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8TAB COURIER-POST, Friday, October 24, 2014


By Amanda Finley

Introducing Math at an Early Age is a Good Idea Numbers, numbers all around us. Add this. Count that. What time is it? How much does it weigh? How long is it? These are all part of the foundation of mathematics. Even the youngest children employ math skills in their everyday lives. Have you ever watched a baby learning to stand for the first time? They are estimating how far they are from a stable object to hold on to as they pull themselves up. Think about a toddler fixing a bowl of cereal for the first time. They are employing measurement skills as they fill the bowl with both cereal and milk. It is never too early to help your child build a strong mathematical foundation. The critical thinking skills developed in mathematics will benefit your child throughout their entire lives. Be sure to bring math into the home and car rides or any other place you find the opportunity. Make Math fun and a positive experience for your child by following these tips. • Allow children to count whenever possible. For the youngest children be sure to count out loud as you give them a Cheerio or Goldfish cracker. • Practice math facts while in the car. Add or subtract the numbers you see as you are driving. For example, a speed limit sign that says 25 could be a math problem of 5 minus 2. • Bring your children into the kitchen while you cook and bake. Have them measure and read recipes. • Play games that will develop critical thinking skills and strengthen basic math facts such Backgammon or Yahtzee. Amanda Finley is a Basic Skills Teacher at Maude Wilkins School

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