7 minute read
from National Culinary Review (Sept/Oct 2022)
by National Culinary Review (an American Culinary Federation publication)
Solutions to help simplify procedures, save time, and reduce efforts
Digital Programs to help mitigate food safety risks, improve operational performance and optimize labor
& Surface Cleaner Sanitizer EPA-registered 2-in-1 no-rinse food contact cleaner sanitizer

On-Demand Digital Training Task-based training platform offering 24/7 access to your staff
Foodservice Intelligence Analytics platform that uses operational data to help drive smarter performance across your organization
1 Kills SARS-CoV-2 in 15 seconds; Norovirus, common cold and flu viruses in 30 seconds. EPA Reg. No. 1677-260.
2 Refer to label for complete use instructions.
3 When used according to label.
4 Versus five-gallon plastic pails, based on running 50-unit chain running 500 racks per day. Results may vary based on your specific set of circumstances.
Feature Stories
2022 ACF National Convention: A Recap
Take a look at the photos and award winners from this year’s event.
Dream Kitchens
Chefs and designers dish on what their ideal workspace would and should look like.
DEPARTMENTS 18 Management
A transgender author, speaker and consultant gives us a lesson in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
Main Course
Miami-based Colombian chefs combine their heritage cuisine with Asian flavors.
On the Side
All about mofongo, the Puerto Rican staple with Afro-Caribbean roots.
Classical vs. Modern
ACF Chef Hannah Brinner presents a classic Filipino chicken adobo inspired by her mother’s recipe, plus a modern spin.
34 Health
A look at how operators are stepping up their safety and sanitation efforts in honor of Food Safety Month in September.

Segment Spotlight
These caterers got in the business for a work-life balance — and they’re fighting hard to keep it.
ACF pastry chefs talk about their favorite tools in their kitchen pantries.
Amelia Levin
Creative Services Manager
David Ristau
Graphic Designer
Armando Mitra
Advertising and Event Sales
Eric Gershowitz
Director of Marketing and Communications
Alan Sterling
Contributing Editors
Amanda Baltazar, John Bartimole, Liz Barrett Foster, Kenya McCullum, Robert Wemischner
Copy Editor
Erica Demarest
American Culinary Federation, Inc. 6816 Southpoint Parkway Ste 400 Jacksonville, FL 32216 (800) 624-9458 (904) 824-4468 Fax: (904) 940-0741 ncr@acfchefs.net ACFSales@mci-group.com www.acfchefs.org
Board of Directors
Kimberly Brock Brown, CEPC®, CCA®, AAC®
Immediate Past President
Thomas Macrina, CEC®, CCA, AAC
National Secretary
Jeff Bacon, CEC, CCA, AAC
National Treasurer
Thomas Macrina, CEC, CCA, AAC
American Academy of Chefs Chair
Americo “Rico” DiFronzo, CEC, CCA, AAC
Vice President Central Region
Rajeev Patgaonkar, CEC, AAC
Vice President Northeast Region
Barry R. Young, CEC, CCE®, AAC, MBA
Vice President Southeast Region
Bryan Frick, CEC, AAC
Vice President Western Region
Greg Matchett, CEC
Executive Director
Heidi Cramb
The National
(ISSN 0747-7716), September/
American Culinary Federation, Inc. (ACF) and is produced six times per year by ACF, located at 6816 Southpoint Parkway, Ste 400, Jacksonville, FL 32216. A digital subscription to the National Culinary Review® is included with ACF membership dues; print subscriptions are available to ACF members for $25 per year, domestic; nonmember subscriptions are $40. Material from the National Culinary Review®, in whole or in part, may not be reproduced without written permission. All views and opinions expressed in the National Culinary Review® are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the officers or members of ACF. Changes of mailing address should be sent to ACF’s national office: 6816 Southpoint Parkway, Ste 400, Jacksonville, FL 32216; (800) 624-9458; Fax (904) 940-0741.
The National Culinary Review® is mailed, and periodical postage is paid at St. Augustine, Fla., and additional post offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the National Culinary Review®, 6816 Southpoint Parkway, Ste 400, Jacksonville, FL 32216.
All I can say about the 2022 ACF National Convention is: WOW!
It was SO INCREDIBLE to see such a huge and diverse group of people! There were so many budding chefs and students, veteran ACF members and chefs, plenty of newcomers and even those who haven’t been to convention in a while. It was amazing to have real conversations with and talk with membership — to hear people’s questions, comments and concerns. I’m already excited for next year’s convention in New Orleans!
The lineup of speakers was out of this world! Everyone had the same “problem”: There are so many great sessions, how do I pick between these two or three because I can’t get to them all? Some of my favorite presenters were Chef Elizabeth Falkner all day, and our closing keynote, Chef Jeff Henderson, whose speech garnered a standing ovation and moved us (and him) to tears! The two students he brought with him from his nonprofit, Chef Jeff Project, and introduced during the session had a truly life-changing experience, he told me after the event — so much so that he wants to get his students more involved in ACF! Read more about Chef Henderson and his nonprofit, Chef Jeff Project on page 42.
It's back-to-school time — not just for our culinary educators and students, but for all of us, too. The networking and learning don’t have to stop after convention. So many people ask me, “What does ACF have to offer besides certification and education?” I tell them, “So much!” How else can you meet people in your field from other parts of the country and even the world? How else can you stay connected and know who’s hiring and what’s trending and what’s not? The opportunities for us to exchange ideas and network with others is something that makes ACF truly special. I love the saying, “Who you know gets you in the door; what you know keeps you there.” ACF, of course, offers both.
That said, let’s keep on connecting and learning! Let’s learn more about diversity, equity and inclusion (p. 18). Let’s learn about trending Latin-fusion styles (p. 20) and about must-have pastry tools (p. 46) (I can’t live without my 12-inch serrated knife). Finally, let’s learn how to feed our populations better. People have made a bigger jump toward healthier lifestyles in the past two years, likely because of the pandemic. Many of us want to eat what’s good for our bodies. As chefs, it’s our job to figure out the best ways to prepare that food so we can keep our customer base (and ourselves!) healthy, happy and satisfied.
I’m ready to finally, finally get more back to normal and plan ahead for events and gatherings. That includes competitions. Already I’m seeing an uptick in interest, and we can’t wait to announce some exciting new changes we’re making for this year and next year heading into the 2023 ACF National Convention in NOLA. More info coming soon!
In the meantime, let’s keep that awesome, post-convention mojo going! Let’s go!
Kimberly Brock Brown, CEPC, CCA, AAC National President, American Culinary Federation
Lo único que tengo para decir sobre la Convención Nacional de la ACF 2022 es… ¡WOW!
¡Fue INCREÍBLE ver un grupo tan grande y diverso de personas! Había tantos nuevos chefs y estudiantes, miembros y chefs veteranos de la ACF, muchos recién llegados e incluso algunos que no habían asistido a la convención en mucho tiempo. Fue increíble tener conversaciones reales y hablar con los miembros: escuchar sus preguntas, comentarios e inquietudes. ¡Ya tengo ganas de que llegue la convención del próximo año en Nueva Orleans!
¡Los oradores fueron realmente excepcionales! Todos tuvieron el mismo "problema": con tantas charlas tan buenas, ¿cómo elijo entre estas dos o tres si no puedo asistir a todas?
Algunos de mis oradores favoritos fueron la chef Elizabeth Falkner, que realizó presentaciones durante todo el día, y nuestro discurso de clausura a cargo del chef Jeff Henderson, que recibió una ovación de pie y nos conmovió (tanto a nosotros como a él mismo) hasta las lágrimas. Los dos estudiantes de su organización sin fines de lucro, Chef Jeff Project, a quienes trajo y presentó durante la sesión, tuvieron una experiencia que realmente les cambió la vida. ¡Después del evento, el chef me dijo que la experiencia había sido tan transformadora que quería que sus estudiantes participasen más en la ACF! Lea más sobre el chef Henderson y su organización sin fines de lucro, Chef Jeff Project, en la página 42.
Es tiempo de volver a las aulas, no solo para nuestros educadores y estudiantes culinarios, sino también para todos los demás. La creación de redes y el aprendizaje no tienen por qué detenerse después de la convención. Mucha gente me pregunta: "¿Qué tiene para ofrecer la ACF además de la certificación y la formación?" ¡Y yo les digo que mucho! ¿De qué otra manera podemos conocer a colegas de otras partes del país e incluso del mundo? ¿De qué otra manera podemos mantenernos en contacto y saber quién está buscando nuevos chefs y cuáles son las últimas tendencias de la industria? Las oportunidades que tenemos para intercambiar ideas y trabajar en red con otras personas es algo que hace que la ACF sea realmente especial. Me encanta el dicho, "Los contactos te ayudan a entrar, pero el conocimiento te ayuda a quedarte". La ACF, por supuesto, ofrece ambas cosas.
Dicho esto, ¡sigamos colaborando y aprendiendo! Aprendamos más sobre diversidad, equidad e inclusión (pág. 18). Aprendamos sobre los últimos estilos de fusión latina (pág. 20) y las herramientas de repostería imprescindibles (pág. 46) (No puedo vivir sin mi cuchillo dentado de 12 pulgadas). Finalmente, aprendamos cómo alimentar mejor a nuestras poblaciones. Las personas han dado un salto más grande para comenzar a adoptar estilos de vida más saludables en los últimos dos años, probablemente debido a la pandemia. Muchos de nosotros queremos alimentarnos con cosas que nos hagan bien al cuerpo; como chefs, es nuestro trabajo descubrir las mejores formas de preparar esa comida para que podamos mantener a nuestra base de clientes (¡y a nosotros mismos!) saludables, felices y satisfechos.
Finalmente llegó el momento. Estoy lista para volver a la normalidad y planificar eventos y reuniones. Eso incluye competencias: ya estoy viendo un aumento en el interés, y estamos ansiosos por anunciar algunos cambios nuevos y emocionantes que estamos haciendo para este año y el próximo rumbo a NOLA. ¡Próximamente les haremos llegar más información!
Mientras tanto, ¡mantengamos ese increíble ímpetu que nos trajo la convención!
Kimberly Brock Brown, CEPC, CCA, AAC Presidente Nacional, American Culinary Federation