3 minute read
from National Culinary Review (March/April 2022)
by National Culinary Review (an American Culinary Federation publication)
Check Out ACF’s Culinary Leadership Bootcamp and MasterCrafft Summit Series
The first one-day summit of the series, held on Thursday, March 10 in Orlando, Florida, and covering advanced culinary techniques, was a smashing success with solid attendance. Read on to learn about the upcoming, virtual Culinary Bootcamp Series and the next scheduled in-person Summit. Visit acfchefs.org/ events for more information about future MasterCraft Summits planned for this year.
Culinary Leadership Bootcamp (Virtual)
For one hour each Monday in April, join these presenters on Zoom for an in-depth study of various business skills. Sponsored by Smithfield Culinary. Speakers and topics include:
• R estauranteur Christopher W. Ridenhour will discuss how to “level up” amid ongoing global challenges
• K ara Maciel, Esq., will speak to the key issues in employment law impacting restaurants
• Chef Shawn Loving, CMC, CCA, AAC, will share insights on the power of saying “yes”
• Chef Michael Diehl, CEC, AAC, will offer best practices in costing and purchasing as supply chain challenges continue
• Chef Tom Griffiths, CMC, will offer tips on how to research food trends and create scalable recipes
• Chef Tim Recher, CEC, AAC, will present on how to lead the next generation of kitchen teams

• R estauranteur Elaine Chon-Baker will talk about the steps needed to embark on a new business venture
• Chef Victor Gielisse, CMC, consulting partner with the Culinary Institute of America, will discuss how to stay ahead of the competition
Advanced Pastry
The second in-person, one-day MasterCraft Summit event will take place on Saturday, May 14, at Dallas College in Dallas and feature the latest innovations in pastry. Speakers and techniques include:
• Chef Lisa Kirshner, pre-ferments for advanced bread baking
• Chef Lasheeda Perry, using natural food colors in pastry

• Chef Susan Notter, CEPC, sugar techniques
• Chef Francisco Migoya, Modernist Cuisine in pastry, design and art
Events are BACK!
Other In-Person Industry Happenings This Spring:
March 20-22 Women’s Foodservice Forum Annual Leadership Conference, Dallas
March 22-24 International Pizza Expo & Conference, Las Vegas
March 23-25 Research Chefs Association Annual Conference, Atlanta
April 10-13 Restaurant Leadership Conference, Phoenix
April 22-24 International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP) Annual Conference, Pittsburgh
May 2-5 Catersource + The Special Event, Anaheim, California
May 6-8 National ProStart Invitational, Washington, D.C.
May 9-12 Food Safety Summit, Rosemont, Illinois
May 21-24 National Restaurant Association Show, Chicago
At Home with Your Allergy Chefs: Cooking Up Gluten-Free and Allergy-Friendly Meals Everyone Will Enjoy
This is the second book published by ACF Chefs Joel and Mary Schaefer, both of whom live with food allergies and intolerances. The book features tips and recipes for those with celiac disease and people on gluten-free or vegan diets. Chef Joel Schaefer, CCC, CDM, CFPP, is an instructor at The Culinary Academy of Las Vegas who teaches classes in food allergen safety and cooking. Chef Mary Schaefer, CEPC, teaches classes in allergen- and gluten-free baking and pastry. Visit yourallergychefs.com for more information or to connect.
The Atlanta Chefs Association, Inc., held the 2022 ACF Atlanta President’s Gala in January after a pandemic-related hiatus. The event, held January 23 at The Hansen Group’s headquarters, featured a menu prepared by ACF Chefs Vagn Nielen, Jimmy Petracci, Ron Horgan, Ryan Whitten, Alex Bladowski and Chris Bladowski, along with staff from their businesses and students from North Georgia Technical College — plus a dessert course created by ACF Chef Frances Coffey. The 2022 Atlanta Chefs chapter awards handed out during the gala include:
• Chef of the Year: Chef Ashley Keyes, C.H.O.I.C.E.S
• Humanitarian of the Year: Chef Charlie Hatney, CEC, Hatney & Company
• Chef Educator of the Year: Chef Cheryl Williams, Tri-Cities High School
• Student of the Year: Branka Metz, North Georgia Technical College
• President’s Award: Bill Ray, US Foods
• Partner of the Year: Smithfield Culinary
• Lifetime Achievement Award: Chef Kurt Eisele, Kurt’s Euro Bistro
Atlanta Chapter President Nick Barrington, CEC, and Executive Director Polly Barrington (pictured above) recieved the first two presidental medallions of the year from ACF National President Kimberly Brock Brown, CEPC, CCA, AAC
ACF Middle Wisconsin Chefs Association held a fundraising dinner at Michele’s Restaurant in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, that raised $2,350 to support local Lincoln High School (Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin) career and technical student organizations, including ProStart (culinary arts) and the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). Culinary arts students from the school worked alongside chapter members to prepare the meal service.
Do you have chapter news or member milestones to share? Email it all to communications@acfchefs.org!