Atlanta, GA | Contact: Ashley Griggs, Director, Legal Markets | 936.273.1557
NICE Nexidia NICE Nexidia has been the #1 solution for Audio Discovery for almost two decades. Nexidia’s patented Neural Phonetic Speech Analytics provides the best-of-both-worlds approach to regulatory and litigation matters. At the heart of the technology is phonetic search – simply the most accurate way to search audio. Nexidia’s phonetic search is coupled with a speech-to-text engine for automated transcript generation and as a source for text-based analytics. The best-of-both-worlds offerings include not only Nexidia’s own cloud offering, Nexidia Search On Demand, but integration with other eDiscovery solutions such as Relativity and Consilio’s Sightline.
PRODUCT/SERVICE OVERVIEW • NICE Nexidia Search for Legal provides a best-of-bothworlds cloud review platform, combining the accuracy of phonetics with machine transcription’s analytical power, delivering the #1 Audio Discovery solution. • NICE Nexidia Relativity Integration provides Nexidia’s phonetic search capability directly from within on-premise deployments of Relativity. The integration includes a
custom viewer with a visual waveform, search hit indices, a Karaoke transcript display and audio navigation. As with the Nexidia Search platform, the text of the audio is included for analytic purposes. • NICE Nexidia integrations and desktop solution options are available. Please contact Nexidia for details.
The Definitive E-Discovery Buyer’s Guide — Document Review & Analysis