g a m Ar h g a Arm
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m u e s u M
Property sale
m u e s u M
The contents of this digital resource should only be used for non-commercial personal research and all rights remain with Armagh County Museum.
h g a Arm
y t n Cou
m u e s u M y
If any of the material is reproduced, in any form and in any medium, you should acknowledge Armagh County Museum as the source and give the document references below.
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h g a Arm CITY,
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of -··
m u e s RENTA L, u M y t n u o ~arttculars & <!onbt tiona of $ale C h g a m Ar m u e s u TO SE SOLD PU SLIC AUCTION M y t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M y t n ou ----
the Estate
- --
of the late
-- -
Si r R ichard
Harcourturt R o bi n so n, Bart., Decease d).
da y
Commen cing at 1.30 o'clo ck, p.m.,
lo Messrs. JAMES H. NO RTH& CO .'S EstateAuc tiooRoom s, No. 110
For Rentals and further
Graft on St reet,
apply to -
Mess r s. J AMES H. NORTH
& CO., 110 Graf ton Street, Dublin :
or lo
& SON,
So li d t ors lmn ·ng Csrri11,.,re of th e Sale,
g a rm
There is a mall Tith e Rent Char ge of 7s. 10d . payable out of the Lands of Druma
t n u o C gh
All t.he Lots are held in Fee Simple, free of re nt.
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I. The highest bidde r for each lot shall be th e P m cbase r , and i_fany dispu te sbaJl arise betwee n two or more bidders, the lot shall be put up agam at the last undisp uted bid, or th e Auctioneers may determine the dispute. The A uctione e rs, at th eir discret ion, may alter the order of the lots or p ut up one or more lot s toge th er, or sub-di vi de a lot or "~thdraw any lot or par t of a lot . If any lot be sub-divid ed, each part put up separatel y shall, for all the purpo ses of these Cond it ion s, be dee med a separate Jot.
3. Ea ch Pmcb a.ser shall, immediate ly afte r the sal e to him, pay to Me ssr s. Barr ington a nd Son , Solicitors for the Ven dor , a deposit of 25 per cent., and pay to t he A uct ionee rs a commi ssion of five per cent. auct ion fees on the a moun t of bis or her purcha se-money , and sign an agreement in the form subjoined to these Cond itions for the complet ion of the purchase, in accor dance with these Condition s, and shall be bound by the same.
4. E a.eh Purchaser ball pay the r emaind er of th e purc ha se-money on th e 13t h day of Ju ly, 1911, toget her with the appor tioned pa rt of the curren t rent or ren ts and profit s, less the propor tion of curr ent outgo ings, a t th e office of Messrs. Barr in gton a? d Son, 10 Ely Place , Du blin, Solicitors for the Vendor; a nd a ny Purchaser payin g his or her purchase-mon ey IS from that date to be entit led to receive th e rent or r ent s or the rents and profits of the lands for= · g "'.ue lot purcha sed by such Purcha ser , and sbeucbrde nbt orh reVntsor profi ts shall be ap port ionable accord ingly . All outgoings shall . . pa.1 y t e endor up to the date aroresar·d , and shall , 1f necessary, be apport10ned ; . and if from .any cause whatev er , 0 tber th an w1·1ful defau lt on the p a rt of the Vend or, the complet10n of a ny pur chase sha 11 be delayed beyoud t he said 13th clay of Jul y, . • 1911, the remawder of such purChase-money shall hear mterest at the rate of five per cent . per an num from that day to the da y of ac t ua 1 payment. 5 ·s~ble_,. Sbtat udtoHryDeclaration of George P. Stewart, the Agent for the la te . Owner , 11 ,1c ar · arcourL p b. t,h of 20 years immediatel y pre cedi~o mson, at the severa l lots have been for a pen od th b II g e death of t he late owner compr ised in t he .rental of the s ·d 1 t d b a1 a e owner s a be a Y ea.eh Purchaser as conclusive evidence ccepte d that the rent O • I t f I h f I p o o groun purchased b I . Y _i,_mor e r orms part of the estate sett eel by th e settlement const itu ted b thereto. tit.le of root e th Cond1t10ns Y Lhese . f 1 6. Th e Statutory DeclaraL' tie said George P. Stewart that no int erest or ion f cha l a nnu a other I rge ias or a period of 20 years immediately preceding the death of
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the l ate ow ne r bee n paid out of the prop erty, or any part thereof, except the rent charge in lieu of tithe s, mentioned in the Particulars, shall be conclusive evidence th a t the property an d every part th ereof is free from any such charge except 81 aforesa id.
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7. Eac h lot is believed a nd shall be ta ken to be correctly described, and is sold subj ec t to a ll ea sements, a nd to every gra nt, lease, or other contract of tenancy cr eating or a ffect in g the sa me, a nd no error, mis-statement or omission shall annul the sal e, nor sha ll any compen sat ion be allowe d in respect ther eof, and no attoroment by a ny of t he tenants shall be r equir ed.
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2. No person is to advance less than £5 on the pr ecediJ.1gbid , or retract a bid, and the Vend or bas fixed a reserve price on each lot, and shall also be entitled to ma ke one bid in per on or by her agent.
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8. The map a nn exe d to th e Particulars shows the property as comprised in the P erp etu it y Grants to Sir Richard Ro binson, including the portions since compul sori ly acqu ir ed, an d is believed to be correct , and has been prepared for the but no error or inaccuracy therein a ccommodat ion a nd convenience of Purchasers; shall ha ve the effect of a nnullin g the sale, nor shall any compensation be allowed or claim ma.de in respect the reof, nor shall the same form the subject of any objection or r equ isition by any Purchaser, nor shall a ny Purchaser be entitled to a Conveyance by reference to a map or plan. Each Conveyance of a P erpeLu?I Rent_s_hall follow th e description in the Gran t cr eat ing such rent, save a prov,ded m Condition I6.
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th 9. Th e annexe d rental contains a stateme nt in regard to each lot, whether e counterpart or a copy of every grant, lease or other contract of tenancy mentwned ID d ·r ot forthcomrn"°' what • . . . K the particulars of t he Jot 1s or 1s not forthcoJDJng, an 1 n 0 evidence , if any, Lhe Vendor ha s of t he terms of such contract of tenancy. copy a or counterpart, the of over handing or production be t Pm cha ser shall require st th 0 1· ot her evidence of the cont e nt s of the terms of uch contract , where e renta l ates suc h counter 1ia rt cop v or ot her evid ence not to be forthcoming. Each Purcha:"r at any timc pnor , S li ·t ,' ' t or th shall be ent itl ed Lo inspect at the office of t he Vendors O ci o~s, ff a ects e Io , which in" J not of to the sa le, any coun te rpart or copy state d to be fort ,corn °•. or d b th taklll"0 advantage . • • h full notice of auy of th e lot s, pur chase d by buu or her, an w e er ' 11 or b·ection N " purchased have to deemed be shall , ion spect in for Lhe opportunity rO O J h lot or lots • t and every · t t I1e terms of every contract of tenan cy affect mg sue of such coun erpnr ' ' b . . . t d as sufficient reqm s1t10n shall be mad e on the ground of the a sence d shall be accep e . t· t 0 be a copy. sue b copy shall be a.clnutLed to be a true copy, an evide n ce of the execut ion of tbe document of which the same purpor • , h d nor will such grant . ant or ]ease is 10. No copy of any gra nt or tenant 's lease will be furmsEe nc t rand such stateOJ' lease be a b tra cte cl, save at tlie Purcha er 's expense. believed aud shall be takon to be fully state d on the annexed ren a ' ment shall be he ld sufficient for all purposes.
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. the ConvcYonce. be •n the rent of prcparmg · 11 E·1ch Pnrchn ser sh,, II. for the pnrJ,osc "lnt or urants, reserv1 gl sed so I ' pure ,a o . t of t ,e g,' . . ·od rental, lcmising the lot or lots entit led ton lonn upon a rclurnnblc rccc1p as stated in the annex . c rents pnr ch:1scd. or of. the lca 5c or lenses. . or copies. . , or . far :1:::-s:une are forthronung. ~r ton cop)
h g a Arm 1
where , copy on ly is fortheom rng.
t doted the 23rd
. , rds Sir Ind ent ure of Sett lemen · · 19 The title 5lw ll commence \\'Ith tl ·d l'ob inson, aftc" 18 f ,. no 1 N 't ier ,c Robinson o 1Richard . -·
c1 .' I does da, · of Janua ry. 181:3. made on the nrnrring:,,ith Lad, Helena Moore. dthe registered Memor,a I Richard Robinson fath er of the late owner . . said settlement nor nay copy thereof is fortheomm~~;;farch, 1860, Sir J ohn Stephen Dot ·t•tc th e trusts. By Deed. dated the 3rd d•.l . . t1·t1steeof the settlement. . II d tl e urvmnu . , " ~ The said Deed partia Y Rob inson tbe eldest son of the ma rri,,ge an 1 • J>pointin.,. the property 0 1 estate in the, property to the Robinson com·e,·ed ,the le"a 111 0 tl,e · ' the settlement JO ' I O ·1·11 of tr Richard recites• the set tlement nnd tbe ml· 1 o f s· to th e late owner. Each Purcha ser shall accept l ,e rlec, '• J death of Lady Helena count J)assec on ~ 1e , • < t and of the contents 'I said Deed IO"elhcr with the succession ac ' tion of the set, emen f I o ' f I , , idor No objection or . Robinson as sufficient evidence o tie exccu . l ... I to the t,tle o t ,e e1 , f the Vendor to trace, produce .. bTt th ereof so far as t.l,e same are ma e, ,a requisition shall be made on the ground of the rn ,1 .' ~yn:". trustees thereof, which arc d shall be assumed to be 0 860 or band over tbe settlement or tbe deeds appornt11; recited in tbe said Ind entur e of the 3rd day of Marc, , 1 ' an correctly recited a nd properly executed.
h g a m r A 13. The property
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OF SALE-Contin
drfin ing l he la nds so compu l ori ly acqui red , a nd the Vend or sha ll not be required ident ify the la nd s out or which Lhc reduced rent · are re speG-tively now payable.
was formerly held under .leases from
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18. Each Purcba er will be hauded a print,e d copy of the Abstract of Titl e an d of the Statuto l'y Declaralion of George P. Stewart but the Vendor sha ll not be bound lo furnish a copy of a ny abstracted document except at the expense of the P ur chase r requiring the same, a nd the expense of produ ction and inspectio n of all deeds a nd documents not in the Vendor's possession, wherever the same may be, and of searn hin g for , obtain in g, and making all cer tified , attested, office or other copies of or extracts from Registers, Deeds , Wills, pro ceedings at law, and other docum ents , and of obtaining, makin g, and producing all d ec laration s, information or evidence, not in the Vendor's possession or knowledge, and whether required for the verifi cation or comp let ion of the title shown, or for any other purpose, a nd of all jou rn eys, sea rches, and enq uiri es for or in cidental to the above purposes, or any of th em, shall be borne by the respective Purchasers .
UieSee of. ~ rmagh,
said Sir Richard Robinson, the then tenant for life of the property. The rantees on contn buted the bulk of the und er the sub-grants made by Sir Hichard Robinson purchase-money paid by tbe said Sir Richard Robinson and eacb Purchaser shall assume that tb e representatives of tbe said Sir Richard Robinson who died on the 2nd October, 1847, have no claim for recoupment in respect of any portion of the No Purch aser sha ll call for the production of or make any monies so paid. requi it.ion respecting the leases so com•erted.
title in tbe Vendor's possession will be retai ned by her 15.• \.11 documents until all the property to which tbe same relate shall have been sold, when the same 00 ";11 handed to the Purchase~, whether of one or more of the lots to which the same relate, whose purchase-money tS tbe largest. Such Pu rchaser shall t tl . to such other Purchas , a p1c request and co t of any of t be other P urc basers, give th e usual ac kn oweI dgment an d underta kingin respect of the same. er or urchasers , 16. The following rents are apportioned rents, viz. :-£ l s d rent s in lot 2; £5 3s. lOd., and £12 19s. 5d., two of the rents in lo5 ,6 · 1 ·• one ol the were taken fro t .3· Portions of the lands comprised in the respect ive suh-gr11n1a . m tune to tune under compulsory powers, and the rents were inconsequen . et: apportioned. The Conveyance of each of such rents shall follow tbe deSOription .
e sub-grant, excluding but not
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19. Each Purchaser shall, within 10 days afte r tbe delivery of the Abstract , send to the Solicitors of the Vendor a statement in writing of all object ions a nd requi sitions to, on, or in reference to the title, or the evidence of title, or conveya nce, ot· the Abstract, or the Particulars, or these Con dition s, and , subject thereto, the titl e shall be deemed to be accepted; and all objectio ns and requisit ion s not included in any statement sent ,vitbin the time aforesa id , .shall be deem ed wafrecl '. and au an swer to any objection or requi ition ·ha ll be replie d to LOwntmg withLO lour day, aft er the delivery thereof, and if not so replied to, hall be con '.dered satLSfactory, Ii _a and time sha ll be deeme d in all respect as of the essence of thtS Condition. Pu rcha er shall take any objection, or make any requi sition, whicb the Yendor 1> unn ble or un willing, on the grnund of ex pense or oth erwise, to re~ove or comp ly with , and hall not withdraw the ame within seve n days_ aft~r beLOg requ~red s LO ·uch. . Pu,cha,er dch, ered. to . . . • notice .10 Wl'lt111g. WI']·t·In g s O to do , Lhc Vendor 1118)' ' by n_egotmt1on, litigatlo~, or or hi s So licitor , a nd notwith Landing a ny mtermediate deci ion on the subj ect of uch req uisition or of>ject ,on, _rescmd the contract fo~ sale; a nd the Vendor sha ll within even clay- after such noti ce · lrnll haw been _deh\'e~ed. 1.0 >a , to the Purchaser, who e contract i re rinde d, the money already pntd b)~ su~h p!,, .J1rns r by way of deposit, and the nmc hall be accepted by such Purchaser LO t . f 1· of a ll claim s on any account whatever, and the Purchaser whose contract and II b t . ac 1011 , sa ,s is so re scinded hall before Lhe repayment of _such depo it , return a a • rac pap e rs u,. Iong1·na" to the Vendor in the pos ' css ,on of uch Pur cbn er.
y t n u o C h g a Arm
a . The Vendor is selling as beneficial devisee under the will of the late owner, Sir R ichard H arco urt Robinson, wbo died on the 26th day of Febrnary, 1910, and will convey "as beneficial owner."
17. In certa in cases bu ildin gs have been e recie d partl y on land comprised in a s11b-g n1,n L n nd pa rtl y on a djoinin g la nds not the property of the Ve nd or, or partl y Oil la nds comprised in diO'ere nl sub-gra nt s. No object ion n or requisition sha ll be mad e on the g round of the remova l of tbe boundar.v between the two propert ies, a nd no evidence of identi ly sha ll be requir ed olhcr than that which may be suppl ied from the des r iption s in lhe munim cnts a nd the maps the reo n (if any ).
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0 G by the ,_, and l 36 were com•erted rnto Grants 111 Perpet u1ti u ::,. 1c3s ·b t e )·e•r· . l1 w " . b 1c
ue d.
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h pon payme nt of the bnlnncc o f t I1 p ur chase-moue · tl 1e , . end or will Convoya ncc to enoh Pur ha s r of Lhe lot or lots purchu · d _hy ucll ·hicJ, sl111 . ·r ' onveyn nc nncl very the ,· c nvcynncc a nd net, 1 HO), "
l 1'OJJOr
ex cu,c n I p 111. lrnscr , such
eum s u M TION GENE RAL CONDI o ntyS OF SALE -- Continu u C h g a m r A eum s u M y t n u o hC g a m r A m u e s u yM t n u o hC g a m r A m u e s u M ounty
be required bv the Pur cha ser for gett ing in, sur renderi ng, or relea sing any outstandin g estate· or int erest to be prepared and made at the expen se of the Purchaser. The engros ment of such Conveyance shall be left at the office of Messrs. J3arrmgton and Son aforesa id not less than six days before the 13th clay of Jul y, 1911, and a draft of such Conveyance shall be left at the said office for perusa l at least 10 clays before the delivery of the engro ssment, together with an approval fee of Two Guineas .
21. _i. requ isition for negative search in the Registry of Deeds ba s been lodged by the Vendor's Solicitor s for acts by the late owner from the 1st Octo ber , 1847, and by the present owner from t he 26th February, 1910, both to the 1st May , 1911, and a cer tificate of the said R egistry Seasch, and of a negative ear ch in the Registry of Judgm ents, for the usual period , against the same partie s may he inspect ed by any Any Purchaser Purchaser at the office of Messrs. Barrin gton and Son afo resaid. desirin g to have a copy of th e said search will be furnished with same at bis own
expe nse, and if he or she r·equire any further or other at his or her own expense.
f •L22. If any Purchaser shall neglect or fail to complywith any o ...., aboYe . , h J p . · • e oneI.1t1on shall be forfe ited to the\' endor, who ma:,,with s, sue. 1 vr c aser s deposit . or w1t~out notice, re -sell the lot rn respect whereof default occurs, withontprerionsl:, tend errng_a so1iveyance to the defauher at thi s sale, and any re-sale maybe madebJ' auct10n or pnvate contract, at sue~ trme, subJect to such conditions, and generallyin such mann er as the Vendor may think proper , and 1f thereby the Vendor should incur a loss, by rea son of diminution in price or expenses incurred after takin" into acconnt t he deposit , the defanlter at this sale shall pay to the Vendor the amou:t of such Joss as liquidated dama ges, and on any such re-sale by auction the property may be bought rn, a nd all expenses consequent upon an unsuccessful attempt to re-sell shall be forthwith paid to the Vendor by th e defaulter at this sale.
o C h
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u M y t n u
o C agh
u M y t n u
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Nosoo Map
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LOT 1.
of £26 10s. Sd., issuin g out of Premi ses in E ng lish Street, A ,·magh , a nd Pa r t of the Land s of Corporation, Grant in P e rpetuity, dated 14th May, 1840.
Grantees' and Lessees'Names
P ar t of t he Land s of Knock amel, now William Whi te law Algeo Corporat ion, in the Bar ony and County of A rm agh, and Pr emises in Englis h St r eet , Armagh.
Gale Days
Yearl) Rent
£ 1st F eb. 1st May 1st Aug. and 1st Nov.
26 10 8
1 andCounty of Armagh, under
m u e s u M TE NURE
Grant in perpetu ity in pu rsuance of the The rent set out in the rent column is the Chur ch Temporaliti es acts, date d 14th amount now payable, the rents rese"ed by May, 1840, and made between Sir Richa rd the Grant havmg been var.iedand adjusted m pursuance of the provJS1onsof Section Robin son, Baronet , of the one part and 90 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, and the Willi am Whitelaw Algeo of the oth er part. Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898.
y t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a m Ar m u e s u M y t oun :lfa]l 1 No. 1
T he Premises are described in the Grant as The rent bas been usually paid half-yearly. " A ll that the befor e-mention ed teneme nt dwellin ghouse and offices situ ate on the The Landlord's part of the Grant and of the Original Lease will be banded to the West side of En glish St reet in the City of Purchaser. A rm agh afor esaid conta ining in front to Engli sh Street thirty -t hr ee feet , eighty feet in dept h and twe nty feet in the rere This rent is paid by James Lonsdale, Esq., of The Pavtlion, Armagh. be sa id admea surement s more or less. And A lso that part an d par cel of the Lands of Kn ocka mel formerly laid out for t he use of th e occupier of sa id house conta mmg five acres Engli sh Statute measw·e be the same more or less, which said lands and premises are now in the possessio_nof the said Willi am Whitelaw Algeo or lus undertenant s and are the premises so demised by the said Orig inal Ind enture of Lease of the 2nd day of January, Jill , and ,are parti cularl y described in a Map to the said Original Lease annexed and are .s1t.uate lying a nd being near the City of Armagh in the Barony of Arm~g~ and County of Armagh afore~md, toaet ber with all wflyS, waters, n g hts, roJalties, mines, minerrtls an_d_ q~rnrri es, subj ect to the yea rly rent of £ 1:, I 1s lid., witb 12d. in the£ Receiver's fees in respect of the Tenement in Engli sh St reet , and the sum of £ 17 15s. 9d., with 12d. in the .£ Rece iver's fees for the premises i~ Knockamel or such increased or dmurusbed yeart'y rent as should be substitut ed instea d of the said rents, pursuant to the Chur ch Temporaliti es Acts.
Tota l
£26 10 8
g a m Ar
m u e s u M y 2.
L d of Lisanally or Corporation and )l ouses a nd Pr emises in Engli sh Street, ;\ rmagb, in the Barony and f . . ' . out of Porto t I1c on s PERPETUITY RENTS of £15 6s. Id ., and .ClO 16s. lid ., issuing County of Armagh, under Grant in Perp etuity da ted 30t h October , .L840.
a m r A on Map
Map I
Nos. 2&3
t n u o C h g
Part of tb.e Lands of Lisanally or Charles Woodward in and premises Corporation Engli sh Street, Armagh , in the
Gale Days
OBSERVA no:-.s
1st May and 1st Nov.
£ •· d. 15 6 1
Granl in Pc rpelu it.y in pursuance of the Church Tempora hties Act s, da ted 30th October, 1840, a nd made between Sir Richar d Robinson Bar onet, of the one part an d Cha rles Woodward of t he othe r part .
10 16 11
Tbe P remises are described in the Grant as "A ll That and Those part of the town an d la nds of Lisanal ly containing Eight acres a nd Sixteen perc hes, Engli sh Statute meas ure, as demised by the thereinbefore in pa rt recited Ind entu re of 2nd January , 179i , and also those thr ee lots of ground
o C h ag
on wbich houses have been erected situat e
on Lhe East side of English Street in the City and Pa rish of Armagh as demis ed by the the reinbefore in part recited three
Ind entu res of the 2nd .January, J79i, respeet.ive_ly, " together w·itb all way;, waters, rights, royalties, mines , minerals and quarries.
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3 O
T he rents set out in the rent column are tht adjusted rents , the ren t of the land, re.erved by th e Grant having been aL-o varied in pursuance of the prods.ions of :Section 90 of the Irish Land .\ et, 1903, and having bee n also reduced in respe c t of the portion of the premise taken by the Rail• way Company.
The rent of the pr emises i.n English may be liabl e to variation .
Th e Landlo rd 's part of the Gr ant is not forthcoming, but a copy only, and the Landlord 's part of the Original Lea,e of 2nd January , li9i , demising th e lands and on, of the te nements. and of the renewal oi same , and of the other L eases of the :sun, date. dated the 1st Januan- , L~ viii handed to the Purchas e r . ·
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Subject to the yea rly rent of £ 10 19s. 5d. for the building lots in _theCity of Armagh , and for the farm at L1sa nally the yearly rent of £21 7s_.5d., O(" such yearly rent as shou ld ccl mstcad of the snid rent . be subsL1tut ~~ant t.o the Church Tempornliti es ~t~,~
y t n u o C gh Toi.Ill
Portion of the lands in this Grant were taktn by the Railway Compa ny.
m u e s u M unty
Barony and County of Armagh.
Arm I I
Grantees' and Lessees'Names
Th e rent of £U 6s. Id. for the land i.; paid I,, and P. Martin and C'omfOT: )I e ' rs . English street .\r magb, as •~nt.s for Yr Mann's and th e n,nt of £10 Hi~. lid . of tit premises in English street i.; paid b< J McWatters Esq ., Th e Mall .. \rmagh.
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LOT 3.
t n u Co
PERPETU ITY RENT S of £o 3 s. !0d ., and £ 12 19s. 5d., iss uin g out o f Pr omi ses , Part of Co rporati on, A 1magb, in the Barony date d .l5tb J a nuary , 1838, and 1s t Au g ust, 1839, re spectively.
h g a rm D E 10Ml NAT IONS
A .\fop 1 ~0 - 4
Grnntees' and Lessees' Na mes
Part of the La ud s of Lissanally, Lisanally now T he Re v. George E va ns Corp orat ion , Arm ag h , in th e Barony and County of Arma g h.
h g a Arm Map 1
No. 24
1st F e b. 1st M ay 1st Aug. and 1st Nov.
Yearl y Rent
R ev. George Evans
County or' Ll'IIIADbunde G . ---.,- ' r rants10 Perpetuit y,
£ s. d. 5 3 10
G ra nt in Pe rpe t uity in pur sua nce of t be C hu rc h T emp ora l1ties .\ct s, date d 15t h J a nuar y, 1838, a nd made bet ween Sir Ric har d R o bin son , 13art., of the one pa rt a nd th e Rev. Geor ge E vans, Cle r k, of th e ot her pa rt.
y t n Cou 25th March and 20th Sept.
12 19
Gr ant in P e rp etuity in pur suan ce of t he Chur ch Tcmp o raliti cs ..Acts, da ted 1st A ug ust , 1839, mad e between Sir R ichard R obin son of th e one part and Rev erend Geor ge Evan s of th e other part.
t n u o
out in the ren t column is the adjusted rent now · paya ble, the rent having been reduced comeqoenceof portion of t he land hanng beentaken for the Railway.
3 3
resemd by the Grant
The rent ,et out in the rent column may he liable to variation.
The rent bas been usually paid half-yearly.
The Landlord's part of th e Original Lease ii not forthcoming.
The Landlord 's part of th e Gr ant will be banded to the Purchaser .
m u e s u M Portions of the premises included in t h!' Grant have been taken by th e Lunatic Asylum and the Railway Compames and the rent set out in the rent column is the amount now payable, th e rent reserved by the Grant having be~':1 ndJuii_ted in pursuance of the prov1s100s ot the Local Government (Ireland ) Act. 189 . <Lndalso reduced in respect of th e portt ons tak en by the Railway Company.
m u e s u M y
The Pr emises Ell" O described in th e Grnnt as '' All That and Thos e that piece or pa rcel of ln nd in th e to wnlnnd of Lisanally conta inin n- 9 acre s and 6 perches or th e reabout ; Englj sh Statute rnca sur e situate lying n nd bein g near the City of .\ rmngh and in t he P;iri sh, Bnrony and Cotmly of Armagh mcnred und · bounded "nnd
The!Ut let
m u e s u M y
T he P remises arc desc r ibed in th e Grant as "A II That and Those that part and parc el of the town and la nds of Lisanally ·,ana lly, contain ing si..x acres one rood and twen ty five perches be the same mo re or }e::,s bei ng that part or residue of the said parcel of the said la nds of Lissanally so demi,ed by t he sai d in pa rt recited L ease remain rng to the said Eliza Cumming T homa s Cumming and William McWilliams after the sale so made of two roods and fiftee n pe rches of the said pa_rcel of t he said _lands a nd prem ises were la id out for and in the possessio n of t he .:;aid Th omas Cumming d eceased a nd now in the po.:;session of the said George Evans an d whic h said premi ses are ~ituate near t he CitY of Ar magh aforesa id in th e P a ri b Barony and County o f _\.rm agh ," to~et her ~vitb al\ ways, waters, ri~hts, roya lti es, mine s m1ne~als a nd qua rr ies . Subj ect to the yearl y 1ent of .Cl G 15s. l0d ., or s uch incre ase d or d imini shed yea rly re nt a~ sho uld be subst it ute d in stea d of t he sai d rent. pur sua nt to the C hur ch T emp orali t ies .\ cts .
t n u Co
h g a Arm
Part of the Lands of Lisanally now Corporation, Armagh, in the Barony and County of Armagh.
Gale Days
The rent set o_ut_in the rent column may
liable to variation .
The Landlord's_ part of t.he Origi nal Len.seis not forthcooung.
g a m Ar
m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a m Ar m u e s u M y t oun LOT
Nos. on
Grantees ' and Lessees.'Names
Gale Days
3-continue YearlyRent
Map 1 No 24 ----0ontd.
£18 3 3
described by a map or terchart thereof and thereon transcribed, " together with all ways, waters, rights, royalties, mines, minerals and quarries.
The Rev. George Evans 25th Marc and 29th Sept.
Subject to the yearly rent of £28 8s. 2d. , or such increased or diminished yearly rent as should be sub st itut ed therefor, pursua nt to the Church Temporalitieses Acts.
£18 S 3
The Landlord 's _eart of the Grant will be handed to the Purchaser.
Th ese rent s are paid by Messrs. McCrum, Wat son and Merce r, Ltd., Milford, Armagh.
Th e Map in Rent?-! . shows the entire of the premi ses as ongrnally granted by the Grants of 15th J anua r y, 1838, and ls! August , 1839, and does not define the portions compulsorily acquired nor the portion out of which the apportioned rents are now received .
g a m Ar -
m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a m r A m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M - unty - oI .
LOT 4.
PEllPET 1T1 llENTS or £ 18 15s. l0d ., issui11gout or Pa rt or the Ln nds or Kno c lmmc l nnd Li sa nalJy or Co rporation, A rmngh, a nd House s a nd P rem :llld Co unt y or A rma gh, under Gr ant in Pe rp etuit y, date d J4lh May, 1840.
Gran1ees· :ind Ll·~sees' X.1mes
Gale Days
Yearly Rent
EnglishStreet, Artnagb, in the Barony
:\fop I Xo. a
Part of t he Land s of Li sanally an d Willi am Wh itelaw Algeo 1st Feb. Knocka me l or Cor por ation, Ar 1st May mag h. and Pr e mises in English street 1st Aug. street _~ \..rmagh , in th e Baron.'' and and County of Armagh. 1st Nov.
£ s. d. 18 15 10
Grant in Perp etuit y. in pursua nce of the Chur ch Tempora h t1cs Acts, dat ed_ L4t h May., 1840, a nd mad e betwee n Sir Richard Robinson of tbe one part and William White law Algeo or the other part.
The rent set out in the reot column is the amount now payable,the rents reservedby tbe Grant baV10gbeeovaried and adjusted rn pursuance of tbe /rovisions of Section 90 or tbe Irish Lan Act, 1903, and the Local Goveromenl Act, 1898.
Th e Pr emises arc de scri bed in the Gr a nt a, "Al l That the said tenement situa te on th Tbe rent bas been usually paid half-yearly. East side of English St reet in the City o) A rmag h aforesaid conta!ning in front Tbe Landlord's part of tbe Grant and of the thirty -six feet a nd from sa,_d fron t exte ndOriginal Lease and such of tbe renewals as ing in depth by a st rai fbt line on eac h side are forthcomingwill be handed to tbe to th e meanng or t e Park commonly Purchaser. know n by the name or the Flag meadows formerly in the possession of H enr y_BambrickThis rent is paid by James Lonsdale, Esq., brick and conta1mng m breadth 1D the Pavilion, Armagh. rere adjo inino- said mearing twenty feet. And a lso al l that the sa id part and par cel or t he said town and lan ds of Lisanally in the possession or the _said Robert Livingston sto n deceased at the time of the ex.ecut1on or the said recited L~ase or th e 2nd daJ' J a nua ry 1797 contaming 3 acres an 2:> perches . .\nd also all that t he said _plot or strip e or gro und 111 Knockamel "~th the ruins thereo n of the late bmlt slaughter house house conta ining l a. l r. making in the whole 6a. 2r. l p. English tatute meas ure be the sa me more or less whic~1 sa id lands and premise~ ar~ . now u~ the possession or the sa id Willia m Whitelaw Algeo or bis undertenant~ and are situate near the City of Armagh tn the Barony o,~ Arma ah and County of Armagh afore~~11 d1 togetl~er with nll ~vnys , wate rs, ri.gl~ts , royal ties, mines, mmernls a nd quarn _es. Subject to the year ly rent or £3 9s. 4d. wit h twe lve pence in the Pound Rec~1ve(s f~cs in respect of the Tenement rn Engl !sh Street and the sum of £20 7s .. Sd. wit h twe lve' pence in the Pound_ Re~1ver 's fees for the part s or t he la1;ds rn Lisanally or such increase d o r d1m1mshed yea rly rent ~s should be subst ituted instead of t he smd re nts , pursuant to the Chm eh Tempo· ral iti es Acts.
£18 15 10
g a m r
"RPETUITY RENT of £32 5s. Ocl., issuing out of Part "
h g a Arm NOL ~lap
Map 1
y t n Cou
Flag Park, or Corpor a tion , Arma gh, and Hou ses a nd Pr emises in En g lish 'tr ee t , Arm ag h, in the Baro ny and d tl Lands of Flag meadow p . ie der Grant in c rpetu, ty , da ted 28th December , 1841. County of Armng ' uo
Grantees' and Lessees' Names
m u e s u M
G.dc D.a~s
£ •·
Jst Feb. Part of the Lands of Flagmeadow. or Andrew Lyle and Alexander MacKenzie Lyle Jst May Flag Park , or Corporation , Armagh Jst Aug. and Premises in English Street. and Armagh. in the Barony and County 1st Nov. of Armagh.
82 5 0
Grant in P erpetui ty in pur suance of the Chur ch Tempora liti es Ac ts, dated 28th December , 1841, and made between Sir Richard Robinson Ba ronet, of the one part and A ndrew Lyle a nd A lexa nder Ma cKe nzie Lyle of the ot her pa rt.
m u e s u M y
The Prem ises a re descr ibed in th e Grant as " A ll That plot or parcel of meadow gro und Th e rent has been usually paid half-yearly. adjoining the Ea st end of clilferent garde ns occupied by the inhab itants of Eng lish The Landlord's part of the Grant and of the , street in th e City of Armagh bounded on Original Leases and such rene...-ab as are t he Sout h by par t of the gro und called The forthcoming will be banded to the Common, on the north by the road lcadin~ Purchaser. to Li sana lly, on the East by the water course called the Scotch Street River [dirty or river] T he rent is pa id by Messrs . Munroe and rivulet commonly called the F lag Pa r k, Anderson, Ru ssell Stree t, Arm agh, a; containi ng by est1IDation th ree acres one. agents for J . B . Lo nsdale, Esq., :11.P. r.ood and thirty perches, Stat .ute meas ur e; t hen 111 t he actual occupation of t he said An drew Lyl e and Alexan der MacKe nzie Ly le, situate in the City, ~arony and Col_mty of Armagh, comprising lhe first recited Ind enture of Lea se of the 2nd .• • January 1797 and also all that tenement or , plot or groun d situate on the East side of En glish Str eet, in t he City of Armagh an d then in the occupat10n or possession of the sa id An dr ew Lyle and Alexander MacKenzie K enzie Lyle or their under te nants, con..•- -=-·,.tainin g in front thirty-six feet and from sa id front lo exte nd in depth by n straight line on eac h side to the mearing of the park
t n u o C gh
a m Ar
h g a Arm
Th e rent set out in th e ren t column is the adju ste d rent no w paya ble, the rent rese rved by t he Gra n t having been varied and adju ste d in pur suan ce of the provisiom of Sect ion 90 of t he Iri sh Land Act, 1903 a nd the L oca l Governmen t (Ireland) Act: 1898.
y t n Cou
m u e s u M
co mmo nly ca lled Flag Meadow and co n-
taining in breadth in the rere adjoininno said mcaring twenty feet, and also all thal. part and pa rcel of the lands ca lled the Flaf
Meadow, adjoi ning the north and wesL sides of the road_ lead ing from .~rma$h to Lisanally the n 111 the possession ol the sa id Andrew Ly le and Alexander MacKenzie K enzie Lyle, conta ining six ac res, two roods and twenty perches, English Sta tute measure, in a nd near the Cily of A rmao h being the tenement la nd and prcmi~e' comp,·iscd in th e 2nd Ind entur e of Lea se of 2nd J anua ry ]797 ," togcthc1· with nil w~ys, waters, rights, roynlii s, mines, n11nornls and qua rri es. S ubject to t he ycn rly r nt of £42 10s. Od., or such increus cl o,· di mini heel ycady rent as sho uld bo s11bst it 11ted instead of t he said rent, pursua nt to t h Ch11rch Tcmporn litics .\ cls.
t n ou
m u e s u M y
g a m Ar
y t n u o C h g ARMAGH
a m r A
a m r A
m u e s Mu
y t n u o C gh callan bridge
Windmill Hill
m u e s u M
T It!
m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M y t n u o \\
g a m Ar
LOT 6.
y t n u o C h g a Arm
PA.BT OF THE LANDS of Callan Meadow, or Callan Fi eld , known as D Drumarg
~p 2
No. 8
Grantees' a.nd Lessees' Names
Gale Days
Yearly R nt
Part of the Town Parks of Arma gh , James Warmoll called the Callan Meadow or Call an Field, known as Drumarg or Downs , contai ning 5a . 3r. l0p ., Statute situ ate meas\ll'e, or thereabouts, in the near t he City of A.rmlh, y of ount Barony and Parish, h. A.rma.g
h g a Arm
The Landlord'spart of Ille extred Leaseof 25th April, 1901, will be anded to the Purchaser.
m u e s u M
This rent is paid by Mr. James Wormall, . ThomasStreet, Armagh
Th e L ease reserves all mines, minerals, beds, of stone, grave l and sand, and all rights of sport ing and fishing unto the Lessor.
mises solely
Barony and Countyof Armagh.
Tenancy from year to year on t he r xpirat ion of a Lease dat ed 25th April, 1901, made between Ric har d H. Robinson of the one part and James Warmoll of the other part. , !or the term of i years, from the 1st day of May, 1901.
y t n Cou
as a pastur~ holdmg,. a_nd
should not, without the written permiss10n of the Lessor or his land agent for the time being fi..rst obtaine d, assign, u?<lerlet , subdivide or set in conac re, or dispose of any
Net Rental
m u e s u M
part df t he demised premises, and s~ould not without such licence erect any bmldmg except in substit ution for any then sta nding the reon.
y t n Cou
Deduct Impr< priate Tithe
Th e Lease contains covenants by the L,ssee to keep in repair, and that the Lessee should not break up or have in tillage any part of the lands thereby demised, and should not mow any part thereo f, but properly use and manage the delllised pre-
h g a Arm I
£ ,. d. 14 0 0
1st May and 1st Nov.
m u e s u M
Downs, adjoinin g the City of Armagh in
y t n ou ---
£14 0 0 0 7 10 £13 12 2
t, I
m u e s u M -~
g a m Ar r
LOT 7 .
y t n Cou
-- L__::;
h g a Ar m c:~, p~ ·
m u e s u M
. d' ,.;ng theEast side of the Common in the City of Armagh, now known as The Mall, East includino Be k Meadow Fields a J0 ~ ' G o · p resford PERPETITTTY RENT of £30 18s. ld ., issuing out of the P ar ·s or . h • the 13aron y and County of Armagh, under rant m erpe tuit y ' dated 25th M arc h , 1837. ' __
Map 3 No. 9
D _E_N_O_,_ " _IN' A_T_t_o_N_s __
1I J _G_"'_'"_..,_ L ._""_d_ L_ "'_... _•_N_ames_+--Gal_•_Da_r -\c~n;, .J_ ________ _•t-Y~•~><-ly~l •_fE_N_U_R_E ________ £
The Mall, East, including Beresford Arthur Irwin Kelly Row , Cha rlemont Place, anq other Premi ses, Armagh, in the Barony and County of Armagh.
... 1st Feb. 1st May 1st Aug. and 1st Nov.
30 18
Grant in Perpetu ity in pursuance of the The rent set out in the rent cOI . Church Temporalities Acts, d ated 25,t_h amount now payable the nmna,., March, 1837, and made between Sir th e Grant having be;n vari:3t reaerved by Richard Robinson, Bart., of the one par t m pur sua nce ol the provisio: nd r"'!Ju,t,0 and Arthur Irwin Kelly of the other pa r t. 90 of the Iri sh Land Act 1~ 3 0ectio, Local Government (lrela o , and the Th e Premises are desc ribed in th e Grant as n Act, lo9i. "A ll That and Those the parks or Meadow Th e r ent has usually been paid half-year!,. Fields ad join ing the East side of th e Commo n in and near the City of Armagh, ThLe Landlord's part of the Grant and oith, contain ing ten acres three roods and Gease by way of renewal for whichsaid seventee n perches, English Statute rant was made, dared 1st January m6 measure, be the same more or less , all the Landlord's part of a erior Lease' of th; which la nd s and premises are now in the same and _ ~ther preDllses, dated 2nd possession of the said Arthur Irwin Kelly J anuary, 119,, and such other rene1,al,a; or bis und er-te nants , and are situate in the are forthcoming will be handedto the Parish , Baron y and County of Armagh ," Pur chaser. togetb_er with a H ways, wa ters, rights , royalties, mmes, mrnera ls and quarries. T his rent is paid by J. C. Boyle,Esq.,CbarCharlemont Place, Armagh agent for RepreSubject to the yearly rent of £39 7s. 91d. sentatives of A. J. Kelly. sterling, together with twelv e pence in the pound Receiver 's fee, or such mcreased or dimini shed yea rly rent as should be substituted instea d of the sa id rent, pursu a nt to the said Church Temporalities .\ cts.
m u e s u M
y t n u o C gh i
y t n u o C gh
a m r A
Total _I
a m r A
m u e s u M ty
---- -£30 18
m u e s u M
g a m Ar £RPETUITY REliT
of £h
y t n Cou
Part of the street Melbourne Terrace an d Gosford Place and street Russell Os. :!d .. iss uin g out of Pro mi ses in English Perpetuity, dated in nt Gra under , h ag rm A of y Count and Barony Street Street and Bar ra ck Hill , A rm ag h , in th e of), Victoria
h g a Arm DENOM l NATlO NS
11,p 3 'io. 10
m u e s Mu '
LOT 8. Grnntees' nnd Lessees' Nnmes
Russell street Street, Lee McKinstry Premises in English hstreet Terra ce, a nd Melbourne Street. a nd P art of the Place, Gosford compri sTown Parks of Armagh {part of ), Victoria street East Mall The ing Hill, an d Barrack oria Street, the B ar on y and County in Armagh, Victoria Street of Armag h .
h g a Arm
Grtle Dnys
1st Feb. l st :May 1st A ug . and 1st Nov .
Yearly Rent
£ ,. cl. 78 0 2
1 ;~~h, Town Parks
Mall East (part now The llall
in pur sua nce of the G ra nt in Perpetuity Ch ur ch T emporahties Ac ts, dated 28th A pril, 1838, a nd made between ::lir Richard Robinson Bart., of the one part a nd Lee McKinstry of t he other part.
The rent set out in the rent oolumn is the le, rent reserved by a mou,nt nowJl;&Y&bthe the Grant haVIDgbeenvaried and adjusted
m u e s u M y t n Cou
h g a Arm
Tbe Prem ises a re descr ibed in the Grant as "All Th a t te nement with t he houses and buil di ngs theicon situ ate adjoining tLe East si de of Engl ish Street in the City 01 Armagh containing in front to English Street afo re sai d 139 feet a nd in depth on the north side adjoini ng the tenement former ly in the possess ion of the late Henry Cust Esquire and now in the posse~s1on 01 the repre sentatives of the late John Singleton on 3:l2 feet an d in breadth in the rere
m pur~uanceof theJ'rovision.sof Section 90 of the Irish Lan Act, 1903, and the Local Government Act, 1898.
The rent has been usually paid half-yearly . The Landlord's part of the Grant and ol the Original Lease and such of the renewals as are forthcoming will be handed to the Purchaser.
This rent is paid by Robert Ferris , £sq. , Merchant, Armagh, on behalf ol bimseif and others.
adjoinin ,T the rivulet and road at the
Common ° 210 feet and in depth on t he south sid e ad joinin g the tenement for merly rn th e possession of the late Mr. Jenny 322 feet be the sa id seve ral dim ensw ns or eit her of them more or less a nd also all tha t part a nd pa rcel of the land ca lled Th e Town parks adjo i ning t he Barrack near t he ~1ty of A rma g h aforesaid contammg 14a. 3r. 3lp . Engli sh S tatute meas ure be _th e same mo~e or Jess all which said premises as now 10 t be possessio n of the said Lee McKinstry and his under -tenants arc partwularly described in a map or te rcl~art ther~of thereunto annexed and are situat e lyrn~ a nd beioo- in t he Barony and Cou nty ot Armagh ;fo resaid, " to~ether _with all_ways~ waters, ri~hts , royalties, m.mes, mmerab and quarne s. Subject to the yearly rent of £ 103 19s. lOd. , or such in crea sed or dimini shed year ly' rent_ as sha ll be.. subsututed instead of the said rent , pur::suanc to th e Church Temporalities Acts.
m u e s u M y t n Cou
m u e s u M y t n ou 'I
0 2
g a m r
m u e s u M and County of Armagh,
now occupied by ArmaNh P.o 1 o , ya Sehr,,\,
y t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a m Ar m u e s u M y t oun .
PERPETUITY RENT of £39 19s. Od.' issuin<>out of MeadowParks, now under Corporatton,tUI\Y Perpe 0
the City of Armagh, in the B arony
t, dat ed 19th J uue, 1838.
Yearly Rent
Grnntces ' and Lessees'Names
Gale Days
;6 ,.
Map 3 No. II
S9 19 0
The Most Rev. William 1st May Crolly Jstand Nov. tion. Armagh, in the Barony and
Part of Meadow Parks. now Corpora·
County of Armagh, now oCCupied by Armagh Roya1 School.
Grant in Perpetuity in pursuance of the Chur ch Tempor aliti cs .\et , dated. 19th J unc, 1838, and made between Sir Richardd Robin son, Baronet, of the one part and Th e Most Reverend William Crolly , Roman Cathol ic Archbishop of Armagh, of the other par t.
The Premises are described in the grant as "A ll That and Those the said bereinbe fore menti oned Fields or Meadow Parks adjoining the sout h side of tbe I oad leading from Armagh to Castledillon containmg 11 acres and 5 perches be the same more or _less being part of said 13a . Or. 1:Jp. so assigned and conveyed by said Ind enture of the 21st Janu ary 1837 bounded on the north by the road lea ding from A rm agh to Loughgal l on the east by Michael Magee's holchng on the west by the school lands a nd on th~ south _by the churchyard and T. R Evans ns .holdmg as more particu1ary descnb ~cl rn. a map thereof to these present s annexed situ ate lymg and being in the City and 10 the P arisb Barony and Count v of Armagh 8;foresmd," tocrether\\'" ith all w··:1,ys "'"\ers. rights, roya lties, mines, mine~al~ anc quarr1~s. Subject to the yea rl y rent of 7s. ,cl., toge th er with twelve pence rn t e pound Receiver's fees or such i creased or clllllinishecl yea r1 ' t nbe substituted instea d ~f ih ren -~s shall ~~~~uant to the Church .;en~~~ra\ft?!~
£30 19 0
Th e rent set out in_ the rent col . amount now payaule, the rent ~;n u u,, the Grant banng been ad·. "'"ed½ suance of the Local Govern~usted Ill pu. ent.\et, l't Th is rent may be liable to variation.
Th e L andlord's part of the Gra t d 1, renewal of 1st Janu ary 1~/n ii, handed to the Purchaser.' ""• will~
T his •• C rent· ·is paid by the c=:retary Il• OillffilSS10nersof Education in ~•··' 6 Grafton Street, Dublin. '°"
g a m Ar
m u e s u M I'
10 .
y t n u Co
PERPETUI TY RENT of £7 13s. 4d., issuing out of Portion of St. Mark's Graveyard, City of Armagh, in the Barony and County of Armagh.
h g a Arm ..,
)fop 3
Gramees1 and Less~es1 Na.mes
Gale Days
Part of Church Yard adj oinina St. Select Vestr y of St . 1st May and Mark's Chur ch, Armagh, in° the Ma rk's Church, Armagh 1st Nov. Barony and County of A.rmagb.
Yearly Rent
£ s. d. 7 13 4
These Premises are held under a Grant in P erpetuity which is not forthcoming, at the yearly rent set out in the rent column.
y t n Cou Total,
m u e s u M
y t n o- u £7 13 4
This rentis paidbyJ. Belford. Esq.,Abbe Street, Armagh,Secretaryto St. Mark' SelectVestry.
m u e s u M y
t n u o C h g a Arm h g a Arm
m u e Mus
g a m Ar
y t n Cou
out of Part of the PERPETIBTY RENT of £ 19 10s. ld ., issuQIII
h g a Arm Nos.
Map 3
No. 13
Gale Days
early Rent
Part of t he Lands of Corporation, GeorgeBarnes Armagh , Ba,rony and County of Arm agh.
h g a Arm
m u e s u M
gh, in th e Bar ony a nd County of Arm ag h, under Perp et uity Grant , date d 8th A ugust, 183i .
Th e rent set out in th t columnisI!; adjusted rent which ; rebn as een paid.
Grant in Perpetu ity in pur sua nce of the Church T em pora litie s Acts, date d !,th Au g ust, 1837, and made between Sir Ri chard Robinson, Baronet , of the one pa rt and George Barn es of the ot her par t .
m u e s u M
This rent may be subject to van·a1· ion.
Tbe rent is paid by H M D The Bush Ant · · ' · · BartonEiq Th e Premises are describ ed in the Grant as nm, as agent forCo~t,J Dobbin . ' "A ll Th at and Tho se th e field or park of land forme rly in the possession of the R everend Thomas English and lately in the posscss i_on of said George Barnes, dece,,sed, cont~mmg by admeasureine nt Five .\cres, En glish Statute measure, bounded on t'•c so_ulh by the road lead ing from 1um a"h to Richhill on the east by the rivulet ~ommonly called Ba llynahone River on th e borth by_th e la nds held by the l;te Elizabeth stringer eth Stringer on the west by the ftelcl de m,s~cl to Robert McCann, E sq., sit uate in e Corpor a t10n P a rish a nd Baro ny o'f tAh · all ways water ' l 'agh , " t o~e_t11e r W1th .· rm n g i ts_, royalt ies, mines, mine1~als c ' quarn es.
y t n Cou
m u e s u M ·1n:i
Subject_ to the yea rl y rent of £ 19 1 • lei . ' or os. such mcreas ed or cl. . . l shou ld be sub st itu:;d1m s ied yea rl y rent as re nt, pursuant to th e Clrnstea cl of the a id h T_e mporalitie s Acts, with 12d . in th £rn,R·c
y t n Cou
h g a Arm
ece1ver's fees.
y t n ou
Total £19 10 1
m u e s u M
g a m Ar
m u e s u M y
t n u o C gh
a m r A
h g a Arm
y t n Cou
h g a Arm
m u e s u M
m u e s u M y t n Cou y t n ou
m u e s u M
g a m r
LOT 12.
y t n u o C h g a Arm
m u e s u M
h, under GranL in A 1·mu.gh, i,1 LbeBarony and CounLy of A rmag of Hous es and I romises in Iri sh Stree t , r£Rl'ETC1TYRENT of £20 ll . Gd., issuing out
Grnntees' and Lessees' Na mes
Cole Days
au 1st Feb. Haddock Slr eel, Edward Rou se' and Premises in Irish street Joseph Kinkead Crawford1st May ~1..rmngh, in the Baro ny and Count, · 1st Aug. · ford of .1rmag h. a nd 1st No v.
Yearly Rent
20 11 6
a m r A
the Grant in Perpetuity in pursuance of Churc h temporalities Acts, dated llth Sir n betwee made nd a J anuary, 1838, Ric har d Rob inson, Baronet, of the one part and Edward Haddoc k and Jo seph Kinke ad Crawfor d , act ing E xecutors of the Will of Lo uisa Ca rroll , spinster, deceased, of the other part.
as The Premises are descri bed in the Grant " All Th at and Those the tenements and of side plots of ground adjoining the east Street in the City of the sout h end of Irish street Armag h aforesa id , formerly in the possesGraham widow sion of Mary Duffy and A nne
This rent is paid by Miss Mary Loughran, 62 Iri sh Street, Armagh.
contai ning fom· acres Hutchinson
measure be the smne more or less a11which io n said premises were lately in the possess
of th e said Edward Carroll deceased as more particu larly limit ed and descr ibed by a map or terchart thereof on the margrn of d an d are situa te lying these pr esent s affixe_ and bem" rn tbe City Pa rish Barony ander County gf A rmagh afor~sa id," toget~1 with all ways, waters, n /l"bts, ro;:altJes, to mines, minera]s and quarn es. SubJeCt. tb e yearly rent of £2 7 Ss. 5d., or such illshould a~ rent ly year creased or dimi nished be su bst ituted instea d of the smd re nt, pursuant to the Chur ch Temporalities Acts .
m u e s u M
y t n ou
£20 11 6
The rent bas been usually paid half-yearly. The Landlord's part of the Grant and of the Original Lease will he handed to the Purchaser.
e one rood and eight perche s English Statut
y t n u o C gh Tot al,
The rent set out in the rent column is the amount now ~ayable, the rent rese"ed by the Grant havmg been varied and adjustad Section ID pursuanee or the/rovisions or 90 of the Iri sh Lan Act, 1903, and the LocalGovernment (Ireland) Act, 1898.
m u e s u M y
t n u o C gh
a m r A
' '1• dated 11thJ anuary, 1838.
m u e s u M
g a rm
y t n Cou
m u e s u M
of Corporation, d ___._in the City of Armag h an d Part o f L an s 1841 ' · ·0 Callan St,.,.., · b under Grant in Perpetuity of 24th August, PERPETUITY RENT of £13 I0s. 6d. issuing out of Rouses • nd Pre,mses ' and County of Armng ' '
h g a rm
Map 2 No. 15
Yearly Renl
Gale Oa)5
Grantees' :rnd Lessees' Names
Rouses and Premises in Callan Street, William Ferguson Armagh, and Part of the Lands of Corporation calJed Callan Meadow
Barony and County of Armagh.
h g a Arm
1st Feb.
13 LO 6
rst May 1st Aug. and 1st Nov.
h g a Arm
Thi s rent may be liable to variation.
The rent has been usually paid half-yearly.
Th e Landlord 's part of the Grant andof the a.; Origin al Lease and such of the renewals are forthcoming will be banded to the Purchaser.
Thi s rent is paid by 11r. Robert Graham Callan Street , Armagh, on behalfof seli and others.
m u e s u M
y t n ou -·
Th e rent set out in the rent column• h amou nt now payable, the rent reserv~d\ the Grant havmg be~n adjusted in suance of the proV1Sionsof the ~ I Government (Ireland) .\et, 1898.
m u e s u M
The P remises a re described in the Grant as « All That and Th ose the tenement or plot of ground sit uate and adjoinin g the north side o_fCallan Street in the Citl of Armagh contalllmg rn front to Callan Street aforesaid 189 feet be the same more or less and bounded on tbe north east side by tbe tenement belonging to the Char itable Infirmaryy and on the west and part of the south side by a tenement held by the Represe ntativ es of the late George Robin son and Tru,tees of the Public Library and also that part an d parce l of the land s commo nly ea lied the Callan Meadows situate near the Cit y o_lArmagh afo resaid_ as now in the posscs~10nof the said William Ferguson containing 2 acres 3 roods and 14 perche· Enul.ish Statute measure be the same more otle s situat e in an d near the City of Armao-h in the County of Armagh," together with all w~ysi waters, r tgh~ , ro •altic s, mines, ubject to the mrnerals an d quarries. yea rly rent of £13 l s. 0cl., with 12d. in the P?und Receiver's fees, or such increa ed or drnun,sbed yearly rent as shou ld be sub tituted mstead, of t he sai d rent, pur uant to the Churc h 1 empo rali t ies Acts.
£1 3 10 6
y e Baron
y t n Cou Total
Grant in Perpetuity. in pursuance of the Chur ch Temporalit1es Acts, dated 2t,th ,r August, 1841 , and made between Richard Robinson, Bart., of the one part and Willi am Ferguson of the othe r part .
y t n u o C
called Callan Meadow, Armagh, in th
m u e s u M
g a m r
m u e s u M
LOT 14 .
y t n Cou
Armagh ' now a nd Pa,t of the Lands of Corporation ' 2 5 now Vicar 's Hill and Cal lan Street, Windmill Hill, street s in Chur ch l' rcmisc nu<l 1860. ouse H c· April, of 16th out · dated uing is 1 uity, ~·· · Perpet . street p in ' d TCJlT ll fu'\T ofnod Navan Mr -et wllh the llo Armagh , under Grant I . 111 the ,ty, Ba rony and County of ..i•E
uses an
h g a Arm I
.. "
em,s es t 1ercon
Gmnt ees' an<l Lessees' Names
of the GranL in P erpet uity in pursuance 16t h Cl1urcb Temporalitie s 1\ cts, dat ed ar d Rich en A pril, 1860, and made betwe and part one the of son H a rcourt Robin William J enkinson of the other part.
1st Feb. 1st Ma.y 1st Aug . and 1st Nov.
23 10 5
Grant a~ The Pr emises are described in the ent and
" All That and Those all that tenem ground containing in front to Chur ch Street offices 107 feet and a piece of g round for 54 containing in front to Callan Street
h g a Arm
together with pa 1:t of the Town P arks
The rent has been usually paid half-yearly. of the The Landlord 's part of ihe Grant and als as al Lease and such of the renew Ori!rin O the to are forthcoming will be handed Purchaser .
feet leadadjoinin g the soutl1 side of the roail nmg ino- from A rmao-hto Monaghan contai h This rent is paid by Messrs. D. P. Martin and Englis s perche 20 for 5 ~'lcres 1 rood a nc\ Co., English Street , Armagh, as agent or le.:>S Stat ute measure Le the same more the Grantee. rly i.n all which said premises were forme n the possession of the said Robert Jacksoas as AssiQ'lleeand neprescntat1ve of Thom aic\ Campbell late of A rmagh . af~res 111 the dec ease d situate lying and bemg \rma gh City Parish Baron)'. and County of ~mg a11 reserv aforesaid" exceptm g and
m u e s u M
yearly royaltie s whatsoe ver subject t? the or
rent of £31 7s. 0d. or such rncreased du11insi hed yearly rent_as should be substiant to tuted instea d of the said rent, pursu t he Church Temporaliti es Acts.
y t n Cou
Grant contains a cov~nant by. the or Grantee, his heirs and assigns, <;>rluspremises ed their tenants occupying the demis to grind all his and thc11·corn and at g rain g rown on the dem1sc d . pren:i1sesa_nd Granto1: bis heirs as tbcr Mill such mill [Mano nulls assigns shal1 direct prov1cled such of be upon the lands held under the See_ nules . two . than Armagh and not m~re to dista nt from the demised premises, anddepay the accustomed toll, and for each Sd. 6s. r Granto the to fault shall pay to b~ ste rlino lat e Irish cur rency, the sa!ne , an recove~ed by distres s or otl~erw1~ and heirs l11s e, Grante the f ·tl - -that . ·c1· o- on the . 1e1
is the The rent set out in the rent column ed by amount now payable, the rent reserv ed the Grant having been varied and adjust in pursuance of the provisions of Section the 90 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, and Local Government Act, 1898.
m u e I s u M y t n Cou
t William Jenkinson Hou;es and Prem.Les in Church Stree Hill ), and Callan (now Vicar's treel , nnd Pan of the Lands of Hill Corpora tion (now Windmill and Nav an Slreet. with the Hous es City. and P remi ses thereon, in the Barony and County of Armagh.
h g a Arm
£, s.
Yearly Rent
Gale Days
m u e s u M
t11 assigns and the11· tenant s t ~S1 lllo of the p remises sf10uld during contrnuance s Grant do suit and service at the Court
--ounty £28 10 5
of Leet and Courts Baron in the Manor Armagh and pay the perqu1s1tes usual e becom shall same as often so pa id the;·eat, clue nnd payable .
g a m Ar
m u e s u M ty
LOT 15 .
. Callan Street in 11 HEAD RENT of £9 17s. 6d., issuing out of Houses and Premises " nn r '
City of Armagh, Baron y a nd County of Armagh, held UDclerLease for 999 years, from 1st May, 1860
n u o C h g a m Ar m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a m Ar m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a m r A m u e s u M y t oun ., 111
Grantees' and Le:isees' ~ames
Map 2 No. 17
Callan Street, A rmagh , Ba rony and
County of Armag h.
9 17
... 1st May Jenkinson 1st Aug. 1st Nov. and 1st Feb.
Gale Days
Leas e date d 16th Richard Harcourt part a nd William part, for the term .May, 1860.
April, 1860, betw een Robinson of the one Jenkinson of th e oth er of 999 yea rs, from 1st
The Premises are described in the L ease as "A ll Tba t and Tho se that piece or par cel of ground1n Callan street with the appUl'te nances containin g the numbe r of feet and mea red
Th e rent set out in the rent column. adJusted rent, and bas usuall b IS the ba ll-yea rly. Y een paid
T he. Landlord 's part of the Original Le WIil be hand ed to the Pur chaser. ase
T b~ rent is paid by Messrs. D. and P. Martin English Stre et, Armagh, as agent for the 0 Lessee . r e
and bounded as parti cularly sbewn and delineate d upon the map or tercbart thereof and thereon dr aw n , all which said pr emises are situ ate lying and being in the City, Parish and Barony and County of
A rmagb afo resai d /' excepting
and rese1 v-
ing to the said Richard Harcourt Robin son the sole an d exclusive right and benefit of
all mines, nli.nerals and quarries and ot her
royalties. The Lease contains a covenant by the Lessee within six calendar month s to expend the sum of £200 in the erection of perman ent buildings on the premis es and rep.airs
t? the
then exist ing premises to the
sat 1sfact10n of the Lessor or bi s A"ent or Arch itect , an d a clause that upon ~breach of any of the covenants therein conta ined on the part .of th e Lessor, bis heirs, execu-
tors, adm1mstrators and assicrns the Lease 0
to become void.
Th e map in th is renta l of this lot is a cop,· of the map endorsed on the said Le ase ;,ncl referred to.
£9 1.7 6
LOT 16.
y t n u o C gh
F TllE L .\ ND
a m Ar
m u e s u M
of Drumargue [Drumarg] or Down . called Callan meadows Armag h, conta 1·0 1• ng 3a. Oi·. 22p., Stat u te meas ure, m · t hc Ba rony and County of Armagh.
Grnntees ' and Lessees'Names
Gale Dnys
Yearly Rent
£ s.
Part of tl1e Lan d of Drumurgue [Drumarg] or Richard Allen Downs lied Callanu Meadow , Armagh. containing 3a. Or. 22p .. Statute mensme, in the Barony and Count\' of .\rm ag h.
25th March
Lease dated 20th October, 1896, between Richard Harcourt Rob inson of the one par t a nd R icha rd Allen of the other part, for the te rm of 20 years, from the 25th March, 1895.
The rent set out in the rent column is t he adjusted rent.
m u e s u M
This rent is paid by Mr . Richa rd Allen, The Grange, Loughall, Armagh.
The Premises are described in the Leas e as "Al l That a nd Those th at part of the lands of [Drumarg] Drumargue or Downs, know n as th e Callan Meado ws, containing 3 acres and 22 perches, Statute measure , situ ate IJ~ng an d being in the City P ar ish, Barony and C.:ounty of A rmagh."
m u e s u M
y t n u o C gh i '
m u e s u M y
t n u o ;
4 19 0
y t n u o C h g a Arm a m r A
~ ---r
g a m Ar
m u e s u M y
9 acres, sta t ute measure, or there. Meadow , known as Pe nt onvill e, The Nursery Armagh , containin g 1824 t · Lea se, elated 2nd J anu a ry, 1797, and Renew al dated lO b July,
t n u o C h g a Arm le out of the Land s 01 Corporation Callan Payab f Armag ' EAD RENT AND FINE of £30 0s. lda .'bouts, in the Barony and County o
Grantees' and Lessees' Nnmes
Gale Days
Map 2 No. 19
Yearly Rent
Lands of Corporation and Callan Meadow, Armagh , kno wn as. The
1st Feb. 1st May
Richard Penton
1st Aug.
1st Nov.
Nursery or P entonvill e, cootalIUJlg 9 acres, Statute measure, or there-
£ s. d. 25 16 6
3 7
abouts , in th e Barony and County of Armagh.
h g a Arm
Lease dated 2nd Jan ua ry, 1707, Sir J ohn Robinson of t he one pa rt a nd Richard Pe nton of t he ot her pa rt , for th e term . ol 20 years, fr om 1st November , 1796, with toties quoties covenant for renewal.
rent stated in _the Original Lease is in Tbe __ I rish currency, the amount stated in th ren_t column is the rent, English currenc e which wi th the sum of £4 3s. 7d. for fin~' is the amount which has been paid b th-' Y JS tenant.
m u e s u M
The Premises are desc ribe d in t he Lease as "All Th at Gar d en called t he P u blic Garden, adjo in ing the north side of the road leading fro m A rmagh to Middletown conta inin g six ac res a nd t hree pe r cb_es, togethe r with the plot ad j oinin g, bemg part of Calla n Meadow, conta inin g two acres, th r ee roods an d t hi rty-seven perch es, being altogethe r nine acres, English Statute measure, more or less ."
y t n Cou
h g a Arm
No Grant in Perpetuity was taken out b tb Y e tenant.
The L and lord 's_part of the Original Lease is not lorthcommg ; a copy of same and of the re_newal of 1824 obta10ed from the tenant will be banded to the Purchaser.
This rent is_pa.id by Mrs. Moore, The Nursery, Pentonville, Armagh.
At t he yearly rent of £27, with 1/ - in the ponncl Rece iver 's fees, and a fine for eve ry renewal of one-seventeent h pa r t of th e fine, wbteb the Lessor should pay to Hi s Grac e the Lor d Pr imate, being in prop or t ion as 9 bears to 153. In additio n to the ordi nary covenants the L_ease_conta ins covenants by the Lesse e, h1s heirs and assigns, or his or their tenants occupy ing the demised premises to grind all bis and their corn and grain grown on the de1rused premises at such mill as the Lessor his heirs_and ass igns, shall direct, [Manor Mill] provide d such mills be upon t he land s held unde r the See of. Armag h , and not more t han _two miles distant from the demised pre1ruses, and to pay the accustomed toll and for each default shall pay to the Less o;· 6/ 8 sterling late Iri sh_ currency, the same to be r ecovere cl by distress or othe r wise a nd further that_ t he Lessee, bis heir s anci as.s1gi:is, and theu· te.nants residin g on the p1e1mses, slrnuld clurm g the contin uance of the Lease clo sm t and service at t h e CoUL'tS I: eet an d CoUL'ts Ba.ran in the Ma nor of A r_mag b, and pay t he perqu isites usu ally paid the reat, so often as sa me shall beco me due a nd payable .
y t n Cou £30
m u e s u M
y t n ou 1
m u e s u M
g a m Ar }'.\RT OF THE LA .i~D
n u o C h g
of Corporation know n as Windmill Hill, A rm ag h, conta ining 7a. Or. 34p., Stat ute measure, or therea bouts, in t he Baronyand County of Armagh.
m u e s u M ty
LOT 1Grnnt""5' and Lessees' Names
Part of the ~ands_ of Corporation n , James H ughes WindmillHill , Armagh, known as oont.'.l.ini.ng7a. Or. 3-!p ., Statute in t he measure, or thereabouts, Barony and Cotmty of A.rmagh.
Yearly Rent
1st May and 1st Nov.
£ s. d. 15 0 0
Lease dated 21st October, 1890, betw een Colonel R H. Robinson of the one part a nd Jame s Hughes of the other part, for the te rm of 21 years, from the 1st November , 1890.
y t n Cou
m u e s u M
The Landlord's part of the Lease will he handed to the Purchaser.
This rent is paid by Mr. James Hughes, Windmill H Mill Rill , Armagh.
Th e Pr emises are described in the Lea se as " The Holding at Windmill Hill Armagh lat ely in the possession of Jam es Lynch contain ing 7 acres and 34 perches or thereabouts."
h g a Arm I
h g a Arm
The Lease contains in addition to the usual covenants a clause of distress and entry and the right to the Lessor to enter and vie~v, and covenant by Lessee to execute repairs requ ired within three calendar mont hs.
y t n Cou Total,
m u e s u M
m u e s u M y t oun
g a m Ar P.\ln
ond 20 perches, St.at.ut.emeasure, or thereabouts, in the Barony and County o[ Armagh.
t n u o C gh
OF THE LANDS of Corporation, Armagh, containing 2 r
Gale Days
a m r A 011
Map 2 No. 21
m u e s u M y
Yearly Renl
Gran1ees'and Lessees' Name!
1st May
Part of the Lands of Corporation, Eliza Moore Armagh, containing 2 roods 2 perches, Statute measure, in tb Barony and County of A.rmagh.
h g a Arm
d a11
1st Nov.
The Landlord 's pa t f h Agr eement dated 13th October, 1875, between Richard Robinson of the one part and Elizabeth banded to the P:r~b:s:rAgreement will be Moore of the other part, as a tenant [rom This rent is paid b Mrs Moore year to year, from 1st November, 1875. oore, The Nursery, Pentonville
m u e s u M
The Premises are described as" Two P lots o[ Ground denominated Nursery Plots 1 and 2 contamwg 2 roods and 20 perch es English Statute measure or thereabouts in the Parish of Armagh and County of A.rmaab " with tb_e provision that the tenancy wa~ to determine on the 1st November on si..-x. c'.'lend ar months' notice being given by eit her party.
y t n Cou
h g a Arm
m u e s u M y t n Cou Tot61
y t n ou
1 5 0
m u e s u M
g a m Ar
LOT 20 .
y t n u o C gh
m u e s u M
..0,r£TCJTYHEKTS of ,C:?GJOs. Scl., isSuing out of Part of tl1e Land s of Knockamel l, now Corporat ion, a nd lio uses and Premises in Eng lish Street, Arm ag h, in the Barony and County of Armagh, und e r Grant
a m Ar
Grantees' and Lessees' Names
Part of tbe_Lan d of Knockamel now Cor porat10 n. a nd Houses a.nd Pre mise in English Street, Armagh, in the Barony and Cou nty of Armagh.
in P e rp etu ity, dated 14th Ma y, 1840.
Gale Days
Yearly Rent
£ s. c!. 26 10 8
1st Feb. 1st May 1st Aug . and 1st Nov.
m u e s u M
Gra nt in P erp etuity in pursuanc e of t he Chur ch Ternpor a h ties Acts, dated 14th May, 1840, an d made between Sir Richard Robi nson, Ba ron et, of the one part and William Whi te law Alego of the other part.
y t n u o C gh
Th e Premi ses a re descr ibed in the Grant_ as " All That teneme n t with the dw ell in g hou se a nd offices th e reon , situate on t he west side of English St reet in the City ol A rma a b aforesaid conta.mrng 1D front ~o English St reet aforesai d 33 feet, 75 feet rn depth , and 20 feet in the rere, and a lso that pa rt and parcel of the lands of Knockamel formerl y laid out for _tb_ e use of the occupier of sa id hou se, conta mrn g o ac res, En ghsb Statut e meas ur e ," lo 0 et be r with all ways , water s, rig hts, royal't ies, mj nes, min e ral s and quarrie s.
a m r A
The rent set out in the rentcolumn is the re now payable, the rent reserved by t Grant have been rnriedand adJu.,ted pursuance of the pronsioos of Section of the Iri sh Land .-I.et, 1903, and the Government (Ireland) .-I.et, 1898.
The Landlord 's part of the Grant and of th Original Lease and 5Uch renewalsas forthcoming will be banded to Purchaser.
This rent is paid by James Lonsdale, Esq The Pavilion, Armagh.
m u e s u M
Subject to the year ly rent of £~5 17s. lld ., with 1/- in the Pound R eceivers fee for the te nement in English Street, and the rent of £17 15s. 9d .~ with 1/- in th e Pound J~eceiver 's fees for the land s of Knockamelel, or such increased or diminished yea rl y re~t as shou ld be substit ut ed instead of the sa id rents , pur suant to the Church Temp ora hties Acts.
y t n u o C gh
a m r A
m u e s u M -ounty £26 10 8
Map 3 No. 25
y t n Cou
RENT of £55 4s. 4d., issuing out of Armagh Union
h g a m r A Nao.
LOT 21.
Grantees'and Lessees.' Kames
Union Workhou se, Part of Michael Magee Armagh 0 the Lands of Corporation, formerly Tullydegnan in the Barony and County of Armagh.
h g a Arm
m u e s u M
Workhouse, Pnrt ~the Lands of Corporation , formerly Tullydegnan in the Barony and County of Armagh, under Grant in Perpetuitf, dated 6th August, 1838.
Gale Da)S
1st May and 1st Nov.
Yearly Rent
£ s, d . 55 4 4
Grant in Perp et uity in pursuance of ~he Chur ch Temporalities Acts, dat.e<l 6th Aug ust , 1838, between Sir Richard Robinson on of the one part and Michael Magee of the othe r part.
The rent set out in tbe rent column is tl amount now payable, the rent reserved tbe Grant having been varied and adjust m pursuance of the provisions o[ Section of the lnsb Land Act, 1903, and the Lo, Government (Irelan d) Act, 189~.
m u e s u M
Th e Premises a re described in the Grant as "A ll That a nd Tho se that farm of land Th e Landlord's part of the Original Leas, not forthcoming. with the scutch mill lately erected thereon situate in the town land of Tullydegnan Dean's Hill contai,1ing 20 ac res, 3 roods a nd 5 perch es, T he Landlord 's part of the Grant will Eng lish Statute measure , bounded on the handed to the Purchaser. north by the Deanery grounds, on t he sou th by the road leadin g from A rm ag h to Belfast Thi s rent is paid by the Guardians o[ Arm Union , Armagh. on the east by the Ba llynahon e River an d on the west by the la nd form erly in th e possession of Lee McKinstry Esq., a nd the remai nder bounded by the burial grou nd Church , as deattached to [St. Mark's] scrib ed in the map delin ea ted th ereon, " together with all way s, waters, rights, royaltie s, mines, minerals and quarries. Th e rent rese rved by th e Gr ant is £72 13s. ld. , or such increase d or diminish ed yea rly rent as should be substituted instead of the said rent , in pursuance of the Church T emporalities Acts.
y t n Cou
h g a Arm
y t n u o C t n u o 4 4
m u e s u M
m u e s u M y
g a m Ar
LOT 2 2.
PAR T OF THE LA.i"\TDSof Corporation,
h g a Arm
of the
of Corporation ,
2a .. 3r. 8p., Statute mea sure, or th er eabo uts, near The Mall, in the Barony andCounty of Armagb.
Gale Days
John Hamilton
1st May and 1st Nov.
Grantees ' and Lessees' Names
~p 3
y t n Cou Armagh,
measure, or thereabouts , Statute near the Mall, in the Barony a nd County of Armagh.
Yearly Rent
2a. 3r. Sp.,
m u e s u M
m u e s u M y
11 17 6
Lease date d 9th November, 1906, betwe en Sir Richard H . Robinson, Baronet, of the one part and John Hamilton of the other part, for the term of 15 years, from 1st Novembe r , 1906.
t n u o C gh
a m r A
The Landlord's part of the Lease will '" handed to the Purchaser. Tlie re~t is paid by Mr. John Hamilton, I street Armagh. English Street,
The Premises a re described as " All That parce l of land adjoining tbe College Garden known on the Ordnance Survey as part of the lands of Corpo ra tion, bounded on the north by the sa id College Garden an d land s, on the sout h by the avenue leading to St. Mark 's Church, and on the east partly by the College Fi eld and partly by St . .Mark's Church graveyard, on t,he west by Mr. William Calvert's garden and a field in tbe occupation of Mr. R. T. Huston, conta ining 2 ac res 3 roods an d S perches, E no-lish Statute measure , or thereabo uts, si t,~ate near the Mall in the City of A rm agh, in the Parish,_ Barony and Coun ty of Armagh, and,,bemg part of the Town Parks of Armag h.
m u e s u yM
t n u o C gh
Except ing a ll mines, minerals, beds of stone, grave l and sand, and also all royalties and all rights of sport ing.
Th e Lease, in addition to the usual covenants, contains a cla use aaainst sub-lettmg. W1t~out the writte n pe_r';nis~ionof the_ said Su· R. H. Robinson 1 Ins heirs and assigns.
a m r A
y t n ou
!! j
m u e s u M
LOT 23 . useum
yM t n u o agh C
. •
BUILDING GROUND and Land , contaunng
~= on
Grantees' and Lessees' K.i.nies
building Ground and La nd known as t,he Church Yard Fi_elds adrmm g St. Mark 's Church, Victo ria street, in the Cit.y of Arm agh , contrumng 2 a.ores and 15 perches, Statute measure, or thereabouts.
Or. l5p ., Stat ute measure or th ereabout s, Victori a Stre e t, A rmag h.
h g a m r A
m u e s u ty M
Yc:a rl) Rcnl
G.i.le Da):.
Map 3 No. 27
Coun £
T E~l:RE
These Pr emises a re situa te in Victori a Str eet , Armag h, a nd are au.r esent in the occupa. A nders on und er a tw n of Mr s . L. grazing Ag reemen t for six month s, expir mg on the 1st November, 1911, for the sum of £ 10.
m u e s u M ; y t n u Co h g a Arm m u e s u M y t n u o .:
g a m r
LOT 24.
y t n Cou
p ART OF THE L AN DS of Kil more an d Drumcullen,
h g a m r A DENOM I N A T!Ol\ S
Grantees' and Lessees' Na.mes
P art of t he L ands of Kilmore , Barn ny Reps. David Gillespie of A.rmagh and Coun ty of Armagh.
h g a Arm Do.
Joseph Allen
John Finn
1st May and 1st Nov.
Yearly Rent
£ s. d. 3 O O P r esent te nant from yea r to year, on expiratio n of a Statutory Tenancy, pursuant to the provisions of the Land Law (Ireland ) Ac ts, 1881 and 1887, under Appeal Order, date d 3rd November, 1893, for a first Sta tutor y Term.
y t n Cou
h g a Arm Do.
Gale Days
m u e s u M
in Ba rony a nd County of Armagh, held in Fee Simple.
m u e s u M
Th e ac reage stated in the Order is 5a. Or. 33p. Stat ute measure .
1st May and 1st Nov.
The estate will be sold subject to such rights of way,. rights in respect of water, and other nghts and easements affecting the sameas shall legallyexist at the date of the sale.
6 O O Statutory Ten ant, pursuant to the p1ovisions of the Land Law Acts.
This rent is paid by Mr. TerenceFinn, Kilmor more, Blackwatertown, Moy.
This rent is paid by Mr. Joseph Allen, Drumcullen, Moy.
Th e sum mentioned in the rent column is the Fair rent, fixed by Order of the Irish Land Commission , elated 23rd September , 1901, for a Second Statutory Term .
m u e s u M
Th e Order rese rves to the Lancllord the exclusive right of sporti ng.
y t n Cou
The acreage state d in the Order is 9a. 3r. 9p., Statute measure.
1st May and 1st Nov.
7 7 0
Statutory Tenant, pursuant to the provisions of the Land Law Acts.
The sum mentioned in the rent column is the Fl:ir rent, fixed by Appeal Ord er of the In sb Land Commission, dat ed 12th July , 1905, for a Second Statutory Term.
m u e s u M
Th e Order reserves to the Landlord exc lusive rig ht of sporting.
y t n ou
The acreage stated in the Order is 16n. 2r. lOp., Statute measure.
7 0
This rent is paid by Mr. John Finn , Kilmore House, Moy.
g a m Ar
y t n u o C gh Gale Days
Gr:intees'and Lessees' Nnmes
a m Ar
Yearly Rent
£ s. d . £16 7 0 4
1st May
Pre sent tenant from year to year, on expira-
tion of a Statutory Tenancy, pursuant to the provisions of the Land Law (Ir eland) Acts , 1881 and 1887, under Order, dat ed 16th March, 1895, for a First Stat utory
1st Nov.
This rent is paid by Mr. George Sleator, Ballymacklemurry.
m u e s u M y t n Cou T erm.
The acreage stat ed in the Order is 9a. 3r . 12p. Statute measure.
h g a Arm Do.
Rep. Martha Cooper Part of the Lands of Drumcullen, of Barony of Armagh, County Armagh.
m u e Mus
24 -- contin ue d.
2 16
Rep. Thomas Mawhinney 1st Ma
· and 1st Noi
Stat utor y Tenant , pursuant to th e provisions of th e Land Law Acts.
This rent is paid by _,lr. Jo seph All en , Dru mcullen, Moy.
The sum mention ed in th e rent column is the Fair rent, fixed by Order of the Irish Land Commission, dated 23rd September, 1901, for a Second St atutor y Term.
m u e s u M y
The Ord er reserves to th e Landlord exclusive right of sporting .
th e
t n u o C gh
The acreage stat ed in the Ord er is 5a . 2r. 30p. Stat ute measur e.
a m r A Do.
Reps. C. McQuirk
1st M$y and!,
lst t
0 5 0
m u e s u M y t n ou Tenant from year to year.
Tenanc y commenced 1st November .
Th e acrea ge in this tenant's holdin g is 0a. lr. 20p., Stat ute measur e.
£23 12
This rent is paid by Mrs . McQuirk, Allistrag office] Armagh. tragh P.O., [post
g a m Ar
m u e s u M y .
t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a m r A m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M y t oun ).
!.lereby ag ree to purcha se at the price of
of the property mentioned in the foregoing Particulars,
subj ect to the foregoing Conditions of Sale, and declare that I havepaid
to 1'1essrs. Barrington & Son, So licitors for the Vendor, Mrs. Maude Helena Collingwood Montgomery,
t he sum of
as a deposit, and in par t-payment of my purchase-money, and hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors, admini strators, and assigns, to pay the balance of my
pur chase-money, and to complete my said purchase in all respect s according to the said Conditions of Sale.
Dated t his
day of
Balance of Purchase-money
Auclion fees
On behalf of t..he V endor we confirm the above written Contract, and acknowledge the l'ece ipt of the deposit.
Ab sl ract of Tille Lo be sent to-
g a m Ar
M y t un
c· :~ ~~ 7...!__ ~POST1 -~ PARCEL~ D.L.M.
Armagh (A~J
o C h g a Arm
a m r A
a m r A
(Merrion Row).
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