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vegas baby!

Food Writing TiPs And PastRy TricKs: hoW To Write A BestseLling CookBook

This discussion is a must for anyone who may be interested in writing a cookbook and wants to gain valuable insight for success. Join ACF ChefInstructor Michael Zebrowski, of The Culinary Institute of America, and Chef Michael Mignano, executive banquet chef at The Pierre New York, for an informative and dynamic look into the world of writing and publishing cookbooks. Moderated by Chef Chad Minton.

Chefs on TV: The seCrets of geTting noTiCed on neWs

Chef and TV personality George Geary will share his foolproof timeline for food segments and demonstrations for local or national stations, as well as cover all the details necessary to set you up for success, from pitching and booking segments to cleaning up afterward.

Chef PeRsPeCtiVes: PrioRiTizing mentAl WeLlness in ouR industRy

Join your fellow ACF community members from across the country as they unite to discuss the foodservice industry's struggles with stress, mental health, addiction, substance abuse, self-abuse, eating disorders and more. Moderated by ACF Palm Beach County Chefs Association Chapter President Jeffrey Schlissel, this important presentation will also include perspectives from ACF Chefs Keith Sarasin, Susanne EbacherGrier, Melinda Dorn, and Jacquelynn Quinn

seeking exCeLlenCe: Best LeAdership PrAcTiCes

From The stReets of guAdAlAjArA

To BengAluru: A CeLeBrAtion of

CuLtures And Cuisines

Join authors and longtime ACF Chefs Keith Sarasin and Ryan Manning, who will take us on an exploration of the similarities and differences between two ancient cuisines and the breads, tortillas, paratha, salsas and sauces that define them.

Food PhotogRaPhy: Chefs Behind The Lens

With one quick shot, it's now possible to transform a beautiful plate of food into a dazzling work of art. Join famed food photographer Alan "Battman" Batt as he shares his techniques, tips and tricks on how to create the best pictures of your dishes.

Join Victor Gielisse, CMC, principal of PS4M Consulting, LLC, as he explores with you the key opportunity of leading people in a competitive foodservice and hospitality market. Explore the lessons chefs must understand in business to plan for the future and stay ahead of the competition.

Hotel Information

Spots are filling up! Discounted room blocks are available at Harrah’s and Flamingo Las Vegas. Visit acfchefs.org/ events to book directly.

AAC Dinner and Luncheon

The 50th annual American Academy of Chefs (AAC) Fellows meeting and dinner will be on Tuesday, July 26. The AAC Spouse’s/Significant Other Luncheon will take place on Wednesday, July 27. Register at acfchefs.org/events spotLighT on AmericAn Cuisine: The FaRm-To-TaBle moVement

ACF Chef Larry Forgione, who has been called “the godfather of American cuisine,” will talk about the CIA’s American food studies curriculum, which he helped develop, and discuss the key elements of the farm-to-table movement today.

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