4 minute read
April – 08 April
Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students,
I hope you are all keeping safe and well and you enjoyed some rest and relaxation over the term break.
The beginning of March saw our faculty and student leaders plan and deliver another fantastic Literacy Week across the whole school. Students from all year levels participated in this event to celebrate the wonderful world of books. We had guest parent readers, mystery readers, book reviews, read louds from different cultures and languages, as well as class story writing, book character profiles and using the puppet theatre to retell stories. Of course, the highlight of the week had to be the whole school book character dress up, with a big thanks going to our parent community for helping to make this happen. A huge thanks to everyone involved in making our Literacy Week of 2022, another great success!
Our Year 6 students are already well into their PYP topic research, and we look forward to the showcasing of their final projects at the end of April. Please reach out to the Year 6 team if you are willing to offer any expert advice in areas around their ‘Sharing The Planet’ theme. We look forward to sharing more updates with you over the next month.
With our Parent Student Teacher Conferences coming up in April, the students in Kindergarten and Primary will be preparing for these over the next few weeks, as they present their favourite pieces of work and guide the discussion by showcasing their learning and progress. Our Parent Student Teacher Conferences also provide an opportunity to discuss how teachers and parents can support their students in achieving their next steps and future goals.
Upcoming Events
28 March - 01 April Mock Exams and Assessment Year 11 & 13
04 April – 08 April Mock Exams and Assessments Year 11 & 13
07 - 08 April School Photo Days
08 April Year Level Parent Representative Virtual Afternoon Coffee/Tea
09 April Virtual Open House
14 April eSports House Tournament
15 April Good Friday School Closed
18 – 22 April Parent Student Teacher Conferences
18 – 27 April Study Leave for Years 11 & 13
25 – 29 April Year 6 PYP Exhibition
29 April Whole School Virtual Assembly
Learner Profile Attributes
Name of student: Jaein Year level: Kindergarten Learner Profile: Balanced Reason: For making Balanced learning choices in Kindergarten
Name of student: Hana Choi Year level: Year 1 Learner Profile: Thinker Reason: For thinking critically when inquiring about a topic with good questioning skills and being proactive in researching to find out information. Hana also in one of Literacy activities contributed her knowledge to write names of her peers in Japanese Language.
Name of student: Ekansh Year level: Year 2 Learner Profile: Open-Minded Reason: Consistently respecting others and valuing their ideas and belief. Ekansh is kind, caring and interested in learning about all of his classmates and teachers. He independently conducts detailed research to prepare for his Show and Tell, and often shares about life outside of Indonesia. Keep on growing Ekansh!
Name of student: Raniya Sibtain Year level: 3 Learner Profile: : Risk-Taker Reason: Always contributing to class discussions, trying her best in all areas of her learning and not being afraid to make mistakes. Name of student: Tadeo Marama Kris Siahaan Year level: Year 4 Learner Profile: Communicator Reason: For confidently sharing his critical thinking skills and being able to communicate his creative solutions to solve problems clearly.
Name of student: Joy Shin Year level: Year 5 Learner Profile: Caring Reason: For always being a positive member of our classroom community. Joy enjoys helping her friends in collaborative work, encouraging their efforts and celebrating success. She always speaks kindly to her peers.
Name of student: Timothy Marama Kris Siahaan Year level: Year 6 Learner Profile: Open- Minded Reason: Timothy has a willingness to try new things and listen to and consider new ideas. He has natural curiosity and desire to want to learn more, as he continuously asks for clarity. Timothy considers other opinions, and he tries his best to use his ability to evaluate things from different angles to gain a greater perspective.
Timothy Marama Kris Siahaan