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m u e s u M y t Property sale n u o C h g a m The contents of this digital resource should only r A be used for non-commercial personal research m u e s u and all rights remain with Armagh County M y t n Museum. u o C h g a m any of the material is reproduced, in any form ArIfand m u in any medium, you should acknowledge e s u M Armagh County Museum astthe source and y n u give the document references below. o C h g a m Ar m u e s u M y t oun (ARMCM152.1962)

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In the

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Estat es Court, Ireland.


.&.~ ..♦.a&a-::Es:.


Sale on TUE SD AY , the 20th day of SEPTEMBER,


m u e s u M ty

In th e Matter of JOHN STANLEY and of WIL LIAM Hardy nncl JOHN HARDY, his Trustees for Sale ' BELL, CHARLES STANLEY and JAMES Crooks



n u o C h g a m r A m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M y t oun OF













H eld purlly in fee nnJ par tly unde r seve r al g rant s in perpetuity, and several leases renewabl e tuties quotils, nod nlso nud er Jcnsc for n term of eighteen yen.ra, wifb nn a11Donlfine on rcne rnl.



-lD ::1.L.




G- ::aIT



the 20th

day of SE PTEMBER, 1870,


Th e Bidd ings will be submitl cd lo lhc HouoraLle Ju<lgo Lynch ou ,vedne sday, lho 2ud November, 1S70, followiog, without further notice to nny pc-rson.

For Renta ls and furtlier particulars, npply nt tlic L atulcd Eslalc s Court, Inns -quo.y, Dublin; or t o Messrs. ORPEN, SONS, nnd

33 Anglesea-slrcct, Dublin ; JOUN Stanley

Es q., Armagh ; S. Noble

Esq., Anuogh.

Solicitors hosin(Y . ENY 0 C1uringo of Sa.le, 1




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Conditions of Sale.

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The purchasers will not be at liberty to object on account of the leases or grants under which the lands or pr emi ses are held not being regist ered, or to require evidence of the title of any lessor or grnntor in any of th e leases or grants under which any of the lan ds in this Rental are h eld, or to object by reason of any in cum brance or superior rent s affecting their interests. 'fhe pur chase rs of Lots 1 and 2 shall not be at liberty to require evidence of the agreement date d th e 17th November, . 1826, referred to in the leases of the 8th March, 1831 and 3rd April, 1832, or of

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any copy ther eof.

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LOT 1 will be sold liable to the rent reserved by the renewal lease dated 4th Augu st, 1857, but indemnifi ed by L ot 2 from the payment thereof. LOT 2 will be sold liable to the rent reserved by said renewal lease dated 4t h August, 1857,

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and boun d to ind em nify Lot 1 against the same.

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Th e purchase r of Lot 2 shall be ent itl ed to hold the original lea~es of 8th N ov ember, 1831, 28th March , 1839, nd the r enewal of 4th August, 1857, and the purchaser of Lot 1 shall be entitled to a copy of said lease s and renewal. LOT 3 will be sold primarily liable to the ren t an d covenants in respect of the seve ral grants in perpetuit y, dat ed respective ly th e 13th May, 1837 and 1st August, 1839, and bound to indemnify Lot s 4 and 5 from th e rents reserved by the grant dated 13th May, 1837, and Lot 6 from th e rents reserved by

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the grant dated the 1st August, 1839.

' Th e purchase r of Lot 3 will be entitled to hold the original lease 2nd Novemb er, 1822, and the grant in perp etuity thereon, dat ed the 13th May, 1837, but the purchaser of Lots 4 and 5 will be entitled -to copies of said lease a.nd gran t.


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The Purchaser of Lot 3 will also be entitled to hold the original grant in perpetuity, dated the 1st August, 1839, but the Purcha ser of Lot 6 will be entitled to a copy of said grant.

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LOTS 4 and 5 will be sold liable to the rent s now payable in respect of the grant in perpetuity, dated the 13th May, 1837, but ind emnifie d against said rent by Lot 3: which will be sold subject thereto, in full exoneration of Lot s 4 and 5.

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LOT 6 will be sold liable to the rent and covenants in respect of the grant in perpetuity, dated the 1st Angm,t, 1839, but indemnified against said rent by Lot 3, which will be sold subject thereto, in full exoneration of Lot 6.


The Purchaser of Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 will not be at liberty to require production of the deed of 23rd March, 1864, apportioning the rents payable under the grants in perpet uity dated the 13th of May, 1837, 1st Augus t, 1839, and 15th January, 1838, as between th e Commiss ion ers of Lunatic Asylums an d the Owners in this matt er; and the Purchase r of Lot 3 will take subject to the covenant t herein mentioned to pr oduce the deeds mentioned in the sched ule thereof; or such of them as shall be handed over to him in this matte r, and all said purchas ers shall be satis fied with copies of the said deed of 23rd March, 1864.

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LOTS 3, 4, and 5, as between th e prem ises for sale h erein and the pr emises sold to the Commis sim:cr.s of Lunatic .Asylums, will be bound to contribute £16 15s. 7 d. of the rent reserved by th e grant of 13th May, 1837, in full exoneration of the other premises liable ther eto, and will be entitled to such inde mnity against £9 12s. 6d., the residue of said rent, as is provid ed by said deed of 23rd March, 1864; but as betw een themse lv es, Lot 3 will be bound to indemnify Lo ts 4 and 5 agains t all demands in respect of any part of the entire head-rent .


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LOTS 3 and 6, as betw een the pr emises in thi s Rental and the premises sold to the Commissioners of Lunatic Asylums, will be bound to contribute £13 2s. lld. of the rent, payable under the grant of 1st August, 1839, in full exoneration of the other premises liable thereto, and will be entitled to ind em-

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CONDITIONS OF ALE-continued. nity against I9 7 s. 3d., th Elresidue of the said rent, aRis provided by the deed of 23rd March, 1864 ; but as between the said Lots 3 and 6, Lot 3 will be bound to indemnify Lot 6 against all demands in respect of any part of th e entir e head rent. LOT 3, as between the premi ses for sale in thi s Rental and the premises purcha sed by the Commissioners of Lun ati c Asylum s, will be bound to contribut e £5 3s. 4d. of the rent, payabl e under the grant of 15th Januar y, 183 , in full exon erati on of th e other premises liable thereto, and will be entitled to ind emnity against £7 14s. 8cl., residu e of the said rent , as is pr ovided by the deed of 23rd March , 1864. The Pur chaser of all th e Lot s will take subj ect to the right of the publi c to trav erse the public

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t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a m Ar m u e s u M y t oun roads now bounding and int er secting th e lands in this Rental. The ri ghts of mill owners and all other persons concerned in respect of the water of the river] be preserved. Deanery River [Ballinahone

Descriptive Particulars.

LOT 1.-All this Lot , except about six acres, is in possession of the owner, and forms one of the prettiest site s in the neighbourhood for a mansion. It is nearly all surround ed by a wall, and is bounded on th e n orth , east , and west by the roads from Armagh to Dungannon and Lou ghgall, and on th e south by the Ul st er Railway. LOT 2.-This Lot consists of tenements fronting the Ulster Railway Station at Armagh. Th e tenants have valu abl e interests in their holdings: There is a large Steam Sawin g Mill and Yard and th e Railway Hot el upo n thi s Lot. LOT 3.-Thi s Lot is situated about three minutes' walk from the Ul st er Railway , and adjoins Lot No. 4. There are on this Lot valuable Flax Spinning Mills erected by Mr . J ohn Gass. Over £1,5,000 have be en laid out upon the se premises in the erect ion of LhcSpinnin g Mill, W eaving, Factory , and Worker 's Hou ses . Th ere is also a right of water atta che d to this Lot.


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conti,nµ ed.

LOT 4.- There are severa l good houses on thi s Lot at pr ese nt vacant.

gard en and some valuabl e building-ground.


· LOT 5.-The

Thereis also a large

tenants of this Lot have a valuable int erest in it.

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LOT 6.- Consists of portions of grounds, part of Lisan ally, which will be ·very valuable to the Armagh an d Ne wry Railway Company. LOT 7 .- Consists of the Distri ct Registry Office of H er Maje sty's Court of Probate in Ireland at Armagh.

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LOT 8.-Th e Pavilion an d grounds, consisting of a Mansion, with suitable offices and compr ising in th e whole ab out 28 acres, statute measure . Th e h ouse, offices, and grounds are in excellent order. The latte r are tastefully pl ant ed, and th e entire form s one of the prettiest residences in or about the City of .AJ.'illagh.

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The purchaser will be entitled to immedi ate posse ssion of Lot 8.


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This Lot is held partly in fee partly with other lands, und er a lease dated the 8th day of N ovember , 1831, with a toties quoties covenant for renew al, partly un der a sim ilar lease, dated the 3rd day of April , 1832, and partly with oth er land s, under a similar lease, dated the 28th day of March, 1839, and partly under a le ase, dated 30th April, 1869, for a t erm of 20 years, from 1st November, 186S. The portion of lan d h eld in fe~ contai ns about 12a. 3r. 6p., and is partly in possession of tbe own er, J ohn Stan ley, and partly in po ssess ion of William F rancis Cardwell, a tenant. The lease dated 8th day of Novembe r, 1831, is made between James Trueman Bell, junior, of th0 oft.he fourth . part, aud Michael . Pringle - ar dy of· t h e second part, GGeorgeSScottthird r first part, Robert Cop e Hardy · part, for the term of 17 years, renewablo toties qitot:ies, at the yearl y rent of £ 15 19s. 9d., Paye.hiehalf-yearly, . · J fi roises are therem on every 1st May and 1st Novemb er, and a renewa ne of 15s. on each renewa l. The pre


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TENURE OF LOTI-continued.

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described as t he square part of meadow on Bond Brook, containing [Banbrook] 3a. Or. 3p., and th e stripe of meadow at the foot of the field on Geary's Hill, adjoining the river Callen, containing 2a. Or. 27p. , making tog eth er 5a. Or. 30p. Engli sh statute measure , more or less, exclusive of all road and the said square part of me adow is meared and bounded on the nort h by premises then in possessio n of Mr. John Stanl ey, on t he east by the road from Armao·h to Loughgall on th e south and west by t he road from Arm ag h to Moy, an d by pre• .::, 0 ' mises then in po ssess ion of t he representatives of the late John Sin gleton and said Jame s T. Bell, an d the said stripe of meadow is bound ed on th e north-west by premises in the possessi on of William Cardw ell, on the north-east by the road and River Callen, on the sout h-east by the road from Armagh to Moy, and on the south-west by the road from said last-mentioned road to .M: r. William Cardwell's all which said premises are situate in th e Townlands of Knockadrain, Farrenkenahen hen, and Farranmulkeran eran , in the Parish, Barony, c :id Count y of Armagh, saving, excepting, and reservi ng out of said demi se, an d all future renewals th ereof, all such and the like reservations, royalties, matte rs, and things what soever as ar e saved, excepted , and res erved in the lease of the premises whereof the said demised p cemises are held by said James T. Bell under the representatives of th e lat e Roger Forde, rent, :fine s, and fees only excepted. · Covenant by lessor to renew toties qitotieson payment of a fine of 15s. on each renew al, and to preserve his lease. Covenant by lessee to renew totiesqitolies. The portion of the premises described in the last-mentioned lea se includ ed in this lot is the stripe of meadow at the foot of 1he field on Geary's Hill, and a small port ion of the square,part of meadow.

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The lease, dr.ted 28th March, 1839, was made between said Jam es Tru eman Bell, of t he on e nd part, ~ John Stan ley, of the other part , of ALL THA.T and THO SE the two pieces or parcels of land and premises containing ' in the whole 2a. 11.• 3p. E1 ng 1·1sh statut e m easure more or less then late ly m · th e occupation of Mr ' · Bell ' 'sitt iat e m · th e T ow1tland of Knockadrain, Parish, ' Barony, and ' County of Armagh,

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wh ich said premises are divided by th e road leading from Armagh to Charlemont, bounded on the northeast and west by land belon ging to said John Stanl ey, on the south and west by Mr.John Hollywood's farm, saving and re serving out of aaid demise and every future renewal thereof all royalties of what kind or nature soever as were and should be saved an reserv ed in every renewal of the lease un der which Jam es T. Bell .iield said premises for 18 yea rs, from the 1st Novembe r then last, and such further term as shoul d be added pursuant to the cov ena nt for renewal therein contained, at the yearly rent of £7 3s., pa yable half yearly on the 1st May and 1st Novem ber, over and above all taxes, &c.(except quit rent and Crown rent ). Covenant by lessor to renew toties quoties for such terms as he should obtain, less by one year, on payment of ls. as a renewal fine. The leases dated 8th November, 1831, and 28th March, 1839, were renewed by indenture dated the 4th August, 1857, for the term of 17 years, and such further terms as should be obtained, at the consolidated yearly rent of £23 2s. 9d., the renewa l fines under said leases became a consolidated sum of 16s. on each renewal, and have been regularly paid, although they are not mentioned in terms in the renew al of 1857. N o re newa l has been since exec ut ed of the leases elated 8th November, 1831, and 28th March, 1839, but the fines ha ve been paid up to 1st November, 1869. The lea se of the 3rd Apri l, 1832, was made betwee n James T. Bell first part, Robert C. Hardy second part, George Scott third part, John Stanley fourth part, of the field or farm called Geary's Hill, cont aining 7a. lr . 27p., as same wore meared and bounded, and in pos ses sion of said John Stanley, situate in the Townland of Knocka drain, Farrankinahan, and Farronomulkeran, in the Parish, Barony, and County of Armagh, and descri bed in a map th eroon , saving, excepting, and reserving thereout and all future r enew als th ereof. all such an d the like reservations , royalties, matters, and things as are saved, excepted and reserve d in and by the lease of the premises whereof th e said thereby domised premises are held by said J ames T. Bell , under the repr esenta tives of the late Roger Forde, Esquire , for the term of 12 years,

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TENURE OF LOT I-continued.

and such further terms as should be obtained pursuant to the covenant for renewal therein, at the yearly rent of £23 7s. 3d., payabl e half-yearly on every 1st May and 1st November. Covenant by less or to renew toties quotiesfor th e same term, less by one year, as l_leshould obtain on paym ent of a fine of 15s.

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Covenant by lessee to renew.

Thi s lea se wa s ren ewed on the 4th of August, 1857, for the term of 17 years, and for such oth er · terms as should be obtained under the covenant in said lease.

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The lea se has not since been renewed, but all rents and fines have been paid to the 1st November, 1869.

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The lease of 30th April, 1869, is made between Georg e P erry McClintock of the first part, and John Stanley of th e other part , of ALL THAT AND THOSE that par t of th e L an ds of Skeltanes Knockadrain drain, near th e City of Armagh , cont aining 23a. lr. 33p., statute meas u re, m ore or less, as des cribe d in a m ap thereon, then in posses sion an d occupat ion of said J ohn Stan ley, sit uate i n t he Corp orati on, Pari sh, Barony, and County of Armag h, ex ceptin g and reserving thereout all such matte rs and ;thing s as are excepted and rese rved in t he lease from the See of Armag·h , unde r whic h said Georg e P erry McClintock holds said premi ses for the te rm of 20 years, from 1st November t h en last, at th e y eru-ly rent of £7 0, payable half-yearly , on ev ery 1st l\1ay and 1st November.


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m u e s u M Tullyelmer I

y t n u o C h g a m Ar In fee

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[ ,; pl1111.At1 Oil






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J,,.,,,.ot' JOHN STANLEY


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APR I L 1869)

n, Knockadrain r a


12 po,r

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Abbey Park




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.. . li of ARMAGH, in the P arish, Borony, and County of Armagh, formerly called Knockadrain RENTAL AND PARTICULARS of part of th e Corporation Farrenkenaghan oties; part of same 0 ~i°°lndram, bcmg parts.of nnd Farren Mulker an, and part of Kno ckadr ain, called Geary's Hill held under L eases ren ewabl e totiesr111 Farrenkenaghan ' 10 Fee; part held Park, Park Abbey c under~ held Knockadrain Skeltanes called. same, of s, and part of0snm~ called Knockudrain, held under Lens e ren ewabl e 101.ics q11otic case or a term of 20 years from 1st November, 1868.


Quantityo l L:r,od

aDU' l'famot, and Peno0, cntitltd T111



Gal, D11•

... 0

£ s. d. 14 0 0

Part, of Corporation, in William Francis Cardwell1st May and 1st Nov. well, the Parish, Barony, and County of Arformerly magh, known as parts of Knockadrain


to Rights and Ea!tmeub.



Righu of Way a.ndoUm Eumieuta.

aod th Ttnur, of ui ch T,aanL



35½ L eased ated _8th J anua ry, 1859, fromJ JohnStanley Th e rights of the public to use the to William Francis Cardwell,of twoparcels county roads from Armagh to of La nd m Kno ckadrain, therein described Charlemont •nd Moy, and from



Do.l e and Dc,criptioo of la1trume,ll ( if any) UlldtrwhlebTena.athol!h

as ~on taining 3a. O;. 36p., and 2a. Or.27p.,

Armagh to Loughgall, intersect.

savmg an d exceptrng out of said 2a. Or. 27p. , all such and the like reservations

ing and bounding the Lands in this Rental , will be preserved.

roy al ties, matters, and things whatsoever. a~ are exce pt ed and reserved in the leaseunder

p arts of Farrenkenaghan kenagbon, nnd Farrenmulkeran

whi ch said J ohn Stan ley holds snidlast-mcn.

rcn Mulkeran, and

partofKno Knockadrain Hill, called Geary's Hill and part of Abb ey Park; and Skeltan es and Knockadrain, . Knockadrain

tion ed parce l, English statute measure, be said a<lmeasurewe nts more or less, on the west of the road leading from Armagh to Dun ga nn on, and int ersected by the avenue l eadin g to Tully elmer, described in a maa t o sa id lease ; To Hold said first-mentione


par cel to said William Fran cis Cardwell

bi s heirs and assigns, from the 1st Novem-

her, then last, for ever, and to hold saidother parcel to said William Francis Cardwell his

exe cutors, administrators, and assignsfrom

th e 1st N ovcmber, then last, for the term of ly 16 y ears, renewable totiesquoties,attbefcear rentof £14 for both Lots,and'.renewnbc(o/ie, quoties, so long as lessor should obtain a renewa l as to the 2a. Or. 27£., on xarnent of ld. ns a renewal fine, if eman e .


1st May and ht Nov . Edwa rd Warmill, [Warmoll?] Mrs. Eliza Short,

Stanley, John owne r),










0 28¼ Ten ant from week to week ; tenancy determin• able on Saturday in each week.




In th e own er, John Stanley




Tenant for one year; 1871.


0 33¼ Tenant from yenr to year ; tenancy determinable 1st August in each year.



l sl Jan. an d 1st July.

JO 0 0


1st Feb. and 1st Aug.


0 0

... 226

4 4

Tot al Rents,





Rent und er Lea se 30th April , !8 69, Profit Rent,



0 15





Dedu ct Rent nnder Lease 3rd April J 832,



Alexander Boyle bfitchc ll,

Ulster Railway pany,




Tena nt from yea r to year ; tenancy detennin• able 1st November in each year.

1 0

per nnnum.

Estimated vnlue.





ending on 1st January,

49 0 32¼


9'1 2 3


2 l


£133 10s.

Po or lAw Volu11tioo, Sale and Sec Conditions of Tenure.


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TENURE OP LOT 2. Lot 2 is held with other lands under the lease dated t~e S~h of March, 1831! set out i~ the particulars of the ,,tenure of Lot No. 1, to which you are referr ed. Th e premises comprised1n this Lot form a port10n of the square part of meadow on Bond Brook. [Banbrook]

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As TO 1dirs1 AND 2. The ffister Railway Company took la. 2r. 29p., portions of the pr emises compris ed in the said leases, dated the 8th November, 1831, and 28th March, 1839, included in one of the renewals of 4th August , 1857, and t4e quantity of land in said renewa l is now reduced to 5a. 3r. 4p., and the rent reduced to .£18 12s. 3d. per annum.

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No. 2. LOT


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held, with part of Lot 1, under a L ease dated the 8th November, 1831, renewable toiies quoties,


h g a Arm e.sand pcnont ' N:1.m Ten:1.nts



entitled to rig ht.to r us emcnts.



Part of CORPORATION, Andr ew Boyd, known II!! Knockadrain

.. . 1st May


and 1st Nov.



32 13 0


' il


D:1.teand (lexription vf lll•trument {i f any) uuJer wbkh Tena.at bolilil,

Statute Uu .sure.

and tho Tenure of each TtnanL



Right.to( Jl'a.y,1nd other ewmtnts 1dmitted tou.i.<t.


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1 2 29¼ Lease elated 12th November, 1857, from J ohn The right of the public to use the Stanley to Andrew Boyd, of All That and county roads from Armagh to Those that tenem ent or plot of ground in Charlemont and Moy, and from on of the Corporaporti now ckadrain, Kno ll, bounding Armagh to Loughg:i I th ese premis es will be preserved. tion of Arma gh, with the dwelling-house, offices, stores, nnd buildings lately erected !her eon by the said Andrew Boyd, contain, Prospect House mg 111 front to Loughga ll road, opposite ~he Ulster Rai lway Terminu s, 134 feet, and m rcre 254 feet 6 inches, be the same more or less, and described on the map thereto, reserving all royalties, matters 0 and things which were excepte d by the loase under which lessor held , To H old for 15 years from the 1st November then instant , at the year ly rent of £32 13s., r enewable toti,s ( quot,eson payment of all rent and arrears, an d 2s. renewal fine.

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· ·•


32 13 0

1 2 29¼



Q11ADtit;of L:!.nd,


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Tn .1;; sn : H OF l'l \()l'l •:H'rY 1i 11ch .• 1·




MAP 3 Prospect Place Railway Hotel

CITY oF ARMAGH .RailwCuyStaLion


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LOT No. 2-con tinued . Qunutityof Uo d

TioauU' Nam11 and Pen ons • n-




Gnlc Dnys.

ons. 'llll1Wti Dc11o

\ ut11Mc4Suro. $t.11

titlcJ to Bights and Eau ment-,.


ON, John McCrory, Par t of CORPORATI known as Knockadrain DRAIN-continu ed.


£ 8, d. 32 13 0 10 0 0


1st May and 1st Nov.





Taiaathlda, cnt (ii any) wtdu ll'hicli of lnstr11m

to e:dn. RighU of ?ray aud olher E.uemenl.9adm.Itt.td

and the Te.anreo fellChTezi~


1 2 29¼ 0 1 22} Lease dated 31st October, 1866, John Stanley first part, Meredith Armstrong second Y a nd J oh n McCrory third pnr~eof All and_ Tho se _that plot of ground in Knockadrain dra tn. portwnof the Corporation of Armagh O]'.P?Site_th e Ulster Railwat Terminus,c~ti'. taming_ in fro nt 72 feet, an~ running back tn a dir ect !me to the Dungannonroad, and described on the map thereto,To Hold for t he term of 7 years, at the yearly rent of £10 r en ewable toties q,wtieson payment of all r en t and arrears, l s. as a renewal fin e.






Part of same, kno wn as John McCrory, representative of Ros e Knockadrain McKeaveney.


1st May and 1st Nov.


0 0 14 !









Part of same, known as John McCrory, . KNOCKADRAIN, .,


1st May and 1st Nov. ;

0 18 3

63 11






L ease dated 19th March, 1864, from John Stanley to R ose McKeaveney, of All That and Tho se that dwelling-house and offices in Knockadrain on the north side of the City of Armagh, co,ntaining in front 36 feet 8 in ches, and from front to rere 100 feet be the admeas urements mor, or le,s, oppo site the Ulster Railway Station, and describ ed on the map, for the term of 9 years, at the yenr 1y r ent of £20, renewable s quoties on paym ent of all arrears, and tot-ie ' · ls . as a ren ewal fine.



0 0 37l

2 1 23½

Tenant from :r,ear to year; tenancy d~te~ able l st ·November in each year .



Poor Law Valu ation, £115.

' Deduct Head r ent ,

' ·••·

18 12


44 19 0

See Tenure and Conditions of Sale.



g a rm

m u e s u M y t n Cou TENURE OF LOT 3.

ant in perpetui ty dated the 13th day of May, 1837, under the Church • Evans ' This Lot is held with other lands partly under a gr Darby and Alexander Boyle of the one part, and the R ev. George vans, . ' •• Rev . . . er TemporalitiesAct of, and made between the Rev. Christopher dated the 15th J aouar 1838, by Sir Richard Robinson to the ev. . . . . y, of the other part; and partly, with other lands, under a hke gran • nt dated th e 1st of August 1839, bv Sir Richard Rob inson, to said Rev. l'k · . . d • ' George E vans, an partly, with other lands, by a i e gra •

h g a m r A

George Evans. Th e gran t dated 13th May, !837, grants ALL THAT AND TH OSE, that farm of land in the Townland of Gillis, containing 16a. 3r. 36p., En gli~h statute measure, more or less, then in possession of Arthur Irwin Kelly, or his ~nder-ten~ts, ~nd situate in the Pari sh, Barony, and County of Armagh, together with the appurtena nces, and is granted to Arthur Irwin Kelly, his heirs

m u e s u M

and assigns,at th e yearly rent of £40 12s., payable half-yearly, on every 1st May and 1st November. Th e Ulster Railway, in th e year 1846, took 5a. Or. 26p, of the lands comprised in this grant, and th e rent payable under this grant was redu ced by a sum of £14 13s, lld. Th e Commissioners of Lunati c Asylums also took 4a. Or. 5p., and by indenture dated the 23rd Mar ch, 1864; the rent to be payable by said Commissioners was appportioned at the sum of £9 12s. 6d., leaving the

y t n u o C h g a Arm

owner'spresent acr eable contents, 7a. 3r. 5p,, and the rent payable by him £ 16 15s. 7d. Th e gra nt in perpetuity, dated the 15th of January, 1838, is made pursuant to the Church Temporalities Act and Grants. That part of the Town and Lands of Li sanally, containing 6a. lr. 25p., mor e or less, being the residue of the parcel of Baidlands demised by the th erein recited lease of 2nd January, 1797, after the sale of 2 roods and 15 perches of th e said parcel, as in aaidgrant mentioned, sit uate in the Pari sh, Barony, and County of Armagh, with the appurtenances, at the yearly rent of £ 16 15s, lOd., or such increased or diminished rent , pursuant to the provisions of said Act, payable half-yearly, on 1st May and 1st November. The Ulste r Railway Company took la . lr, 30p., of the premises comprised in the last-m enti oned grant, and the rent payableunder said grant was reduced by a sum of £3 15s. 10d. The Commissioners of Lunatic Asylums also took 2r. 3r. 32p. of the premises in the sa id grant, and by said indenture of 23rd March, 1854, the rent payabl e by th e said Commissioners was apportionedat the sum of £7 14s. 8d., which reduced the owner's acreable contents to 2a. Or. 3p,, and the rent to £5 5s. 4d.

y t n u o C h g a m r A payableby him.

m u e s u M

The gra nt in perp etuity, dated the 1st of August, 1839, is made pursuant to the Church Temporalities Act, and Grants. That parcel of Land in the Townland of Li sanally, containing 9a. Or. 6p., or th ereabouts, be th e same more or less, aituate near the City of Armagh, as described in a map thereon at the yearly rent of £28 8s. 2d., or such incr eased or diminished rent pursuant to said Act.

m u e s u M

The Ulster R ailway Company has tak en a porti on containing l a. 3r. 20p., of the Lands compris ed in the last-mentioned grant, and th e rent was reduced by a sum of £5 18s., Th e Commissioners of Luna tic Asylums also took 2a. 2r. 33p., of said land_s,and by said indenture of 23rd Mar ch, 1864, th e r ent payable by th e said Commissioner s was apporti oned at th e sum of £9 7s. 3d., leavmgthe owners acreable contents 4a. Or. 33p., and his rent .£13 2s. Ild, 12

y t n ou


g a m r A


t n u o C h g




m u e s y Mu

,, Lunatic Asylum grounds ,, ,,



a m r A


t n u o C h g



a m r A

Tlie E sta.le of







m u e s u M y

t n u o C h g a

Arm mAI _l. £ .qi,pL

m u e s u M y

S r,:n1fl •al "Stra1m

S S .':i1dc of Sh •,'flm

t n u o

m u e s y Mu

N STAJ\1LEYis Colore d J OI-I

(T(cr'lkuN,-l) udi (' J?rrnlf 'i' 01'.irwl _5R 5,il~ of' Rond J'fEa rr-,·I M n:. t· Fl/nr,v,or'l"nirt! FR. fa <?cf.B11"1._( fllJ. [(Tl.


c..,,,.,.,/.)u-.inv:_,JamM R..I Flt

5 ~ " ''tJ,,1 (~.,...






Tto,l ut.s'Nnmca l\nJ rt™n s euti1lctl

Pnrt of same know

.£ s. d. 80

1st l\l ay nnd 1st Nov .

'" 3P· GILLlS and LISANALLY. sentn tiveof John Gass .


0 0

5 1


DAie :\Utl <lm::riptiou

or fn.strumenl (If any) nnrlerwlait:laTenintM!(L, tnan t.,

:rn<l tht'ft'nu re of~l1T


1Ugl1LSof ,rjy, aod olhfT' UH 0Ull ll adm itt.J l o u:iA.

- ·-- -- ----


L ease elate d th e 25 th day of June, 1863, from Thetena ntofh oldi ng~o.2 , in ma p No. 2, has a ri g ht o f way th rough John Gass of part of the J ohn Stanley th e h olding ; No . 1 on Map, No. L nnd s of Gilli s and Lisanally with the 2 al o n" t he p assag e lette red G H, bu ildin gs tb ereon, conta ining in front to as a m~a ns of access to the slui ce t he ro ad lead ing from Armagh to Lough. at th e latt er point which reg uga ll, 280 feet , a nd runnin g baek on the lates the supply of water a fforded so uth s ide, a long the ga rden wall, and east by the reservoir on No. I on sai d s ide of th e mil l clam to the Ulster Railway ma p.- (See L ot 4). a,i d escri bed on the map annexed thereto' tog ether with the water.w heel and water'. The ri g ht of th e publi c to us e th e county r oad from Arm ag h to power be long ing to sai d premises thereby Loughgall will b e p rese r ved. d emised , and t he use of the water of the mill da m , and liberty of passage to grantee, Th e Ulste r Railwav a nd t he Newry and Arm agh · Rai lw ay pass hi s heirs and assigns, and their workmen, through portions o f this esta te al on g th e north side of said mill elma from compr ised in L o ts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, t he d emi sed premises to the sluice at the and G,the acco mmod ation bridge t op o f the head race, in order to raise or letter ed A B, ,vh ich pa sses u nder lower an d r epa ir same, with a right of pasth e Ulster Rai lway , and the acsage at least ten feet wide from the northcommodation bridg e C D, which eas t end of clemibed pr emises along the side passes un cle,- th e Newry and of the railw ay dow n to the river called the Armagh Ra ilw ay, a rc r ights of to nteeriver] Folly to gra with libertyriver, D ea nery [River, Ballynahone a nd bi s tenants wayfortbeowner to u se the wa ter of said river so far as who ma y have occasio n t<> use g rant er h ad pow0r to give same, 'l'o Hold them . for eve!' at the yea rly rent of £80. Coven ant by grante r to clean out the mill dam once in ea ch yea r, sa id J ohn Gass not to be at liberty to ra ise the water of said dam higher than t he acc ustomed level, with the right to sa id John Gass to clean out the rncc or waterco urse whenever necessary.

m u e s u M y t n Cou J

h g a Arm


h g a m r A

Part of same known as Nort hern Bank, repre-

ll ,





lcM ly Hcnt,

Stnlt1to b!cnauno.

n as Northe rn Bank, re1ir e-


y t n Cou Qunntityof L:,nJ

O,lc Ot,y, .

1ments. to Ri&hllor £11.5

h g a Arm


m u e s u M

. . . _knowns pnrLsof Gillis and LISANALLY,in Lhe P,trisli, Barony, and Connt of pnrLof Corporation 1elcl nndcr three grants ID crp Lmly under LhoChurch Temporalities Act, chtLcdrcspcct1vcly Lho 13LhMay, 1837, Lile 1 Gtlt J anna ry 1838 an,l J8tyAotArmagb, 1839. ngngt, ' ' '

PAR'£1 OL~~S

y t n Cou ,l

1st May and 1st Nov.

senta tiveof John Gass

36 0 0




Lea se da ted 28t h Ma,-ch , 1866, from John Stan ley John hu Gass, o f All Th atandT ho~e th at po rtion of the farm and oflices in Gillis adj oining on the so uth -west side of the pr emises demi sed to J ohn Gass by indenture cbte _clthe 25t h day of Ju ne, J 8G3,and contn.mrng in front to the rond lending from Anr a~gh to Loug hg all, 78 feet 2 i!1ches, and lrnm front to rere on th e north side 83 feet, be th e snid a<lmcas ur crncuts more or less, desc rib ed in the m n.p thereto aune~ed, s it.untc, 1y1uo-1 and being in the Uorporation, Cou11t_yo f: \ rmngh, To Hold l~arony, loi· CVe l ' 11t U1c y(•a.dy ren t or £36.

y t n ou

5 ..._ __

___ ....

0 0 23

m u e s u M

l 24


m u e s u M 13

g a m Ar

y t n u o C gh



m u e s Mu

LOT a- continued. Quantity of L;•uuJ

u., acid 1~"'ous entitle) T nao11' N•111

re. Statute M,:u11

Yurly R,at.

G~lo O•r~

10 rigti~ or u.tonicnt$.



a m r A

f cr1rard, Bro11_qht



Mitchell Part of sameknownns Alexander BoyleBoy l e 1st Moy nnd lsl Nov. Mitchell Lisanally

h g a Arm

£ s. d.



116 0 0

4 0 0



l 24

1 1 32

DAto au<IJcseription or fnstrnml:'n~ (if nny) under which Tenant laoldJ,

8!ghlt of common, or of cutting turf, righL.5or ,.,. 1,

. ,md the 'f1null) or u ch Tcn11nt

11ndother eutmonh admltttd to u:i&t

1-- --

- --------




Lease dat ed 23rd Octob er , 1865, from J ohn Stan ley to John Gass of All That and Th ose that part of the Lands of Lisana lly, con. taining 3 roods and 35 per ches, statut e measure, or thereabouts, situate at the foot of Longstone, descr ibed on the map th ereto To Ho ld for ever at tbe yearly rent of £4.'

m u e s u M y t n u Co

h g a Arm Deduct Head-rent under grant 13th Ma}' 1837 ' ' 1839, Lik .... 1st A u 5ust, .... .... . c 1 ~ke .... 15 January, 1S38, ... .... .. .. .... . .. Tnhe-rent Charge,

Less proporti on of rent s payable by the way, .... Newry and Armagh Railway

m u e s u M y t n u Co 6 3 16

120 0 0

£ 16 15 7 13 2 11 5 5 4 0 15 9


--35 19 7


4 18



1 I

y t n u o

88 18 11

14. Sec Condit ions of Sale and Tcnu,-c.

m u e Mus

See Maps for L ots 3, 4, and 5.

Poo,· L aw Va luat ion £349.


g a m Ar Lot


4 is held witb othe r lands und e r sa id grant

h g a rm



dated the 13th May ,

in p e rpetuity

1837, se t o ut in t he Tenure of Lot3, to whichyou ar e referr e d.

4. LOT

m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a m r A m -u e s u M y t n ou



m u e s u M y t n Cou TENURE OF L OT 4.

of Part of CORPORATION L AND, known as GILLIS, siLuate in t he Pari sh, Baron y, an d County of Armagh,held with other land s under a grant in liti es A.et dated 13th of May, 1837. perp eLuiLyund er th e Church Tcmpom

Tenant's Namu and Pcuu ua


tity of L.-.nd, QWU1

Gnlc DAp

Ont o nnd de!e ripti on of Im trom c11t (ii any) 11t11ltrwhich Tta.Ut

Ye.1rlyR t11L


Right.1of commO!lo r or C'!ltliD.;t.!l.ff d 01!:..: 1111

• and the Tenure of each Tennt.

St.atuto !lfCMute.

entitled to Rights or Eamncn L9.




'1 ,

I..J e UI :.




ATION J ohn Stan ley,th eowner, Part of CORPOR in the P arish, Barony: an d County of .A.r. magh , know n as Gillis

Estimaled value,

s. d.








3 35

In th e owner , J ohn Stanley's, possession.



House ,


6 10 0



6 10 0

Vac ant.





V acant.













House, ✓


J James Rogers


10 0 p er an num.

We ekly,









3 36


See Condit.ions of Snlc nnd T<'nnr o.

lina-bous e, w"ith walled in garden containing :!bout one acre; an l officealso green house ho uses. Th e ricrbts of all mill owners nnd oth~r persons interested in th e stream which su pp lies the reservoir , ai r on tbi:; holding will be presen·cd .

Thi s Lot will be sold subj ect to the right of way of the owner an d ten;ints of Lot 5 rhro:1:h this Lot along the pass.!lgc f~tter ed G f!,ns n means of nc~eS3 to the sluice at the latte r potor.

Tenant from week to week; Suturduy in each week .


Po or Lnw V:1luntion 1 £-i:'.




No 1. T here is on excellent d wd -

See )\fops for Lois 3, -1, and 6.

g a m Ar

m u e Mus

TENURE 01<' LOT 5.

y t n u o C gh

Lot 5 is held. with oth er La nds und er th e said grant in perpetuity, date d th e 13th of May, 1837, set out in ,

of Lot 3, to \"l"hichyo u are referre~.

a m r A

'l' No.a. LO f Land Q11a11thyo

Tec 1ni..'N1mM, andp,eraon1c11tithJ



r .. rlr


• 1)11,t

m u e Mus

d DHcrirl.ion or lD~trum cnl (If any) unilu wbid, Tco,nt hold., ~11

Statuto Neuurc.

mi;tu., or

E utn1cnu ..

Pan of the Corpor:itioc. John McCrory, repre - 1st May ti.nd 1st NO\·. sentnti Ye of Bernard kno~n as Gillis.



,. d.


n. P .

0 0


l 13


h g a Arm

m u e s u M y I


m u e s u M y

I I 13


Sec MapaforLota 3, 4, nnd 5.

U EMtn::tc11

Lease dat ed 28th December, 1861, from Jo hn The righ ts of all pcr5ons interested Stanl ey to Bern ard McGlone or All That in the str eam wbith bounds this and Those, that par cel of Innd in Gillis in Lot on th e south and cost, will be th e Corporation of Arm agh, in the Parish, pres erv ed as at present existing; Barony, and County of Arm agh , containing and th e pur chaser of this Lot la. lr., more or less, described on the map will be bound to permit the purtherein, To Hold for ever, at the yearly chasers of L ots 3 and 4 to rent of £4 . enjoy the use of the wnter of this stream, as a suppl y for th e rescrvoir and mill on tho se Lots.

t n u Co 4 0 0

Bight of W:ty 11ntl other

11dmi ttul toctilt.


y t n u o C agh 10



e T en ur e

, thc Pnri shi Barony, nn<lOounty of Armagh, held with other La nds, under a g rant in perpetuity, i_o un de r tlie Chur ch TC'mpornhtics Acts, da ted th e 13th day of ~lay, 1837.

HE1':TAL nnd P:ut iculnrs of pnrt of COHl-'ORATI ON LAND1 known as Gillis

. ?-°D


:oo~· ,Luw V alunt.ion, £4. ec l cnu.re and Condit.ions of Snle.

g a m Ar ~


m u e s u M y t n Cou MAP



h g a Arm I

J2p ,;n&I


r .w .


y t n u o C gh 0





a m r A







n u o C h ag


Thr E~1a11·ur

m u e s u M A

m u e s u M ty

y t n ou


» Culo,,d


m u e s u M rI.16•


g a m Ar

m u e s u M y

t n u o C gh

a m r A


m u e s u M y

Lot 6 is held under the said grant in perpetuity, dated the 1st of August, 1839, set out in the Particulars of L ot 3.

a m r A

t n u o C gh 6. LOT

held under a grant in perpetuity under the Chnrch Temporalities Acts , dated th e 1st of August , 1839. l'art of CORPORATION , kn own ns LISANALLY, in th e Parish, Barony, nnd County of Armagh, Quo.ntlty oI Lfllld

Pu10111 enthkd Tc1uwt'• Naine 1111d

:So. f---

D t'DOmiD11lion.l.


to Ri1,hu and Eucmcnl.$.

- 1---

- - - ----

Part of Corporation known as LISANALLY.


Stanley, J ohn owner,




£ s. d.

a m r A 11

f-- ---




m u e s u M y

nnd tb eM moo f cachTtoaM.


2 5¾


- ------

8 0 0



In the owner John Stanley' s possession.

t n u o C gh

.Estimated value.


11'b.kbTenant bold,,, Ji nte n11dDt scriptioo of foJtram cnt (i f any) 11.11dcr

St.,.t uto l\lcarua.

Poor Law Valuati on, £4 10,. Od. See Conditions of Sale and See Map for Lota 3 Tenure. ' 4, and 6.


m u e s u M y 17

g a m Ar

y t n Cou

m u e Mus


Lot 7 con sist s of the District Registry of :Her Majesty's Court of Probate, in the City of Arm agh, and is held le. Fee-simp in

h g a Arm


m u e s u M y t n u o C

RENTAL AND PA RTIC OLARS of par t of CORPORATION, held in Fee, nowforming the District iRegistry of Her Majesty's Court of P robate in Ir eland at Armagh.

Probate court

Tw lllU ' Sa mu .




TeMly Rent.


h g a Arm

Ko. IS College street, Edw ar d H orn sby , Se. 1st lllay and 1st Nov· creta ry to th e ComArmagh ; Pr obate_ mi ssion ers of Public . CourtOffice W orks .



a m r A

or Lan(!. QUADlity

.. d. ...


18 0 0

Date •nd particlll1n ol Ltuo undl!r which T en!lntbold.,.


0 0 11

Lease dated 14th May, 1861, J ohn Sta nley 1st College.str eet, Armagh , which part , Meredith Armst r ong 2o d part, Edbounds these premises on the Hornsby, Secreta ry to t he CommisEdward south , is a public right of way. sioners of P ublic Work of th e :;,·d par t of All That and Th os~, that piecc or plot of gr ound in College street, in th e City of Arm agh, contai ning in br eadtl1 in front to College street 42 feet, in br endth in the rere 72 feet, in depth fr om fr ont to rere on th e west side 50 feet, and on th e east 58 feet, be the said severa l adm easurements more -or less, To Hold for ever at the yearly rent of £ 18.

m u e s u M y

t n u o C gh 18 0


0 0 11

m u e s u M ty

Poor Law Valu ation £25


g a m r A

m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a m r A m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a m r A m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a m Ar m u e s u M y t n u o Cl TYOf ARMAGH


TI" "'""' ' uf


(' S l/nt,. •flf •.s1,,,,u,,

\11,}:'j'. ,JOflN STA.1

S ,\° .\u/,-,o1·.,·,,,.,,,,,,, f'H ( rr, trr ,,1·Ji,.,,/

g a m Ar

m u e s u M y

t n u o C gh J




lease, for termsof IIMilllree LOT 8 consists of th o Pavilion and Ground s, and is held partly in fee, and parUy under three grants in perpetuiiJ, on payment IDilually ~ thia renew to customary been has It years. 18 of term a for lease a under also and s; e quoti years, with covenant for renewal toties renewal. for covenant no contains lease e th although 9s. of a fine of £2

a m r A

m u e s u M y

Algeo second part , No. 1 is a grant in perp etuity, dat ed 10th Jul y, 1841 1 made between William Whitl aw Algeo first part, William Whitlaw l a . lr 16p. Knockamel ground of stripe that of part, fifth Gaussen L ivingston Thompson third part, J JohnGraves Th ompson fow·th part, Charles diminished or d e increas S11Ch or 2d., 16s. £7 of rent yearly the at appurtenances, the wilh eon ther map a in described less, Engli sh statut e measure, more or re nt pur suant to said net, payable with l s. per £ Receivers fees quart erly, on every 1st February, 1st May, 1st August and 1st November.

t n u o C h g a

No. 2 is a Grant dat ed 14th May, 1840, by Sir Richard Robinson, to William Whitlaw Algeo, of ALL THAT AND THOSE arr,c~0 ,t other nants, the pr emises pr emises, that po.rt and parcel of the Land s of Knockamel th ou iu the possession of the said William Wh.itlaw Algeo, or his under-te rent of £17 15s. 9d. demised by the therein recited lease of !,he 2nd of J anuary, 1797, and described in a map thereon, with th e appurtenances, at the yearly and l s. per.£ Receivers fees, for the said portion of said L ands of Knockamel, or such increased or diminished rent pursuant lo said acl. This grant comprises -eotry in the grant is other premises viz.,- those iu English street not for Sale herein, at n separate rent of £ 15 17s. lld ., th e clause of distress and 111


m u e Mus

h owever general and does not bind the grantor, to any part icular premises. The purcha ser shall not object by reason thereof.

No. 3 is a grant dated 14th May, 1840, from Sir Richard Robinson to William Whitl aw Algeo, of premises in Engllish streetnot the subject of thi s rental, and pnrt of the Lands of Knockamel, containin g 5 acres, English Statute Measure, then in possession of said William Whitlaw Algeo, or his nn dertena nts, being th e premises demised by the original lease of the 1st of Jnnn~ry, 1798, th erein mention ed, nt the yearly rent, forlh e said p'1rl of Knockamel ry m el, the sum of £17 15s. 9d., with l s. in th e pound receiver's foes, or such increased or diminished rent pursu ant lo said acts, payablequarterly on e,e seprucate a at herein, sale for not street English in those viz., premises, other comprises grant s Thi November. 1st l st F ebrnnry, l st May, 1st August, and r ent of £l5 178, lld, The clause of distress and re-entry in the grant is howovei· genera l, and does not bind the grnotor to o.nyparticularpremises. Tha purchaser shall not object by reason thereof.


y t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M y t n u o

Plot of Ground in No. 4 is a lease dated the 10th of February, 1826, from Robert Francis Singleton to William Whitlaw Algeo of the Garden th e Town of Armagh then or late in the possession of Philip Dougan, or his represcotntil'es, all which snid garden wns described ill a map thereon, for the 'term of 34 years, at th e yearly rent of £2 2s., payable half-yearly on every l et May and 1st November. Covenant by lessor to ronow toties quotie, at tho same ront on payment of a peppercorn.


g a m Ar

m u e s u M y t n Cou TENURE OF LOT · 8-continued.

No. 5 is n lense dnled th o 10th Mo.rch, 1826, botwoon AnnaMatilda Singleton and Lucy Singleton or th e one port, and l!llidWilli am. nd Algeo of U10 other pnrt, of All That garden plot boing port of tho La s of Knockamell containing 35 perches, Engli sh statute measure, more or Whitlaw in n wnp th ereon. Exc epting nud nlways resorving out of sllid domiso all roya!Lios what soever, and all such and th e liko reservations as ate deecribed 18811, reser,-edin aud by lh e then existing lease held by tho lessors under Sir John Robinson, Bart., or th at should be reserved in any future renewals there of for

h g a Arm

lhe termor thirt een years from the 1st No, cmbcr then last at tbo yearly rent of .£1, with l s. in th e £ Receiver's fees, payable quarterly as above mentioned . Co,enant by lh e lessors to renew from fourteen yenrs to fourteen years so long os lessors should have titl e th erein to grant such renewals at the sllid rent, on of lls. 5d. Ir ish currency as a renewal fine on onch renewal. pa:rment

m u e s u M y

A grant in perpetuity of this lease will be obtained before the conveyance to tho pur cha ser.

t n u o C h g a m Ar m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M y t n ou No. 6 is a lease dat ed th e 18th of J anuary, 1827, froUl Anna Matilda Singleton and Lucy Singl eton of th e one part, and aaid William othe r part , of that part of tho Lands of Kuockamell, containing by estimation 7a. Or. 82p., bo th e same more or less, situate in the lh eAlgeo] WhitlawAlgoe of[sic of Baronyand County Armagh, 1,ilh th e appurten ances, excepting out of said grant and demiso whatever is except ed and reserved in and by the lease dated lhe 6th day of October, 1823, th erein ment ioned, from tho guardians and governors to said Anna Matilda Singleton, or th at might be excepted or reserved in lllJ ne,r or furth or lease that might be made of said lands and premises by said guardians and governors for the term of thirt y-six yoars at the yearly rent of

.£4 Se. Id . per acre, payable half-yearly on every 1st May and l et November.

Co~enaot for rene1,al totics quotics for the like term as lessor's should obtain, less by one year.

No. 7 is a lease dated 17th November, 1857, between the Govemors and Guardians of the Public Lib rary of Armagh of the one po.rt, and J ohn Stanleyof th e other part, upon th e surrender of• former lease, dated 1st July, 1829, of That Part or th e Town and Lands of Knockamill otherwise Ku ockotherwise Knockamble, containing by estimation 8 acres and t roods, English statute measure, more or less, bouuded on tho north and west by Knockamannell, premi.!esin possession of J ohn Stanley, on the east by the Deanery lands, on the south by th e Observat ory ground, saving, however, and reserTing out of said demise all snch matte rs and things, and subject to the performance and observance of all such clauses and covenants, as are particularly setrorth iu the

leaseof the said premises, from the Archbishop o{ Armagh to said Governors and Guardians, or might be contain ed in any futur e renewal, for the term ot 18 yearsfrom the 1st May then last, at th e yearly rent or £22 7s. Od., payable hair-yearly on every 1st November and 1st May. This lease is customarily on the payment of a slightly increased rent and a renewal fine. An annual renewal fine of £ 2 9s. has been paid up to 1st November, 1867. renewable The lease, however, contains no co,enao t for renewal. All fines doe priorto the sale will bo paid out of the pur chase-money. 20

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lS Colui·,·,l L;,.,.,,,, ,


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m u e s u M y t n u Co LOT8.

ENTAL AND PARTICULARS or Part of CORPORA T ION, in th e Parish, Barony , and County of Armagh former ly Part or the Commons of Armagh andPart f th L ds f Knockamel I R' and Knocka mill, oth erwise Knockamble, no_w called the Pavilion and Grounds, held partly in fee and partly under grants of perpetuity , and partly under le~cs r:n e~ab leololieso; ..:, and partly by a lease for a term of years, with a renewal fine.

h g a Arm Tenants'N11.mu,1nd ~craons enlilied

~o. oa



Denomin,tion ! .

to Rigbll aod Easement,.

Part of Corporation , J ohn Stanl ey, owner, form erl y part of the Commons of Arm agh, Part of Knockamel , oth erwise Knockamil mil , or Knockamble, called th e Pavilion and lan ds adjoining , in the Parish,Baron y, and County of Ar I

Qa11nti ty of LM1d

th e

s. d.


Estimated value. 200 0 0




h g a Arm Lik e und er lease dated 18th J anuary, 1827,











m u e s u M y t n u Co

0 6 6







29 18


Like und er lease dated 17th November, 1857, 22 .... 2 .... Customary fine on ditt o,






0 0



2 32!

m u e s u M y t n ou Poor Law Valuation, £1 71. See Conditions of Sal e and Tenure.


8 9

96 JI


m u e s Mu

In th e possession of the owner; J ohn Stanley. Lisanally lane which bounds th ese lands on lhL.JlCes!, is a- pu;,.!ic . ·, right o~ w'ay


Ded uct Head.rent under fee.farm grant dated 10th .... £8 4 .... Jul y, 18H, 18 13 Lik e und er grant dated 14th May, 1840, " Lik e und er gran t same date, .... .... 18 13 Lik e und er lease dated 10th March, 1826,

2 32¼

y t n CIou 200

Li ke under lease dated 10th Febru ary, 1826,

of way admit&.ed to exl.U-



h g a Arm " " " "



and tb, Tenure of e1.t.hTtIWlt.

SUltuto Metsure.




Date and Docripli ou of Iulru rnent ( if aay) u1d1r " hich Teuuts bold,

Yearly l:cnt.

Gale Dnys.



g a m Ar

t l<'oland. In tho Larded Fs•~los Cour ,


m u e s u M y


t n u o C h g a Arm m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a m Ar m u e s u M y t n u o C h g a m r A m u e s u M ---ounty 5..8..L




On Tu esday, the 20th day of September, 1870• In t.bo Mo.ttor

orJ OUN ST ANLEY nod William


' Lw and John Hardy his trustees for sale and JAMES CROOKS n: cLutioocrt, CHARLES Stanley







Situate in l110 Pnrisb, Bnrouy, nnd County or Armagh, comprising part of tho Lands or




under lenses tc11cw.· Other parts Knockadrain i. able tolies quotics; and pn.rLof same cnllcd

SKELTANES KNOCKADRAIN l ki<I under" lu •e ro,a term nl ~Oyu.r1; 1.ltor• •t of 1,111culltd

B old und er thr ee Grnnls in perpetuity under llie Chur ch 'l'cn1pornlities Acts;

41 .o p1 rtol 1aro~, behl In fn,e<o •h l in;:: of t\J~ n,11rfrt 11'1!1•1ry Offitoof thCottrt of r ro 1 :,.te, Armai:,:h ; al •o I ar1 "' '-~tnt J.11,.•.-n11., 1t,e ra, •iJl.,n • nd G•OWl•I• ,

lidd 1,art ly h• I~ anJ r•rtly un,lu ,t,·N al ,_,...u!Alo l~'l>l'tulty, nnJ c,us l In"' ' rtnr,.~loltl,,/it.o '1' tiu, ~tl(I al.oo urid~r 1o ann u1I tenn,-f l flyra,..whh !u•efur5 lin~ <>u rtnt..-11.i.





S O L D,

.G.,l G I ,ro J.l.OWS,



onTuesday , t he 20th day of September, 1870, Al 11°' h1,u, .,f' / w,,, ,',Jr,,k lu tt,.,af1Nu<)l)11

OUPEN 1 SONS, u1Hl SWEE N\', ;i119Ct1rrioy1· 1~/,'t\ 1fr, SfJlicilors hr11

UiJ Ang-lesl1U•Hl1·oot , Ouhlin.


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