2 minute read
NCR Quiz
from National Culinary Review May/June 2023
by National Culinary Review (an American Culinary Federation publication)
May/June 2023
By Robert Penry
Which Aperitivo cheese by BelGioioso® is described as earthy, full flavored and having a soft texture?
a. Crescenza Stracchino™ b. Italico™ Washed Rind Cheese c. Creamygorg® Gorgonzola Dolce d. A rtigiano® Vino Rosso a. Northeast Region Student Pastry Chef of the Year b. Central Region Chef of the Year c. Western Region Student Chef of the Year d. Southeast Region Pastry Chef of the Year a. Chef Chris Viaud b. Chef Alejandra Kauachi c. Chef Justin Sutherland d. Chef Lorencita Billiman a. Beignet b. Churro c. Balushahi d. Malasada a. Sh eep b. G oat c. Cow d. A ll of the above a. G reen b. Yellow c. R ed d. O range a. Sugar Tips & Tricks; Crafting Edible Art b. Advanced Bread Baking Techniques: Porridge Breads c. Focus on Pastry Techniques: Chocolate Amenities that WOW! d. Advanced Plating Techniques a. Policy, procedure, and training b. Systems, procedure, and training c. Training, policy, and product d. People, product, and systems a. Wyoming b. New Mexico c. Texas d. Nevada a. Knuckle b. Ox tail c. R ump d. Ch eek a. Butterkäse b. G ran Canaria c. Gouda Foenegreek d. 15-year Cheddar a. Facebook b. Chef’s Table c. L inkedIn d. Instagram a. R ed snapper b. Duck c. Soft-shell crab d. R abbit a. Baked Alaska b. Cherries Jubilee c. Bananas Foster d. German Chocolate Cake
ACF Chef Vanessa Ruiz, CFPC, recently received which regional award?
Which chef will kick off the 2023 ACF National Convention at the opening session in New Orleans?
What stand-out dessert in Hawaii is similar to a raised yeast donut hole that is deep fried and rolled in sugar?

Gran Canaria is a cheese made from which type of milk?
What color, having spiritual meaning with African tribes brought to America and enslaved, is associated with Juneteenth and is the hue of drinks such as kola nut and hibiscus teas.
ACF Chef Andy Chlebana, CMPC, will be presenting on what topic at the 2023 ACF National convention?
According to Chef John Franke, kitchen operations need which three things to operate well?
Formed in 2021 by ACF Chefs Brian Tatsukawa, CEC and Robert Witte, CEC, CCA, AAC, the Four Corners ACF chapter encompasses and portions of Arizona, Colorado, and Utah.
Which cut of beef is used in Chef Darren Thompson’s “Southern Swangin’ Steaks,” a Juneteenth recipe passed down from his grandmother?
Because of its buttery sweetness, which cheese would pair well with the almond notes of an amaretto sour, according to certified cheese sensory evaluator Molly Browne?
While they are enrolled in his classes, what is the only social media platform on which ACF Chef Jack Birren, CEC, will interact with his students?
What does ACF Chef Robert Marilla, CEC, AAC, use as the grand finale in his modernized version of paella?
Chef Charles Ranhofer, of Delmonico’s of New York, was among the first to introduce what dessert in the United States?
See the rest of the questions, finish the quiz and earn four CEHs toward your certification on ACF’s new Online Learning Center at acfchefs.org/olc