Inside this Issue • MLK Day of Service: Celebrating a Day “On”
• A Message From a Student Association President Hopeful
• A Black History Year?
• Minority Advice by Mr. O’wisman Kno-itall, The Hip Hop Columnist
• The School of Hard Knocks — Southside DC • Tips to a Healthy 2006
Volume 1, issue 3 February, 2006
• “Shades of Blackness” The Black History Celebration Calendar
MLK Day of Service: Celebrating a Day “On” During his lifetime, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. longed to see the day when people from various walks of life could come together and tackle major community issues. He encouraged so many people to join one another in acknowledging dignity and respect for all human beings. Above all, Dr. King realized that everyone would ultimately be united through service, which would help alleviate many tribulations that affect people of every race and background. King once said, “Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.” Each year hundreds of thousands of people become living testimonies of Dr. King’s quote by marking the King Holiday through volunteer service. The 20th Anniversary of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday has continued to be recognized as a “day on” and not a “day off”. Instead of relaxing at home, shop-
ping, or working, many remembered and memorialized Dr. King by participating in service projects in their communities.
helped sanitize and paint the building for the 1,300 men, women and children that live there.
The GW community celebrated the Holiday by participating in the annual MLK Day of Service Project. More than twohundred students from various organizations and groups served at the Center for Creative NonViolence and DC Central Kitchen.
Sophomore Shannon Holmes said, “I would have liked to see more AfricanAmerican students participating in the MLK Day of Service, but I was happy to see students that represented the greater GW community devoting their day to service, which is what the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stood for.”
The day began with registration and students received t-shirts with a quote from Dr. King that stated, “Our Lives Begin to End the Day We Become Silent about Things That Matter.” This quote was buried in the minds of the students as they rode the metro to the shelter. Upon arrival, volunteers were dispatched to different locations in the building where they prepared meals for the homeless and
A Black History Year? “For this is your home, my friend, do not be driven from it; great men have done great things here, and will again, and we can make America what America must become.” ~ James Baldwin Throughout the month of February there will be countless black history celebrations nationwide. The traditionally acceptable black names will be dusted off and prominently displayed on college campuses, public schools and various other politically correct venues. Even here at GW a strong sense of African American pride and social awareness will surface and for a short while we all will “realize” the dream. What’s wrong with this picture? What’s wrong is that as February will inevitably fade away, so will the ardor and determination to establish the importance and future of African Americans in this country. What’s wrong is the bitter after taste February will leave when we find ourselves in March, just as we were in January, forgetful of our past and blind to present social injustices. Imagine the progress we would have made had we clung to our compassions last February and worked diligently up until this one? Imagine the pro(Continued on page 2)
GW’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. awards ceremony was held on Jan. 26th. This year’s award recipients were chosen for their exceptional commitment to leadership and service. The recipients were Abby Charles, Stephen Harris, Lina Musayev and Trinh Tran. Erica Washington
THE SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS — Southside, DC DC is no different than any other urban environment with regards to problems that persist in educational equality. DC is changing. The demographics of historically registered communities are changing, as some argue, overnight. To claim that DC is a melting pot is stopped dead in its tracks when you cross the Anacostia River. For those who recite songs of justice in public, I implore you to truly question your personal value systems. Life is about priorities. I cannot think of a more important priority to be role models and mentors for the children of the District of Columbia. The School of Hard Knocks does not admit the faint of heart. If you personally claim to be about making a difference, there are young people waiting and eager to meet and learn from you.
The Higher Achievement Program is a nationally recognized after-school pro-
gram for academically motivated 5th to 8th grad-
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