In This Issue
Book Review...Final Exams: There are two main theories explaining the mysterious life and death of one of the greatest tango singers of all time, and photographic evidence supports them both. In this issue, Horacio E. Solla uses forensic analyses to decipher clues about where Carlos Gardel lived, and how he died. We also examine the unusual and captivating
True Crime Cases From Cyril Wecht
cases profiled in Final Exams: True Crime Cases, by Cyril Wecht and Dawna
An Anthropological
Kaufmann, to tell you why this book is worth reading. Then, Rev. Dr. Chrys L. Parker
Comparison of Two Children
exposes an urgent concern: how clinicians can actually put their patients at risk by neglecting to use integrative approaches in treating them. Through the case study of a patient whose prescription for treating PTSD wound up putting her at serious risk
´s Photographs
instead, Parker shows the need for clinicians to get outside their own areas of
The Integrative Clinician Part
expertise and coordinate with one another - or risk causing irreparable harm.
2: Integrative Awareness in PTSD Treatment: Avoiding Unseen Risk..
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Childrens's Photographs
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An Anthropological Comparison of Two Children's Photographs
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By: Horacio E. Solla, PhD The two most popular theories about the nationality of the famous tango singer, Carlos Gardel, are presented here. These are the Uruguayan and French theories. Both arguments are exposed according to documentation, witness testimonies, and Gardel's declarations to the media. A study and anthropological comparison of two children´s photographs are presented. According to Berthe Gardés, both photographs correspond to Gardel when he was a child. The photographic comparisons were made by modern, forensic anthropological analyses of faces, using digital techniques with Adobe Photoshop software. As a result of these comparisons, it can ascertain that, without any doubt, the two photographs analyzed are not of the same child. These conclusions support the Uruguayan theory about the nationality of Gardel. Medicolegal aspects of the case were also analyzed as well as several legal irregularities that had never been clarified concerning Gardel's last will. Forensic aspects about his death in a plane crash at the airport of Olaya Herrera of Medellín City, Colombia, were also analyzed. The fast and poor identification of Gardel's body, basically taken from personal objects, was not performed according to scientific techniques of identification.
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Ask the Experts When an attorney is developing a case in which the opposition is relying on scientific data of questionable scientific reliability (e.g., internal forces of labor and not overzealous use of traction on the baby's head causes Erb's Palsy) what are the options available to opposing counsel to manage and/or get fraudulent scientific data precluded? See what our experts had to say HERE.
Although dental analysis is described in the forensic literature, the analysis was never distinguished because neither Gardel's radiographs nor his dental charts were shown. Therefore, several experts have serious doubts that the body buried in the Chacarita cemetery is that of the famous tango singer. All these irregularities are supported by the fact that the photographs analyzed are undoubtedly of two different children. Certainly one of them is of Gardel as a child, but the other one seems to be of the true son of Berthe Gardés, one Charles Romuald Gardés. These facts strengthen the Uruguayan theory about the nationality of Carlos Gardel as the illegitimate son of Colonel Carlos Escayola and María Lelia Oliva, born in Tacuarembó, Uruguay.
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About the Authors:
As always we are looking for Horacio E. Solla, PhD, received a Bachelor's in Anthropology as well as a Master's in Human Sciences from the University of the Republic, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Uruguay. He also received his doctorate from the International Atlantic University and a degree of merit from the International Biographical Institute at Cambridge, England (2001). Dr. Solla has made many
postgraduate degree courses in forensic anthropology, the last one in 2003, dictated by Dr. Douglas H. Ubelaker of the Smithsonian Institution. He received a certificate of inclusion in 2000 Outstanding Scholars of the 21st Century, First Edition, in honor of an outstanding contribution to the field of forensic anthropology in Uruguay (as a founder of forensic anthropology in that country). He has published three books and more than
regular content for The Forensic Examiner. If there is anything you would like to submit please contact us. Go HERE for submission guidelines. Or email us,
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60 scientific papers. Dr. Solla is member of the Uruguayan Society of History of Medicine, the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, the American College of Forensic Examiners, and the Spanish College of Forensic Experts. He was Curator at the National Museum of Anthropology (1990-1992), Assistant of Physical Anthropology at the University of the Republic, faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Uruguay (19891995), and an anthropologist at the National Institute of Criminology (1992-1995). Presently, he has a full-time position as the forensic anthropologist at the Judicial Morgue of Montevideo City (Supreme Court of Justice), where he has solved more
American Association of Integrative Medicine
than 1,200 forensic anthropology cases and identified skeletal remains of more than 200 missing persons, in addition to teaching forensic anthropology at the Catholic University of Montevideo, Uruguay. He also has worked as an advisory forensic anthropologist in several important privates cases.
Book Review
American Psychotherapy Association
Final Exams: True Crime Cases From Cyril Wecht By Cyril Wecht, and Dawna Kaufmann Reviewed by Charles Langston
American Board for Certification in Homeland Security
Cyril Wecht has worked on some of the highest profile cases in American history, including JFK and Elvis Presley. This book doesn't cover those cases, but instead focuses on a handful of peculiar cases that Dr. Wecht has come across in his career. The first is a murder case where, Dr. Wecht believes, the victim was an active participant in his own death. I like the way the cases that follow are presented throughout the book. They are discussed based on information Dr. Wecht would have
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had access to at the time he was called upon to deliver his findings, and for each case, Dr. Wecht gives his scientific thoughts as well as the reasons he came to certain
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conclusions. And yet, care is taken to explain things so that anyone could understand
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both his reasoning and findings. In one case, the girl in the pink hat, the authors stray
publication of your involvement in
too far toward being subjective. It's hard to say whether this is the contribution of
a forensic related event to the
Wecht's co-writer Dawna Kaufmann or simply the natural response everyone has
regarding violence perpetrated against a child. When two writers co-author something, I suppose it's inevitable that their two voices will be distinct throughout the work. I think this book will appeal to a wide variety of readers. For professionals working
Announcement Recertification policies are being
as medical examiners, the book may occasionally feel as if it over-explains things, but
strengthened for all American
it's still a good opportunity to see cases through the mind of Cyril Wecht. And novices
College of Forensic Examiners
get a tour through the world of medical examination led by one of the most experienced
Institute certifications. All new
medical examiners of all time. For me, the book was interesting from start to finish and
and current certifications and
hard to put down. I ended up reading it over the course of two evenings, and that was
renewals will be for a three (3)
only because I had to sleep in order to function at work the day in between. I
year period. In compliance with
recommend this book, but just remember... if you read it before bed; you may need to
third-party accreditation, the
set an alarm so you don't stay up too late.
American College of Forensic Examiners Institute requires
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certification holders to remain in good standing by being current with maintenance fees or
The Integrative Clinician Part 2
Integrative Awareness in PTSD Treatment: Avoiding Unseen Risks of a Provider-Initiated Drug Withdrawal
membership dues, submitting the required 30 continuing education units every three years for recertification, and upholding the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute's code of conduct. If you have any questions please
By: Rev. Dr. Chrys L. Parker, J.D. ACPE-CM, AAPC-PCS, D-AAETS,
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or call us at: 800-423-9737.
In "The Integrative Clinician" series, the author discusses the importance of exercising integrative awareness when treating patients with PTSD. Through integrative approaches, clinicians can develop a heightened awareness of the various ways in which their treatments interact dynamically (l) with patients, (2) with patients' environments, and (3) with other disciplines and professional providers. In this segment, the author presents a case study in which a provider's prescription of sleepinducing medication intersected with environmental and interdisciplinary factors. The provider's failure to exercise integrative awareness of these factors led to the patient's experience of sudden and complete withdrawal from a multiple drug regimen. Analysis of the case demonstrates how integrative approaches, had they been adopted, could have improved the patient's outcome and protected her from potentially lethal risks.
Disclaimer The American College of Forensic Examiners Institute, and/or The Forensic Examiner does not endorse, guarantee or warrant the credentials, work, or opinions of any individual member. The opinions and views expressed by the authors, publishers, or presenters are their sole separate views and opinions and do not necessarily reflect those of the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute and/or The Forensic Examiner, nor does the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute and/or The Forensic Examiner adopt such opinions or views as its own. The American College of Forensic Examiner Institute and/or The Forensic Examiner does not assume any
responsibility or liability with respect to the opinions, views, and factual statements of such authors, publishers, or presenters, nor with
About the Author:
respect to any actions, qualifications, or
Rev. Dr. Chrys Parker, J.D. is a psychotherapist, pastoral counselor, clinical chaplain, author, lecturer, advanced military trainer and academic educator specializing in traumatic stress. She is also a licensed attorney, and a forensic consultant in civil and criminal cases. She is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, a Clinical Member of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, a Pastoral Care Specialist of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors, and Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center (San Antonio). Rev. Dr. Parker is Co-Director of Trauma Care Concepts, LLC and the Home Coming Initiative, a veteran and military training program based in San Antonio Texas. She is co-author with Dr. Harry Croft, M.D. of the book "I Always Sit With My Back To The Wall: Managing Traumatic Stress and Combat PTSD Through the R-E-C-O-V-E-R Approach For Veterans and Families." Rev. Dr. Parker and her writings, including archived issues of "The Integrative Clinician" may be found on the Web at;
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Member Profile Dr. Alan M. Jaffe is a licensed clinical psychologist. He is a member of the faculty of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry for the last 32 years. Dr. Jaffe's long-standing area of expertise has been in the area of family therapy, divorce related issues, custody evaluations, and addictive disorders. He has been distinguished in his teaching, article publications and author of book chapters. Also included in his publications are articles that deal with psychological assessment in child custody and Forensic Psychology, such as his recent article entitled, Dependent Personality as an Affirmative Defense.. He has testified in high profile rape and murder cases where substance use was an issue to be considered by the jury in their deliberations. READ MORE
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