NGO Directory

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Alberta International Development and Cooperation Organizations A DIRECTORY Includes information on organizations working for a sustainable world

Produced by the Alberta Council for Global Cooperation (ACGC) 2010 Compiled by: Rose Yewchuk Graphic Design and layout: Christine Peters

This project is made possible through the support of CIDA

Canadian International Development Agency

Agence canadienne de dĂŠveloppement international


Contact ACGC Executive Director Email: Public Engagement and Membership Coordinator Email: Administrative and Project Officer Email: Mailing Address Alberta Council for Global Cooperation Suite 205, 10816A - 82 Avenue Edmonton AB T6E 2B3 Phone: (780) 988-0200 Fax: (780) 988-0211

The Alberta Council for Global Cooperation (ACGC) is a coalition of voluntary sector organizations located in Alberta, working locally and globally to achieve sustainable human development. We are committed to international cooperation that is people-centered, democratic, just, inclusive, and respectful of the environment and indigenous cultures. We work towards ending poverty and achieving a peaceful and healthy world, with dignity and full participation for all. Members of the Council pursue these goals through supporting global citizenship programs and participatory projects with international partners. The Council's goal is to support the work of its members through networking, leadership, information sharing, training, and coordination, and represents their interests when dealing with government and others. The objectives of the Council are to promote and mobilize greater Albertan participation in assisting international development. The objectives are to be achieved in the following ways:

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• to consistently reflect in all ACGC policies, activities and services, the principal philosophies embodied in the Council’s Mission and Development Principles;

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• to facilitate effective member networking and capacity-building both internationally and domestically; • to coordinate and support members' activities in an effective manner; • to provide leadership on issues of concern to members; • to provide members with relevant and effective services; • to be an effective advocate and representative to government agencies and the public for international development concerns on behalf of the membership and to keep member organizations informed as to important shifts in Canadian foreign policy.


Become a member of ACGC ACGC offers both organization and individual memberships. The many benefits to being a member of ACGC include: Capacity Building ACGC identifies and recognizes the diverse abilities and needs of ACGC member organizations and works to utilize this knowledge to facilitate learning opportunities and the exchange of experience and expertise. This works to enhance and support the ability of ACGC members to carry out public engagement activities, network, strengthen their organizational development and knowledge of policy and increase the impact their work has in the global South. Communications ACGC produces opportunities for communication with the larger public: print newsletters, e-bulletins, the website and many forms of new media. These have proven to be successful communication tools for the Council and its members. ACGC displays member materials at a variety of educators’ and public events throughout the year. As well ACGC is available to provide speakers or facilitate workshops and sessions at conferences, classrooms and other public events. ACGC continues to work to develop up-to-date documents with media lists and funding opportunities, located on the members’ only section of the ACGC website.

Public Engagement ACGC works to generate awareness and action related to international development and cooperation amongst Albertans. This includes working to inform Albertans of the tremendous work being done by NGOs in Alberta, leveraging the public engagement assets of members, collaboration with schools, NGOs and the public. Networking ACGC is a great way to keep in touch with other development and social justice organizations in the province: what they are doing, upcoming events, and where they work. ACGC provides effective and efficient ways to combine efforts: participating in provincial or national campaigns, advocating on urgent action requests, or coordinating activities around sustainable development, globalization, education, social justice, and the environment. ACGC also has a variety of meeting supplies available for rental, including an LCD projector. To become a Member To apply for organization or individual membership to the Council please visit the website and download the appropriate form. For any questions or for an information package please contact the Membership Coordinator at or 780.988.0200.

These are all the countries where ACGC members have active projects. 04

Countries Listed Alphabetically (Country | Map Number) Afghanistan 63 Angola 39 Argentina 20 Bangladesh 73 Benin 32 Bhutan 72 Bolivia 18 Botswana 41 Brazil 17 Burkina Faso 30 Cambodia 77 Cameroon 36 Canada 01 Chad 35 Chile 19 China 70 Colombia 13 Costa Rica 12 Cuba 04 Democratic Republic of Congo 38 Dominican Republic 07 East Timor Leste 82 Ecuador 15 El Salvador 10 Equatorial Guinea 37 Eritrea 56 Ethiopia 55 Gambia 23 Ghana 29 Guatemala 08 Guinea 25

Guyana 14 Haiti 06 Honduras 09 India 65 Indonesia 81 Iraq 60 Ivory Coast 28 Jamaica 05 Kenya 51 Lao PDR 75 Lebanon 58 Lesotho 43 Liberia 27 Madagascar 45 Malawi 49 Malaysia 80 Maldives 66 Mali 24 Mexico 03 Mongolia 68 Mozambique 46 Myanmar/Burma 74 Namibia 40 Nepal 71 Nicaragua 11 Niger 34 Nigeria 33 Pakistan 64 Papua New Guinea 83 Peru 16 Philippines 79 Romania 57




04 09

08 10

Rwanda 52 Senegal 22 Sierra Leone 26 South Africa 42 South Korea 69 Sri Lanka 67 Sudan 54 Swaziland 44 Tajikistan 62 Tanzania 50 Thailand 76 Togo 31 Uganda 53 Ukraine 58 United States 02 Uruguay 21 Uzbekistan 61 Vanuatu 84 Vietnam 78 Zambia 48 Zimbabwe 47


07 06

11 12


13 15

17 16 18––––– 19 21 20

01 Canada 02 United States 03 Mexico 04 Cuba 05 Jamaica 06 Haiti 07 Dominican Republic 08 Guatemala 09 Honduras 10 El Salvador 11 Nicaragua 12 Costa Rica 13 Colombia 14 Guyana 15 Ecuador 16 Peru 17 Brazil 18 Bolivia 19 Chile 20 Argentina 21 Uruguay

For an interactive version of this map please visit 05

68 57








63 71|



35 31


54 44

30 33 26



51 50

39 –––––––––



47 46




44 –––––43 –––

42 38 Dem. Rep. of Congo 39 Angola 40 Namibia 41 Botswana 42 South Africa 43 Lesotho 44 Swaziland

76 78 77


22 Senegal

31 Togo 32 Benin 33 Nigeria 34 Niger 35 Chad 36 Cameroon 37 Equatorial Guinea

74 65 67

53–– 38

23 Gambia 24 Mali 25 Guinea 26 Sierra Leone 27 Liberia 28 Ivory Coast 29 Ghana 30 Burkina Faso


55 45

27 28 29 |32 36––––– 37 31

72| 75

64 22 23–– 25

45 Madagascar 46 Mozambique 47 Zimbabwe 48 Zambia 49 Malawi 50 Tanzania 51 Kenya






52 Rwanda 53 Uganda 54 Sudan 55 Ethiopia 56 Eritrea 57 Romania 58 Ukraine 59 Lebanon 60 Iraq 61 Uzbekistan 62 Tajikistan 63 Afghanistan 64 Pakistan 65 India 66 Maldives 67 Sri Lanka


83 82

84 68 Mongolia 69 South Korea 70 China 71 Nepal 72 Bhutan 73 Bangladesh 74 Myanmar/Burma 75 Lao PDR 76 Thailand 77 Cambodia 78 Vietnam 79 Philippines

80 Malaysia 81 Indonesia 82 East Timo Leste 83 Papua New Guinea 84 Vanuatu

Table of Contents 06


Centre for Global Citizenship Education

Action International Ministries ....................... 08

and Research ............................................. 27

Aga Khan University (AKU) ............................. 09

Change for Children Association (CFCA) ...... 28

Alberta Public Interest Research

CHF .................................................................... 29

Group (APIRG) .......................................... 10

Covenant International Ministry .................... 30 CUSO-VSO .......................................................... 31

Altamas for Peace and Development Association (APDA) .................................. 11 Bishop Budka Charitable Society ................... 12

Edzimkulu ......................................................... 32 Four Worlds Centre for Development Learning ..................................................... 33

Bridges of Hope International Network of Development Agencies Inc. ................. 13 Canada World Youth (CWY) ............................ 14

Ghost River Rediscovery .................................. 34 Global, Environmental, and Outdoor Educators Council .................................... 35

Canadian Aid for Fire Services Abroad (CAFSA) ..................................................... 15

Global Visions Film Festival (GVFF) ............. 36 HELP Society .................................................... 37

Canadian Association for Participatory Development (CAPD) ............................... 16

Helping Youth through Educational Scholarships (HYTES) ............................. 38

Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP) ......... 17

HIV Network of Edmonton ............................. 39

Canadian Crossroads International (CCI)..... 18

Human Development Foundation (HDF) ...... 40

Canadian Humanitarian Organization

John Humphrey Centre for Peace

for International Relief ............................ 19

and Human Rights (JHC) ........................ 41

Canadian Moravian Mission ............................ 20

Keiskamma Canada Foundation (KCF) ......... 42

Canadian Peacemakers International (CPI)


The Leprosy Mission Canada (TLMC) ........... 43

Canadian Red Cross ......................................... 22

Lifeline Malawi (LM) ....................................... 44

Canadian Women for Women in

Light Up the World Foundation (LUTW) ....... 45

Afghanistan (CW4WAfghan) .................... 23 Caro – Canadians Reaching out to the World's Children Foundation ........... 24 CAUSE Canada (CC) ........................................ 25 Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST) ............. 26

Maharasthra Seva Samiti Organization (MSSO) ....................................................... 46 Marda Loop Justice Film Festival .................. 47 Mennonite Central Committee - Alberta (MCC).......................................................... 48 Micah Centre at King's University College .... 49


One Child's Village ........................................... 50


Operation Eyesight Universal ......................... 51

DEVELOPMENT NGOS...................................... 74

Optometry Giving Sight ................................... 52 Plan Canada ...................................................... 53


Project Shelter Wakadogo (PSW) ................... 54

Activism ............................................................. 80

Rainbow for the Future ................................... 55

Canadian Civil Society ..................................... 80

Rainbow of Hope for Children (ROHFC) ....... 56

Environmental Issues ...................................... 81

RESULTS Canada ............................................. 57

Fair Trade .......................................................... 83

Sahakarini ......................................................... 58

Global Issues Campaigns ................................. 84

Samaritan's Purse ............................................ 59

Health ................................................................ 85

Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute ..................... 60

HIV/AIDS ........................................................... 85

Somali Canadian Education and Rural

Human Rights ................................................... 86

Development Organization (SCERDO) .. 61

Independent Media .......................................... 87

Sombrilla Refugee Support Society ............... 62

Indigenous Peoples .......................................... 88

Tamaraneh Society for Community

International Exchange Programs ................. 89

Development and Support ....................... 63

Labour ................................................................ 89

Tools for Schools Africa Foundation .............. 64

Peace .................................................................. 90

UEnd: Poverty ................................................... 65

Research Institutes .......................................... 91

Unisphere Global Resource Centre ................ 66

Sexual Health & Sexuality ............................... 93

United Nations Association in Canada

Student Action .................................................. 95

(Edmonton Branch) ................................. 67 United Nations Association in Canada (Calgary Branch) ...................................... 68


The Water School ............................................. 69 Wildrose Global Poverty Funds Society ......... 70


Women's Empowerment International

REGIONAL COUNCILS....................................... 98

Foundation (WEIF) .................................. 71 World Fit for Children (WFFC) ...................... 72 World University Service of Canada (WUSC) ...................................................... 73

GOVERNMENT AGENCIES.............................. 99

Action International Ministries 08 CONTACT INFORMATION:

3015 A - 21st Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 7T1 Tel: 403.204.1421 Fax: 403.204.1501 Toll Free: 1.888.443.2221 Email: Web:

ACTION is an evangelical, nondenominational missionary-sending agency that works in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America. They currently have over 225 missionaries in 22 countries. ACTION missionaries run programs that specialize in reaching the poor to provide spiritual and practical needs-based resources.

Aga Khan University (AKU) 09 CONTACT INFORMATION:

Suite 304, 1500 - 14th Street SW Calgary, AB T3C 1C9 Tel: 403.228.5150 Fax: 403.228.5150 Web:

"There are those who enter the world in such poverty that they are deprived of both, means and motivation to improve their lot. Unless they can be touched with the spark which ignites the spirit of individual enterprise and determination, they will only sink into apathy, degradation and despair. It is for us, who are more fortunate, to provide that spark." – His Highness the Aga Khan, Chancellor, The Aga Khan University

Aga Khan University (AKU) is an academic centre of Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), a group of development agencies, institutions, and programmes that work primarily in the developing parts of Asia and Africa. The common goal of the programmes is to create real and lasting improvement in the lives of the poor in ways that lead to self-reliance rather than dependence. To this end, the agencies encourage the communities themselves to identify and plan for their needs, whether it is a community health centre or a national programme for teacher training. AKU is committed to the development of human capacities through the discovery and dissemination of knowledge, and application through service. It seeks to prepare individuals for constructive and exemplary leadership roles, and shaping public and private policies, through strength in research and excellence in education, all dedicated to providing meaningful contributions to society. To advance this mission, AKU will: • Offer programmes of international quality; • Respond to identified needs in the countries and regions which it serves; • Prioritise teaching and research which will inform and underpin intellectual innovation and change; • Provide service to advance its educational and research mandate; • Foster and develop leadership capacity through its education and research programmes; • Assess its impact and effectiveness; • Promote access and equity by taking positive measures to make the University inclusive of all socio-economic groups, addressing the particular needs and circumstances of the disadvantaged; promoting the welfare and advancement of women; • Engage in knowledge networking and emerging technologies; • Add value by promoting partnership and networking across the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) and with other national and international institutions. Partnerships have been established with the University of Calgary and the University of Cambridge. Work with the University of Calgary is focused on research and development in the areas of ICT and educational leadership and management; and work with Cambridge is focused in the areas of gender, health education and teacher education.

Alberta Public Interest Research Group (APIRG) 10 CONTACT INFORMATION:

9111 - 112 Street Edmonton AB T6G 2C5 Tel: 780.492.0614 Fax: 780.492.0615 Email: Web:

The Alberta Public Interest Research Group (APIRG) is a studentrun, student-funded, non-profit organization dedicated to research, education, advocacy, and action in the public interest. APIRG exists to provide University of Alberta students with resources to be active citizens. APIRG is a PIRG. PIRG stands for Public Interest Research Group. PIRGs are student organizations based on the premise that students are citizens, and as such, part of their education should include recognizing and engaging in societal problems. PIRGs exist to provide training, support, and opportunities for students to be active citizens in their communities. Through involvement with PIRGs, thousands of Canadian students have learned skills in consensus decision-making, group facilitation, events organizing, media relations, and community-based research. These skills help individuals to act effectively in the public interest. PIRGs are student-based, student-funded, student-run, studentdirected and community-minded. They are democratic, independent, non-partisan, and non-profit to ensure that students are able to work on issues of importance to them without fear of censure. APIRG supports student research, education and action initiatives by providing funding and support to student working groups. We provide the administrative, informational and technological resources to help students transform social concern into effective action. We also facilitate opportunities for skill development through internships, educational events, public campaigns and partnerships with community organizations.

Altamas for Peace and Development Association (APDA) 11 CONTACT INFORMATION:

23, 401 Grier Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2K 5S7 Tel: 403.274.5568 Tel: 403.837.4433 Email: Web:

Altamas is the area between south Kurdofan and Northern Baheralgazal of Sudan. The civil war in south Sudan which lasted for twenty years has left negative effects in these areas, particularly social and economic issues. Thus, lots of efforts are needed to focus on peace and development, through promoting a culture of peace and improving the quality of life. To achieve this goal, Altamas for Peace and Development Association was founded with the mission and objectives below: Mission: Altamas for Peace and Development Association is a non-profit association that started its operation in November 8, 2006 in Alberta, Canada. Its mission is bringing together tribes and communities in the Altamas area, through mediation, peace building, and development projects. It operates both locally (Canada) and overseas (Sudan). Objective: • To improve the socio-economic conditions and reduce poverty in the Altamas area through micro-projects. • To provide access to quality health care, basic education and capacity building, by taking in accounts, gender equality and environmental sustainability. • To encourage nomads to settle and create permanent residences by solving water problems through well projects. • To facilitate peaceful co-existence between the tribes (the Dinka and al-Messeria) in the region, by bringing them into joint community development projects. • To assist peace building and development processes through coordination with local, national and international organizations. • To provide human development and community mediation for its members in Canada, through seminars and workshops.

Bishop Budka Charitable Society 12 CONTACT INFORMATION:

11717 - 97 Street Edmonton, AB T5G 1Y3 Tel: 780.471.4477 Fax: 780.477.0617 E-mail: Web:

The Bishop Budka Charitable Society is an organization based in Edmonton, Alberta that provides economic, cultural, and environmental assistance to countries in need, such as Brazil and Ukraine. The Bishop Budka Charitable Society was founded in 1984 by John Koziak, as a group of Canadian Ukrainians who wanted to help disadvantaged people in developing nations. The aims of the Bishop Budka Charitable Society are: • To carry out projects and programs of national and international assistance, development and emergency relief. • To foster an awareness of our global community through education, individual and personal involvement. • To promote, encourage and assist national and international aid and development. • To collect, raise and distribute monies to support the aid and development programs of the society. Though based in Canada, the Bishop Budka Charitable Society's primary development work has been done thousands of kilometres away in Brazil. The Bishop Budka Charitable Society first became aware of the problems facing Brazilians through the large Ukrainian population in Brazil. The late nineteenth century and post World War I years were periods of mass migration from Ukraine. Many chose Brazil as their new home. There are now approximately 500 000 people of Ukrainian descent living in Brazil. After having met a Brazilian priest visiting Canada, the Society recognized that it could play a role in assisting the people of Brazil.

Bridges of Hope International Network of Development Agencies Inc. 13 CONTACT INFORMATION:

Box 81 Stn Main Lethbridge, AB T1J 3Y3 Tel: 403.380.3844 Fax: 403.380.3990 Toll Free 1.877.460.6036 Email: Web:

Our Story The story of Bridges of Hope began with Daniel Zopoula who has personally experienced the poverty he is committed to eradicate. He was born in a poverty stricken village in the country of Burkina Faso, West Africa where he lived until the age of 24. The miraculous turn of events that brought Daniel to Canada was made possible by Canadians who provided him with the opportunity to attain a higher education and develop the substantial skills that enable him to realize his role in this vision. Daniel's story is a remarkable example of redemption, hope and healing; a story that has, and will continue to offer hope to a world tortured by hopelessness. Bridges of Hope is committed to seeing similar stories of redemptive success lived out in the lives of tens of thousands of children. Mission: Bridges of Hope International Network of Development Agencies Inc. exists to promote poverty relief and community empowerment amongst the poorest nations of the earth. Vision: To enhance the capability and productivity of indigenous organizations, leadership, and people who are committed to poverty relief and community empowerment. Dream: To see indigenous organizations, leadership and people become excellent at reproducing their ability to promote poverty relief and community empowerment into other impoverished contexts. Strategy: We serve a range of donors who want to see their charitable investing result in effective community based grassroots organizations that accomplish extraordinary results within developing nations. Results that are highly effective, and results that lasts. We are successful when our clients are successful; when their hopes are invested in highly effective indigenous organizations, leadership, and people that accomplish extraordinary good in the poorest regions of the earth.

Canada World Youth (CWY) 14 CONTACT INFORMATION:

2330 Rue Notre-Dame Ouest Montreal, PQ H3J 1N4 Tel: 514.931.3526 Fax: 514.939.2621 Toll Free: 1.800.605.3526 Web:

Canada World Youth (CWY) is a world leader in developing international educational programs for young people aged 15 to 29. A national non-profit organization, CWY is dedicated to enriching the lives of young people that have a desire to become informed and active global citizens. CWY programs are designed to help youth experience the world for themselves, learn about other cultures and diverse Canadian communities while developing leadership and communication skills. Mainly focused on health and environment, the educational experience instills a long-lasting sense of global social responsibility. Mission Canada World Youth's mission is to increase the ability of people, and especially youth, to participate actively in the development of just, harmonious, and sustainable societies. Programs CWY offers different programs to youth, which vary in length from twoweeks volunteering placements to sixmonths exchange programs. Through all CWY programs, youth volunteers have an opportunity to enjoy a fulfilling international experience, discover other cultures, acquire useful skills for their future, gain a better understanding of global issues, and contribute to the well-being of their community.

Canadian Aid for Fire Services Abroad (CAFSA) 15 CONTACT INFORMATION:

46 Montcalm Crescent St. Alberta, AB T8N 2C9 Tel: 780.458.7917 Fax: 780.458.7917 Email: Web:

Canadian Aid for Fire Services Abroad (CAFSA) is a Canadian, Alberta-based, volunteer, non-profit, charitable, international, and nongovernmental humanitarian aid foundation. The main objective of CAFSA is to collect used, but still viable, personal protective equipment and supplies from Canadian Fire Departments and redistribute that equipment to developing countries. Mission Statement: • To supply firefighters from less economically developed countries with personal protective equipment and supplies so that they can provide optimum emergency services to the citizens they serve. • To assist these firefighters in their efforts to educate themselves on firefighting training and fire prevention. • To increase their awareness on how to prevent job-related injury and illness, including the potential for industry-related cancer.

Canadian Association for Participatory Development (CAPD) 16 CONTACT INFORMATION:

44 Scanlon Place NW Calgary, AB T3L 1V8 Tel: 403.202.0673 Fax: 403.202.8486 Email: Web:

CAPD is a volunteer-based charity that promotes health and education activities in people disadvantaged by circumstance in Latin America, initially Colombia. We choose to work closely with a limited number of community-based organizations and individuals to facilitate opportunities for organizational and human development. We provide capacity-building workshops, one-on-one coaching, and funding of programs. Programs supported by CAPD in Colombia include: • Holistic health and therapy programs • Recreation programs such as folk dancing and painting for children and youth • Technologies program using local resources and materials to construct custom equipment for children with severe disabilities (e.g. chairs for the home, seating for wheelchairs and construction of a stroller with custom seating). • Safe water for families program using the BioSand water filter • Nutrition program that includes a daily nutritional snack for children, training in cooking and baking for mothers, and a grocery cooperative. • Green Light Education Assistance program for children from lowincome families to receive uniforms, shoes, school supplies and lunch. Priority is given to children from single parent homes and from families with a disability. History of CAPD The impetus to establish CAPD came from the Managing Director Marlene Wiens who, along with her husband and founding member, lived in Colombia for nearly three years. During this time, Marlene worked as a volunteer physical therapist in the communities of Bucaramanga, Santander. When Marlene returned to Calgary, she and her husband founded CAPD to provide supportive learning opportunities for disabled children. Since 2002 CAPD has supported projects in Mexico, Belize and Costa Rica. Our long standing partners are FANDIC from Bucaramanga and ASODISPIE from Piedecuesta. In 2010 CAPD expanded its mission to include an education assistance program to help poor children finish high school and a safe water for families program using the BioSand water filter.

Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP) 17 CONTACT INFORMATION:

8421 - 101 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6A 0L1 Tel: 780.424.1557 Fax: 780.465.3003 Web:

"Those who produce their own food never go hungry." – Haitian proverb The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace is the official international development organization of the Catholic Church in Canada and the Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis. It is a membership-based organization founded in 1967 by Canada's bishops, laity and clergy to fight poverty in the countries of the South, and to promote greater justice worldwide. During the past 40 years, Development and Peace has provided $531 million to finance 15,200 projects in 70 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East; $130 million of this amount has been allocated in emergency aid. Typical projects involve issues such as peace-building, education, community development and economic justice.

Canadian Crossroads International (CCI) 18 CONTACT INFORMATION:

49 Bathurst Street, Suite 201 Toronto, ON M5V 2P2 Tel: 416.967.1611 Fax: 416.967.9078 Toll Free: 1.877.967.1611 E-mail: Web:

“ONE WORLD where poverty is eliminated, equality prevails and the rights of women and girls are fulfilled.� Canadian Crossroads International (CCI) is an international development organization that is reducing poverty and increasing women's rights around the world. Working with local partners in 28 projects, in eight countries and supported by hundreds of volunteers each year, Crossroads leverages expertise and resources, North and South, required to help people overcome poverty and assert their human rights. CCI is currently working in Bolivia, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Swaziland, Togo and Zimbabwe. Crossroads works with local organizations in West Africa, Southern Africa and South America that are combating extreme poverty and women's inequality. With CCI's support, partners in developing countries select Canadian partner organizations working on similar issues that can help them develop their programs and meet their development goals. The exchange of skilled volunteers and staff is central to the partnerships. Each year CCI brings partners from developing countries to work with partners in Canada, sends Canadians to work with partners in the South and facilitates staff and volunteer exchanges between Southern partner organizations. Crossroads volunteers live with host families and work with local organizations so they are immersed in the culture, the community, the people, and the issues they face. Placements vary in length from several weeks to a year depending on the needs of the project.

Canadian Humanitarian Organization for International Relief 19 CONTACT INFORMATION:

476 - 4 Street SE Medicine Hat, AB T1A 0K6 Tel: 403.527.2741 Fax: 403.527.0427 Email: Web:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." – Margaret Mead

Canadian Humanitarian's Mission is to break the cycle of poverty by providing orphaned and vulnerable children and their families with access to health care, education, vocational training, and the basic necessities of life such as nutrition and shelter. Canadian Humanitarian is a non-religious, non-political organization dedicated to providing hope and opportunity to children, families and communities. We work primarily in Ethiopia and Haiti. Some of the services we provide are: • shelter, food, clean water, and clothing for children in need • medical services for children and their families • tuition, books, school uniforms and financial support necessary for children to attend school • remedial education to bring children who have not been in school up to their age-appropriate grade, and to help children compete for the limited spaces available for continued education • educational and vocational training centers • training for staff and community in entrepreneurship, accounting practices, child development, AIDS awareness, etc. • hope to many who have been negatively affected by the realities of poverty. You can become a part of the solution to the negative impact of poverty; here is how you can get involved. Join a Chapter: We invite you to think globally and act locally by joining a chapter of Canadian Humanitarian in your community. Along with other volunteers, you will be instrumental in bringing awareness to the realities of poverty as you help to raise needed funds for our community development projects. Travel: Donate your skills in Canadian Humanitarian projects overseas. When you travel with Canadian Humanitarian you will get a hands-on experience in community development. Be ready to interact with the local people, learn a little about what life is like for a beneficiary of one of our projects and have an experience that will change your life and the lives of those you meet. Donate: When you donate to Canadian Humanitarian you will be supporting projects that improve lives. Whether you sponsor a child, donate online, or through the transfer of stocks you will be part of the solution to suffering.

Canadian Moravian Mission 20 CONTACT INFORMATION:

8008 - 161 Street Edmonton, AB T5R 2K6 Tel: 780.486.2283 Web:

The Canadian Moravian Mission Society was established in Alberta to promote the mission work of the Moravian Church and foster outreach and connection within the Moravian congregations. As part of the Worldwide Moravian Unity it works to support work in Central America, Tanzania, South Africa, Kenya, India, Nepal, Peru and Sierra Leone.

Canadian Peacemakers International (CPI) 21 CONTACT INFORMATION:

8107 - 44 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6K 0Z3 Tel: 780.462.6234 Web:

The vision of Canadian Peacemakers International (CPI) is to develop and demonstrate a model of peacemaking and peacebuilding that can be emulated by others to address the structural causes of conflict in Central America (CA). The ultimate goal is to reduce the likelihood of more war in CA. CPI has two current projects that further this vision. The village construction project has enabled eleven poor, peasant families to become owners of their own homes on their own land. As they pay off the mortgages on their property, CPI will have the resources to replicate the project. Land redistribution has been the cause of much conflict and bloodshed in Central America, and helping poor peasants get their own land peacefully demonstrates an alternative to revolutionary violence. The Computer Assisted Literacy (CAL) project is making digitized educational programming available to rural villages and is being enthusiastically received by many people who wish to complete their schooling. Peace building is one of the foci of the CAL program, which rests on the realization that ignorance is one of the most powerful determinants of the poverty that often leads to conflict and war.

Canadian Red Cross 22 CONTACT INFORMATION:

9931 - 106 Street Edmonton, AB T5K 1E2 Tel: 780.423.2680 Fax: 780.428.7092 Email: Web:

The Red Cross is a not-for-profit, humanitarian organization dedicated to improving the situation of vulnerable people in Canada and throughout the world. We are a member of the International Red Cross/Red Crescent movement, the world's largest humanitarian organization. The Red Cross seeks to alleviate human suffering and improve the lives of the vulnerable by mobilizing the power of humanity.

Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (CW4WAfghan) 23 CONTACT INFORMATION:

Marda Loop Box 86016 Calgary, AB T2T 6B7 Tel: 403.244.5625 Email: Web:

“I have never witnessed a commitment to education this powerful anywhere else on earth, or a will as strong as Afghans' to overcome the past. It's something worth defending.” – Lauryn Oates, CW4WA Project Director Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan (CW4WAfghan) is a volunteer not-for-profit organization founded in 1996 with twelve chapters across Canada. The goals are to advance education for Afghan women and their families and to educate Canadians about human rights in Afghanistan. CW4WAfghan is a registered charity (#887718203RR0001). Donor-funded projects are implemented and managed in partnership with Afghan non-profit organizations. These projects include a number of community schools, village libraries, an orphanage, as well as teacher training, literacy, English and computer classes. The projects are funded mainly from individual donations from Canadians and 100% of funds donated go to women-centered projects in Afghanistan. Special projects are also undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan members were honoured with the YMCA Calgary Peace Award in the International category for their longstanding contribution to supporting peace and human rights for Afghan women and their families. Values: CW4WAfghan members believe that individuals, as global citizens, working in solidarity and with integrity of purpose and action, can affect positive change in the world through education and the promotion of social justice and human rights.

Caro – Canadians Reaching out to the World's Children Foundation 24 CONTACT INFORMATION:

231 Ross Glen Road Medicine Hat, AB T1B 3C5 Tel: 403.529.6256 Tel: 403.527.9397 Fax: 403.529.6932 Email: Web:

CARO, which operates with a home base of Medicine Hat, Alberta, has been involved in international development activities since 2001. CARO's Mission is “To partner with international communities in need for the improvement of the lives of impoverished, disabled and abandoned children, their families and communities.” The core beliefs upon which CARO attempts to practice in all its activities include: • The family in all its forms. • Individuals and families should be enabled to learn and develop to their maximum potential. • As Canadians with so many resources, we have a responsibility to support and assist people in need wherever they live. • Our actions should provide for immediate relief of those in need and at the same time help people to develop solutions for long term self sufficiency. • We all have limited capabilities and abilities and accordingly we wish to work closely and partner with others who share our values and aspirations. • We need to practice and advocate for change when the actions or inactions of others create economic and social injustice. • Initiatives and supports to international communities require a long term commitment. • All our international initiatives must have local people as our partners. CARO supports • Three children's programs in NW Romania; • The Teege Wende Orphanage in Yako Burkina Faso and a village foster program for more than 120 abandoned, orphaned and vulnerable children; • Seed money for a soap making and weaving enterprise operated by a small group of women who care for the children at the Teege Wende Orphanage in Yako; • CARO facilitates the transport of school and clothing supplies from Canada to migrant Mexican workers on the border between Mexico and Yuma Arizona; • A large family group home / orphanage in Kochi India; • A hot lunch program for children at a local school in Medicine Hat.


Box 8100 Canmore, AB T1W 2T8 Tel: 403.678.3332 Fax: 403.678.8869 Email: Web:

Founded in 1984, CAUSE Canada (CC) is an Alberta-based international relief and development organization that implements self-help projects in West Africa and Central America. CC seeks to alleviate poverty and injustice through long-term partnerships that empower individuals to identify and implement responsive programs within their own communities. The guiding principle employed by CC in deciding which overseas projects to support is that the development process must place its primary emphasis upon self-sufficiency. Furthermore, CC believes that alienating people from their own projects is perhaps the most grievous of development errors. To this end CC is committed to building dignity amongst project beneficiaries and overseas partners while at the same time diminishing dependency and celebrating excellence. CC's areas of program activity include the construction of potable water systems & latrines, preventative health care projects, literacy & numeracy training, micro-credit programs, vocational training activities for physically handicapped individuals living within West African and Central America and the support of formal education for primary school children. CAUSE Canada is also active in Canada. Through the use of the creative arts, media, speaking tours, school presentations and workshops and documentary films, CC informs the Canadian public about social justice issues and the real causes of, and solutions for, extreme poverty. The majority of CAUSE Canada's projects are cosponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). However, CC regularly partners with numerous Canadian foundations, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP and other multi-lateral donors. For more information on CAUSE Canada please visit

Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST) 26 CONTACT INFORMATION:

Bay 12, 2916 - 5th Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2A 6K4 Tel: 403.243.3285 Fax: 403.243.6199 Email: Web:

More than 1.1 billion people around the world do not have access to clean drinking water, and waterborne illness is the cause of death of over 4,900 people per day, most of them children under the age of five. The Calgary-based Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST) provides technical training and consulting services, and acts as a catalyst bringing together the right partners and funders to make water and sanitation projects a reality for the poorest of the poor in the developing world. Since 2001 CAWST has provided services in water and sanitation to more than 300 organizations in 43 countries. Nearly one million people have been impacted with improved water by CAWST's network of clients. In particular, CAWST is the centre of expertise and distribution for the Biosand concrete water filtration technology, a low-cost water treatment technology specially designed for use by the poor in developing countries. These household filters are made by local people using materials commonly found in most parts of the world.

Centre for Global Citizenship Education and Research 27 CONTACT INFORMATION:

5-182G Education North University of Alberta Edmonton, AB T6G 2G5 Phone: 780.492.4879 Fax: 780.492.2024 Email: Web:

The Centre for Global Citizenship and Research is an initiative of the Department of Educational Policy Studies that seeks to link research, teaching and social action through creating collaborative partnerships that serve the public and the education community. The Centre is active in developing a critical research culture of collaboration, creativity, and compassion by bringing together local and global researchers, higher education practitioners, in-service and pre-service teachers, and community educators to work towards social change and justice.

Change for Children Association (CFCA) 28 CONTACT INFORMATION:

2nd Floor, 10808 - 124 Street Edmonton, AB T5M 0H3 Tel: 780.448.1505 Fax: 780.448.1507 Email: Web:

Change for Children Association (CFCA) is an Edmonton-based organization that works in Latin America and Africa to achieve sustainable community development. CFCA global projects are defined by local partners and are committed to gender equality, environmental justice and supporting indigenous perspectives. In Canada, CFCA's education program involves Canadians with the projects and issues of most pressing concern for our international partners. Change for Children's Purpose • To identify in cooperation with the indigenous people of other countries the root causes of their poverty and to assist them in finding long-term solutions • To support projects in various parts of the developing world which lead to self-sufficiency and a more just distribution of the world's resources • To maximize the effectiveness of each donated dollar by applying to government agencies for matching grants and by ensuring appropriate administration of funds • To educate Canadians about the developing world to bring about an awareness of our global interdependence and solicit support for greater justice and equity. Change for Children's Commitment Equality: CFCA projects are based on partnership and mutual exchange of ideas. We do not have offices or employees in the South Self Determination: CFCA development projects, their cost and priority are determined by our southern partners according to current needs of their communities Local ownership: CFCA development projects increase the capacity of local people and local community-based organizations to have local control in poverty reduction Responsibility: Educating Canadians about the challenges that people in the developing world face is an integral part of the work we do. We aim to strengthen North-South, NorthNorth and South-South relationships. Future: CFCA fosters long-term partnerships with organizations that are working for positive, sustainable social and economic change. We are committed to understand what our role is - as Canadians and Albertans - in the struggle to alleviate global poverty and ensure a future for next generations.


323 Chapel Street Ottawa, ON K1N 7Z2 Tel: 613.237.0180 Fax: 613.237.5969 Toll free: 1.866.242.4243 Web:

CHF, formerly the Canadian Hunger Foundation, is a registered nonprofit organization headquartered in Ottawa dedicated to enabling poor rural communities in developing countries to attain sustainable livelihoods. Since its inception in 1961, CHF has implemented over 800 projects in more than 40 countries, helping thousands in Asia, Africa and the Americas to improve their daily lives and break the cycle of poverty. CHF is recognized as a leader in international development. Over the last 49 years, CHF has helped change lives and create solutions to combat the effects of drought, disease and devastating poverty in rural communities throughout the world. Using a Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA), CHF has helped bring self-reliance to people in the developing world. The sustainable livelihoods approach offers a way of analyzing rural poverty that respects and empowers the local population as architects of their own development. Using this holistic process, CHF involves entire communities in designing and implementing projects, and helps them to collaborate with local organizations and government agencies. CHF's Global Education Program CHF's Global Education Program has over 20 years of experience helping teachers teach from a global perspective, especially in the areas of rural poverty and development. Our organization's overseas projects enable us to develop authentic high-quality, curriculumlinked resources to support teachers as they teach in a more complex world. To find out more please look at our website at

Covenant International Ministry 30 CONTACT INFORMATION:

PO Box 744, STN Main Calgary, AB T2P 2J3 Tel: 403.923.2987 Web:

Covenant International was established with biblical principles to reach, develop and mobilize the nation of Ethiopia, and in due time the neighboring countries, at a community level through a holistic approach to development. Covenant International's philosophy is based on Christian values that embrace the view; "Everything on this earth is affected by the fall of man and is in need of redemption. Furthermore, everything we do on earth is spiritual and sacred, regardless of occupation or status in society, as long as it is done for the glory of God and for the improvement of society." Covenant International has created an infrastructure on which professionals from other countries can travel to Ethiopia for short-term mission projects to share their knowledge in their specific area of expertise beyond giving material assistant. The community of Ethiopians are also encouraged to support the work financially, and join in whatever ways possible, in our efforts to rebuild this wonderful country.


1825 West 13th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 2H4 Tel: 604.566.3368 Email: Web:

CUSO-VSO promotes sustainable development through the method of international volunteering. Our volunteers come from many professional and personal backgrounds, from many ages, and from across Canada and the United States as well as from many of the Southern countries in which we work. As a member of VSO International, we work with developing world organizations and governments to identify areas of greatest need, and then collaboratively develop strategic volunteer positions. Volunteers work collaboratively with overseas partner groups on locally and nationally managed projects. This way, the benefits of their work continue to be felt by local people long after the volunteers have passed on their skills and returned home. CUSO-VSO's objectives • provide practical opportunities for North Americans to help change the world through international volunteering • link people and organizations the world over so they can together tackle social justice and development issues • increase public awareness of global issues, and encourages people to take action for equitable, sustainable development. Tools in CUSO-VSO's development toolbox include long-term overseas volunteering, short-term specialist assignments, developing world 'National Volunteering,' Diaspora communities volunteering, development partnerships, and public engagement in North America.

Umeeda Switlo (PE officer CUSO-VSO West) interviewing volunteer and partners in Kilifi Turtle Rescue


10649 - 69 Street Edmonton, AB T6A 2S9 Tel: 780.908.1149 Email: Web:

Edzimkulu's mission is to nurture, care for and educate the generation of children affected by HIV/AIDS in Ndawana, South Africa, with the goal of producing healthy members of a cohesive community with an economic base enhanced by education and accessibility to government programs. The people of greater Edmonton, through donations, volunteerism and an exchange of culture, play an important role in demystifying the AIDS pandemic in Africa and in empowering the people of Ndawana. Edzimkulu has had great success in creating a community-based model of HIV/AIDS education, testing, counseling and treatment and of advocating for access to government programs and funding. The province of KZN is purported to be the nucleus of HIV/AIDS in South Africa; HIV prevalence rates in the province range from 2044%. Ndawana is a remote community once ignored by the government and which suffered greatly from the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Through Edzimkulu's work this village has become a vibrant centre of health-related and educational activity. Medical, educational and social services which once ranged from non-existent to sporadic, inconsistent and inadequate became regularly available. Edzimkulu has done much to enhance the profile of Ndawana and to give the community a voice and a presence in the eyes of the local government departments. This has been achieved through taking the initiative in utilizing the talents and abilities of the local people and in empowering them to be community leaders. The activities that have developed out of the Edzimkulu presence are very significant. The Edzimkulu health initiatives in health leadership and HIV testing and treatment have become a model that is being replicated in the Sisonke health district (which has a catchment of some 400,000 people). The Ndawana clinic is now a full fledged health post - and the most remote ARV (antiretroviral drug) rollout site in the district (and probably South Africa). In 2010 and 2011, our focus is on rebuilding the clinic, kindergarten (crèche) and community centre which were lost in a fire in 2009. These structures are vital to the continuation of Edzimkulu's extremely successful programs in health care, advocacy and human infrastructure.

Four Worlds Centre for Development Learning 33 CONTACT INFORMATION:

Box 395 Cochrane, AB T4C 1A6 Tel: 403.932.0882 Fax: 403.932.0883 Email: Web:

Young girls in a northern Pakistan community development forum, facilitated by Four Worlds and local partners. (2009)

The Four Worlds Centre for Development Learning emerged out of Indigenous peoples' community healing and development efforts in North America in the early 1980s, and has worked extensively in rural and urban settings in every corner of North America, as well as in Africa, Asia, the Pacific, the former Soviet Union and Latin America. It is well known for its culturally-based approach to development work, for its participatory and trans-disciplinary approach, and for its down-to-earth articulation of principles, models and tools to guide human and community transformation. Our current projects include a comprehensive poverty alleviation and peace-building project in Northern Pakistan. We also continue to provide support to comprehensive community planning processes in Canadian Aboriginal communities, and to work shoulder-to-shoulder with them as they implement those plans in the service of the development of their people and their nations. A more comprehensive description of our many initiatives can be found on our website.

Ghost River Rediscovery 34 CONTACT INFORMATION:

Suite 164, 3359 - 27 Street NE Calgary, AB T1Y 5E4 Tel: 403.270.9351 Fax: 403.270.9371 Email: Web:

Ghost River Rediscovery is a non-profit, registered charity offering cultural and experiential education programs based on Indigenous culture. Drawing on the strengths of Indigenous culture and the wisdom of the Elders, with the philosophy of love and respect for the Earth and all peoples, Ghost River Rediscovery aims at empowering people of all ages and cultures to discover the natural world, the world between cultures and the worlds within themselves. The Youth Leadership area of Ghost River Rediscovery offers local and international programs based on Indigenous traditions and values. Our programs incorporate two fundamental strategies for developing leadership capacity: outdoor experiential learning and crosscultural or international experience.

Global, Environmental, and Outdoor Education Council of the Alberta Teachers' Association (GEOEC) 35 CONTACT INFORMATION:

c/o Alberta Teachers' Association 11010 - 142 Street NW Edmonton AB T5N 2R1 Tel: 780.447.9400 Fax: 780.455.6481 Toll Free: 1.800.232.7208 Email: Web:

GEOEC is an interdisciplinary council of passionate educators committed to bridging environmental, global, and outdoor education initiatives. Specifically, we provide quality PD for teachers that connects with our youth through workshops and conferences. We offer a workshop for teachers on global citizenship in partnership with the Canadian Teachers Federation titled "Change the World." It explores the concepts of democracy, environment, peace, and solidarity. The annual GEOEC conference links experts in the field to Alberta educators and provides an opportunity to build relationships and share experiences. Past conference themes have been: Many Streams, One River; and Trails to Sustainability. We give teachers the tools to create globally and environmentally aware citizens that live today and will be leaders tomorrow.

Global Visions Film Festival (GVFF) 36 CONTACT INFORMATION:

9664 - 106 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5H 0N9 Tel: 780.414.1052 Email: Web:

Our History The Global Visions Film Festival (GVFF) is an annual, one of a kind, Edmonton based festival which celebrates the work of passionate, accomplished documentarians from Canada and around the world. Through the work of Canadian and international filmmakers, GVFF celebrates the passion of film and the diversity, joy, and responsibility of being a global citizen. We began 28 years ago as the Edmonton Learners Centre's Third World Film Festival. The centre became a non-profit society -The Global Visions Festival Society- in 1998 which organizes and runs the Global Visions Film Festival. Mandate & Mission Statement Global Visions Film Festival is Canada's oldest documentary film festival. We operate from the knowledge that the world is getting smaller, and that all people are interconnected, interdependent citizens of the global village. Global Visions Film Festival aims to entertain, engage and inspire our audience. We entertain them by bringing original, topquality documentaries made by talented filmmakers from across Canada and around the world to Edmonton every year. We engage our audiences by challenging them through our films to think about their place in the world, and their shared responsibility to the planet, meaning everyone and everything that lives upon it. And we inspire them by showing our audience that documentary film and filmmakers can help make a positive, transformative change in people's lives.


3251 - 27 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6T 1P8 Tel: 780.434.5513 Email: Web:

HELP has been working in partnership with Adivasi (original dweller) and Dalit ("untouchable caste") communities in Southern Orissa, India since 1997 in over 120 villages (or with some 20,000 people) in a drought-prone zone addressing: (i) local control over land, forest and food production/sovereignty in relation to checking rampant hunger/starvation (over 10,000 acres of land has been secured/title to the people/villages); (ii) rural infrastructure development including access to clean drinking water, minor irrigation facilities, paved roads, electricity and more durable roofing for hutments; and (iii) rural organizing and organization building for rights assertion in relation to people's culture, economy and livelihoods and freedom from development-displacement (e.g. by industrial development) and the right to space/domicile in Scheduled Areas as per guarantees in the Fifth Schedule of the Indian Constitution.

Helping Youth through Educational Scholarships (HYTES) 38 CONTACT INFORMATION:

4676 Quentin Street Calgary, AB T2T 6E1 Tel: 403.291.9812 Toll Free: 1.877.250.6300 Email: Web:

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.� - Nelson Mandela Helping Youth Through Educational Scholarships (HYTES) is a grassroots Alberta-based charitable organization founded in 2005 whose mission is to support youth in developing nations with educational opportunities to empower themselves, their families, and their communities. Specifically, HYTES awards scholarships to community-minded secondary students who would otherwise not be able to attend school in Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Guatemala. Because HYTES is 100% volunteer-run, we are able to keep administrative costs extremely low, meaning that more funds can be utilized directly for payment of school fees for HYTES scholars. For the past five years, HYTES has invested in the futures of incredible young people who desperately want to attend school, but live in countries where sadly, access to education has become a privilege rather than a universal right. HYTES limits its work to a handful of countries where we have already built relationships with volunteers who ensure that the groundwork is completed. Donors comment that one of their main reasons for contributing is the evident personal connections within the HYTES network - most of the Board and volunteers in Canada personally know the Country Representatives and by extension, many of the students in the four countries where HYTES operates. HYTES was almost an 'accidental NGO' in that the founding group initially thought it would be great to be able to offer scholarships to even a couple of young people in East Africa. The kind generosity of individuals approached to support this idea was overwhelming to the point that HYTES was able to provide 23 scholarships in four countries in our first year of operations, 78 the next year, and and over 120 scholarships annually since then! In total up until the end of 2009, HYTES has fundraised and coordinated the logistics to enable almost 200 different students to attend school. HYTES' philosophy is to see each student through to the end of their secondary school career, so the total number of annual scholarships awarded is different than the total number of HYTES scholars overall.

HIV Network of Edmonton (HIV Edmonton) 39 CONTACT INFORMATION:

9702 - 111 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5G 0B1 Tel: 780.488.5742 Fax: 780.488.3735 Toll Free: 1.877.388.5742 Email: Web:

HIV Edmonton works with the whole community, in a global context ensuring that there are no new HIV infections, that people with HIV live longer, healthier lives, free from stigma and that everyone affected by HIV gets the services they need without barriers or discrimination. HIV provides support, outreach and education for people living with, affected by, and at risk of HIV/AIDS.

Human Development Foundation (HDF) 40 CONTACT INFORMATION:

4208 Ramsey Road Edmonton, AB T6H 5R2 Tel: 780.430.6994 Email: Web:

Human Development Foundation provides primary Education, Primary Health and Community development by Social Mobilization in remote rural areas of Pakistan. We believe in the motto of SELF HELP and practice it with full participation of communities we serve. Project Pakistan Model Design “Development is a process of enlarging people's choices-not just choices between different detergents, television channels or car models, but the choices that are created by expanding human capabilities and functioning-what people do and can do in their lives. A few capabilities are essential for all levels of human development, without which, many choices in life would not be available. These capabilities are to lead long and healthy lives, to be knowledgeable and to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living-and these are reflected in the human development index.” Human development in the words of Paul Steen is: “Human. But many additional choices are valued by people. These include political, social, economic and cultural freedom, a sense of community, opportunities for being creative and productive, and self-respect and human rights. Yet human development is more than just achieving these capabilities; it is also the process of pursuing them in a way that is equitable, participatory, productive and sustainable.” The Project has a holistic approach to Human Development, based on the three criteria included in the Human Development Index, devised by Dr. Mahboobul Haq. The model was developed by specialists working in the field of social sciences. This successful model teaches responsibility and eliminates dependency. The main areas of intervention are: Community Empowerment, Education, Health, Grassroots economic development, and Community Physical Infrastructure. From 2006-2010, HDF Canada has completed the following projects in Pakistan: 1. Participated in completion of a school building for 250 students; 2. Provided a mobile lab and an XRAY unit; 3. Built two community Health Centres; 4. Health Screening of 10,000 elementary school children enrolled in HDF-run schools.

John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights (JHC) 41 CONTACT INFORMATION:

7723 - 85 Street Edmonton, AB T6C 3B4 Tel: 780.453.2638 Fax: 780.454.1519 Email: Web:

The John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights (JHC) is a non-profit organization located in Edmonton, Alberta, named after the principal drafter of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. With a vision of a world manifesting in a culture of peace and human rights in which the dignity of every person is respected, valued and celebrated, the JHC's mission is to advance that culture through education programs and activities, community collaboration and relationship building guided by the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The JHC undertakes initiatives such as public events, conferences and training programs, including our popular Rights in the Sun summer camp program, to facilitate community building and human rights learning. We also present the bienniel Ignite Change Now! Global Youth Assembly.

Keiskamma Canada Foundation (KCF) 42 CONTACT INFORMATION:

14027 - 106 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5N 1B3 Tel: 780.454.2474 Email: Web:

The Keiskamma Canada Foundation (KCF) is a registered charity seeking to relieve poverty in Africa, focusing initially on the Eastern Cape region of South Africa, by implementing and supporting programs or initiatives in consultation with local communities, aimed at supporting the stability and sustainability of those communities. In particular, KCF provides funds and/or services in kind for the construction and operation of poverty relief and community support facilities such as health centres, schools, churches and other community centres. KCF also partners to provide health services to improve the health of the community including primary disease prevention and primary and palliative care for persons living with HIV/AIDS. KCF provides for training and education of community members such as health care workers, patients and their families. KCF implements and supports programs aimed at improving economic self-reliance, such as employment and skill development to promote income generation and self-reliance. In addition, KCF promotes awareness and seeks to educate the Canadian public and to encourage the exchange of knowledge and skills between Canadian and African communities in support of their work. Currently KCF partners with the Keiskamma Trust, based in Hamburg, South Africa. The Keiskamma Trust is an NGO that provides holistic care and support to an area comprised of 119 villages. The Trust provides health care programs (including the administration of anti-retrovirals (ARVs)), employment through its renowned art projects, access to music education, after-school education programming, introduction to and ongoing support for organic gardening practices and other community-building initiatives. KCF reviews standing orders from the Trust, prioritized based on need, and proceeds to fund those orders that meet both its mandate and funding capacity.

The Leprosy Mission Canada (TLMC) 43 CONTACT INFORMATION:

100 Mural Street, Suite 100 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1J3 Tel: 905.886.2885 Fax: 905.886.2887 Toll Free: 1.888.537.7679 Email: Web:

A participatory needs analysis being done by The Leprosy Mission Canada in a village in Bangladesh.

The Leprosy Mission Canada (TLMC) was founded in 1892 in support of the inspirational work coordinated by Irishman Wellesley Bailey in India. The purpose of the Mission, then and now, is to minister in the name of Jesus Christ to the physical, mental, social and spiritual needs of people affected by leprosy, and to work towards the eradication of the disease by securing personnel, prayer, and funds. The Leprosy Mission International, of which Canada is a member, presently works in 28 countries across Africa and Asia focusing on leprosy control, capacity building, prevention of disability, community based rehabilitation, and health education.

Lifeline Malawi (LM) 44 CONTACT INFORMATION:

210, 1289 Highfield Crescent SE Calgary, AB T2G 5M2 Tel: 403.214.7780 Fax: 403.214.7786 Email: Web:

"Having previously served in various remote areas of Africa, we were incredibly impressed with the well equipped and organized services offered by the Lifeline team." – Volunteer doctor Lifeline Malawi Association (LM), an independent Canadian humanitarian medical relief and development organization headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, is dedicated to providing medical aid without discrimination to the peoples of developing countries. LM fulfills its vision of “Leading the way in bringing lifetransforming hope and healing to Africa” by providing excellence and leadership in health care through community-based health centres, outreach programs, partnerships and capacity-building initiatives without discrimination and motivated by Christian love. In 1998, Lifeline Malawi's founder, Dr. Chris Brooks, established the first medical outreach in the lakeshore community of Ngodzi, which is a rural community of 40,000 people approximately 100 km southeast of the capital city of Lilongwe. Since then, the Ngodzi property has been developed into a medical complex offering full-time medical and health-related services to Ngodzi and the surrounding communities. In May 2006, funding was received from the ECLT Foundation which allowed Lifeline Malawi to expand the provision of primary medical services into a second location - Kasese. In 2008, Lifeline Malawi entered into partnership with Family Health International for the expansion of our “Orphans and Vulnerable Children” outreach services into the more remote rural villages within the Ngodzi region. Most recently, funding has been received from various foundations that has allowed LM to expand our medical services to include maternity services at each location. Lifeline Malawi employs over 75 full time staff at its two clinic sites and the management office in Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi. Through the leadership of our VP Malawi Operations (Mr. Pat Laforet), our Malawian trained staff are dedicated to helping their fellow citizens, particularly in delivering rural-based medicine. From two static clinics and 16 remote outreach clinics, LM provides primary health care, HIV/AIDS intervention and maternity to over 200,000 patients per annum.


224 - 13 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2K 0K2 Tel: 403.226.5004 Fax: 403.266.5433 Email: Web:

Light Up The World (LUTW) is an international development organization whose goal is to provide renewable energy technologies and high efficiency lighting to communities around the world that do not have access to appropriate and affordable energy solutions. Vision: That development for the 1.6 billion people worldwide without access to proper lighting and energy can be promoted through the provision of affordable, healthy, efficient, and environmentally responsible sustainable energy and lighting solutions. Our Commitment is to bring quality alternative energy and efficient lighting solutions to people and communities in need. Through local and international partnerships with community organizations and manufacturers, we provide solar-powered LED (light emitting diode) lighting systems to the developing world. Our projects are made possible through the generosity of our donors and the cooperation of our partners. Light Up The World provides affordable, renewable energy and highly efficient lighting systems to our world's most underserved communities who lack access to these essential tools for opportunity and development. Since inception, LUTW has facilitated the installation of over 26,000 lights in homes, schools and health centers. More than 900,000 people in over 50 countries have benefited from LUTW's renewable energy and lighting programs.

Maharasthra Seva Samiti Organization (MSSO) 46 CONTACT INFORMATION:

4 Strathbury Circle SW Calgary, AB T3H 1P7 Tel: 403.288.0048 Fax: 403.547.5471 Web:

MSSO celebrated its 25 Anniversary in June 2009. Our vision is: To promote sustainable development, economic as well as social, of those less fortunate in India, leading to independence from external assistance. Our mission statement is: To create long term partnership of Canadian donors and hardworking, selfless, grassroots social workers in India for building the future and for responding promptly to emergencies To enhance the value of donations through careful selection of NGO partners and effective management of development projects To empower women to participate as equal partners in achievement of social justice and equitable development To promote proper balance between development and environment

Marda Loop Justice Film Festival 47 CONTACT INFORMATION:

56 Glenview Drive SW Calgary, AB T3E 4H5 Tel: 403.803.4387 Email: Web:

The Marda Loop Justice Film Festival is a Calgary volunteer-run festival and hub of global citizen engagement promoting understanding of justice issues and advocating for the wellbeing of local and global neighbours. We host four film nights and a festival annually to foster awareness and understanding, facilitate conversations and offer opportunities to get involved in the issues raised, primarily through the activities of local advocacy groups and non-government organizations. Satellite festivals operate in Red Deer, Canmore, Sarnia, ON, and Markham, ON.

Mennonite Central Committee - Alberta (MCC) 48 CONTACT INFORMATION:

210, 2946 - 32 Street NE Calgary, AB T1Y 6J7 Tel: 403.275.6935 Fax: 403.275.3711 Toll Free: 1.888.622.6337 Email: Web:

Mennonite Central Committee - Alberta is an NGO that works with national and international programs for relief, development, peace and education. MCC seeks to demonstrate God's love by working among people suffering from poverty, conflict, oppression and natural disaster. • MCC sends people, food and material goods to communities recovering from war and natural disasters. • MCC encourages and supports local churches and community groups in their efforts to provide food, health care, education, employment and social services. • MCC helps people develop skills for creating peace in their families, neighbourhoods, villages, towns and nations. • MCC encourages exchanges of visits, gifts, and prayers between supporters and those with whom we work around the world. These exchanges highlight for everyone the gifts, needs and wisdom of others.

Micah Centre at The King's University College 49 CONTACT INFORMATION:

9125 - 50th Street Edmonton, AB T6B 2H3 Tel: 780.465.3500 Ext. 8070 Fax: 780.465.3534 Web:

The Micah Centre at The King's University College advances student awareness of local and global justice issues and creates opportunities for experiential learning opportunities around the world through internships, conferences, special lectures series and other curricular programs.

One Child's Village: A Global Orphans Foundation 50 CONTACT INFORMATION:

7954 - 84th Avenue Edmonton, AB T6C 1C5 Tel: 780.433.3342 Fax: 780.432.6774 Email: Web: Video:

One Child's Village is a non-governmental, non-religious, not-forprofit Society of volunteers who are united in values and who seek to enhance the quality of life for all members of the global community, especially those who are poor, suffering or are otherwise disadvantaged. The emphasis in their work is placed on supporting orphans affected by or infected by HIV/AIDS. They are currently working with partners in Kenya to provide food, shelter, clothing, education and healthcare to HIV/AIDS orphans. Projects in Kenya are supplemented by the introduction of income generation programs that include a computer lab and sewing services as well as by support for the orphan's caretakers through a 'head start' program. One Child's Village seeks to build bridges between communities in both developing and developed nations in order to engender a sense of global community and global interdependence. This includes developing global partnerships between schools and communities for the purposes of sharing knowledge and resources, and the cultivation of good relations through the exchange of cultural experiences. With this in mind, they educate the public about international development through class lectures, Internet and printed materials. They also provide a volunteer program for persons interested in lending their time and talent in Kenya to the orphans. Maximizing financial support for the children is essential. One Child's Village functions solely on the contributions of volunteers and none of the organization's members are remunerated for their efforts. They strive to keep overhead costs to a bare minimum, ensuring that almost 100% of the contributions received go directly toward the Village's designated projects.

“It takes a village to raise a child� - African proverb

Operation Eyesight Universal 51 CONTACT INFORMATION:

4 Parkdale Crescent NW Calgary, AB T2N 3T8 Tel: 403.283.6323 Fax: 403.270.1899 Email: Web:

Every five seconds, one person in the world goes blind. A child goes blind every minute. Yet for almost three out of four of these people, blindness was completely preventable. Operation Eyesight Universal is an international development organization dedicated to eliminating avoidable blindness. Since our work began in 1963, we have brought sight-saving treatment to more than 35 million people. Today our work is focused on India and the African countries of Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda and Zambia - places where blindness can be deadly, especially to those who are very young, old or poor. Through Operation Eyesight, people are helped regardless of means, gender, caste or creed. We work in partnership with medical professionals and community development teams, building essential resources that give all people, including the poorest, access to the help they need. Our focus on high-quality, comprehensive eye care ensures sustainable service for entire communities, with long-lasting results. Thanks to private donations and public support, Operation Eyesight is able to assist people threatened by blindness and low vision.

Optometry Giving Sight 52 CONTACT INFORMATION:

4 Parkdale Crescent NW Calgary, AB T2N 3T8 Tel: 403.670.2619 Toll Free: 1.800.585.8265 ext 4 Fax: 1.888.425.7296 Email: Web:

Optometry Giving Sight is unique in that it is the only global fundraising initiative that specifically targets the prevention of blindness and impaired vision due to refractive error (those who are blind or vision impaired due to lack of a pair of glasses - some 670 million people.) We fund sustainable development projects in East Africa, South Africa, Sri Lanka, East Timor, Indigenous Australia, Haiti, Mexico, Peru, and India. Established in 2003, Optometry Giving Sight is a joint initiative of the World Optometry Foundation (WOF), the International Centre for Eyecare Education (ICEE) and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB). Optometry Giving Sight is currently raising funds in Australia, the U.S., Canada, the U.K, Italy, the Netherlands, Ireland, Norway, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. Funding programs… Optometry Giving Sight distributes funds to partners who implement projects that ensure sustainable, lasting results in three ways: • Vision Care - immediate access to services through eye exams, lowcost eye glasses and low-vision devices; • Local Training - training of local eye care personnel, optometrists and trainers; • Infrastructure Development - establishment and support of vision centers, eye clinics and schools of optometry Raising funds… • By inviting optometrists and practice staff to make regular monthly or annual donations; • By inviting optometry practices to make a donation on sales of a certain product line (such as $5 for every pair of glasses sold), or take the World Sight Day Challenge in October, or participate in the Say YEStoday campaign in the first half of the year; • Through optometry industry corporate sponsorships and donations by their employees; • Through patients making donations when visiting their optometrists; • Through general donations at 85% of every dollar raised from optometrists and their patients goes directly to support programs that help give sight to those most in need.


1001 - 95 St. Clair Avenue West Toronto, ON M4V 3B5

Plan is a global movement for change, mobilizing millions of people around the world to support social justice for children in developing countries.

Tel: 416.920.1654 Fax: 416.920.9942 Toll Free: 1.800.387.1418 Email: Web:

Founded in 1937, we are one of the world's oldest and largest international development agencies, working in partnership with millions of people around the world to end global poverty. Not for profit, independent and inclusive of all faiths and cultures, we have only one agenda: to improve the lives of children. Through programs in more than 65 countries, we give children, families and communities the tools they need to break the cycle of poverty and build sustainable solutions with measurable results for improving their own lives. We make it possible for people living in poverty to use their ideas, talents and energy to make better lives for themselves. We engage children in shaping their own future. Along with well-trained volunteers - numbering over 60,000 worldwide - Plan works with communities to build schools, educate teachers, dig wells, open health clinics, provide vocational training, innovate to improve crop yields, give people access to loans to start small businesses, provide humanitarian assistance when disaster strikes, and much more. We do whatever is needed to create an environment in which children, families and communities can thrive. We are supported in our work by over one million donors worldwide and by millions of local people who are active participants in their own development. Each year our work impacts the lives of more than 3.5 million families and their children in over 25,000 communities.

Project Shelter Wakadogo (PSW) 54 CONTACT INFORMATION:

36, 9520 - 174 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5T 5Z3 Tel: 780.930.2101 Web:

On June 5th 2009, after four years of fundraising and one year of construction, Project Shelter Wakadogo (PSW) (from “for the little ones” in Swahili) opened its doors to 80 children between the ages of three and six years old in the Acholi region of northern Uganda. After 23 years of civil conflict, the Acholi want to build lasting peace in the region. A cornerstone for their success lies in the hands of their young. Now more than ever before, parents and local communities believe in the value of sending their children to school. This is truly a remarkable social priority in the midst of abject poverty. In addition to promoting education, schools also provide parents with much needed quality childcare as they work towards securing a basic livelihood for their families and by extension bring development to the region.

“Only the educated are free.” – Epictetus (55 AD - 135 AD), Discourses

Early childhood development represents the foundation for learning. In response to growing community needs, the managing team at PSW opened a nursery school in the village of Acoyo located on the outskirts of the main town. It is the only school in the village of 5,000 inhabitants. The charity's mission focuses on teaching learning through play to inspire creativity and invoke curiosity while building confidence. These skills are crucial for future generations to possess. Local educators have trained the teachers to the highest standards for early childhood development. Lessons are taught in Luo, the language of northern Uganda, as well as in English in order to prepare the kids for a time when they will need to speak both languages fluently. Currently, an alarming number of children arrive to school hungry. To ensure the healthy development of students, PSW also provides each child with a healthy mid-day meal. Continued support will allow PSW to expand its efforts to open an additional two classrooms that are currently sitting idle to accommodate an additional 80 learners who are on the school's waiting list.

Rainbow for the Future 55 CONTACT INFORMATION:

10712 - 101 Street Westlock, AB T7P 1H7

Rainbow for the Future is a Canadian registered charitable agency dedicated to the organization and integration of sustainable development efforts primarily in Ethiopia.

Tel: 780.349.5631 Fax: 780.349.6301 Email: Web:

We at Rainbow are working hard to implement our dream of utilizing some of the many resources we have in Canada to help alleviate the burdens of extreme poverty, scarcity of water and the effects of climate change. Our work is based on a commitment to responsibility, accountability and sound stewardship of the resources entrusted to us in the name of those less fortunate. We have forged partnerships with amazing Ethiopian NGOs who are, like us, committed to providing a "hand up," not a "handout." Beneficiaries of the programs contribute in some form providing local resources, labour, expertise, and wisdom in order to ensure local ownership and thereby sustainability. We undertake all our activities with a sense of Joy and Gladness ever mindful of the trust that has been placed in our ability to keep our administration to a bare minimum and make use of each donation to effect real results "in the field."

Rainbow of Hope for Children (ROHFC) 56 CONTACT INFORMATION:

PO Box 2883 Wainright, AB T9W 1S7 Tel: 780.842.6091 Fax: 780.842.6208 Email: Web:

Children of Sonsonata harvesting corn on the Rainbow Organic Demonstration Mini-farm at Sonsonata Orphanage near Izalco, El Salvador. The farm not only trains small landholders in techniques in organic farming producing three crops a year using half the water, it produces about 90% of the food for about 120 children at the orphanage.

"Ordinary People can make an extraordinary difference." - Hank Zyp, ROHFC founder Rainbow of Hope for Children Society is committed to personal involvement in projects that help people in the global community to create a more just world for their families and their society. With designated donor support and available grants, the NGO assists grassroots international partners in their struggle for sustainable development and systemic reform to alleviate suffering and change the structures causing the suffering by promoting education, democracy, political awareness, health and wellness, life skills, human capacitation, gender equality, agriculture, marketing, income generation, and peace. The main areas of current support are in Brazil's northeastern states, Central America, the Philippines, India, Africa, and Peru. At home, the NGO provides education services to schools, as well as community and church groups through experienced speakers and its publication, the NEXUS - Linking partners in development.


103 - 153 Chapel Street Ottawa, ON K1N 1H5 Tel: 613.562.9240 Fax: 613.241.4170 Email: Web:

RESULTS Canada is a national network of volunteers. We are committed to creating the political will to end global poverty and needless suffering, and to demonstrating that individuals make a difference when they exercise their political influence. We are democracy in action. We are the power to end poverty. Every great social gain of our time has come from the will of the people - people who did not believe that their duties as citizens ended at the ballot box, but instead decided to become active and contributing members to the political process in their communities. For over 20 years RESULTS Canada has been following in this great tradition by providing Canadians with the tools they need to enact change on global poverty issues. Through the use of media outreach, advocacy, and community engagement, RESULTS volunteers and staff effectively convey to government that Canadians across the country are demanding that action be taken on reducing poverty around the world. We focus on solutions, not obstacles, and pinpoint opportunities where cost-effective, tangible investments can have the most impact for the world's poor. More specifically, our issues are usually ones where there is a proven, cost-effective solution and for which there are not many champions.

MP Delegation Trip to Bangladesh L to R: Judy Wasylycia-Leis, MP Winnipeg; Raymonde Folco, MP Laval-Les Iles; Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank; Lois Brown, MP Newmarket-Aurora “No other organization has been as critical a partner in seeing to it that microcredit is used as a tool to eradicate poverty and empower women than RESULTS…” – Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Prize Laureate and founder of Grameen Bank

What distinguishes RESULTS Canada from most other international development organizations is that we only do advocacy. We do not execute or financially contribute to community projects in developing countries. Our contribution is creating the political will to mobilize resources that reduce poverty on both micro and macro levels of the developing world. This is done through volunteer action as well as a national staff who meet with key decision makers across the country and internationally to put global poverty on the agenda. We are also part of a larger, international movement with RESULTS affiliates in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Japan and Mexico.


PO Box 1685 Camrose, AB T4V 1X6 Tel: 780.672.8222 Fax: 780.672.5506 Email: Web:

Women prepare tomatoes for the market as part of a micro-credit program with the Katchikel Presbytery, Chimaltenango.

Our name, Sahakarini, is a Hindi word meaning 'cooperation' or 'working across'. We build solidarity and awareness of global realities within our own community, while also supporting project partners around the world in reaching their goals to build up their communities. Locally we host film festivals and guest speakers, while working together with other community organizations. We also plan events such as our Loaves and Fishes dinner, and the Hike for HOPE. Internationally we work with partners with a strong rapport in their communities, who serve their people without discrimination. The goals of our partners vary, but have recently included initiatives addressing health care, safe water sources, human rights and freedom from abuse, education, micro-credit, and food security in several different regions of the world. Everything we do is with thanks to our dedicated international partners, volunteers and board members, various grants and generous donors.

Samaritan's Purse 59 CONTACT INFORMATION:

20 Hopewell Way NE Calgary, AB T3J 5H5 Tel: 403.250.6565 Fax: 403.250.6567 Toll Free: 1.800.663.6500 Email: Web:

Samaritan's Purse Canada is the Canadian arm of a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization that has been providing physical and spiritual aid to hurting people around the world since 1970. We partner with local organizations around the world to provide compassionate and cost-effective assistance to people in around 70 countries, regardless of religion, race, or gender. Our activities can be grouped into five main categories: Emergency Relief Emergency relief and disaster response has been a cornerstone ministry for Samaritan's Purse. Through our global network of partners and Samaritan's Purse offices, we are able to respond rapidly - providing safe water, food, shelter, and medical supplies. Building Healthier Communities Good health provides a foundation for a brighter future and Samaritan's Purse focuses on community-wide prevention through education, awareness, and behavior change. We seek to address root causes through locally-driven projects that tackle maternal and child health, address waterborne disease, educate about family nutrition, and provide essential medical care and training of personnel. Caring for Children Samaritan's Purse is committed to supporting projects that care for children and help them develop to their full potential. Local partners identify and implement projects including education, preventing child exploitation, and meeting practical physical needs. Operation Christmas Child is a hands-on project that enables Canadians to bless children in the developing world by packing a shoe box filled with toys, school supplies, and hygiene items. Strengthening Livelihoods Samaritan's Purse supports adult literacy, agricultural projects, and livelihood and business training that give hope for the future and enable people to provide for their families with dignity. Mobilizing Churches and Committees Supporting grassroots projects led by local Christian leaders, Samaritan's Purse focuses on meeting needs while building up local churches, empowering them to engage their communities in finding lasting solutions.

Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute 60 CONTACT INFORMATION:

1402 Education Tower 2500 University Drive Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 Tel: 403.220.7467 Fax: 403.289.0100 Email: Web:

The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute is a binational organization that promotes understanding between India and Canada through academic activities and exchanges. Our broad-based initiatives support the creation of binational links between academia, government, the business community and civil society organizations by funding research and hosting seminars. Our internships and fellowships provide opportunities for individuals to gain first-hand experience in India or Canada. In addition, our book and journal programme provides valuable resources to students and faculty at our member universities. The Shastri Institute is funded by and partners closely with government bodies in both India and Canada. The Institute aims to achieve gender equality and reduce poverty by focusing programming on sustainable development and other United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Over the Institute's forty year history we have awarded hundreds of fellowships. Many recipients report these were life changing experiences. As well, the Institute has placed thousands of books in Canadian and Indian university libraries, presented dozens of seminars and funded world class research. We are named after Lal Bahadur Shastri, Prime Minister of India from 1964-1966.

Somali Canadian Education and Rural Development Organization (SCERDO) 61 CONTACT INFORMATION:

Plaza 120, 12052 Fort Road Edmonton, AB T5B 4H1 Tel: 780.491.0233 Fax: 780.491.0212 Email: Web:

Somali-Canadian Education and Rural Development Organization (SCERDO) is a non-profit and registered charity organization under paragraph 149(1)(f) of the Income Tax Act which started its formal operations on November 1999 in Canada. SCERDO is a communitybased organization with a strong core group of professionals and volunteers who are social activists, computer programmers, engineers, economists, administrators, educators, house wives, students and elders. They all share one common bond; a sincere desire to make a difference for those who need the light of knowledge and motivation in order to improve their lives. SCERDO is interested in promoting and improving the quality of life for all Somalis and Canadians through education and community development. The broad purpose of SCERDO is to promote the educational needs of all Somalis and Canadians at home and around the world. As well, SCERDO will advocate for the needs of rural Somalia & Canada including economic development, community enhancement, environmental protection, and effective use of available resources. SCERDO believes that education and rural development is a pre-requisite for the social and economic development of Somalis at home and abroad. Using community development and "hands on" approaches, SCERDO sponsors projects in Canada and Somalia that will serve as platforms for further development or models for future projects in communities in both Canada and Somalia. On a project-by-project basis, SCERDO works with community leaders and local organizations to build upon the educational or developmental needs of the community. These community partners participate fully in the planning, implementation and future development of the project. Volunteers provide the majority of SCERDO's work. This includes professional training at each project site, mentorship of the local project partners, participating in community events, assisting with the building projects, and gathering resources in Canada and in the Somali communities around the world.

Sombrilla Refugee Support Society 62 CONTACT INFORMATION:

11424 - 77 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6G 0L8 Tel: 780.988.2976 Email: Web:

In 1985 members of Edmonton's civil society, including journalists, professors and human rights activists, joined together in solidarity with the people of Guatemala in response to the armed conflict in Guatemala and the severe human rights violations being carried out against civil society After incorporating in 1987, Sombrilla, in coordination with the Government of Canada, sponsored more than 50 individuals with their refugee applications. During the mid 1990s Sombrilla shifted its focus to support resettlement of internally displaced refugees in Guatemala. This allowed Sombrilla to assist Guatemala in its process of post-war reconstruction while also developing valuable institutional experience in international development. Since 2001, Sombrilla has been expanding its international development activities to other Latin American countries such as: El Salvador, Honduras, Argentina, and Peru. Presently Sombrilla has projects in two countries, Guatemala and Peru. Sombrilla's projects in the recent past have focused on: • food security through school and family garden projects • access to clean water - involving the construction of a community water system in Peru and biosand water filters in Guatemala • basic education in Guatemala with plans to build a new school with enough space for all children in the community • economic development in Peru assisting the community in developing their own tourism businesses in the Cordillera Blanca Sombrilla works in partnership with other organizations, both in the partner countries and here in Canada. We have undertaken public education and fundraising events together with a local high school, Boy Scouts and other Edmonton-based NGOs. Sombrilla's Mission To empower the marginalized communities and people of Latin America so that they may assert their rights - economic, political, environmental, cultural and social - thus enabling them to improve the conditions and quality of their life in a just and sustainable manner.

Tamaraneh Society for Community Development and Support 63 CONTACT INFORMATION:

Box 78170 RPO Callingwood Edmonton, AB T5T 6A1 Tel: 780.993.1062 Email: Web:

Our mission The Tamaraneh Society for Community Development and Support exists to support the basic human needs development of Romano Village in Sierra Leone, West Africa, which was ravaged by civil war and is currently in the position of having to rebuild. The development work is focused on the education of children and youth and the basic health needs of the community. What we do Our society raises funds and collaborates with our partners in Sierra Leone to determine the needs of the community, provide initial funding for start-up/self-help and maintenance of basic education and health care and enable the community to reach some form of local sustainability of basic needs through local entrepreneurship. We have two schools in Romano Village which serve eight villages in the area. There is a threeroom feeder school in Mabora Village for grades one to three. Our total student population is 1,300. In 2007 we dug a water well and are in the process of preparing to dig another one in 2010-2011. The new water well will be located next to the health centre, which is almost built. Three community farms support our schools and we will soon be expanding to promote local entrepreneurship and micro-credit projects to help stimulate the local economy.

Memunatu Dura Kamara, Tamaraneh founder

Our story Although the Tamaraneh Society for Community Development and Support is a relatively new society, the initiative was started over six years ago by a visionary woman, Memunatu Dura Kamara. Herself a refugee and a single parent with only a grade five education, Memunatu dreamt of rebuilding her home village as a way to give back for the opportunities she has found in Canada. After four years of continuous sacrifice to run this project, Memunatu had recruited enough new friends committed to helping the people of Romano Village, to be able to start “Tamaraneh” which means “people helping each other.” All Tamaraneh members are volunteers and money raised for the project goes directly to run our projects.

Tools for Schools Africa Foundation 64 CONTACT INFORMATION:

4757 - 56 Street Red Deer, AB T4N 2K2 Tel: 403.340.3889 Fax: 403.347.3766 Email: Web:

Tools for School Africa Foundation works to improve the quality of life in the Northern Region of Ghana by enhancing educational opportunity and improving access to post-primary education. Our organization is a registered Canadian charity (82508 9022 RR0001) which has been working in the Damongo area of the Northern Region since 2003. We are based in Red Deer, Alberta and the founder and chair of the Board is Marilyn Pottage. As of July 2009 we have a registered charitable sister organization in Ghana known as Tools for Schools Africa Society. This allows us to administer, account for and transfer funds efficiently. Our 2010 project has students from the University of Manitoba Faculty of Architecture building a support facility at St. Anne's Girls Boarding House in Damongo. The purpose of the build is to expand capacity allowing more rural village girls to continue their education at a junior high school. An additional 24 to 48 girls will be able to attend junior high school each year starting September 2010. The budget for this project is about $70,000. As well we will continue offering scholarships at junior, senior and post-secondary levels to outstanding girls from the Northern Region who do not have the financial means to continue their education. There are presently 14 girls on scholarship and in the 2010-2011 school year that number will increase to over 40. We have met with and know the family history of each recipient. Tools for Schools Africa Foundation is interested in working with other NGOs operating in Ghana to facilitate easier delivery of goods and services. You can see more about the Damongo project at


#200, 5716 - 1st Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 1H8 Tel: 1.866.629.0516 Fax: 402.252.7685 Email: Web:

UEnd: is about the getting the everyday person involved in changing the world. The everyday person no longer has to wait frustrated over the wrongs in the world, now they can start DOing something. We accomplish our goal of ending extreme poverty through education, transparent partnerships, proven and sustainable project delivery methods, and an online gift card system that allows the giver to control where and how they want their gift to be spent. It is a new way to get money to the people that need it most in the places around the globe that need it most. You can have confidence that the money will truly be spent the way is was meant to be spent. In return you will receive quarterly updates from the field that underlins the impact of your getting involved. Note: Our name changed from ChristmasFuture to UEnd: on October 15, 2009.

Unisphere Global Resource Centre 66 CONTACT INFORMATION:

101 - 6th Street SE Medicine Hat, AB T1A 1G7 Tel: (403) 529-2656 Email: Web:

Established in 1975 as one of the Global Learner Centres, the Unisphere Global Resource Centre is a community-based charity dedicated to global issues such as poverty, famine, and human rights issues. Unisphere educates individuals about global issues as well as issues that affect them locally. Unisphere works in local partnership with many organiztions such as Amnesty International, KAIROS, and World Food day, along with many other organizations. Unisphere maintains a library of resources for the use of their members and educators.

United Nations Association in Canada (Edmonton Branch) 67 CONTACT INFORMATION:

c/o C. Mensah Grant MacEwan University 10700 104 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 4S2 Email: Web:

The Edmonton Branch of the United Nations Association in Canada (UNAC) was formed in 1949. It is part of a nation-wide group of voluntary, non-partisan United Nations organizations concerned with global affairs. It is comprised of interested Canadians in the greater Edmonton area who seek solutions to world problems through the effective use of the UN, its specialized agencies, and other multilateral institutions. This branch is committed to promoting awareness of critical issues such as the environment, human rights, disarmament, and development. The Branch hosts meetings the fourth Thursday evening of each month to discuss current issues of relevance to the United Nations and of interest to its members and the general public. The Branch is pleased to partner with over 50 volunteers from the Edmonton area to present the “What Kind of World...?� program to students in Grades 4-8. This program, developed with funding from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), aims to teach children about the United Nations, Canada's role in the UN, and some of the issues the UN deals with such as human rights. Our organization trains the volunteers to deliver three 1-hr interactive workshops with the students, each with a different theme. The program is a great way to engage young students in thinking about global issues and considering themselves as global citizens. The Branch's support for youth interested in international and social justice issues is also evident through the provision of a bursary for a secondary school student to attend the Seminar on United Nations and International Affairs and through an endowment fund at MacEwan University, both in honour of the late Bertha Lawrence, a key supporter and founding member of the branch.

United Nations Association in Canada (Calgary Branch) 68 CONTACT INFORMATION:

Po Box 6593 Stn D Calgary, AB T2Z 2M3 Email: Web:

The United Nations Association in Canada engages the Canadian public in the work of the United Nations and the critical international issues which affect us all. We, the Calgary Branch, involve the Calgary community through volunteerism, raising awareness, and encouraging community partnerships. Our vision, like that of the United Nations, is that people co-exist in dignity and peace to enjoy equal human rights and fundamental freedoms, within the framework of the United Nations Charter. Our objectives are to foster international peace, justice, security and development for the alleviation of world poverty through education programs on international issues and Canada's solutions for those problems as a member of the United Nations and its related agencies. We seek to stimulate public knowledge of the United Nations and its various agencies that promote international peace, justice, security and development for the alleviation of world poverty. A couple of our local projects include Calgary Current, and Clean Talk. These projects focus on engaging Canadians and fostering a generation of young leaders equipped with skills to address issues of water scarcity, conservation, and sanitation; and to promote water as an international human right. The Calgary Current is part of UNACanada's Ripple Effect project on water and sanitation initiatives for children and youth. It works to engage youth in schools and at the community level by exploring national and international water issues. It challenges young Canadians to think critically and find solutions to the global crisis of access to safe, clean water for all citizens of the world. Clean Talk works to bring awareness on sanitation and water issues into schools through presentations and exhibits led by students. Access to sanitation is a vital part of human health, but it also vital for human dignity, privacy, gender equality, education, a healthy environment, and economic growth.


112 Lakeside Views Strathmore, AB T1P 1Z7 Tel: 403.934.3736 Fax: 403.480.1042 Email: Web:

The Water School is an international non-profit agency that focuses on clean water issues in the developing world. It empowers communities in Africa and other continents with education on proper health and sanitation practices combined with the SODIS water purification system. The process is easily understood, affordable and adopted by local communities. The Water School accomplishes its goals through appropriate partnerships with local and international organizations.

Wildrose Global Poverty Funds Society 70 CONTACT INFORMATION:

Suite 316, 919 Centre Street NW Calgary, AB T2E 2P6 Tel: 403.471.0943 Fax: 403.276.1877 Email: Web:

The objectives of the Wildrose Global Poverty Funds Society are: • To relieve poverty and benefit communities in need in the country of Pakistan by offering assistance to the poor, regardless of religion, race, or ethnicity • The objectives of the Society shall include providing financial and material relief, medicine, medical equipment and services, and further support and assistance to the poor or to other persons or organizations involved in assisting the poor within the country of Pakistan. • To raise funds to achieve the objectives of the Society. This includes accepting gifts, donations, grants, legacies, bequests and inheritance. Wildrose Global Poverty Funds will bring change to individuals who need assistance, by collecting and conducting financial assistance and building a better foundation so that life can become more positive and healthy. We will provide modern technology with compassion in a safe and comfortable environment where people will heal mentally and physically. Our goal is to act as a model organization with the mission of alleviating the hardships and suffering of people in poor health conditions in Pakistan. We are not discouraged by the challenges we might have to face in carrying out our objective. We are running five clinics right now, all located in Pakistan in Tando Jaam, Tando Allayaar, Hyderabad and Karachi. These clinics are running for the poor free of charge. We are treating everything from fevers, asthma, eczema, respiratory infection, tuberculosis, malaria, and typhoid to sinusitis, gastritis, kidney disorders (especially kidney stones), and Hepatitis C.

Women's Empowerment International Foundation (WEIF) 71 CONTACT INFORMATION:

132 Bainbridge Crescent NW Edmonton, AB T5T 6B4 Tel: 780.707.5431 Web:

The Women's Empowerment International Foundation (WEIF) is a non-sectarian, non-denominational registered Foundation, whose mission is to work in the most remote and disadvantaged communities by promoting initiatives in education, incorporating the concept of micro lending enterprises, building community infrastructures and providing health care and assistance during periods of emergency and disaster. WEIF'S Vision is to empower women in the northern areas of Central and South Asia, achieve gender equality and alleviate poverty. Its Mission is to work among local communities in the most disadvantaged and remote communities to promote initiatives in education, community infrastructures, micro-lending enterprises, health care, and provide assistance during periods of emergency and disaster. WEIF's Goal is to facilitate lifelong, positive change by implementing programs which create sustainable solutions. We, at WEIF, believe that long-term social change is most effectively accomplished through initiatives that promote self- sufficiency. Fundamental to this belief is our commitment to bring about positive change by implementing programs which create sustainable solutions. Our multifaceted approach of education infrastructure, health clinics, hostels for girls and micro credit enterprises for women has altered the lives of several communities in Northern Pakistan. In the future, we hope to extend our work to other countries including Northern India, Afghanistan and Tajikistan.

Jamila's students at her Stitching Centre in Sultanabad

World Fit for Children (WFFC) 72 CONTACT INFORMATION:

10715 - 76 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6E 1L8 Tel: 780.690.1492 Email: Web:

“If you want to change a culture, empower women, improve basic hygiene and health care, and fight high rates of infant mortality, the answer is to educate girls.” - Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea If you educate children, you change the world. World Fit For Children (WFFC) is a firm believer in this statement. Universal education is becoming the most viable and effective solution for economic independence and growth in developing nations. WFFC is a non-governmental, non-sectarian, international children's organization that believes strongly that the only way to help children is to ask them directly, as it is the children themselves who can best tell us what their communities need. The volunteers in the Alberta Chapter of WFFC advocate and organize fundraising events for grassroots education projects by and for children and youth that are locally initiated and operated in rural parts of the developing world.

Most recently, WFFC and its dedicated volunteers raised money to build a school for girls in the West Bengal State of India. The “Girl Child Education” project gave 50 children access to an education that would have never been possible without the work of WFFC.

World University Service of Canada (WUSC) 73 CONTACT INFORMATION:

1404 Scott Street Ottawa, ON K1Y 4M8 Tel: 613.798.7477 Fax: 613.798.0990 Email: Web:

A leading Canadian international development agency, World University Service of Canada (WUSC) is a network of individuals and postsecondary institutions. Our mission is to foster human development and global understanding through education and training. WUSC's development projects in Afghanistan, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Haiti, Malawi, Peru, Sri Lanka and Vietnam deliver meaningful results in: • Education and health - including basic and higher education, water and sanitation, and HIV/AIDS; • Sustainable livelihoods - including vocational training and agriculture/rural development; • Governance - including strengthening civil society, promoting human rights and peace building. Delivering results through volunteers: International volunteer cooperation is one of our main tools for delivering development results. Through Uniterra, a joint program of WUSC and the Centre for International Studies (CECI), we are mobilizing more than 1000 volunteers from Canada and 13 developing countries to work to reduce poverty through innovative North/South partnerships. On campus: WUSC is unique among development organizations in its ability to link Canada's colleges and universities with our overseas activities. We are present on campuses across the country, connecting postsecondary students, faculty and leaders through: • More than 80 local committees • The Student Refugee Program - supporting students fleeing war or persecution in developing countries to continue their studies in Canada; • Uniterra - mobilizing students to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals though education, advocacy and volunteering; • Overseas learning opportunities including the International Seminar and Students without Borders, an innovative program that enables students to apply their academic knowledge to a work environment in the developing world, while in most cases, earning academic credits; • Managing scholarships for students from the South, enrolled at Canadian universities and colleges.

Other International Development NGOs 74

Aga Khan Foundation Canada

The Arusha Centre

Aga Khan Foundation Canada is a non-profit international agency that supports social development programs in Asia and Africa. AKFC works to address the root causes of poverty: finding and sharing effective and lasting solutions that help improve the quality of life for poor communities. Our programs focus on four core areas: health, education, rural development and building the capacity of nongovernmental organizations. Gender equity and protecting the environment are integrated into every program.

The Centre is a collectively run, member-supported organization that provides resources and programming on local and global social justice issues.

The Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat 199 Sussex Drive Ottawa, ON K1N 1K6 Tel: 613.237.2532 Fax: 613.567.2532 Toll free: 1.800.267.2532 Email: Web: Anglican Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) is the Anglican Church of Canada's agency for sustainable development, relief, refugees, and global justice. With the support of Anglican parishes across Canada, PWRDF makes financial and human resources available to support partners' initiatives and to promote knowledgeable actions of solidarity at home and around the world. 80 Hayden Street Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2 Tel: 416.924.9192 Fax: 416.924.3483 Toll Free: 1.866.308.7973 Email: Web:

We define social justice as: The belief in an equitable, compassionate world where difference is understood and valued, and where human dignity, the Earth, our ancestors and future generations are respected. The efforts of Arusha Centre are to create this world through: elimination of the root causes of oppression and exploitation both in society's structures and in social interactions; developing inclusive and equitable alternatives; and building sustainable communities. #106, 223 - 12 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2R 0G9 Tel: 403.270.3200 Fax: 403.270.8832 Email: Web: Burma Watch International We are a group of people, including Canadians and people originally from Burma, who sympathize with and have concern for people suffering inside Burma. In 1989, we founded Burma Watch International, a society for human rights, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 533 Buchanan Road NW Edmonton, AB T6R 2B7 Tel: 780.439.7555 Email: Web:

Other International Development NGOs 75

Canadian Friends of Burma Canadian Friends of Burma (CFOB) is a federally incorporated, national non-governmental organization founded in 1991. CFOB supports the Burma pro-democracy movement in the struggle for peace, democracy, human rights and equality in Burma. Our primary objectives are to raise awareness about the political, human rights and socio-economic situation in Burma and how it pertains to Canadians; to encourage Canadians to take action and to get involved. 145 Spruce Street Ottawa, ON K1R 6P1 Tel: 613.237.8056 Fax: 613.563.0017 Email: Web:

Canadian Organization for Development through Education (CODE) If you can read and write, you can learn to do, and be, anything. That's the idea behind CODE. We work with local organizations in developing countries to empower children to learn. In so doing, we deliver an essential, sustainable development solution that endures. Our programs support libraries and teacher training as well as national and local book publishing in about 20 languages in Africa and the Caribbean. 321 Chapel Street Ottawa, ON K1N 7Z2 Tel: 613.232.3569 Fax: 613.232.7435 Toll free: 1.800.661.2633 Email: Web:

Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) is one of Canada’s oldest relief and development agencies. Formed in 1946 as a response to the humanitarian crisis in post-war Europe, CLWR has grown to serve the world’s poor and disenfranchised in six main ways: refugee resettlement, material aid shipments, emergency relief, community development, International Volunteer Service, and alternative trade. CLWR is a registered charitable organization headquartered in Winnipeg with offices in Toronto and Vancouver as well as an international office in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 302-393 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 3H6 Tel: 204.694.5602 Fax: 204.694.5460 Toll Free: 1.800.661.2597 Email: Web:

Central Alberta Refugee Effort (C.A.R.E.) Committee Central Alberta Refugee Effort (C.A.R.E.) Committee was formed in 1979 by a group of concerned citizens who wanted to assist with the settlement of Indochinese refugees fleeing the aftermath of the Vietnam war. A year later in 1980, C.A.R.E. became a registered non-profit society, and in January 1982 it received status as a charitable organization. Since its inception in 1979, this organization has assisted in the settlement of thousands of newcomers to Canada. #202, 5000 Gaetz Avenue Red Deer, AB T4N 6C2 Tel: 403.346.8818 Fax: 403.347.5220 Email: Web:

Other International Development NGOs 76

Council of India Societies of Edmonton The Council of India Societies of Edmonton exists to provide service to the Indian Community in areas such as settlement of immigrants, safeguarding the welfare of senior citizens, counselling for vulnerable groups such as abused women, assistance to Indian students in Edmonton, etc. 9504 - 37 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6E 5K3 Tel: 780.436.5367 Fax: 780.436.5904 Email:, Web: École Virtuelle School (EVS) Projet de la Société éducative de l'Alberta (EVS) au Canada, l'École Virtuelle School est en cours à Yaoundé (Cameroun) depuis 2001 et au Dakar (Sénégal) depuis 2003. Cette école offre des cours dans le domaine de l'informatique ou dans les domaines ou l'appui informatique est nécessaire. L'École Virtuelle School (EVS) contribue à l'éducation et à l'insertion des jeunes adultes sur le marché du travail en enseignant des technologies de l'information et de la communication. 8711 - 82 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6C 0Y9 Tel: 780.468.6983 Fax: 780.468.1599 Web Engineers Without Borders Engineers Without Borders is a movement of professional engineers, students, overseas volunteer staff, and supporters across Canada. Together, we are almost 50,000 strong. We believe that the next generation of rural Africans should have the same opportunities to improve their lives, that we have

right here at home. To help make this a reality, our members and volunteers apply all the creativity, technical skills and problem-solving approach for which engineers are known. 366 Adelaide Street West, Suite 601 Toronto, ON M5V 1R9 Tel: 416.481.3696 Fax: 416.352.5360 Toll free: 1.866.481.3696 Email: Web: Calgary Professional Chapter Web: Edmonton Professional Chapter Web: University of Alberta Chapter Web: University of Calgary Chapter Web: Global PartnerLink Global PartnerLink's mission is to creatively link Canadians and other partners in the task of equipping nationals to lead life-changing Bible translation programs. Global PartnerLink is a partner with Wycliffe International. Mailing Address: Global PartnerLink PO Box 50002, RPO Marlborough Calgary, AB T2A 7P1 Office Location - Delivery Address: 4316 - 10 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 6K3 Tel: 403.444.0039 Fax: 403.444.0052 Toll-Free: 1.877.GPL.GIVE (475.4483) Email:

Other International Development NGOs 77

Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity Edmonton is a faith-based organization whose primary goal is to build homes for families in need of a “hand up.� Since our founding in 1991, we have built 123 homes. Habitat homes are built by volunteers under the supervision of a few paid staff. We rely solely on the generosity and goodwill of our donors and volunteers to build homes. Partnering with Habitat helps to make housing affordable in the capital region. 8210 Yellowhead Trail Edmonton, AB T5B 1G5 Tel: 780.479.3566 Fax: 780.479.0762 Email: Web: Humanserve International Humanserve International Society for Relief and Development is a non-profit agency registered with the Government of Alberta and governed by a community-based board of directors. Humanserve works with a number of local and international nongovernment organizations (NGOs) providing educational, community health, development and social services in Lebanon and Palestine. PO Box 37011 Edmonton, AB T5R 1E0 Tel: 780.487.9373 Fax: 780.401.3369 Email: Web: KAIROS KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives is a web of people and partnerships dedicated to a faithful and decisive response to God's call for respect for the earth and justice for its people. A

faith-based ecumenical organization, inspired by a vision of God's compassionate justice, KAIROS effects social change through advocacy, education and research programs in: Ecological Justice, Economic Justice, Energy and Extraction, Human Rights, Just and Sustainable Livelihoods, and Indigenous Peoples. 310 Dupont Street, Suite 200 Toronto, ON M5R 1V9 Tel: 416.463.5312 Fax: 416.463.5569 Toll-free: 1.877.403.8933 Email: Web: Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots LAMP - Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots - is a non-profit organization located in Edmonton, Alberta. The organization has been providing spiritual witness and nurture in communities in northern remote areas of Canada for over 35 years, through the ministry of pastor/pilots, and short and long-term volunteers-in-mission. 4966 - 92nd Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T6B 2V4 Tel: 780.466.8507 Fax: 780.466.6733 Toll Free: 1.800.307.4036 Email: Web: The Madeleine Sanam Foundation The Madeleine Sanam Foundation works for the development and autonomy of African women. Web:

Other International Development NGOs 78

Partnership Africa Canada

SIM Canada (Alberta)

Partnership Africa Canada (PAC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to building sustainable human development in Africa. It is a forum for research, dialogue and action on African development. PAC works in partnership with civil society organizations in Africa, Canada and internationally on two main interlocking themes: peace and human security, and sustainable development. As part of its strategy, PAC promotes dialogue and collaborative action between civil society, governments and the private sector. An example of this work is the research and dialogue surrounding the issue of conflict diamonds.

SIM: Serving In Mission has about 1,600 active missionaries, from 37 countries serving in over 50 countries in South America, Africa and Asia. We are convinced that God's primary means of relating to and transforming the world is the church. Thus, where there is no church, we are committed to evangelism and starting churches.

600 - 331 Cooper Street Ottawa, ON K2P 0G5 Tel: 613.237.6768 Fax: 613.237.6530 Web: Pueblito Canada Pueblito Canada is an international development agency dedicated to improving the lives of children in Latin America. For almost 35 years Pueblito has been helping the youngsters of Latin America by strengthening communities, safe-guarding rights, and providing the essentials for education, nutrition, and health. 215 Spadina Avenue, Suite 165 Toronto, ON M5T 2C7 Tel: 416.642.5781 Fax: 416.644.0116 Email: Web: Alberta representive (780) 468-1327

10 Huntingdale Boulevard Scarborough, ON M1W 2S5 Tel: 416.497.2424 Fax: 416.497.2444 Toll Free: 1.800.294.6918 Email: Web: Phil & Marcia Leskewich Calgary Representatives #1236, 151 Country Village Road NE Calgary, AB T3K 5X5 Tel: 403.226.1398 Email: Siyawela Foundation We are a 100% volunteer run, non-profit for-impact organization that formed in late 2007 to partner with impoverished global communities to create a better world for all of us. We take a holistic approach and look at all needs within a community and what we can do to help them become as selfsufficient as possible. We are currently working in a rural area in South Africa. The organization was formerly known as Every Life Matters. #203, 11440 - 40 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6J 0R5 Tel: 780.554.8735 Email: Web:

Other International Development NGOs 79

Ubuntu Edmonton

World Job and Food Bank

Ubuntu Edmonton is a charitable organization created by a group of four Albertans in 2005. Ubuntu (which means Humanity in Kinyarwanda, Rwanda's main language) was created to help improve the living conditions of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide survivors. Aiming to achieve long term self-sufficiency, Ubuntu's main objectives are: to relieve poverty by operating food banks; to relieve poverty by funding small businesses and micro-cooperatives; to strive for the education of the children; to elaborate education and training programs allowing people in need to learn a trade; and to improve the health and wellbeing of the population.

World Job and Food Bank has its principal office in Calgary, Canada. WJFB has an impressive record of sponsoring and creating 73 development projects in 17 countries.

#50, 8627 rue Marie-Anne Gaboury (91 St.) Edmonton, AB T6C 3N1 Tel: 780.266.8538 Web: UNICEF Alberta UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. UNICEF in Alberta is involved in both advocacy and fundraising. Advocacy activities include volunteer speakers, curriculum based educational resources for teachers and promotion of UNICEF programs through the media. 301 - 14 Street NW, Suite 140 Calgary, AB T2N 2A1 Tel: 403.270.2857 Fax: 403.283.0115 Web:

#104 - 820 10th Street SW Calgary, AB T2P 2X1 Tel: 403.457.0416 Fax 403.457.0493 Email: Web: Wycliffe Bible Translators Wycliffe Bible Translators of Canada was incorporated in 1968. As part of Wycliffe International, it works in partnership with thousands of expatriate and national workers worldwide in the ministries of Bible translation. Wycliffe partners with churches and other mission agencies in their countries to present the Bible translation task to the Christian public in order to mobilize personnel, raise funds and promote prayer. Our mission is: “To empower indigenous people worldwide for spiritual, personal and social growth through Bible translation and other language-related ministries.� 4316 - 10 Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 6K3 Tel: 403.250.5411 Fax: 403.250.2623 Toll-Free: 1.800.463.1143 Web:

ACGC apologizes if your NGO has been inadvertently missed.

Other Progressive Resources Activism | Canadian Civil Society 80

ACTIVISM Activist Network A web resource for activists to post their events, and subscribe to a listserv with a calendar of Alberta events and current issue information. Email: Web: Adbusters (Media Foundation, BC) A global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age. Our aim is to topple existing power structures and forge a major shift in the way we will live in the 21st century. 1243 West 7th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1B7 Tel: 604.736.9401 Fax: 604.737.6021 Toll-Free: 1.800.663.1243 Email: Web:

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CANADIAN CIVIL SOCIETY The Council of Canadians Founded in 1985, the Council of Canadians is Canada's largest citizens' organization, with members and chapters across the country. We work to protect Canadian independence by promoting progressive policies on fair trade, clean water, energy security, public health care, and other issues of social and economic concern to Canadians. We develop creative campaigns to put some of the country's most important issues into the spotlight. We work with a

network of over 70 volunteer chapters to organize speaking tours, days of action, conferences and demonstrations. We also produce research reports, create popular materials, and work with individuals and organizations across the country and around the world. We do all of this to ensure that governments know the kind of Canada we want. 700-170 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa, ON K1P 5V5 Tel: 613.233.2773 Fax: 613.233.6776 Toll Free: 1.800.387.7177 E-mail: Web: Democracy Watch Democracy Watch is Canada's leading citizen group advocating democratic reform, government accountability and corporate responsibility, and the most successful national citizen advocacy group in Canada in winning systemic changes to key laws. Democracy Watch works with Canadian citizens and organizations in pushing Canadian governments and businesses to empower Canadians in their roles as voters, citizens, taxpayers, consumers and shareholders. Its aim is to help reform Canadian government and business institutions to bring them into line with the realities of a modern, working democracy. 1 Nicholas Street, Suite 1210 P.O. Box 821, Station B Ottawa, ON K1P 5P9 Tel: 613.241.5179 Fax: 613.241.4758 E-mail: Web:

Other Progressive Resources Canadian Civil Society | Environmental Issues 81

Public Interest Alberta Public Interest Alberta (PIA) is a province-wide organization focused on education and advocacy on public interest issues. PIA exists to foster in an understanding of the importance of public services, institutions and spaces in Albertans' lives, and to build a network of organizations and individuals committed to advancing the public interest. We believe that the primary responsibility of government is to advance the collective interests of the citizens of Alberta. This entails a commitment to accessibility, equity and democracy in our society and institutions. Suite 35, 9912 - 106 Street Edmonton, AB T5K 1C5 Tel: 780.420.0471 Fax: 780.420.0435 Email: Web:

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Alberta Environmental Network The Alberta Environmental Network (AEN) has been active and growing in Alberta since 1980. Membership in the AEN is open to Alberta-based non-profit, non-governmental organizations demonstrating sincere concern and action toward a healthier environment. Any group that becomes a member in the AEN automatically becomes a member in the Canadian Environmental Network (CEN), and is eligible to participate in CEN consultations and functions. Currently, CEN has close to 800 member organizations.

PO Box 4541 Edmonton, AB T6E 5G4 Tel: 780.757.4872 Email: Web: Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) is Canada's pre-eminent, national community-based voice for public wilderness protection. Since 1963 CPAWS has taken a lead role in establishing two-thirds of Canada's protected wild spaces - an area over seven times the size of Nova Scotia. Web: CPAWS Northern Alberta P.O. Box 52031 Edmonton, AB T6G 2T5 Tel: 780.432.0967 Fax: 780.439.4913 Email: Web: CPAWS Southern Alberta 425 - 78th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2V 5K5 Tel: 403.232-6686 Fax: 403.232-6988 Email: Web:

Other Progressive Resources Environmental Issues 82

The David Suzuki Foundation

Greenpeace Canada

We work with government, business and individuals to conserve our environment by providing sciencebased education, advocacy and policy work, and acting as a catalyst for the social change that today's situation demands.

Greenpeace is an independent, campaigning organisation which uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and to force the solutions which are essential to a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace's goal is to ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity.

Our mission is to protect the diversity of nature and our quality of life, now and for the future. Our vision is that within a generation, Canadians act on the understanding that we are all interconnected and interdependent with nature. Suite 219, 2211 West 4th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6K 4S2 Tel: 604.732.4228 Fax: 604.732.0752 Toll Free: 1.800.453.1533 Web: Environmental Law Centre The Environmental Law Centre (Alberta) Society (ELC) was formed and incorporated in Alberta in 1982 to provide Albertans with an objective source of information about environmental and natural resources law. The ELC is a strong registered charitable organization whose environmental services are used across Canada and whose environmental law expertise and skills are sought after by governments, industry, environmental organizations and members of the public. #800, 10025 - 106 Street Edmonton, AB T5J 1G4 Tel: 780.424.5099 Fax: 780.424.5133 Toll Free: 1.800.661.4238 Web:

Edmonton office 10407 - 64th Avenue Edmonton, AB T6H 2K9 Tel: 780.430.9202 Fax: 780.430.9282 Web: MiningWatch Canada (MWC) MiningWatch Canada (MWC) is a pan-Canadian initiative supported by environmental, social justice, Aboriginal and labour organizations from across the country. It addresses the urgent need for a coordinated public interest response to the threats to public health, water and air quality, fish and wildlife habitat and community interests posed by irresponsible mineral policies and practices in Canada and around the world. 508 - 250 City Centre Avenue Ottawa, ON K1R 6K7 Tel: 613.569.3439 Fax: 613.569.5138 Email: Web:

Other Progressive Resources Environmental Issues | Fair Trade 83

Pembina Institute

Sierra Club of Canada - Prairie Chapter

The Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development is an independent, citizen-based think-tank and activist organization that aims to catalyze change for an environmentally sustainable and socially just future. Since 1985, we have established a solid reputation in the areas of energy and environment, environmental economics, and sustainable resource management. The Pembina Institute's approach is flexible, non-ideological, and based on solid research. We deploy a full range of change strategies, ranging from client-confidential consulting services, research and analysis, and participation in multi-stakeholder collaboration, to public education, legal intervention, and political advocacy.

We are one of North America's oldest and most established environmental organizations. From the grasslands of prairies, to the foothills of the mountains, and the tundra of the north, the Prairie Chapter encompasses a vast diverse region of Canada. Our mission is to develop a diverse, well-trained grassroots network working to protect the integrity of our prairie ecosystems.

219 - 19 Street NW Calgary, AB T2N 2H9 Tel: 403.269.3344 Fax: 403.269.3377 Box 7558


Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1S7 Tel: 780.542.6272 Fax: 780.542.6464 2nd Flr, 10008 - 82 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6E 1Z3 Tel: 780.485.9610 Fax: 780.485.9640 Web:

2nd Floor, 10008 - 82nd Avenue Edmonton, AB T6E 1Z3 Tel: 780.439.1160 Fax: 780.485.9640 Email: Web:

FAIR TRADE Maquila Solidarity Network The Maquila Solidarity Network (MSN) is a labour and women's rights organization that supports the efforts of workers in global supply chains to win improved wages and working conditions and a better quality of life. We believe retailers, manufacturers and brand merchandisers must be held accountable for the conditions under which their products are made. 606 Shaw Street Toronto, ON M6G 3L6 Tel: 416.532.8584 Fax: 416.532.7688 Email: Web:

Other Progressive Resources Fair Trade | Global Issues Campaigns 84

Transfair Canada

Make Poverty History

Looking for fair trade products? TransFair Canada is a national, nonprofit Fair Trade certification organization, and the only Canadian member of the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations (FLO) International.

The Canadian Make Poverty History campaign was launched in February 2005 with the support of a wide cross-section of public interest and faith groups, trade unions, students, academics, literary, artistic and sports leaders. Make Poverty History is part of the Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP).National campaigns are now active in over 100 countries. The global campaign also launched in 2005 to press G8 leaders for action on global poverty issues.

328 Somerset West Ottawa, ON K2P 0J9 Tel: 613.563.3351 Fax: 613.237.5969 Toll free: 1.888.663.FAIR Email: Web:


39 McArthur Avenue, Level 1 - 2 Ottawa, ON K1L 8L7 Tel: 613.740.1500 Email: Web:

Common Frontiers

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

Common Frontiers is a multi-sectoral working group which confronts, and proposes an alternative to, the social, environmental and economic effects of economic integration in the Americas. We do this through a combination of research, analysis and action, in cooperation with labour, human rights, environmental, church, development and economic and social justice organizations

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are the most broadly supported, comprehensive and specific development goals the world has ever agreed upon. These eight time-bound goals provide concrete, numerical benchmarks for tackling extreme poverty in its many dimensions. They include goals and targets on income poverty, hunger, maternal and child mortality, disease, inadequate shelter, gender inequality, environmental degradation and the Global Partnership for Development. Adopted by world leaders in the year 2000 and set to be achieved by 2015, the MDGs are both global and local, tailored by each country to suit specific development needs.


RR#4 Roseneath, ON K0K 2X0 Tel: 905.352.2430 E-Mail: Web:


Other Progressive Resources Global Issues Campaigns | Health | HIV/AIDS 85

The Social Justice Committee The Social Justice Committee of Montreal is an independent human rights organization providing education and advocacy about global poverty and inequality. 1857 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Suite 320 Montreal, QC H3H 1J9 Tel: 514.933.6797 Toll Free: 1.877.933.6797 Web:

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HEALTH Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF, Doctors Without Borders) Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) was established in 1971 by a small group of French doctors who had worked in Biafra. Upon their return, they were determined to find a way to respond rapidly and effectively to public health emergencies, with complete independence from political, economic and religious influences. Today, we are the world's leading independent international medical relief organization, with 5 operational centres in Europe and 14 national sections worldwide. 720 Spadina Avenue, Suite 402 Toronto, ON M5S 2T9 Tel: 416.964.0619 Fax: 416.963.8707 Toll Free: 1.800.982.7903 Email: Web:

Students' International Health Association (SIHA) The Students' International Health Association (SIHA) is a student group based at the University of Alberta that “strives to transform primary health care philosophy into action.” Our projects are based on the ideals of universal health care with principles of sustainable, community-based programming. SIHA coordinates many projects within the Edmonton community and around the world including countries such as Guyana and Tanzania. SIHA c/o International Center 172 HUB Mall, University of Alberta Edmonton, AB T6G 2E2 Email: Web:

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HIV/AIDS Alberta Community Council on HIV (ACCH) Recognizing that social change is a necessary response to HIV, the Alberta Community Council on HIV supports community-based responses and provides provincial leadership through collective action and a unified voice. 10611 - 110 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5H 1H7 Tel: 780.756.0150 Fax: 780.756.0704 Web:

Other Progressive Resources HIV/AIDS | Human Rights 86

Dignitas International Dignitas International dramatically increases access to effective HIV/AIDS-related prevention, treatment, care and support in resource-limited settings through developing and sharing community-based solutions. Dignitas works with existing government, community and societal structures in the Zomba district of Malawi. Each month, hundreds of children and adults are gaining access to essential care and to prevention education that helps to raise awareness and reduce stigma.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HUMAN RIGHTS Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre Exists to promote awareness among Albertans about civil liberties and human rights through research and education. ACLRC provides resources for educators and activists on human rights and civil liberties.

2 Adelaide Street West, Suite 200 Toronto, ON M5H 1L6 Tel: 416.260.3100 Fax: 416.260.3170 Email:

c/o University of Calgary, Faculty of Law 2500 University Drive NW Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 Tel: 403.220.2505 Fax: 403.284.0945 Email: Web:

University of Alberta chapter

Amnesty International, Canada (Anglophone)

The Stephen Lewis Foundation The Stephen Lewis Foundation supports community-based organizations working to turn the tide of HIV/AIDS in Africa. Since 2003, we have funded more than 300 projects in 15 countries. These grassroots groups are the lifeline for their communities: they provide counselling and education about HIV prevention, care and treatment; distribute food, medication and other necessities; reach the sick and vulnerable through home-based health care; help orphans and vulnerable children access education and work through their grief; and support grandmothers caring for their orphaned grandchildren. 260 Spadina Avenue, Suite 501 Toronto, ON M5T 2E4 Tel: 416.533.9292 Fax: 416.850.4910 Toll free: 1.888.203.9990 Email: Web:

Amnesty International is a worldwide movement of human rights activists and financial supporters. AI works to prevent violations of people's fundamental civil and political human rights by governments and opposition groups. AI received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977 and today is among the most highly respected human rights organizations in the world. 312 Laurier Avenue East Ottawa, ON K1N 1H9 Tel: 613.744.7667 Fax: 613.746.2411 Toll Free: 1.800.AMNESTY (1.800.266.3789) Email: Web:

Other Progressive Resources Human Rights | Independent Media 87

Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) The Canadian Civil Liberties Association is a national organization that was constituted in 1964 to promote respect for and observance of fundamental human rights and civil liberties. Our work, which includes research, public education and advocacy aims to defend and ensure the protection and full exercise of those rights and liberties. The Association is sustained by several thousand paid supporters drawn from all walks of life. 506 - 360 Bloor Street West Toronto, ON M5S 1X1 Tel: 416.363.0321 Fax: 416.861.1291 Email: Web: International Society for Peace and Human Rights Founded in Edmonton, Canada in 1999, the International Society for Peace and Human Rights (ISHPR) is a non-political, non-sectarian organization registered under the Societies' Act of Alberta and British Columbia. Run entirely by volunteers, ISPHR has three chapters in western Canada: Edmonton, Calgary, and Vancouver. #26, 3519 - 49 Street NW Calgary, AB T3A 2C7 Tel: 403.202.1783 Web: Journalists for Human Rights (jhr) jhr is Canada's largest international media development organization. Our goal - to make everyone in the world fully aware of their rights - is as unique as it is powerful. All jhr programs promote Rights Media - the process of writing, collecting, editing, producing and distributing media that creates societal dialogue on human rights issues.

147 Spadina Avenue, Suite 206 Toronto, ON M5V 2L7 Tel: 416.413.0240 Fax: 416.413.1832 Web:

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• INDEPENDENT MEDIA Edmonton Small Press Association (ESPA) The Edmonton Small Press Association (ESPA) is a registered non-profit arts society with a sociallyconscious mandate that is committed to fostering the awareness and development of independent small press ventures in Canada and beyond. The ESPA recognizes that the small press movement is a global phenomenon and we are proud to be a part of introducing small press initiatives to the masses. We support independent creators by offering access to technical equipment, networking opportunities, and other resources. Mailing Address PO Box 75086, Ritchie Postal Outlet Edmonton, AB T6E 6K1 Community Office Room #9, 6th Floor, Stanley A. Milner Library #7 Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton, AB T5J 2V4 Tel: 780.434.9236 Tel: 780.413.0215 Fax: 780.434.9236 Email: Web:

Other Progressive Resources Independent Media | Indigenous Peoples 88

Film and Video Arts Society Alberta FAVA is a not-for-profit, charitable society that exists to facilitate and support the creation and exhibition of independent film, video and media arts in Northern Alberta. FAVA's ambition is to offer excellent and nationally recognized resources and opportunities to a diverse community of artists, to create and showcase independent film, video and media art. 9722 - 102 Street Edmonton, AB T5K 0X4 Tel: 780.429.1671 Web: Indymedia Indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage. Indymedia is a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of truth. Web: International Development Education Resource Association (IDERA) #400 - 1037 W. Broadway Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1E3 Tel: 604.732.1496 Fax : 604.738.8400 Email: Web: New Internationalist Publications With over 30 years of publishing under its belt, and more than 55,000 subscribers worldwide, the New Internationalist is renowned for its radical, campaigning stance on a range of world issues, from the cynical marketing of babymilk in the Majority World to human rights in Burma. Publications from the

New Internationalist are produced by an independent trust working as a not-for-profit cooperative. PO Box 819 Markham, ON L3P 8A2 Tel: 905.946.0407 Fax: 905.946.0410 Email: Web:

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• INDIGENOUS PEOPLES Alberta Native Friendship Centre The Alberta Native Friendship Centres Association (ANFCA) is a provincial organization that represents and provides support to 20 Aboriginal Friendship Centres located in Alberta. The mission of the ANFCA to improve the quality of life for Aboriginal people in urban areas by supporting self-determined activities that encourage: the development of human and community resources; the improvement of socio-economic and physical conditions; better understanding and relationships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal citizens; and the enhancement of Aboriginal culture among Aboriginal people and the communities they reside in. The home page lists the rural Centres' contact information. The Association's main address is: 10336 - 121 Street Edmonton, AB T5N 1K8 Tel: 780.423.3138 Fax: 780.425.6277 Web:


Other Progressive Resources International Exchange Programs | Labour 89



Global Citizens 4 Change

Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL)

Global Citizens for Change is a joint outreach and public engagement initiative of the coalition of Canada's 8 leading volunteer cooperation agencies. Join our virtual community, create a profile and give a voice to the people you've worked with as a volunteer here or abroad. This is your one-stop shop for international volunteer opportunities!

The Alberta Federation of Labour is the largest labour central in Alberta and it is the voice for organized workers in the province. The Federation continues its tradition of speaking out on the issues that matter most to working people. Often these issues relate directly to the workplace. But the AFL is also active on a wide range of broader social issues - like the need for public education and public health care.

Web: Rotary International Youth Exchange Edmonton As a Rotary Youth Exchange student, you'll spend up to a year living with a few host families and attending school in a different country. Whether you participate in Rotary's long-term or short-term Youth Exchange programs, you'll learn a new way of living, a great deal about yourself, and maybe even a new language. You'll also be an ambassador, teaching people you meet about your country, culture, and ideas. You can help bring the world closer - and make some good friends in the process. c/o The Sutton Place Hotel 10235 - 101 Street Edmonton, AB T5J 3E9 Tel: 780.429.3256 Fax: 780.426.4355 Email: Web: YouthPrograms/RotaryYouthExchange/Pages/ ridefault.aspx


10654 - 101 Street Edmonton, AB T5H 2S1 Tel: 780.483.3021 Fax: 780.484.5928 Toll Free: 1.800.661.3995 Email: Web: The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) The Canadian Labour Congress is the largest democratic and popular organization in Canada with over three million members. The Canadian Labour Congress brings together Canada's national and international unions, the provincial and territorial federations of labour and 130 district labour councils. 2841 Riverside Drive Ottawa, ON K1V 8X7 Tel: 613.521.3400 Fax: 613.521.4655 Prairie Regional Office 1888 Angus Street Regina, SK S4T 1Z4 Phone: 306.525.6137 Fax: 306.525.9514 Email: Web:


Other Progressive Resources Peace 90

PEACE Arab/Jewish Women's Peace Coalition The Arab/Jewish Women's Peace Coalition was founded in 1991 after a chance meeting at a rally against the first Gulf war. They are a dialogue group, meeting regularly to try to understand each other's points of view. Their common ground is a belief that there will be no military solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict (or indeed most conflicts world-wide). They practice deep listening and true respectful dialogue, not debate. In October 2009 nine of them fulfilled their dream of travelling together to Israel/Palestine; for eleven days and nights they met with a variety of peace groups and social activists, confirming their belief that peaceful coexistence is possible if “enemies” can see the others' humanity and entitlement to basic civil rights. Email: Ev Hamdon, Netta Phillet, Edmonton Coalition Against War and Racism (ECAWAR) In February and March 2003, Edmonton Coalition Against War and Racism (ECAWAR) co-ordinated the largest protests in Edmonton's history around the impending invasion of Iraq, joining cities around the world in history's largest anti-war protests. We remain opposed to the U.S. occupation of Iraq, which exists merely to give the U.S. access to Iraq's oil, create obscene profits for private corporations at the expense of the U.S. and Iraq publics, and project U.S. millitary power over the Middle East. In the meantime we have co-ordinated

anti-racism demonstrations, such as the Hands Across Edmonton event, and intervened in gross miscarriages of civil liberties undertaken in the socalled “war on terror.” Tel: 780.988.2713 Web: Palestine Solidarity Network The Palestine Solidarity Network is a non-profit, grassroots collective aimed at advocating and upholding the human rights of Palestinians in the face of ongoing oppression, occupation, racism and discrimination, both in occupied Palestine and in the diaspora. We maintain groups at both the community level, the Palestine Solidarity Network – Edmonton, and on the University of Alberta campus, the Palestine Solidarity Network – U of A. Web: Project Ploughshares Project Ploughshares is an ecumenical agency of the Canadian Council of Churches established in 1976 to implement the churches' call to be peacemakers and to work for a world in which justice will flourish and peace abound. The mandate given to Project Ploughshares is to work with churches and related organizations, as well as governments and non-governmental organizations, in Canada and abroad, to identify, develop, and advance approaches that build peace and prevent war, and promote the peaceful resolution of political conflict. 57 Erb Street West Waterloo, ON N2L 6C2 Tel: 519.888.6541 Fax: 519.888.0018 Email: Web:


Other Progressive Resources Research Institutes 91

RESEARCH INSTITUTES The Global Development Research Center The Global Development Research Center is an independent nonprofit think tank that carries out initiatives in education, research and practice, in the spheres of environment, urban, community and information, and at scales that are effective. Web: Halifax Initiative Canadian NGOs formed the Halifax Initiative in December 1994 to ensure that demands for fundamental reform of the international financial institutions (IFIs), namely the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, were high on the agenda of the Group of Seven's (G7) Halifax Summit. We are a coalition of development, environment, faithbased, human rights and labour groups, and the Canadian presence for public interest work and education on the IFIs. 153 rue Chapel Street, Suite 104 Ottawa, ON K1N 1H5 Tel: 1.613.789.4447 Fax: 1.613.241.4170 Email: Web:

International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development Rights & Democracy (International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development), is a non-partisan organization with an international mandate. It was created by Canada's Parliament in 1988 to encourage and support the universal values of human rights and the promotion of democratic institutions and practices around the world. Rights & Democracy works with individuals, organizations and governments in Canada and abroad to promote the human and democratic rights defined in the United Nations' International Bill of Human Rights. 1001 de Maisonneuve Blvd. East, Suite 1100 Montreal, QC H2L 4P9 Tel: 514.283.6073 Fax: 514.283.3792 Email: Web: The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is a Crown corporation created by the Parliament of Canada in 1970 to help developing countries use science and technology to find practical, long-term solutions to the social, economic, and environmental problems they face. Our support is directed toward creating a local research community whose work will build healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous societies. PO Box 8500 Ottawa, ON K1G 3H9 Phone: 1.613.236.6163 Fax: 1.613.238.7230 Email: Web:

Other Progressive Resources Research Institutes 92

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) 2010 marks the 20th anniversary of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) - a Canadian-based, policy research institute that has a long history of conducting cutting-edge research into sustainable development. Today, the institute is a non-partisan, charitable organization specializing in policy research, analysis and information exchange. Through its head office in Winnipeg, Manitoba and its branches in Ottawa, Ontario; New York, NY; and Geneva, Switzerland IISD applies human ingenuity to help improve the well being of the world's environment, economy and society. 161 Portage Avenue East, 6th Floor Winnipeg, MB R3B 0Y4 Tel: 204.958.7700 Fax: 204.958.7710 E-mail: Web: The North South Institute (NSI) The North-South Institute is dedicated to eradicating global poverty and enhancing social justice through research which promotes international cooperation, democratic governance, and conflict prevention. The NSI provides research and analysis on foreign policy and international development issues for policy-makers, educators, business, the media and the general public. For more than 30 years NSI has built a reputation for sound, credible analysis of pressing issues related to global development. The Institute's research results, publications, and seminars, help foster understanding, discussion and debate about the challenges facing Canadians and the citizens of the developing world.

55 Murray Street, Suite 200 Ottawa, ON K1N 5M3 Tel: 613.241.3535 Fax: 613.241.7435 Email: Web: Parkland Institute Parkland Institute is an Alberta-wide, non-partisan research centre situated within the Faculty of Arts at the University of Alberta. Parkland Institute studies economic, social, cultural and political issues facing Albertans and Canadians, using the perspective of political economy. The Institute shares the results of its research widely and promotes discussion of the issues its research raises. Within post-secondary institutions, Parkland Institute includes those who are involved in interdisciplinary and socially-engaged thinking. In the broader Alberta community, Parkland Institute works with religious organizations, professionals, trade unionists, the arts community, non-profit organizations, environmentalists, feminists, social movement activists, private sector individuals and other interested individuals. Web: Edmonton office 11045 Saskatchewan Drive Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1 Tel: 780.492.8558 Fax: 780.492.8738 Email: Calgary Office 2919 8th Avenue NW Calgary, AB T2N 1C8 Tel: 403.270.9669 Fax: 403.283.6480 Email:

Other Progressive Resources Research Institutes | Sexual Health & Sexuality 93

Polaris Institute Polaris is designed to enable citizen movements to re-skill and re-tool themselves to fight for democratic social change in an age of corporate driven globalization. Essentially, the Institute works with citizen movements in developing the kinds of strategies and tactics required to unmask and challenge the corporate power that is the driving force behind governments concerning public policy making on economic, social and environmental issues. In so doing, the Institute serves as a catalyst with constituency-based social movements, increasing their capacity to do their own strategic campaign planning on issues of vital concern to their members and allies. Suite 500 - 180 Metcalfe Street Ottawa, ON K2P 1P5 Tel: 613.237.1717 Fax: 613.237.3359 Toll Free: 1.866.346.6602 Email: Web:


SEXUAL HEALTH AND SEXUALITY Alberta Association of Sexual Assault Centres (AASAC) Our mission is to provide leadership, coordination and a unified voice on issues of sexual violence while increasing recognition and support for sexual assault centres in Alberta. The website has listings of sexual assault centres and services across the province. 9412 - 91 Street Edmonton, AB T6C 3P4 Tel: 403.981.2700 Email: Web: Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services (iSMSS) iSMSS is an interdisciplinary “hub” for scholarly work in sexual-minority studies. The Institute's mission is to help enhance possibilities for groundbreaking research, policy development, education, community outreach, and service provision focused on sexual minorities and their issues and concerns. Groups characterized as sexual minorities across sex, sexual, and gender differences include lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transsexuals, intersexuals, transgendered, and Two-Spirit Aboriginals. iSMSS runs Camp fYrefly, which is the Institute's key award-winning community service project. Camp fYrefly is a personal, social, and cultural learning retreat for sexual-minority youth. 7-104 Education North Building Faculty of Education, University of Alberta Edmonton, AB T6G 2G5 Tel: 780.492.0772 Fax: 780.492.2024 Email: Web:

Other Progressive Resources Sexual Health & Sexuality 94

Justisse Healthworks for Women

Pride Centre of Edmonton

Edmonton-based Justisse Healthworks for Women offers holistic reproductive health consultation and care for women at all stages of life. The Justisse method of fertility awareness was first developed in 1987 in response to an expressed need for natural birth control training and support that would give women the information and guidance they need to manage their reproduction while respecting their rights to make their own decisions. From this foundation, Justisse has evolved into a centre for holistic health care that tends to all aspects of women's health - both physical and psychological - as it relates to our reproductive selves.

Located in central Edmonton, the Pride Centre of Edmonton provides resources, support and programming for the GLBTTIQ (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, Transsexual, Intersex & Questioning) community and its supporters in Edmonton, AB and surrounding areas. Their website has links to GLBTTIQ resources in other Alberta communities.

Tel: 780.420.0877 Toll Free: 1.866.587.8477 Email: Web: OPTIONS Sexual Health Association OPTIONS Sexual Health Association is a prochoice, charitable organization that provides sexual health education and counselling services in Edmonton and surrounding communities. Our mission is developing in people the affect, skills and knowledge to make informed choices around issues of sexuality, within the context of their values, beliefs, culture and experiences. #50, 9912 - 106 Street Edmonton, AB T5K 1C5 Tel: 780.423.3737 Fax: 780.425.1782 E-mail: Web:

9540 - 111 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5G 0A5 Tel: 780.488.3234 Fax: 780.482.2855 Web: Sexual Health Access Alberta In September 2006, Sexual Health Access Alberta became the new name for Planned Parenthood Alberta, a charitable organization that was incorporated in 1976. The new name represents a new era in sexual health promotion and advocacy, one in which education, rights and access will be the key issues at the heart of the work we undertake as Sexual Health Access Alberta. Our mission is to support reproductive choice and promote sexual health for all Albertans. 1010, 1202 Centre Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 5A5 Tel: 403.283.8591 Fax: 403.283.8563 Email: Web:


Other Progressive Resources Student Action 95

STUDENT ACTION Check Your Head (CYH): The Youth Global Education Network Check Your Head (CYH) is a youth driven organization located in Vancouver. CYH educates young people on global issues, by looking at the connection between global events and issues and local realities. Check Your Head provides education, resources, training and support for youth, who then facilitate workshops, organize events and coordinate projects promoting education and action around issues of globalization and social justice. We provide a forum where youth can learn about ideas and debate issues like sweatshops, international trade, corporate power and responsibility and many others. #605 - 207 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1H7 Tel: 604.685.6631 Fax: 604.608-6736 Email: Web: The Otesha Project The Otesha Project is a youth led charitable organization that mobilizes and equips Canadians to create local and global change through individual and collective choices. Our vision is to see sustainable consumption and lifestyle choices enter the mainstream of Canadian culture. The Otesha Project's education programs use theatre, experiential activities, and storytelling to engage a wide range of audiences. 72 Riverdale Avenue Ottawa, ON K1S 1R2 Tel: 613.237.6065 Fax: 613.421.3950 Email: Web:

Public Interest Research Groups - University Based Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs) are nonprofit organizations that conduct research, education, and action on social and environmental justice issues. They are located on university campuses and are funded and directed by university students. Directory of PIRGs in Canada Web: Alberta Public Interest Research Group (APIRG) 9111 - 112 Street Edmonton, AB T6G 2C5 Tel: 780.492.0614 Fax: 780.492.0615 Email: Web: Lethbridge Public Interest Research Group (LPIRG) SU 242 University of Lethbridge 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4 Tel: 403-332-5243 Email: Web:

Other Progressive Resources Student Action 96

TakingITGlobal is the social network that connects you to the global issues that affect us all. We enable a collaborative learning community which provides youth with access to global opportunities, cross-cultural connections and meaningful participation in decision-making. We serve youth primarily between the ages of 13 to 30. We offer a global online social network and hub for civic participation; content & tools for educators to facilitate rich, interactive learning experiences; outreach & Collaboration tools for events, networks, campaigns, and causes; research, development, and sharing of best practices on youth engagement; and facilitated learning experiences through workshops, webinars, and e-courses. 19 Duncan Street, Suite #505 Toronto, ON M5H 3H1 Tel: 416.977.9363 Fax: 416.352.1898 Email: Web:

International Resources at Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions 97

Centre for International Students and Study Abroad, University of Calgary The Centre for International Students and Study Abroad works with international students coming to the University of Calgary to assist with their adjustment to the university and to Canada. We also promote international understanding to Canadians by involving them in study abroad programs that develop global experience. Room 275 MacEwan Student Centre U of C, 2500 University Dr. NW Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 Tel: 403.220.5581 Fax: 403.289.4409 Email: Web: International Centre, University of Alberta The International Centre works to meet the needs and interests of international students and the global community. Housing both International Student Services and the Global Education Program, we provide a range of services and programs for international and Canadian students, University staff, and the broader community. Our programs encourage understanding of our global interdependence and promote learning in a cross-cultural environment. We are the main campus resource for international students seeking assistance with immigration as well as financial, academic, or personal issues. We also have many social activities and extracurricular programs for all to enjoy. 172 HUB International, U of A Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1 Tel: 780.492.2692 Fax: 780.492.1134 Email: Web:

International Education, Bow Valley College The International Education Office at Bow Valley College is responsible for stewarding the College's international connections and supporting international initiatives. Specifically, our office undertakes activities related to International Student Recruitment and Enrollment, International Student Support Services, Development Projects, Institutional Partnerships, International internships and study abroad, and Campus Internationalization. 332 - 6 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 4S6 Tel: 403.410.3476 Fax: 403.297.3984 Email: Web: MacEwan International, Grant MacEwan University Grant MacEwan University (“MacEwan�) is located in the vibrant city of Edmonton, the capital of the province of Alberta. MacEwan now welcomes over 750 international students a year from approximately 45 countries to its degree and diploma programs. MacEwan International provides information on the numerous programs that are available at the university, as well as information on the support and services that are available to prospective and current international students. 7-121, 10700 104 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 4S2 Tel: 780.497.5397 Fax: 780.497.5395 Toll Free: 1.888.497.4622 Web: macewan_intl/home/index.cfm

National and Provincial / Regional Councils 98

The Canadian Council for International Cooperation (CCIC) 450 Rideau Street, Suite 200 Ottawa, ON K1N 5Z4 Tel: 613.241.7007 Fax: 613.241.5302 Email: Web:

British Columbia Council for International Cooperation (BCCIC) 425 Carrall Street, Unit 120 Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3 Tel: 604.899.4475 Fax: 604.899.4436 Email: Web:

Alberta Council for Global Cooperation (ACGC) #205, 10816A - 82 Avenue Edmonton, AB T6E 2B3 Tel: 780.988.0200 Fax: 780.988.0211 Web:

Manitoba Council for International Cooperation (MCIC) 302, 280 Smith Street Winnipeg, MB R3C 1K2 Tel: 204.987.6420 Fax: 204.956.0031 Email: Web:

Association Québécoise des organisms de cooperation internationale (AQOCI) 1001 rue Sherbrooke Est, Bureau 540 Montréal, PQ H2L 1L3 Tel: 514.871.1086 Fax: 514.871.9866 Email: Web: Atlantic Council for International Cooperation (ACIC) 210 - 2099 Gottingen Street Halifax, NS B3K 3B2 Tel: 902.431.2311 Fax: 902.431.3216 Email: Web:

Ontario Council for International Cooperation (OCIC) Suite 209, 344 Bloor Street West Toronto, ON M5S 3A7 Tel: 416.972.6303 Fax: 416.972.6996 Email: Web: Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation (SCIC) 2138 McIntyre Street Regina, SK S4P 2R7 Tel: 306.757.4669 Fax: 306.757.3226 Email: Web:

Government Agencies 99



The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) 200, Promenade du Portage Hull, PQ K1A 0G4 Tel: 819.997.5006 Toll-free: 1.800.230.6349 Fax: 819.953.6088 Email: Web:

Community Initiatives Program, International Development Grants (Government of Alberta) #907, 10405 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 4R7 Tel: 780.422.9305 Tel: 780.422.2315 Fax: 780.427.4155 Toll-free: 1.800.310.0000 Web:

CIDA Prairies Regional Office Suite 822, 220-4th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 4X3 Tel: 403.292.5542 Fax: 403.265-3698 CIDA Edmonton Office Toll-free: 1.800.495.8934

Canadian International Development Agency

Agence canadienne de dĂŠveloppement international

Produced by the Alberta Council for Global Cooperation (ACGC) 2010 This project is made possible through the support of CIDA

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