Handbook of mld (2016)

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FACULTY Handbook

INTRODUCTION The faculty handbook is a guide to the faculty and is designed to present general information about Modern Languages Department, and some of the more important BMCC policies and practices as they apply to the faculty of the college. It is also meant to inform and serve other members of the BMCC community. The handbook is compiled from a number of sources and is maintained by members of our department. New faculty are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the handbook, but it is well worth review by faculty with long-standing university experience as well. The text of the handbook on the web includes hyperlinks to college policies and resources available on BMCC web sites. Readers can navigate through this version by clicking on an item in the Index.


This handbook contains various forms and procedures for many uses at MLD. In an institution as complex and dynamic as CUNY and BMCC, change in organization and in the policies and procedures to which the faculty and academic staff are subject is an ongoing process, and the university reserves the right to make such changes. Although the information and policies contained in this handbook are up-to-date at the time of its publication, as time goes on one should check with the Provost’s office to verify the currently applicable policies.



INDEX Introduction 1 Index 4 ONBOARDING 15 Employee New Hire Packets 15 ID Cards 16 Lost ID Cards 17 Email 18


Academic Calendar 18 HUMAN RESOURCES 20 Benefits 20 HR FORMS 23 Donating Sick Days 28 IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS 29 PSC-CUNY Chapter at BMCC 29 Academic Freedom 29 Office of Affirmative Action and Compliance 30


SECURITY 31 Public Safety 31 Lost and found 32 Policy on Plagiarism 33 Disruptive or Disturbed Students 33 RELAX 36 services at CUNY 36 Weight Watchers 36 the Shirley Fiterman Art Center 37


Faculty and Staff Dining Room and Lounge 38 Gym and pool 38 Library Services for Faculty 39 TEACHING 41 BUILDINGS AND ROOMS 41 ROOMS: Q&A 42 COPIES (REPROGRAPHICS) 43 PUBLICATIONS (Forms) 43 ADVISEMENT 44


Signing on to DegreeWorks 44 CUNY First 47 Blackboard 47 E-learning 49 Media Center 50 Pathways 51 Academic Integrity Policies 51 SYLLABI 52 GRADING 53


Office of the Registrar 55 How To Instructions for Faculty 55 Web Grading Submission Information Instructions 56 Grade Change 59 Attendance Policies 60 Students with Disabilities 61 FACULTY EVALUATIONS 63 Class Observations 65


Student Evaluation of the Faculty 67 Evaluation of NonTeaching Instructional Staff 68 Reappointment 70 First Reappointment 71 Second and Subsequent Reappointments 73 Pre-Tenure Review 76 Tenure 77 Qualifications and Promotions 79


TO LECTURER FULL-TIME 80 To Instructor 80 To Assistant Professor 80 To Associate Professor 81 To Professor 81 Personnel Committees 83 Personnel Files 85 SERVICES 88 COLLEGE SERVICE 88


Departmental services 89 SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC 89 GRANTS 90 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 90 Research and Scholarly Inquiry 90 Grants Office 91 Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship (CELTLS) 91





ONBOARDING Employee New Hire Packets Download CUNY paperwork on the new CUNY onboarding site. After you have downloaded the CUNY forms, please click below for your specific BMCC packet. The BMCC community has compiled a list of required employment and payroll forms needed in order to facilitate your transition. Adjuncts Full Time Classified Staff Classified Managerial Staff College Assistants & Tutors Full Time Instructional Staff/Faculty/ECP Select the appropriate title from the list above. Read the material carefully and return all of the requested documentation to the Office of Human Resources (S717) as quickly as possible.


New Employee Resources Office of the President Human Resources Directory Borough of Manhattan Community College Home Page The Office of Compliance and Diversity CUNY Alert Understanding Your Payroll Documents Combating Sexual Assault and Other Unwelcome Sexual Behavior Relocation Resources

ID Cards You will need an ID card to enter all buildings at the college, open many classrooms, and take books out of the library. Once your employment package has been processed, an HR representative will sign off on your Authorization for CUNY ID Card form. Take the completed form to the ID Room (S231) to have your picture taken and ID issued.


The ID office is currently open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 8 am to 12 pm and 3 pm to 7 pm; and Saturday 10 am to 2 pm. Please check this page as more days and time will be posted shortly. Phone: 212-220-7264 Helpdesk Form Accounts, Updates, Passwords, and BMCC ID Card BMCC Account Request Form

Lost ID Cards Lost ID cards will be replaced at the cost of $10.00. An application for a replacement ID card can be obtained from the ID office during its hours of operation or from S-232 during business hours. Stolen ID cards will be replaced without a fee when the application is accompanied with a police report. The application and report must be taken to S-232 for the fee waiver. The ID office is currently open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 8 am to 12 pm and 3 pm to 7 pm; and Saturday 10 am to 2 pm. Please check this page as more days and time will be posted shortly.


Email To get an email account you will need to fill out the New Account Request Form. Ask your chair to sign the form and then take it to the Help Desk 1 , room S-141. The account will then be activated, a process that usually takes between 24 and 48 hours. Once the account is activated, information on the College Computer Center page may be helpful for using your account. Helpdesk Form Accounts, Updates, Passwords, and BMCC ID Card BMCC Account Request Form

Academic Calendar The academic calendar can vary from campus to campus within CUNY and often includes holidays and "conversion days" that are unfamiliar to those from outside the CUNY system. Conversion days are those days that compensate for Monday holidays. It is a good idea to check the BMCC academic calendar regularly.

1 Faculty

and Staff Helpdesk: 212-220-8379



HUMAN RESOURCES Benefits As a CUNY employee you are entitled to a variety of benefits. You will have a choice of health plans and retirement plans. Your benefits are explained here, and all necessary forms can be found here. Welfare Funds PSC/CUNY Welfare Fund (Instructional Staff) DC 37 (White Collar & Blue Collar Classified Staff) Additional Programs New York City Health Benefits Program NYC Health Insurance Plan Rates NYC Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Program New York's 529 College Savings Program


Benefit Forms Health Benefit Forms: Health Benefits Application Health Benefit Buy-out Waiver Program Flexible Spending Application Dental Plan: Dental Claim Form (DC37) Dental Claim Form: Guardian (PSC-CUNY) Optical Form (for PSC- CUNY Members): PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund Optical Reimbursement Pension/Tax Deferred Annuities (TDA) Pension Providers: TIAA-CREF Retirement System (TIAA-CREF) The Teachers’ Retirement System of the City of New York (TRS) New York City Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS) Education/Tuition Reimbursement: CUNY Employee Tuition Fee Waiver


Transit Benefit: Enrollment Form and Instructions WageWorks: WageWorks Park-n-Ride Wageworks Transit Retirees: Retiree PSC-CUNY Enrollment Medicare Part B Application TIAA-CREF

Phased Retirement: Phased Retirement Summary Phased Retirement Application- Faculty Phased Retirement Application- Professional Staff Phased Retirement Phased Agreement


HR FORMS Changes Change of Address/Name Change of Emergency Contact Designation of Beneficiary for Non-Instructional Staff

Leaves Family Leave CUNY recognizes the concerns of its faculty and staff to balance the demands of the workplace with the needs of his/her family. To address these interests, the CUNY FMLA Leave policy adopts the provisions of The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) and extends those provisions to cover domestic partner relationships. To learn more, click here.

Application for Child Care Leave Classified Staff Only Application for Child Care Leave Instructional Staff Application for Fellowship Award Application for Leave


Application for Leave for Special Purposes Application for Paid Parental Leave Application for Partial Disability Leave Application for Partial Leave of Absence with Partial Pay Application for Professional Reassignment Leave Application for Professional Reassignment Leave in the Libraries Application for Scholar Incentive Award (SIA) Application for Special Leave for Personal Emergency for Instructional Staff Application for Special Leave of Absence without Pay Application for Temporary Disability Leave Certification of Qualifying Exigency for Military Family Leave Classified Staff Terminal Leave Dedicated Sick Leave- Application to Donate Dedicated Sick Leave- Application to Receive FMLA Fact Sheet FMLA Fitness for Duty Certification Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA Family) Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Family and Medical Leave Act (Military) Family and Medical Leave Act (Veterans) Jury Duty Form Leave Record for Non-Teaching Staff Leave Record for Teaching Instructional Staff Non FMLA Travia Leave Instructional Staff & Faculty



Direct Deposit Employee Time Report On-Line Entry Federal W-4 Tax Form NYS & NYC IT-2104 Tax Form Overtime Summary Sheet Tax Certification for Foreign Nationals W-2 Duplicate Request Performance Campus Peace Officer Performance Appraisal Classified Managerial Performance Assessment Determining Excessive Lateness or Excessive Absence Employee Counseling Memorandum Employee Warning Form General Guidelines for Merit Increase Guidelines for Merit Increases for Civil Servants Performance Evaluation Form - CUNY Office Assistant (In Academic Offices) Performance Evaluation Form - Sub-Managerial Supervisory Positions (B&G) Performance Evaluation Memorandum - CLT Only Performance Evaluation Memorandum-HEO Series Post-Observation Conference Memorandum Probationary and Service Report Sergeant Performance Appraisal Staff Review Screening Form Teaching Faculty Observation Report Workload/ Position Classification Review - Higher Education Officer Series Titles


Tenure and Promotion If you are in a tenure-track position, you will want to start thinking about your tenure process in your first year. BMCC Tenure and promotion guidelines can be found here Promotion/Reclassification Application for Adjunct Promotion Application for Faculty Promotion Promotion Application Packet for Full Time Faculty Workload Full Time Faculty Workload Report Multiple Position Form for Full-Time Faculty Multiple Position Form for Non-Teaching Instructional Staff Multiple Position Summer Assignment Reporting Form Workload Report Form for Adjunct Faculty and Graduate Teaching Fellows Worker's Compensation Election of Rate of Charge Against Annual and/or Sick Leave Balances Employer's Report of Work-Related Injury/Illness Workers Compensation- Report of Injury Workers' Compensation Claim Initiation - Accident Description Codes Workers' Compensation Claim Initiation - Employee Statement Form


Workers' Compensation Claim Initiation - Witness Statement Form Workers' Compensation- Employee Claim

Miscellaneous Application for Employment Short Form Authorization for Release of Information Authorized Signatures to approve regular Time and Leave Records CUNY Employment Application- Part 1 & 2 CUNY Employment Application- Part 3 CUNY Employment Application- Part 4 Employee Clearance Check list and Exit Interview Form Helpdesk Form - Accounts, Updates, Passwords and BMCC ID Card Inter-College-Transfer Policy Intra-College-Transfer Policy for Gittleson Staff Personnel Action Form Report of External Employment for Classified Staff Retiree Email Request Form Tuition Fee Waiver

HEOs/CLTs On-line Timesheets Full Time Non-Teaching Instructional Staff Time Sheet HEO Request for Overtime/Compensatory Time


Donating Sick Days This form is to be completed by a full-time employee employed on an annual salary basis who believes he/she is eligible to donate annual leave and/or sick leave to an employee designated by the donor. Every reasonable effort will be made by the college to keep the donor’s name confidential.


IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS PSC-CUNY Chapter at BMCC The Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York is the union that represents all faculty and staff at CUNY. The BMCC chapter's officers and meeting minutes are posted here.

Academic Freedom The City University of New York and BMCC support academic freedom. The college's statement on this important issue can be found here. Academic Freedom Manual


Office of Affirmative Action and Compliance The college is committed to ensuring a discriminatory free environment, where all persons are treated fairly and with respect regardless of his/her protected status. The Office of Compliance & Diversity is dedicated to promoting an open and inclusive environment, addressing complaints as they arise, creating programs which promote diversity and awareness and ensuring that the college complies with all applicable policies and laws. Submit Inquiry/E-File If you feel that you have been the victim of discrimination or harassment based on ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability or any protected categories, you may file a complaint by clicking here. Once your complaint has been reviewed, you will hear from our office.


SECURITY Public Safety BMCC strives to provide all students, faculty and staff with a safe environment in which to work and learn. If you find yourself in an unsafe situation, contact Public Safety immediately To report a crime or emergency, call Public Safety at (212) 220-8080. If on campus call 911 or use one of the blue call boxes located throughout the campus. Click here for emergency call box locations Emergency call boxes are located throughout the campus at these locations. To learn more about the work of Public Safety, visit their web page. You can hit these links according with your emergency:


Public Safety Home About Us Public Safety Staff Safety Tips Drug and Alcohol Policies Sexual Harassment/ Abuse Types of Crimes ID Card Statistics Shelter in Place Evacuation Procedures Emergency Notifications "Run, Hide, Fight" Video CUNY Policy on Sexual Misconduct and Complainants' Bill of Rights

Lost and found If you find anything, please report it to any Security Officer. If you lost anything, check the security office located at S215 or contact Public Safety at 212-220-8136


Policy on Plagiarism If students cause disruptions in class that make the environment unsafe, faculty should contact Public Safety immediately at 212-220-8080. If there does not seem to be immediate danger but a faculty member is worried that a situation may become unsafe or disruptive, they should contact the Behavioral Assessment Response Team (BART). Members of the BART can assess risks and propose solutions.

Disruptive or Disturbed Students Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else's ideas, words, or artistic/scientific/technical work as one's own creation. A student who copies or paraphrases published or on-line material, or another person's research, without properly identifying the source(s) is committing plagiarism.


Plagiarism violates the ethical and academic standards of our college. Students will be held responsible for such violations, even when unintentional. To avoid unintended plagiarism, students should consult with their instructors about when and how to document their sources. The library also has both print and digital guides designed to help students cite sources correctly. Plagiarism carries a range of penalties commensurate with severity of the infraction. The instructor may, for example, require the work to be redone, reduce the course grade, fail the student in the course, or refer the case to the Faculty-Student Disciplinary Committee (see Article 15.4 of the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees). Cases referred to that committee could result in suspension or expulsion from the college. Faculty Report Form for Suspected and/or Adjudicated Incidents of Academic Dishonesty



RELAX services at CUNY The City University of New York is committed to helping employees find a healthy balance between work and life. The university contracts with Deer Oaks to provide mental health services to employees. The first time you access the system your username and password will both be BMCC.

Weight Watchers The New York City Employee Benefits Program and your Union are proud to launch a partnership between Weight Watchers and the City of New York. Beginning today, all benefit eligible employees can now take advantage of the Weight Watchers Beyond the Scale program at reduced pricing — part of the new Work Well NYC initiative aimed at helping employees get healthy and stay healthy.





Art Center Located on the first floor of BMCC’s Fiterman Hall, 81 Barclay Street, New York, NY 10007, the Shirley Fiterman Art Center in partnership with the BMCC Foundation Board, a not-for-profit organization, is dedicated to raising funds for student scholarships, and ensuring the success of its students, who come from every borough of New York, and countries around the world, seeking better lives. ART AHEAD, is a series of curated exhibitions that explore risk taking and sparks conversation on art. The goal of the series is to engage students, faculty, staff and the community of BMCC, as well as a larger audience throughout New York City, in a dialogue of art and its role in our daily lives. Access to art is one priority of the series. Another is starting a relationship with art that will grow throughout a person’s life.





Dining Room and Lounge There is a dining room and cafeteria for faculty and staff on the third floor of the Chambers Street building. There is a faculty lounge on the second floor of the Fiterman building. You will need your ID card to enter both of these rooms.

Gym and pool The BMCC Fitness Center enhances the learning experience by providing programs, services and facilities that promote healthy lifestyles. The center is open to all members of the BMCC community. BMCC boasts an intercollegiate-size swimming pool and a gymnasium that can be divided into three regulation basketball courts. HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sunday: CLOSED


Library Services for Faculty The BMCC Library, located at the Southern end of the fourth floor in the Chambers Street building, offers many services to support faculty in their teaching and scholarly interests. Among the many things the library offers, library faculty can provide training sessions in research for students, help faculty create an online collection of multimedia resources for teaching, and request books from any library through interlibrary loan.

A. Philip Randolph Memorial Library Getting Started Ask a Librarian Faculty/Staff Assistive Technology Text Version HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Saturday: 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. Sunday: CLOSED



TEACHING BUILDINGS AND ROOMS BMCC offers classes in several buildings in Lower Manhattan. Most of your classes will be in the Chambers Street building (199 Chambers Street), the Murray Street building (70 Murray Street) or in Fiterman Hall (245 Greenwich Street). See Directions and 3D Map Room numbers in the Chambers Street building include either an S or an N, to indicate whether they are in the South or North part of the building. On the first and second floors you cannot travel between the North and South parts of the building without going outside. This is because the building bridges Harrison Street. You can cross between the two parts on the third floor and all floors above 3. You will need your ID card to enter each of the buildings.


ROOMS: Q&A What do I do if I am locked out of my classroom? Call Public Safety at ext. 8080 and provide your name, department and the room you need access to. They will dispatch a public safety officer to open your door. What should I do if my classroom has been changed without my knowledge? Speak with the Chair, deputy or the Secretary immediately. What should I do if I would like to change to a classroom other than the one I have been assigned? Speak with the Chair, deputy or the Secretary immediately. What should I do if the technology (i.e. computer, screen, projector, etc.) in my smart classroom is not working properly? Call Instructional Technology Services at ext. 8122, contact them via email at it@bmcc.cuny.edu or go in person to 199 Chambers Street Room S510H HOURS OF OPERATION: Saturday ~ 11:00am - 4:00pm Sunday ~ 11:00am - 4:00pm


COPIES (REPROGRAPHICS) Copies should be made at Reprographics. MLD does have a copier available for use. These copiers should not be used for mass production but rather for a small number of copies.

PUBLICATIONS (Forms) If you need to download Request forms, Department Stationery, fax covers, or BMCC logos, click here


ADVISEMENT As a Full-time faculty, you will participate in advisement of students, helping them to choose their courses and to plan their academic career at and beyond BMCC. Both CUNY First and Degree Works are used for advisement. The Office of Advisement and Transfer provides resources for faculty as well as training. The Advisement Syllabus, found on the office of Advisement home page is a good place to start.

Signing on to DegreeWorks All users will need to create (if they have not done so already) a Username and Password through the CUNY Portal in order to access BMCC DegreeWorks. Login information can be found here or at www.cuny.edu.


CUNYfirst MyInfo is a new lookup tool to quickly find key information for the new semester. Log in using your Blackboard/CUNY Portal credentials. Use it to find class schedules, class textbooks, program plan and hold information, and your biographical profile. Log-In >> FAQ <pdf> ALTERNATIVE BLACKBOARD LOGIN>> Difficulty Logging into Blackboard? CUNYfirst DIRECT>>

       

Services available after log-in: Application for Admission Blackboard CUNY Alert CUNY Mall Degreeworks ePermit Financial Aid Status Status of Application for Admission Step by step Instructions for DegreeWorks: Step 1: Go to www.cuny.edu Step 2: Click on the Log-In link on the right side of the page. Step 3: Enter your Username & Password and click the Login button.


Step 4: Click on the Student Advisement/ DegreeAudit link. Step 5: a) Students will be taken to their own customized audit. b) Advisors and Staff will need to enter the student’s EMPLID or CF ID Number and hit ENTER on the keyboard to pull the students degree audit. Note: If you need help with CUNY Portal, click on the Portal Help. For other questions, click on these links: Register for a New Account >> Account and Password Reset >> E-mail a New Password >> Portal FAQs Pathways at BMCC Academic Advisement


CUNY First CUNY First is an online system used for many things at BMCC and across CUNY. You will be assigned an account and should get as comfortable as you can with the system early in the semester. You will use it to read your course roster, input your final grades and request reimbursement for travel if you should present at conferences.

Blackboard Every class at BMCC is assigned a Blackboard site. Blackboard is an online course management system that can be used for many things: posting syllabi and assignments, collecting and assessing student work, posting readings and multimedia course material, creating discussion boards and virtual conferencing and allowing students to monitor their own progress in the course. To sign into your account for the first time, you will first register for a CUNY Portal ID. You will use the same ID and password for CUNY Portal and Blackboard. It is different from your CUNY First ID.


Once you have a CUNY Portal ID, you can click Blackboard on the top right hand corner of the CUNY portal. You will find a list of all of the courses you are currently teaching. For help with setting up your course, you can begin with CUNY's Blackboard user guide for faculty. Blackboard Log-In Âť If you do not know your username and/or password to CUNY Portal/Blackboard, go to portal.cuny.edu and click on Account and Password Reset. If you need any assistance with Blackboard, peruse the videos below or contact the ELearning Center at esupport@bmcc.cuny.edu or (212) 220-8126, or stop by our office at S-510a. For questions, click here.



The e-learning center regularly runs workshops about Blackboard and also offers individual guidance. BMCC's e-learning department offers faculty support in developing online courses, hybrid courses, and technology-enhanced courses. The e-learning department supports faculty in their use of Blackboard and a variety of programs and applications useful for teaching, such as Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. They provide group tutorials as well as one-on-one help.

Course Menu Navigation Tools and Modules Announcements How to Submit Assignments Discussion Board Submitting Quizzes and Tests E-Learning Technical Support Forms E-Learning Course Development Checklist Request for Course Development Shell


Media Center The Media Center provides multimedia support to every BMCC classroom as well as the various conference rooms and public spaces on campus. The Media Center can provide faculty with everything from a traditional overhead projector to a portable Windows or Macintosh computer equipped with a state of the art LCD projector and access to the Internet. These services are available for instructional use, events, conferences and meetings. Media Center Home Audiovisual Services Teleconferencing Duplication and Off-Air Taping Studio Guidelines Production Services Media Labs Request Forms Information Channel


Pathways BMCC's curriculum aligns with CUNY's "Pathways" initiative, designed to improve students' ability to transfer from 2-year to 4-year colleges within CUNY. The Required core and flexible core of Pathways can be found here. About CUNY Pathways at BMCC Explore Your Pathway Academic Advisement Transferring with Pathways Pathways for AAS Students Appeals Gateway Courses FAQs Contact Us

Academic Integrity Policies BMCC has clear guidelines about academic integrity that you can include on your syllabus.


SYLLABI What should I include in my syllabi? You must include your contact information and office hour, your BMCC email. MLD have created and use a standardized course syllabus. Your chair, deputies, or the secretary will provide you with the copies for your course (s). In case you need to developed one, ask a fulltime faculty. They help you! You should include information regarding grading of tests and assignments, attendance/tardiness policies, a course description and information about the course learning outcomes. Additionally, you should include the consequences for academic dishonesty. Click for a sample syllabus and course guide


GRADING Grading Beyond the usual A, B, C, D and F grades, CUNY has a variety of other grades for special circumstances. They are explained as part of the College Grading Policies. Final Grades are given at the end of the semester for each course. Grades assigned at the completion of a course are as follows:










































Course must be repeated; minimum level of proficiency not attained.




Unsatisfactory (counts as Failure)


Student withdrew from class between 4th and 10th week; non Failure.


No grade submitted by the instructor.



Transfer credit from another Institution or course taken on permit


No credit granted. Restricted to credit bearing courses, first time freshmen and Nursing students.


Administrative Withdrawal (assigned by the Registrar’s Office for administrative reasons, e.g. lack of immunization)


Drop Withdrawal (assigned by the Registrar’s Office for drops during 2nd and 3rd week of classes)


Never attended (instructor initiates this grade during commencement of attendance for not attending at all during the first week of classes)


Withdrew Unofficially (Same as “F”. If a student stopped attending at any time during the term, then he/she should receive a WU grade.)


Audit. Course not taken for credit or grade.


Term’s work is incomplete. The “INC” grade reverts to an “FIN” if a change is not made by the following deadlines: Spring and Summer terms- November 1; Fall term- March 15.


“F” from Incomplete.


Grade Pending disciplinary action




Office of the Registrar How To Instructions for Faculty The “How to Instructions for Faculty” page on the BMCC Portal for Faculty and Staff contains step by step instructions with screenshots on how to view your schedule, class/grade roster, submit grades and/or grade changes, some forms that faculty and staff commonly request and other information on a “as needed basis” i.e. web attendance/grade memos & NC grade information. You can access this by logging onto the BMCC Portal which is at the top right hand corner of the BMCC webpage or click the following link: https://mybmcc.bmcc.cuny.edu. Your username and password are the same to access your BMCC email and computers. If you are unsure of your account, please contact the Faculty/Staff Help Desk at 212-220-8379 or refer to their webpage to set up your BMCC account https://ccc.bmcc.cuny.edu/V2/Account.


Once you log on, click on the orange Fac./Staff How to icon located under the User Links and Applications Menu. Click underneath the document you wish to open, select the checkbox next to it and then select Open. If you wish to save, select the pdf Download icon (located above the document). The document will open in a new window, new tab or download bar depending on the type of browser.

Web Grading Submission Information Instructions Follow the instructions:  Log on to CUNYfirst with your Username and Password you created.  Once logged on, click on HR/Campus Solutions→Self Service→ Faculty Center→ My Schedule.  Click on the Grade Roster icon to the left of a class. (You will only see the icon when it is time to submit grades).  Scroll towards the bottom and click View All to see full roster if you have more than 20 students.


 Select grades for students using the drop-down box in the Roster Grade column.  Click the Save button to the right as often as you wish while you are entering grades.  When finished, change the Approval Status to Submit Grades to Registrar and click Save. Once this is done, your roster has been submitted to the Registrar.  If you are teaching at more than one CUNY institutions and do not see BMCC classes, you may click “Change Term” button and choose appropriate and term in order to access your BMCC grade rosters.

GRADING INSTRUCTIONS:  If a student stopped attending at any time during the term, then he/she should receive a WU grade. According to BMCC policy, the maximum number of absence hours is limited to one more class hour than the contact hours as indicated in the BMCC college catalog. For example, if the student is enrolled in a four-hour class, they are allowed five hours of absence, not five days. In the case of excessive absence, the instructor has the option to lower the grade or assign an "F" as long as they did not stop attending all together.  Grades of student initiated W and instructor initiated WN (Never Attended) will be pre-printed on the grade roster.


 An Instructor may not change a W grade. To change a WN grade, an instructor must submit a change of grade by accessing the Grade Change icon on the BMCC Portal.

IMPORTANT NOTES:  If a student’s name does not appear on your final roster but the student is in attendance, please contact the Registrar’s Office immediately to find out why the student is not listed on the grade roster.  You may not be able to submit a grade on the web for student of this type; a Grade Change may have to be submitted.  When you give an INC grade, you must submit the following to your Department:  Missing assignment plus the % of the assignment towards the final grade.  Overall grade without the missing assignment.  First time freshmen may be assigned a NC grade without student’s permission if they are failing the course.  Students can elect to have a NC grade if they are receiving a D+ or lower grade by completing the attached form.


Grade Change Follow the instructions:  Log on to BMCC Portal.  They ask for Username and Password. (Username and password are the same as your BMCC email account/BMCC PC log in).  Once logged on, you will click on the Grade Change Icon  Click “Select” button next to GRADE CHANGE FORM Click “Select” button next to INSTRUCTOR  The grade change form will appear and you will need to enter specified information.  Have your CUNYfirst roster available to complete the form correctly and press “Submit”  After submitting the grade change, it will be forwarded to the Chairperson/Deputy Chair for approval.  Once the Chairperson/Deputy Chair approved the grade change, it is forwarded to the Registrar’s Office for processing.  Email notifications will be sent with the status updates.


Attendance Policies The college has set the following attendance policies:  The maximum number of absence hours is limited to one more class hour than the contact hours as indicated in the BMCC college catalog. For example, if a student is enrolled in a fourhour class that meets four times a week, they are allowed five hours of absence (not five days). In the case of excessive absence, the instructor has the option to lower the grade or assign an "F" or "WU" grade.  If you a student does not attend class at least once in the first weeks of the semester, the instructor is required to assign a grade of "WN"  Classes begin promptly at the times indicated in the Schedule of Classes. Arrival in classes after the scheduled start time constitutes lateness. Latecomers may, at the discretion of the instructor, incur an official absence.


Students with Disabilities The Office of Accessibility offers a range of reasonable accommodations and academic adjustments to qualified students with disabilities. Students must consult their professors about the provision of testing accommodations. Some professors will choose to administer exams themselves with the required accommodations. Other professors will prefer that O.A administer exams with accommodations. It is important that students confirm with each professor specifically how exams with reasonable accommodations will be arranged. These students have the double time to do exams. It is important to note: ďƒź Given these very specific conditions, it is entirely possible for use of a spell checker or calculator to be allowable for some exams, and not allowable for others. ďƒź A will consider requests for use of a calculator and a spell-checker on a case-by-case basis. ďƒź A will not approve use of these tools as reasonable accommodations when using them provides students with an unfair advantage or undermines academic standards.


Testing Accommodations Accommodative testing allows the student to take his/her exams in an alternative environment, or in an alternative format. Accommodative testing does not alter the content of the exam. Students with disabilities are held to the course requirements and college's academic standards.


FACULTY EVALUATIONS A professional evaluation of individual faculty members is conducted each year. Faculty evaluations are used to provide a basis for decisions on reappointment, tenure, and promotion; to encourage professional performance and growth among faculty; and to maintain academic and professional standards of excellence. The evaluation of a teaching member of the faculty shall be based on total academic performance with special emphasis upon teaching effectiveness. It also includes, but is not limited to such items as:  Classroom instruction and related activities  Administrative assignments  Research - (Lecturers are not required to have a research commitment.)  Grant writing  Scholarly writing  Student guidance  Departmental, College, and University assignments  Course and curricula development  Creative works in individual's discipline  Public and professional activities in field of specialty.


At least once each academic year, all faculty (except tenured full professors) must have an annual evaluation conference. The conference must be conducted by the chairperson or a member of the department Personnel and Budget Committee designated by the chairperson. During the conference, the faculty member's total academic performance and professional progress for that year and cumulatively to date shall be reviewed. The person conducting the conference shall prepare a record of the discussion in memorandum form. A copy of this Annual Evaluation Conference Memorandum must be given to the faculty member within ten days of the date of the conference. The memorandum is signed by the faculty member, who may attach a rebuttal statement, and is placed in the personal personnel file. If the evaluation is unsatisfactory, the evaluation conference memorandum must explicitly state that it is unsatisfactory. In this event, the faculty member has the right to request, in writing, to appear in person before the department Personnel and Budget Committee.


Class Observations

Teaching observations are also a factor in the total evaluation of academic performance. All non-tenured, non-certificated teaching faculty members must be observed each semester. Tenured or certificated faculty may be observed at the request of the chairperson or the faculty member. If a faculty member requests an observation, the chairperson must implement the request. If the chairperson originates the request, the faculty member may not refuse to be observed. The classroom observation occurs during the first ten (10) weeks of class and covers a full class period. Observations are conducted by members of a panel established by the department Personnel and Budget Committee. Twenty-four hours advance notice must be given to a faculty member before an observation is held.


The Observation Report, written by the observer, must be submitted to the chairperson within one week of the observation. One sentence can not constitute an observation report. At minimum the report should assess the teacher's strengths and weaknesses and contain suggestions for improvement. The chairperson must schedule a post-observation conference within two weeks after receipt of the report. The observed faculty member, the observer, and occasionally a third party, meet to review the observation. After the conference, either the observer or the third party submits a memorandum on the conference to the chairperson. The faculty member observed must read and sign the Observation Report and the Post-Observation Conference Memorandum. Observed faculty members may attach a rebuttal statement to the Post-Observation Conference Memorandum. Both the Observation Report and the Post-Observation Conference Memorandum are placed in the faculty member's personal personnel file. If a faculty member refuses to sign an observation document, the document is placed in the members’ personal personnel file with a memo to that effect.


Student Evaluation of the Faculty In accordance with CUNY Bylaws, student evaluation of faculty is given serious consideration in all reappointment and promotion actions. In the fall semester all faculty are required to administer Student Evaluations. In the spring semester only non-tenured and noncertificated faculty as well as adjuncts who have not taught at BMCC for ten semesters are required to administer student evaluations. The Office of Institutional Research manages the on-line SmartEvals system. Students receive an e-mail link to the system in mid-November and mid-May. Faculty members are also e-mailed in mid-November and mid-May with a link to view response rates. (Faculty will not see actual evaluation scores at this time.) Faculty are encouraged to speak to their classes about the importance of their participation in this process. At the end of the semester, faculty members are provided an evaluation report, by email. Copies of evaluation reports are placed in the faculty members’ personnel files.


Evaluation of NonTeaching Instructional Staff Members of the non-teaching Instructional staff, including Librarians, CLTs, Counselors, Student Personnel Services Staff, Registrar series, Business Manager series, Higher Education Officer (HEO) series, and other non-teaching staff shall have an evaluation conference with their Chairperson, Supervisor, or Office Head.


The evaluations should be done at least once each year. The employee's total performance and professional progress will be reviewed. Following the conference, the supervisor or office head prepares an evaluation memorandum for inclusion in the employee's personal file. A copy of the report shall be given to the employee within 10 working days after the evaluation conference is held. Performance Evaluation Forms are available on the BMCC Human Resources website. Employees are advised to review these forms and familiarize themselves with the expectations of their department. Persons appointed to the College Laboratory Technician title are reappointed on an annual basis for five years. The fifth reappointment of CLTs, effective the first day of the sixth year, is with tenure.


Reappointment Non-tenured faculty in tenure bearing titles are reappointed on an annual basis for seven years (academic year is always fall through summer). The seventh reappointment, effective the first day of the eighth year, is with tenure, for Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. Persons appointed to the Lecturer title are reappointed on an annual basis for five years. The fifth reappointment of Lecturers, effective the first day of the sixth year, is with certificate of continuous employment (CCE). Persons appointed to the instructor title are only eligible for five annual appointments. It is expected that instructors will demonstrate active progress towards a doctoral degree in their field during their service as instructor. Appointment to a faculty position subsequent to service as instructor may only be considered if the candidate has obtained a doctorate or a CUNY approved equivalency where applicable.


First Reappointment Candidates for reappointment at the end of their initial term of appointment on a full-time line shall be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: a) Teaching Effectiveness: There are a variety of ways, including classroom observation, to evaluate this criterion. The evaluation, however, should extend beyond the classroom, since the faculty member's obligation to the students goes beyond normal class hours. Personnel committees should consider student evaluations as a factor in assessing the teaching effectiveness of an instructor. b) Scholarly and Professional Growth: Candidates in tenure-bearing titles for the first reappointment are expected to demonstrate their potential for scholarly work and their achievement in some of the following ways: (i) Evidence of research in progress leading toward scholarly publication (ii) Publication in professional journals (iii) Creative works, show and performance credits, etc. when such are appropriate to department


(iv) Development of improved instructional materials or methods (v) Participation in activities of professional societies c) Service to the Institution: Since all full-time faculty members share broad responsibilities to the institution, work in departmental and college committees should be considered in overall evaluations. Although it is understood that not all junior faculty member will have an opportunity to serve on important committees, their evaluation should consider evidence of their informal contribution to such committee work and their participation in other departmental or college activities. d) Service to the Public: A candidate, though not expected to do so for the first reappointment, may offer evidence of pertinent and significant community and public service in support of reappointment.


Second and Subsequent Reappointments In addition to criteria for the first reappointment, candidates for the second or subsequent reappointment shall be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: a) Teaching Effectiveness: Evaluation of this criterion shall include peer observations of teaching, assessment of the instructor's effort and success in developing new methods and materials suited to the needs of his or her students, and assessment of student evaluations. b) Scholarly and Professional Growth: Candidates for their second and subsequent reappointments are expected to offer evidence of scholarly contributions to their disciplines. Evaluations of the quality of such work may be sought from outside the department. Achievements in the period following the last reappointment should be evaluated on the basis of publications of scholarly works in professional journals, or reports of scientific experimentation, scholarly books and monographs, evidence of works in progress, significant performance or


show credits or creative work, and improved instructional materials and techniques that have been found effective in the classroom either in the University or elsewhere. c) Service to the Institution: Effective service on departmental, college, and university committees. d) Service to the Public: Institutions of higher education are expected to contribute their services to the welfare of the community. Although such activities are a matter of individual discretion and opportunity, evaluation of a faculty member for reappointment should recognize pertinent and significant professional activities on behalf of the public. Judgments on reappointment should be progressively rigorous. In the second and subsequent reappointments, a candidate should be able to demonstrate that he or she has realized some of his or her scholarly potential. Similarly, standards of acceptable performance as a teacher should be graduated to reflect



Pre-Tenure Review In compliance with CUNY Board of Trustees policy, BMCC conducts a review of each faculty member at the end of his or her fourth year of service. In order to ensure that each tenure-track faculty member has adequate guidance on the progress s/he is making towards meeting the standards for tenure. The BMCC pre-tenure review has the following steps: 1. The Provost or designee reviews the personnel file of each untenured tenure-track faculty member in the spring of his/her fourth year of service, following the annual evaluation conducted pursuant to the PSC/CUNY collective bargaining agreement. 2. If the Provost or designee believes the total academic performance of the faculty member is not sufficiently set forth in the fourth year, the Provost or designee prepares a memorandum to the Chair regarding the faculty members progress toward tenure, specifying strengths and weaknesses in light of the criteria for tenure consistent with established University policies.


3. The draft memorandum is sent to the faculty member, followed by a meeting of the Provost or designee and the faculty member to review the memorandum; the faculty member may request that the Chair be present at that meeting. 4. Following the meeting with the faculty member, the Provost or designee issues a final memorandum to the Chair with a copy to the faculty member. The faculty member initials the memorandum to acknowledge receipt, and the memorandum is placed in the faculty members’ personnel file.

Tenure The criteria upon which decisions to grant tenure are based are as follows: a) Teaching Effectiveness: Tenure appointments will be made only when there is clear evidence of the individual's effectiveness as a teacher.


b) Scholarship and Professional Growth: The candidate must provide evidence of new scholarship, research or creative activity through publication or performance. Additionally, evidence-based instructional materials and techniques as well as grant-writing will be recognized. Works should be evaluated as well as listed, and work in progress should be assessed. When work is a product of joint effort, it is the responsibility of the department chairman to establish as clearly as possible the role of the candidate in the joint effort. c) Service to the Institution: The faculty plays an important role in the formulation and implementation of University policy, and in the administration of the University. Faculty members will be judged on the degree and quality of their participation in departmental, college and University governance and activity. Similarly, faculty contributions to student guidance and welfare, through service on committees or as an advisor to student organizations, will be recognized. d) Service to the Public: Service to the community, state and nation, both in the faculty member's special capacity as a scholar and in areas beyond this when the work is pertinent and significant, will be recognized.


Qualifications and Promotions For appointment as, or promotion to, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor, a candidate must possess the Ph.D. degree, or accepted equivalency. Departments in the college with equivalencies are Accounting, Allied Health Sciences, Library, Nursing, Music & Art, Theatre Arts and Media Arts and Technology. These departments may also have requirements over and above those set forth as accepted equivalencies. Faculty should consult their chairpersons concerning the specific requirements in their department and/or discipline. In addition to the degree requirement the following conditions for appointment or promotion also apply.


TO LECTURER FULL-TIME one must possess a baccalaureate degree and other qualifications necessary for the performance of instructional functions.

To Instructor The candidate must have an appropriate master's degree or active progress toward a doctorate. The candidate must also have demonstrated satisfactory qualities of personality or character, ability to teach successfully, interest in productive scholarship or creative achievement and willingness to cooperate with others for the good of the institution.

To Assistant Professor The candidate must have demonstrated satisfactory qualities of personality and character, evidence of significant success as a teacher, interest in productive scholarship or creative achievement and a willingness to cooperate with others for the good of the institution. He or she must have also obtained the Ph.D. degree, or equivalent.


To Associate Professor The candidate must possess the same qualifications as those for an assistant professor and must also possess a record of significant achievement in the field or profession, or as a college or university administrator. There must also be evidence of intellectual energy which has gained respect outside the immediate academic community. Further, there must be evidence of continued growth and of continued effectiveness in teaching.

To Professor The candidate must possess the qualifications for an associate professor and must also have a record of exceptional intellectual, educational or artistic achievement and an established reputation for excellence in teaching and scholarship in the discipline. The judgement on promotion will consider primarily evidence of continued growth and achievement in teaching and scholarship or creative activity following the most recent promotion. For promotion to senior rank, longevity and seniority alone are not sufficient.



Personnel Committees Candidates for reappointment are first considered by the Department Personnel and Budget Committee. The department Personnel and Budget Committee consists of the Department Chairperson and four faculty members elected by a majority of the eligible voting members of the department. The department Personnel and Budget Committee is concerned with departmental appointments, reapply appointments, tenure, sabbaticals, special leaves of absence without pay, Scholar Incentive Awards, and promotions except to the rank of professor. All votes by the Committee are done by secret ballot and decision is by the affirmative majority of the whole number of members regardless of the number of members present. The Department Chairperson, who chairs the Committee, has the responsibility of communicating to the candidate the results of the actions of the Committee. When communicating the results of the Committees action to the candidate, no reason shall be given for a negative recommendation.


The Committee makes its recommendations to the College-wide Personnel and Budget Committee. The College-wide Personnel and Budget Committee consists of the President as Chairperson, the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs who serves as Chairperson in the President's absence, and the chairpersons of all academic departments. The Committee receives and considers recommendations on appointments, reappointments, tenure, promotions, sabbaticals, special leaves of absence without pay, and Scholar Incentive Awards from the departments and forwards its own recommendations to the President. The decisions are reached by secret ballot and an affirmative majority of the voting membership is needed for a positive recommendation. The College-wide Personnel and Budget Committee hears appeals by faculty members of negative recommendations made by the Department Personnel and Budget Committees on reappointment, tenure or promotion.


In making his/her decisions regarding reappointment, tenure and promotion the President must exercise his/her responsibility, as per CUNY Bylaws, to recommend for appointment, tenure and promotion only those persons who he/she is reasonably certain will contribute to the improvement of academic excellence at the College. In addition, the academic personnel practices of the college require that increasingly rigorous standards be applied for each successive reappointment.

Personnel Files The College maintains two personnel files for each faculty member: a personal personnel file and an administrative personnel file. The personal personnel file contains information submitted by the individual faculty member or generated by the College and is maintained by the Human Resources Office. Such information includes, but is not limited to, evidence of academic and professional accomplishments, memoranda relating to evaluations of professional performance, observation reports on academic and professional performance, and student evaluation data.


Faculty members must be given the opportunity to read and initial any items before they are placed in this personnel file. They may attach a comment if they so desire. Initialing does not, in itself, constitute approval of an item. If a faculty member refuses to initial any item, a statement to that effect must be attached to the item when it is placed in the personnel file. Faculty members should examine their personal personnel file at least once each academic year. A separate administrative personnel file is maintained in the Human Resources Office on each faculty member. This file contains only such materials as requested by the College or supplied by the individual faculty member in connection with employment, promotion, or tenure. Examples of such material include transcripts, reference letters, and the application for employment. The administrative file is available only to persons responsible for the review and recommendation of the faculty member with respect to appointment, reappointments, promotions, or tenure.



SERVICES COLLEGE SERVICE Academic Senate/Committees An important part of your work at BMCC consists of service to the College. One way to participate is to serve on one of the committees of the Academic Senate. The Election Committee run elections frequently. Ask any member of this Committee if you have any doubts: ElectionCommittee@bmcc.cuny.edu CETLS Faculty can also serve the college by joining the Advisory Board of The Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship (CETLS). Each department has one representative on the Board. This representative is typically chosen by the Department Chair from among those faculty members who are interested.


Governance The Faculty of BMCC play an active role in the governance of the college. Details about this process can be found here.

DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE An important part of your work at BMCC consists of service to the College. Ask the Chair of MLD how to participate.

SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC Institutions of higher education are expected to contribute their services to the welfare of the community. Although such activities are a matter of individual discretion and opportunity, evaluation of a faculty member for reappointment should recognize pertinent and significant professional activities on behalf of the public.


GRANTS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT BMCC offers many opportunities for professional development. Faculty engage in original research and creative work in all academic disciplines, in the arts, and in the scholarship of teaching and learning. The college supports this development through the Office of Research, the Grants Office, and the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship.

Research and Scholarly Inquiry The Office of Research will help you to develop your research agenda and identify funding opportunities. The Office of Research also handles all BMCC applications to the University's Institutional Review Board and is active in promoting Undergraduate Research at the College.


Grants Office The BMCC Grants Office oversees all applications for funding, both within CUNY and outside the University. They can help you to locate promising sources of support for your research and creative work. Center for Teaching,

Excellence in Learning,


Scholarship (CELTLS) The BMCC CETLS is a venue for faculty to present their scholarly work, share ideas about teaching, and work collaboratively on projects that engage scholarship, teaching, or both. CETLS regularly offers workshops about teaching and learning and professional development. CUNY



Publications Program The CUNY Faculty Fellowship Publications Program supports untenured faculty in developing writing projects through disciplinebased writing groups and mentorship of senior CUNY faculty.


PSC-CUNY Grants The PSC-CUNY sponsors three types of grants for CUNY Faculty. These grants, designated Traditional A, Traditional B, and Enhanced, provide funding for expenses related to research such as travel to archives, publication expenses, and equipment needed for research projects. Deadlines are typically in December. The BMCC Grants Office will offer workshops about the grants in the Fall semester.

BMCC Faculty Development Grants The BMCC Faculty Development Committee offers grants of up to $3000 for faculty to develop research projects. The most recent call for participation can be found here. It is updated annually.



EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THE MLD Frequently Asked Questions Q. Who should I contact if I have a question or need support during the semester? A. Your department chair or deputies. Also to the secretary. Q. Who should I contact in the event of an emergency? A. contact Public Safety immediately Q. If a student informs me that he/she is being abused at the College or elsewhere should I report it? A. Yes. contact Public Safety immediately Q. What should I do if I have a student with a disability who needs additional support? A. contact The Office of Accessibility An individual’s disabilities and accommodations should never be announced to the class. Such discussion should always occur privately.


Should a student need a note taker, it is advised that an instructor simply announce at the beginning of class that he/she is looking for a student to take notes. It is not necessary to announce who they are helping by taking notes. Q. What should I do on the first day of class? A. The first thing you should do is check the class roll. Any student who is not on your roll should be advised that they are not officially in your class until their name appears on the class roll. After that, send students to take a placement test in case they didn’t. It’s mandatory. It is also appropriate to discuss the course content, review the syllabus, etc. Q. Should I check my class roster often? A. Yes. You should also take attendance for all class meetings since you will be required to enter the last date of attendance for all students who receive an F, W, or I as their final grade. Q. Does BMCC have an attendance policy? A. Yes. Q. What should I include in my syllabi? A. you must include your contact information and office hour, your BMCC email. MLD have created and use a standardized course syllabus. Your chair, deputies, or the secretary will provide you with the copies for your course (s).


In case you need to developed one, ask a fulltime faculty. They help you! You should include information regarding grading of tests and assignments, attendance/tardiness policies, a course description and information about the course learning outcomes. Additionally, you should include the consequences for academic dishonesty. Click for a sample syllabus and course guide Q. Does the College provide an email account for adjunct faculty? A. Yes. Please click the link for information Q. Should I check my BMCC email address frequently? A. Yes. Email is the primary means that BMCC and MLD will communicate with you. You are expected to check it often and make it available to your students on your syllabus. BMCC expects its employees to respond to email within 24 hours on weekdays and within 48 hours if the email was received over the weekend. Q. Where do I pick up my mail? A. The mailboxes are in the main office of MLD. Q. Are there regular department meetings and do I have to attend? A. MLD hold meetings monthly. Our chair will provide more information (agenda, day and room) by email. These meetings are mandatory for Full-time faculty. Adjuncts are never required to attend these meetings, but if they want, can go.


Q. Will BMCC provide me with keys to my classroom? A. No. your classroom will be unlocked in advance or you can open with your ID. If you find this is not the case, please contact Public Safety immediately Q. Must I use the assigned textbook? A. Yes. Textbooks are selected by department and are intended to support classroom instruction. If a textbook is required, be sure to use it as part of the course. Q. When should I give my first exam/quiz? A. When the syllabus indicates. Q. Are all instructors provided with a Blackboard shell? A. Yes. All classroom instructors have a Blackboard shell. Once you have a CUNY Portal ID, you can click Blackboard on the top right hand corner of the CUNY portal. You will find a list of all of the courses you are currently teaching. For help with setting up your course, you can begin with CUNY's Blackboard user guide for faculty. Blackboard Log-In Âť If you do not know your username and/or password to CUNY Portal/Blackboard, go to portal.cuny.edu and click on Account and Password Reset.If you need any assistance with Blackboard, peruse the videos below or contact the E-Learning Center at esupport@bmcc.cuny.edu or (212) 220-8126, or stop by our office at S-510a. For questions, click here.


Q. Are all instructors required to use Blackboard grade book? A. No, but if you are teaching full online or online course, you have to. By posting grades regularly, students are able to monitor their progress which can impact their overall course grade. Q. What I need to do if I have problem with a student? A. If students cause disruptions in class that make the environment unsafe, faculty should contact Public Safety immediately at 212-2208080. If there does not seem to be immediate danger but a faculty member is worried that a situation may become unsafe or disruptive, they should contact the Behavioral Assessment Response Team (BART). Members of the BART can assess risks and propose solutions. Also, notify the Chair. Q. Where do I park at BMCC? Do I need to pay for a parking space outside? A. Yes you need to pay for a parking space outside. If you have any doubt, ask the Secretary. Q. Where do I make copies of classroom materials? A. Copies should be made at Reprographics. MLD does have a printer available for use. These copiers should not be used for mass production but rather for a small number of copies.


Q. Can I house all items that I would have photocopied in the past in my Blackboard course shell. A. Absolutely. In fact, students note that they prefer their professors to put all resources in their Blackboard course shell so they can access them anytime and anywhere they have web access, which, these days, is everywhere! Save a forest and support your students‌ Go Digital! Q. Am I required to hold regularly scheduled office hours? A. Yes. If you are Full-time, you need to schedule 3 hours weekly. Adjunct faculty are not required to hold regularly scheduled office hours but they are required to meet with students upon request before or after class. Q. Where can I hold office hours or meet with students? A. In your designated office. If you have questions about offices or need special accommodations, please talk with your Chair. Q. What should I do if a student identifies to me that they cannot afford classes, textbooks or other educational expenses? A. If the student identifies finances are a problem that could disrupt his/her education, urge the student to contact a Student Services


Q. When should I give my final exam? A. Final exams must be given in strict adherence to the College’s Final Exam schedule. Under no circumstances should you deviate from this schedule. The Secretary will ask you for copies of your finals. Give to her o send by email. Q. Are the final grades given at the end of the semester for each course? A. Yes. For grading, consult this link. Q. Does BMCC have a specific policy on academic dishonesty? A. Yes. Click here for report. The Student Handbook states that student dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, are not tolerated by BMCC. Such behavior can be reported to your department chair, dean, or the Vice President of Student Affairs. Students engaging in such behavior are subject to disciplinary action that may include suspension or expulsion from the College. Q. How do I cancel a class? A. BMCC does not encourage class cancellations as it disrupts student learning. If, however, an emergency occurs and you cannot meet a class, contact your department chair or speak with a peer. Maybe you class can be cover. In many cases, they can arrange for a substitute.


Q. Can I release my class early? A. You should not release your class early. All classes should meet and end as scheduled by the College. Failure to comply with scheduled hours is considered unacceptable. Q. Where can I find more frequently asked questions and teaching tips? Speak with the chair or any full-time member of MLD about grades, teaching methods, readings, and topics of inquiry. Q. What are the policies about final Exams? A. For Make-up final exams, the student needs to complete a SEPARATE FORM for EACH make-up examination requested. Submit the form to the appropriate department chairperson who will approve or deny your request and notify you accordingly. Bring this form to the Bursar's Office (S-330) and pay the fee. Schedule of Fees: $25.00 for one examination $ 5.00 for each additional examination he student needs to paid. Final Exam Make-up

Q. How I search for classes? A. The following are the detailed instructions and explanations to help you make your selection criteria.  

You must select an Institution and a Term You also must select at least 2 criteria from Class Search and Additional Search

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Search for Classes How to Search for Online Classes How to Search for Writing Intensive Classes How to Search for Pathways Classes How to Search for Winter Classes How to Search for Summer Classes Course Catalog/Descriptions



Are mandatory for Full-time Faculty and Lab Technicians. Open to Adjuncts. When? 2nd Wednesday. Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Room: TBA


Class Observation Form MLD

Observation Template



OFFICES AND SERVICES (LINKS) A. Philip Randolph Memorial Library Academic Advisement and Transfer Center Affirmative Action & Compliance Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship (CETLS) College Bookstore College Computer Center directory E-Learning Grants and Research Administration Human Resources Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics Instructional Technology Services Media Center Public Affairs Public Safety


RESOURCES (LINKS) Academic Senate Adjunct Faculty Handbook Behavioral Assessment and Response Team (BART) Campaign for Student Success Proposal College Council CUNY first CUNY Relocation Resources Evacuation Procedures Faculty Handbook Faculty Pages Global Pedagogy Handbook Governmental per diem rates Hispanic Educational Telecommunications System (HETS) IRB & Human Subjects Research Rules and Regulations Sustainability at BMCC Weekend Faculty Resources Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC)



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