Worksheet 1 - My Time 6

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1. Look at the pictures and complete the words with the correct consonant.

2. Complete the sentences. Use a verb in the box.

1. The secretary is the person who the phone.

2. The janitor is the person who the school.

3. The librarian is the person who the books.

4. The PE teacher is the person who sports.

5. The head teacher is the person who parents.

3. Look at the code and the chart. Then complete the sentences. teaches – emails – cleans – answers – organises

1. Amanda

4. Complete the dialogue using the present continuous form of the verbs in the box. buy – go – come – celebrate – travel

My holidays!!!

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Trip to Colombia Beach Day Beach day Buy decorations and food Tina's b-day! Home again Rest

Emma: Hi, Anna. How are you? What are you doing for the holidays?

Anna: I'm staying home! We have to paint our house. What about you?

Emma: I'm going to my cousin's house. It's her birthday. I'm so happy! Look at my calendar. Can you see all the activities we are doing?

Anna: Awesome! Tell me about your trip, please.

Emma: Of course! On Sunday, I (1) to Colombia. On Monday and Thursday, my cousin and I (2) to the beach. I love playing on the beach and swimming in the sea. On Wednesday, we (3) some decorations and the food for my cousin's birthday. And on her day, we (4) her special day. That is my last day there because on Friday, I (5) back home! Anna: That's fantastic! I hope you really enjoy your trip.

Emma: Thank you, Anna!

5. Interview three classmates and write their answers.

Classmate's name

What are you doing on Sunday? 1. 2. 3.

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