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All About Tortoises
By:Kyora Mita
Do you know what the oldest land animal on Earth is? It is actually a tortoise! At 190 years old, a giant tortoise called Jonathan, who lives in the Seychelles, is the oldest land animal ever.

Let's read and learn more about tortoises.
What are tortoises?
Tortoises are animals classified as reptiles. They are hatched from eggs and are born with a hard shell made from bone. They are mostly vegetarian, eating fruit, plants, and vegetables. They live on the land and don’t stay in water like turtles do. Some species of tortoises are very small, and some are colossal.
Why can tortoises live so long?

Tortoises, especially giant tortoises, are well known for living very long. Actually no one really knows about why they can live so long, but most scientists think the reason they live so long is because they do not really move fast. If they do not move fast, they can save energy. Also for giant tortoises, they do not have predators who may want to kill them, so they have less or no stress which could help them to live longer too.
How to keep tortoises as pets
Tortoises are not so easy to have as a pet, because they are very delicate animals, and each species prefers different temperatures, or moisture in the air. Some prefer dry, some prefer high temperatures, so it is important before you get one, that you do your research first. It is also important to remember that tortoises live for at least years, so it's a big commitment!
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