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C h ag
m u e s Property sale u m M Ar y t n u The contents ofothis digital resource should only C m be used for non-commercial personal research h u g e a s and all rights remain with Armagh County u m M Ar Museum. y t n u o C m If any of the material is reproduced, in any form h u g e a s u and in any medium, you should acknowledge m r M AArmagh County Museumnastthe y source and u give the document references below. o C m h u g e a s u m M Ar y t n u o C m h u g use ma (ARMCM155.1962)
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m u e s County of Armagh. u M A y t n u o C m h Jtrn f al, u JU aps , nf ~alr Rllh g J arf irnlar s e a s u m M ArFEE-F ARM AND LEASE ESTATE, HOLD y t n u o C m h u g WILL BE BY AlJ(JTIOI , ii FOlJll LOTS, SOL e a s u m r M A y t n u o C m h u ,, g e a s u m r M A -'1/'"' y t n u o r C m h >y u g e a s u m In tbe l\Iatter of !he Estate of OSBORNE KIDD, Esquire,
Owner and Petition er.
In tl•e Da1•011y of A.1·11aagl1, and County
of Arma~·h,
Will CH
On Thursday,
th e l 3tli drty of D ecembe,., 1866,
,, ,
£3_ r1cl.;;
.. .,,.,,..
At the Hour of T wel ve o'Clock , N oon .
i:/( '
Propoul.s for the Pur cha.t.c of th e enti re or any of thC' L ots will be received by the Solicitor hav!ng the Carr iage of ~he Sn.le, up to Urn 3rd dny of D ecember, 1866, Md, if approve d of, laid before the ] lonorable JUDG ~' DUBBS for adoption. • , . . . · b I d t tJ L d I F.stntcs Courl F our Courts Inns.qu ny, Dublin ; JOilN McKinstry Sohc1torha,TJ.ng . ,fRtJ PDt~}'•with Maps and Pa~o•cu l ll~re ofdSAal~, canl . efl ;aNRY Fie Solicilo~1 43 Dame-sl;ee t, Dublfn ; irnclOSBORNE KIDD , Esq.1 the Owner1Tu!t l•• Ctrna.i!t vi 1e •~ale,43, Dame-street, u J m, an I mag 1 , c. • . ., ' ' lyOJ91'e, A~h; or <JfJOHN EYRE , Sc,licitor, 1, Lower Ormond-quay, Dublin.
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m u e s u M Ar y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m M Ar y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m r M A General Conditionsntofy Sale. u o C m h u g e a s u m M Ar y t n u o C m h u g e us ma SUMMA R Yo
Quontity o( Lo-id Statute Mcuure.
Reo< or Value.
0 38
116 15
BALI Ballinahonebeg
Part of and the Mills &c. thereon
Part of,
Part of,
. ..
2 34
. ..
219 12
23 11 11
146 15
·167 15 0
The Valuation of the Sub.lntere,--t is not ascertained.
41 10 0
', :
quantity of land stated as 1. T he purchaser or purchasers shall not be at liberty to object to their purchases, or claim compensation, by reason of any slight variance in the contained m each tenant's holding or each lot, same bavrng been ascerlamed, by recent survey, under order of the Land ed E states Court , and the quant>bes stated m the leases of the estate being estimated quantities.
2. The purchaser or purchasers shall not be at liberty lo object to their purchases on account of any slight variance in the amount of tithe-re~t charge stated at each Lot,
or be entitled to compensation in respect of such va riance, if snme shnll be found to vary from the amount actually payable there~ut.
3. The purchaseror purchasers shall not be at liberty to inquire into or rcqui1·cevidence of the titl e of the respective lessors in tlie several lenses under which the property is held, nor to object to their purchases by reason of any incumbrru 1ce affecting their int erest, nor by reason of any superior fee.farm grant or lease in perpetuity affecting the same premises prior to or taking precedence of the title of the owner in this matter, nor by reason of the description of the Lnl;svarying from that given in the leases under which the
property ~as been derived. •
[ ll]
y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m culars. Descriptive Parti M Ar y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m r M A y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m M Ar y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m r M A y t n u o C m h u g e us ma le fall and supply of water from the conLot 1.-Th e mills on thes e land s are within a mile of Armag h, and have a very valuab Three pair of mill-stones are worked in these fluence of tw o rivers, viz. :- the Butterwater and the Callan hed afford as rich pasture and mills, and upwards of 600 tons of wh eat can be gro und in the season. The land s attac The Pur used as town -park s. meadow as any lands in Ulster, and , being within one English mile of Armagh, are chaser can have immediate poss ession of this lot, save abo ut three acres .
Lot 2.-Th.is is a most produ ctive and valuable farm, yieldin g whea t, flax, and potatoes. meadow-land on th e farm. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 adjoin.
The re is also valuable pasture and
sub- soil, forming part of as highly Lot 3.-Tull ymore is within half-a -mile of the City of Armagh, and lies on a limestone trees and ornamental plantcultivated and fertile a district as any in the province, and is well laid out with forest rising from the banks of gently eminence an on s ings. The dwelling -house , which is large and commodious, stand d for 1ich, varied, and unsurpasse dscape lan the River Callan, commanding a fine view of the City of Armagh, and of a in highly fayorable are &c., The orchards garde n, expansive beauty. The office-houses are lar ge and suitable. copiously referred to in Irish situations. On these and the adjoin ing lands arc many place s of noto riety and interest; history.
will be entitled to the immediate possession Lot 4---The Lands of Ballycrumm y adjo in Tu llym orc, and the Purchaser of this lot of Lhe parcels in hand s.
( s)
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m u e re. s Particula rs of Tenu u M A y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m M Ar y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m r M A y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m M Ar y t n u o C m h u g use ma h g a rm i
held under Lease, ren ewable totiu with lhc Mills erected th ereon, in the Ba rony of Arm agh, and Coun ty of Armagh, t of the Laa<ls of Ballinahonebeg ver of the one part , and J ohn Scott of the oth er Oli lizabeth E and er, Oliv ry Ma ver, Oli ohn J ween bet made d an 79G, l , pril A of quoties. By Ind enture of Lease bea ring dale th e 2 l sl day ilson, and then in the at part of the To wnlaod of Ballinahonebeg formerly in the possession of Robert W part, the said John, Mary, and Eli zabet h O liver demised lo the sai<l ,John Scoll th fixtu res therein, togethe r with the mmand all and grates, locks, all and ofliccs, houses, outnsion-house, ma the with possession of said LCssors, conta ining 10a. 2r. 16., stat ute measure, waste water . on snid premises; and all wate r and water courses, milJ-dams, weir, tail-race, and other buildin gs and improvements, gar den, bleach -green, bleaching uten sils, and m,1chincry Kennedies containing 3r. 2 i p.; and to road and river the between -green, bleach id sa ite oppos river the of side other cours e into same; a.nd also that sma ll Park or Pi ece of Ground on Ilic said John Scott, between tire hig h road and the river, conta ining 3a. 0r 1 17p. with full liberty for also that Fi eld below the bridge, kn own by the name of The H olme or I sland, lying administ rators and assigns, executors, r tbei lessors, said to reserves lease said and ; tail•race and mill•dam, weir, his executors, administrators, and assign s 1 lo repair , bank in, and mcnLl s:iid prem.iSe.3,in times of of William G irvin, throug h the q uar ry a nd below th e weir belonging to said demised liberty to convey ihe water of the ta.il•race from th e bleach mill tl icn in possess ion and, in addition quotie3; toties renewal for \'enant CO with rs, yea 19 of m ter the for was lease This stood. n floods only, so as to prevent back wate r on said mill :it same lcYel as said mill the premises under which R obert J ackson held the same from the Lord P rimate. same of ease L rand G the by nd a in as rescrvntions n.nd ions except contains to, to the exceptions abon referred of fine and expenses payment of rent, covenant by lessors for renewa l upon payment of proportionable part And said lease contains clauses of dist ress and re-ent ry if rent in a rrcar, covena nt for and of raising or making bank of earth for the pur poses ther ein mentioned . il•race, ta making d an ing cutt of y libert have should &e., executor~, his lessee, of renewal, covenant that LOT No. I-Par
made betwee n Willi am McWilliams of the one part, and said Osborne Kidd of the By In denture of R enewa l and New L ensc date d the 22 nd day of A ugust , 1828, and 19 years, and said William McWilliams did also demise and gra nt unto said Osborne of rm te the for newed other part, said original indent ure of lease of the 21st dn.y of Apri l, l 79G1 was re e L ot mark ed No . l on map the rein referred to, and also that F ield containing th and McWilliams iam Will <l i sn. of lands er oth between -situate , 26p. lr. . Kidd that Field containing 2a co ntaining toge ther 23a, Or. 22 p I statut e measure, to bold for the te rm of 19 premises, said demised 3a. l r, 24p., and the Field conta ining 2a. 2r. 32p . also marke d on sa id map, and all clauses of distress and re-entry if rent in arrear ; nud CO\-enant for re.new-al with kson, Jac .John by held mises pre said of lease grand e th in as g years, renewable toties quolies, exceptin ereby demised in any futu re renewal, subject to th e year ly rent of £ 82 sterling. th premises the of any part on payment of proportion of fi □ e and expenses ; and cove nan t by lessor not to omit said G eorge McWilliams of th e ooe part, and said Osborne Kidd of the other pan , tbe And by Ind entur e of R enewal dated JSlh day of N ovember , 1865 , mad e betwee n . slcrling 82 £ of rent yearly the nt quoties, toties renewal for nt na cove leases were renewed for a term of 11 years, with
es ns to the above stat ed lease of equnl dat e, said J ohn , Mary and E lizabeth Dy one other Ind entur e bearing date th e 2 1st day of April , 1796, and made bet ween same parti cir of Ballynahonebeg in the river Callan, between the th e Land s of Ballynahonebeg ,v e th of foot al sland I and assigns, that small
Oliver demised unto said ,John Scott, bis executor s, adm inistrntors, therein referr ed to, rcsen ;_ng liberty to e map of Ballynahonebeg ands belo □ging to said L an ds of K enncdics, cont aining one rood as cle·scrib ed on th nahoncbeg and the Lands of Kennedie , administrat ors, and lhe.ir e:s:rcut ors-. lessors, said for liberty like also and Kennedies of ands L th e Vicars choral of Armagh to rnise sand and gravel for th eir use, nnd take it throu gh said the yearly rent of ls. , and n fine of one pepper. corn on en.eh rene....-al al quoties, toties wal, nc rr for nant cove with rs, yea 9 I of term the for hold o T assigns to raise nod remove th e same .
wit b the usual clauses of distre ss and re-entry if rent in arr car.
[ ...]
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of T en ure-continued.
m u e a s u m r M A y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m r M A y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m M Ar y t n u o C m h u g e us ma The Island demised by th e last indentur e of lease has, since the date of same, been always usedand enjoyed in connection with the Mills and Lands ofBallinahonebeg.
bas not been any renewal obtained of th e last abstra cted lease.
LOT No. 2.-Part
of th e Lands of Kennedie s, in the Barony of Armag h, and County of Armagh, held for the residue of a term of2 1 years, under the College or Church of By lod enture bearing date the 24th day of March, 1857, and made between the Vicars choral and Organist of the College or Church of Saint Patrick, Armagh, of the one part , and said Osborne Kidd of the other part, the said lessors demised that part of the Town and Lands of Kennedies in the occupation of said Osborne Kidd, containing 58a. 3r. 34p., statut e measure, in the Pari sh, Barony, and County of Armagh, for 21 yeara, from 1st November, 1856, subject to the yearly rent of £65 16s. d. sterling. Saint Patrick, Armagh, and renewable by custom .
Excepting to said lessors, and their succes sors, n.ll timber, trees, mines, minerals, and· royalties; and liberty to enter, fell, dig, and search for and carry away the same ; and contains co,·enants for paymentof rent, preservation of premises, and clauses of non-alie nation or sub-letting without consent of lessors, in writing, otherwise lease to be void.
LOT No. 3.- The Lands of Tullymore , in the Barony and County of A rmagh, held under fee.farm grant bearing date th e 9th day of December, 1863,-and a .-aluable
sub-interest in these same Lands of Tull ymore, which forms part of this same Lot No. 3 .
This Lot, No. 3, is held as follows :-By lodenture of Fee -farm Grant bearing date th e 9th day of D ecember, 1863, and made between :Maria Martin of the one part, and said Osborne Kidd of the other part ; the said Maria Martin, in pursuan ce of the provisions of th e Church Temp oralities' Act, grante d unto the said Osborne Kidd, his heirs and assigns, the Lands of T ully more, othe rwise Aghalin, as formerly in th e possession of J ohn Pooler, situat e in th e Pari sh, Bar ony, and County of Armagh, with the appurtenances, to
hold to the said Osborne Kidd, his heirs and assigns for ever, subject to the yearly rent of £19 0s. 4d. sterling, or such increased or diminished rent as should be substituted therefor, pursuant to the provisions of said Act, payable half-yearly, on 1st May and 1st November.
This grnnt conta ins th e usual covenants for payment of rent above tn.,ces (quit-rent and erownrent excepted); clausesof distress and for re-entry if rent in arrear; covenants by grantor.for quiet enjoyment and for further assurance.
The sub-interest in th.is Lot consists of the interest of said Osborne Kidd in said Land s of Tu llymore, all in his occupation ( e, ropt about 2a. Or. 29p. statut e measure), with the dwelling-hous e and office-houses thereon, under an Indenture of Demise, rencwfible totics quoties, nod which has been converted into n fee-fnnu grant.
A m r A
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M y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m r M A y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m r M A y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m M Ar y t n u o C m h u g e us ma Particulars
of T en o re-continue
By Indenture of F ee-farm Grant, dat ed 5th October, 1805, made between Jane Letitia Wh ittington and Winifr ed Sullivan of the one part, and said Osborne Kidd of the
other part , it was witnessed th at the said Jan e L etit ia Whittington an<l Winifred Sullivan, in pursuan ce of the Church T emporalities' Act, gran ted unto the said Osborne Kidd, his heirs and assigns, that P arcel of Land in Tullymore th en former ly in the possession of Charles Whittington
and afterwa rds in the possession of John Hickey, and then in the possession and
occupation of said Osborne Kidd, conta ining, by a survey then lately made, 60a. 3r. 33p. stat ut e measure , exce pti ng and reserving all royalties, and all such other reservations as are contained in th e Grand Lease held und er th e L ord Primat e, and subject to the covenants and condit ions in the there in recited L ease of 1st Januar y, 1798, meotiooed 1 situate in the Parish and and County of Armagh;
T o Hold to the said Osborne Kidd his heirs and assigns for ever, subj ect to the yearly rent of £110 16s. 5d. sterling, or such increased or diminished
rent as should be substitute d ther efor, pur suant to the provisions of said Act, payable half-yearly on the 1st day of May and 1st day of November.
Thi s Grant contains tbe usual
covenant for payment of rent, preservation of premises, clauses of distres s and re•entry, and quiet enjoyment ; and covenant by Osborne K idd, his heirs and assigns, to grant to Bryan
McGlown the bog for his farm in Ballycr ummy then in his possession; with a road to the same as usua l, and that said Osborne Kidd should not injure or distu rb the burying ground [Pooler in grave] Tul lymo re.
LOT No. 4.-By
Indent ure of Fe e-farm Grant bearing dat e th e 21st day of Oct ober, 1865 , and made betw een Maria Martin of the one part, and said Osborne Kidd of
th e other part, the said Maria Martin grante d unto said Osborne Kidd, that part of th e T own and Land s of Ballycromey, [Ballycrummy] otherwi se Ballycrumruy1 being a sub•den omination of the Lands of L enaugher, Augh ervillin, Beromin e, Tull ymore, oth erwise Aghelin and Carricktrodden
or some or one of them, contain ing 12a . 3r. 12p. statut e measure, \Yith the dwelling-
house erected thereon, formerly in the occupation of Mr. William Mayne and then in th e occupation of said Osborne Kidd, bound ed on the East by :Major Thorn ton's land on the South by the bye-road called Burmeen lane, on the W est by Miss Quinn's farm, and on th e Nort h by the new road leading from Armag h to Caledon; To Hold to tlie said Osborne Kidd.
his heirs and assigns for ever, subject to the yea rly rent of £34 l s. 9d., or such in creased or clirninished ren t ns should be substituted therefo r, pursuant to the provisions of said .\et ; and said lease contains clauses of distre ss and rc•entry, if rent in ar rea r ; and covCnan ts for payment of rent and pre servation of premises.
In conjunction with tbc L ands above described, th ere is held
by th e said Osborne K idd, two parcels of th e adjo ining L ands of Legarhill conta ining 3a. lr. 23p. shuute
measure, at the yearly rent of £6 15s. 9d. sterling, for th e term of 20 years, from th e 1st day of Novembe r, 1850; and Mr. Kidd' s interest under s11.icl lease is not includeJ in the order
for sale in this Matter, but the purcha ser will hav e an opportunit y of gett ing an assignmen t of said lease, if he so desire, upon payment of such purchase-money for the same ~ mny be agreed upon between him and said Osb orne Kidd .
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M y unt LOT No. 1,
o C gh
Part of the Lauds of Ballinahonebeg with the Mills and Machinery erected thereon, situate in the Barony of Armagh and County of Armagh, held under Leases renewable, toties quoties, bearing date the 21st day of April, 1796, and renewal of 22nd Augu st, 1828, and 18th November, 1865, as stated in Particulars of Tenure. No.
No. on Map .
a m Ar D l'oom1ntti on.
Quantity of L l\nd
Tcnant 1' Nnme1.
-- l-------
Yearly Hcnt .
Statute Measure.
--- l-----1 A..
M y t
- -- -,~ 1--- - ---
n u o C P.
s. d.
170 0 0 Estimated Value.
m u e us
Ga le l)ny, .
Tenao t '1 Tenure.
-- -1------------1----
- ---
- -- -
m h u g e a s u m M Ar y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m M Ar y t n u o C m h u g e us ma ·-~
Ballynahonebeg (Part of), In hands of Owner (inin th e Bar ony of Ar magh, eluding Mills, &c. and Coun ty of Armagh.
Robert McCrom [McCrum]
21 0 38
.. .
l at May and 1st November . Tenant from year to year i t enancy determinabl e 1st May in each year .
0 38
Deduct Rent and Fi nes,
Nett Year ly R ent or Va lue,
All rights existing in respect of the water.p ower of the R iver Callan will be protected in th e Conveyan ce to the pur chaser.
4 9
/ / fr
{"' -r
~~~, "",tc ,;_
-~ __,,_.,, R~ /'".e f../
W',1,.C ,/4
•r "
,t:' ...
... 116 15
This Lot will be Sold subject to the Yea rly R ent of £ 82 sterlin g, reserved by said In denture of L ease and R enewal of 21st April, 1796, and 22nd .August, 1828, and 18th November , 1865 ; and R enewal Fines of £3 4s. 9d. yearly, being the Owner's ascert ained pr oportion of Renewal Fin es and E xpenses of R enewal. For Conditions of Sale and P ar ticular11of Tenur e of thi s Lot, sec general Condition s of Sale and Parti cular s of Tenure .
Griffith'sValuation, £146 15s. Od.
/, . ·2 .... /I,
[ 7
·~ ---,'~ (r--,
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o C h g a rm
M y t un LOT No. 2,
m u use m u e us
Part of the Lands of Kennedies in the Barony of Armagh, and County of Armagh, held under Lease bearing date the 24th day of March, 1857, for the Term of 21 Years. No.
Quantity o( L~d St atut e Moaeu.ro.
Tena.nt'• Name .
KENNEDIES, Part of, in In hands of Owner,
I YeulyllenL
o C h
g a m r A
~ the Barony of Armagh ,
and County of Arma gh.
2 34
M y t un Gale Daye
182 0 0 Estimat ed value.
o C h g a rm I
Deduct Yearly Head-rent ... Nett Yearly Rent, ...
2 34
... 65 ... 116
... . ..
T enMt'1Tenure.
m u e us
. .. All rights as now existing in r espect
M y t un
of the water power of the Ri ver Callan, and of the river which divides Kennedi es from Tullym ore and the adjoining Lands of Ballyrath r a.th will be pr otecte d in th e conveyance to th e pur chaser.
M y t un
m I u e us
This Lot will be Sold subjeel lo the Yearly Rent of £65 16s. Sd. sterling, reserved by said Lease of the 24th day of March, 1857.
o C gh
For Conditions of Sale and Particulars of Tenur e of this Lot, see General Conditions of Sale and Particulars of Tenure.
h's Valaation,£89. Griffit
( 8)
m u e us
o C h g a m
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LOT No :~.
cc l lo Ilic ycnrly Ti'cc•farm Rent of £1!) Os, .iicl. sterling, and a pc.1"}X:toalAnnuity ~111,j The L.'lnds of Tullymore held under FN•.form Gr :rnl bcnring dnle rhe !)111day of 1>,·c·emhcr, I R(i:J, of .£5 J (l;. ~d. slcrling . more, bcqucatl,ed to her nephew George Pooler, £ 6 a--ycarof the s of Tullymore 1d 1 th<.·'-: l'.11~1~ By her \\➔ill benriug date th_c 1Slh day o~ A ug n_sl, l 7fl.\ Elizabeth Pooler \\ lio \\ as !l it II l' nll l lt d In by ..., -.1,l~lllg the ll•,1sc• ol Tullymore sl1ould las 1, c1tlicr Ly tl1c term of years in said lease granted, or _1g. _10 he p:wl lo _lum, 111s l'..H·C•~lo rs :incl 1\ (!m•n•~l1111or tht•n l'urren cy. equal to .£t, 10~- ~J~I. stcrl11 Tlu s Anm11ty 1s now \'Cstcd 111Andr ew Craig of !he City of A rmngl1, _EsfJturc. aar futu l"C'Rcacwnl thel"<'of.
Ar I ...
M y t n ou
" of Q"'L,',H,r
Tt'nllnl3· Xnme-t.
Jk nom!n111on.
- ----1
:_~ !- - ----
- --
99 1-1 10
C h g a m r A Deduct Y enrl y F ec-fnrm-r cnt,
,, ,,
... ...
Annuity, ... Rent- charg e,
19 0 5 10 1 11
9 8
Nett Yea rly R ent ou t of Sup l!rior F ee... form In ter est, Add Nett yearly ren t out of sub.int erest
~luy n.nd 1st
99 J.1 10
26 5
----73 116
9 1 7•
9 3
o C gh 219 12
Total Nett Y curly R cut,
Tenant' , Tenure.
-- -·--
c r. ~ow ·111U
1-- ----
m u e us
Sub -Grant und er th e Chur ch Tern. The Pr emises are described in thi s pornljti cs' Act, d ate d 4th October, Grant as th e Fann of Lan d in Tullymore n 1865, mn<lc betwee n Osborne Iymore, formerly iu the poSSC!Sio J( idd of th e one part, and Miss of Elizabeth Pooler afte rwar ds of !lnd Miss and Whittington ane J Whittington nnd L. e Jan Charles Win ifred Sullivan of lh e other then in th e possession an d occup apnrt , in lieu of Lcnse dat ed 29th tion of th e said J ane Letitia Whittington and Winifred Sullivan o·r ApriJ , 1797 1 from Stephen Artheir und cr-t cnnnts, con ta inin g by Armitage Charl es Whittington ly ar ye the survey 60a . 3r. 32p. sta tut e measur e, to hold Jor ever, nt exce ptin g all roya lti es and such rent of £99 J,Js. l Ocl, or such oth er rcserYntions ns in th e Grant 1scd o r dimini shed rent ns incrC'( . pur efor, er th ed substitut to the said Osborne Kidd of Debe may cemb er, 1863 1 nnd reserving righ t sunn t to the provisions of said to cut timb er, and carry nway same, Ac1. and covenant by Grant ee to gl\"e to Bryan McGlown or any futur e t.e nnnt on his farm in Bnllycromey, [Ballycrummy] th e bog th at he th en possessed in Tullymore with the road to the same, and not to disturb the burying groung ing ground in Tullymore
M y t n u
-- -- - -
o C h g a m r 62
G2 2
now in the Bn- Jan e Whittington Tullymore Jane Letitia Whittington rony of Am1ngh nnd nnd Winifred Sulli van County of A.rmngh.
r Ony,. C:11,l
Yenrly Hont.
, _'"_"_· ·1----1-s_"_'"_'_'_:-.ic_
M y t n u
m u e s u
m u e a s u m r M A y t n u o C m h u g e a us m
ffices, G ard on, and Orc hard lh ercon 1 held under F ee-farm G rant dated 5th October, Th e interest of said Osborn e Kid d in the same Lnn<ls of Tullymo rc, with t he Dw elling-house, O cnt of £ llO 16. 5d. sterling. 1865 being a Conveyance under tbe Chur ch T cmporulitics' Act, subject to the yearly F ee-form ll
Tullymor c, (part of) in the In hand s of Owne r Barony of Arm agh and County of Annagl,
John Oliver,
I 20
0 20
early ll cad.rcn l,
Nett Ycarly -r nt nnJ Valu e,
2 9
110 lG 5
.. .
I ,JG 3
E stimutccl Ycnr ly Vnluc
.,,_ 'I.
1st Muy and 1st November Tenant. from ycn r Lo ycn r ; tcnon~y dctormin o.b lo 1st No, 1cmbcr m en.eh ycn r.
; ,r
•,,._, ' )
P11rtic ulnr s of' T enure . For Conditions of Sale and l' arli cula rs of T en ure of tJ,is L ol scc C c11c rnl Co ndit ions uf' Su ll..'nntl All riohts ns now oxist.ing in hnscr. ">urc . L a11d8 in l1nnds. t1i~n-l1out1l'! demesne 1111d I ];'he Purch ~ r will be entitl e~ lo immc<lialc fJOSscssion of, !he 1\<fun t ol way, und will IJ<·prot c-otcd 111t.ho convoyun~o lo llio d iu OIOcon vo tmcr° to tJrn \lllrcbt\Ser. Tullymore1s n_pu ~ltc np_l1 Ih e Road whicl, forms part of tl1c north ·rn b?undur.y of Tullymore J Y prolcolo und !Jiundjoining Jnmls of Ballyrath will be 9 respectof the water-powe r of the river Call an, und of llw river wl11cl1 divides Kennedies from Tullymore
'I -I
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y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m M Ar y t n u o C m h u g e a s u m r M A y t n u o --C m h u g e a s u m w-l r M A I y t n u o -C m h u g e a s u M Arm y t n u o C m h u g e us ma LOT No. 4.
Part of th e Lands of Ballycrummy held under F ee-form Grnnt bcariag date the 2 l sl day of October, 1865 , subj ect to lh e year ly F ee.farm Rent of £ 34 l s. 9d. sterling . Qu11ntity of
Ballycrummy (part of) , in Will iam Nelson, the Barony of .Armagh and County of Armagh.
Onie Dny~.
Tcnonts'T cnuro
1st :lfoy and 1st November.
Lease dated 27th J ,rnunry , 1847, fr om Osborne Kidd to William Nelson , for 16 years, from 1st Mayi 1846, renewable toties quoties on pay ment of a proport ionable part of renewal fine 1 and ri se r ent (if any), expenses and costs. Th e premises arc describ ed in thi s Lease ns Part of th e Lands of Ballycrummy, containing lr . 11p. sta tut e measur e, bound ed as th erein, and reserves oll things r eserved in t he Lease und er ,Yhich s.iid pr emises held
1 12
1st Feb., 1st :May, 1st Aug an d 1st November.
Tenant from year to yea r i tenancy determin ab le on giving three mont hs' notic e.
R obert Bell ,
In ha nds of Owner,
Obsenaiion, .
Stntut 0 Mc118uro.
Ycnrly Hen~.
Tormnt ~•Name~.
Denomination .
. .
1 30
34 1 0 ll
9 1
. ..
~ 11,,')
~ I
The sum in r ent column is esti• mat ed yearly valu e. Griffith', Valuation is £24. ·
Deduct Yearly Fe e.farm R ent, ,, -=-- R ent-c harg e,
... . ..
34 13
Nett Yea rly R ent and Value, '
. ..
23 11 II
For Conditi ons of Sale and Par ticulars of Tenure of I.his Let see General Condition s of Sale and Part icu lars of Tenure.
Griffith'sValuation, £411 0s.
T he Pur chaser will be entitled to th e immediat e possession of the L ands in hand s.
I 10]
y t n u Co
m u e s u
M y t n u Sa1e
1'!,,,,·sday, the 13th day of DECEMBER
o C gh
Jn LhC'l\la tt c r of tl 1e E stntc of
, 1866 .
Owner g' P etitioner.
OSBORNE li:TDD, Esquire, .
-<Jir' \ RENTAL l
M y t n u of Sale
Maps, and Particulars OF A V .AL UA BLE
Fee Farm and Leasehold Estate,
o C h g a m ./
m r A
h g a
s u M y t
n u Co AT HI S COl1RT,
On Thm ·sday, the 13th day of D ecember, 1866, A t th o Hou1' of T "c ll"e o'C lock Noon
, ~i ··.\
y t un
o C gh i,
,., '
• <t
a m 1
u e us
Soli~itor having Carr iage of the Sale
· 43, Dame-street, Dublin "ncl Arma" h
Dullln,-Prin "
tcd at tho Officoof"
Allbcy-st roct.-200-l
Im an
l -'66,-
J ,w.n.
,, rDULE, 61, l\I td
u M