

Warren Chalk, Peter Cook, Dennis Crompton, Ron Herron, David Greene and Michael Webb; with essays by Reyner Banham, Martin Pawley and Michael Sorkin

9781911422044 Circa 270 x 345mm. 300pp., 500 col., 50 b.&w. £95.00, Hardback

Screen Time Dafydd Jones 9781911422280 Circa 160 x 210mm. 160pp., 90 col. £14.95, Hardback




Foster + Partners Portfolio 1967-2017 Essays by Norman Foster and Peter Buchanan; edited by Tom Wright 9781916436107 Foster + Partners Limited 210 x 210mm. 540pp., 414 col., 80 b.&w. £39.95, Paperback

Cabins Escape to Nature Introduction by Damon Hayes Couture 9781864708332 The Images Publishing Group 280 x 212mm. 300pp., 280 col. £20.00, Hardback

World Cup 1970-2018 Panini Football Collections 9788857014166 Franco Cosimo Panini 270 x 240mm. 888pp., 1500 col. £28.00, Paperback English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Dutch

Fierce Beauty Storms of the Great Plains Eric Meola 9781864708387 The Images Publishing Group 273 x 381mm. 216pp., 100 col. £65.00, Hardback

100 Houses Nature and Nurture Edited by Images Publishing 9781864708431 The Images Publishing Group 230 x 190mm. 320pp., 350 col. £30.00, Flexibind

Jean-Michel Basquiat Dieter Buchhart 9782072801532 Editions Gallimard 320 x 240mm. 320pp., 270 col. £39.00, Hardback

150 Bars You Need to Visit Before You Die Jurgen Lijcops

150 Restaurants You Need to Visit Before You Die Amélie Vincent (The Foodalist)

Abandoned Places Abkhazia edition Henk Van Rensbergen

9789401449120 Lannoo Publishers 260 x 193mm. 288pp., 150 col., 30 b.&w. £27.50, Hardback

9789401454421 Lannoo Publishers 253 x 186mm. 256pp., 280 col., 20 b.&w. £27.50, Hardback

9789401461511 Lannoo Publishers 130 x 195mm. 160pp., 120 col., 50 b.&w. £14.95, Hardback



Architects at Home Introduction by John V. Mutlow 9781864708134 The Images Publishing Group 219 x 175mm. 320pp., 250 col. £20.00, Hardback

Charlotte Perriand Inventing A New World Curators and chief editors: Jacques Barsac, Sébastien Cherruet and Pernette Perriand 9782072857195 Editions Gallimard 300 x 270mm. 376pp., 400 col. £45.00, Hardback

Gin & Tonic The Complete Guide for the Perfect Mix Frédéric Du Bois & Isabel Boons 9789401425605 Lannoo Publishers 195 x 130mm. 500pp., 250 col., 120 b.&w. £22.50, Hardback


Nordic Moods A Guide to Successful Interior Decoration Katrine Martensen-Larsen 9789401461832 Lannoo Publishers 280 x 210mm. 272pp., 290 col., 20 b.&w. £35.00, Hardback

Wonder Plants 2 Your Urban Jungle Interior Irene Schampaert & Judith Baehner

Insta Grammar: Cats Irene Schampaert (editor) 9789401436953 Lannoo Publishers 210 x 170mm. 128pp., 70 col., 10 b.&w. £12.50, Paperback

The Day After Tomorrow How to Survive in Times of Radical Innovation Peter Hinssen 9789401446495 Lannoo Publishers/ Nexxworks 240 x 170mm. 272pp., £29.95, Flexibind

Hidden Scotland Lauren MacCallum

What the Fuck! Edited by Luster

9789460582431 Luster 180 x 130mm. 264pp., 90 col. £16.95, Paperback

9789460582271 Luster 100 x 150mm. 180pp., 180 col. £11.00, Paperback

The 500 Hidden Secrets of London Tom Greig

The 500 Hidden Secrets of Paris Marie Farman

9789460581731 Luster 180 x 120mm. 256pp., 80 col. £14.95, Paperback

9789460581373 Luster 180 x 120mm. 248pp., 150 col. £14.95, Paperback

Happy Weekend 1 Year - 52 Destinations - All over Europe Edited by Monaco Books

9789401449274 Lannoo Publishers 280 x 230mm. 240pp., 250 col. £32.50, Hardback

9783955047054 Monaco Books 240 x 185mm. 304pp., 1000 col. £25.00, Hardback

The Rolling Home presents The Culture of Vanlife The Rolling Magazine 9789401449779 Lannoo Publishers 275 x 210mm. 240pp., 240 col., 30 b.&w. £35.00, Hardback

The 500 Hidden Secrets of Tokyo Yukiko Tajima, photographs by Koji Ishikawa 9789460582202 Luster 180 x 120mm. 264pp., 80 col. £14.95, Paperback

The Encyclopaedia of Curtains Catherine Merrick and Rebecca Day 9780953526765 Merrick & Day 284 x 240mm. 384pp., 680 col., 850 b.&w. £39.95, Hardback




The London Book Highlights of a Fascinating City 9783955041403 Monaco Books 302 x 233mm. 308pp., 500 col £20.00, Hardback

Cut and Paste 400 Years of Collage Patrick Elliott, Freya Gowrley and Yuval Etgar 9781911054313 National Galleries of Scotland 265 x 245mm. 184pp., 240 col. £25.00, Paperback

City of Immortals Père-Lachaise Cemetery Carolyn Campbell 9781943532292 ORO Editions/Goff Books 228 x 152mm. 200pp., 100 col., 100 b.&w. £19.95, Paperback



The 1950s Scrapbook Compiled by Robert Opie

The 1960s Scrapbook Compiled by Robert Opie

The 1970s Scrapbook Compiled by Robert Opie

9780954795429 Museum of Brands 385 x 270mm. 62pp., 1000 col. £14.95, Hardback

9780954795412 Museum of Brands 385 x 270mm. 62pp., 1000 col. £14.95, Hardback

9780954795405 Museum of Brands 379 x 267mm. 62pp., 1000 col. £14.95, Hardback

Joan Eardley A Sense of Place Patrick Elliott with Anne Galastro

Bridget Riley With contributions from Bridget Riley, Robert Kudielka, Eric de Chassey, David Sylvester, Michael Bracewell, John Elderfield, Dave Hickey, Richard Shiff 9781911054320 National Galleries of Scotland 270 x 245mm. 280pp., 120 col. £34.99, Paperback

Chinese Brutalism Today Concrete and Avant-Garde Architecture Alberto Bologna

Non-Referential Architecture Ideated by Valerio Olgiati - Written by Markus Breitschmid Valerio Olgiati & Markus Breitschmid 9783038601425 Park Books 180 x 115mm. 144pp., 1 b.&w. £20.00, Hardback

Abstract Expressionism David Anfam, Susan Davidson, Edith Devaney, Jeremy Lewison, Carter Ratcliff, Christian Wurst

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