ART.ZIP is the first bilingual contemporary art magazine dedicated to bringing together the world of art in the UK and China. Distributed in both countries, it not only showcases the current best in art, from industry veterans to tomorrow’s innovators, but also provides a unique insight into other sectors in the creative industry with an eye for art. This includes fashion, design, music, advertising, architecture, cinema, and many more. ART.ZIP是第一本致力于沟通中英两国文化艺术思潮,展示东西方当代艺术咨讯,两国跨域发行的双语专业艺术杂志,内容涵盖时尚,设计,广告,建筑,电影,音乐等等领域,以艺术家的眼界评点两地创意产业最新成就。是一群中国在伦敦从事创意产业的资深人士,基于对两国文化、艺术领域的体验和研讨,为两地艺术文化产业搭建的沟通之桥。ART.ZIP是为各类艺术机构,当代艺术家,艺术投资人,策展人,收藏家,创意产业从业人员,以及艺术爱好者服务的精英刊物。

ART.ZIP issue 16

October 1, 2017

ART.ZIP Issue 14

October 28, 2015

Art zip issue 13

June 22, 2015

ART.ZIP issue 12

February 15, 2015

ART.ZIP issue 11

September 29, 2014

ART.ZIP issue 9

February 13, 2014

ART.ZIP issue 8

September 11, 2013

ART.ZIP issue 6

December 1, 2012

ART.ZIP issue 5

August 31, 2012