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General Information


• Classes will be filled on a first-come, first served basis, except where notedwithin this booklet or at the discretion of ACG School Jakarta.

• ACG School Jakarta reserves the right to cancel programmes due to insufficient enrollment or staffing.

• Should the ACG School Jakarta Summer Programme be cancelled due to low enrollment, all refunds will be made.

• Students must abide by the guidelines and health & safety protocols set by ACG School Jakarta, and theteachers and staff.

Health & Safety

Your child’s health and safety is our number one priority. Therefore, ACG School Jakarta will have a full time nurse on call during programme hours.

The school has developed a comprehensive health and safety contigency plan. A responsibility declaration is also required before a student can start the programme.

Responsibility Declaration

Dress Code

ACG School Jakarta Summer Programme students are expected to maintain a high standard of personal grooming and cleanliness. Student who register for the sport camps will receive a sports top in their tote bag.

The following are considered to be unsuitable:

• Singlets

• Inappropriate messages and slogans on any garments

• Ripped or holed clothing

• Brief or revealing clothing, including very short shorts

• Adequate coverage is expected. For example, the midriff should not be exposed; students should not wear tops that are cut too low.

• Footwear is required to be worn at all times. Sandals may be worn, but flip flops are not acceptable.

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