ACGC Teach Summer 2014

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Educator Profile: Jeff Goldie they will eat for a day, Teach a person to fish and they will eat for a lifetime” may be a pathway to meaningful change in this world. Presently, Jeff works with Sombrilla International Development Society, a local nonprofit organization that partners with communities in Latin America to improve quality of life by addressing needs such as food security, clean water, health care and education, allowing those communities to become self-sustaining. Jeff Goldie is a science teacher at Strathcona High School in Edmonton, Alberta. Jeff’s interest in development was encouraged when he and his wife decided to give their children a chance to see how really privileged they were by living for a time in a developing country. Living and traveling through Peru and Ecuador made real for Jeff the divide between the “wealthy”-those that have more than they need but less than they want; and the “poor” – those who merely want what they need. Working with the Canadian Teachers Federation delivering professional development opportunities to fellow teachers in Malawi and Nigeria has only reinforced a need to strive for a fair distribution of resources. In the years since that first journey Jeff has come to realize that the old proverb “Give a person a fish and

Jeff has found that students are passionate about the issue of global development, and for many, if not most of the students, that passion is sparked by personal experience with the developing world. Jeff has taken several student groups to South America, and recently he and his wife have traveled with students to engage with one of Sombrilla’s partner communities in the highlands of northern Peru. There, the students have had the opportunity to work alongside community members in the completion of a community development center. In their interaction with the adults, and especially the youth of the community the Canadian students have found that everyone shares the same basic hopes and dreams. Many of the

students returning from the trips have been energized to seek out and engage in other opportunities to make meaningful change in this world. The first few trips have been so successful at fostering a shared global identity amongst the students and the community that Jeff and his wife are hoping to make it a yearly activity.

“students are passi onate about the issue of global development“ During his many years as a teacher Jeff has observed an incredible surge in interest in global development and citizenship within schools across Alberta, however he also noted that there has, sadly, been few chances to learn more about the principles of effective development on a professional level. He was very pleased to sit on an advisory board for this summer’s Global Citizenship Summer Institute and considers this a unique and unparalleled opportunity for Alberta teachers occupied with educating students in the area of Leadership and Citizenship.

Sign Up: Global Citizenship Summer Institute! Look for more details inside this issue of ACGC Teach for our summer workshop designed for teachers and other professionals who work with youth. Out-of-town teachers are provided with accommodations. Lunch served during the 5-day Institute. Registration $120, but can be reduced if cost is a barrier to participation.

Visit to learn more and register! Deadline June 20.



Centre for Global Citizenship Education & Research

For over a decade, Drs. Ali A. Abdi and Lynette Shultz have worked together in the Department of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Alberta to create social change through research, education and action on issues related to global citizenship. They established one of the first international conferences to discuss global citizenship in relation to human rights, from which emerged “Education for Human Rights and Global Citizenship,” an edited collection of papers on the topic. One of their most enduring accomplishments has been the formation of the Centre for Global Citizenship Education and Research (CGCER) in the Faculty of Education. The vision of CGCER is to “heighten consciousness and understanding of issues of global citizenship education in order to contribute to the collective development of societies that provide basic social justice and human rights.”

The Centre is a vibrant space where graduate and undergraduate students engage with professors in research, reading groups and presentations concerning aspects of social, educational, cultural, political and economic development of societies. CGCER brings together local and global partners and resources through research programs, lecture series, seminars, international conferences, reading groups and community engagement. In addition to directing CGCER, Lynette and Ali are both project management team members of the Global Citizenship Curriculum Development (GCCD) project. Since 2008, GCCD has been committed to addressing the challenge of global citizenship at the University of Alberta by involving the entire campus in the development and delivery of global citizenship curricula. Emerging out of GCCD is an interdisciplinary course called INT D 404, Global Citizenship: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives. This course is accessible to all undergraduate students at the U of A and provides an opportunity to understand how citizenship has been lived, denied, recreated and/or re-

imagined around the globe. Using select theories and case studies, the course links local and global issues and perspectives. INT D 404 is also the required course for a new Interdisciplinary Certificate in Global Citizenship, another enduring mark of Ali and Lynette’s vision at the U of A. Ali and Lynette also teach a number of other courses in the Department of Educational Policy Studies including: qualitative research methods, international perspectives on foundations of education and education in developing countries. When their time is not devoted to teaching, you may find them conducting research in Kenya or presenting their work at invited lectures and conferences across the globe. The Global Citizenship Summer Institute is honored to have Ali and Lynette facilitate this year at the University of Alberta. For more information on GCGER, visit and GCCD at

Creating Positive Classrooms and Schools The Alberta Teachers’ Association offers the following workshops to its members under its Creating Positive Classrooms and Schools Series which relate to social justice, global citizenship and inclusive classrooms. a) Engaging Students in Thoughtful Social Justice Projects: Not So Random Acts of Kindness Teachers learn to help students critically examine relevant issues and take actions designed to promote principles of fairness, equity & social justice locally and globally. b) Working with Immigrant Students and Families This workshop will provide participants opportunity to strengthen their cultural awareness and competence, deepen their understanding of the challenges immigrant families face, and learn classroom and school-wide strategies for working with immigrant students and their parents. c) Here Comes Everyone: (offered in English and in French) This workshop explores the concept of cultural competence, which provides an approach for examining beliefs, attitudes, policies, structures and practices to enable schools to work effectively cross culturally. For more information please contact Debra Augustyn: 1 800 232 7208 (toll free in Alberta), 780 447 9485 (Edmonton area) or e-mail . Six week advance booking. Nominal fee of $100 plus GST for each session. For a complete listing and descriptions of all our Professional development workshops, please visit the ATA website at




Global Citizenship Summer Institute

The Global Citizenship Summer Institute is a unique

The Institute has been developed through a

opportunity for primary and secondary school

partnership between the University of Alberta’s

teachers from across Alberta to come together to

Centre for Global Citizenship Education and Research,

learn more about global citizenship and how they can

Alberta Council for Global Cooperation, and Aga

integrate it into their classrooms and school

Khan Foundation Canada with support from the

environments. Drawing on case studies from around

Government of Canada through the Department of

the world, course facilitators will help participants to

Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development.

develop an informed and active role as global citizen educators whose work will benefit their students and

The Institute will run for five full days from July 28 to

our society.

August 1, 2014 at the University of Alberta.

The objectives of the Institute are to:

    

Introduce primary and secondary teachers in Alberta to concepts and best practices related to global citizenship education Engage teachers with case studies from the international development field Provide teachers with the knowledge, skills and tools to incorporate global citizenship in their teaching Generate a collection of practical lesson plans and resources to enhance the teaching of global citizenship across Alberta Create a community of educators who continue to engage with global citizenship issues and support one another

Participants will:

  

Gain insight into global citizenship issues and concepts Collect creative ideas and useful tools for teaching global citizenship Build relationships and community with committed and dynamic teachers from across the province

In addition to the 5-day Institute, there will be opportunities for teachers to engage and participate in global citizenship educational activities throughout the 2014-2015 school year. Registration for the 2014 Institute is limited, so apply now to increase your chances of participating. The application deadline is June 20, 2014. Visit to register.


Featured Resource Through Other Eyes

Engaging Indigenous Perceptions of Global Issues “Reading the World Through Other Eyes” is an open access online study programme made to enable educators to develop a set of tools to reflect their own knowledge systems and engage with other knowledge systems in different ways, in their own learning or in their classrooms. The program explores notions of development, education, equality, and poverty. The crosscultural exercises invite learners to examine the origins of their own perceptions and cultural logics to develop self-reflexivity, to re-evaluate their own positions in the global context and to learn from other local ways of knowing and seeing. The “Through Other Eyes” Resource is one being used at the Global Citizenship Summer Institute. If you are unable to participate in the institute you can download a .pdf of the document online by searching “Reading the World Through Other Eyes.”

ACGC CURRENT MEMBERSHIP June 2014 Action International Ministries ˑ Ainembabazi Children’s Project ˑ Alberta Teachers’ Association ˑ Altamas for Peace and Development Association ˑ Bridges of Hope International Network of Development Agencies ˑ Calgary Board of Education Global Learning Program ˑ Canada World Youth ˑ Canadian Association for Participatory Development ˑ Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace ˑ Canadian Department of Peace Initiative ˑ Canadian Humanitarian ˑ Canadian Moravian Mission Society ˑ Canadian Peacemakers International ˑ Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistanˑ Caro-Canadians Reaching Out to the World's Children Foundation ˑ CAUSE Canada ˑ CEIBA Association ˑ Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology ˑ Centre for Global Citizenship Education and Research ˑ Change for Children ˑ Covenant International Ministry ˑ Engineers Without Borders- Canada ˑ Ghost River Rediscovery ˑ Global Education Program, University of Alberta International ˑ Human Development Foundation ˑ International Centre for Development Learning ˑ John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights ˑ Keiskamma Canada Foundation ˑ Light Up the World ˑ Maharashtra Seva ACGC can be contacted at: Suite 205, 10816A-82 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6E 2B3 Phone: 780-988-0200 | Fax: 780-988-0211 Follow us on:

What’s your school doing? Share your activities with us and see your school profiled in our next ACGC teach newsletter!

ACGC Teach is undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD).

Samiti Organization ˑ Mahatma Gandhi Canadian Foundation for World Peace ˑ Marda Loop Justice Film Festival ˑ Mennonite Central Committee Alberta ˑ Micah Centre ˑ Minkha Knitters Cooperative ˑ Mission of Mercy ˑ One Child's Village ˑ One! International Poverty Relief ˑ Operation Eyesight Universal ˑ Optometry Giving Sight ˑ Oxfam Canada ˑ Rainbow for the Future ˑ Rainbow of Hope for Children ˑ RESULTS ˑ Rotary Club of Edmonton ˑ Sahakarini Inter-World Education & Development Association ˑ Samaritan's Purse Canada ˑ Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute ˑ Sinkunia Community Development Organization ˑ Somali-Canadian Education & Rural Development Organization ˑ Sombrilla International Development Society ˑ STOP TB Canada ˑ Student Umbrella for Social Justice ˑ Sustainable East African Education & Development Society of Alberta ˑ Trickster Theatre ˑ True Vision Ghana ˑ Unisphere Global Research Centre ˑ United Nations Association in Canada ˑ Women's Empowerment International Foundation ˑ World Fit For Children- Alberta Chapter ˑ

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