I’ve been a teacher at various grade levels and a charter school founding principal, but at heart I’m a curriculum person. I have a passion for developing an appropriately differentiated, inclusive curriculum to help every student become successful, especially students coming from the most challenging circumstances.
considered the most at-risk and difficult to engage in the learning process. That’s the context for what we do and what we believe. We have a foundational belief that schools should be responsible for ensuring students’ growth in ways that make sense. For our vulnerable student populations, no matter their perceived limitations, we have a mission to help all students achieve success and find a pathway in college or full-time work that best suits them.
At New Dawn Charter High School, we are a transfer school, meaning our kids are over-age and under-credited for their respective grade levels. Our students have either dropped out or are in-school truants. They’re not on track to graduate with their 9th-grade peers and they’re
I was founding principal of our first school in Brooklyn eight years ago, but have since returned to my true passion as the Director of Curriculum and Instruction for both schools. In a setup like ours, with two campuses working in parallel, a non-traditional schedule (which I’ll
By Lisa DiGaudio
American Consortium for Equity in Education