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y t n u m o u e C s h u g a M m y t n u m o u e C s h u g a M m y r t n A u m o u e C s h u g a M m y r t n A u m o u e C s h u g a M m y r t n A u o C s h u ag M Property sale

The contents of this digital resource should only be used for non-commercial personal research and all rights remain with Armagh County Museum. If any of the material is reproduced, in any form and in any medium, you should acknowledge Armagh County Museum as the source and give the document references below. (ARMCM153.1962)

y t n u m o u e C s h u g a M m y t n u m o u e C s h u g a M m U1RS REN 'TAL AND PARTIC y r t n A u m o u e C s h u g a M m y r t n A u m o u e C s h u g a M m y r t n A u o C s h u ag M coUN1'Y





0 ..NEWR,y_

·sale on Friday, the .29th day of January, 186 lN THE MATTER OT TFIE ESTATE OT

EMILYATKINSON, widow EMILY ATKINSON, the younger ; LOUISA Atkinson and ANNIE ATKINSON, spinsters; JOHN GALLOWAY and HARRIETTE ~GFIELD GALLOWAY,his wife; ancl of JOSEPH Galloway and EDWARD Courtney Owners ancl P etitioners..



Owners aucl Petitioners.

OfParcels of La.ncl in the County of ARM:AGH,an d Plous of Gronml with Dig Houses tlm·eon,situatlin ENGLISH STREET, in the City of ARMAGH,ancl in ER NORTH STREET,in the Town of NEWRY, ancl COUNTYof DO" / HELD IN PERPET UITY.













On FRID.flY,

' ~


the 29th

clay of

J.fl.NU 11Br, · 1869 ,


' ~

For HentalsandfurtherParticulars, applyat the said Court; to Messrs. GALLOWAYandCON10R, 55,UpperSn;; or to C =rI=A=RL=E •=S=,¥=O =O=D=W=Al=W=,= S= oli= cit= o1= ·,t=1u=vi1=1 g=C=nr=rii=1 gc =o=f =th= cP=r= cc= ccc =\in= ~=,Nr ="t=u n=b e=r4=3= ,D=nm =e=-st=re=et=,D=ill -


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y t n u m DESCRIoPTIVE PARTICULARS. u e C s u gh a M m y r t n A u m o u e C s h u g a M m y r t n A u m o u e C s h u g a M m y r t n A u m o u e C s h u g a M m y r t n A u m o u e C s h u g a M

·al L ts compris this E state ar e of rno<lerat e size. Th e Hou~es iu Armagh are in 0 110 of the best busin ess sti-eet.; 1 THE sec'"~ TolieHouse <t{)iedby Mr Turu er ha s a,t-t,whed to it nume ro us Offices and a large walled in Gard en. in th e 1t-y. · I s of excellemality. A smaU Farm of Land close to th<' Statio n of th e Ulster R ailway Company, and is a valuabl e Lot 2. Tomi Park. ot _ Th e part of L.'o~a,nd of Druminis Drumennis is ~bout tln-ee mil es from the City of A.i·1;11~gh, an_~x_ cellent ~farket Town,- It is L .3t the Station Hamiltonsbaw Bawu n , on the Railway between A.rmagh and Newry, oflenn g fac1ht 1es of access to the Mark et also ueruf .?.,na<fh and Ne·and the S eaport Town of Warrenpoint P oiut. The T enant s are r espec tabl e, ancl 1)ay th eir Rents with Tornis o 11-1 " punctuality• Lot 4. The part of t'ownl,~nd of Drumgaw is sit11ate about a mil e from the City of Axmagh. It is dividecl into Two Fa rms, f which is h eld on Lfor Li ves r enewable for ever , at a Rent mu ch below the Ordnance valu ation, which for that Fann is e ~ The Orclnance val of th~ Farm h eld bJ: th e _WWarnock's I s £12, ~ud th e rent paic~ by th em is bu~ £7 7s. Stcl. Th e Ti th e 30 Rent-charge of 5s. 10\d., .oned m th e R ental, 1s p:ud for this ]<arm. 1he Messr s. McKinstry pay the T ithe for th eir Farm dir ect. Lot 5. Consists of ~se in ~ewry, built on half of the yl ot o~ gr~und compri sed in the ~ri giu al Le ase. The Shop on thes e Premises forms part of George's s Shop .. Auel the Rent paHl by lmn 1s much b~low the letting rnlu e. A Fine of £295 was paid b :Messrs. McGeorge an({p~i:nckfor then· L e~se. T!10 L essees are bound to give up th e Pr emi ses iu goo1lrepair, aml r es tor e<l the same state, form, a1d1tionas they were m prev10us to th e grantin g of said Lease.



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y t n u GENERAL CONDITIONS m OF SALE. o u e C s h u g a M m y r t n A u m o u e C s h u g a M m y r t n A u m o u e C s h u g a M m y t n Ar u m o u e C s h u g a M m y t n Ar u m o u e C s h u g a M

1. TrrE Pur chaser or Purchasers shall not be at liberty to object to their Pur chases, or claim compensation by reason of any slight variance in the Tenant's holding, or each Lot, same having been ascertained by recent Survey, under the Order of the Landed Estat.es Court.

of Land stated as contained .

2. The Pur chaser or Purchasers shall not be at liberty to object to their Pur chases on account of any slight variance iu the amount of the Tithe in respect of such varianc e, if same shall be found to vary from the amonnt act ually payable thereout.

ge, or be entitled to compensation,



3. The Pu rchnser or Purchasers shall not be at liberty to inquir e int o, or require evidence of the Title of the respective Lessors in the several L er which the Pr . to object to their Purch ases by reason of any In cumbrance atfecting their interest, nor by reason of any superior Fee-farm Grant, or Lease in perpetuity, a e same p . operty ,s held, nor rem1ses,prior to or tak,'nopreccdence of the Titl e of the Owners in thi s Mat ter . o 4.

The contents of the several Lots and of each holding are given in Statute Measure ; they are to be taken as containing the quantities stated.

5. The Sub-perpetuity Grant of Lots 1 and 2 will be handed to the Purch aser of Lot 1, and a Copy, certified by the Solicitor having the Cru.-riagee, will be handed to th p of Lot 2 ; and th e Purch aser of Lot 1 will be bound, if requirnd by the Purchaser of Lot 2, to execute a Deed of Covenant to preserve and produce the al Deed . such D d ef urchnser ' ee Covenant to be prepared by the Pur chaser of Lot 2, at his own expense.



The usual rights of all adjoining Owners and Occupiers to light and air will be reserved by the Conveyances of Lot 1 and Lot 5.

7. No Tith e Rent-charge is paid for Lot 2, but the Rector of the Pari sh of Armagh has claimed 8s. 6d. as the amount of the yearly Tith e Ren nble to him. The Pur chaser of L ot 2 shall not be at liberty to object, or to claim compensation on account of such claim. , 8. The Pur chaser of Lot 4 shall not be at liberty to object on account of there not being any Cestui que vie in the Inst Renewal now in being. F ee-farm to Andrew Craig, Esq., and th e Purchas er, as Tenants in common, and o. Draf t Gro.nt in Fee-form, approved of by the Solicitor for Lord Gosfo Purch aser will procure such Grant to be engr ossed and executed in conjunui on with the said Andrew Craig, and at their joint expense. All expe~ses su Gra ntor's Solicitor, will be borne by the Pu rchaser and said Andrew Craig jointly. The half of the amount due for Renewal Fin es, and In~ rest, will be to receive ~om the Messrs. MeK.instry th e same amount as he will be liable to pay. The Pur chaser of this Lot shall not be at liberty to obJect or apply fi ing such Fee-form Grant . 9. }'ec-fnrm.

Gosfordwill execute a G . anded to the Purch nser~n~t he Draft Grant approved b th: Purchaser, who will be en[t.Ied n on account of dehy in obtain-

The Pur chaser of Lot 5 shall not be at liberty to object, or to claim compensation on account of the covenant against Assignment without le ntors contained in the Grant in

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y OBSER VATIONS. AND t n u m o u e C s h u g a M m y t n Ar u m o u e C s h u g a M m y t n Ar u m o u { e C s h u g a M m y t n Ar u m o u e C s u gh a M m y r t n A u J m o u e C s h u ag M TENURE


, berS 1 nnd 2 nre held ur the some deed, bu t at sepnrnt e rent,s. They nre heir! in S11bperpe_tuityunder the Provis ions of t he Church Temporalities .Acts, by Deed da~d O JOtt ?f IS I o. Bnronet, to Charles Woodward The Rent mncle payable by th is Deed, for Lot No. 1, is £ 10 19s. 5d. year ly. The re nt ma~e payab le or Lots Numnde b Sir Richard Robinson rent t!': ctober, 1840, D_lh I { been r educed onount of the Pur clrnse by the Ulster Rnilwity Compnny of lr . 26p., and the consequent release by the said Compuny of the remamder fr?m 5t e c e rents This Deed contnins a covenant by Sir lli chnrd Robinson to ind emnify the said Chnrles Woodward agam E21 7s. 5d., wluc_ intbereut now paynbr Lot 2, £20 5s. 9cl., yearly. . ·r . h h Cr . . . £1 l <-- Sd· )en,•mg id Sir Richard to~ e -1 ~ruing . . . 1 ayable by tbe sa . es three bui ldtng lvluch were ong111nllyl1eld under three separat e lenses at separate rents, but as some of th e H ouses standmg on said lots were bu ilt, paz:; on one O~\tart~n cto r, sden which is occu10ythe tenant of one of the Hou ses, exte nds over the rerc of th e thr ee lots the three lots have been comprised in one Grant by the said Deed Lot 1 comGpn nd t 1,e ar ' · . 0 th er, a . . . £10 19s. 5d. .84 0, at one rcnt,h r of Lot 1 will be led to the Or,g,nnl Deed of the 30th of October, 1840, and will be bound to execute a Deed of Covenant with th e P urchaser of Lot 2 to pr eserre and prodn ce · . The Pure ase e Original ~eed_-t te within nbout h:inile of the City of Armagh, close to the Stations of the Ulster Railway Company and Newry and Arm agh Railway Company, and is very valnable as a . . 1 Lot 2 is ~a rchnser of Lot 2 'C entitl ed to a Cer tified copy of the Deed of the 30 th of October, 1840 . f own P ark. T ,e_ ~ of a parcel of hu t he townlancl of Drum inis, situate in the Bnrony of Fews, in the County of Armagh, held under F ee-for m Grant , dated the 1st of .April, 1863, -!Dadelil 1 Lot 3 ;:c;nt:ovisions of the Rene Leasehold Conversion Act, by Ar chibnld, third Ear l of Gosford, to _James Atkinso.n, subject to the pe:retual yearly Fee.form r ent of £11 19:; 5d:, over · (quit rent and Cre nt excepted). Sa,d Grant reserves to th e Grantor all timber nod timber trees which were on the premises at or prtor to the 1st of September, 1766 a~so, iu.rsuance oft h ~ ta~es an~ 0 ~fes uarries of frcestom·ble or slate, and all royalties, wit h liberty to cut clown, dig up, and carry aivny the same; also, liberty to hun t, hawk, fish and fowl. Said Grant contams Mill] pay eleven pence for every bushel ground or in default, nll mmes, ml::r e~ ~r non-payment of and Covenant on the part of th e Lessee to pny Fee-form rent , to gr ind corn at the Mill of Corry, [Manor .ll to do suit and ser v; the Manor Courts. ~ clause of ~t any 0the~ m~his lot consists of a m1~ a parcel of land i~ the townland of Drumgaw in the Baro ny of Fews and County of A_rmngh, held nnd er a lease dated th e 4th September, 1749 made · to Robert Boyd anham Boyd for th e lives of th ree persons, subJect to the yearly ren t of £ 15 6s. 6d., lat e In sh cur rency. Lot · h Arthur Graham f land demised is s:o contain 61a. lr. 8p., English measure. The Lease reserves to the Lessor all mines, minera ls, quarri es, wood, and underwood and all royalties, with liberty of 'e conta ins a covoy the Lessor for the perpetunl r enewal of th e Lease on payment of a fine of £5, late Irish curr ency, on the fall ofeach life. This Lease contains covenants on -the The rngress, &c. L _is :s pay rent and refine over all charg es, exc ept quit nnc1Crown r ent . Chrnse of distre ss for non-payment of rent and of re-entr y, if no sufficient dist r ess. Agreement that ·_ _ five shillin gs, Iri sh, for _everydefault . or paymill] the premises at the Mill of Lettercolme [manor grind_that should be ex pended _o,_1 ~iart of th: ~~•:~!ir under-tenants should corn the Lessees an_d Robert·t Boyd and Boyd havm g agreed to make a pnr t1t10n,the same was earned out by Deed of the 29th October , 1751, by which the lands demised were div,ded between 0 5 The .share of . owners e th to t~ bold in severuh pnying half of th e rents, fees, duties and fines. The share of William Boyd came to J ames Macartney, and through him . The "\ them 1.11equ;1 s are:, Thomas Hillock Donaldson, and Hannah Donaldson otherwise Dun lop his wife, Elizabeth Dunl op, and John Waug h, and thr ough them to Andrew Cra ig . The yearly rent;, 0 .l ' . £~ l s 51d ' the balf of £1 4 2s. I l d .. the equiva lent in present curr ency of £15 6s. 6d., Ir ish. Robert Boyd cam~ • · ·• 1s 1 · , in"· bi b the owners ' last 1827. Th e Cestui que vies were Sarah Macartney Edward Carleton At kin son, and the Honour able H enry Caulfield. Sarah Macartney died in the renewed paya eTl Le about the l -5tl month. Edward Carl eton Atkin son_died in the year 1850, near Sydney, New South Wal es, anil the Honourable Henry Caulfield died on the 5th of March, e :\;:~, month of Marc • f tl e 1 essor is no\\ m the Earl of Gosford. The Cestui que mes m the last r enewal grant ed by J ames Macartn ey to Lee McKinstry and James McKinstry were the ·same us 1 ~862. The estatcf _ The rcncwaJIUbleby the McKinstry's is £2 10s. of the late Irish currency, and consequently equa l to the moiety payab le by the owners, of th e renewal fine payab le to m the renewa1 o 189- 1 · the Eariof ~ost~t lot is a moiety 0 pf ground in Lower North street Newry, and is held under a. Grant in _Fee.fa rm! dated 23rd May, _1853, in p~irsuance of th e Pr ovis ions of the R enewab le 124 feet. end bacbv~ The Plot of Ground, compri sed m sn1cl Grant 1s stater ] to contam 48 feet 111 front, and to e2,.-t _. Act made by tfCes of the Earl of Kilmorey h ]~ · m'ade to Robinson. . The Grant in fee-farm was mnde to Robert C. Atkinson un der whom the owners derive, and Mr Atkin son was a tru stee as to· one-half of the Lease ~ 1 . 0 °Lver,wn · and royalties are excepted out of the Grant . Th e amount of the Fee-fa1·m rent made payable under the Is, quarr1es, · · All mines, 'mia 1 . ease The On 0 d mmera Thomson the rcpresentati Robert d ~ was • half of which (.d ~ will be paynblc by the Purchaser and half by the Representa tives of Robert Th omson. The grantee is bound lo do suit and sen foe at the Courts L eet ~remi~s is -~B ..,s. f.,the " anor and l of Newry, when summoned to attend and to pay for every head tenant ,1d., and for every under tenant 2d., as lect silver nt each of the two Leet Court s to rdanCt u1 an ourts aron o be hel<l tlG ye~·- t· insCovenantpnrt of the Grant ee to pay rent and minister's money, ch urch, and ministers' dnes, over all taxes, to do sui t and service nt the Cow·ts Leet nod Courts b c ran con to attend an <'t silver, nn<l to grind corn ~tone?~ tbc Manor Mills or pay 18s. 5kd. for every barr el ground elsewher e, to repaii·, to pave the part of th e street between to any and the middstreet every two year s, or oftener, 11'necessary , and clean the smnc thrice in each week, or forfeit two pence for every default. Not to assinn Bhar}n, w ~n 0 ' own /,next of kin, without the consent of the Grant ors, or pay an additi ona l yeru·ly rent of £ ,1 4s. l l d. t e ront O t e 10 inG . ase rent or Leet silver three month s in arr car, and no sufficient distress. es. except to some of thc , autcd Clause of clistn,;s an 1or rc-c






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y t n u m o u e C s h u g a M m y r t n A u m o u e C s h u g a M m y t n Ar u m o u e C s h u g a M m y t n Ar u m o u e C s h u g a M m y t n Ar u m o u e C s h u ag M LANDED



01 IR[ Li\ND

SHEET 4 7 /

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m o u e C s h u g a M m y t n Ar u m o u e C s h u g a M m y t n Ar u m o u e C s h u g a M m y t n Ar u m o u e C s h u g a M m y r t w A rv ~u~ oun m u e C s h u ag M Lot 1.

Three Building Lots of Ground on which Houses hnve been erected, situa te on the East side of English street, in t he City and Par ish of Armagh, held in one Grant in Sub-perpetuity, Th e fr ontage to th e st reet contains about 108 feet; the br eadt h in t he rere about 60 feet; and the depth from under t he Church Tempornlities Acts, nt th e year ly Rent of £10 19s. 5d. front to rere about 393 feet on the North side; and about 40 0 feet on the South side.


TtnaoU' Names.

Dwelling HotLse and Shop, RobertTurner, with the Offices, Yards, and Garden thereto belonging, in English street street, Armagh, opposite the Tontine, '

Dwelling Honse, with the AnneButler, Offices and Yard thereto belonging, in English street street, Armngh, opposite



£ s. d. 30 0 0

Description o[ Tcnnury,


Agreement for 1t Lease, Th e Purchaser will be bound to exec ute a Lease to thi s Tenant, for the term of 1st May as state, ! in the column of 21 years from th e gale day pr eceding his purchase, at the sum of £30 a.year rent. and 1st November, Observations, Th e L ease to conta in covenan ts on t.i,e part of the L essee (besides the usua l covenants.) ovenant to lay out a sum of £60 on repairs, and to keep the Premises in repai r. Covenant not to Assign or Sub~let, without leave of the Lessor. Covenant to contribute to the rxpcnse of keeping the common pnssngc, gateway, and ~ate in repair, in .the proportion of one-fourth. Covenant not to bring on the Premises any Goods, or do any net, that might invalidate an Insurance against Fire.




Ten ant from year to year, 1st May determinab le on the 1st of and 1st November, November in each year,




L en.se, dated the 22 nd of 1st May September , 1862, made by and 1st Nov°emher, James Atkinson, to J ohn Hughes, for the term of 999 years, from the 1st of May then last,

the Tontine,

Dwelling House and TurkishJJohnHughes, ish Bath, and Two other Dwelling Houses, which are DOW part of the Hotel known as " The Charlemont Arms," with the Offices and Yards t hereto respectively belonging, in English. street, Armagh, opposite th e Tontine, Deduct Head Rent

Profit Rent


Premises adjoining, which are now in .the occupationof Robert Turner. This Lease also contains a covenant, on the part of the Lessee, to cont.ribute, from time to time, in the proportion of one.ha.If,towards the expense of keeping in rep_airthe passage lending from the street to t,he rere, nnd of the gate of the entrance to said passage, which is at

103 0 10 19 92

Thi s Lense contains a perm1ss10n to the said J ohn H ughes to make certa in Specified Alterat ions, that is, to take down certain Out-houses and to build new ones on their site , and, if he think fit, also on othor portion of the demised Prem ises, dist inguished on the mnp in th e margin of the Lease; but t_hat th e L essee sha ll not, without permission of the Lessor, open any Wmd ow to look into t he garden or yard of the


the street end. Also a covenant, on the part of the Lessee, n9t to bring on the Premises any goods, or do any act, that might invnliclnte an Insurance against fire. Ord ance valuation of thi s Lot, £95 0s. 0cl. The averag e Poor' s-rat e for the Inst two years has been bnt DJ. in the pound. Th ese Hou ses and Premi ses will be Sold, subject to nll such Rights and Easements


5 7

ns may affect them at the time of the Sale.




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Lot 2.

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er th e Church Temporalities gli held in Sub, r tuity11nd pc pc

· " ) _ofArma I Part of the l(IWD and lantl:sof Lisanally dcs1gnntcd on the OrdnanceMnpns II Corporation," s1tuntc rn the Bn.ronyund County posscs1100. .\ ('ls, st the yearlyrentnowof £20 5s. 9cl., containing nbout 711.3r. 11~p. The purchuscr will be entitled to the immccli1ltO 0HDNANCE \IALUATION £23. The Boundorrof this lot on the south nnd west sides is :1 smnll stream The rigbt.sllfall personsin the water of this strcum will be prcscn ccl.

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Lot 3.

u M ty

Armngh, held in F ee-farm under the ~n ewable Lease h~ld Conversion Pnrt of the townland of Drumenniscontainin g nhout S0n. 2r. np. stntute rnensurc in the Bnrony of F cws, nod County of 0d., which is paid by th e Earl of Gosford, to aceor<lnnce with the lel'lll3 .l et. subject to the perpetunlyearly Fee-farm rent of £11 19s. 5d. These lnnds nre nlso subject to a quit rent of £ l 8s. which were stn ndin g on the Pr emises, at or pri or to th e 1st September, of the Grant in Fee-farm.The Grnnt in Fee.farm, reserves to t he Enrl of Gosford nil timber nod tim ber trees to hunt, hawk, fish, nod fowl. The Grant in Fe e,farm also contain s a 1766. nod all mines,mincrJ!s, quarries of freestone, nrnrblc. or slate, nncl nil royalt ies with liberty of ingress, &c. Also liberty Also to do suit nnd service at Courts Leet, and Courts Bar on, of the rnns.nt on the part of the Grantee, to grind corn at the mill of Corry, or pay l!d. for every bushel gro und at any other mill. )bo or of J ohnston, andpnythe accustomed Leet money. S o.



1c.-uland of Druminis Drumennis J ohn Quin,

Catherine McCann

6 3


Mcu uro.

cy. on or Tcruui Dcecripli

m . . I u e s OBSERVATIONS.


C h u g a M m y r t n A u m o u e C s h u g a M m y r t n A u o u e C s h u ag M

.; Parcel of Land in the J ames Beck,


n u o tity or W <l, Qu.o.n

Gnlo D•y•.

Ycnrly !tent.

£ s. 25 17


Willium McCullough 14

J ames Rutherford,


26 10 8

19 13

A Plant.ition,

Dodaet Fee-fa.nn Rcnt£11 HJ c; ] i OO T1lLe 1k111,...(llw-go

Profit Rent,

Adel Ord nance valua tion of l'lau totio n, )


p. 2 6 Tcnnnt from ycnr to year, determinab le on the 1st of No, vcrnbcr in each year. 0 1 May and l Nov. 13 0 18 Tenan t from yea r to year, determinable on the 1st of Non. d. 6 I May und I Nov. 20


4 1 May and I Nov. 20


9 I May nnd I Nov.

vcmbcr in each year. 3 30 Tenant from yenr to year, dctcrminnble on th e 1st of No,

vcmbcr in each yenr. 9 1 Mny nnd I Nov. 14 2 34 Tenant from year to ycnr, clete rminnble on th e 1st of No, vcmbr.r in each year. 0 2 13 l n the Own1er's hnrids.

0 l ]0 4 ll l[) 19 85 10 5 0 15




vember in cnch year . 2 Tenant from ycnr to yenr, det erminabl e on the 1st of No,



-0--2-2-3 -1 1-8

The rights of nil Persons ID the Stre am whi ch rorm th_ewestern boundary of thi s Lot will be pre-


Ordnance valuati on r90. The average P oor's ,rntc for tJ1elast two years has been but 5d. in the pound.

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- nty u m o u e C s h u g a M m y t n Ar u m o u e C s h u g a M m y t I n Ar0 u m o u V e C s h u g a M m y t n Ar u m o u e C s h u g a M m y t n Ar u m o u e C s h u ag M ,,'





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m u e s h u g a M y t n u o e C s h u g a M m y r t n u o C h u g a M m y t n Ar u o C h l mag y r t A un Drumgaw

Th,• E,oW of' [

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Lot 4.

m u e us

M y t un

A divided moiety containi ng about 3 1a. Or. 28p. of a parcel of land in the Townlancl of Drumgaw in the Barony of Fews, and County of Armagh, held under a Lease date<l 4th September, 1749, grunted by Arthur Graham for the lives of thr ee persons, wit h Covenant for perpetual renewul on payment of £5, late Iri sh Currency, on the fall of each life,ancl last renewed on the 27th September, !827, for the lives of three persons who are now all dead. Th e whole parcel demised, is subject to the yearly rent of £ 14 2s. l l d., equivalent to £ 15 6s. 6d. of the late Ir ish currency, and is paid in moieties, one moiety payable by Andrew Craig, and the other moiety will be payable by the Pur chaser. The Lease reserves to the Lessor all mines, minerals, quarries, wood, and underwooC½and all royalties, with liberty of ingress, &c. And contains a Covenanton the part of the Lesseesto grind corn at the Mill of Letterco lme, under penalty of 5s., Iri sh, per bushel. No. on Map.


m o u e C s h u g a M m y r t n A u m o u e C s h u g a M m y r t n A u m o u e C s h u g a M -m y r t n A. u m o u e C s h u g a M QuantityofLlllltl,



Yearly R-Ollt.

£ 7

Parcel of Land in the Town- John and Jam es W arn ock, land of Drumgaw,

s. 7

d. 8½

John McKin st ry nod 15 L~ 10 Thomas McKin stry, th e rcp zesentat ives of Lee McKi nst ry and. J ames McKinstry who were repr esent ati ves of t he late John McKinstry nst ry

2 2A


Dednct proportion of Head Rent £ 7 1 'I Tithe Rcnt.-chnrgofor the partheld by the Warnocks 0 G 101

Profit rent /

.. - i







Gnlo Do.ys.



A. R.

Description of Te=cy.



1st May and 1st November,

8 1 39

1st May and 1st November,

22 2 29

Tenants from year to year determinable on the 1st of November, in each year.

This leasereservesto the Lessorall mines,mineBy Lease dated 6th of J anuary, 1766, made by James Macartney to J ohn McKinstry, for rals, quarries, wood,and underwood,and all royalthe lives of threepersons,renewable for ever on ties, with libertyof ingress, &c. And au agreement payment of £2 10s. 0d. of the late Iri sh cur- that the Lessee shall grind corn at the )l ill of rency, equivalent to £2 6s. l ½d., present cur- Letterco!rne, or pay 5s. for every default. The amount of Renewal fines and interest rency, as a fine on the fall of each life. The last Renewal is by Deed of 24t h August, 183 1, payable by these Tenants, is the same as what Y<ill and is for the livesof three persons since deceased. be payable by the P urchaser. The Tithe Rent charge for this farm is paid by the Tenants direct. 31 0 28 Ordnance Valuat ion of th is Lot, £42. The average Poors'~rate for the last two yearshas



15 14


been but 5cl. in the pound. The rights of all Persons in the water of the Stream flowing through this lot, will be preser\'"ed.

a m Ar

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g a m r A

m u e us

Lot 5.

M y t n u o C

Shop nnd Warehouse of Mr. McGeorge being n moiet~ of Premises i.,ld under~ ,., th street, in th e t-0wn of Newry on whicI1 now ~tands port oflhe yra.J1t,in Fee.form, --'"'Id · , """""din Lower . Plot of ,,--. . '. . f tl e l'e newnble Len..,... Convers,on . . . . ,.,_et., The entir e of the plot of ground compris~d I Of Kilmorey· .1,11snid,G~ant, , ~d~cr~beq,as CQpta,iru,og s nt to t he Prov1swos o ' ' , · the Trll!lres of the Earl morey, b pur ad 1Y r1cc fnrm ront of £2 . . h ent of the perpetual yenr m e Y . b k ard 194 feet, n• 13s. 4d., ,and th e sum, of 4.d. payable for every he~d-tc11an t, ,a~ ~d. for ond ts subJect to t e pnym ,, f N . f t 4 feet,and e.rteoding nc w . . . 1 b Id - the year for the ManorO I Newry One moiety of the Rent ,s paid by the Representati ve of Robert T,homson, the other :':;"under -tenant as lect silver nt ench of the two Leet Courts, t-0 e I,e Ill , • -· ··- -• • • • • -1 b the Purchaser moiety will be payab e y

m u e us

gh a M m y t n Ar u m o u e C s h u g a M m y t n Ar u m o u e C s h u g a M m y r t n A u m o u e C s h u ag M YCMlyRent .

T<'n.a.nt.° Kuol!L

£ s. d. House, No. 41 Lower North street McGeorge, th e sur- 18 0 0 street, in the Town of vivor of J James McGeorge and William Kirkpatrick Newry trick,

Deduct proportion of Fee. farm Rent

Profit Rent


18 I


0 0 6 8

16 13


Ga.lo Dny1.

1st May and 1st November,

Descriptionor Ton.o.noy.

By I.,eese dated the 22nd of Jun e, 1846, made by Robert Charles Atkin son, to J ames MeGeorge and WilliamKirkpatrick, in consiilcrat ion of £295, for the of 99 years, fr om th e 1st of May, or 1st of November next after th e decease of Mrs. Sarah McCartney who died in th e month of March, 1847, equently th is Lease ' is fora term of 99 years, th e 1st of May, 1847.


Thi s Lease gives leave ,to the Lessees to make certain alterati ons in the demised premises which have been made, removing th e '!alls which divlcfed the demise'd premises from adjoining premises on the South , also in the occupati on of the same Lessees, but pr ovides for the preserving of th e marks 01'th e boundary walls, and for the restoration of the premises to the same state and conditi on as they were in at. .the date of said Lease. Th e Pr ~mises in Newry will be sold subject t-0 all such rights and easements, as may affect them at the time of th e sale. The Ordnan ce valuation of this H ouse is £48 .

y t n ou

m u se

u M y t n u m o u se hC u M y t n u m o u e C s h u g a M y t n u o e C s h u g a M m y r t n u o C h u g a M m y t n Ar u o C h g a m y r t n A u o C agh )

I .,,1,


County of Armagh, City of Armagh, and Town of Newry .


Sale on Friday, the 29th day of January, 1869.



And in the Matter of the SAME,

Owners and P etitioners.







Plots of Ground with Dwelling Houses thereon,








ffid1t in fgcqrduitn.

l@ l3fi! B@l)t) ffN S !L.OTS, DY THE HONORAilLE JUDGE DOilBS,


On IAiday, the 29th day of Ja nuary, 1869, At tho Hour of 12 o'cloc\;:Noon.

CHARLES WOODWARD, Solicitor; H aving Ca,rriage of Sale, 43, Dame-street, Dublin.

L~,v Printc~, 22, Ease~-atroot, Wc.:t,Dublin. r. JoLI,1",






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