8 minute read
4 February
Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students,
We have had a busy month of hybrid schooling and the uncertainties continue to occupy our minds on a daily basis. With our positive mindsets, we’ve enjoyed a productive start to Semester Two with more face-to-face teaching and learning and a return to sports and after school activities. We continue to work with our committees to prepare for the Council of International School Preparatory Evaluation Domain A report submission on 18 July 2022 and final report submission on 29 August 2022. The final accreditation visit remains scheduled for February/March 2024. We are also working with the International Baccalaureate to prepare for a multi-programme evaluation visit scheduled for 20-22 March 2024. Our self-study questionnaire deadline is 1 December 2023 and the preliminary review documentation submission deadline is 15 September 2023. Our newly formed ASAC Committee continues to promote and coordinate opportunities for our students to participate in experiences like the Music Festival, Photography Competition and the upcoming Esports Tournament. Our Year 13 students continue to receive the necessary support and guidance from Mr. Todd and the DP teachers as they finalize internal assessments and university applications. Graduation planning is well underway and we look forward to acknowledging and celebrating their achievements on Saturday, 4 June. Our Year 11 students will receive further details about Cambridge examinations along with registration details, examination fee information and important deadlines. Students in Years 10, 12 and in the Middle School (Years 7 – 9) continue to do an incredible job of maintaining focus and concentration during hybrid learning. Students are encouraged to reach out to their Advisors if additional support is needed and parents are also encouraged to communicate with Advisors (in the first instance) if their son/daughter is experiencing academic, social, emotional or psychological challenges during this time. Finally, I would like to extend a huge thank you to all of our student leaders who have been working behind the scenes to coordinate Mental Health Awareness Week from 2 – 4 February. Please visit the STUCO Instagram and follow all of the action. Furthermore, the next edition of the student online magazine, SCREAM zine, will be released next month and well worth a read.
Shawn Hutchinson Principal
Message from the VICE PRINCIPAL
Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students,

It’s been a short month, starting of course with a teacher training day followed by a 4 day week of online learning. As the month of January has progressed we have seen many students getting back to what we might consider ‘normal’ activities with the reintroduction of sports and clubs, so important in building our community back! Talking of extra-curricula activities, what a great month for the artistic and critical creatives amongst us as 8 of our gifted photographers took away prizes from the ASAC international photography competition, fantastic work! More arts celebrations to come next week as we anticipate the MHS Visual Arts Exhibition on January 31st, good luck to everybody with the premier!. We have a few things to look forward to in February, of course, starting with Lunar New Year celebrations on Tuesday, a whole day off school to get some rest, be with family and possibly think about the coming spring and all of the things we should be grateful for. Something the Y13’s will be grateful for is the end of the EE process on February 4th, interesting that it should fall at the end of Mental Health Awareness week! Thank you to the Student Council for organising such an important, worthwhile and enjoyable event. As we bring January to a close, I believe it is also a very important time to look at one of our most important successes over the year so far. It is almost 2 years since we began the journey of online learning and our school community has weathered the stresses of uncertainty on a global scale with great tenacity. As we approach the traditional examination period for Year 11 and 13 students, I would like to thank everyone for continuing to support each other, for being patient and kind when it is most difficult to exhibit those characteristics. Of course, I will also ask that we all continue to try our best to find ways to support and encourage our young people through the most challenging part of the school year. Whatever the instructions form government may be, whatever course the IBO and Cambridge determine we should follow, please continue to give the all-important smiles and encouragements to these wonderful young people. In school we will continue to make as much time as we can for each individual child, to show them that we do understand they all have different needs and to do everything in our power to guide them towards success. Of course, successful students at one end of the school are absolutely dependent on this kind of continuous scaffolded support through their school experiences, they do not just magically appear because there are exams to pass. Before my teaching career began in 1990, I was a creche worker, I changed nappies and played sleeping lions with two year olds! Eventually I raised three children of my own, so of course I am recognising the whole community when I say well done, well done indeed, and please keep going!
Richard Todd
VIce Principal, DP Coordinator and University Guidance

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students, Happy New Year and a very warm welcome back to Semester 2 of our school year. A special welcome to our new families who have recently joined our ACG Community. Thank you to our wonderful parent community for supporting and welcoming our new families and please continue to reach out to one another, ask questions and seek advice where needed. Of course, I am available to support in any way that I can, so please do contact me at vanessa.ellison@acgedu.com anytime. It has been a busy couple of weeks in the Kindergarten and Primary school as we all settle back after a 3 week break and begin our face-to-face/online classes. The students looked very excited to be back with their friends playing and learning and it has been great to see them all! As we begin our new Units of Inquiry (UOI 4), look out for the PYP parent information Unit newsletter coming soon. Below you will find an overview of these units in each year level.

Please inform your child’s homeroom teacher if you can offer any expertise to support/enhance any of these Units of Inquiry (it doesn’t have to be in your child’s class). We very much welcome guest speakers for an online zoom class with our students.
Take care and stay safe. Vanessa Ellison Senior Teacher Early Learning and PYP Coordinator
Upcoming Events
1 February Lunar New Year school closed
2 - 4 February Mental Health Awareness Week
8 February Y6 PYP Exhibition Parent Information session
12 February Open House
18 February ASAC Secondary Cross Country Running Meet
25 February Whole School Assembly
28 February Isra Mi’raj school closed
Learner Profile Attributes
Name of student: Orked Nur Hayfa Mohd Faizal Year level: Kindergarten Learner Profile: Knowledgeable Reason: For always sharing her great ideas and helping her friends.
Name of student: Aarav Raheja Year level: Year 1 Learner Profile: Communicators Reason: For sharing ideas and listening carefully to the perspective of his peers and teachers. Aarav also presents his work with great enthusiasm and in the most creative way.He submits high level of work and is very confident when presenting.
Name of student: Maria Year level: Year 2 Learner Profile: Thinkers Reason: For applying his critical thinking skills in class UOI discussions on innovative designs Asad would also spend time problem solving his toothpick bridge design to ensure that it could carry enough weight.
Name of student: Aslanbek Aslanov Year level: Year 5 Learner Profile: Principled Reason: making sincere efforts to complete tasks correctly, responding to, and accepting, feedback from others. Aslan has become more principled in his work ethic this year.
Learner Profile: Thinkers Reason: Figuring things out and solving difficult problems. Maria designed a great invention using sound which actually worked well! She tried several things and worked out what would work best. She then reflected and explained what she would do differently next time. Keep on growing Maria!

Name of student: Amzar Irsyad Year level: 3 Learner Profile: : Principled Reason: Making huge improvements in his learning, consistently trying his best and working hard to become an independent learner. Name of student: Asad Iqbal Year level: Year 4
Name of student: Seungyeon Van Year level: Year 6 Learner Profile: Caring Reason: Seungyeaon shows empathy and compassion to all those around her. She is known for her polite nature and being sensitive to other’s feelings.

Learning at ACG School Jakarta
It has been wonderful to have all our students join us for face-to-face Kindergarten classes and also welcome some new students to our Kindergarten family. It is such a joy to see our Kindergarten class grow, and make new friendships, explore, inquire and learn together in so many ways. We are very proud of how our students have adjusted back to school, learned new routines and ways of working, and approached new situations courageously. Well done Kindergarten Superstars!