Educator Profile: Ram Etwaroo ACGC is happy to build a partnership with Ram Etwaroo, a Career and Technology Studies teacher at Fort McMurray Composite High School. Ram connected with ACGC though his participation in the Global Citizenship Summer Institute, where his passion for global citizenship education made an impact on all who attended. Ram’s main contribution to the promotion of global citizenship is his desire to break down cultural barriers and attitudes, and promote cross-cultural understanding within his school and community. Growing up, Ram was involved in promoting issues of equality, solidarity and social justice as these were challenges he faced daily: “Even as a child I understood racism and religious intolerance. In my university days, I was actively involved in the fight against apartheid
and racism. As an immigrant of color, I experienced racism myself and I understand very well the challenges immigrant students and their parents face.” Today, through his many roles as a teacher, a parent, a visible minority immigrant to Canada, and a Canadian citizen, he is able to draw on his unique experience and challenge those around him: “I am fighting to change attitudes in all of us. I believe that for us to change attitudes, we need to promote global citizenship, equality, solidarity and social justice amongst our students in our schools. It is no coincidence that I am a teacher and seek to be actively involved and do my part.” For Ram, teachers play a vital role in shaping a student’s identity and destiny, and need to be equipped with the skills, knowledge and competency to build an inclusive classroom. Formally, Ram advocates for this by being a member of the Alberta Teachers’ Association Diversity, Equity and Human Rights
Committee, and the Multicultural Association of Wood Buffalo. However, he also promotes simple ideas, such as making those around him aware of various cultural celebrations when they occur: “I expect that teachers and schools will take a minute to say, “Happy Diwali!” to students; similarly, “Eid Mubarak!” and “Merry Christmas!” For Ram, these are things all teachers can do to make schools more inclusive. After years working all over Canada, Ram considers Fort McMurray a unique community in which to work and educate about global citizenship: “Although remote, it is a very diverse, multicultural community with people from many parts of the world who came to work in the oil sands. As teachers, we simply need to connect with the parents and tap into the wealth of knowledge and resources available in the community.” With passion and commitment, Ram’s goal is work towards promoting these ideals for the rest his life.
Call for ‘Top 30 Under 30’ Nominations Young people are changing the world! Throughout Alberta, extraordinary young people are engaging with the world to create a more sustainable and just future. ACGC is committed to finding these youth and sharing their stories with all Albertans! Since 2012, ACGC’s “Top 30 Under 30” Magazine has done just that. Over the years, we’ve profiled 90 amazing young people and reached a wide Albertan audience through print and online distribution. We are excited to
launch the magazine during this year’s International Development Week, February 1 – 7, 2015. This year’s theme is “We are making a difference” with a focus on maternal, newborn, and child health. ACGC is looking for youth engaged in international development from both the Global South and Alberta. We cannot wait to hear about the incredible youth YOU are working with! Visit acgc.ca for nomination forms or contact Chelsea at idw@acgc.ca.
I-Week Youth Day 2015!
Do you know a youth that wants to change the world? Tell them about I-Week Youth Day 2015 on January 29th! Youth Day is a full day of interactive workshops and lectures from some of the world’s most fascinating humanitarians, development workers, and social justice leaders. It is the perfect place to learn how to make a positive impact in a smart way. Focusing on thoughtful and effective development work, Youth Day will challenge your perceptions of “helping the third world” and help give you the tools and connections to make impactful change. Put on by ACGC in co-ordination with the University of Alberta Global Education Program’s flagship event, International Week, I-Week Youth Day is the ideal introduction for grade 9-12 students to the amazing development work Albertans are doing. We welcome both class-size registrations or single students interested in contributing to a better world. Teachers are welcome to register alongside their students though not required. Students are expected to arrange their own transportation to and from the University of Alberta, though ACGC can help facilitate transport for individuals coming from longer distances. Early registration closes December 19, 2014 and regular registration closes January 19th, 2015. Youth that register early will have first session choices. Registration is free. Space is limited so register early to guarantee a spot!
Register by December 19th 2014 Students can register online at www.acgc.ca. For specific inquires please contact Chelsea Donelon at idw@acgc.ca.
Did you know...
...that Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (often referred to as MNCH) is Canada’s flagship development priority? The Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development’s YouTube Channel has a variety of short videos highlighting how Canadians are tackling issues faced by women and children globally. Use the videos to start discussions with your students! Look for the MNCH Playlist on the DFATD MAECD YouTube Channel.
More Opportunities! International Education Week: November 17-21st, 2014 This annual week, celebrated in over 100 countries around the globe, provides an opportunity for students, teachers, and schools to showcase the rich variety of innovative programs and activities that expose students to an international dimension, enriching their learning and preparing them for global citizenship. Get involved by checking out http://www.education.alberta.ca/students/internationaleducation/intedweek.aspx Global, Environmental & Outdoor Education Council of A.T.A. Conference May 1-3, 2015, at the Palisades Stewardship Educational Centre in Jasper National Park. For more information contact conference@geoec.org or visit www.geoec.org. ACGC Change Your World: Youth Leadership Tour 2015: Change Your World is an opportunity for five Alberta youth to visit and connect with Alberta international development organizations working internationally. The destination and nomination process will be announced early in 2015. Stay tuned for more information, or contact leah@acgc.ca.
Global Citizenship Summer Institute a Success! Thirty-five teachers from across Alberta convened this past summer for the Global Citizenship Summer Institute held in collaboration between ACGC, Aga Khan Foundation Canada and the Centre for Global Citizenship Education & Research (CGCER) at the University of Alberta. Months of planning came to fruition during the weeklong Institute where teachers explored the theoretical foundations and practical applications of themes such as critical global citizenship, international development, human rights based approaches & Indigenous ways of knowing and being.
The K-12 teachers were thrilled each day to learn about contemporary issues in global citizenship education from leading experts, Dr. Ali Abdi and Dr. Lynette Schultz, lead co-facilitators from the CGCER. The GCSI participants left with a deeper understanding of how to transform themselves into critical global citizenship educators and how to create environments within their classrooms that enable students to move beyond awareness of rights and responsibilities toward empathetic local and global actions centered around equity and justice across all communities.
One of many highlights was The Global Citizenship an insightful trek into the Summer Institute River Valley led by participants have since Professor Dwayne Donald, returned to their teaching that explored Edmonton as contexts with motivation a traditional gathering place. and inspiration to extend He called upon teachers to their learning to their create opportunities for students and colleagues. students to see themselves, The Institute was a The organisers created an open learning environment, where the and their actions, as tremendous success, experiences of both the lecturers and participants were shared serving the long awaited connected to the natural openly. I was able to take back a number of tools for addressing need to build a cohesive environment. Dr. Fawad international citizenship with youth across the Yukon. It was a Akbari from Aga Khan community of educators, privilege to be involved! - GCSI 2014 participant Foundation Canada, spoke all experts in their own about development challenges and successes in health and right, who continue to work tirelessly to advance quality education in Afghanistan. Participants were also fortunate global citizenship education to students across this to have in attendance Dr. Rosemary Moyana, Dean of province. Education from the University of Zimbabwe, who shared yet another international dimension that examined If you would like to join the global citizenship educator initiatives underway to prepare global educators in mailing list for updates, please email Leah Ettarh at universities in Zimbabwe and across the continent. leah@acgc.ca
A comprehensive list of resources for classroom use developed as part of the institute is available to download on the ACGC Website! Look under the banner ‘For Educators and Youth’
Watch a video and clips from presentations by visiting the Aga Khan Foundation Canada’s website. http://akfc.ca/en/get-involved/gcsi
Featured Resource: Picture Books for Peace Teachers looking to connect younger readers with issues of peace and human rights will find inspiration in a blog written by University of Alberta graduate student, Muna Saleh. The site contains insightful overviews and thoughtful reflections on twelve picture books, as well as the reference information necessary in order to obtain copies. The blog reflects a compilation of resources used by professors in courses at the Mahatma Gandhi Summer Institute on Building Peaceful Communities, put on annually by ACGC member organization, the Mahatma Gandhi Canadian Foundation for World Peace, and the University of Alberta’s Center for Research for Teacher Education and Development (CRTED) within the Department of Elementary Education. The blog is available under the heading ‘CRTED Resources’ at http://www.elementaryed.ualberta.ca/Centres/CRTED.aspx
ACGC CURRENT MEMBERSHIP November 2014 Action International Ministries ˑ Ainembabazi Children’s Project ˑ Alberta Teachers’ Association ˑ Altamas for Peace and Development Association ˑ Bridges of Hope International Network of Development Agencies ˑ Calgary Board of Education Global Learning Program ˑ Canada World Youth ˑ Canadian Association for Participatory Development ˑ Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace ˑ Canadian Department of Peace Initiative ˑ Canadian Humanitarian Organization for international Reliefˑ Canadian Moravian Mission Society ˑ Canadian Peacemakers International ˑ Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistanˑ Caro-Canadians Reaching Out to the World's Children Foundation ˑ CAUSE Canada ˑ CEIBA Association ˑ Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology ˑ Centre for Global Citizenship Education and Research ˑ Change for Children Association ˑ Crossroads Christian Communicatioins Inc ˑ Cuso International ˑ Energy4Everyone Foundation ˑ Engineers Without BordersCanada ˑ Ghost River Rediscovery ˑ Global Education Program, University of Alberta International ˑ Human Development Foundation ˑ International Centre for Development Learning ˑ John Humph-
www.acgc.ca/teach ACGC can be contacted at: Suite 205, 10816A-82 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6E 2B3 Phone: 780-988-0200 | Fax: 780-988-0211 admin@acgc.ca Follow us on:
What’s your school doing? Share your activities with us and see your school profiled in our next ACGC teach newsletter!
ACGC Teach is undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD).
rey Centre for Peace and Human Rights ˑ Keiskamma Canada Foundation ˑ Light Up the World ˑ Maharashtra Seva Samiti Organization ˑ Mahatma Gandhi Canadian Foundation for World Peace ˑ Marda Loop Justice Film Festival ˑ Mennonite Central Committee Alberta ˑ Micah Centre— King University College ˑ Minkha Knitters Cooperative ˑ Mission of Mercy ˑ One Child's Village ˑ One! International Poverty Relief ˑ Operation Eyesight Canada ˑ Optometry Giving Sight ˑ Oxfam Canada ˑ Rainbow for the Future ˑ Rainbow of Hope for Children ˑ ReadAfrica ˑ Rotary Club of Edmonton ˑ Sahakarini Inter-World Education & Development Association ˑ Samaritan's Purse Canada ˑ Sinkunia Community Development Organization ˑ Somali-Canadian Education & Rural Development Organization ˑ Sombrilla International Development Society ˑ STOP TB Canada ˑ Sustainable East African Education & Development Society of Alberta ˑ True Vision Ghana ˑ United Nations Association in Canada ˑ Women's Empowerment International Foundation ˑ