ACGC Teach: Autumn 2015

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International learning experience benefits youth The following piece was written by Deanne Savard of Peace River, who was chosen to go to South Africa this summer on ACGC’s Change Your World: Alberta Youth Leadership tour. South Africa seemed like such a faraway place before our trip. It's hard to notice how insulated your world is when you are living it everyday. In northern Alberta, it's especially easy to separate yourself from the rest of the world. The world seems so big, and that somehow makes your problems bigger, too. Especially being a youth, it's difficult to see how your dreams could possibly come true when the world is so full of people who also have dreams - it's a zero-sum game that you can't win. Visiting Hamburg in South Africa with the Keiskamma Canada Foundation and seeing how people flourish under hardships made me

realize how small the world really is. All of the problems that the people in Hamburg face seemed to actually strengthen the community. Everybody felt a personal responsibility to protect the most vulnerable Pictured are Lasha, Reana, Sean, Abdul, and Deanne members in the village. Looking back, it's not that trip, success isn't a zero-sum game people in Hamburg have a stronger to me anymore. The world has moral compass than Canadians do, opened up to me; there are but here these subtleties sometimes innumerable possibilities. Without hide from plain sight. Being an all of these new experiences, I don't outsider in Hamburg, seeing these think I could have believed that I dynamics, and then coming home could have success. Now, though, I changed my perspective. Everybody have never felt this excited about has these morals in common, and so, my future or as motivated to do South Africa isn't such a faraway well. place after all. With a new school year I used to feel afraid of dreaming too approaching, this trip couldn't have big because I didn't want to be come at a better time in my life. embarrassed when I lost. Since the

Teach the World’s Largest Lesson! On September 25th the United Nations will announce the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of goals for the world that aim to make our planet fair, healthy and sustainable by 2030! The SDGs are intended to build upon the expiring Millennium Development Goals, to finish the work that was started and to improve upon the implementation. To help educate about these goals, numerous agencies across the globe have come together to promote The World’s Largest Lesson and ACGC is encouraging teachers in Alberta to join in!

To participate in this global movement, teachers are encouraged to plan a lesson between September 28th and October 2nd which educates their students about the SDGs, and what they can do to help achieve them. Don’t know where to start? Start with our two-page insert in this newsletter about the SDGs and the campaign, and follow up by visiting ACGC’s website. And don’t forgot to check out the various campaign websites below!



Join CW4WAfghan in Banff for Annual Symposium If you are an educator, student, or parent interested in becoming a global citizen, or if you know of a student who wants to help make change in the world, join Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (CW4WAfghan) delegates on October 2nd and 3rd for this year’s annual symposium titled Global Citizenship: Partners in Education for Afghan Women and Girls. CW4WAfghan is inviting students to join the chapter delegates and special guests from across Canada for a full day of interactive sessions focusing on our roles and responsibilities as global citizens and discussing tangible ways to make impactful change. CW4WAfghan has partnered with Heather McPherson (ACGC) and Francoise Ruban (Alberta Teachers’ Association) who will facilitate a number of sessions throughout the day to build upon the volunteer efforts leading to thoughtful and effective development work. Based in an "active, hand-on" learning style, our presenters will challenge student's perceptions of “helping the third world” and offer tools and connections to take action! There are limited student delegate spaces available; please register early to guarantee a spot. Transportation information will be provided at a later date. Registration is free on Friday, and $25 on Saturday. Students are responsible for their meals. Visit and to learn more!

Scona Initiative makes local & global impact One has to look no further than Strathcona High School in Edmonton to see that youth, and schools, can make a large impact on their local and global community. Over the course of eight years, students at Scona have turned their motto, "As One Who Serves" into reality by developing their Scona Initiative into one of the largest school run fundraisers in Canada. The Scona Initiative is a year long endeavor for the entire student body, who collaboratively identify and select a charitable organization to support, as well as plan their service and fundraising campaign. This past school year, ACGC Member Change For Children Association was identified along with Edmonton’s Bissell Centre, as Scona’s partner. Through a 24-hour bike-a-thon with over 1000 riders and 100 volunteers, the students were able to raise $352 000 to use equally between the two charities.

ACGC Executive Director, Heather McPherson, accompanied Change for Children staff in June 2015 to the Cuyabeno reserve in Northeastern Ecuador. With the funds raised by Scona, Change for Children will work to provide alternative employment and development of the communities in the region whose livelihoods are at risk due to development of large scale mining and gas exploration. As Heather stated, “After visiting the Cuyabeno reserve, I am certain the impacts of the funds raised will be far reaching will fundamentally change lives in this region.” Strathcona High School students have shown themselves to be leaders in global citizenship, and serve as a great example to students all across Alberta. Recognizing their efforts can make a great impact, students have decided to create an application form for non-profits to express interest in partnering with them in their initiative this year. ACGC is pleased to now have the Edmonton Public School board as our member and in turn, show support to this amazing initiative going forward!




Online curriculum fosters global citizenship & action! Starting this fall, the CAWST Wavemakers program will be offering an online course, free for students across Canada! The Virtual Wavemakers Summit is an exciting opportunity for educators and youth to explore local and global water and sanitation issues. The Summit provides educators with an easy-tofollow, action-based curriculum that is designed to develop critical thinking, innovation, effective communication skills and global awareness. Participating teams will be challenged to respond to real-world water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) issues by designing and implementing a solutionsbased action project. This hands-on, service learning opportunity provides an authentic experience that reaches beyond the classroom. The Summit provides flexibility for groups to stagger their learning over several weeks while giving them the opportunity to connect online with CAWST staff, local water organizations, and other Wavemakers teams across the country. Visit the website to learn more about the Wavemakers Summit at or email

Join our Global Literature Circle! Looking for a novel to inspire your students to learn more about the world? ACGC has novel sets by author Deborah Ellis for loan this school year. ‘I am a Taxi’ is available for Edmonton schools, and ‘Parvana’s Journey’ for Calgary schools. ACGC will provide your class with a set of novels, and upon completion, we will arrange to bring a guest speaker to your classroom who

can speak to the issues raised in the novel. Please note, these novels are best suited for Grades 5-8. For a detailed description of these novels and the author, visit books/#fiction For copies, contact!

Alberta teachers: consider using your skills abroad! Although a new school year has started, its not too early to start planning for next summer! Consider the following international opportunities available through the Alberta Teachers’ Association: Project Overseas is a joint endeavor by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation to give professional assistance to fellow teachers in developing countries. Deadline to apply is October 30th! ATA Masulita, Uganda Professional Development Project pr ovides pr ofessional development opportunities for teachers in the village of Masulita in the

district of Wakiso, Uganda in July 2016. Deadline to apply is December 1st ATA - Me to We Kenya Professional Development Project is a joint endeavor by the ATA and its member s to provide professional development opportunities for teachers in Kenya. Deadline to apply is January 15th, 2016.

Learn more here!




Join the Movement! The following resources are part of The Global Goals campaign and can be found on On September 25th 2015, 193 world leaders will commit to 17 Global Goals to achieve 3 extraordinary things in the next 15 years. End extreme poverty. Fight inequality & injustice. Fix climate change. The Global Goals for sustainable development could get these things done. In all countries. For all people.

Use a lesson from the campaign toolkit! worldslargestlesson/ lesson-plans/



Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Goal 5 Goal 6 Goal 7 Goal 8 Goal 9 Goal 10 Goal 11 Goal 12 Goal 13 Goal 14 Goal 15 Goal 16 Goal 17:


End poverty in all its forms everywhere End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Ensure access to water and sanitation for all Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation Reduce inequality within and among countries Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development


Featured Resource: Create a Climate of Change Canadians have one of the highest carbon footprints in the world – we have a responsibility to Create a Climate of Change! ACGC member Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace believes that by working together, reflecting on our own choices and lifestyles, as well as calling for community, political and international action, we can tackle the injustice of climate change. Development and Peace have created a series of educational materials available online for Canadian teachers, including an action sheet with stories of the impact of climate change, two new eco-justice related youth activities, as well as inspiring initiatives to tackle climate injustice from their international partners. Included in their resources is a report on climate change that details how Canada can play its part in addressing climate change. For more information or to get your school involved, contact Sara Farid, Development and Peace’s Alberta representative, at or visit to help Create a Climate of Change! ACGC can be contacted at: Suite 205, 10816A-82 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6E 2B3 Phone: 780-988-0200 | Fax: 780-988-0211 Follow ACGCNow on:

What’s your school doing? Share your activities with us and see your school profiled in our next ACGC teach newsletter!

ACGC Teach is undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD).

ACGC CURRENT MEMBERSHIP September 2015 Action International Ministries ˑ Ainembabazi Children’s Project ˑ Alberta Teachers’ Association ˑ Association of Canadian Peacemakers International Altamas for Peace and Development Association ˑ Bridges of Hope International Network of Development Agencies ˑ Calgary Board of Education Global Learning Program ˑ Canada World Youth ˑ Canadian Association for Participatory Development ˑ Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace ˑ Canadian Humanitarian Organization for international Reliefˑ Canadian Moravian Mission Society ˑ Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistanˑ CARO-Canadians Reaching Out to the World's Children Foundation ˑ CAUSE Canada ˑ CEIBA Association ˑ Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST)ˑ Centre for Global Citizenship Education and Research ˑ Change for Children Association ˑ Crossroads Christian Communication ˑ Edmonton Public School Board ˑ energy4everyone Foundation ˑ Engineers Without Borders- Canada ˑ Four Worlds Center for Development Learning ˑ Ghost River Rediscovery ˑ Global Education Program, University of Alberta ˑ Human Development Foundation ˑ John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights ˑ Keiskamma Canada Foundation ˑ Light Up the World Foundation ˑ Maharashtra Seva Samiti Organization ˑ Mahatma Gandhi Canadian Foundation for World Peace ˑ Marda Loop Justice Film Festival ˑ Mennonite Central Committee Alberta ˑ Micah Centre—King University College ˑ Minkha Knitters Cooperative ˑ Mission of Mercy ˑ Nafasi Opportunity Society ˑ One Child's Village ˑ One! International Poverty Relief ˑ Operation Eyesight Canada ˑ Optometry Giving Sight ˑ Oxfam Canada ˑ Rainbow for the Future ˑ Rainbow of Hope for Children ˑ ReadAfrica ˑ Rotary Club of Edmonton ˑ Sahakarini Inter-World Education & Development Association ˑ Samaritan's Purse Canada ˑ Sinkunia Community Development Organization ˑ Somali-Canadian Education & Rural Development Organization ˑ Sombrilla International Development Society ˑ STOP TB Canada ˑ Sustainable East African Education & Development Society of Alberta ˑ Tools for Schools Africa Foundation ˑ Trebi Kuma Ollennu Foundation for Community Development ˑ True Vision Ghana ˑ United Nations Association in Canada ˑ Women's Empowerment International Foundation ˑ World Fit for Children -Alberta Chapter

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